#E.nigma is better
laxi0v0 · 1 year
Marriage could be fun 🤷
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Hey, remember how we never got an answer over how the Doctor Aesop stuff and being betrayed by his friends when he was having a bad mental health episode that could jeopardy his whole redemption thing affected Eddie and his relationship with the Sirens because the universe just got freaking rebooted? Yeah. I will never not be bitter about it.
I mean even if it ended with him going back to vilanny it would at least come with a pretty intense revenge ploy against the Sirens and the fact he speneded that whole time being mentioned as Harley and Selina's friend would bite all three of them in the ass (the Sirens would win because Ivvy is fine, she never liked Eddie and has no emotional repercution from the fallout except that her gfs are having huuge problems over the consequences of their actions wich aren't they always? Specially Harls).
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Hope this doesn't violate the sanctity of your "have never consumed a piece of media and an not about to start" principle but might I recommend the fic E.Nigma Investigations if you haven't already encountered it? Peak Edward Riddlehands, petty-bitch-with-problems all the way down and still a better detective than 99% of the self-proclaimed professionals.
I don't read fanfic but thank you!
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esperata · 4 years
Rather than focus on any one story today, I have set about writing openings for several so the hurdle of ‘starting’ is out of the way. Now its just a case of finishing them, which sounds easier (even if the amount of work is practically the same 😂)
Anyway, here’s some snippets.
1. The Van Dahl family name may not have been as prestigious as the Wayne surname but it nevertheless held a great deal of respect. There was certainly no tailor the Wayne family would frequent except the Van Dahl business so in a sense they were synonymous with the first family of Gotham.
2. It started with a drunken evening of exchanged tipsy compliments and uninhibited boastful bragging. Both three sheets to the wind and comfortably relaxed in each others’ company. “But you!” Riddler declared with a flourish. “You. You’re the peak. The pinnacle. You’re an inspiration. And an aspiration. What more could anybody want?” He flung an arm out with exaggerated emphasis to encompass the whole Lounge and by extension Penguin’s empire in Gotham. “Ah!” Oswald waved his own hand in a vaguely circling gesture that could have meant anything. “Someone to share it with my dear friend. Someone to share it with.”
3. Crossing the GCPD bullpen at the heels of Captain Essen Oswin couldn’t help but dart her gaze about, taking in as many details as she could. Her heart was skittering with the possibility that any moment someone would recognise her as Fish Mooney’s protégé, and the whole gig would be up, and if that happened she wanted to have as much intel memorised as possible. Ms Mooney had expended a lot of effort coaching her and pulling strings to get her this appointment. The last thing she wanted was to go back empty handed.
4. It was safe to say that visiting the library was not something Oswald had ever expected he’d be doing. Not in a personal capacity anyway. He’d already done the official Mayoral visit, making some speech about the vital service it offered, and made sure to vacate the area well before any awkward questions could be raised about his own reading. Yet he also hadn’t expected to adopt a ten year old boy.
5. The stage lost a fine actor, even as science lost an acute reasoner, when he became a specialist in crime. Yet E.Nigma had opted to become the world’s first private consulting detective and felt the world was all the better for it. Better anyway than his other inclination to use his great mind for criminal purposes. Really Scotland Yard ought to be thanking him for his decision rather than treating him with barely restrained contempt as he undertook to make up for their incompetence.
6. Gotham City had always relied on its river trade. Being cut off from the rest of the sprawling county by the tidal river made the city residents de facto prisoners of the sea, even if they never spared two thoughts for the water holding them at its mercy. Mostly, that mercy was generously given. The waters rose and fell according to the pull of the moon, the spring tides were never too extreme, and the storms blowing in generally got dampened by other islands further out. Yet the ocean had other evils to inflict than problems of water levels and squalls.
7. The rooftops of Gotham were haunted. Jonathan should know. He was the one haunting them. It was unlikely that he was the only creature of myth in the city, and he’d certainly overheard enough rumours of other terrifying beasts preying on unwary victims, but he was absolutely sure he was the only banshee. There was no way he could have missed hearing another banshee’s cry.
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