#Doctor Maakinen
chaz-targrin-gw2 · 6 years
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[Chaz]: I think I understand what mom meant by getting embarrassed now. Oh dear.
((Ayyy Super Adventure Box is on @guildwars2 now! I’m excited :D And this is part two of that thing I did the other day, haha))
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 6 years
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[Chaz]: Checkup’s done, I’m all clear, scars are covered up again, but... seeing as I’m in Rata Sum, I think I’ll stay a little longer.
Okay, I’ll confess. I saw Moto working on The Box again and I realised that time of year was almost upon us again - the Super Adventure Festival! I had a blast last year - since it’s a simulated environment I basically get to move about unhindered by my bad leg, so it’s been something special for me to look forward to the past couple of years.
I figured this year I’d get mom to come along - she’s always been a bit shy about playing videogames but I know deep down she loves ‘em, so I managed to convince her to join me since she’s taking a break from work with the Curie Krewe, too.
((Stay tuned for a part two to this pic when SAB drops!)) 
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 6 years
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[Chaz]: Hah, nice. Just in time for the new year, the symptoms of my cold have alleviated enough that Maakinen says it’s safe for me to come out of quarantine. I’ve still got a bit of a cough but it’s definitely fading.
Here’s to an exciting year ahead!
[Maakinen]: I’d never have imagined my fluffy progeny would have made so many friends with that crystal tablet, but the gifts you’ve all sent have been very much appreciated! HUG-7024 needs some adjustments, but I’ll be making sure Chaz stays healthy so they don’t have to beta-test him any time soon.
[Chaz]: Appreciate it.
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 6 years
Dr. Maakinen, do you know if Coulter will face legal repurcussions for his behavior towards Chaz on their last encounter? I'm not greatly familiar with the law, but it feels like you have a case for assault here.
[Maakinen]: I’ve... been hesitant to bring it up, personally, considering I also technically assaulted Mr. Coulter last year, and while he hasn’t mentioned it since (Probably from the shame of being punched in the groin by an asura) I have no doubts he’d bring it up if he thought he could make a case against me.
Chaz has also been hesitant to bring it up for, well, obvious reasons - the poor soul’s absolutely terrified of him and keeps getting strongarmed into working for him despite past incidents - they’re terrified of what he’d do if they told him to look for another courier. That said, Coulter’s made himself scarce in Lion’s Arch since his most recent assault, but Chaz tells me they’ve run into him in Divinity’s Reach, and that he was pretending like nothing happened. Naturally he’s likely waiting for the Lionguard to forget about his offense so he can get right back to it.
He’s a slimy one, for sure, he only acts out against Chaz when he thinks he can get away with it, but he’ll mess up one of these days, we’ll find out what his deal is and we’ll be able to pin him for sure.
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 6 years
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(Art done by the amazing @guildwuff2, you should go check them out if you haven’t seen their stuff!)
[Maakinen]: A valid tactic for dealing with an opponent is to distract them with illusionary butterflies first, then stab them with mind swords. True fact!
[Chaz]: This is why I’m glad I have a mesmer mom. Mom-smer? Mesmom? What do I call you?
[Maakinen]: I think I’d like “high overlord of swords and liquor”, dear.
[Chaz]: Haha, alright, high overlord.
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 7 years
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[Maakinen]: “It’s okay, it’s okay, I just needed to make sure your tail puffed up convincingly when you were startled.”
[Chaz]: “Oh, okay-”
[Maakinen]: “I was only mostly kidding though.”
[Chaz]: “Right.”
(I’ve been playing with the idea of having Chaz be fluffy-tailed, but I didn’t want to retcon all of the art I’ve already made or commissioned of them, so Maakinen giving Chaz a tail makeover seemed to make the most sense! On a related note @guildwars2 can we get the option to choose tail models for our charr regardless of their gender sometime?)
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 6 years
*sends hugs and medicine*
[Chaz]: I appreciate the medicine, though I cannot personally accept the hug as I am in quarantine right now.
[Maakinen]: Not to worry though, I set up a remote hugging golem in the quarantine chamber. 
[Chaz]: You wh-
[HUG-7024]: Hug request detected from Anonymous. Please remain still while your hug is admiinistered, Quarantine Guest Targrin.
[Chaz]: Hey now hold on a- oof!
[HUG-7024]: Pat-pat. There-there. Your hug has been administered. Returning to charging dock and awaiting further hug requests.
[Maakinen]: You alright?
[Chaz]: A little winded, but I’ll live.
[Maakinen]: I suppose setting this thing to administer charr-strength hugs was maybe a slight oversight given your current state. Some stuff still needs to be patched up.
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 7 years
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[Doctor Maakinen]: Chaz is... not a fan of sudden, loud noises. One of the creatures roaming the Mad King’s Labyrinth is a chainsaw-toting skeleton. I’m sure you can do the math.
[Chaz]: Debbie from Accounting’s gonna get me if I can’t do the math.
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 6 years
Now that Chaz is feeling better, what's gonna happen with the hug bot?
[Maakinen]: HUG-7024′s still in the process of being recalibrated, so I’ll have plenty of time to work on him before the next time Chaz gets sick. Which I certainly hope is a long way off, progeny.
[Chaz]: Hahaha, not to worry mom, I’m sure my next cold’s gonna be a ways off. I’ve got courier work to take care of after all.
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 6 years
Targrin, Interlude: The Sidearm
(As promised, here’s the second half of this week’s pair of Targrin stories! This one’s about how Chaz got the pistol they use as an offhand weapon. I’ll likely share links to the Google Docs of these after I’ve posted all of them, so you can see the stories in their original formatting!)
NAVIGATION: <- Previous Chapter | Next Chapter ->
The Sidearm
1328AE, Doctor Maakinen’s Home, Rata Sum
(A day after the events of Targrin, Act 3: Scars)
Chaz shot up from the guest room bed with a startled grunt, taking heaving, shuddering breaths as they glanced around the darkened room. Another damn nightmare, nothing new there, they thought to themselves as they caught their breath. Bleary-eyed, they groped about for their glasses, hands still shaking.
Their ears flicked and their fur stood on end as they heard a low, grumbling sound from… somewhere in the room. “Mn… who… who’s there?!” they gasped, finally feeling their glasses and grasping at them desparately, putting them on with shaky paws.
No response, save for the grumbling, which was getting more ominous. The charr timidly got up, but stayed on their bed, leaning forwards and getting on their hands and knees, as they followed the source of the sound, which was steadily getting louder.
“I said who’s there?!” they barked, in a hushed, shaky tone. Still no response. “This isn’t funny, come on now.”
Shivering, they flicked their ears some more, listening. A clank, followed by a scratching sound, like metal dragging against stone. Anticipating the sound made it worse as they barely stifled a surprised yelp into a horrified squeak, not wanting to wake Doctor Maakinen, who was sleeping in the room across the hall. Looking for the source of the sound, they looked to the darkest corner of the room, and heard a slow grinding… before a pair of glowing, yellow eyes turned around and seemingly glared right at Chaz
The scream of terror immediately jerked Maakinen awake from her sleep. “…Chaz? Chaz, dear, are you okay?”
“HE’S HERE, MOM!” Chaz yelped, “STAY AWAY!”
Maakinen sounded confused, and increasingly worried “What? Who’s there? It’s not the Inquest is it?! Hang on, I’m coming!”
“NO, DON’T-” Before Chaz could finish their sentence, Maakinen charged into the room, and flicked the lights on. Maakinen was still in her sleepwear, holding a rather hefty-looking pistol.
“Where is he?!” Maakinen barked, “I’ll… “ She looked around the room, and her ear flicked as she heard the grinding sound. Both she and Chaz glanced over to the corner of the room, where a small, dome-shaped golem with two glowing yellow sensor crystals hovered about, came to a halt and looked up at the pair.
“Hello-Doctor-Maakinen. The-room-is-now-free-of-dander. Hello-guest-and-dander-source-Chaz-Tarbound. You-are-shedding-more-than-usual-today.”
Maakinen heaved a sigh of relief, lifting her finger off the trigger of the hefty pistol. “I am so sorry about that, I forgot to tell you the Dynamics boffins gave me a house-cleaning golem. He’s called Scrublord, and… are you okay?”
Chaz looked positively stunned as they saw Maakinen holding the gun. “I… you…” they buried their head in their hands, clearly embarassed. “Burn me, I am so sorry for waking you up at this hour, mom. I just… had a bad dream, I woke up, and saw… yellow eyes. I thought he’d come to get me.”
“Who, Scrublord?” Maakinen tilted her head. “I think this is the first time you- Oh. Ohhhh… you mean the Separatist who… eugh. “ She facepalmed. “I really should have told you about Scrublord ahead of time. C’mere, it’s okay.” The older asura climbed up onto the bed, sitting down beside Chaz, putting her gun aside and putting a hand on their shoulder. “It’s alright, progeny. You’re safe here.”
Chaz hiccuped a bit and sniffled, but nodded, smiling. “I guess it was kind of silly of me to assume that some lousy Separatist would know where I’d gone, huh?”
“Don’t beat yourself up over it. I might not know my psychiatry, but I’m more than familiar with the way the mind can play tricks on a person, and I imagine yours isn’t in the best of states right now.”
“Yeah… Can I just say something, though?”
“Of course, dear, what is it?”
“You… Just, when I saw you come through the door holding that gun…”
“Oh, sorry if I startled you.”
“No, no, it’s just… I’m impressed. You heard me yelling, and your first instinct was to charge in to save the day, I… thanks, mom.”
“Nahhhh, it’s nothing, dear. I used to do that all the time when I was keeping you safe from the Inquest. Remember that one guy who came in like he wanted to ask you a few questions?”
“Oh yeah, and then I pointed out all the scalpels and stuff he had on him. Man, you went ballistic on his ass.”
“Figuratively and literally.”
Chaz looked down at the pistol on the bed. It was different from the one they’d seen Maakinen toting in the past, this one looked… sleeker, with a more curved grip. “Woah… since when did you have that gun? I always remembered you having that chunky glyphic number on standby for the Inquest.”
Maakinen grinned. “Oh, this?” She picked the gun up, holding it out for Chaz to see. “This is from about… three years back. Pact standard issue, I was allowed to hold onto mine once I returned home.”
“Ahh, I…” Chaz perked their ears up and looked back at Maakinen, eyes wide. “Wait. You were in the Pact?”
“Oh, I… might have neglected to tell you.” Maakinen chuckled nervously. “I was on the front lines out in Orr as a field medic. I guess I didn’t want you worrying about me while you were busy working with the Tar warband. I’m sorry, I should have said something sooner-”
Chaz gave their mom a pat on the back, smiling. “It’s alright, mom. I appreciate the concern. And I mean, you’re still here, so… Are you doing alright? Being a medic out on the front lines, you must have seen some awful stuff.”
“Oh yes, terrible, horrific things. Those Risen were something else, and the wounds they inflicted…” She shuddered. “I suppose it’s fortunate that I was stationed with Psychiatrist Aada, one of my krewemates. Between the two of us we were able to keep the other troops’ morale high, and she was able to help me keep it together when the nature of my work started to get too much for me to handle.”
Chaz listened intently to the story. “Aada’s the one you mentioned yesterday, yes?”
Maakinen nodded. “I still owe her for helping me out, so I’m going to be doing legwork for her, getting in touch with people from other races. Aada’s hoping to collaborate with psychiatrists across Tyria, to gain a better understanding of how each race handles the ailments of the mind.”
“So what ‘official’ name are the Curie Krewe gonna be rocking for this latest endeavour?”
“Well we’re still deciding on that part. After yesterday I thought about suggesting the name ‘Chaz Krewe’ after finding out what you’ve been through…”
“Buuuut I don’t want to embarass you like that, so I’ll keep that one to myself. The other krewemates are workshopping some names right now. Aada suggested ‘Emayy’.”
“Emayy? That’s an interesting name.”
“It’s a phonetic spelling of the acronym MA - Short for Mental Ailments. We might go for MI - that’s Emeye - for Mental Illness instead…”
“How long do you expect it’ll take to decide on a name and found the krewe this time?”
“Ha, ha, very funny.” Maakinen snarked, before glancing about a bit and leaning in closer to whisper. “We’re just stalling while we wait for the next fiscal period to kick off so we can apply for more generous funding.”
“Right on,” Chaz nodded.
“Anything else you wanted to know about my work on the front lines?”
“Well… that gun… did you-”
“Several Risen. Got one of those bastards right between the eyes, that was satisfying.”
“Wow. That gun’s huge compared to you, I’m surprised your wrist isn’t all messed up with the kickback.”
“Well, I’ve a few tricks up my sleeve. See, this gun isn’t actually loaded. It’s more like a tool for me to focus illusory magic through. That said, it is fully functional.” She picked it up, and offered it to Chaz, grip first. “You want it? Looks like it’d fit your hands just fine”
“I-- what?” Chaz was blindsided. “Just like that?”
“I’d… been thinking about it for a while. Swords are more my style, you know that, but after what you told me yesterday, about the ambush… I just couldn’t bear to think of you going back out there without having something for your own defense.”
Chaz looked at the gun, unsure, but eventually they gently took it, and got a feel for its weight. “You know, not many moms would just up and give their kid a gun like that.”
“Well, not many asura moms have a fluffy progeny, eh dear?” Maakinen chuckled
“Point,” Chaz conceded. They set the gun to the side, and hugged Maakinen. “Thank you. I promise to only use it if I absolutely need to.”
“Of course. You always were extra cautious, even in the fahrar, if what your primus told me was right.”
Chaz chuckled. “I suppose that’s true.” A thought suddenly struck them, and they asked, “Hey, mom? When you were out in Orr… Did you happen to see any interesting-looking war machines?”
“As a matter of fact I did. Our camp was given a shipment of automated turrets for defense. Curious things, they looked all for the world as if Iron Legion had built them, save for one little difference.”
“Oh?” Chaz tilted their head. “What would that be?”
“Just underneath the barrels of the turrets…” Maakinen tried to visualise the turrets with her hands, pointing at an imagined spot, “There was a crystal array. These things were brilliant, they could lead moving targets and mowed down Risen with frightening accuracy. Almost like a fusion of charr might and… asura… precisionnnn…” she looked up at Chaz, a little smirk growing across her face. “Those were yours, weren’t they?”
The charr laughed, smiling sweetly and hugging their mom. “I’m just glad to know Tar warband’s weaponry made it onto the battlefield. A lot of work went into those, I mostly helped calibrate the crystals.”
Maakinen hugged Chaz back. “Now I’m doubly sorry I never told you that I was serving with the Pact!”
“Haha, it’s okay, mom, it’s okay. You can rest proud knowing your fluffy progeny was fighting alongside you, in a manner of speaking.”
“I suppose that’s true, dear,” Maakinen chuckled, yawning a bit. “…What hour is it, anyway? We should both try and get back to sleep, I’ve got a lot of work to do tomorrow, and you, progeny, need all the rest you can get after what you’ve been through.”
“I can’t make any promises, but I’ll try, mom,” Chaz nodded. “Sorry again for waking you up like that. I’ll try and remember about the cleaning golem next time.”
“I think the lil bugger needs a bit of re-programming and a change of sensor crystals, so as not to spook you from now on. What do you think, Scrublord?”
“Doctor-Maakinen. You-are-covered-in-dander.”
“Damn straight I am.”
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 7 years
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[Chaz]: Mom was a bit later than I expected in coming home. I... might have been an incomprehensible mess for the first few minutes, anxiety’s a beast like that. I talked about the nightmare I had, she said she understood, we hugged it out. She’s covered up my scars now and we’re just enjoying some tea together.
[Maakinen]: The cosmetic illusion takes a little while to settle in properly, primarily because it’s such a potent one, and it has to be applied carefully to the areas that need to be covered up, so the scars sort of glow a bright purple and then sort of fade and meld in with the surrounding skin and fur. The plus side is I don’t need to maintain concentration on it once it’s in place, so I’m not spending all my days maintaining an illusion over hundreds of miles away, haha.
[Chaz]: Yeah, by tomorrow it’ll have set in properly and I’ll look pretty clean again - save for that knife wound in my shoulder, I’m hoping this vacation will be sufficient rest to heal it up right.
[Maakinen]: You’re sure you don’t want that one covered when it’s healed?
[Chaz]: Fairly sure. I was outnumbered and I won that fight. ...Even if it was in a blind panic.
[Maakinen]: Hey, don’t doubt your skills. Your training kicked in and you were able to defend yourself, I’d count that as a pretty good win either way.
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 7 years
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(Meanwhile in Lion’s Arch, Part 2 of 2 - First part here)
[Maakinen]: So. After hearing Coulter’s completely uncalled-for comment about Chaz, I was able to assess that he was the Spellbreaker who dispelled my fluffy progeny’s illusion. I... got so riled up thinking about how scared and hurt they must have felt, and I started yelling at him for treating Chaz poorly. Despite my frustration I was able to stop myself short of referring to Chaz as my progeny - the last thing Coulter needs to know is that I’m their mother.
He didn’t seem fazed - In fact, he rather smugly admitted what he did, and, of course not knowing my affiliation with them, started badmouthing them in front of me, saying they were a terrible employee and a useless charr.
Well, a mother’s instinct kicked in, and I gave him a solid wallop right between the legs before walking away calmly.
That felt good. I’m going back home to check in on Chaz now.
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 7 years
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(Meanwhile in Lion’s Arch... [Part 1 of 2])
[Maakinen]: Well, I only came here for supplies and to make sure nobody had broken into Chaz’s office while they were staying at my place, but I found this unpleasant excuse for a man standing outside the door, fuming.
He asked me if I’d seen a charr that matched Chaz’s description. I know Chaz has been trying to keep a low profile, so I said no. Y’know, like a liar.
Well! He started mumbling something about getting his hands around my poor fluffy progeny’s neck.
Without a doubt, this is definitely Coulter. Target acquired.
(Stay tuned for Part 2 a little later today, probably once I’ve had some food! Doing a little nearly-wordless comic like this was pretty fun, haha)
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 6 years
Targrin, Act 3: Scars
(Alright, it’s been a week, so the next part of Chaz Targrin’s backstory is going live! I’m actually going to be posting these two at a time because I’ve accidentally sorta written it in “pairs” chronologically speaking - Stay tuned for the Interlude chapter later on! In the meantime, this part of the story sort of covers the first time Chaz had their scars covered. So... sad charr ahead, be warned!)
NAVIGATION: <- Previous Chapter | Next Chapter ->
Targrin, Act 3: Scars
1328 AE, Rata Sum, Maguuma Jungle
(A few months after the events of Act 2, shortly after the fall of Mordremoth)
Doctor Maakinen moved about her office swiftly, humming a tune to herself, a somewhat soothing melody with rather odd time signatures between octaves. This was her hour - officially she had an hour-long appointment with a patient who needed a lot of work done, but in reality she’d just kept that time booked to herself so she could take a breather between busy and somewhat demanding clients, and make sure her files were arranged.
“Who have I got up next anyways… Ear enhancement, ear reduction, that’s new… ‘can you get rid of this blemish on the right side of my’-yyy goodness I wish I could defer that one to another specialist, I’m going to need a stiff drink after the day’s through…”
BZZ-BZZZZZ. The office buzzer always grated on her ears, and this was meant to be her hour anyway. She shouted towards the door, in a somewhat irritable tone of voice, “Excuse me, I’m not taking walk-ins today, did you not see the sign outside?”
A somewhat timid voice called back, familiar to the Asura’s ears. “Oh, sorry about that, mom. I’ll come back another time. When’s good?”
“…Oh! Oh nonono, I am so sorry, dear, I didn’t realise that was you! I wasn’t expecting you for another week at most! Come in, come in!”
“But I… aren’t you working with a patient right now?” The voice sounded confused.
Maakinen squinted a bit as she put an ear to the door, and spoke in a more hushed tone. “Is there anyone else in the waiting room with you?”
“Uhh…” A pause, some shuffling and a pained grunt or two. “No, doesn’t look like it.”
“Would you mind being my patient for the hour?”
Yet more hesitance. “…Okay?”
“Great, great!” The door cracked open, and Maakinen saw enough of the unexpected visitor to confirm that she was in fact talking to Chaz. “Alright, come in, quick.”
Chaz nodded and quickly squeezed through the door, making sure to bring their tail with them to avoid getting it caught. They let out another couple of pained grunts as they limped towards the nearest chair they could find. They weren’t wearing their usual clothes either, just some drab grey ill-fitting rags.
Maakinen quickly closed the door again, and turned to look at Chaz, noting at first their limp and then seeing a few scars on them. “Goodness, Chaz, look at you! You have to tell me what you’ve been up to!” Her tone of voice was very peppy, her face was practically beaming - she was looking forward to hearing what epic battles Chaz had been in
Chaz chuckled, though it was weak and cut short by another pained grunt. “Actually, I… ow…” they adjusted their position on their seat.
“Are you… here to say hi to your mom or are you here as a patient?”
“Oh you smartarse,” she chuckled, “Always with the mathematician’s answer!” Her chuckle faded as her face went a bit stony, and she looked back at the charr. “…You’re being serious, aren’t you?”
A quiet nod from Chaz confirmed it. Maakinen didn’t like where this was going.
“…Alright then. What can I do for you? Ear enhancement, ear reduction? You wouldn’t happen to have a blemish on the right side of your…”
“No, no…” Chaz coughed. “It’s… the scars. I wanted to get them covered up.”
Maakinen looked dumbfounded. Most Charr she knew would be proud to sport their scars, though the only ones she’d seen so far were on Chaz’s face. “Did you get a scar in an embarassing spot? Maybe on the right side of your-”
“No, it’s not that,” Chaz interjected, a bit frustrated. “It’s… just… can you look me over, please?”
Maakinen’s voice was calm and firm as she held an audio recording device in her hand, calmly and clearly dictating each and every scar across Chaz’s body, from head to toe. “All these scars look relatively fresh, probably a few months by this point I’d say, which explains why you’re still feeling them… Straight laceration across the bridge of the nose, leading further towards the left side of the patient’s face, and a shallower cut across the throat, either a near miss or an incredibly careful hand to avoid hitting any arteries. Multiple curved lacerations of various depths and lengths across the torso and arms, seemingly aimed at points known to have a high concentration of nerve endings. Bullet wound in the right thigh…” She leaned aside from her recording device to Chaz, “The, uh… the bullet’s out, yes?”
“Yes, mom.” Chaz tried to keep a calm demeanour, but their voice was shaky.
“Okay, good,” she leaned back towards the recorder, “Lacerations on both legs, aimed again at areas with a lot of nerve endings… All of these are very carefully placed cuts… except for this anomalous puncture wound on the left thigh, almost as if someone stuck a knife in there, then haphazardly pulled it out and plunged it back in again.”
Chaz coughed, wincing slightly as the wounds were poked and prodded. “Oh, that one was an… accident, one of my rescuers…”
Maakinen sounded unimpressed. “…So a first responder accidentally pulled a knife out of you and then accidentally stabbed you again.”
“He’d pulled the knife out and then his friends told him he shouldn’t do it, so he put it back where he found it, yes.”
“But he wasn’t the first person to put the knife in your thigh.”
“That’s correct.”
Maakinen heaved a sigh of frustration, stopped the recording, and fixed Chaz with a piercing glare, causing a shiver to run down the wounded Charr’s spine. “Okay, you have some answering to do, progeny.”
“Wh… what?” Chaz stammered, looking really nervous. Maakinen only ever used the term ‘progeny’ in two tones when referring to Chaz, and this was not the good one.
“You come into my office, looking like you’ve just been in a hell of a fight, and you’re telling me you want these scars hidden?” Maakinen looked dumbfounded as she continued. “Aren’t you proud of the scars you got from this fight? What would your ‘bandmates say if they heard you wanted these covered up?”
Chaz shook their head, slowly lowering their face into their hands as emotions started to clash into one another and boil over. “They… it… it wasn’t…” the charr choked up, on the verge of tears, their thoughts clouded and disjointed, “I couldn’t… they just… ” they hiccuped, tears rolling down their face.
“What are you… oh no. Shh, shhhh, hey, come on now, I’m sorry, dear, I didn’t realise this had you so torn up…” Maakinen moved to comfort Chaz, holding the charr’s head up gently and sitting them down, her eyes looking more gentle, “Take a deep breath, okay? Gather your thoughts… uh… stay with me here…” Psychiatry - not Maakinen’s strong point, and the krewemate who could help was out on other business.
Chaz finally broke down and got the words out. “It was an ambush,” they sobbed, “They shot me and dragged me into their camp… I was being tortured, used as bait, I couldn’t fight back, and the rest of my band, they… they just… one by one, right in front of me…” the Charr cried into Maakinen’s arms, sobbing, hiccuping, sniffling, they were a mess.
The asura’s blood ran ice cold, and she carefully took a step back, giving Chaz some space. Her tone became shaky. “I… I should’ve known. I went in assessing your injuries assuming you’d been in a fight, but… these are far more consistent with a prolonged torture session.” She looked the charr in the eyes, that steely, piercing gaze returning - though Chaz could tell this time that Maakinen was mad at someone else.
“Who.” Maakinen seethed. “Who would dare do this to you, to your whole warband?!” Chaz could tell from the look on her face that she was about ready to find their assailant and invert them (They never did find out what that threat meant, and they daren’t ask now). Chaz sniffled, trying to regain their composure.
“S… Separatists. There was this big one, wearing a scary helmet and wielding a big knife… It was him. He did this to me.” They moved their head to gesture at the rest of their scarred body, still shivering.
Maakinen looked furious. “I’ve heard horror stories of the things those bastards do.” Looking back at the visibly upset, shivering charr, her expression softened again and she moved to give Chaz another hug. “I’m so sorry for making you go through all of that again. And I’m so, so sorry about your bandmates.”
“Thanks, mom.” Chaz sniffled and hiccuped a little more, wincing as they were hugged. “So, about the scars… Can you cover them up?”
Maakinen still seemed hesitant. “Are you absolutely sure you want them gone? You understand it won’t dull the pain, physically or emotionally.”
Chaz nodded. “I understand. I still want them hidden. Every time I see them I… I don’t feel proud, I feel ashamed - to have let down my warband, to have let myself be used as bait… That’s all I can think when I see these scars. ‘They used you.’”
Maakinen was starting to have trouble maintaining composure herself, fidgeting a bit as she paced about her office. “Oh no. Oh dear, oh no no no. You’re experiencing survivor’s guilt. I can’t- I’m not trained in psychology or psychiatry, there’s only so much I can do as a mother.”
“Aren’t you a-”
“A mesmer, yes,” she conceded, “But I’m not what you need right now. I can cover your scars for you, but that’s all I can do.”
“I know, I know, mesmers are known for manipulating minds. My particular approach is rather heavy-handed and uses swords. I could easily shatter someone’s brain, and after everything you’ve told me I’m seriously tempted to make a gibbering wreck out of anyone who would dare lay a finger on you, but… mending the mind is a more delicate process, that takes time, dedication, and a special touch that I’m afraid I don’t have.”
“Argh… sorry, I should be comforting you and here I am lecturing you on my work as a mesmer. Like I said, heavy-handed. Swords. Rarrgh. Well, you know about the rarrgh part already but-”
“It’s alright, mom, really.”
“I’ll see if I can arrange an appointment for you with Psychiatrist Aada, though our krewe are… not exactly equipped for charr grief counseling, so we might not have the answers for you. We’ll figure something out.”
Chaz sniffed . “I appreciate the thought. Thanks, mom.”
Maakinen smiled, getting ready to prepare a few spells to cover up Chaz’s injuries. “Right then. We’ve still got a half hour until my next appointment, I’ll see what I can do with these scars.”
“Thanks again. Oh, uh, and sorry again, mom.”
“Sorry for what?”
“For, y’know. Spoiling your hour like this.”
“Oh, nonsense,” the Asura laughed, “I’m always happy to see my fluffy progeny, and I’m just glad you’re alive and well! Well, as well as you can be, given the circumstances.”
Chaz laughed a little, sniffled, and smiled. Maakinen only ever used the term ‘progeny’ in two tones when referring to them, and that was the good one.
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 7 years
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[Maakinen]: Okay, I’ve assessed Chaz’s scars and the more recent injury they sustained, I’ll get around to covering up the scars but I’m going to make a record here. How Chaz got those scars is their own business, if they want to talk about them they’ll talk once they’re done resting, I’m just here to note them. Apologies for the quality of the scar assessment chart, I just sort of hastily scribbled it up.
The scars to be healed consist of a straight laceration across the bridge of the muzzle, leading towards the left side of Chaz’s face, a shallow cut across their throat, a series of curved and straight lacerations of various depths and lengths spanning from their torso to their upper legs, a gunshot wound in their right thigh and a deep puncture wound in their left thigh. There are other, smaller lacerations on their tail but for the sake of brevity I haven’t illustrated those. (or the tail. Whoops.)
Their back is much less scarred, suggesting they were pinned to the ground or a wall at the time the wounds were inflicted. The more recent wound is a knife wound in their right shoulder, which has not had time to heal properly. I’ve been telling Chaz to stop overexerting themselves because the wound keeps opening up again - It’s been particularly exacerbated by the kickback from that rifle of theirs.
I have asked if they want the shoulder wound covered up once it’s fully healed and scarred over, and... they declined. They want to keep it.
For the first time in their life, a scar that they feel they can be proud of. I shouldn’t get so emotional over that but... I’m happy for them. It’s a small step but it’s an important one.
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 7 years
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Chaz: “I know what you’re thinking. A Charr raised by an Asura? How’d that happen?”
Maakinen: “And I always tell those nosy buggers not to question the Eternal Alchemy and how it connects people, dear.”
C: “Yeah, you tell ‘em, mom. ”
M: “Yeah. I suppose they want to know the circumstances, though.”
C: “I suppose they do, mom.”
M: “So, after Chaz here was born (I’ll save the grisly details for a later time)”
C: “Appreciate it, mom.”
M: “I just didn’t want you to die of embarrassment, dear. Anyway, their parents left them in the capable hands of myself and my krewe, while they continued patrolling the Tarnished Coast region.”
C: “I vaguely remember their faces, I never really got to know them.”
M: “Let me know if this gets too rough for you, dear.”
C: “It’s alright.”
M: “Okay, so we expected to hear back from them in a couple months, but about a year passes and we hear nothing. We did some asking around and... they’d been...”
C: “Killed in action. Inquest ambush”
M: “Bastards got the drop on them..”
C: “The soldier that recovered their bodies says they took a lot of Inquest with them, so there’s the cold comfort of knowing they went out fighting.”
M: “So me and the krewe had a newly orphaned Charr cub on our hands. I guess you must’ve made an impression on me because I couldn’t say no to that fluffy face.”
C: “C’mon mom...”
M: “Looking after you was a handful, but we managed for a few years until you started getting a bit too big to be staying around with us. That was when I took you to the Black Citadel and explained the situation, and we got you settled into the fahrar.”
C: “Oh yeah, that reminds me, I ran into my primus the other day.”
M: “No, really? Is Asha still doing well?”
C: “She’s missing an arm, a leg and an eye but she hasn’t slowed down much at all. We fired off a couple rounds at the practice range and that lady can still out-snipe me. She’s a lot quicker on the draw than I am, for sure. ”
M: “Wow, that’s impressive!”
C: “But yeah! That’s the long and short of it. Mom here raised me until I was too big to fit in any chairs, I spent some time at the fahrar, but I always made sure to come back and visit regularly, and y’know. Now I visit very regularly”
M: “Matter of fact, you’re welcome to stay over and relax for a while, after what happened in Ebonhawke.”
C: “Y...Yeah, my shoulder’s still sore from that...”
M: “Probably because that’s yer shootin’ shoulder, shonny-- er, dear.”
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