#Dice Armadillo
mrkapao · 9 months
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The dice I won from Armadillo Dice arrived and they're just lovely!
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squadrah · 10 months
similarly to the httyd ask, what would la squadra look like AS dragons?
Risotto: "Black Barrage". Larger and more robust than the average dragon, with a large frill extending over the neck and lined with small horns. He has two layers of continuously growing black scales, which he normally sheds by rubbing against mountain rocks (he feasts on ore deposits), but when threatened, he can flex his dermis and launch his scales with the power and precision of an archer firing a crossbow. The scales are sharp, durable and surprisingly light, so smiths are eager to scavenge them for weapons and armor.
Formaggio: "Bluffrill". It took a while to figure out that he is not actually an average size dragon but a rather small lizard dragon with frills in strategic places on his body, which he can unfold and fan out to appear larger and more threatening. He's red with a yellow spotted pattern to aid his bluff as a dangerous beast, but should this not be enough, he has a single long talon on each wing that he can use to slice and dice his foes. He often chews on pebbles and stores them in his cheeks so he can spit them back out as small wads of magma.
Prosciutto: "Plague Song". A shimmering black with yellow accents, he has a long serpentine form suspended in the air by enormous wings. If his surroundings reach a high enough temperature either due to the climate or the area being on fire, the heat will react with the iridescent film coating his body to unleash a toxic smog that can decompose anything organic. The hotter the air and the stronger its currents, the wider his range becomes. He is not able to start the fire himself, but his singing may attract someone who can.
Pesci: "Hook Snagger". He is grass green with a large, chunky lower body and a thick long neck that can move in any direction. Some people think he earned his name due to his hooked claws as well as the single hooked horn protruding from his chin, all of which are fierce weapons in their own right, but his scariest weapon is actually his absurdly long whip-like tongue, which is so pointed and fast that he can use it as a harpoon to impale his targets, which he then reels in and swallows whole. Lives near water and fishes all day long.
Ghiaccio: "Chillburst". He is below average size and best resembles a white, tailless armadillo with several bands of hard but flexible armor plates covering his body. He is flightless, but he scuttles very fast on his short and powerful clawed legs, and by inflating a sac in his lower body and releasing the air in a concentrated burst strong enough to stun an ox, he can either propel himself forward or launch himself into the air at an angle. He has an extremely cold breath that can freeze magma. Resembles a snow hut when he's curled up.
Melone: "Prybaby". So named because he's very inquisitive to the point of being obtrusive, but always shies away from putting himself at actual risk. He's a rather small dark gray lizard dragon with a bioluminescent purple ring pattern that glows in the dark. He has a very modest fire breath, but more notably, the smoke he exhales is an oddly pleasant hallucinogen, which often makes those whose homes he invades inclined to let him stay there. In exchange for his smoke, he gets to partake in his hosts' food and poke around in safety.
Illuso: "Glimmerglam". His large but slim build and vast wingspan are very aesthetically pleasing, though nobody seems to agree on what color he actually is, and with reason: his scales are not merely reflective, but depending on the level of tension built up in his dermis, the scales can rotate, catching light at different angles to produce a variety of hues and even optical illusions. For this reason he prefers to live in caves and other natural mazes, where he can use this ability to lead his unsuspecting prey into a dead end...
Sorbet: "Savage Mulcher". A ground dweller who loves lush meadows and thick forests, but where nature is not so kind, he will make do and use his shovel-like appendages to turn the earth and eat the soil as well as anything that grows in it. He cannot breathe fire, but his insides can heat up to such temperatures that tree stumps turn to crumbling ash as he chews them, which is how he is able to turn what he eats into a rich compost on par with volcanic ash. Becomes extremely territorial once he establishes his own luxurious grove.
Gelato: "Spinning Menace". At first sight he's an average sized lizard dragon and an unassuming ocher color. He has functional wings, but his favorite mode of transportation is rolling into a ball, biting onto his tail, and rolling on the thick, squarish scaling all over his body. As he does this, his body heats up along with any debris caught in his scales, which then shoots out in all directions as flaming shrapnel. He's a highly social creature, which means that he either shows up in towns to chase people or with other dragons at skirmishes.
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puddingandtame · 1 year
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Armadillo dice bag embroidery in development
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ADBK: Trap Master
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Epithet: The Mad Trapper
Voice Actor: Ian Sinclair
Tribe: The Kindred
Biography: This Warrior is a weird one, even by this franchise's standards. He was originally a humble cobbler with a forgotten name in the village of Redstone, until he was attacked and mutilated by Sword Slasher and his platoon of Karakuri Spiders. He was turned into a cyborg monstrosity by Jinzo, but was saved from eternal servitude by Charubin the Fire Knight and his right-hand man Fireyarou.
Although retaining his free will, the torturous process of mechanizing him had warped his mind, turning him into a deranged fighter obsessed with Machines, how they work, and their Spell-Proof armor plating. He soon became the foremost expert on Trap displacement, Trap replacement, and how to dismantle the hardware of any Machine Monster under Perfect Machine King's control.
He's a member of The Kindred, but is kept on a tight leash should his mind fully disappear behind a wall of weapons-grade insanity. Now only known as the Trap Master, he became a colleague of the Time Wizard, and began reprogramming fellow cyborgs within the Machinations' ranks.
Noted defectors include Cyber Saurus, Dice Armadillo, Rocket Warrior, Gadget Soldier, the duo of Roboyarou and Robolady, and Cyber Commander. However, he has one major goal in mind, the reprogramming of the one who made Trap Master a Trap Monster, Jinzo!
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lusangelma · 7 months
Fuma, bebe, sabe contar cuentos, huele mal, pelea, sostiene siete hijos o más, siembra frijol, papa, yuca, maíz, plátano, cacao y caña, ordeña 50 vacas desde las 4:00 de la mañana, sabe silbar, le habla a los perros y ellos le ladran a él, hay uno que lo sigue a todos lados, nunca se jubila, no tiene Seguro Social y no le ha hecho falta, no le afecta la altura, va sin protector solar, reconoce un aguacate maduro sin apretarlo, tiene una uña larga para pelar mandarinas, a ojo sabe cuánto pesa un bulto y con mirar y darle una vuelta sabe cuánto pesa el puerco y la vaca, puede manejar hasta ocho caballos o mulas al mismo tiempo y se sabe el nombre de 36, porta un machete listo para dar machetezo y nunca lo ha dado.
No necesita los dientes de adelante ni para reírse, se sabe el nombre de los nietos, tiene la receta de leche de tigre, no sabe bailar pero baila, no le da depresión, se sabe 152 groserías, ha visto al diablo, sabe quién es bruja, tiene un poco de brujo, no se quema con el café hirviendo, se despierta antes de que el despertador suene, cambia la pila y arregla relojes, no lo tumba una gripe, camina desajustado, su teléfono celular es un cacahuatito que casi nunca tiene señal y cuando la tiene nunca suena, saluda unas 52 veces al día, repite saludo y se despide tres veces, sus pantalones son dos tallas más grandes y nunca se le caen, habla duro hasta para contar un secreto, se sabe atajos para llegar mas rápido, trabaja de sol a sol y nunca tiene flojera, sabe cuándo va a llover y falla menos que cualquier meteorólogo, sabe espantar la lluvia y para los truenos, no le afecta el gluten ni la lactosa de la leche no pasteurizada, la cafeína no lo desvela, reconoce a los muchachos malos y a las malas mujeres, sabe llamar gallinas, baja naranjas sacudiendo las ramas, disfruta de un agua de papaya y de postre un mango o agua de limón, sandía o melón, espanta males con un escapulario, escucha la radio en A.M. monofónico, no da likes, no sale bonito en las fotos pero tiene una pintura donde sale increíble con su esposa, se sabe dos chistes y los repite, no sabe que existe el buró de crédito pero es de confianza de todos.
Escucha noticias, cree en las noticias, sabe para qué sirve la ruda y el paico con el que purga a sus hijos y nietos, el ángel de la guarda nunca lo ha desamparado, le dice ingeniero a cualquiera y todos le dicen "Don", no sabe cambiar la llanta de un carro pero no se niega a hacerlo, sabe pescar, no le gustan las camas blanditas, Coca-Cola sólo en ocasiones muy especiales, cerveza siempre y si está caliente no importa, ve de noche sin lamparita, no lo pican los zancudos, ha comido tortuga, iguana, armadillo, venado, tejón y culebra y todo eso le sabe a pollo, no sabe cuándo es festivo y tampoco por quién votar, porque todos le han ofrecido y todos le han quedado mal...
¡Vivan los campesinos, que siempre nos muestran lo que valen, pues sin ellos la comida se reduce a nada y la vida seria prácticamente imposible...
(Texto de Miguel Torres Galván)
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arturo981memes · 11 months
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Séptima y última esmeralda ya las tengo todas las esmeraldas en esta partida completada ahora solo me faltan las demas,por cierto es la hora mi estimada audiencia y seguidores mi momento ha llegado como dice el maestro uguey además ya conseguí todas las esmeraldas de caos con Mighty el armadillo poderoso y también es la hora de usar al todo el todopoderoso Super Mighty el armadillo poderoso XD
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
So, let’s go through the Forest Alignment:
Forest Plant:
Mushroom Man
Man Eater
Ancient Tree of Enlightenment
Green Phantom King
Rainbow Flower
Barrel Lily
Laughing Flower
Bean Soldier
Abyss Flower
Living Vase
Tentacle Plant
Queen of Autumn Leaves
Mystic Tomato
Forest Beast-Warrior:
Battle Ox
Beaver Warrior
Tiger Axe
Rabid Horseman
Nekogal #2
Leopard Girl (video game-only card)
Forest Insect:
Big Insect
Basic Insect
Hercules Beetle
Killer Needle
Giant Flea
Larvae Moth
Great Moth
Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth
Cocoon of Evolution
Winged Cleaver
Petit Moth
Jirai Gumo
Cockroach Knight
Kuwagata a
Man-Eater Bug
Gale Dogra
Kwagar Hercules
Needle Worm
Giant Scorpion of the Tundra
Hunter Spider
Acid Crawler
Insect Queen
Parasite Paracide
Pinch Hopper
Soldier Ari (video game-only card, originates from manga)
Forest Beast:
Silver Fang
Mystic Horseman
Dark Gray
Sleeping Lion
Dig Beak
Frenzied Panda
Master & Expert
Nekogal #1
Prevent Rat
Flower Wolf
Milus Radiant
Ancient One of the Deep Forest
Pale Beast
Great Bill
Armored Rat
Giant Rat
Dark Zebra
Nimble Momonga
Forest Fiend:
Bio Plant
Ushi Oni
Fungi of the Musk
Doll of Demise (video game-only card, originates from manga)
Forest Zombie:
Pumpking the King of the Ghosts
Wood Remains
Forest Warrior:
Supporter in the Shadows
Wodan the Resident of the Forest
Monster Tamer
Beautiful Beast Tamer
Mushroom Man #2
Forest Magician:
Doriado (Listed as Dryad)
Fairy’s Gift
Dancing Elf
Forest Machine:
Steel Scorpion
Mechanical Spider
Giga-Tech Wolf
Dice Armadillo
Forest Winged Beast:
Forest Aqua:
Turtle Raccoon
Forest Pyro:
Flame Cerebrus
Forest Dinosaur:
B. Dragon Jungle King
Even though Battle Ox is supposed to be the poster monster of this Alignment, it is mostly about Insects.
But yes, this Alignment is why we have cards that support both Plants, and Insects, and why Wildheart exists as a separate EARTH representative to Clayman.
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the-kaiju-lodge · 1 year
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El Minhocão ("gran lombriz de tierra" en portugués brasileño) es un gran críptido parecido a una lombriz de tierra que supuestamente existe en los bosques de América del Sur. Según los informes, se asemeja a un gusano gigante, con piel negra escamosa, una boca fácilmente visible y un par de estructuras similares a tentáculos que sobresalen de su cabeza. Según al menos un testigo, también tiene un hocico parecido al de un cerdo.
Aunque esta especie es principalmente fosorial, también tiene hábitos acuáticos. Se ha informado que se alimenta de animales de gran superficie, incluido el ganado, al capturarlos repentinamente debajo del agua.
Se cree que es un animal excavador, que produce enormes trincheras a medida que excava, lo que sugiere un diámetro corporal de hasta tres metros. Se dice que la longitud de su cuerpo varía, de 75 a 150 pies. Ha habido casos de casas y otras estructuras hechas por el hombre que se derrumbaron, y ríos que cambiaron su curso, supuestamente debido a la actividad de excavación del minhocão. Estos túneles suelen aparecer después de períodos de lluvia continua, lo que indica que el minhocão es más activo durante esos períodos, e incluso puede permanecer oculto durante los días secos. Los túneles de la bestia a veces se inundan, creando masas de agua subterráneas.
El criptozoólogo Karl Shuker ha sugerido que este animal puede ser un ejemplo de una cecilia gigante. Los cecilianos son un grupo poco conocido de anfibios con cuerpos sin extremidades parecidos a gusanos, hábitos subterráneos/acuáticos y órganos de los sentidos parecidos a tentáculos en la cabeza. Además, la mayoría de las cecilias habitan en los bosques de América del Sur. que encaja bien con la descripción del minhocão. Sin embargo, las cecilias conocidas ni siquiera comienzan a acercarse al supuesto tamaño de este animal.
En el libro On the Track of Unknown Animals, Bernard Heuvelmans sugiere que el animal puede ser un gliptodonte sobreviviente. Sin embargo, a diferencia de sus parientes modernos, los armadillos, no hay evidencia de que los gliptodontes tuvieran hábitos de madriguera. Cualquiera que sea el tipo de criatura que haya sido el minhocão, si es real, parece estar extinto ahora, ya que no se han reportado avistamientos de minhocão en los últimos 130 años.
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So it's Friday, and it's a challenging time. Oh, I needed to write "time for a challenge", but my drama with the underground club next door is still a thing, sooooo…(yes, you'll read about it as long as it goes, sorry) I picked up the #bookisharmy challenge from @slowreadswede bookstagram and in this challenging time I love the idea of creating my own bookish army and summoning it up here. So here is what I've got: 🛡Leader: Can I take Dalinar Kholin from Stormlight Archive? I think I can. Unite Them. ⚔ Champion: Caliban from Clocktaur War. He is a champion of my heart, sooooo. It's his place. 📜Councilor: Kettricken from The Realm of Elderlings. My perfect wise advisor. ✨Wizard: Mona from A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking. If you haven't read this book you can't imagine how useful baking can be in defense. Also, a baker is a baker, you know. Pastries every day. 🗡Sword: Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher. It’s hard to find someone who'll be better with a sword. 🪓Axe: Fitz from The Realm of Elderlings. This boy needs good company and a couple of normal friends for sure and we all are here for him. 🏹Archer: I'll cheat and take Waxillium Ladrian from The Second Mistborn Era and his guns. 🪶Animal companion: So, it's the third category I use T.Kingfisher's book in. It's a hint you need to go and read her books. Armadillo familiar from Minor Mage is my choice. 🎲Wild card: Matrim Bloody Cauthon from The Wheel of Time and it's time to toss the dice. I tagged some of you but, as always, no pressure! #bookishchallenge #thewitcherbooks #thewheeloftime #andrjezsapkowski #robertjordan https://www.instagram.com/p/Cikbf9XLrnf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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davidsoto666 · 2 years
La leyenda del tlacuache y el fuego. 🐁🔥
Dice la leyenda Nahuatl, según la tradición prehispanica, hace muchos años no se conocía el fuego, las personas debían comerlo todo crudo, su vida era muy dificil. En las noches de invierno, cuando el frío descargaba sus rigores en todos los confines de la sierra, hombres, mujeres, niños y ancianos, padecían mucho. Sólo deseaban que las noches terminaran pronto para que el sol, con sus caricias, les diera el calor que tanto necesitaban. La gente principal, se reunían a discutir sobre la forma de tener algo que les proporcionara calor y cociera sus alimentos.
Un día, el fuego se soltó de alguna estrella, y se dejó caer en la tierra provocando el incendio de varios árboles. Entonces los quinamentin (gigantes) de la montaña, enemigos de ellos, apresaron al fuego y no lo dejaron extinguirse. Nombraron comisiones que se encargaron de cortar árboles para saciar su hambre, porque el fuego era un insaciable devorador de plantas, animales y todo lo que se ponía a su alcance.
Para evitar que la gente pudieran robarles su tesoro, organizaron un poderoso ejército encabezado por el jaguar. Varios pobladores hicieron el intento de robarse el fuego pero murieron acribillados por las flechas de sus enemigos.
Estando en una cueva, el venado, el armadillo y el tlacuache tomaron la decisión de proporcionar a los hombres tan valioso elemento, pero no sabían cómo hacer para lograr su propósito. Entonces, el sabio tlacuache, que era el más abusado de todos, declaró:
- Yo, el tlacuache, me comprometo a traer el fuego.
Hubo una burla general hacia el pobre animal. ¿Cómo iba a ser que ese animalito, tan chiquito, tan insignificante, tan falto de mobilidad, fuera a traer el fuego? Pero éste, muy sereno, contestó así:
- No se burlen, como dicen por ahí, “más vale maña que fuerza”; ya verán cómo cumplo mi promesa. Sólo les pido una cosa, que cuando me vean venir con el fuego, entre todos me ayuden a alimentarlo.
Al atardecer, el tlacuache se acercó cuidadosamente al campamento donde tenían resguardado el fuego y se hizo bola. Así pasó siete días sin moverse, hasta que los guardianes se acostumbraron a verlo. En este tiempo observó que con las primeras horas de la madrugada, casi todos los guardianes se dormían. El séptimo día, aprovechando que sólo el jaguar estaba despierto, se fue rodando hasta la hoguera. Al llegar, metió la cola y una llama enorme iluminó el campamento. Con el hocico tomó un brasa y se alejó rápidamente.
Al principio, el jaguar creyó que la cola del tlacuache era un leño; pero cuando lo vio correr, empezó la persecución. Éste, al ver que el tigre le pisaba los talones, cogió la brasa y la guardó en su marsupia.
Pero la velocidad del jaguar se impuso y alcanzandolo lo pisoteó, le machacó los huesos, lo sacudió y lo arrojó. Seguro de haberlo matado, regresó a cuidar el fuego. El tlacuache rodó y rodó, envuelto en sangre y fuego; así llegó donde la gente y los animales lo estaban esperando. Moribundo, desenroscó la cola y entregó el tizón, los principales inmediatamente encendieron hogueras, y alimentaron al fuego por siempre.
El tlacuache fue nombrado el héroe de la humanidad, aquel que no tiene defensas naturales lo compensa con el uso de la inteligencia, desdes aquel acto valiente todavía muestra la cola pelada. 🦌
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djvzacuario · 2 years
Fuma, bebe, sabe contar cuentos, sostiene siete hijos o más, siembra frijol, papa, yuca, maíz, plátano, cacao y caña, ordeña 50 vacas desde las 4:00 de la mañana, sabe silbar, le habla a los perros y ellos le ladran a él, hay uno que lo sigue a todos lados, nunca se jubila, no tiene Seguro Social y no le ha hecho falta, no le afecta la altura, va sin protector solar, reconoce un aguacate maduro sin apretarlo, tiene una uña larga para pelar mandarinas, a ojo sabe cuánto pesa un bulto y con mirar y darle una vuelta sabe cuánto pesa el puerco y la vaca, puede manejar hasta ocho caballos o mulas al mismo tiempo y se sabe el nombre de 36, porta un machete listo para dar machetezo y nunca lo ha dado.
No necesita los dientes de adelante ni para reírse, se sabe el nombre de los nietos, tiene la receta de leche de tigre, no sabe bailar pero baila, no le da depresión, se sabe 152 groserías, ha visto al diablo, sabe quién es bruja, tiene un poco de brujo, no se quema con el café hirviendo, se despierta antes de que el despertador suene, cambia la pila y arregla relojes, no lo tumba una gripe, camina desajustado, su teléfono celular es un cacahuatito que casi nunca tiene señal y cuando la tiene nunca suena, saluda unas 52 veces al día, repite saludo y se despide tres veces, sus pantalones son dos tallas más grandes y nunca se le caen, habla duro hasta para contar un secreto, se sabe atajos para llegar mas rápido, trabaja de sol a sol y nunca tiene flojera, sabe cuándo va a llover y falla menos que cualquier meteorólogo, sabe espantar la lluvia y para los truenos, no le afecta el gluten ni la lactosa de la leche no pasteurizada, la cafeína no lo desvela, reconoce a los muchachos malos y a las malas mujeres, sabe llamar gallinas, baja naranjas sacudiendo las ramas, disfruta de un agua de papaya y de postre un mango o agua de limón, sandía o melón, espanta males con un escapulario, escucha la radio en A.M. monofónico, no da likes, no sale bonito en las fotos pero tiene una pintura donde sale increíble con su esposa, se sabe dos chistes y los repite, no sabe que existe el buró de crédito pero es de confianza de todos.
Escucha noticias, cree en las noticias, sabe para qué sirve la ruda y el paico con el que purga a sus hijos y nietos, el ángel de la guarda nunca lo ha desamparado, le dice ingeniero a cualquiera y todos le dicen "Don", no sabe cambiar la llanta de un carro pero no se niega a hacerlo, sabe pescar, no le gustan las camas blanditas, Coca-Cola sólo en ocasiones muy especiales, cerveza siempre y si está caliente no importa, ve de noche sin lamparita, no lo pican los zancudos, ha comido tortuga, iguana, armadillo, venado, tejón y culebra y todo eso le sabe a pollo, no sabe cuándo es festivo y tampoco por quién votar, porque todos le han ofrecido y todos le han quedado mal...
¡Vivan los campesinos, que siempre nos muestran lo que valen, pues sin ellos la comida se reduce a nada y la vida seria prácticamente imposible...
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(Texto de Miguel Torres Galván)
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fyeahygocardart · 7 years
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Dice Armadillo
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the-dice-nest · 3 years
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7-omen-7 · 2 years
Here are some names that aren’t strictly for females or males
Alpha Astrix/Asterisk Axis Blur Bolt Brick Cube Cyan Data Delta Echo Entity Error Exa/Exo Form Friday Hazard Idea Impulse Infinity Ion Kilo Kite Limit Name Nebula Neon Obsidian Plastic Point Quartz Qwerty Radar Retina Reverb Rocket Scavenger Sigma Sonar Swing Tank Tax Tera Valence Vertex Virus Vortex Audience Beat Binary Brass Cable Canon Canvas Chord Clash Coarse Crash Discord Double Feedback Forte Genre Hack Hollow Hook Impulse/Pulse Ink Key Lyric Mellow Memory Neon Noise Note Omen Phase Quaver Riddle Shallow Sharp Shiny Snare Treble Tune Twang Aloe Arrow Atlas Azure Balsa Bee Beetle Branch Bread Bridge Candle Cedar Cello Chameleon Cherry Cloud Clover Coffee East Echo Egg Ember Fern Finch Flannel Forest Gecko Gem Goose Grey Jay Kale Lake Leaf Mango Maple Moss Oak Pond Poppy Rain Raven Rock Silver Topaz Violet Wednesday Willow Wood Frog Max Alex Shawn/Shawne Kai SCP 834 Nyx Ares War Criminal Cas Sky/Skie Bee Ash Arson Vin Sal Cat/Kat Tax Fraud Liminal Dream Fade Angel Glitch Tooth Centipede Chlorine Crayon Fever Bones Ghost Eye Omen Nurse Band-aid Tape Glow Legs Decay Poison Blowfly Needle Finger Mold Doll Wasp Moth Dirt Bunny Trinket Shell Cicada Ariel Astra Aurora Celeste Luna Nova Starling Starr Stella Sunshine Aldrin Apollo Callisto Castor Comet Hercules Leo Neptune Rocket Solar Aries Eclipse Galaxy Halo Mars Mercury Moon Saturn Star Sun book strawberry cherry tea soup lace butters melody lyric bunny slime apple Saturn star venus kandi/kandy/candy glitter monster zero/zee/z neo gutz/guts brainz/brains trixie roxy rex Moss Bones Arson Rain Feather Cloud Deep Raven Fall captain bone/bones patch/patches sparrow flynn skipper boots hook reef treasure Winter Midnight Crow Corvid Raven Siren Shade Nova Veil Salem Ash Aster Devin Day Hyde Dagger Knife Psyche Osiris Pandora Haven Jade Blade Gray Ember Ebony Blue Dee Day Dove Sky Rain Ash Coin Pax Rex Mick Reef Rory Ari Bug River Dane Finn Lumi Lux Ore Roux Note Tone Melody Piper Sonata Violin Coda Riff Alto Lyre Lyric Calypso Cadence Chorus Canto Chanson Harper Lorelei Octave Song Muse Canon Clef Motif Legato Nonet Pan Rhapsody Trill Vevace Dusk Indigo Orion Onyx Obsidian Somnus Hypnos Morpheus Noctis Noir Nero Umbra Ash Omega Orpheus Crow Jinx Hex Grey Pandora Morrigan Shade Silver Zephyr Storm Crimson sprinkle Bunny cloud Skittle kitty birdie bee flower Grass peach strawberry cherry Berry Apple Berry Apricot Huckleberry Mulberry Honeydew Lychee Peach Cherry Basil Bayleef Pepper Anise Clove Coriander Ginger Nutmeg Rosemary Rue Sesame Thyme Saffron exe/txt/pdf/gif web/website tech emoji sci beta dell chip zip Arson Blue Blur Brick. Cloud Detective Dice Egg Elmers Error Gremlin Icon Jester Lake Leaf Mischief Nike Nintendo Pi Royal Skull Spark Ten Tesla Vortex Yoshi Zero Zoom angela/angelo/angie angelonia/angel andy/andi ann/annie/anny antares andromeda bone/bones biscuit/biskit paw fluffy fetch scout chase skull corpse blade jinx hex bat bandit rogue trick/tricky smoke lee leo/lio pluto mars orion redd avery aster cyrus cleo miles quinn indigo amber ruby sugar lace/lacey boba rosie mae merry dottie plush/plushie cinnabun pompom teddy peach smile/smiles/smiley alphabet blocks bug snail paint crayon slime sticker rainbow gummy candy/kandi button bandaid glitch static disc pixel robot/bot glitter wire/wires code key/keys virus byte bunny/bunnie/bun kitty/kit/kitten plush/plushie milk fluff cloud bubble/bubbles angel ghost tea cookie bow / ribbon bonbon puff / creampuff Nintendo Mossy Quill Spark Vermillion Cotton Candy (or C.C. for short) Cocoa Indigo Sunset Elmers Snowy Sketchpad Frost Jester Poltergeist Spirit Cricket Poem Puck Mischief Truffle Golden Clay Feather Hatchet Gremlin Stone Brad Chad Thad Zoom Crayon Detective Otter Sonic Armadillo Ocelot Puggles (name for baby platypus) Dylan Logan River Fince Ellory Finn Converse Sage Saint Sal Saturday Saxon Scan Scatter Scoop Scorpion Scout Scream Sea Senti Sentinel September Serene Seven Shade Shadow Shake Shatter Shaw Silent/Silence Silver Siphon Skill
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band-geek-727 · 2 years
Miyako Inoe Aesthetic
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BOLD any which apply to your muse! Remember to **REPOST! **Feel free to add to the list!
[ **are the ones I added ]
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. fog. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing. tattoos. big ears. shell. trans. hunched/bent. **horns.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud. torpedoes. **shurikens.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. crystals.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. underground.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. bears. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats. monsters. parasites. tigers. foxes. bats. armadillos. pinnipeds. goats.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers.  burritos. pizza. ambrosia. cookies. home-cooked meal.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. running. puzzles. studying. automobiles.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. costume. ruffle collar. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. hoodie. sweater. necktie.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. kisses. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. fear. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. deception. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. criminal. lawful. jealousy. medicine. **honesty.
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
Things I would change about Red Dead Redemption 2
I love the game and I think it is perfection, but I'd be lying if I said I'd want more for the game and Arthur's story. What I would choose
Liar’s Dice. It frustrated me to no end that Liar’s Dice did not return. Put Liar’s Dice in camp activities and in Van Horn, simple.
More stable space for horses. At least 5-10
Find gang horses in epilogue. We know we can find Boaz, Gwydion, and Silver Dollar,  but I believe we should be allowed to find the rest of the gang horses as John. let us find Old Boy, Bob, Maggie, Ennis, Old Belle, Taima, Nell II and Baylock(not including The Count or Baylock since  they would still be with Dutch and Bill)
Low Honor outfits similar to how there are High Honor outfits, bit unfair we can’t get outfits with the dark coats and such
The ability to bribe the law
The ability to cheat in poker.
More bounties. In RDR1, it was required to capture 8 bounties in each province to get 100%. So in my opinion We should have 8 bounties in every city. -8 in Valentine -8 in Rhodes -8 in Saint Denis -8 in Van Horn -8 in Annesburg -8 in Strawberry -8 in Blackwater -8 in Tumbleweed -8 in Armadillo
If you are Low Honor, Bounties prices doubling because sending one outlaw after the other warrants the price 
At least one area like Thieves Landing for RDR2 that lowers prices for Low Honor. I’d say Van Horn, but who wants to be in Van Horn?
The ability to rob banks outside of the two story missions.
Companion activities. More than just scripted activities. You could invite anyone to join you on your journey whether it be hunting, fishing, finding treasure, robbing or looking for collectibles.
Reinforced gunbelts, but with belt buckles, same with Upgraded Gun Belt
The ability to hire prostitutes. John can't due to being married, but Arthur had no excuse.
You could customize all weapons with the Hero Pearl Grip and Ebony Gunslinger Grip, because let's face it, it sucks that these weapon grips are limited to only the Cattleman revolver and Double Action pistol
The ability to smoke a pipe. We can customize the material and engravings on it as well. Also what if smoking were more of a mechanic than simply a consumable? Like instead of smoking it in 2 sec, the player could keep them in their mouth and it could give a small deadeye bonus or something as long as you are smoking it.
No floating Bandoliers. It's so off putting that they float when RDR1's bandolier never had this problem
The off-hand holster is placed like everyone else’s instead of the stupid placement Arthur has
Keep the Winter Gungslinger outfit closed. It is impractical and stupid to have it open and just dumb to keep it closed in the prologue only
Add RDO clothes, navy revolver, elephant rifle and horses
Undead Nightmare 2. The fans want this and I'm pretty damn sure the voice actors would want this. It could start when they all come back from Guarma. My idea for Undead Nightmare 2 is basically Arthur becomes a Wild Western Van Helsing hunting down the zombies, Vampires, Werewolves and other mythological creatures. Hell, throw in aliens in since we saw a UFO. After Arthur dies, he rises up as the Ghost Rider to hunt down Micah and Dutch. Enemies we could face -Zombies and zombie animals -Vampires -Werewolves -Ghosts -Wendigo -Witches -Aliens -Micah as the lord of the dead -The Strange Man
Arthur tells stories around the campfire. Could be about how Arthur met Dutch and Hosea. Could be that when he was a young "delinquent" as Hosea put it, Arthur successfully stole from them and tried to ride The Count and got bucked off or Arthur was in a really bad place on the streets and close to being taken by the law and Dutch and Hosea saved him and that's when Dutch and Hosea took Arthur under their wing. We could even see Arthur tell the gang about his parents, Boadicea, Mary, Eliza and Isaac or just Arthur telling his thoughts on the journey so far, this would go along well with depending on what your honor is.
Kieran would do more to prove himself to the gang. Kieran would've proved his worth to the gang by helping free Arthur when he got captured by Colm, then make amends with Sadie by helping her get her husband's killer sooner, before finally being offed by the O'Driscolls at Shady Belle."
Arthur would get the chance to reunite with his original horse, Boadicea, which would be a Liver Chestnut Hungarian Halfbred. When Arthur arrives in New Austin(more on that later) Arthur then reunites with Boadicea
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A stranger mission in the Saint Denis chapter involving Arthur and The Strange Man. While The Cabin is a nice touch, I believe it would've been great to actually have Arthur meet The Strange Man. Could be about The Strange Man testing Arthur's honor, questioning his loyalty to the gang and if he really trusts Dutch. It would be a nice touch to have it end depending on your honor, on top of the mountain or in Beaver's Hollow's cavern and his final words to Arthur could be "What a beautiful spot to find peace" if you have high honor on the mountain and if you have low honor in the cavern "such a shame it has to end here" and it ends with either Arthur confused or full of rage. In his journal, I think Arthur would write down. “I think I just met the Grim Reaper, the Devil or even God. This man tested me and in the end, I just feel confused and even angry.”
Charles comments on the animals that Arthur sees throughout the game. If Arthur sees the buck, Charles says it’s a sign of a goodman. If it’s the coyote, Charles warns Arthur to turn back on his current path
Romance choices -Actual romance between Arthur and Mary. I love Mary’s character and I love her missions with Arthur, but I wanted more. Instead of parting ways after their date at the theater, they would reignite their relationship and the mission ends in a kiss. What I would do is every so often, we get letters from Mary inviting us out on dates. Play dominos. Introduce Mary to the gang and have a Mass Effect type romance scene if you catch my drift.  Then in chapter 6, Arthur has one final mission with Mary. Arthur tells Mary about his affliction and it’s just Mary giving Arthur the best day to remember. Having dinner, going to the movies, getting their picture took in the studio and making love. -Sadie. There would be several triggers to achieve Sadie’s romance. 1. Give Sadie the Harmonica. 2. Reject Mary and Charles. 3. Help Sadie against the O’Driscolls. Arthur in his journal states he has become to rely on Sadie and cares for her deeply. He let Mary go and even though he knows he’s going to die. He and Sadie can find peace with each other. There will be a heat of the moment where Arthur and Sadie embrace each other and declare their love. Then you can do activities as a couple. Hold each other during nights at the campfire. Charles, Abigail and John show their support for the new couple while Dutch, Bill and Micah show contempt.  Prior to the big heist, a sex scene. Arthur and Sadie make a plan together. Help John and his family escape and if possible leave with them  and head to somewhere warm and dry. Before Arthur leaves to confront Micah and Dutch, Arthur kisses Sadie goodbye. and his final words are “I love you, Sadie Adler” Arthur doesn’t make it of course and in the epilogue, Sadie has moments where she shows her remorse for not being able to save Arthur and tells John he was the best man she knew and that for a brief moment, he made her want to be alive and she was her Arthur and she loved him. -Charles. Depending on if you were high honor and helped Rains Falls/Captain Monroe. A romance between Arthur and Charles would break out after Arthur gets back from Guarma. There will be a moment where Arthur admits that he depends on Charles greatly and he is the best man he knows. Charles confesses his feelings for Arthur and you are giving two choices. Kiss Charles or remain as friends. If you pursue the relationship, then we can go on activities with Charles as boyfriends. Sadie, Abigail and John show their support for the new couple while Dutch, Bill and Micah show contempt. Prior to the mission to save Eagle Flies at the Oil Refinery, there would be a sex scene between Arthur and Charles and as Charles has to leave with the Wapiti tribe. Arthur and Charles kisses each other goodbye.
The option to go back to Blackwater. Make it mandatory to go back to Blackwater. After Guarma, Dutch sends Arthur on a mission to make it the long way back and we don’t hear what Dutch tells Arthur, but Dutch tells Arthur where the money is located. Now why this point in the story? Because the Pinkertons would be in Lemoyne after the bank robbery. Arthur is dropped off in Tumbleweed and we as the player get to complete the dinosaur bones, Legendary fishes and animals and challenges while we’re in New Austin. Arthur reunites with Boadicea and rides to find the money in Blackwater and rides to find the gang
Chances for Arthur to properly convince the majority of the group to leave. Considering that Arthur wanted to help folks to see clearly and leave, I think there should have been something similar to companion activities, but it works in a way for Arthur to help everyone leave -Swanson. Reverend Swanson. Swanson leaves if you don't donate to Sister Calderon and you get to see him off. Personally I think we could've had both Swanson and Calderon, cause in a scene in chapter 6, Swanson says he met a nun, prayed together and he got his act together, so I think the good sister was the nun who helped Swanson and maybe they could've shared the same scene, the sister gives the same speech to Arthur, Swanson says "save who you can and leave the rest to rot/You've lived your life like a man, and you turned into a good man." and then Arthur sees them off -Uncle. Uncle has been challenging Micah in Chapter 6 and Arthur and Uncle shared a touching moment in Chapter 6. So it's inconceivable to imagine Arthur being able to save Uncle by convincing him to leave. As for how this could go, perhaps Arthur overhears Micah talking of killing Uncle(after being roasted by Uncle lol) but the gist is Arthur saves Uncle and convinces him to run and don't look back, "this is pretty much done" -Pearson. Pearson knew this was all over. Arthur talks Pearson into leaving and throws a line about "Go back to sea or run a store." -Tilly, Mary-Beth and Karen. Arthur could've talked Susan into helping him save the girls. Even Susan thinks things were going bad, so it's not impossible to imagine things Susan helping the girls considering how batshit Susan became when Anthony Forman kidnapped Tilly. Mary-Beth and Karen leave, but Tilly stays because she stayed the longest and well she needs to save Jack when the Pinkertons take Abigail. So Arthur would convince Pearson, Uncle, Mary-Beth, Karen and Tilly. Arthur would also explain that he has TB and the majority of them feel sympathy for them and they know this is goodbye. 
Arthur technically kills Micah. Wanna know how? Arthur gives Micah Tuberculosis. Whether or not you go with John or go back for the money, during the climax of your fight with Micah, Arthur coughs up blood in Micah's face and in his mouth or alternatively in the go for the money ending, since Arthur was stabbed with his own knife, his blood is on it and if you had high honor, Arthur can cut Micah’s eye out. So Arthur’s blood will be in  Micha’s wound. So either way, Micah gets TB. Arthur. Then Arthur laughs and when Micah asks what's so funny, Arthur says "Nothing, Black Lung." SInce TB can take years to develop, in the epilogue John finds Micah and he's whimpering, coughing mess and barely alive. Then you can choose to kill him or let the disease take him. 
Keep Epilogue John actually looking like John Marston
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More stranger missions in epilogue. Seriously there is one stranger and that’s Evelyn Miller. No idea what we could do, but we desperately needed content for John after completing the epilogue.
The ability for John to find Old Boy in the epilogue and being able to stable and save him. How I would do it is there would be a mission or two when working with Sadie. We go to Tumbleweed and work with Sadie and the Sherriff on a bounty, as a reward for the help. Sherriff Freeman gifts John the horse and to John’s surprise, it’s Old Boy. Also I think John reuniting with Old Boy works considering that the War Horse from RDR1 and Old Boy look so similar.  
The gang members John meets would appear at his and Abigail’s wedding. Been thinking it was a wasted opportunity not to have John meet with Pearson, Mary-Beth, and Tilly. Considering that they have John and Abigail's wedding, I think it would've been nice to have everyone together for one final memory of the gang together. I even think Reverend Swanson should've been the priest to marry off John and Abigail.
The ability to customize the ranch. Similarly to using Pearson’s tools to upgrade the camp, we can do something similar for the ranch. Take animal skins or hides to Abigail, then we can have mounted skulls, hides or skins to customize the ranch. And while we’re at it, let us capture the Legendary Channel Catfish and we can mount it in the ranch.
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