#Deer Path Resort
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Krull's Deer Path Resort on Buckatabon Lake in Northern Wisconsin.
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wingedjellyfishflight · 2 months
Freedom Calls
Sneaking in here just might be the dumbest thing you have done, but you can't sit idly by and watch this man be tortured and killed by your corrupt organization. You might not have any better options, but you know that he does. He just needs help getting to them. At least you are good with a lockpick and have security access as a guard. Makes it easier that way. Though, your keycard will be traced to you, and you know that means your life is forfeit. They haven't had time to start on him, though, which means that he should be well enough to escape once he is out the door. And the guard on duty tonight is well known for falling asleep at the job, hiding in a closet nearby. So that should mean you don't have to hurt anyone.
The only thing you didn't account for was him. The man himself.
"Why are you here? What do you want? This is a trick, I know it! No, I'm not playing your games." Finally, you resort to ordering him to cuff up and putting a bag over his head. You drag him out, fighting him every step and pretend to anyone you come across that you've been ordered to bring him to interrogation room 15, which no one wants to admit they have no clue where that is, so your confidently bored voice gets you most of the way across the facility without an issue.
You drag him into an empty bathroom and shove him to the handicap stall before dragging the hood off and uncuffing him.
"What-? Where?!" You shove a hand over his mouth.
"Keep your voice down. I'm trying to set you free, you idiot! Out that window about 10 yards is the perimeter fence. It's got a hole at the bottom that you can crawl through, and then it's straight to the woods from there. North of those woods is a main road where your team can pick you up if they are watching. Shouldn't take more than 10 minutes at a flat out, so long as you don't trip. Now, go already before we get caught, and I die for nothing!"
He seems torn for a moment. You think he is unsure if he should believe you, but the truth is almost worse. He grabs you and tosses you out the window before jumping out himself. Wrapping his hands in the straps of your tac vest, he half carries you like a doll, shoving you through the hole in the fence and following quickly. There are no shouts of alarm yet, luckily. He quickly pulls you to your feet and shoves you toward the woods. You start running, knowing if you are caught, then you're both dead.
At the wood's edge, you hear the first shouts. They are focused inside, and you know they have discovered that he is missing. You pick up the pace, guiding the two of you to a deer path that you know from your leisurely walks at lunch in the forest. He follows you, and you signal to follow the path. Surging past, he goes into a flat-out run. You struggle behind him, doing your best to keep up.
You hear a squad moving behind you. If they catch him, it's game over for both of you, but you know if they catch you that you can be a distraction, giving him a chance to escape. So you duck down a side path, barely wide enough for precise steps. It takes you mostly parallel to the road, east instead of north. After a few hundred feet, you begin purposely making extra noise to attract attention. You can hear them changing direction to follow you, slowed down by the heavier brush. The further you go, the more you outpace them and the less purposeful noise you make. Another few hundred meters or so, and you realize they have turned back, likely assuming they have chased wildlife instead of their target.
Breathing a tiny sigh of relief, you continue looking for a fork in the path to take you north again. You find it surprisingly quickly and come out onto the road about a mile away from the main trail. Almost immediately, you are held at gun point by a man who sports an enemy uniform. Well, an hour ago, he was your enemy, but now, you're not sure.
"Has he made it here yet? The trail I sent him on was only a mile south, and he was far ahead of me." Your question seems to put the man off kilter for a long moment. Too long. You brace yourself, waiting for him to kill you. Instead, a masked man comes around the corner of the vehicle.
"That's the one. Handcuff her and put her in the back. Let's go." You flinch as he handcuffs you tightly but cooperate every step of the way. You're sandwiched between the two men, and you sit quietly as the masked man drives the truck away. Surprisingly, it's as straightforward as just driving down the road to a nearby airport to escape. On board a big military plane, the questions start. They hate your answer that it was a spontaneous decision, and you just didn't think it was right, keeping him there. It's nearly an hour of questions before they seem satisfied.
You can't believe it when they just uncuff you back at the military base. Rather than let you walk away, the masked man pins you to the wall, pressing his body against yours. "You cannot return," he says bluntly.
You shake your head. "No, I can't go back."
He stares at you for a long moment. "Then, you are mine," he says with a growl, dragging you to his quarters without a further word, determined to cement your place at his side.
Alternate Ending
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darin-nidk · 2 months
Judging. | Vox &. Sibling!Reader.
Content: more silly interactions. Mentions of Velvette, Valentino, Alastor and Rosie.
• Imagine sibling!Reader staring at Alastor's picture, the one that Vox has on his desk, and they just squint their eyes because huh, uhm, what? Who is this? This deer-looking demon with way too much red on his palette color — only for Vox to zap into the room, snatch the picture to stuff it in his pocket and try to change the subject. Followed by S.Reader asking if Vox has a crush on him.
• Velvette saying "yes" without even looking up from her phone, and Valentino saying that "at the very least, el amiguito de Vox stands up whenever the Radio Demon is injured" followed by a low, mocking chuckle as he exhales that pink smoke from his cig.
• S.Reader looking even more disgusted because why is their brother this fucked up, ewww. S.Reader themselves teleporting away (I like to think the effect of teleporting is different like, leaving behind lingering hologram-rectangles or sth).
(Y/N) found themselves wearing a different attire to the one they'd usually wear to, you know, match the Cannibal Town's aesthetic and to avoid getting attacked (or worst, eaten. Although being practically an android-like demon... They doubt they'd be of much interest — provided by the lack of meat to chew on) since they planned to have fun investigate what this town had to offer — this lead to them crossing paths with Alastor spending time with Rosie, arms linked because the deer-demon is a gentleman. This making (Y/N) to arch an eyebrow in surprise, perhaps, even amusement as they hum and turn to leave.
Probably one of the few times Vox had a good taste on something that his sibling approved of... But despite (Y/N) being late to the party (dying) they know best than to like a sinner or try to approach them. After all, there ought to be a reason they all ended here, right? The Radio Demon is quite famous and despite (Y/N) being somewhat late on their studies in regards to powerful overlords or even powerful demons, even they know in their ignorance to avoid him whenever possible or even gamble their soul as last survivial resort.
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drama--universe · 10 months
Nature specialist
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Requested by anonymous: Howdy-doody! How about The Untamed characters of your own choice x the reader who can interact with nature and animals? They are something like "reader's scouts", so the reader is always the first to know what is happening around them.
Pairing: Untamed girls x gn!reader
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Jiang Yanli:
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Wuxian had ran off again, courtesy of Jiang Cheng
more specifically the dogs that he had sent Wuxian's way
everyone had been searching for hours, the sky had already turned dark when a last resort was made
you walked in, you were probably the same age as Yanli (14 years old)
which surprised some people, including the girl
you kneeled on the ground, starting where they knew that Wuxian had run off
you walked carefully, hand remaining on the ground as you traced your fingers through the sand
you stopped only after ten minutes or so
freezing in your spot before shushing the family behind you
a deer stood on your path, unmoving as it stared
then, most expectingly, you approached the deer
now Yanli had tried this before as a child
always curious about the wildlife that surrounded her home
always unsuccessful, the animals scattered immediatley after noticing her
yet, the deer approached you and laid its head in your hands
you calmly whispered to the deer, petting it before letting it run off
"Will you come down now?"
you called out to seemingly no one, but looking up to the top of the trees
Wuxian's voice called back softly, asking if the dogs were around
Yanli called out this time, telling him that Jiang Cheng and his dogs had remained at the house
soon enough, Wuxian was climbing down the tree like he wasn't just an eight year old
you gave the kid a smile, picking him up as he waddles your way
he fell asleep the second you hand him to Yanli
she thanks you with a smile before inviting you to stay
she could hardly let you leave at this hour
you end up staying in her room next to her
(much to her mother's disappointment)
you don't sleep much, Yanli insists on questioning you
because she needs to know how you do it
you explain that you can talk to the animals and read the ground
it's like second nature, which she doesn't really get
she asks questions throughout the night
you don't sleep
she insists that you write her through your travels
and you do, which forms a bond with her
which may turn into love later in life
Luo Qingyang:
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she was pissed when she first met you
not at you, of course
she didn't even know you, so how could she possibly be pissed at you?
rather at Jin Zixuan
because he's an ass, like usual
she finds herself by the river to calm down, soon surrounded by some birds and rabbits
one bird approaches her first
a cute drongo bird sits on her leg, staring straight at her with curiosity
she's careful to pet it, but it melts underneath her fingers
"He likes you."
your voice is gentle, soft enough to not spook the animals around her
you sit down, a bit closer than Mianmian liked
you notice and scoot a bit further away
in a second, you're surrounded by all the animals
excluding the drongo bird, who stayed close by the girl
she just stares at it confusion before asking how you know
and you're kind enough to explain it
she lights up, smiling brightly and basically vibrating from excitement
get ready for the weirdest pop-quiz ever
because she had questions
a lot of questions
and she ain't leaving until she gets answer
you got there at ten in the morning, you leave when the sun starts to dissapear beneath the tree line
logically, you miss all classes of the day
not that either of you care much
Mianmian speaks bluntly, anything the girl thinks will spout from her mouth
which makes it certain that you will never be stuck in silence around her
but you listen to every single thought, smiling softly the whole way back
you get caught by Jin Zixuan
her mood drops immediately as she glared at the male
you split up, but you send a wink her way before whisteling softly
which leads to a flock of birds to swoop down at Zixuan, messing his hair up and ripping his clothes
you can see the corners of Mianmian's lips lift as she tries to hold her laughter
she'll come to you everytime after he annoys her in any way
but she also just hangs out with when she has free time
Wen Qing:
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she meets you later in her life
curtesy of the whole Wen massacre
more specifically in burial mounds
even though the grounds were long decayed from the years of dark energy that hung around, animals had started returning when Wuxian had neutralized part of the forest and mountain
she had warned Wuxian of the trouble it could bring
so when you arrived at the base, she could only give Wuxian the typical "I told you so"-look
luckily, you mean no harm to anyone
you don't care for the opinions of the higher groups against the Wens, you care more for the human lives that were lost because of the feud
seeing how they live just made your stomach twist, because no one deserves to live like a hunted animal
especially not because of someone else's mistakes
you keep yourself busy with Yuan, he is fascinated with the animals and you don't mind indulging him
Wen Qing keeps her eyes on the two of you the whole time
two reasons
one, she viewed Yuan as a little brother and wanted to know if he was safe
two, she was fascinated by the fact that you were able to communicate with the forest and its inhabitants
you seemed to constantly be aware of the animals surrounding you and how the forest felt in a way
sometimes she even caught you staring in the distance with a sad look
she approached you later in the evening, when she caught you once more
you don't even look away from the forest as you answer
"the forest is crying"
it was a simple statement, yet it held so much meaning when you said it
and when Wen Qing looked to the forest, she could almost sense what you meant
maybe it was the creaking of the wood or the cries of animals, but she could believe what you said with ease
she had heard weirder stuff before (unfortunately)
from then on, she caught you more often as you stared into the forest
and every evening, the two of you talked
somedays it was about the forest, but other days you just talked
about past events, life or just yourself
and after a few conversations, you are sure that you didn't want to leave
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
Okay wait—
TFP Optimus and TFA Optimus trying to get Shockwave to go sleep properly
TFA Optimus would try to talk it out on why he's so determined to work himself till a forced stasis, while also trying to levy the importance of a good night's rest
If Shockwave kept on pushing to continue his work then Optimus would grab him and drag him (as a last resort) back to their berthroom
Of course this has led to incidents of a distressed Shockwave with his arms stretched twice his height and gripping a doorframe for dear life while protesting that work is priority while Optimus is trying (and pseudo failing) to drag this mech to their room while telling about the consequences of going so long without properly refueling or recharging
If all gets bad he calls in Ratchet to use his authority as Doctor™ to force this deer to berth with his magnetism so that he can't stretch his way out of this mess
On the other hand
TFP Optimus would go into a full debate on why Shockwave should go to berth. One thing Shockwave admires about him is his ability to reason with the situation and if Optimus drives a hard bargain on rewards Shockwave would get for recharging early, the scientist would pack up shop himself and follow Optimus to their berth with no hesitation while refuelling on the way
So far he's yet to call Ratchet for assistance
Optimus knows his mate, and sometimes Shockwave can be unreasonable as he attempts to choose the most logical path viable, so he'd have to pull some tricks up his plating (a la sleep puls in cool energon) to get the scientist to see reason
Ooooh oh now the first one is hilarious, because I feel like tfa oppy is stronger than he looks— but TFA Shocky is one noodly motherfucker
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alt-bluesman · 4 months
Animal Crossing memories, part 3
I think this is the final part!
My Joy-Cons haven't completed their journey yet, but in the end I decided that I'm not going to put much faith in them & grabbed a set of used Hori controllers in the meantime. Gave Pan a final tour today. Didn't want to invest in a capture card, so a couple of screenshots is the best I can offer!
Sadly there's no way in heck I can stuff all of them into a single post, so I'll just narrow it down to my favourites & the ones I have something to say about!
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First, the map. My villagers were Gruff the goat, Kitt the kangaroo, Sprinkle the penguin, Kyle the wolf, Ione the squirrel, Olaf the anteater, Al the gorilla, Jambette the frog, Fang the wolf and Fuchsia the deer. I liked them all, fuglies included. I like a lot of the ugly ones now!
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Naturally my biggest dream was to invite Shrek to the island. Shrek never showed up. I had to resort to home-brew methods!
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Frample's home. I couldn't fit the big-ass yard in the frame, but there was a little islet with a snapping turtle living on it. A homage to Jacksepticeye's Tortellini, forever jammin'!
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The Zen Garden that my villagers never really cared for, haha. I found out they aren't very eager to interact with any objects that aren't close to their houses or the plaza. They sometimes goof around on the southern beaches, but that's pretty much it!
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(At least those lads were having a time of their life)
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Ione's yard was the bane of my existence - the laggiest part of the island. I was never able to pinpoint the cause, there was no water and not even that much foliage. Some folks say that snow causes the game to get quite choppy, but it lagged during the other seasons too. Maybe it was all the custom paths?
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Sprinkle lived close to Ione. Her yard was a bit more spacious, so I could build Snowboys there. Some of them still ended up in the river!
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The main road with 5 frickin' waterfalls. Not visible here, but there was another one on the left. A good place to be if you want your eardrums to explode!
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This cliff served no particular purpose, but I liked the view! This was my stargazing hideaway.
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The campsite was pretty dang huge and placed right next to the island entrance. A decision I came to regret after some time. Now I prefer them tucked away in a secluded spot!
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Isle of Spooks! My villagers never visited it except for that single time when Gruff decided to sneak in and investigate. Gruff was an absolute legend.
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The beach next to the campsite was one of the few decorated beach areas that I was actually quite happy with!
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The entrance. Nothing too fancy, but there were so many failed attempts at making a decent entrance, lmao. Makes ya finally settle with whatever ya have!
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Kitt's yard! I remember feeling very proud of it once, but it doesn't really appeal to me anymore, especially that blob of a path.
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Farmlands. That rainbow flower garden was a convenient way of keeping most of the flower breeds & colours in one spot, without them overtaking an entire island, but probably not something I'd build today. I hated when balloons flew over it because I couldn't shoot them down from there!
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This yard was between the farms. First it was Tasha's, then Claudia's, then Fang's. I never bothered to redecorate, haha.
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And here were the crops. Leif has failed me & never brought the carrots!
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The woods behind the farms. (Wayyy too much clutter for my current tastes, but at least my main man Gruff was there)
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The pirate bay! One of my oldest builds, but still very much up my alley!
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(What if I told you that Pompom never really moved away?)
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Alrighty, that's most of the western side of Pan covered. Here's a land bridge that connected the main cliffs behind the plaza. Waterscaping around it was absolute hell! Admittedly, I'm still quite proud of it & it's something I'd like to build again, but most likely without the dang river.
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The road leading up to the Museum. Museum was an important building for me because of my first job, but I never quite got the surrounding area to look right. I do like the stone lion-dog statues, though!
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Jambette's yard was my absolute favourite spot on the entire island. Minimalism was the name of the game. With a frog model from Jim!
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Kyle's yard had a bit of a side business in the top left corner!
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Eastern river mouth. I was all about putting those little islets on my rivers and lakes. It's fun and games till a special character or a fossil decides to spawn on them..!
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Moving back to the eastern cliffs: here are some hungry gnomes and Olaf's yard. I always gifted all of my dresses as well as dumbest pieces of furniture to Olaf. He took it all like a champ!
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I gave Mr. Resetti an extra job on Pan. (And a lazy bear compadre)
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A seasonal icy drink bar - with Al's ass cheeks in the background for everyone's viewing pleasure. Al was the very first villager I found on a mystery island on a rainy day. Seeing his silhouette in the rain, I legit thought he was some kind of zombie. I didn't invite him back then, but when I bumped into him again on my last villager hunt, I decided to take him. Mad lad has finally made it!
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Fuchsia's yard. A bit funky, but I still like it!
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And that's it! There's a bunch of other screenshots I wasn't able to fit in, like the absolutely glorious board drawings from my best friends. Don't worry though, they are safe and sound with me! Farewell, Pan. You were my introduction to Animal Crossing and even though I'm ready to move on, I will always remember you very fondly!
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exquisiteagony · 10 months
Post it!!
also @autopsy-im-ill
4147 words
Veera didn’t like this.
Absurdly, she knew that was a good thing. It meant they were getting close.
Around them, the trees grew thick and tangled, and the mud sucked at their boots. They’d been skirting the green mangroves along the stinking, still water for a day now, and Veera’s throat was itching from the alien air. Worse still were the lichen and fungus that clung to the trunks, all bone-pale and flecked with green and yellow and muddy orange. In the wet gloom they didn’t look like just fungus, but more sinister, like something was hiding under them.
They’d found nothing on Noxis, just some bored, sullen mechanics, though Veera hadn’t pushed too hard. She’d just asked some questions before they’d agreed to accept the mechanics’ MOT, bluntly stating she didn’t want them missing a chip in the glass screen or a fault with the fuel pipes or engines. I’m not dying on a routine patrol, she’d remarked, casual in her stolen uniform.
From Noxis they’d headed to Akkari, but that had yielded even less, so they’d changed into greens and travelled for another week. This was their last resort, but now she wanted to flee.
Jamie didn’t seem to share her trepidation. He stomped on through the mud ahead of her, surveying the path ahead. The forest was eerily silent apart from their splashing and stomping, and the occasional shing! and wet thuds as they hacked through vines. Veera didn’t like it at all.
Forests were meant to be havens full of life. Back home they were full of birds and badgers and foxes, with the occasional wild boar or deer. The air was alive with the sound of them, but this forest was simply silent. A silent forest meant danger, and she swore she could feel eyes on them, watching their slow muddy progress.
“I don’t like this,” she said eventually, clearing her throat.
Jamie’s splashing quietened. “It’s a forest,” he said, turning to face her. His voice was raspy like he throat was sore, too. “And you’re a forester. Surely you can’t be scared by a bunch of trees?”
Anger flickered in Veera’s chest, but she quashed it. Jamie was young, and cocky in the way of fresh pirates who thought themselves invincible. Time would season him, just as it had seasoned her. That and grief. “I don’t like this,” she repeated slowly, forcing her voice to evenness.
Jamie snorted then plodded off.
Dusk fell not long later. Jamie insisted on lighting a fire despite Veera’s protests, stepping away from the oppressive tangles of the mangroves to drier soil. Veera followed, shouldering her pack, and glared at his back like she might be able to stare a hole through him. The forest was silent, but it wasn’t abandoned, and whatever lay within these woods wouldn’t be friendly. A fire made them a target, and the very thought made her hackles rise.
But she sat, sullen, and ate her rations mechanically, one ear listening out. Beyond the yellow glow of the fire, she could hear things in the dark; moving animals and the occasional call of a night bird. Her unease shrank a little, but she still insisted on keeping first watch from up a tree.
Jamie rolled his eyes as she climbed. “If you’re so scared, why did you come?”
Veera thought about not replying, but she knew he wouldn’t let up. “Because Tuukka wasn’t stupid,” she said, straining to pull herself up. She’d kept herself well, but the years hadn’t been especially kind to her. “The Scarm wouldn’t have blown from a small skirmish, and we know it left Noxis. Something happened, and I don’t trust what they say about it.” She cleared her throat again, wanting to cough but not wanting to draw attention to their encampment.
“You think sabotage?” Something crafty slipped into Jamie’s voice, and Veera almost wanted to climb down and strangle him, knowing what he was about to say.
Sure enough, “you see conspiracies everywhere, Veera. You need to stop listening to Robin so much.” He said it like he was a wise old sage, not a somewhat promising smuggler of twenty two.
“You think too small,” she shot back. Jamie was the leader of this little expedition, as he captained a whole little crew operating back near Sakarna, but he was young and inexperienced, and he hadn’t lost anyone to this lifestyle yet. To him it was just a game, and she resented that innocence. “And Robin knows what he sees and hears.”
“Robin’s just jumpy,” Jamie replied. “I’d be too, if I was in his shoes. But someone needs to reign him in. He doesn’t need you stoking his paranoia.”
They’d argued this a thousand times on the way over here. Anger coursed through Veera. “It’s not paranoia if someone’s really out to get you,” she said sharply.
Jamie snorted again. It was a dreadful habit of his. “Who’s out to get him? The people he’s spying on?” he said, sardonic. “Anyway, I’ve got my watch in four hours. I want to get some sleep in. We’ve got a busy day ahead of us.”
Veera couldn’t argue that. The nights weren’t long, and tomorrow would be another day of trudging through mud and hoping nothing was tracking them. She pursed her lips and leant back against the trunk of the tree, watching out, listening for things under the crackling and cracking of the campfire.
An hour later she thought she heard cracking that was nothing to do with the campfire. She blinked into the darkness, peering hard. Her eyelids had been drooping, slumber trying to ensnare her, but now she was wide awake. She clutched at her blaster, wrapping her fingers around the scuffed old leather of its holster.
Yet nothing was out there. She heard nothing, saw nothing, felt nothing, and the rest of her shift passed in a haze of numbness and trepidation and nothing. She woke Jamie and he took watch, and she went to sleep hoping she’d awaken come dawn.
The next day was more of the same, only now she was alone and her sore throat was even worse, like hay fever had lodged in her throat instead of her nose and eyes. She and Jamie broke their fast together, but after that he turned further inland, parting with the message that he’d return at nightfall. She nodded, too sour to talk, and made a GPS tag for her nav-watch so she could find the camp, and then she was off too, following the river.
The river had clearly once flowed, but now it lay still and stagnant, stinking and swarming with bugs. Phytoplankton turned the water green, and algae turned it slimy, soggy logs floating like crocodiles. Veera plodded on.
The mud sucked at her filthy boots, too dense to be a proper marsh but enough to make walking hard. Her legs ached after a mere hour but still she followed the mud. Here it was wet enough that her boot prints were filled in before she’d made it another ten steps, and that helped set her mind at ease that she wasn’t being followed.
Even though the feeling of being watched never dispelled.
It could have been just bots or drones, but Veera knew better than to meekly accept the kindest answer. Robin never would have done, and neither would Tuukka. Robin was a scientist and Tuukka had been an analyst, and both knew that they were straying into danger.
Robin had embraced it. He’d accepted it and chosen it, staying careful, but Tuukka had turned his back on it to protect his crew.
And now they were all dead.
Three miles later, Veera saw something up ahead, just off to the side. She squinted, and then realised it was a fence. Ice ran through her veins, but she didn’t stop.
The fence was old, she saw, creeping closer and watching and listening for drones or bots or sentries. The metal was rusted and the spikes on top were flaky brown, but beyond it to her left she could see the grey wall of the facility. It looked abandoned, old and empty, but somehow she doubted it truly was. She carried on, drifting closer to dryer soil in case her footsteps were heard, and soon it was gone, faded through the jungle behind her.
Further north, she knew, was little more than temperate forests and bogs and marshes and fens. Beyond the trees would be damp grassland, the only break in the perpetual green the grey of great hulking facilities. All were centuries old and most were crumbling ruins, haunted by the devolutions of their experiments, but Robin had heard that some were still in use, and Veera knew Tuukka had passed this way, not long before the explosion.
It was a whim. She was going out on a limb, simply chasing the final point she could to see if Robin’s theory would pay off or not, but now she wished that she was wrong. Jamie was callous, but he was little more than a callow boy playing at being a pirate, and he wouldn’t find anything. He was a smuggler, after all, used to working below the Complex’s nose but not used to delving into anything.
Though he had followed her lead and not coughed at all.
But Veera knew she was on the right path. She couldn’t shake off her creeping dread, her trepidation, and so she was in the right. Tuukka ran into something and got in way over his head, and now he’s dead. All she could do was follow after him to try to figure it out for Robin and hope it wouldn’t kill her, too.
Once dusk was an hour away and the forest was already beginning to darken, she consulted her nav-watch. It pulled up the path she’d walked, and a press of a button had it light up a little laser point, showing her the direct way back to camp. Veera followed the red beam, only stopping once for a ration bar and some water despite how much her throat cried out for more.
She walked until her feet felt numb and the ache in her legs became the only companion she thought she’d ever truly known, and then she walked some more. Her throat itched worse than ever and she was so heartily sick of the colour green she’d happily never see it again, but she walked.
All in all, she’d walked nearly twenty miles before she made it back to camp. Jamie was waiting for her, one hand on his blaster. Unease trickled down her spine again, but she moved towards him anyway and slung her pack down and sat.
“There was a facility,” Jamie offered. “Eight miles away from here. There was a big fence, but it looked abandoned.”
“Same,” Veera grunted, rifling in her pack for water. “But I don’t think the one I saw was abandoned.”
“Why?” Jamie was sly and cocky again. She took a pull from her canteen, calming her temper.
“When you’ve been a pirate for as long as I have, you can often tell when something is abandoned or only looks that way,” she said.
Jamie snorted but didn’t refute her claim. She’d reminded him enough times on this mission that she’d been a pirate when he was still cradled in his mother’s arms and sucking down milk, and for years before then, too. After this mission, she’d return back home to Bruscha and sit and drink before the fire as her crew wished her a happy fiftieth, and she was determined to make her years count for something, especially when she had to answer to a gobby shit less than half her age.
Again, she took first watch. Again, she heard cracking in the silent forest beyond the campfire, and again her dread and experience told her she was making a dreadful mistake.
Again, nothing happened.
Jamie kept the second watch, and then they were off, back to the ship. They had little worth telling Robin, but Veera knew they’d come to the right place, and they should leave before they met their doom.
They were an hour away from the edge of the mangrove forest when there was one of those dreadful cracks.
Veera ducked behind a lichen-covered tree on instinct and peered around, crouching low to camouflage herself in the foliage. Jamie watched her, amused, but she ignored him, focusing on the trees around them.
There! Movement. She tried to follow it, but it kept flickering in and out of her field of vision, weaving between trees.
“Come on, Veera.” Jamie hadn’t seen anything. “Are you scared of broken branches?” It was the same taunt as two dinners again, and she rolled her eyes. “It’s not your feminine troubles, is it? I’ve heard it affects women your age.”
That was new, and rude enough that she almost burst free from the bush to slap him.
But there was more movement, and she began to creep away from Jamie, towards the distant forest edge. Their shuttle was a few hours walk away, but surely she could make it! She had to!
Then she saw it, lurching through the trees. It moved too fast for her to make out anything, leaving it as just a green-brown blur, blending in with the forest around them all.
Jamie didn’t see it. “Veera,” he said, drawing out her name. “Stop messing around. Let’s just go.”
She turned to face Jamie, mouth opening, but then she heard it.
A screech cut through the forest. It was loud and inhuman, like the rage of something lacking the rationale to reason with itself, and under the high sound she could hear a clacking noise, almost like a woodpecker’s drill.
What scared her most of all was how close it was.
“What the fuck was that?” Jamie said, fear giving his voice a sharp undertone.
“Let’s just go,” Veera said, already beginning to move.
And then it came into view.
It stumbled across a gap between the trees, it’s head green and brown and horned. What looked like yellowish pale antlers erupted from its skull, and its face looked to be armoured in strange brownish ridges of matter. It’s body was hulking and thick with more armour, and it stood maybe seven feet tall. It screeched again.
Whatever it was, it wasn’t human.
Then it was gone, lurching off between the trees.
Veera straightened up and started moving again, keeping an ear out for its noises. How it didn’t spot Jamie, she didn’t know, but she wasn’t going to risk it looping back around.
Within minutes, they were running. They had to put as much distance between them and the thing as possible, and Veera needed to think.
She’d never heard about aliens this close before. They were the denizens of the Deep, beyond the Smith’s Fire and the Midnight Cascade. They didn’t live in the Grey, a month behind the Hangar. They didn’t exist this close to home.
But the thing she’d seen couldn’t be anything else. It was too big, it’s torso the wrong shape, and nothing human could scream like that with the clacking undertone.
When they finally slowed to a walk, Veera didn’t think she’d ever had such a horrible coughing fit in all her life. She sucked in air through an aching throat, but instead of the sweet coolness of fresh oxygen, her lungs just seemed to hurt even worse. Jamie coughed too, but he was younger, and he recovered a bit faster.
He was ahead of her, and he turned to her once his coughing had ceased. His eyes widened until she could see the whites, pinprick twins of grey within, and his hand gravitated to his blaster.
Then she realised he was looking behind her. “What is it?” she asked, but then she heard it.
The sound was like the alien’s but there was no clacking beneath it, and there was a human note to its scream that was almost keening. She turned, and there it was.
It couldn’t be human. It couldn’t be, it was too horrible, humans didn’t look like that. But it wasn’t armoured, and its eyes were far too familiar, as bloodshot as they were. She reached for her blaster, and saw there were at least eight of them.
“Run!” Jamie cried, but he didn’t heed his own advice.
Veera did, hurtling past him as he made a stand to shoot as many as he could. Then he was running after her.
Every time he overtook her he slowed to shoot them in some semblance of chivalry, and every time he took one down two more seemed to appear. Veera’s vision blurred from terror, tears trying to flow, and she wiped her eyes as she ran. She had to stop a while later and cough in breath, but by then she’d made enough of a headstart that she could afford to breathe, and she shot one down. Another pull of the trigger and her blaster trembled, and she realised it was empty. She’d shot so many down, but she hadn’t remembered any of it, everything a blur.
Jaime shrieked, and when she turned she saw he was in the midst of them, so many clawing at him she couldn’t see where one ended and the next began, but he then broke away and sent four down to drown in the mud, the tree line behind them.
What are you? But her throat hurt after the thought, and she realised she’d wailed it aloud. She sobbed and ran on until her limbs were screaming and she had to slow.
They went like that for a while. Time lost all meaning to her, but then she could see their shuttle on the horizon, and the sob that crawled up her devastated throat was one of relief. A fresh rush of adrenaline spurred her on, and she almost couldn’t hear the sounds of Jamie’s blasts over the blood roaring in her ears. They were nearly safe, and that was all that mattered.
There was a huge marshy plain between them and the shuttle. It passed in what seemed like nothing and forever, and then she was opening the door as the things howled and bayed and screamed behind her. She and Jamie fell in and got the door closed, and they lay there on the floor, sucking in good clean air.
I told you, but she didn’t say it. She laughed instead until her throat was raw, listening to the things pounding at the door. They’d never get through, she was safe. They were both safe.
Lying on the floor next to her, Jamie raised his left arm. The green of his sleeve was darkened and browned, the fabric torn, and it took her mind a few moments to realise what she was seeing.
“You good?” she asked.
Jamie snorted. “I feel fine right now,” he said. “And we’ve got a first aid kit somewhere. I’m sure there’ll be enough disinfectant for me to drown myself in it.”
Veera started laughing again, and it was a miracle she didn’t hack up blood her throat and lungs hurt so bad. “Disinfect your arm, then.” The sooner they were off the godforsaken planet the better.
Jamie left to do just that, and Veera sighed, breathing on the floor. She sucked down some water and savoured it, letting its coldness seep into her and soothe her. Later she could have some honey-lemon tea, but for now it was enough. The things were pounding on the door, but it was strong, and they were beginning to lose interest. Now she and Jamie were safe, they could afford to spend the night, and then they’d flee. She’d rattle an encrypted message about the things off to Robin, and he could make of it what he would, but she’d wipe her hands of it. This was far behind her wheelhouse, and she could just go home and live out the rest of her life on decades of pirate earnings.
Jamie took his dinner from his rations, and she relocated to her cabin for her meal, her whole body sore after the mad long dash from the depths of the forest. They’d reconvene in the morning, but she was so tired, and her throat wasn’t getting any better. She needed to rest for a while, to see if sleep helped at all, and then she’d ask his help. He was injured, after all. It wasn’t fair to demand he help her, especially when she was only tired. She flopped down into her bunk and closed her eyes.
When she opened her eyes again, she felt so much worse.
Her head throbbed, the daylight pouring in not helping, and her throat hurt so bad she didn’t think she could even cry out. Breathing hurt, but she forced herself up. The medbay would have something she could use to help herself, and she and Jamie could set off and head back.
The final remnants of water from her pack helped. She got up and padded through to the shuttle’s pitiful kitchen, and made herself some tea.
In the morning light, the surface outside looked peaceful. No things were pounding at the door, only stumbling around like they were heading towards the forest, though the daylight hurt her head too much for her to properly make them out. Veera closed her eyes and sipped her tea, and then headed to the medbay.
She’d barely gotten the door open when Jamie attacked her.
He’d been crouched in the far corner, but he launched himself at her, and she backpedalled on instinct, decades of fighting taking over. She shut the door, catching a glimpse of his snarling, animalistic face, and it was like the things that had chased them, and she didn’t understand.
Then she retreated to her cabin.
The medbay doors beeped open, and she heard the pounding of his footsteps and the snarling of his breath as he chased after her. She slammed herself against the door button, and once it was shut she locked it from the inside, shaking.
What had happened? Jamie had gotten hurt, but that thing wasn’t Jamie. Jamie was annoying and insubordinate, he was louche and cocky and snarky. He was a massive thorn in her side, but he wasn’t violent. She closed her eyes and keened, her head throbbing, and when she opened her eyes again she realised she was sobbing. The door pounded in rhythm to her head, like her headache and Jamie were one and the same, and she crumpled to the floor and sobbed.
Outside it grew brighter and darker and brighter again. The pounding had stopped, and it was getting dark again, but she couldn’t leave her cabin. She felt worse, her cough progressing to the point where she wanted to rip her own throat out, but Jamie was still out there. She was sick, and she was old, and she had no chance against Jamie.
Outside is my only salvation.
It was madness. She knew it, but she couldn’t stay here. She’d run out of rations, but maybe there was something outside she could eat from, and if she was lucky there would be a fast flowing river with sweet water. The forest canopy would be her tent, and she could dance through the forests, keeping to the shadows like it was a game.
So she opened the emergency release for the window and clambered out. It was a whole labour. Veera felt weaker than she could ever remember being, as weak as a kitten, and she fell down to the ground. The fall jarred her bones, driving the breath from her lungs, but she was outside and free.
The air had never tasted so sweet. Veera closed her eyes and turned her face up to the breeze, savouring it before she stood. The things lingered nearby, like they were hunting, but she paid them no mind, walking away from the shuttle. Her throat hurt, her lungs hurt, her head hurt, but it was okay. She would be okay. This was all fine, and she thought she might live forever.
Her fear returned when the things all looked at her, their arms hugging around themselves, but they looked away, disinterested, and her fear receded. It was replaced by emptiness, and that emptiness turned to a hollowness within her. She walked onwards, stumbling, and then she was in marshland, and the mud sucked at her feet until one boot came off, but she didn’t care. Her head hurt, but she shrugged it off. Her throat and lungs hurt, but that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that hollow, gnawing itself bigger within her. She shivered, arms coming close to close over her stomach, and walked.
She was very hungry.
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ghoulcountry · 9 months
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8)K my oc ghost and @monstarparker's oc fae, made by giving each other 3 emojis and having to make a character based off of them
i remember getting a ghost and a lightning bolt but tbh i don't remember the 3rd,,
in the end i made a hitman for hire whose "professional" name is ghost. their real name is shay fox, and they have a thing for guns and minding their own damn business. they were raised well below the poverty line by a neglectful father and chronically sick mother, gained a reputation for anger and lashing out, and just barely avoided joining the military for last resort cash and housing in their early 20s thanks to an accident that left them unable to serve (they got hit by fukken uhhh lightning. and now have one of those sick scars on their shoulder/down their back). desperate and one step away from being homeless, they stumbled their way into a. career?? path? yeah. sure. a career path that could make 'em a load of money quick. their dad was a hobby hunter who tried to get them into it, and while they weren't fond of killing deer they turned out to be a pretty good shot.
now in their late 30s/early 40s they've reached a state of semi-retirement. they've amassed an honestly fuckin ridiculous collection of weapons. just kinda like. for funsies rly at this point. they have like 2 or 3 guns they use for work and it's mostly just the one sniper 'cause they've gotten so good at this shit they don't need to rely on their closer range ones much at all. they're in high demand and able to choose which jobs they take, which makes them picky and self-important. u wouldn't rly know it by how they live, tho, since they live in a smaller house in a cheaper suburb. the majority of their paychecks go to their dumbass collection or their mom. they handle her medical bills and pay for her house and live-in caretaker. they tell her they work as a night guard at a bank 'cause it was the only lie they could come up with that sounded anywhere near plausible fjdfdjs
fae's their gremlin ass cannibal bf i'll let parker talk abt him uwu
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septicgentleman · 1 year
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Vitae Gargantua, or the Giant of Life, is a massive stingray-like creature that freely roams the skies above the land, unbothered by and uncaring of all life around it. It is the only one of its kind, unmatched in sheer size by any other airborne creature in Aberrant Earth. It slowly soars perpetually, never touching down upon the earth, somehow without the need for rest nor sustenance. Gargantua flies aimlessly through the skies, its only indirect interaction with anything else being its occasional expulsion of a massive rain of blood-like substance, heretofore referred to as ‘lifeblood’.
Lifeblood pours down from the many holes on Gargantua’s underside in several-minutes-long bursts every few days or so. The lifeblood carries highly regenerative properties, able to heal any wound in a matter of seconds via direct physical application. When Gargantua rains down the lifeblood, it will coat a grand stretch of land beneath it in the substance, painting it a sickly red. As the lifeblood stagnates from exposure to the open air, it loses its regenerative properties within a matter of hours, whereupon it becomes nothing more than a gross blood-like substance, washed away by rain over time.
Wherever Vitae Gargantua flies, carnage exists beneath it. This is not because of Gargantua itself, but rather, what follows in its wake - the Bloody Parade.
The Bloody Parade is a traveling procession of myriad different creatures, all having consumed so much of Gargantua’s addictive lifeblood that their minds have become permanently addled by its regenerative effects, forcing them into a trance-like state. They gather together and follow closely behind Gargantua as it flies, catching the lifeblood as it rains down upon them, lapping it up in the puddles ahead. Where once there would be immediate hostility between these creatures, their addiction unites them together within the Parade. Regular imbibement of the lifeblood not only keeps them alive, but also gradually morphs their bodies in often horrific manner, turning them bloated and red. Examples seen in the images include the following:
Parade Needlemaidens experience a major overproduction of meat on their bodies, far surpassing that of their needles.
Parade Slittershades’ skin slowly transitions from black to a deep red, and their head tentacles will fuse together in some spots.
Parade Briarwargs become engorged and pulpy with blood. Alphas’ secondary thorns around their necks will quickly fall out as the sacks holding them become bloated and loose.
Parade Phonomimics grow fat and sluggish very quickly, resorting to crawling forward on their hands and knees with the Parade. Additionally, they appear to lose all of their audio mimicry ability, instead replacing them with a singular constant, droning, almost heavy breathing-like sound. Every Parade Phonomimic makes this sound in unison - the ‘marching tune’ of the Parade, as it were.
Parade Grovelords retain their animal magnetism even in their lifeblood-addled stupor. Smaller fauna that get caught in the Parade will crowd around them, staying so close that they gradually fuse to the gore that builds up on their limbs and antlers. Parade Grovelords end up with squirrels and chipmunks and the like stuck to their legs, while the wings of birds stick out of their antlers.
Parade Razorheads only experience minor malformation and color changing of their outer metal roots, but their inner meaty roots rapidly expand and multiply from exposure to the lifeblood, causing them to become a heavy sponge-like bundle and burst with split-ends out of the body.
Regular wildlife also make up space in the Parade. Boars, deer, bears, wolves, etc. will not experience as drastic of physical changes as creatures, but march with the Parade all the same.
Everything in the Bloody Parade will viciously attack organisms that are not part of the Parade, should any stand in their path. But beyond this, all they do is tirelessly follow in Gargantua’s wake, caring only for when they can next partake of the lifeblood. In the event that Gargantua flies over a steep mountain range, or a coastline before a major body of water, or any similarly insurmountable obstacle, the Parade will heap together in a great red pile, immobile. Without Gargantua’s sustenance to keep them alive, they eventually keel over and expire, ending up as a massive pile of rotting, varied cadavers. The current Bloody Parade ends in unceremonious fashion - and a new Bloody Parade will later form elsewhere under Gargantua’s shadow.
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faux-ee · 2 years
i have this story idea where nikolai served fyodor poisoned tea and fyodor was able to detect it and nikolai was like 'that's what i like about you, you're able to detect the poison' AND I'D LOVE TO SEE YOUR VERSION OF IT WJDJWKDJ
fam im sorry this took me so long but i love ur idea so much and ended up creating this dumpster fire of a one-shot; please enjoy!
Also sorry that i replaced tea with wine 😭 I just thought that since they were Russians I want to see them drink like Russian men. Like, smashing glasses and yelling huzzah and killing bears, you know. I apologize for my shameless adherence to dumb stereotypes.
content warning: choking, implied sexual content
On one of those seemingly endless nights, Fyodor was, as usual, resigned to writing incessantly along to the insistent rapping of snowflakes against the windowpane. He was bored, he realized; bored of making plans that would always be realized, of set paths and decided tracks. Yet he had no choice - he had an ability that assigned him the work of god, and who was he to defy the hands fate had dealt him with?
A crack suddenly sounded from the door behind him; he turned his head slightly to inspect, and saw that the person who stumbled through was no other than Nikolai Gogol, with, most unexpectedly, a goblet dangling in his loose fist, the glass of which tainted a deep magenta by the content within. His eyes, though, were still lit with a foxy glint. Fyodor could not recollect of any other time Nikolai had resorted to drinking. The clown hated anything that messed with his brain, hated to lose sense of himself under the influence of any substance, and lived himself to be, ironically, quite the stoic. His Kolya was like this: he was a vortex of the most contradictory qualities, struggling to stay true to his strange, fascinating character, with that permanent, mocking smile crested onto his sharp features.
And so Fyodor watched his companion quietly, watching how those heterochromic eyes greedily, piously drank him in, fervent as a maniac’s rambling prayer. This was one of the rare moments Nikolai had allowed himself the loss of control; his cheeks were flushed, hair tousled, saturated eyes reminiscent of the autumn sky. He was donned with a sort of childish wretchedness, as if he had despaired of the world before he had even seen the whole of it.
Nikolai raised his cup to level with Fyodor’s lips, fingers trembling as he mindlessly muttered, Fedya, Fedya. All it took was one look for Fyodor to realize that the wine was definitely poisoned. He was at once hit with a mixture of worry and amusement; worry that Nikolai might have taken poison himself on a whim with the intent to die, and amused that his lethal partner would be so naive as to believe that Fyodor - the god incarnate, the messiah - could be easily taken out by poisoned wine.
He took the goblet from Nikolai’s grasp, and downed it in one go, creasing his brows at the potent taste. Fyodor then reached out and laid an icy palm against the side of Nikolai’s neck, taking note of the sudden cleansing of that intoxicated fog from the clown’s wide eyes. As soon as Gogol was awaken from his alcoholic stupor, his face displayed a rushed film-like progression of emotions: first consternation, then terror, and finally a look of remorse with which the glow in his pupils snuffed out. Nikolai struggled against Fyodor’s hold like a wounded deer in capture, and yet his dear friend only tightened his hold, cold fingers pressing relentlessly upon his trachea.
“Kolya, pray tell, what should I do with you?” Fyodor said with a bitter smile; with how fast and thunderously blood was rushing through his veins, for the first time, he almost felt human. Driven by a morbid sense of curiosity, he pressed in further, just to see what would happen. Nikolai’s pupils were blown wide; from inside his throat squeezed out a breathless pant.
Fyodor loosened his grip ever so slightly, staring incredulously at the scene in front of him. He would’ve clapped for Kolya, he thought; he would’ve applauded him for his audacity to welcome such a painful death, as if his troubled heart found solace in his world’s magnificent end.
Nikolai let out a dry laugh. “Even if you kill me now, I would be doomed to never achieve the freedom I crave.” His voice resounded in the all-encompassing, terrifying silence. “You made me feel such things, Fedya, feelings I could neither ignore nor escape from. I…I hate you. I have no idea what to do.” He then dropped into a woeful mutter, as if thinking out loud. “I should…dig you a grave. That is the only way.”
He then smiled a twisted smile, large droplets of tears sliding off his cheeks, so sudden and natural they felt dishonest, as if some meaningless animalistic reflex. He casted an apprehensive glance at Fyodor again, one of immense trust and adoration. Their hearts beat against each other, singing in tandem a frivolous ballad of flesh and blood.
“The words you just said about hating me, please say them again.” There came a gentle whisper against the fragile of Nikolai’s earshell. He drew a few more ragged breaths, helplessly grabbing onto the front of Fyodor’s shirt like a drowning man. “My dear Kolya.”
“I hate you,” Nikolai obeyed him, raising his voice out of sheer stubbornness, “I hate you, I hate you so!”
Fyodor raised his hand again, a passive gesture that meant no harm, and let it fall to rest upon Nikolai’s trembling lips. The chirps of his canary were gradually muffled. Tenderly, he led Nikolai into a soothing embrace, dropping light kisses against the wetness of his fluttering eyelashes. With the same tender devotion, he guided Nikolai to the side of his bed, their bodies still a tangled mess. Look up, Kolya, he said to his unsuccessful assassin, who complied with his request, docile as a lamb. Nikolai’s fearless gaze wandered the ceiling in disrepair: the half still intact was covered with dappled egg paint, depicting a star-crossed couple frolicking through hellish flames. The other half, which housed a framed skylight encaging several large shards of glass, had let through a cold, bright collection of stars into the clown’s eyes, which were slowly being robbed of their focus by an ecstasy of heaven. For a moment they were content being rebellious angels who, in a night drenched in death and lust, willingly condemned themselves to the earth.
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aqueluna · 2 years
Prompt 23 - Pitch
Cw: Body horror involving animals, general grotesquery
In a pale forest, disparate verdant greens, withered browns and ominous crimsons united, tied together by the snowfall ever threatening to bury them beneath a blanket of white nothingness, now rose two other dominating hues. A raging, tempestuous orange that scorched away all in its path and in its wake, flittering, dancing amidst the embers - grey ashes. This was the ancient forest’s swansong and its guardians would sooner see it burn than succumb to the carrion swarming from its heart.
From the numerous timber rope-bridges and platforms ringing the primordial evergreens together forming an elevated Veena village, the inhabitants threw, shot and poured their last defiance into the forest that was once their home. Coal-tar pitch, the reek of it stinging the nostrils of Viera and voidsent alike as it landed amidst the branches, boughs of lesser trees, on the forest floor below and occasionally on groups of the swarming carrion-things, howling and screaming as their borrowed, cadaverous bodies subsequently caught aflame.
Though the voidsent that had mastered the use of foetid wings, powerful leaping legs and other tools that enabled them to begin to rapidly ascend towards the villagers they so loathed fared, the majority of their ilk were stuck below, unable to escape the rapidly spreading, burning swamp of pitch that would erase their moment of triumph and a crushing defeat for the Veena both.
 Deer-things brayed and wailed as their bodies were consumed, bear-things thrashed and rolled, the limp patches of fur clinging to their rotting cadavers only all the more thickly covered in burning pitch. Fox-things darted and wove between their crumbling brethren, but could do little more than postpone the inevitable.
A particularly withered carrion creature that might have once been a stag hesitated, empty eyesockets staring up at the village above, brimming with aether, with the foe that had brought his life to an end time and time again, returning it to a writhingly cramped prison at the forest’s heart. Hesitation… he hadn’t thought to hesitate for so long, why did he…?
“You are not an animal,” a voice as soft as silk, as gentle as a mother to her newborn whispered not into what little remained of the carrion stag’s ears, but almost directly into his borrowed skull - no, into his very being. He turned his head to consider himself, rotten flesh overgrown with blooming, rubicund blooms, bones twisted and misshapen, mouth and throat ill-suited for forming words, but he managed to hack out grotesquely all the same, “V-Voidsent…?” He knew as much, real animals were born, he had to resort to taking a body each time he managed to writhe his soul from the tree. But he’d not thought about it in so long…
“Fie, fie! You are a man, a knight - consigned to a terrible, terrible fate,” the voice chided ever so gently. Fragmented, half-lost memories flooded through the voidsent’s mind, wrenched forth from the deepest part of his being. His father gifting him his first sword, the smell of fresh-baked bread, the sound of singing, words lost to time, of loss… a loss so deep, so without parallel in its magnitude that it threatened to rend his very being apart. The once-knight turned his gaze to consider the other carrion, many had begun to hesitate, to quiver and shake, muttering and grunting.
If he was not an animal, if he was a man - then... the thought began, only for a doe-thing to seemingly reach a similar conclusion to his left. With sickening "CRACK!" after sickening "CRACK!" she bent her cadaverous body upwards, rising to clumsily stand on two legs - seizing with her front hooves a spear hurled down from the village above, dipping it in burning pitch and hurling it back!
Though it didn't quite hit its mark, hooves ill-suited even when bipedal to throwing things, it was enough for the others to begin following suit. Discarded bows were seized, branches were snatched and spears were pulled free, the once-knight electing for the latter-most as the "CRACK!" of his body joined the chorus, setting it aflame in burning pitch. If the Veena wanted to play with fire, they would show them fire and burn to cinders together.
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The Art of Landscape Design: Transforming Outdoor Spaces
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Landscape design is greater than simply growing a couple of blossoms and mowing the yard. It is an art kind that includes creating and arranging outside spaces to produce attractive and useful areas. Whether you have a little yard or a vast estate, landscaping can boost the visual appeal of your residential property and boost its worth.
When it comes to landscape design, there are numerous opportunities to discover. From producing rich yards and winding paths to building water features and outside home, the options are limitless. A well-designed landscape can not only enhance the aesthetic charm of your residential property however additionally supply an area for relaxation, home entertainment, and recreation.
One of the crucial aspects of landscape design is understanding the components of layout. This includes principles such as balance, proportion, unity, and contrast. By meticulously considering these concepts, deer park landscaping experts can develop unified and visually attractive outdoor spaces that mirror the customer's choices and way of life.
Another essential factor to consider in landscaping is the selection of plants and materials. Different plants have varying maintenance needs, light and water needs, and growth habits. Choosing the right plants for your environment and dirt conditions is crucial for the success of your landscape style. In a similar way, choosing ideal products for hardscaping elements such as patio areas, sidewalks, and keeping walls is important for durability and appearances. Visit this webpage to get deer park best landscaping experts.
To conclude, landscape design is an innovative and fulfilling venture that can transform your outside spaces into gorgeous and useful locations. Whether you like a serene yard resort, a lively amusement location, or a lasting landscape style, specialist landscaping companies can help bring your vision to life. By incorporating creativity with functionality, landscape design can transform any kind of outside area into a true oasis. Find out more details in relation to this topic here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landscaping.
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streamedge12 · 1 month
10 Adventure Activities near Streamedge Homestay, Sakleshpur
Nestled amidst the verdant hills of Sakleshpur, Streamedge Homestay offers more than just a cozy retreat; it's a base camp for an unforgettable adventure! After a restful night surrounded by nature's embrace, gear up to explore the plethora of sakleshpur resorts with Adventure activities with that await you. Here's your guide to 10 heart-pounding experiences, all within easy reach of Streamedge Homestay.
Trekking Paradise:
Manjeera Gudda:Embark on a moderate trek to the peak of Manjeera Gudda, where breathtaking panoramic views of the Western Ghats will leave you awestruck.
Ombattu Gudda (Nine Hills):Challenge yourself with a more strenuous trek to Ombattu Gudda, a cluster of nine hillocks offering stunning vistas and diverse flora and fauna.
Waterfall Wonders:
Kanchana Ganga:Witness the cascading beauty of Kanchana Ganga, a multi-tiered waterfall surrounded by lush greenery. Take a refreshing dip in the natural pool at its base.
Manjehalli Waterfalls: Nestled amidst coffee plantations, Manjehalli Waterfalls offers a scenic escape. Pack a picnic lunch and enjoy a relaxing afternoon by the cascading waters.
Off the Beaten Path:
Manjarabad Fort: Explore the ruins of the historic Manjarabad Fort, perched atop a hill. Soak in the panoramic views and delve into the rich history of the region.
Bisle View Point:Hike up to Bisle View Point and be mesmerized by the breathtaking vista of three mountain ranges - Doddabetta, Kumaraparvatha, and Yenikallu Betta.
Unique Experiences:
Coffee Plantation Tour: Immerse yourself in the aromatic world of coffee by visiting a nearby coffee plantation. Learn about the bean-to-brew process and savor a cup of freshly brewed coffee amidst the lush greenery.
Night Safari:Embark on a thrilling night safari in a jeep and witness nocturnal animals like spotted deer, elephants, and even tigers (with a bit of luck) in their natural habitat.
For the Adrenaline Junkie:
White Water Rafting: For the truly adventurous, test your mettle by white water rafting on the Kumaradhara River. Navigate through exciting rapids and experience the rush of adrenaline.
Mountain Biking: Explore the scenic trails surrounding Sakleshpur on a mountain bike. Traverse through coffee plantations, conquer challenging terrains, and create lasting memories.
The Streamedge Advantage:
Located amidst this playground of adventure, Streamedge Homestay offers the perfect place to unwind after a day of exploration. Savor delicious home-cooked meals, relax in the serene ambiance, and share stories of your adventures by the bonfire.
Plan your escape to Streamedge Homestay today and transform your Sakleshpur trip into an unforgettable adventure!
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hegelundladegaard01 · 1 month
Hotels In Alberta, Canada Find Hotels
Power providers whose offerings embrace the RRO may even be asked to do more to inform Albertans about their choices. Companies must contact prospects within ninety days of starting electrical energy providers on the RRO to affirm they know what fee they're on, and whether they're conscious they can change. This hotel in Red Deer, Alberta is 10 minutes from Alberta Sports Hall of Fame Museum. The companies will be in talks with the provincial authorities about the particulars of the proposed changes earlier than they turn into official subsequent 12 months. Neudorf stated the requirement would also apply to prospects already on the RRO. Utility corporations may even need to remind customers about their options on month-to-month bills. The alis website is maintained by Alberta Seniors, Community and Social Services as a cross-government collaboration to support the lifelong profession, studying, and employment journeys of Albertans. The best possible small city restaurant to be present in Alberta. The Village of Cremona was based in 1906. He mentioned the objective is to end the confusion concerning the term "regulated" for an electricity possibility that may actually be unstable. Over the previous yr, the RRO spiked as excessive as 32 cents per kilowatt hour, adding as a lot as massive utility payments for many Albertans. At the same time, prospects on fixed-rate contracts with aggressive retailers may need rates decrease than 10 cents per kilowatt hour. Find all the Alberta government companies and data you need. Get prompt entry to in style companies, franchises, industry recommendation and special presents. We have more than 70 million property evaluations, and so they're all from actual, verified guests. hotels alberta & Suites hotel is positioned between Highways three and four on the path to Medicine Hat, Crowsnest Pass and the Coutts border crossing into the U.S.A. Located 37 mi from the Town of Jasper, Jasper Gates Resort offers rustic log cabins and motel accommodations. USB wall sockets are great for vacationers from Europe - no need for adapters for charging telephones. Located in Spruce Grove, 13 miles from West Edmonton Mall, Super eight by Wyndham Spruce Grove has accommodations with a shared lounge, free private parking, a restaurant and a bar. Located in Sherwood Park, eleven miles from Shaw Conference Centre, Four Points by Sheraton Sherwood Park has accommodations with free bikes, free private parking, a fitness heart and a restaurant. Water in its varied types has shaped the dramatic surroundings and continues to create serene landscapes. Luxury hotels and resorts in Ontario are nice choices for spoiling your self with a calming getaway with out having to pay for a airplane ticket. "There's nothing on this plan to guard residents this summer season from the kind of massive value spikes we noticed final summer season," she said. You might not know the name, but you’ll most likely recognise the view. Here are some luxury hotels and resorts you must try on your next getaway. Madeline Smith is a reporter with CBC Edmonton, masking enterprise and technology. She was previously a well being reporter for the Edmonton Journal and a city corridor reporter for the Calgary Herald and StarMetro Calgary. She obtained a World Press Freedom Canada citation of benefit in 2021 for an investigation into Calgary metropolis council expense claims. Calgary Tower presents far-reaching views, and Stephen Avenue at its feet is lined with eating places and bars. 17 Avenue also offers good nightlife, while the Chinook Centre and Barclay Parade have a host of shops. The Core shopping centre includes Devonian Gardens, reportedly the world’s largest indoor gardens. Located in Medicine Hat, TownePlace Suites by Marriott Medicine Hat has barbecue amenities. Featuring free bikes, the 3-star hotel has air-conditioned rooms with free WiFi. Offering free WiFi, a satellite TV is offered in all units. Jasper town middle is 30 minutes’ drive away. Located in the coronary heart of Jasper National Park, this hotel offers on-site eating and an indoor pool and hot tub. This Red Deer hotel is positioned on Highway 2 and is 10 minutes’ drive from the Red Deer Art Gallery. Located off Highway 16, this nonsmoking hotel contains a restaurant and bar. A microwave and refrigerator are offered in each room. Located in Jasper, this property offers a seasonal out of doors pool and hot tub.
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vannrajresorts · 2 months
Booking an Unforgettable Safari Adventure at Pench National Park
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Imagine the sun rising over a vast expanse of wilderness, casting a golden hue on the rugged terrain. The air is crisp, and the anticipation is palpable. You’re about to embark on a safari adventure in Pench National Park, where nature’s drama unfolds in every rustle of leaves and distant call of a bird. Welcome to a world where tigers roam freely, and the forest whispers its secrets.
Why Pench National Park?
Pench National Park, located in central India, straddles the states of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. It’s not just another wildlife sanctuary; it’s a living canvas where Rudyard Kipling’s “The Jungle Book” came to life. Here, the elusive Bengal tiger shares its kingdom with leopards, sloth bears, spotted deer, and a myriad of avian species. The park’s diverse ecosystem, with its teak forests, grasslands, and meandering rivers, promises an unforgettable safari experience.
Booking Your Safari
Plan Ahead: Pench National Park is a popular destination, especially during peak seasons. To secure your spot, book your safari well in advance. The park offers both morning and afternoon safaris, each with its unique charm. Whether you’re an early riser or a sunset seeker, there’s a safari for you.
Choose Your Zone: Pench is divided into multiple zones, and each has its own character. Tread the paths where Mowgli once roamed in the Turia zone. Explore the Karmajhiri zone, known for its picturesque landscapes and diverse wildlife. Or venture into the Wolf Sanctuary zone, where the elusive striped cats often reveal themselves.
Accommodation Matters: After a day of thrilling encounters, you’ll want a comfortable retreat. Consider staying at one of the jungle resorts near Pench. These lodges blend seamlessly with nature, offering cozy cottages, delectable meals, and expert naturalists who share their insights. One such resort is Vannraj Resorts, where luxury meets the wild.
The Safari Experience
As your jeep enters the forest, the world transforms. The scent of damp earth mingles with the promise of adventure. Keep your eyes peeled—the forest is full of surprises:
Tiger Tales: The tiger, a symbol of strength and grace, may reveal itself stealthily. Your heart races as you glimpse those mesmerizing stripes through the foliage.
Leopard’s Lair: Leopards, equally elusive, perch on tree branches, surveying their domain. Their golden eyes lock onto yours, leaving an indelible mark.
Birdwatcher’s Paradise: Pench boasts over 285 bird species. Spot the vibrant Indian roller, the majestic crested serpent eagle, and the elusive paradise flycatcher.
Deer Diaries: Sambar deer, chital, and barking deer graze peacefully. Their presence adds rhythm to the forest symphony.
Conservation and You
By booking a safari, you contribute to conservation efforts. The park’s guardians work tirelessly to protect its inhabitants. Remember, every click of your camera supports their cause
A safari in Pench National Park is more than a vacation; it’s a soul-stirring encounter with the wild. So pack your binoculars, charge your camera, and let the forest weave its magic. And when you’re ready to book your safari, visit Vannraj Resorts for an authentic jungle experience. The call of the wild awaits—will you answer?
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sundarban02 · 2 months
Embark on an Exciting Adventure with Sundarbanlokenathtravels!
Are you ready for an unforgettable journey into the heart of nature's marvel? Look no further than Sundarbanlokenathtravels, your gateway to the mystical beauty of the Sundarbans!
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1. Discover the Magic of Sundarbans Prepare to be mesmerized as you step into the enchanting world of the Sundarbans, a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its rich biodiversity and stunning landscapes.
2. Tailored Tour Packages With Sundarbanlokenathtravels, you have the freedom to choose from a variety of tour packages designed to suit every traveler's preferences and budget.
3. Expert Guides at Your Service Our team of experienced guides are passionate about the Sundarbans and are dedicated to making your adventure both safe and unforgettable.
4. Thrilling Wildlife Encounters Get up close and personal with majestic Royal Bengal Tigers, playful dolphins, elusive deer, sundarban tour package and a myriad of bird species as you explore the wilderness of the Sundarbans.
5. Unique Cultural Experiences Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of the Sundarbans with our specially curated cultural experiences, including traditional dance performances and visits to local villages.
6. Luxurious Accommodation Options Relax and unwind in comfort after a day of adventure with our range of luxurious accommodation options, from cozy cottages to riverside resorts.
7. Delicious Local Cuisine Indulge your taste buds with mouthwatering local delicacies prepared with fresh ingredients sourced from the Sundarbans' rich ecosystem.
8. Explore Hidden Gems Discover hidden gems and secret spots off the beaten path with our knowledgeable guides, ensuring you experience the Sundarbans like never before.
9. Photography Paradise Capture breathtaking moments and stunning landscapes with our photography-friendly tours, led by guides who know all the best angles and lighting.
10. Eco-Friendly Practices At Sundarbanlokenathtravels, we are committed to sustainable tourism practices, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy the beauty of the Sundarbans.
11. Safe and Secure Travel Your safety is our top priority. Rest assured knowing that our tours are conducted with the highest standards of safety and security.
12. Family-Friendly Adventures Create lasting memories with your loved ones as you embark on family-friendly adventures tailored to entertain and educate visitors of all ages.
13. Romantic Getaways Escape to the tranquility of the Sundarbans with your special someone and experience moments of romance against the backdrop of nature's splendor.
14. Flexible Booking Options With Sundarbanlokenathtravels, booking your dream adventure is easy and hassle-free. Enjoy flexible booking options to suit your schedule.
15. Unforgettable Sunsets Witness breathtaking sunsets painting the sky in hues of orange and pink as you cruise along the tranquil waters of the Sundarbans.
16. Adventure Activities Get your adrenaline pumping with a range of adventure activities, including jungle treks, boat safaris, and thrilling wildlife encounters.
17. Educational Experiences Learn about the rich biodiversity and fragile ecosystem of the Sundarbans through interactive educational experiences led by our expert guides.
18. Customized Itineraries Tailor your adventure to your preferences with customized itineraries designed to maximize your enjoyment and exploration of the Sundarbans.
19. Group Tours Gather your friends, family, sundarban tour package or colleagues and embark on an exciting group tour of the Sundarbans, creating memories to last a lifetime.
20. 24/7 Customer Support Our dedicated customer support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any inquiries or concerns, ensuring a seamless and stress-free travel experience.
Don't miss out on the adventure of a lifetime with Sundarbanlokenathtravels! Book your tour today and let the magic of the Sundarbans enchant you!
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