#De Mond
blikkiesvis · 2 years
Big Swell, Oh Well
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
I was woken up last night by a sound like a machine gun being fired... loud clak-clak-clak that went on for like 10 seconds and I sat in bed completely bewildered because my brain couldn't come up with a plausible explanation for it. Then I remembered about the thunderstorm warning and thought oh shit, the greenhouse. It could possibly be the sound of thick glass cracking and breaking after a branch fell on it...?
I ran outside in my pyjamas and found the greenhouse intact—then thought oh shit, the chicken coop. Had no idea how a chicken coop could produce such a noise but I ran there anyway, and the coop was fine. It was a dry storm, lots and lots of wind but no rain or hail and I stood there uselessly for a moment, trying to think of other explanations with my 3am brain (not easy), then went to check on the llamas just in case, and I found all three of them standing with very alert ears, staring at a fallen tree—one of the four very tall wild cherries in their pasture.
So that was a relief ! From where I was I couldn't see if the tree had crashed on the fence and destroyed a chunk of it, it seemed possible but I decided that was a problem for tomorrow-me, and in any case it could have been worse. The fact that Pampe was still here boded well (for the integrity of the fence)—but seeing as the llamas were lined up in front of the tree like mourners paying their respects at a funeral, maybe she just felt that taking advantage of the tree's misfortune to immediately escape via the opening created by its prostrate body would be inappropriate.
First thing I saw this morning when I opened my bedroom window was the fallen tree, and I started feeling less optimistic because from afar things really didn't look promising for my poor fence.
(And from up close either)
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But the tree missed the fence by just a few metres!
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Its branches were tangled up with the other trees' branches and I think some of them slowed its fall until they broke one by one, which would explain the prolonged cracking noises, it wasn't just the trunk. But only 1 branch fell on the fence and it wasn't a large one, so there's no damage!
The God of Fences was on my side last night. :)
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Consulted on whether he had been frightened by that loud sinister noise in the middle of the night, Pirlouit declined to comment, as he has more tragic problems right now. Our neighbour made hay recently which means Pirou now has several tonnes of hay staring at him and taunting him just outside his pen, out of reach. He is in a bad mood for reasons that have nothing to do with a stupid tree. It's like if you had to live right outside a pastry shop's window, except worse because you're a donkey (they already find life unfair as it is.)
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I wonder if the wild cherry tree will soldier on...? Its roots + part of the trunk are still intact, and there are fallen trees in the forest with only 1 toe still in the ground who take their fate pretty philosophically and just start growing perpendicularly, like okay I guess we're sending our branches in that direction now. I'm going to leave it here and see if it rallies. I think it actually looks pretty breezy right now, it kind of looks like this:
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Good luck, wild cherry! Let's see if you still have some life in you...
Oh and since we had a new obstacle, I tried to check if Pandolf remembered the word "Saute !" (Jump) and he does! We did it a bunch of times because I was trying to make him understand that I wanted 1 majestic jump and not his lazy 2-steps solution, but I didn't manage to explain it.
Maybe if I said "no :/" instead of "good great what a dog!!" he would think harder about how to improve his technique, but I'd rather fluff up his ego. Even that ridiculous failure at the end was met with a "yes amazing!!" response from me and he felt like an agility champion instead of a bumbling bag of fur. I'm going to try and get him to find his balance and walk on this part of the trunk, so I expect to see a lot more of his "argh, oops, wait" facial expression :)
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clove-pinks · 3 months
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Gavarni men from Journal des Gens du Monde, c. 1830s.
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sictransitgloriamvndi · 8 months
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geekgirles · 3 months
I'm rewatching the episodes in French and Dathura hasn't made a reappearance has she? She just up and vanished.
Sorry to keep you waiting. First I had to take some screenshots and then my laptop's battery was always on the verge of giving out, so I couldn't just sit down and answer sooner.
But honestly, yeah! I actually wanted to point that out too!
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Compared to the rest of the Brotherhood of the Forgotten, Dathura's disappearance is just plain weird. I watched an interview where Tot revealed that, unlike what the Kickstarter trailer might suggest, the demigods wouldn't really play a major role in season 4. And honestly, that's fair. Given the show is about the Brotherhood or the Tofu and, more importantly, they had just learned their purpose in life ended up being their being manipulated by a megalomaniac with daddy issues, realistically, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with action for a while either.
There's of course the fact that each of them asked to be sent to completely different locations and had very different goals. For example, Coqueline, Kali, and Sipho just wanted to pick up the pieces of what Oropo and especially Echo started and live as a family. And despite both of them ending up in Bonta, Ush wanted nothing to do with Black Bump.
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Which makes Dathura's disappearance from the main plot all that weirder. Because she is about the only demigoddes who has any business participating in the main plot by virtue of her actually being there.
Seriously, once again, the Sadida Kingdom is at the very centre of everything. They're the Nécromes main, or at least first, target. And yet, there is no sign of Dathura helping out as the powerful demigoddess she is despite her accepting Amalia's invitation to live in the kingdom and even going as far as remaining by her side the entirety of the third episode.
She was never even introduced to Armand and Aurora despite both of them being there when Amalia returned with her. Made all the more jarring by the fact that she remained by the princess' side even as she mourned her father's death and the next day (?) she just...vanishes with no explanation?
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Seriously, out of all of the members of the Forgotten, the two with the most reason to have a bigger role in season 4 are Dathura and Ush. The former because she is supposed to be living there at the time of the Nécromes' attack, and the latter because he was the one who informed Joris of what was going on.
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In Ush's case I can understand he decides to stay on the sidelines since he isn't exactly a hero, he mostly just does his own thing. But Dathura's disappearance can be very jarring.
What, did she awkwardly leave Amalia to mourn her father while she went to check in on Ogrest?
Oh, well. The season's been great so far and I don't really have any trouble with this. It's just weird, it's all.
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vanyaliful · 5 months
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this is very niche out there but this is for you Starmania (1979) lovers
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grandboute · 6 months
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Le tas de pois
C'est le WE !!!
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lovefrenchisbetter · 2 months
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Wearing Ralph Lauren
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anglerflsh · 5 months
Did you know I'm studying pirates now. For school. I'm studying pirates. I love this degree so much
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Félix Vallotton (1865-1925) :: Clair de lune, vers 1895, huile sur toile, © RMN-Grand Palais - Musée d’Orsay, also at Metmuseum
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angebleue2 · 5 months
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perduedansmatete · 3 months
est-ce que je vais au travail demain ou bien est-ce que j’estime que ça fait trop longtemps que je suis malade et je sèche ? bonne question
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maskenjager · 2 years
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Seven Years
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somevagrantchild · 7 months
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"I know what you need," he said. "You need one person who is always on your side. Well, I'm ready to be that one now. I don't know why I tormented you, made you pay for asking, made you come all this way. I always knew I was going to come. Maybe I thought you'd lose interest because I never really understood why you wanted me in the first place. But you're not losing interest, not even with the whole Court, and so I'll come. And when you tire of me and want me gone, I'll hate you, of course."
--Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis by Anne Rice
Featuring me and @asssamuraikoujaku Photo by @cup-of-lixx
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clove-pinks · 9 months
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Fashionables of September by Paul Gavarni, 1837.
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philoursmars · 4 months
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Carnaval !
Une assez longue série sur une expo du MuCEM, à Marseille : "le monde à l'Envers"
merdule et boe (Sardaigne)
homme-arbre et homme-maïs (Cantabrie)
bonhomme de paille (Bourgogne)
ours (Arles-sur-Tech, Pyrénées ariégeoises)
krampus (Autriche)
chapeaux de printemps
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