#Danny Wagner One Shot
jordie-gvf · 1 year
everybody loves somebody, danny wagner
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warnings : angst, fluff, arguing, language, suggestive language
word count : 1.7k+
When you were invited to your sister's wedding, you and Danny were still together. Now, you and Danny had been broken up for about four months. Six years, down the drain.
You had no idea who to bring with you as your plus one, but Brittany said you could come alone.
After the ceremony, Brittany and Michael had their afterparty. You were across from Danny at the bride’s table. Danny was at the groom’s table. Your back was turned towards Danny, so you couldn’t see him or the rest of his party. 
You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to see Hazel, Sam’s girlfriend. You stood up and hugged her, she was your best friend before you and Danny called it quits.
She pulled away and asked if you wanted to get a drink. You followed her from the bar and sat with her as you waited for your drinks.
A girl with long brown hair came up and sat next to Hazel. “Hey Hazel! Who’s your friend?” the mystery woman asked, flagging down the bartender to order a drink.
“This is my best friend, Y/N! Y/N, this is Sheila, Danny’s date.”
“Oh. Hi! It's nice to meet you Sheila!”
You saw Danny get up out of the corner of your eye and come over to where the three of you were at the bar. 
He walked up next to Sheila and put his hand on your lower back. “Sheila, would you like to dance with me?” 
You heard the song that was playing, Everybody Loves Somebody by Dean Martin. That was your song. Every Friday night, you and Danny would slow dance in your living room to that song.
He knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to upset you, and he was very successful. She grabbed his hand and they walked away to the dance floor. Your eyes followed them as they walked together, hand in hand. Hazel put her hand on your shoulder as Sam walked up to her and asked her to dance.
She apologized for leaving you alone and you told her to go. You were now alone at the bar, nursing your amaretto sour. 
You could sense a presence next to you. You knew that Dior Sauvage from anywhere. You refused to look at him, but he kept staring at the side of your head. 
“Please, leave me alone Danny.”
He wouldn’t move from where you were and tried to grab your hand. You swiped your hand away from his and kept it in your lap.
“Please Y/N, look at me.” 
You shook your head and grabbed your drink, leaving him alone in the bar. You walked back over to the bride’s table and sat down next to your little sister, Abby. 
You put your drink down and she laid her hand on your shoulder. You heard him laughing at his table. You turned, wanting to see his beautiful smile again, but soon regretted it. 
He was laughing, with Sheila. You downed your drink and scooted the chair out, grabbing everything you came with and left the venue. 
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You got back to your apartment and you were greeted by your dog, who was happy to see you. You pet him a few times and went into your bedroom. 
You quickly shook off your dress and showered, rinsing off the entire night. You finished and got out, going over to your bathroom sink to do your skincare and your hair. 
You opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed some product for your hair. You put it on the counter and lifted your head back up, something had caught your eye.
You looked in the cabinet and saw a pair of silver earrings, which belonged to Danny. It had quickly occurred to you that he still had stuff at your apartment. You had them in your palm and held onto them. 
You got dressed and went into Danny’s side of your closet. You grabbed a duffle bag and set it open on your bed. You grabbed all his sweaters, pants, and underwear that he had at your house. You gathered his jewelry and delicately put it in the bag. 
You zipped it and put your slippers on, going to return his clothing. You opened your front door and saw Danny, standing there in the matching sweater you got him, along with some sweats.
“Hey. Here, you left these here.”
“Keep it.”
“I don’t want it.”
He sighed and asked you, “Can we talk?”
You nodded and moved to the side, letting him in. Hanz started barking and ran over to Danny, jumping up onto his legs. 
You closed and locked the door, turning to see Danny sitting on the floor petting the dog. 
“Hi, Buddy! I missed you too!”
You walked into your open kitchen and asked him, “Can I get you anything? Coffee?”
He stopped petting the dog and looked at you, “Do you have any of the banana soda I like?” 
You nodded and grabbed the banana cream soda and grabbed him a cup of ice, pouring it into the cup for him.
He got off the floor and sat at one of the barstools. You handed him the soda and turned to make yourself a cup of coffee. 
“You still have the Nespresso I got you?”
“Daniel, coffee is coffee.”
He laughed and cleared his throat, trying to avoid the awkward silence between the both of you. 
“What did you want to talk about?” 
“Tonight. Us. We have a lot to discuss.”
You sipped your coffee and said, “No, we don’t. We aren't together anymore, you moved on, so have I”
“No, you haven’t. Or else you wouldn’t have walked out of your sister's wedding after seeing her and I laughing.”
“I don’t know what you thought you saw, but it wasn’t because you were laughing with her.”
“Why’d you leave?”
“Forgot to feed Hanz.”
“No you didn’t, you always feed him before you leave.”
“Why are you here, Danny? To interrogate me?” 
“No, Y/N. I came here to talk to you, about tonight, about us. By the way, I never said I moved on.”
“Have you?”
He clamped his hands together and put his head down. “No, I haven’t. I try to forget what we had every night before I go to bed, but I can’t. I can’t stop thinking about you. The way you loved me for me. You put up with my long studio nights for six years, I can’t just forget about that.”
“What is your point, Daniel?” 
“The point is, I still love you and I never stopped.”
You scoffed and took another sip of your coffee, not knowing what to respond with. 
“I’m serious. I love you, goddamn it. As much as I try to forget, I can’t fucking get you out of my head.”
“Danny, please. I can’t do this right now.” 
“No! Listen to me,” he put your coffee mug on the island and grabbed your hands. You looked at him and let him continue.
“I still love you and I want us to try again. I know I wasn’t home, which caused us to break up, but we are finished with the album and the single, please. Please, I am begging you. I miss you so fucking much.” 
Your eyes watered and you shut them, not wanting him to see you cry. 
He let go of one of your hands and wiped your tears. “Don’t cry, Baby.”
“I don’t, I don’t know what to say.”
“You don't have to say anything, just listen.” You opened your eyes and lifted your head to look at him again, silently telling him to continue.
“I was at my happiest when I was with you. I find myself unable to sleep without you next to me. I wake up and feel around on your side, only finding nothing. I miss when you would bring dinner for the both of us to the studio and we would sit and eat together. I loved when you would wash my hair after a long day. I miss you.”
You cried harder at his kind words and he stood up, pulling your head to his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and held you as you cried, stroking your hair. 
You pulled away from his chest and he grabbed your face and kissed your forehead. He let go of you and walked over to your record player. 
You heard the familiar beginning of Everybody Loves Somebody and felt him come up behind you. He turned the stool away from the island and towards him. 
He extended his arm out to you and asked, “Will you dance with me, Dove?”
You nodded and wiped your tears with your long sleeve shirt then took his hand. He pulled you off the seat and walked with you into the living room.
He let go of your hand to move the coffee table, pushing it closer to the window. He grabbed your hand again and pulled you closer to him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and held your face close to his chest. 
He enclosed you in his arms and rocked both of you back and forth around your living room. 
He kissed the top of your head delicately, swaying you to the music. You tilted your head up at him and rested your chin on his stomach. 
He was looking out the window as it started to rain. You were looking up at him when he turned his head back to look at you. 
“Hi, Dove.”
“Hi, Danny.”
He moved one of his hands to rest it on your cheek. His golden honey eyes were looking into yours as he slightly moved his head down to yours, his eyes gazing down at your lips. 
You lifted your head to meet him halfway and carefully placed your lips upon his. He pulled away from you and rested his forehead on yours. He licked his lips and kissed you again, a little harder this time. 
He laughed and stopped to say, “Mm vanilla, my favorite.”
You laughed at his words and moved away from him. “Sadly, I have to work in the morning and it's almost 1 AM. You're welcome to stay here if you want,” you said and headed for your bedroom door.
“No, I’ll leave. I don’t want to intrude,” he gathered his keys and leaned down to pet Hanz before standing back up.
You sighed and turned around to face him, “Daniel, are you gonna take me to bed or not?”
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ageofbarbarians · 1 year
Birthday Surprise // D.R.W & J.T.K
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A/N: not my best writing but it’s been a minute
Summary: title says it all hehe
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI!!! Choking, Foreplay, Alcohol Consumption, Unprotected Sex, Threesome, Blindfold, Whipping, Choking, Name Calling, Squirting, Slight Edging and Over Stimulation.
Word Count: 4.5K
“Come on get ready.” Danny appeared in the bedroom and you looked up at him from the bed. He was in all black; suit pants, a buttoned shirt with the top three buttons undone, and some black leather shoes. You couldn’t help but stare at him for a moment. You had seen Danny dressed up on multiple occasions but this look of his was something that sent a fire through you. “Where are we going?” You asked. You couldn’t keep your eyes from his toned chest, and he knew.
“My eyes are up here doll,” He smirked before he continued on.
“We’re going out to dinner. There’s a dress on the back of the bathroom door and your shoes are set out already. I’ll be downstairs.” Danny went to go leave the bedroom but you whined.
“But it’s my birthday, I thought we were staying in?”
“I wanna treat my pretty girl,” Danny paused as he walked towards you. He gently placed his thumb under your chin and lifted your head before placing a tender kiss on your lips. Your eyes fluttered closed as you melted into his touch. You couldn’t help the butterflies that filled your stomach, but the heat that took over your core was a feeling you were so used to from anything Danny did.
“I have a surprise for you later. Can I make my baby feel good?” He pulled away only an inch as he stared into your eyes. You knew the question was innocent since he just wanted to make your birthday special, but you couldn’t help but think of it another way.
“Okay,” you nodded slightly before shuffling off the bed and making your way to the bathroom. Danny went downstairs and left you to get ready. You closed the bathroom door and there was a black satin dress that had a slit up the leg. It wasn’t too short, but it wasn’t super long either and it happened to match him perfectly, which you had assumed was his plan.
You quickly straightened your hair and did some light makeup so he wouldn’t be waiting on you downstairs for a long time. You stopped in front of the front door and slipped on your heels. Danny appeared behind you as he rested his hands on your hips. You stood up straight and smoothed your hands over the black material.
“I knew this dress was gonna make your ass look great. I can’t wait to take it off of you later.” His voice was low as he whispered in your ear. You could hear the smirk in his voice and it sent a chill through your body.
“Ready?” He smiled as if he wasn’t hinting at what was to come later as the words had never even left his lips.
“Yeah,” you let out a shaky breath and wrapped your arm around his. He lead you out to the car and being the gentleman he is, he opened the door. The two of you walked out to the car and Danny rushed in front of you to open the door. 
"After you, my love."
“Thank you for dinner baby,” you smiled up at Danny as he walked the two of you inside. You were a little unsteady on your feet from the few drinks that you had at dinner. Danny had told you to let loose since it was your birthday after all and you never really drank much anymore, but sometimes you wanted to have a good time with some alcohol in your system.
“Of course angel, anything for you.” Danny pressed a kiss to the top of your head as he unlocked the door. You heard the familiar click and he pushed it open, allowing you to step in first.
“God these heels are killing my feet,” you leaned against the wall to start to unbuckle the clasp in your shoes.
“Want a massage?” Danny dipped below you and started to undo the clasps for you. You nodded your head and held onto his shoulder for support as he helped you out of the tall shoes.
When he had finally slipped the other one off of your foot you didn’t even have time to fully touch the ground before he was throwing you over your shoulder. The swift movements and the mixture of your drinks sent you into a fit of giggles. You hadn’t even realized that Danny had carried you upstairs until your back was hitting the plush material of your bed. The room was spinning slightly so you closed your eyes and tried your best to relax.
Danny began rubbing your feet in the places he figured would hurt most from wearing those god-forsaken heels. He hummed quietly to himself and you could feel yourself sinking further into the bed, yet, you weren’t tired. If anything, you could feel the arousal pooling between your legs, wanting nothing more than just to have Danny between your thighs, lapping at every last drop of you.
“Feel that good?” Danny chuckled, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Hm?” You sat up and looked up at him, your eyes feeling somewhat heavy. “You moaned. I’m assuming it feels good?” Danny raised a brow at you. You could feel your cheeks grow hot and you couldn’t help but nod.
“Are you lying to me?”
Yes. “No.” You shook your head but he could see right through you. “What’s going through that pretty head of yours?” Danny questioned. He continued to rub your feet but his movements ever so slowly moved up to your legs, just barely reaching the place you needed him most.
“You.” You let out a breathy sigh.
“Me?” You could hear the smirk in Danny’s voice without even needing to look at him.
“Danny, please,” you whined. You were so desperate for more of his touch. You were most days but the alcohol traveling through you made the want for him even stronger.
“Tell me what you want, pretty girl. Use your words, don’t make me guess.” Danny shook his head before he started pressing soft kisses along your thighs, looking up at you through his lashes.
“I need you to touch me,” You whimpered, shifting under his touch.
“I am touching you, darling. What else?” He continued to tease. You hated having to say it out loud when he knew exactly what you wanted.
“Fuck, Danny, I want your mouth, for you to fuck me, just something.” You looked down at him, annoyance coating your tone. He smirked at you and slowly nodded his head.
“So she does know what she wants.” Was all he said before had pulled at the lace panties that were pressed against your skin and ripped them without a second thought. Any other time you would’ve said something but there was something so nice about the sting against your skin.
Danny took no time throwing your legs over his shoulders and immediately started sucking on your clit. Your head fell back and your eyes fluttered closed as soft moans slipped past your lips. You could feel the familiar build in your lower stomach and you knew it would take you no time at all to come undone around him.
“M-more, please,” you rushed out. Danny obliged as he slid two of his fingers past your entrance, immediately curving them upwards. Your back arched off the bed as he moved in and out of your dripping core. The mixture of his fingers and his mouth were a feeling you wish you could have last a lifetime. You could feel yourself clenching around Danny and he knew you were close. He continued to devour every part of you with the pace of his fingers never changing. Your moans grew louder and your breaths quickened, your head becoming dizzy.
“Danny,” your brows knitted together as you looked down at the explicit scene below you.
“Cum for me baby,” Danny smiled down at you as he watched your face contort with pleasure, one of his favorite things to do. His thumb replaced his mouth against your clit, rubbing quick circles against your most sensitive place. You could feel your legs shake beneath his touch and you knew this wouldn’t be the first orgasm of the night. Vulgar words left your mouth as you convulsed under him, never wanting the high to go away.
Slowly, the euphoria died down and your breathing was labored as you started to come down. You felt Danny’s lips connected with your neck as his fingers continued to slowly work in and out of you.
“You’ve been so good for me, what else do you want baby?” Danny cooed. “This isn’t about you, it’s my birthday, but if you really want to know,” you paused breathlessly, trying to muster the courage to voice the thoughts that were going through your mind.
“I need you to fuck me until my hips are bruised,” you challenged. Danny stopped for a second and you swore you could hear a quiet whine from him. He removed his lips from your neck and gave you a serious look.
“Are you sure?” He asked cautiously. You nodded your head without a second thought, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside of you.
“Positive.” You assured him. Danny kissed you with more hunger than he ever had before and you whined against his lips. He shifted above you, never once breaking the kiss. You could hear the metal from his belt and the sound made your heart flutter.
“Can we use it?” You pulled away slightly breathless, eyeing him for an answer. He looked at you, his eyes going to a completely different shade. He didn’t give you an answer but the action of him flipping you over was enough. You looked him over your shoulder, biting your lip as you could feel the anticipation growing. Danny quickly slid off his dress pants and ripped his shirt, buttons flying in every which direction across the room. He slowly dragged the leather belt across your back and over the swell of your ass. Goosebumps rose across your skin as his movements were slow and taunting. The sound of the leather cracking against your skin processed a split second before the sting. You let out a moan and you could hear Danny let out a low laugh from behind you. He slid the leather down your thighs before pressing his clothes cock against your core. You could feel his length perfectly, making you want him more than you already did.
“Danny, just fuck me already,” You begged, not even caring how desperate you sounded. His free hand tangled in your hair and he pulled back on the roots.
“Ask nicely and maybe I’ll consider it.” He whispered in your ear before he bit your ear lobe.
“What did I say?” He hummed, not letting you protest.
“Fuck me, please. Treat me like the whore I am,” Your words came out before you could even process what you were saying.
“If it’s too much, tell me.” He whispered in your ear before pressing a quick kiss to your temple. You didn’t have time to respond as he slowly slid into you. Your jaw went slack and your eyes fluttered closed again.
Danny pulled back slowly before sending a sharp thrust forward causing you to grip the sheets slightly. He repeated his movements before his thrusts quickened, pounding into you at a brutal pace. Your moans were loud as they echoed off the walls. You felt another hit from the leather hit your skin, the sting turning into a feeling of pleasure.
“Fuck, yes, harder,” You gasped. Danny hit you again just harder this time. You felt a sinister smile creep onto your lips as he hit you once more. You could feel the slight burn from the material and you knew there would be marks to be remembered in the morning, but something about it made it that much more arousing.
“So fucking good for me,” Danny grunted from behind you. He let go of the belt and you felt his fingertips dig into your sides. His grip was tight as he pulled you back against him, making the contact harder than it was previously. Your chest was pressed against the mattress while your hips were still in the air, face digging into the comforter below. You could feel tears brimming your eyes from the way he fucked into you, his pace never letting up.
“Who owns this pretty cunt? Hm?” Danny leaned down over you, pushing a kiss to your shoulder blade. You just let out a moan that turned into a whimper but that wasn’t enough for him.
“Answer me. Who owns. This cunt.” Danny’s voice was rough in your ear. His fingers tangled in your hair and he pulled your head back so it was next to his.
“You do, fuck,” you gasped as he sent a particularly sharp thrust into you. Danny captured your lips in a rough kiss, wasting no time slipping his tongue into your mouth. You could feel the heat in your stomach growing stronger for the angle he was hitting inside of you.
Danny’s pace slowed drastically. His thrusts were deep, bottoming out every time after he had pulled back. His grip on your hair loosened but moved to wrap it around your throat. A sinister smile appeared across your face. “My favorite necklace,” you hummed to yourself. You could hear a small whimper from Danny.
“Can I ride you? Please?” You sighed.
“Because you asked so nicely,” Danny squeezed your throat for a split second before removing his hand. He trailed a line of kisses down your spine and pulled out of you slowly. You whined from the loss of contact but eagerness filled your body, desperate to have every inch of him inside of you.
Danny adjusted himself against the headboard and you wasted no time lining him up with your entrance. You sank down onto him slowly, teasing him but in a way teasing yourself. You leaned your head back as you slowly started to move your hips against him, earning a small groan from the man below you.
"Fuck, you always feel so good around me," Danny's hands rested on your hips as your movements sped up. Your eyes rolled back and you let out small whimpers as your hand traveled down your chest, stomach, and to your clit. You rubbed quick circles as you rode him, not evening caring about your pace. Danny's hands tightened and he couldn't help himself before he started thrusting his hips upwards at a brutal pace. You fell forward slightly, your hands now resting on his chest to steady yourself as much as you could.
"Shit, Danny, I'm-"
"I know baby," Danny cut you off as he sped up his pace (as if it was even possible).
You let out a few whines before you came undone around him without any warning. Your vision was hazy and you could feel your body shake. Danny never slowed his movements as he rode you through your high. It didn't take long before his pace faltered.
"Be so good for me baby," You managed to get out as your hand cupped his face. Danny groaned before releasing inside of you, while loud moans fled his lips.
You collapsed on his chest and both of your breathing were heavy. The two of you lied there in silence while Danny rubbed slow soft circles on your back. Most of the time after the two of you had fucked you were exhausted and wanted to go to bed, but right now it was different.
You started planting lust-filled kisses on Danny's neck, immediately finding his sweet spot. You nibbled on the spot before soothing it with your tongue. Danny let out a deep breath before rolling the two of you over. 
"Mmm, what's this?" You could hear the smile in his voice and you shrugged before planting a quick kiss on his lips.
"I'm not done," You ground yourself against him and he let out a soft laugh. "Do you want to know your present?" Danny asked. You sat up and eyed him, unsure of what was to come.
"Is that even a question?" You could feel the smile creep onto your lips as Danny pulled you off of him. He went to the closet and grabbed one of his few ties before holding it up.
"I'm going to put this on, okay?" He raised his brows and you nodded without hesitation. Danny gently placed the silk material over your eyes and tied it around the back of your head. Your other senses took over as your vision went dark.
"I'll be right back," Danny rushed out of the room, leaving you completely alone. You picked at your cuticles, a nervous habit you had picked up. It was quiet for a moment before you heard footsteps coming up the stairs. 
"Open," Danny commanded. You opened your mouth and you were met with a bottle being pressed against your lips. You could feel the liquid being poured into your mouth and soon tasted the tequila coating your tongue. Your jaw was pushed up, closing your mouth, and you immediately swallowed the liquor.
"She's always taken her liquor so well," You heard a familiar but unfamiliar voice speak up and you felt your body tense.
"Danny," You said hesitantly.
"I overheard a conversation you had. Me, you, and Jake," The way Jake's name slid off his tongue so slowly caused you to let out a sigh and you could feel your arousal pooling between your legs.
"At any point, tell us to stop, and we will. No questions asked. Do you remember your colors?" Danny questioned. You nodded your head and shifted against the bed. You felt the bed dip and a set of hands come up behind you and grab your chest for a moment before one of them wrapped their hands around your throat. Your mouth fell open before a grin took over your face. Your face was turned to the side and you were met with a set of lips, ones that you weren't familiar with. You kissed Jake back and it took a moment before you got used to his movements. Danny's hands pushed your legs apart before his mouth wrapped itself around your clit, causing you to moan into Jake's mouth.
"I want the blindfold off," You pulled away slightly breathless, and a moan left your lips as Danny inserted two of his fingers into you. You could feel your breathing pick up as he curved his fingers upwards so expertly. You couldn't help but what Jake might feel like, considering he was a guitarist after all.
"Switch, please," You sighed, your head falling back. Danny pulled away from you and you felt the bed dip slightly as the two of them switched. Danny slipped the blindfold off of you before leaning the two of you back. You couldn't help but look at Jake who was kneeling below you. His mouth wrapped around your clit, working the sensitive bud gently. Your eyes grew heavy as you watched him.
"Will you be good?" Danny whispered in your ear. You turned your attention towards him before nodding.
"Words." He shook his head and you whined as Jake inserted one of his fingers.
"Yes, so fucking good," You tipped your head back, giving Danny full access to your neck. His lips attacked your sweet spot and you tried to focus on the beautiful men below you. Jake inserted another finger and you moaned as he curved them upwards as Danny had done previously. Jake's movements were slow before he sped them up slightly to get more of a reaction out of you. His mouth worked expertly against your clit and your back arched. You could feel the knot in your stomach growing quickly. It only took seconds before you were releasing around Jake's fingers. Your hearing was muffled as he continued to work his fingers in and out of you. The overstimulation from him was becoming unbearable and you just needed something more from one of them.
"God, just fuck me already, please" You whined, desperate to feel one of them inside of you. Danny hummed against your neck before pulling away.
"Eager, are we? You're not the one who makes commands around here." He raised a brow at you and you nodded.
"Only this one time. Don't think it'll work next time." Danny eyed you and you nodded but you couldn't help but think about the fact of a next time. Jake halted his movements before standing up. Danny crashed his lips to yours and your fingers tangled in his hair. You could feel Jake dragging his cock through your folds before he slid into you slowly. You could feel the slight sting of him stretching out and your back arched slightly as you moaned into Danny's mouth. Jake pulled out slightly before sending a harsh thrust into you. You let out a whimper as you tried to focus on kissing Danny but were unsuccessful.
"Can you be so good and take my cock?" Danny bit at your earlobe as he whispered in your ear. You nodded eagerly and you tried to keep your eyes open. 
As Danny adjust himself along the bed you looked at Jake and down to where the two of you met. His fingers were digging into your hips and you knew there would be bruises from the way he was grabbing you and the way Danny had earlier. You opened your mouth for Danny, taking him in with ease. Your tongue ran along the underside of his cock as he hit the back of your throat. His hips moved back, before moving forward again and he started fucking your mouth at a brutal pace. Tears brimmed your eyes, a few sliding down your cheek as you tried your hardest to not gag around him.
"Look at our pretty girl. You like being treated like a whore, don't you?" Jake hummed and you moaned causing Danny to shudder. Danny threw his head back and you could tell he was getting somewhat close from how labored his breathing was. 
"You like being used, hm? Letting us treat you however we want," Danny looked down at you and you moaned again. He pulled out of your mouth causing you to gasp for air.
"Wanna ride you," You barely managed to get out as you directed your attention towards Jake. He had a look of surprise on his face and he looked at Danny who just gave him a simple nod. Jake pulled out of you and you whined from the loss of contact. He adjusted himself and put one of the pillows behind his head as he rested against the headboard. You threw your legs over him and lined him up with your entrance. You sank down on him and you watched as he bit his lip. Danny wrapped his arms around you, trailing them down your chest down to your clit. You slowly moved against him and tilted your head back to look at Danny. You pressed sloppy kisses to his neck as you moved against Jake's cock. Your lips eventually connected with Danny's and you grabbed his cock and slowly moved your hand against him. You pulled away and focused on Jake as you sped up your movements. You watched his abdomen tightening as you could tell he was trying so hard not to make so much noise.
"Fuck, Jake," You groaned as you tried to get a rise out of him.
"Shit," He hissed as he tipped his head back and closed his eyes. You moaned as you could feel the heat in your stomach growing from the way Danny rubbed your clit and fast circles mixed with the feeling of Jake inside of you.
"Fuck, I'm close," You whined. Jake grabbed your hips and he began fucking up into you. You threw your head back against Danny's shoulder and your breathing sped up, your moans turning into whimpers and pathetic whines. 
"Do you wanna cum, pretty girl?" Jake teased. You whined as you nodded your head.
"P-please," Your mouth fell open and Danny groaned and you could feel him twitch in your hand. The feeling in your lower stomach was becoming almost painful as you were on the brink of your release, so desperately needing to release.
"Wait," Danny shook his head and you whimpered as you knew you wouldn't be able to hold on like he wanted you to. Your eyes squeezed shut and you bit on your bottom lip almost hard enough to draw blood.
"Danny, please," You begged breathlessly.
"I said wait," Danny shook his head and groaned under your touch. His hand wrapped around your throat and he squeezed slightly. You could feel yourself clench around Jake and he hissed as you did so. Even with your eyes closed, small stars took over your vision and you could feel yourself growing dizzy. 
"Guys," You barely mustered to get out before you could feel your release taking over you. There was a rush of liquid and you let out a loud moan as you felt yourself growing weak. You could feel your weight fall forward before Danny hooked his arm around you to catch you.
"Fuck, Y/N," You heard Jake groan before you could feel him filling you up. Your hand continued to work against Danny and you knew he had to be close too. Danny bit down on your shoulder to contain his moans and you tried to steady your breathing.
"Y/N, knees. Now." Danny grunted. You lazily shook your head and you moved off of Jake. Danny moved and he stood with the backs of his legs against the bed. You dropped below him and Jake moved quickly as he pushed his chest against your back. You licked a stripe up the underside of Danny's cock and took him into your mouth without hesitation. Danny tipped his head back as you swirled your tongue around his tip and pushed him down the back of your throat. You sat there for a second, letting your throat close around him slightly. Jake inserted two of his fingers into you and began to move them quickly and his lips connected with your neck. You moaned and tried to focus on getting Danny off. You could feel him twitch and you knew he was close so you continued to moan around him as the vibrations triggered goosebumps to rise against his skin. You raked your fingers down his abdomen and it was enough to send him over the edge. You felt the hot sticky spurts of him fill your mouth and you whined as another orgasm took over without warning. You felt another rush of wetness between your legs and Jake groaned behind you.
"There you go, baby," He hummed against your neck, still leaving marks all over you. Your legs shook and you looked up at Danny through your lashes. He ran his thumb over your cheek as you swallowed every last part of him. You pulled him out of your mouth with a pop and he smiled down at you.
"I'm gonna run you a bath," Danny stepped away towards your shared bathroom and you hummed as you leaned against Jake's chest. You turned your head towards him. He smiled as he pressed a small kiss to your lips.
"Happy birthday, sweet girl." ******
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whollyfree · 6 months
Let's Talk
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Summary – You have a hard time watching Jake be ogled, and he has a remedy to remind you what's yours.
Pairings – Jake Kiszka x F!Reader
Word Count – 3.1k
Warnings – 18+ MINORS DNI!!! oral (f!receiving), face-riding, unprotected sex, dumbification, LOTS of dirty talk, cockwarming if you squint, spanking, mentions of alcohol
You had really fucking had it this time.
Was it a normal thing for Jake to be ogled? Yes! How could he not be? 
It was far too easy to find yourself staring at him; so you truly couldn’t blame anyone else for doing so. With an air of confidence, he enters a room and every eye falls onto him. 
He is an enigma to all (except you, of course) and it felt like damn near every girl at that godforsaken bar was on a mission to have his eyes so much as glance their way. He knows this, of course. How could he not?
But behind his mysterious, debonair exterior, he’s Jake. Your Jake. Your soft, sweet Jake who raids your pantry to make you breakfast in bed and fills your car with gas because “why do you ever let your tank run that low?! It’s not safe!” he had argued (but he still fills it up every time). 
He’s your loving, tender Jake who litters you with kisses at any given moment and nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck when the poor thing feels as if he isn’t getting enough of your attention. That, and he can’t stand not to be touching you in any form or fashion. He’s just like a little lovesick puppy!
And no matter how hard you try to remind yourself of these things, to be rational, you can’t help but have to bite your tongue. The jealousy eats away at you and it infuriates you to no end. You hate yourself for it.
Which is why tonight at the bar, you bit your tongue so hard you’re sure small trickles of blood had seeped their way into your mouth. Jake stood by the bar; an arm securely wrapped around your waist as he beckons the bartender over with a simple raise of his fingers. 
Of course, when it’s Jake, it’s not hard to get anyone’s attention; unwanted or not. And that was abundantly clear from the blonde at the end of the bar, twirling her straw in her cocktail as she eyed your boyfriend. 
Her eyes moved up and down, and you notice they became stuck on his exposed chest and silver necklaces dangling against his tanned skin. And, oh god, do you hate her for it.
Stop it. Your conscience pleads with you to (for lack of a better phrase) chill the fuck out!
Jake could tell you were a bit pouty. He knows you all too well. And just as assumed, he knew he was being eye-fucked by the blonde at the end of the bar (and one hidden away in a booth in the back, but like hell he was planning on telling you that).
Part of him hates himself for finding your jealousy so amusing. And in all honesty, if he saw a man looking at you the way that women have looked at him, he’d be raising hell.
“You okay, baby?” He grins as the two of you walk into your home after your excursion to the bar, tossing his car keys on the kitchen counter.
“Mhm.” You hum. Short and sweet. He won’t expect a thing, right?
You’re kidding yourself and you know it.
“Yeah?” He replies, crowding your space immediately from behind. He takes the curves of your hips in each of his palms, his breath tinted with the Maker’s Mark he had a glass of at the bar. Top shelf only for him, of course. “You were awfully quiet tonight. Getting shy on me all of a sudden, princess?”
You can hear the subtle teasing in his voice, and you’re sure he knows exactly what you were sulking for. But you simply answer, not ready to give yourself away too quickly. “No, just tired is all.”
“Just tired is all,” he mocks you with a low chuckle. You’re a terrible liar, always have been. “It’s cute that you think you could ever lie to me.” He adds, lips grazing over the sensitive skin of your neck – it already feels too much but not enough. 
And when his lips ghost over the shell of your ear, you feel a rush of heat between your thighs, and you swear your knees may give out. How he’s able to turn you into a puddle of yourself so quickly? You’ll never know.
“Come on, princess,” he sounds, and just like that it’s over. His hands are removed from your hips and he moves in front of you, his arm outstretched to you and his body facing the stairs. “Let’s go to bed then if you’re so tired.”
You try to hide your huff of annoyance, aching to have his touch again after being subjected to watch women drool over him all night. So you decide, no, you’re not going upstairs. Your arms cross over your chest like an insolent child who didn’t get what they wanted. Stubborn and spoiled. And your act of defiance is certainly not lost on him.
“No?” He quirks up an eyebrow at you, “Is the princess suddenly not tired? Sure are moody, though. What’s that about?”
God, you hate him. You hate that he’s finding your frustration the slightest bit entertaining. He’s taunting you, dangling the carrot in your face just to see you bite back.
He huffs out a laugh at your silence. “Oh, so we don’t wanna talk now, hm? That’s alright. We’ll see how long that lasts.”
Before you can even blink, you’re thrown over his shoulder like a rag doll. A surprised shriek slips out of you as he trudges up the stairs and in the direction of your bedroom. Smaller in stature he may be, but weak is not a way you would ever describe him.
“Jake!” You scold him, not having any of his shit right now. “Put me down!”
“Oh, so we are talking now?” He muses, depositing you on the neatly made bed. He hovers over you, standing at the foot of the bed where he practically threw you on it. 
“How about this then, princess?” He taunts, “Since you’re suddenly in the mood to talk, I say we play a little game. You talk, I listen.”
Seems easy enough…a little too easy. 
“Everything off.” There it is.
He strides over to the bed, climbing on before laying on his back. His head rests against the pillow as you continue eyeing him, slowly peeling your clothes off your body until your stark naked and sitting on your heels on the bed.
“So obedient, my pretty girl. And so fucking beautiful when you listen, aren’t you?” He coos. “Come have a seat, princess,” he beckons, still fully clothed, “talk to me.”
With a bite to the inside of your cheek, you rise from your sitting position to straddle his lap. And just as you begin to settle yourself – 
“Uh-uh,” he tuts. “Not quite, baby.”
Your incredulous look makes him laugh. What else could he have wanted?
“Come on,” he encourages, placing his hands on your hips. “Up you go, princess.”
With a quick slap to your ass, he hoists you up further. Your eyes go wide and you yelp at the crack of his hand hitting your skin, your heart racing as your knees straddle either side of his head. 
“Good girl,” he praises, his hands trailing up the sides of your thighs and to your hips to keep you steady. “Go on, princess. Tell me what’s got you so pouty. Wanna help.”
Considering you’re at a loss for words and can’t think straight with him eye-level with your cunt, you suddenly don’t even know why you were upset to begin with. But another swat to your ass quickly brings you back to consciousness.
“F-fuck,” you whimper, your head falling down and fingers gripping his hair. “They were staring at you…at the bar.” You manage out.
“Yeah? Who was, princess?” He’s teasing you even more now, pressing the gentlest of kisses to your clit until you choke out his name and begin tugging on the roots of his hair. He knows you can’t answer; you’re already too far gone and he’s hardly started.
But your impending fear that he would stop has you rushing out the words through uneven breaths.
“The girls at the bar,” you croak out as his lips continue pressing small kisses to your bundle of nerves. “Hated the way they looked at you. I was fucking jealous. I’m sorry.”
Pleased with your answer (even if he already knew it), he grins. And you can feel it against you before he presses one final kiss to your pearl.
“But you see, princess,” he says, smoothing his hands over your hips. “No one else gets to have this. Just because they see my face, doesn’t mean they get to fuck it like you do, do they?”
“N-no.” You reply, desperate to feel his mouth on you again.
“Good girl,” he croons. “And what they don’t know is that I get to have my face fucked by the prettiest little pussy whenever I please. Get to have your scent all over me. ‘Cause it’s yours, isn’t it, princess?” 
“Yes, sir.” You peep, unable to form another word if your life depended on it. 
Not only were you insanely turned on and dripping because his face was buried between your thighs, but it’s also due to how he speaks to you with such dominance and authority. He could have you on your knees (both literally and figuratively) with the snap of his fingers.
With one more praise of good girl, he dives back in, immediately sucking your clit into his mouth and flicking against it like a man starved. You feel your eyes roll back, a whining desperate mess above him. The tugging on his hair only gets tighter as he grips your hips to keep you against him.
You’re sure there will be marks, and you aren’t mad about it either. You need him tethered to you in every way possible.
He expertly licks through your folds, tongue gently prodding at your entrance as his nose brushes your clit. You can’t fight the whimper that leaves your lips, your pussy fluttering around the tip of his tongue. And when he groans at the feeling, you swear you’re done for.
“Jake,” you gasp, tightening your hold on his hair. He doesn’t seem to mind, though. He hums against your cunt, flicking your arousal against your clit before sucking it past his lips once more. 
“Yeah, princess? Feel that sweet little cunt fucking squeezing my tongue. That feel good? Feel good to take what’s yours?”
And before you have time to catch your breath, his tongue finds your entrance again. He wastes no time going harder, faster this time. His tongue fucks into you relentlessly, nose nudging your clit in perfect timing. It’s sloppy and wet and downright sinful.
You can hardly register when it happens, you’re so far gone, but you cum hard against his tongue. Grinding your hips against his tongue to chase the feeling for as long as your body will allow while you cry out his name like a hymn.
And he can’t get enough of it either, ravaging you and swallowing every bit he can muster until you pry yourself off of him. 
You look him over, his mouth, chin, and nose glistening with remnants of you. It’s enough to stir you back up again, your overstimulation be damned. Your lips crash into his, and he’s eager to capture them with his own, maneuvering you to straddle his lap. 
“Fuck, my sweet girl,” he breathes out. “Did so fucking good. Came so hard for me. Could eat that pussy until it suffocates me, I swear.”
You gasp when you feel his hardened cock through his jeans that he wore out make contact with your swollen clit. 
Grinding against him, you whimper against his lips at the new feeling bubbling within your tummy. He groans, feeling the slightest bit of relief as you grind against him. With the amount of wetness you felt between your thighs even after your orgasm, you’re sure that you’re absolutely soaking the fabric.
“This what you want, baby?” He murmurs. “Want my cock? Wanna fuck what’s yours?”
“Please.” You whimper, grinding down against him with a bit more force this time before moving your hips upwards to allow him to undress.
He practically moans when he sees the wet splotch of your arousal on the crotch of his jeans. “Fuck, princess. So fucking wet for me.”
“Jake, please,” you whine, tugging at his pants in an effort to make him move faster. 
“Oh, my needy little thing.” He teases, resuming pulling his pants down along with his boxers. “Just had her pussy fucked with my tongue and can’t wait for more, can you?”
You shake your head no, trying to will yourself to calm down. You don’t want him to think he has the power, even though he knows all too well that he already does.
“I know, princess.” He soothes you with his tone, tossing his pants and boxers on the floor along with your clothes. 
His dick stands tall, pressed against his stomach as precome leaks from the slit on the swollen head. He gives himself two languid strokes with his fist, hissing at the feeling. “Can’t wait to have you wrapped up around me…all tight and sweet and warm- fuck, come here, baby. Take it. Take what’s yours.” 
You’re quick to crawl back to him, desperate to have him inside of you as you grasp his shoulders for balance. Using one hand, you grasp him, whimpering when you feel his crown just lining up with your weeping hole. 
Jake holds your waist, patiently waiting for you to sink down around him. And when you do, you could cry from how good and full you feel already. You keen as you feel the familiar and pleasurable sting that only happens when he’s this deep inside you. 
“Shit,” He hisses, fighting the urge to fuck upwards into you. “Feels so good, princess. This cock is yours, baby. Everything is yours.”
And that’s more than enough to encourage you to begin riding him, rolling your hips back and forth at an even pace. You whine and mewl from above him as he holds your waist, encouraging you with each movement you make.
You’re both a complete wreck already. Jake is already so close to coming and you’d hardly started moving your hips against him.
“Whose cock is this?”
You hated when he made you talk. You could listen to him go on and on all day about nothing that truly mattered (especially in bed). But you hate having to talk as well. You feel like you were nowhere near as good at it as he is.
In hopes that he’ll somehow forget what he asked, you resume your movements and peel your eyes away, beginning to go faster in hopes that you’ll truly distract him. But that sure as hell doesn’t work.
“Uh-uh,” He scolds, using his free hand to take your chin and turn it to face him. Eye-to-eye. “Eyes on me, princess. Now tell me whose cock this is. Wanna hear you, sweet girl. Tell me nice and loud.”
You’re embarrassed. If your cheeks could turn any darker in this moment, you’re sure they would. And you don’t want to answer him, suddenly bashful even when he’s buried inside of you as you bounce on his cock. 
Displeased with your lack of a response, he angles his hips upwards, meeting you halfway to send himself deeper into the depths of your cunt. It catches you off guard to say the least, but only causes you to move faster, further onto him to chase that feeling again.
“It’s mine, sir,” you whine, words rushed and breathless. “It’s mineit’smineit’smine!” You continue, drunk off his cock and so close to coming you can’t hardly stand it.
Jake groans, continuing to push his hips upwards. “Yes, princess. My good fucking girl. It’s fucking yours.”
You want him to come harder than he ever has; want his cum deep inside you because it really is yours. He’s yours.
“Taking me so well, princess.” He pants. “Riding me so fucking good. Go on, baby. Want you to come again. Soak my cock, baby.”
Your words become mush, incoherent babbles as you continue fucking yourself on him. You can’t hardly breathe anymore, your chest heaving for breath as you feel the knot inside of you threatening to snap.
“Oh, princess…” he coos, “My dumb little baby. Can’t even get a word out when my cock’s buried inside you. Can’t even help it, can you?” He snaps his hips upwards more forcefully than before, an unforgiving pace that allows you some sort of reprieve from the burning in your thighs.
The moan that rips from your chest would have caused you to curl in on yourself in embarrassment, but right now you can’t seem to care. The way he’s fucking into you, the way he’s speaking to you…it’s too much for your already fucked-out brain to handle.
“Gonna come!” You muster out, your voice cracking as you grip his shoulders tighter.
“Yeah?” Jake taunts, still snapping into you as your pussy contracts around him. “Do it, princess. I can feel you fucking squeezing me so tight- fuck, baby. Gonna make me fucking come, aren’t you?”
You want to answer him; you really do. But all you can muster is a nod as your orgasm rips through you, your mouth dropping open and your cunt locking down around Jake as it fights to keep him inside. Your ears ring as you pulse around him, unsure if you’re making noise or not at this point. 
Jake’s orgasm washes over him, choking out a moan of your name as he buries himself as far as he can. He spills inside of you, cum spurting from his swollen tip and into you. You feel him coating your walls as your vision returns to you, his eyebrows furrowed and sweat glimmering his forehead. 
God, he’s beautiful all the time, but especially like this.
The two of you are a breathless mess, feeling the his cum mixing with yours as it seeps down your inner thighs. You breathe out a laugh, your forehead falling against his as he wraps his arm around you.
“I’m yours, princess.” His voice is as soft as silk as he traces his fingertips along your spine. “You know that don’t you?”
You smile, lashes fluttering as you wrap your arms around his neck. He makes your heart feel warm – even when you don’t deserve it; even when you’re acting like a brat.
“I do now.” You tease, attempting to bite back a smile but ultimately failing when you hear him giggle.
“Oh, princess,” He tightens his arms around you. “What are we gonna do with you?”
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blacksmokebarbarians · 9 months
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a/n: here’s a short little blurb that i finished up today! it may not be for everyone, but it’s a bit of a different take than what i’ve seen recently!
ship: danny wagner x fem!reader
warnings: mdni!!! unprotected sex (y’all know better), somno, praise, mild cnc?, daddy kink, cockwarming
word count: 813
You watched as his chest rose and fell in a peaceful drowse, his hands draped lazily against your waist. Although Danny rested comfortably, it was a different story for you.
Instead, you had awoken to yourself drenched— a haze of your previous dream still drifted over you.
His touch, his words; it was all so intense. It felt so real, yet it was just out of your grasp.
The feeling of his hips pressed gently against the curve of your ass didn’t help to lessen your growing desire. It was torturous.
You knew you should go back to sleep. Forget the dream, cuddle up close to him, and maybe you’d laugh about it in the morning.
Instead, you found yourself rolling your hips ever so slowly, attempting to find some sort of relief. You bit your lip, a shaken breath washing over your body.
You could feel him stirring, his hands pulling you closer. Fuck.
Squeezing your legs together, you pressed against him gently.
“Baby?” Danny croaked softly, his eyes heavy as he glanced down to you. “Everything okay..?”
You hesitated, tensing as you heard his voice. “Yeah.. Yeah, I’m okay..”
Shifting away from him ever so slightly, you tried to appear inconspicuous, although, that only gave you away more. Danny pulled you back towards him, your bodies pressed together gently. “You didn’t think I’d feel you pressing up against me, baby?” He hummed sleepily, his hands resting on your hips.
“What do you mean?” You asked shyly, attempting to play it off. He pressed a gentle kiss onto your shoulder, still lost in a dreamlike state.
“Honey, It’s okay..” He rested his head against your shoulder, his hand sliding from your hip to beneath your waistband, finding its way to your panties.
You shuddered as Danny’s fingers met with the fabric, tracing over your clit from the other side of the lace. “Oh, baby, you’re soaked..”
It was true— and the worst part? Your arousal only grew with his touch. You leaned into him, pressing your lips together, stifling a moan from leaving your lips.
He pushed the lace to the side, his middle finger sliding through your folds before meeting with your clit, rubbing slow circles into it. As you pushed back into him, you could feel his length hardening as he explored your pleasures.
As his movements found a faster speed, your lips trembled with hushed moans. The dark room soon became heated with your bodies as the two of you searched for pleasure within eachother.
Soon enough, Danny had stopped his rapid pace beneath your pants, only to slide them off of you. He stripped his own off, desperate to feel the way you’d feel on his cock.
Pushing your top leg upward, he guided his member to your entrance, pushing through your warmth eagerly before gently sliding himself into you with a low groan.
“Is this okay..?” He asked, his hands now finding their way to fondle your breasts. With a rushed nod, you rolled your hips forward, a whine slipping out from you.
His hips began to rock into you, the feeling of his thrusts causing a shock to waver through your system. His hand reached forward once more, finding its way back to your clitoris.
“Fuck, baby.. You’re so fucking wet..” He moaned, pulling you even closer than before.
His thrusts, although tired, found themselves reaching a quickening pace. He pounded into you, causing you to whimper with each passing movement.
“Oh my god.. Please, Daddy.. faster..please, please..” You begged, your fists gripping the sheets beneath you.
“You’re such a good girl.. You’re doing so well for me, baby.. Such a good fucking slut.” He writhed, placing kisses against your neck as he listened to your cries.
“Please, Daddy! Please, it feels so fucking good..”
Just hearing your voice was enough for his eager thrusts to hasten. His hands fell into a faster rhythm, as well, causing you to squirm
As his speed grew, your orgasm came closer to your reach. His moans sent you over the edge, causing you to rasp a churr of moans, your body convulsing as the pleasure finally took hold
“That’s it, baby. You look so fucking pretty when you cum..”
Just as your orgasm concluded, his began. Filling the room with his moans, his warm seed filled you as his thrusts came to a slow. Sweat beaded your skin as the two of you settled, keeping close to eachother.
“My god, Danny..” You droned, your legs shaking as you settled into his embrace. The two of you stayed still for what seemed like an eternity, until he finally pulled himself out.
“You did so well, babygirl.. So, so well..” He insisted, enclosing your bodies under the sheets.
“Now, get some rest..”
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seenoversundown · 7 months
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You already know I'm thirsty for the boys playing hockey. This time, it's Sam's turn 😈
Warnings: Smut. So much Smut. (F receiving, penetration)
Word Count: 5.4k
I watch as number six whips by my seat towards the opponent's goal with the puck. The buzzer goes off not even thirty seconds later, followed by the announcer over the speakers and the roaring crowd.  
“Defenseman Sam Kiszka with the goal!”
My heart pounds like a bass drum in my chest for my favorite player. For every home game the team has, I’m present in my season pass seats. 
Tonight though, tonight is different. 
As part of an agreement with a foundation the team is partnered with, the hockey players are taking some season pass holders out after the game. I’m still not over the shock of the email I got earlier this week sending me instructions for later on. The game continues well into the third period as my heart continues to race. 
Sam assists with three more goals, ultimately winning the team the game for the evening and securing their place in the Stanley Cup Finals. The home crowd is unruly at this point, it's getting harder and harder to hear my own thoughts.
My body moves on autopilot as I swim through the excited fans. The closer I get to the place where I’m going to meet Sam and the other players that are coming out tonight, the faster my heart goes. 
I’ve had these season tickets for two years now. I wasn’t going to get them again after me and my ex broke up, but I found that I actually enjoyed hockey. Guess I can give my ex credit for one thing, and one thing alone. Can’t give him too much credit, that big head of his will explode.
 I shake it off, not needing to think about him tonight and instead refocus my thoughts on number six. 
I’m sitting in a room with a few other winners for tonight while we wait for the players to shower. The jittery nerves of all of us fill the air as we talk about our favorite players and the game tonight.
“I can’t believe our goalie got a shut-out tonight,” the girl on my left says. I’m just about to agree with her, about how the shots were whipping through air faster than I could see - but then the man on my right chimes in.
“Do you even know what a shut-out is? Or are you just repeating the announcer from tonight?” He says with a scoff. 
“What the fuck is your issue, dude?” I say as I turn my whole body to him. Before I can continue a deep voice from the door cuts me off. 
“What she said. Honestly, I have no patience for this shit tonight. You can leave.” 
All three of us turn to face Sam standing in the doorway, arms crossed. He looks smaller without his padding on, but he’s still extremely intimidating with his presence. 
“I..I, come on man, it was a joke.” The man’s frantic eyes pan over to me and the girl he just insulted moments ago. Desperation rolls off of him in waves.  “Right?” 
“Didn’t sound like a joke to me, now leave.” Danny, the goalie, appears behind Sam. 
Two of them in the doorway is definitely enough for the man to listen and scurry out of the room. He keeps his head down as he sheepishly walks between the two players out of the room. Now all that’s left is me, and the mystery girl to my right. I try not to focus on that too hard. 
“Now that that's over with,” Danny continues, “let us introduce ourselves. I’m Danny, and my buddy here is Sam.” He hooks a quick arm around Sam’s shoulders and pulls him in close, Sam doesn’t look very amused. 
“My name is Faye.” 
“And I’m Y/N.” 
A wicked grin appears on Danny’s face. “Faye, Y/N.. Are you ready to party like we just got our slot in the finals?” 
Both of us jump to our feet to follow them out to the car that’s waiting for us. Danny motions to have us go out the door first, and as I pass the threshold I feel a large hand on the small of my back. I look up to see Sam next to me, guiding me through the hallway. 
“It’s about to get hectic for a moment, just stick with me.” He says. His voice is low, his breath tickles my ear. 
I glance behind us and see Danny intertwined with a giddy Faye. Her arm is firmly planted on his bicep while his other hand comes up to cover hers. Faye’s bubbly personality is infectious, as I find myself leaning into Sam’s touch. 
He was right, it is pandemonium when we step out into the garage to get into our waiting SUV. The yells of reporters become blurred as we basically run to the open door of the car. 
“Sam! How does it feel to have so many assists?! And even a goal!”
“Another shut-out Danny?! How do you keep doing that?!” 
“The Stanley Cup Finals!!” 
The door to the SUV finally shuts and the reporters are nothing but a muffled noise. Looking around inside, the vehicle we’re in is overly spacious. Sam and I have a complete row to ourselves while in front of us sit Faye and Danny in a row of their own. 
The way Sam settles into his seat with comfortable confidence is hard not to watch. He immediately looks at home in the back seat and stretches his legs out in front of him. His knee softly hits mine and I can’t tear my eyes away from the unintended contact. Quickly, I look up to Faye, as if she can feel the sudden rush of heat to my lower belly. She’s leaning in and laughing with Danny, so definitely not. My eyes go back to our knees. 
Sam’s not saying much of anything, just sitting with his arms crossed behind his head, eyes closed. Blissfully unaware of how I’m reacting to this situation, which is not graceful whatsoever. I tell myself no, no, no as I let my eyes slowly graze over his body. It isn’t until my eyes reach his playful smirk that I notice his eyes flutter open. 
“Enjoying what you see?” Sam mutters quietly so only I can hear, but that doesn’t stop the heat from racing to my cheeks. “No need to be embarrassed, sweetheart. I like what I see.” Sam’s eyes rake down my body and I almost feel naked from it. “I’ll make sure you’re warm enough tonight,” he says gesturing to my outfit. “Although if you could stand the rink wearing that, you should be fine in the December weather.” 
He’s kind of right, I have been on the verge of freezing all night. But how do you come dressed for a night out when you have to attend a hockey game first? My thigh high boots leave a couple inches before my sweater dress covers the rest. Usually, I’d wear Sam’s jersey and some leggings to the game, but my friend warned me about looking like a “puck bunny” and now.. here we are. 
Before I can respond the SUV comes to a stop and Danny turns to face us. “Ready to go have some fun?” He’s quick to jump out of his door once it opens, holding out his hand for Faye. 
Sam leans over me and it feels like my heart stops for a second. His fingers make quick work of the latch, releasing the seat in front of me so I can get out. “After you,” he says. I start to climb out of the car, hoping that I do and don’t give Sam a little show with my short dress. I swear I can feel his eyes boring into me, and it only makes me clumsier. After a painful minute, I’m finally out of the puzzle that is the back seat, and I turn around just in time to watch Sam exit gracefully as hell. Perrrfect. 
We follow Danny and Faye to a roped off area labeled VIP and my throat gets a little tighter. Once we step inside Danny turns to all of us. 
“Sam and I are going to get our first round, we’ll be right back.” Both Faye and I are nodding in response as they’re already halfway out of the VIP section and on their way to the bar. 
When they leave us, Faye’s standing in front of me with her arm reaching out. I’m thrilled to have the invitation, grabbing her hand eagerly. “I can’t believe we’re fucking out here with them,” she says to me. 
“It feels like a dream, this can’t be real.” Without warning, Faye pinches my butt. I let out a little yelp. She laughs.
“Definitely real.” We both turn and watch them talk to the bartender with ease. “What do you think they’re going to bring back?”
“Something dangerous, that’s for sure.” 
Faye was right. We watch the boys swim through the busy club back to us. A soft, light drink in one hand, and a dark, small pour in the other. I can’t tear my eyes away from Sam as he seems to effortlessly glide across the room. His eyes meet mine and the same playful smirk he gave me earlier slides onto his face again and I can feel my cheeks getting twenty degrees hotter. Before I can fully register it, Sam is standing in front of me, the soft drink I hoped was for me is outstretched my way. 
“Thank you,” I say as I take the drink out of his hands. I take a small sip and am happy when I’m greeted with a fruity drink. “This is exactly what I would’ve ordered.” I can’t help but laugh. I look over to Faye and Danny but there nowhere to be found in our small area. As I’m glancing around Sam comes up to my ear, he’s so close I can feel his breath on my neck.
“Want to dance?” 
I don’t want to say anything with the fear I’ll sound incoherent, so I just nod. He laughs, throws back the rest of the dark liquor in his glass, then outstretches his hand to me. I stumble for a moment, unsure if he wants me to grab his hand. It’s when his playful smirk appears once again that I let myself put my hand in his. It seems to be so easy for him as he pulls us through the crowded dance floor, meanwhile I’m reminding myself to breathe. 
I’m not paying attention when Sam finally stops, and I bump into his back. He turns to me laughing, of course, and reaches out to grab my elbow. 
“You ok?”
Again, I just nod. Why has Sam made me unable to form words? Another laugh escapes his lips as he turns me around then plants himself firmly against my back, one hand on my hip. I freeze. I wasn’t expecting to be this close with Sam at all, and now I’m in his arms? He starts to sway to the music as I look around and finally spot Faye. She’s wrapped up extremely close with Danny as they dance, it almost feels like a private moment I shouldn’t be watching. 
Sam’s breath is hot against my ear once more and I swear I feel the heat drop straight down to my core. “There’s something about you,” his lips graze my ear. “I’m intrigued, I need more.” His hand starts softly sliding up my side as if he’s testing the waters. I take a hefty sip of my drink as I back into him, just a little bit. The growl against my ear has me squeezing my thighs together. 
His hand reaches the bottom of my breast and for a moment, I forget we’re in public. I want him to go further, I want him to touch me more. I feel his index finger glide along the bottom of my breast causing me to back into him again and I’m shocked when I feel something stiff greet me. I let my head loll on his shoulder as we sway. His hand starts going back south, passing my hip and playing with the hemline of my short dress. Suddenly, this dress was a fantastic idea. I’m glad I suffered in the arena for this. 
His fingers find my bare thigh and grip tightly and I swear I could dry hump this man in the middle of the club without a single fuck to give. Sam’s hand moves back up to my hip and starts to turn me around so we’re face to face again. He slides one leg in between mine and gets even closer to me. His hand finds his way to my ass and I revel in the touch. 
Sam’s head drops to my neck where he leaves feather light kisses in his wake. I’m melting in his touch and he knows it. I can’t help myself as I ask, “is this what you normally do with the winners?”
He pulls back and grabs my chin with his free hand. “Absolutely not. Like I said, Y/N, there’s something about you. I need more.” His eyes bore into mine and it feels too intimate, I try and look away. “Don’t you trust me?” 
“Why would I? I don’t know you.” 
“That’s true, baby.” Our faces are millimeters apart now. “But if I want to make you see stars for a night, isn’t that okay?” 
My resolve fully leaves as our lips touch. The smoky liquor tastes is still heavy on Sam’s tongue and it tastes fucking divine. His hand moves to the side of my neck as we devour each other on the dance floor. He pulls away too soon for my liking, peppering my lips with light kisses. 
“Fuck, Y/N. What are you doing to me?” Sam asks while he grabs my ass tight. A little moan escapes my lips and my eyes go wide. The club comes back into my peripheral and I remember that we’re not alone. All Sam does is laugh and come back in for another kiss. He rests his head on mine as we not-so-subtly grind together on the packed floor. Sam’s hand leaves my neck and goes back to exploring the curves of my body while the other stays firmly planted on my ass, keeping us swaying to the beat. Sam spots the forgotten drink in my hand and nods to it. 
“I thought this was what you would’ve ordered yourself. Do you not like it?” 
“I like it, just a tad distracted.” His eyes dance all over my face, lighting up in amusement. 
“What’s distracting you, baby?” He says as he laughs.
“You should know.” I bring the straw to my lips slowly, making a show of the whole thing. I hollow my cheeks as I suck, watching Sam swallow as he watches me. I take three gulps before his hand is on mine lowering the drink away from my lips. 
Sam’s quick to replace the straw with his own lips, the hand on my ass tightening in response. His tongue brushes against my lips asking for an invite I’m all too willing to give. My hand snakes up to his neck, his long hair tickling my knuckles as I make my way up to his jaw. I know his jaw is sharp, but feeling it with my hands is a totally different level. I separate my lips from his and I swear I hear a whine pass his lips. I attach my lips to his jaw, giving him the same feather light kisses he was giving me earlier. When I reach his ear and graze my teeth against his earlobe, he gives me a small growl. I’m living for it. 
I start to become braver as I skate my hand down his neck onto his chest. I’m greeted by a hard, chiseled surface underneath the dress shirt he has on. I keep moving my hand down until I find the spot where I can dip under his shirt. His hip feels like it’s on fire with how warm it is in my grasp. Another growl escapes Sam as he grips my chin in his hand, forcing us to make eye contact.
“If you want to keep going,” he places a quick kiss on my lips. “Let’s get a room.” Another kiss. “Too many eyes here for what I want to do with you.” 
I stutter for a moment, not thinking we would’ve gotten this far. Looking into his dark brown eyes, he looks so serious. For a moment I swear I see a flash of fear that I’m going to turn him down. 
“Absolutely.” I respond with a soft kiss. Relief floods Sam’s eyes as that playful smirk I’ve come to adore tonight shows itself again. I couldn’t say no, I want this too. He takes the empty glass from my hands and replaces it with his free one. Guiding us once again effortlessly through the crowd. He brings us back to the bar top and discards my glass, but then waves the bartender down and orders two shots. 
Sam’s arm slips around my waist, bringing me close to him. I take the opportunity to place my hand back on his chest while we wait. The bartender comes back and places two, thankfully clear, shots in front of us. 
“To tonight,” Sam says while handing me my glass.
“To tonight.” I reply as we clink our small glasses together and simultaneously throw them back. 
We discard our glasses and his arm stays wrapped around me as we leave the club. I didn’t realize when we first got here with how we ran inside, but the club is part of a casino. There are hotel rooms for people who visit and play too late. Then there’s rooms for people like Sam and I. He guides us to the hotel front desk before stopping in front of the little waiting area all lobbies seem to have. 
“Wait here, I’ll get us our room.” He plants a kiss on my forehead and turns to the desk. I watch as he talks with the person working, standing so confidently as he gets us a room for the night. I let my eyes slowly work down his body, I can’t hear what they’re saying anyways. His long dark hair just passes his shoulders, down to his defined back and shapely ass. I’m still staring as he turns around and smiles at me. 
“Ready?” Sam says with a laugh.
I bring a hand up to my mouth, almost sure I was drooling over him. I wasn’t, thankfully. I nod and stand, making my way over to him. He takes my hand once I reach him and gives me a quick kiss before guiding us over to the elevators. We’re quiet as we listen to the ‘ding’ of the elevator making its way down to us. The nervous, excited energy between us is electrifying. When the final, sweet ‘ding’ we’ve been waiting for Sam ushers me in as soon as the doors open. He’s almost feral as he fumbles for the close door button and smashes the floor number we’re going to. We both stand on the edges of the elevator as we watch the silver doors close. 
As soon as they do, Sam’s hand is around my wrist dragging me towards him. I give a small yelp to the unexpected but welcomed motion. Our hands are all over each other as our lips fuse together. His teeth grab onto my bottom lip, dragging slowly across them. I can’t help but moan at the feeling. It feels too quick when we hear the ‘ding’ signifying we’ve hit our floor. His hand is around my wrist quicker than I can register his lips are off mine. He’s basically dragging me down the hall with how dazed I am from our elevator makeout that I run into his back when he stops at our door. His back shakes while he laughs and digs out our key card from his pocket. 
“Ready?” Sam says while looking back at me.
Sam opens the door fully and lets us inside, and I’m unsure what I was expecting with a pro athlete but it wasn’t this. We walk into a living room style area with two doors leading into other places. One door is open, and I can see a bed just inside. The other door I assume is the bathroom. Sam’s at my back now as I take in the room, running his hands up and down my sides while he presses kisses into my neck. 
“Wow,” I finally say after much too long. 
Sam’s quicker with his response.“Only the best for my girl.” 
My mind catches on to that. His girl. The heat between my thighs intensifies as I turn around to look him in the eye. “I knew I was right about you.” Is all he says before he hoists me up. My legs instinctively wrap around his thighs and he kisses me hard like he needs this. It doesn’t take long before I feel Sam fall back onto a plush surface. It takes me a moment to realize he’s made his way to the bed already, and we’re sitting on the edge of it. He takes the opportunity to push my short dress up, and I thank the heavens above I decided to wear dark green lace panties. I swear I see Sam’s pupils dilate as he stares, bringing his finger to outline my folds. 
My breathing has become staggered, we’re both focused on his hands. He keeps one in front slowly tracing me, while the other grabs onto my bare ass. My head lolls back for a moment, the feeling of his hot hands are overwhelming. I gasp and snap my head back down to where his fingers land. He’s found my clit and he’s not shy about it, his fingers worship me as they slowly touch me. I can feel myself unwinding, and I want some sort of friction. It feels like Sam can read my mind now as the hand on my ass pushes me up towards his hard bulge. Once I make contact I swear we both stop breathing. 
We both watch silently as I fumble with his button. When I finally get it done I waste no time with his zipper and raising on my knees momentarily so he can pull them down. I love that he leaves his boxers on for me to peel off of him. I sit back on him with just our underwear separating us and we both gasp. My hot center meeting his hard cock is almost too much. Both of his hands move to my ass as he makes me grind him, earning a moan from me. Sam’s hands move to the bottom of my dress, lifting it over my head and off of me. 
He holds me by the waist and leans back to look at me. “Fuck,” is all that passes his lips before he’s flipping us over and has me laid out on the bed. I look up at him through surely hooded, desperate eyes. 
“I want you.” 
“Baby, I want you too, but I need to taste you first. Fuck, you look-” Sam looks up at me with eyes that are so dark I don’t see color anymore. His hands wrap around my panties as he looks up at me with a silent question. I nod, letting him know this is okay and he quickly pulls them down and throws them on the floor. 
Sam looks at me one more time with those dark eyes before lowering himself to my center. He takes his time, leaving small kisses on my thighs that have me raising my hips up, leading him to what I want. 
“Needy girl,” he chastises and I swear to God I melt into the bed. He presses a singular kiss on my clit before licking against my pussy. My eyes roll back into my head as he eagerly laps at me and I weave my fingers into his hair. With it being long, I have more to grab and I didn’t realize how much I would enjoy it. I’m close, and Sam knows it as he pays special attention to my clit. He inserts a finger inside of me, expertly hitting that spot I can only hit with my vibrator at home. 
“Sam, fuck yes.” I cry. He moans against me and that’s all I need to be pushed over the edge. My thighs tighten around his head as I ride his face through my orgasm. He doesn’t stop until I’m squirming away from him trying to push his head away.
“Oh, I’m not done with you. You taste fucking delicious. You can give me one more before I go inside of you, can’t you?” He attaches his mouth back onto my pussy and I’m rendered useless. I grab back onto his hair as he licks and fingers me, making me incoherently babble. My second orgasm comes out of nowhere and hits me like a freight train. I’m squeezing Sam’s head so hard with my thighs I’m afraid I’m going to kill him. I’ve never come twice from someone going down on me, and now Sam’s got me second guessing everything. 
Once I finally come down he presses soft kisses to the insides of my thighs and my hips, slowly making his way up my body. It’s then I notice his cock straining against his boxers. Sam follows my eyeline down and that playful smirk appears once more. In a flash he flips us so that he’s laying down and I’m on top. My sensitive center rests on him once we flip and I become ravenous. 
“Think you can help, baby?” I look up to Sam’s eyes which are hooded and still dark. Being this close I can see that his pupils are blown out, I press a soft kiss on his lips where I can taste me, and I’m a little surprised to find I like it. I like that this man tastes like me. At some point during our interaction he unbuttoned his shirt and taken it off, showing me his whole body. I kiss my way down until I hit his boxers, then I grab them on both sides so I can bring them down as I go. 
As soon as I get it over his cock it springs free, and is very hard. I waste no time bringing my lips to the head and wrapping them around it. I’m rewarded with a deep, husky moan. I take my time playing with the head of his cock with my tongue. I feel his hips buck and I swear I hear a ‘please’. Without warning, I take him to the hilt, slightly choking on him. His hand flies to the back of my head with a ‘fuck’ and he lets me bob my head a couple of times before he’s pulling me off. 
“I need to be inside you, please baby.” He flips us back over and grabs a condom resting on the nightstand. Once he is sheathed, he places the head teasingly at my entrance. I watch as he drags it up and down, playing with my clit too.
“Sam, please.” I sound desperate and I don’t care because before I can even finish my plea he’s slowly pushing inside of me. We both loudly moan as he pushes deeper and deeper until he’s sitting at the hilt. He leans down and kisses me. I bite his lip and he groans while trying to push even deeper into me. 
Without warning, he pulls out quickly then pushes back in, making my eyes roll into the back of my head as I loudly moan. He keeps his slow rhythm while keeping his lips on me. My hand instantly grips his arm as he attaches his mouth to one of my hard nipples. He bites, just enough for a small bit of pain before he lets go and gives the same attention to my other one. 
I’m completely lost in Sam and I don’t mind one bit. I run my hands up and down his bicep, feeling the ridges in his muscles. His lips are the most distracting, anywhere they go they have my utmost attention that I actually whine when he pulls them away completely. He leans down so they graze my ear.
“I want you on top, is that okay baby?” 
“Yes, please yes.” 
Snaking his arm around my waist, he swiftly flips us over. Helpingme so I’m sitting upright on him. I place my hands on his hard stomach as I slowly move up and down with every intention of driving him absolutely crazy. Sam reaches out and pinches my nipple which has me moaning and moving my hips quicker in response. 
“Not fair,” I whine, “I was trying to do something.”
“I could see it in your eyes, baby. You’re not very good at being sly.” He lifts his hips up to meet mine with every thrust. I can’t help but pick up the pace, he feels and looks so good under me. Sam looks up at me and it makes me feel so fucking powerful. 
“Such a good fucking girl,” Sam says as I watch him bring his finger to my exposed clit and starts to rub it as I bounce on him. The new added pressure is a very welcome feeling, but I’m even closer to the edge now. 
“Sam, please, I’m so close.” I don’t know what I’m even pleading for anymore, just that I want him. 
“Come for me, baby.” That was all I needed to be pushed over the edge, my orgasm hitting me hard and fast. “Baby, I’m right behind you,” is all he says before I feel him tense up underneath me, coming just as hard. I collapse on top of him, our heavy breathing in tandem as we stare at each other.
His eyes are flooded with color now, I almost feel foolish not seeing it before. The dark brown is littered with golden flecks, making his eyes look like they shine in this post-coital light. He reaches up a hand and brushes my hair away from my face and neck, then leaves it there to linger on my cheek. We stay like this for a couple moments in silent bliss before he slowly starts to pull out. 
“I’ll be right back,” Sam says as he makes his way to the en suite. I lay on the bed surrounded by the scent of Sam, of us, as I hear water start to run in the other room. It goes on for a little bit, and even though I know I should clean up, the soft sound has my eyes fluttering shut. “Y/N, baby.” Sam laughs as my eyes shoot open. He now has his boxers back on and his hair is up in a messy bun. “Come here, I’ll carry you.” 
I ask no questions as I shimmy to the edge of the bed where Sam scoops me up bridal style and walks me into the en suite. It’s steamy and warm once we enter, and I realize the noise I was hearing was him running a bath. He sets me down on the counter and hands me a warm washcloth. His eyes never leave my face as I clean up and discard the washcloth, then he lifts me once more and places me in the tub. The warm water is a welcome hug but it feels like something is missing. 
“Sam, join me?” I reach out my hand to him and watch as his eyes light up.
“Scoot forward.” I move to scrunch in the tub, my arms wrapped around my knees as Sam settles in behind me. Once he’s seated, his hands land on my shoulders and pull me into him. This is now perfect. The warm water, the hot man running his hands along my arms in a comforting embrace. He buries his nose in my hair as I try to burrow even closer to him. 
“Tonight was nice.” Sam says softly.
“It was very nice, I didn’t expect this.”
“I didn’t either, but I’m glad you took the chance. Stay the night with me.” 
With my eyelids already heavy, it was an easy choice. “Okay.” 
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moonlightisdancing · 8 months
Fic Recs
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Finally made one of these for anyone who’s interested!
Reminder that these are fan fiction. These are not accurate representations of the individuals portrayed. It is simply a form of art and expression! All fics listed below contain explicit/NSFW themes, they are intended for consenting adults!
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haze @milkgemini
august, honey, you were mine @finestoflines
honey you’re familiar @josh-kiszkas-mullet
delectable @jake-kiszkas-smirk
the sex scene @lightmylove-gvf
little fantasy @jake-kiszkas-smirk
it’s never over @builtbybrokenbells
valtava @gretavanlace
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vigilance @gretavangroupie
lazarus @garbagevanfleet
anything for you @themoreyou-love
sémillante @profitofthedune
cream & sugar @sacredthefran
the deepest cut @emsfallingsky
karma @sunshinevanfleet
like real people do @alwaysonthemend
from the book @vanfleeter
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gratitude @builtbykittie
body electric @satans-helper
dripping drumsticks @gretavanlace
show me @vanfleeter
spontaneous @jake-kiszkas-smirk
stroke me @hyperfixated-gvf
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carried away @ageofnations
picasso @builtbybrokenbells
why don’t you make me? @joshym
35 high @ageofbarbarians
talk @ageofhearingloss
feel it @samkiszkasfacialhair
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madneedshelp · 8 months
All That Love - Josh Kiszka x AFABReader
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Summary: It was a surprise to find out you and Josh were expecting, and when the idea for a fall date arises, you devise the perfect plan to tell him the news.
Warnings: absolutely sickening fluff because I’m feeling like it, mentions of pregnancy, allusions to sex
Words: 1.3k (just a quick little oneshot)
A/N: It's been so long since I've wrote a fic, and I wanted to post something for the Halloween fics @hearts-hunger was organizing. Besides, I cannot resist a little Josh fluff. Also, fair warning, this isn’t edited because I really wanted to get it posted but I am a busy gal.
It was so nice to have Josh home on a break from tour. Especially during this time of year. While he may have been the human embodiment of sunshine, fall was one of his favorite times of the year. All the horror movies and psychological thrillers that he considered masterpieces, the cozy weather, the seasonal activities, he loved all of it and you loved partaking in it with him. 
However, none of those things were what had you most excited for him to be home. 
Two days ago, you found out you were pregnant. It was a fairly common scenario, the two of you weren’t actively trying, but you also weren’t necessarily preventing. Besides, you had been together for ages and you both wanted kids, this would be a welcome surprise. 
While it would’ve been so plainly easy to tell him, you decided you wanted to do something special. After all, this was Josh. He always gave thoughtful gifts and surprised you with elaborately planned outings. You wanted it to be your turn to do something nice to tell him. 
“What do you think of carving pumpkins tonight?” You asked from your spot on the couch. 
Josh looked up from the book he had been reading. “Hm? Pumpkin carving?”
You nodded with a small grin, trying your best to keep your face a reasonable level of excited. You happened to be unfortunately bad at surprises. “Yeah, I thought it could be fun. We could go to that pumpkin patch and pick them this afternoon, then we could come home and carve them this evening. Might as well enjoy your time off, right?”
He leaned over to kiss your cheek with a grin. “Sounds perfect, I’d love to. What made you come up with this?”
“Nothing in particular, just sounded like a nice idea. I do have those sometimes. Anyway, since you were a fan of my genius plan, we better get ready and get going.” You stood and pulled him up off the couch with you. If he asked too many questions, you would slip up or cave, and you were determined to pull your little scheme off. 
“Someone’s in a bit of a rush.” He gave you a mildly suspicious glance. 
You shook your head. “No, no, I just figured I need time to shower before we go and plenty of time for you to join me.”
“Ah, I like the way you think, sugar.”
It was late afternoon by the time you and Josh made it to the pumpkin patch, and it was still packed. These places were always a bit insane in the month of October, though. It was kind of nice, all the families and couples that were out having a nice time. You could definitely see you and Josh bringing your kids to do this kind of thing. 
Before you could start to get emotional, you snuck a glance over at Josh. He was also looking at the crowds. He seemed to notice your gaze and turned to face you with a grin. 
“What?” You chuckled at him.
He leaned in a bit closer and spoke in a low voice. “I want one.” He nodded his head slightly towards a young couple with a baby dressed up in an adorable little pumpkin costume. 
The three little words warmed your heart. It had been so hard not saying anything to him yet, but you knew it would be so worth it when you told him that night. “Me too, but I think this might be a conversation for later.” You whispered back, giving him a quick kiss. 
Thankfully, the “later” part of the day didn’t take too long to get too. By the time the two of you picked out your pumpkins, went home, and made dinner, the evening had arrived. Still, the excitement had you eager to finish your plan. 
“So, any idea of what you’re carving?” Josh asked as he finished setting up the carving station on the back porch of your house. 
You made sure the carving template you printed off was held out of his view. “I have an idea.”
“What is it?”
“A surprise.”
Immediately, you could see the intrigue overtake his features. “Oh? Well now I have to know.”
You made your way to the table and scooted your pumpkin to the opposite side from him. “Absolutely no hints. We’re going to carve them facing each other and you’re not going to peek.”
“You torture me so, my heart.” He clutched his chest in mock anguish. 
“Just sit down and carve your pumpkin.” You sighed. 
He made it approximately four seconds before he started in again. 
“What’s that in your hand?”
You looked down at the paper in your hand. “Just a template.”
“Are you telling me you printed off a stencil?” He chuckled smugly. 
You pointed your flimsy carving tool at him with a stern look. “Hey, I just wanted it to look really good this year.”
He shrugged, still looking entirely too proud. “Well, we can’t all be naturally talented pumpkin carvers, I suppose.”
“You better knock it off, or I’m not showing you the finished project.”
His hands flew up in mock surrender, teasing finally starting to ebb. 
You put on some quiet background music, and the two of you got to work on your pumpkins and chatted lightly. The stencil you picked took a bit long to actually carve out. It had two little footprints in the middle and the words “coming soon” surrounding it. Josh finished first, and luckily didn’t try to distract you too badly. Deep down, you knew it was because the unknowing was killing him and he wanted you to hurry. You wanted to assure him that the feeling was mutual, and the sooner you finished the pumpkin the better. 
“Okay,” You let out a breath. “The masterpiece is complete. Are we ready for the big reveal?”
He nodded excitedly, grabbing his pumpkin. 
You matched his smile. “Okay, you first.” 
He swiveled the pumpkin around to face you. He carved his triangle symbol onto it, which wasn’t really a shock. He even had it embroidered onto the back off on of his suits, amongst many other things. 
“Fantastic work, it looks great, Josh.” You gave him a small round of applause. 
He waved a hand dismissively. “Why thank you, but the show isn’t over. We have to see your pumpkin before both can truly be appreciated.”
“Alright…” You bit your lip and turned it around slowly. 
As soon as he read it, his face cleared of all joking manners. The soft glow from the candle inside the pumpkin cast his face with a small bit of light, but it was enough for you to tell a faint sheen of tears coated his eyes. 
“Does this mean what I think it means?” His voice was practically a whisper. 
You nodded, your own eyes welling up too. “I’m pregnant, Josh. We’re gonna have a baby.”
He was in front of you in an instant, pressing a kiss to your lips as he embraced you. A few silent, happy tears escaped both of you as he leaned his forehead against yours and his hands traveled to rest on your stomach. 
“We’re having a baby,” He chuckled breathlessly, voice a quiet rasp.
“Yeah, we are.” You grinned, mirroring his soft laugh. 
He looked from your stomach then back up to meet your gaze. “I love you. I love you so much, and I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you as happy as you’ve made me. I love our life and I cannot wait to watch it grow together.” 
“Likewise, Josh, I love you. Forever and always.”
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streamingcolors-gvf · 2 years
Pumpkin Spice
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Pairing: Josh Kiszka x f!reader
Summary: It wasn’t Halloween if you didn’t carve pumpkins. Well, that’s what your best friend, Josh insisted on every year. To you, it didn’t matter what you were doing as long as it was with him. The night had started off like any other, but quickly evolved as feelings you weren’t aware of, or willing to accept before, were suddenly brought to the surface. 
Word Count: 11k
AN: This is the first installment of our Halloween Collection. Since this is a collaboration, please make sure to also send feedback and support to the wonderful miss Allie @ageofnations . We had lots of fun putting this together and hope you all do as well 🧡
**Disclaimer: Everything written here is intended to be read as complete fiction with utmost respect for the real people these characters may be based on. We do not know the guys personally and don’t intend for this to reflect on them as real people in any way.**
Warnings: cursing, alcohol consumption, NSFW/18+ CONTENT MINORS DNI! (Sexually explicit content: unprotected penetrative sex, oral m!receiving, oral f!receiving, dirty talk, choking, praise, orgasm denial, super slight spit kink, if we missed anything please let us know!)
The faded, more-than-loved oversized flannel that made its appearance each fall brushed against your skin, wrapping your body like a familiar hug, comforting you in its simple pleasure. 
The apartment was quickly filling up with the aroma of the warm vanilla and pumpkin candle that you had recently bought on one of your shopping outings. A collection of fuzzy blankets and throws littered the small couch, giving you something to snuggle with while watching your favorite movies.
You took an incredible amount of joy decorating the modest living space with the seasonal and Halloween themed knick-knacks collected over the years. Your Friday night was starting to feel calm, peaceful even.
As comforting as your place had become, there was something that was still making you restless. You were fidgeting with the items displayed across your coffee table, trying not to look at your phone every five seconds. He wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t perfect. He had seen your place in its worst condition many times over, but you needed something to focus on so you could push the anxiety you had been feeling recently. 
He’d never admit to you that his hands were shaking as he put the car in drive, departing from his place to yours. He’d never tell you that he almost turned the car around, almost too nervous to keep his word that he’d spend time with you for the first time in what felt like ages. He’d certainly never let it show that you had begun to consume every waking thought, and live in each of his dreams at night.
When you were apart, everything reminded him of you. When you were together, he ached for you. Wishing he could tell you how he felt, but too afraid to lose you if you didn’t feel the same. He wanted to tell you how much he loved when you hummed along to music, lost in your own world and careless that anyone could hear. To let you know that the sound of your laughter played in his head whenever he thought of you. But he didn’t. He couldn’t. Where his glances lingered too long and how he craved your touch non-stop, you were simply existing in ignorant bliss. 
He had accepted that this was the way things would be. You, completely oblivious to his longing, hopeless pining as you continued to cherish his friendship and affection. Knowing he would rather have you like this than not at all, the thought of losing you terrified him. There was a point where he decided that a few weeks away might help. The break from you could bring him back to reality, to maybe see you as only a “friend”. It only seemed to make it worse. His time away from you only solidified that he cared about you more than you knew.  
You of course questioned how distant he was. It pained him not to tell you the truth when you asked if you had done something wrong. If he had been upset with you somehow. When you finally asked for him to spend time with you tonight, he couldn’t refuse. He missed you in more ways than you could imagine, and he had to make up for the time he lost. He had to show you that he was sorry for ever making you think you were the problem, that you deserved every ounce of his time. He wanted to even show you that this “break” didn’t stop the thoughts of wanting you from entering his mind. He felt guilty, selfish for them.
His brothers knew it. Hell, he was convinced everyone saw it but you. Especially Jake. It was the unspoken topic, the elephant in the room up until recently. He had always brushed off his twin’s advice, but the conversation they had shared earlier in the week changed things for him.
“Stop sulking and just fucking ask her out already.”
Josh lifted his head from the journal laid on the table in front of him, seeing his twin padding over to the fridge. He rummaged momentarily and retrieved a beer before he shut the door, a bit too harshly than intended, but he didn’t flinch.
“Huh?” He blinked at Jake.
Jake motioned to the open book that Josh had been scribbling in, a hobby that he had taken up much more often upon not seeing you as much. Jake huffed. “You’ve been pouting for two weeks. Make a move or get over it.”
“I just can’t-“
“Why?” Jake groaned, cutting off his brother’s weak excuse. 
“Because. We’re friends and I don’t want to fuck that up, okay? What if it ruins things? What if she doesn’t have those feelings? It will never be the same.”
He hummed in thought, sucking his teeth before answering, “I think you underestimate how much she likes you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Think about it for a second. She hasn’t seriously dated anyone with you constantly attached to her at the hip for like the last five years. And I don’t know if you’re ignoring her or what, but she’s been blowing my phone up all week asking about you. Even texting Sam. Sam! Of all people. I’m telling you, she’s into you.”
Josh was in denial about the idea. He wasn’t sure he could ever build up the courage to see you again so soon if he thought that you felt the same way. “I think you’re reading too far into it.”
“Whatever. Just man the fuck up and do something about it before she comes to her senses and dates someone else for fuck’s sake” 
The interaction stewed for several days, and he replayed it in his mind as he gripped the steering wheel. Every word. Every touch, Every glance you gave had a new meaning to him. Was Jake right? Was there something more to it?
The possibility alone intensified his impulses. But by the time he had come close enough to obey them, to finally turn around and make an elaborate excuse as to why he bailed out on your plans, he was in your driveway. 
He had never been too fond of his acting skills. Sure, he had done theatre, it was something he enjoyed and had even wanted to pursue as a career at some point, but he still found it difficult to believe those that praised him for his abilities. Even after receiving leading roles in whatever production he was involved in, he never thought he was the most qualified for the job. But this… whatever this was with you… he was proud of. Every day with you, every interaction, was its own production. And he somehow managed to put up an act every time. This was a dress rehearsal, a gig that as long as he performed well, he’d be able to keep you around.  
“A little help here!”  A voice, broken with heavy breathing, called out into your apartment.
You had expected him, of course. You had been looking forward to seeing him for the first time in what felt like forever, tonight seemingly the only thing you had been anticipating all week. But that didn’t make his boisterous arrival any less alarming.
“Josh!” You gasped, clutching at your chest as if to keep your frantically beating heart within the walls of your sternum. “Don’t you knock anymore?!”
You made your way around the corner of the living room, shifting your view to your best friend laughing as he set the items down at your kitchen table with a heavy thud. 
“Oh I’m sorry, was I not carrying two heavy ass pumpkins and the fucking liquor up three flights of stairs?” He motioned to the two giant pumpkins, catching one as it tried to roll off the edge of the table. 
“Whatever,” you scoffed. “I could have been indecent or something.”
The tone of his voice shifted into a teasing nature, “Indecent?”
“You know, like, I could have been walking around my apartment naked.”
Just as it left your mouth, you wished you could reel it back in. He wasn’t one to let an opportunity to poke fun at you slip past him. 
“You walk around naked in your apartment?” He laughed again, with his back still facing you.
Even though he couldn’t see you roll your eyes, he could hear the attitude in your tone, “Shut up.”
And when he finally turned towards you, even though it was slight, you felt your eyes widen as you spotted it. The new patches of hair above his upper lip and chin.
Without a second thought, you reached out, “Excuse me?!” You brushed the hair with your fingertips, checking if what you were seeing was actually real or if you had just imagined it. “I don’t see you for a few weeks and this is what happens?”
Josh knew his body froze for a moment as your fingers grazed against his skin. He knew that his breathing faltered, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before he lost himself in your touch. He wanted to grab your hand, to keep it still when your fingertips brushed against his lips. 
If only you knew how every fleeting graze made his heart race wildly within his chest. He thought he had mastered covering up his feelings for you, but in recent months it had become more difficult. And right now, it was completely, utterly, entirely unavoidable. 
If you only knew that he had spent hours today passing in front of the mirror, anxiously fixating on the new growth of hair on his face. Worried that you would hate it, but maybe even more worried about if you would like it. He imagined over and over what your reaction would be.
At first, he was nervous when you gasped at the sight, but even through your teasing, he saw the small smirk break through the facade. He saw that same look of intrigue, of pure amazement, that occurred when you were engrossed in a new book. The hesitant wonder as you tried on an outfit that might have been slightly out of your comfort zone, yet still looked just as good on you as he knew it would. It was a familiar face, but he had never been this close while experiencing it. 
If this is what it took, if this was his only option in getting to have you this close, he’d do it all the time. He’d never shave, he’d grow a beard if it meant you’d react this way. He’d do anything if he knew it would be the only time he’d feel the soft tips of your fingers padding along his face.
“You don’t like it?” He took a step back, mainly so he wouldn’t get too much in his own head, and stroked the hair. 
“I hate it.” You tried to speak with sincerity, but the smirk you had tried to hide finally broke through. It certainly wasn’t your favorite look, but you definitely didn’t hate it - no matter how much you wanted to.
“Maybe you can forgive me? I did bring you a peace offering.” Josh’s smirk made you suspicious almost instantly. He turned momentarily, digging into the brown paper bag and pulling out a bottle of Fireball whiskey. It seemed as if its logo were taunting you, the iconic red demonic fire-breathing dragon tempting you with bad decisions.
“You did not.” You fought the smile that was tugging at the corner of your lips. 
“What?” He questioned defensively. “I thought it was fitting for Halloween. Ya know, the cinnamon and all that shit?”
You rolled your eyes at him, but you couldn’t help but giggle at his thought process. “I think you just like seeing me suffer.”
“Whatever,” he scoffed, throwing an elbow into your arm before he crossed the kitchen. You watched him move through the space as if it were his own, almost entranced by how he seemed to fit in so easily here. It was natural. It was domestic. Even with time apart, he melded effortlessly back into your world as if he had never left. 
Thinking about your time away made you feel downcast all over again. You loved having him around, and he seemed to enjoy it just as much as you. But you couldn’t help but feel as if something was off. Something had caused him to be distant, something he still hadn’t disclosed to you. It worried you.
“Hey…” you spoke gently while he had his back to you. He had been reaching for the shot glasses in your cabinet, but once he paused his actions and turned his cheek to you, you knew you grabbed his attention.
You hesitated before asking, almost afraid of the answer, but mostly feeling silly for needing the reassurance. “Are…are we okay?”
“Yeah…” He paused, and you noticed his eyes flick down to the counter as if he were avoiding making eye contact with you. He quickly tried to recover, correcting his tone with a more enthusiastic response and a soft, closed smile. “Yeah!” You knew this was an attempt to reassure you, but it didn’t even seem that he was convinced himself. There was a hint of sadness somewhere within his golden-honeyed irises. 
“...Are you sure?” You tried again, making a mental note of how quickly he had resumed his task of retrieving the glasses.
“Of course,” he said before clearing his throat, breaking his gaze to the bottle in his hand as he picked at the plastic wrapper. You had known him long enough that he was stalling for something to say. “I think I’ve just been going through some things, ya know? Stuff I needed to work out.”
Josh rarely lied to you, if ever, but you also knew he wasn’t being completely honest either. He was still holding back. You considered pressing the issue, but you decided against it.
Before you could find what you should say next, he had made his way to you at the counter, holding two too-full shot glasses of Fireball with a seemingly forced smile on his face. You took the glass that he slid to you, but you didn’t dare drink it.
“I missed you.” The small admission seemed to melt the tension from his face instantly. The once, pained smile shifted, spreading into a full, toothy grin, allowing you to spot the slight gap between his teeth. One of the small features that made Josh, Josh.
“I missed you, too.”
You leaned over the counter, placing a hand on his before continuing, “Please don’t shut me out again. You know you can talk to me, right?”
He sighed, flicking his eyes down to your hand. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“Okay, good. Because if you ghost me again, I’m hunting you down myself.” You were only halfway joking, certain that you’d at least consider the idea of searching for him in the case that he became distant again.
“I doubt you could find me,” he teased smugly.
“Please,” you waved a dismissive hand at him. “You’re usually at one of three places. One of them includes my house.”
He laughed again, the sound was lighter, more genuine than it had been since he arrived. “Oh come on, don’t pretend you don’t love it when I’m here.”
“A lady never reveals her secrets.”
He let your words linger in the air, allowing a moment of silence to fall between you. You didn’t mind, but you swore you could see the gears turning in his head while deep in thought. “So!” He cleared his throat, ”What are we celebrating?”
You hummed to yourself as you pondered the possibilities, raising your shot glass filled to the brim with whiskey into the air, “To our friendship through all these years, and not letting the small stuff get in the way. “
He clinked his glass into yours, “To friendship.” And as if he couldn’t resist the temptation, shouted out, “Bajabule!”
As the night progressed, and many more shots were taken, you both migrated to the kitchen table. Your respective pumpkins sat in front of you, ready to be massacred. Music played throughout the apartment as you both tackled the evening’s project. The bottle of Fireball and plastic containers from your carryout littered the table within the mix of carving supplies you had gathered earlier.
However, there seemed to be very little actual carving being done. At least on Josh’s part. Compared to him, you had taken a vastly different approach to the activity. Instead of planning and transferring a design, you had opted to scoop out the guts of the pumpkin right away. A simple Jack-o-lantern was probably going to be your safest bet with the amount whiskey running through your system. But Josh, on the other hand, was being very precise about his project. 
At first, you watched him flip through images on his phone, searching for something to inspire him. His pumpkin sat untouched in front of him while you continued cutting and popping out orange bits with your knife. But then, you noticed that he had stopped scrolling, his eyes now on you. At first, you thought nothing of it, but each time you broke your eyes from the pumpkin, you saw him watching.
His eyes lifted to yours once he was able to blink away the daze he had been in. “Yeah?”
“I love you, but you’re starting to make me nervous when you stare at me like that,” you huffed as you continued to saw along the flesh of the pumpkin. 
He stalled, picking at the edges of his phone case as he searched for an excuse for his staring, finally settling on, “Just making sure you don’t hurt yourself.”
He had been watching your hands carefully, admiring how precise each cut and movement was. However, it wasn’t due to anything other than his wandering thoughts. How soft your palms looked. How warm he imagined they would be as he held them. He found himself slipping back there, not even realizing that you had started speaking again.
“I think I can handle cutting into the top of a pumpkin. Besides, I’ve seen you with a knife. Not exactly the pinnacle of safety-” you stopped yourself, bringing your full attention to him and setting down your tools. “You’re still staring.”
There was no denying it, and with the way you were looking at him right now, you had begun to notice that there was something more to his actions.
He shrugged and began scrolling again. “Can’t help myself, mama.”
But that wasn’t it. Not entirely. Yes, he was admiring your effortless beauty. You would deny it, of course. It was the way you had your worn flannel rolled up to your elbows so you could work, that same flannel that he looked forward to seeing you wear every fall. It was one of your favorite articles of clothing, and upon seeing how comfortable you looked in it, it had quickly become one of his as well. It was the way your brows pulled together when you were deep in concentration, adamant about your craft being perfect. It was the way your nose scrunched as you wiggled the knife in your pumpkin, a small habit that you surely never noticed. The small things someone else might overlook, but he was careful to take in.
Josh sighed at the brief silence, choosing to change the subject before you could question him further. “Do you know the history of pumpkin carving?”
A breath of a laugh escaped you because of the randomness of his question. Of course, you didn’t know such a thing, but you knew that he was well on his way to explain every detail about it. Before you could shake your head in response, he had already begun his retelling of stories he’d been told, fables he had read over the years. He had gone on so long that you had gotten up from the table, taking a break from your project to clean up some of the mess in front of you. You began by taking a few carryout containers to the trash, but you continued listening to him, even glancing back at him with a smile occasionally. 
“-So here we are, continuing the tradition of scaring away the soul of poor Jack,” he finished, making you giggle softly. There was something about how he could end such a comprehensive story with a silly remark that made you love him that much more. 
“And what are you gonna carve into your pumpkin to scare him, Joshua?” You propped yourself against his side of the table and raised an eyebrow at him, poking fun at him for still not starting his carving. 
He wasn’t sure if it was your tone, how close you were to him, or just the fact that it was you, but his cheeks pinkened. Suddenly bashful, he dropped his head. “I- I don’t know yet.”
“So you were just hoping to find creative inspiration once you got the knife in your hand?”
“Well… yes actually.”
His honesty made you tilt your head back in laughter. “You are so cute,” you teased, petting his head briefly before returning to the kitchen. “I hope you carve yours soon. I’m almost done and I feel like mine is gonna rot before you even start.”
As you cleaned off the tabletop and threw away the rest of the empty carryout boxes, you watched him from afar as he finally began to draw his design onto his pumpkin. He had a firm grip on the fruit, tipping it back as he meticulously etched onto its waxy surface. You could even see the tip of his tongue poking out the side of his mouth, indicating just how focused he really was. You smiled, cherishing how seriously he took anything with an artistic element to it. 
You let Josh have the table to himself for a moment before you decided to return. It seemed as if the space between you helped him. He had been able to finally gather his thoughts to begin his design, and you didn’t want to interrupt him. You excused yourself for a water and bathroom break, taking as much time as you possibly could with such a task, but as you came back to him just now grabbing the knife for the first time, you groaned. 
“Josh-” You whined, slightly frustrated and impatient, as you sat in your respective seat.
He waved you off. “Hold on. You can’t rush perfection, mama.”
“You know they don’t have to be perfect right? I doubt anyone will even be able to see them from my balcony”
You could see him sporting an expression that was meant to mock you, and he even muttered under his breath. “...Maybe I wanted it to be perfect for you”
“Huh?” You chuckled.
“I mean… um, I uh, I just want it to be perfect for you to see.”
Josh tore into the center of his pumpkin after finally removing the top. He pulled out handfuls of slimy seeds covered in stringy pulp into the large metal bowl that sat at the center of your kitchen table.
“You just gotta make sure you get-“ Josh huffed out until the metal spoon caught the lip of the pumpkin mid-scrape of an overly enthusiastic jerk of his arm, causing the innards to fling up into the air. 
You flinched back and opened your eyes to see he was covered. Seeds and stringy pumpkin goo had splattered across his shirt, on his face, the wall behind him, and onto the kitchen floor.
You stared at each other for a few seconds, processing what had just occurred. Laughter erupted from your chest. Alcohol was buzzing unapologetically through your system, and seeing him in such a state only made you laugh harder.
‘Come on!” you giggled, grabbing his arm to drag him down the hallway towards the bathroom.
His heels dug into the floor, and he pulled back from your grasp. Although it wasn’t enough to stop you. “I think a towel would be just fine-”
“Josh! You got it everywhere!”
He caught the door frame with his hand, bringing you to a halt, “I don’t think-“
“Get in here!” You gave one final tug and yanked him into the tiny bathroom, knocking him into you. The sudden collision made you stumble backward, but he caught your hips to steady you.
“Now what made you think you should wear a white shirt?”
If he told you it was because you complimented him on how good the white crew neck looked on him, you would have rolled your eyes. That’s how things were for him. Something as simple as a shirt. A thing that you probably didn’t think twice about. If it was what you liked, he made sure to wear it when he saw you just in hopes that the sweet praise would pass your lips once more. 
“I dunno. Comfortable I guess,” he mumbled, tugging the fabric away from his stomach to inspect the damages. 
“Well, it’s going to stain. Here.” You nudged his elbows, “Let’s get this off.”
You lifted Josh’s sweater, leaning up and balancing on your toes to pull it over his head. It was a simple task, nothing too daunting or out of the ordinary. But the alcohol in your system made the job much harder than necessary. You tried to keep your balance, but in doing so, most of your body ended up against his, pressing into his bare chest as he freed his arms from the long sleeves. It also made you highly aware that you had opted to not wear a bra under your flannel tonight. 
    He was warm. Soft. You could smell the Fireball that still lingered in his breath, the scent only muddling your mind a bit more. Your inebriation seemed to heighten each of the sensations you were experiencing, almost to the point that you lingered in his proximity. You almost didn’t want to break away from him. 
You had shared many moments like this before. Throughout the years of your friendship, you had been close to him. Evenings spent on the couch tangled up together watching movies, the nearly lung-crushing hugs when you greeted each other and had even seen him shirtless like this before. Now as you stood in the small bathroom of your apartment, this felt different somehow. 
    Nervous laughter broke from you as your face flushed with intense heat, the sudden feeling almost blurring your vision. You remembered just where you were and just what you were doing. You instantly shifted back, breaking the contact to create space between you.
    “I think someone’s drunk,” Josh giggled while his finger bopped the tip of your nose, bringing your focus back to him standing in front of you. 
    “I am not!” You tried to defend yourself, but the blush that spread across your cheeks made you look even more guilty. And the smirk on his face told you that he certainly noticed. You huffed at him before glancing at his messed-up hair. “Hold still.”
    He rolled his eyes as you ran your fingers through his mane of curls in an attempt to fix them, still smiling at your drunkenness, but deciding to abandon his previous teasing.
    “Just so you know, I don’t let anyone touch my hair but you,” he noted. His eyes fixed on your face, grazing over each of your features, watching you with glossy eyes. 
    “Does that mean I can take care of that squirrel on your face?” You teased back.
“You really don’t like it, do you?”
“It’s not ‘My’ Joshua. Used to your baby face,” you pouted. It probably wasn’t something you would have said sober, but you meant it. 
He cocked a brow as his tongue wet his upper lip, “‘Your’ Joshua, huh?”
“You know what I mean! It’s just-it looks good but I don’t know…” You were rambling, “…it’s different I guess.”
He hummed at the thought. “I think you’ll change your mind.”
“Yeah, yeah. I hope so. For your sake.”
You dipped your fingers deeper, brushing against his scalp this time. An unexpected, breathy sigh fluttered from his lips as his eyes closed from the sensation.  
Maybe you weren’t supposed to hear it. Maybe he hadn’t meant to make the noise in the first place. Maybe you were only imagining things, making up situations in the heat of the moment. But the idea of having such an effect on him, one that he couldn’t contain no matter how hard he tried, flustered you. 
    You didn’t realize you were staring in awe until he opened his eyes again, his breath still heavy from your fingers in his hair. His focus dropped to your lips, plump and slightly parted, before he looked back up at you. 
    His expression was calm, but he had abandoned the drunken antics you had shared before. The large, coffee-brown eyes looked over your features, as if trying to read your thoughts. 
    You forced yourself to tear your eyes away from him and resume your task of cleaning him up, clearing your throat to regain your composure. You reached behind him, pressing into him once again to grab a washcloth. The sound of the hot water running over the cloth was the only relief from the deafening silence that filled the space around you. Your concentration fell onto working the soap into a lather, but his hand on your side made your focus shift again. Every quip, every touch, every sigh seemed to be a hint at something, but you were unsure of what. And that uncertainty only made your thoughts wander, this time to the point where you completely paused your movements. 
    He leaned in closer, his breath feeling extremely warm against your neck as he broke the silence. “Really,” he prompted in regards to the washcloth. “I don't think that’s necessary.”
    You almost let yourself get embarrassed, sorry that you had even thought to make such a gesture, but you quickly realized that you had let his teasing get the best of you. You huffed in frustration at him.
    “Josh, you have a pumpkin seed on your cheek.” You pulled back to look him in the eyes. “And on your forehead, in your hair-” you continued as you motioned to each area. “I think it’s very much necessary.”
    He chuckled at your persistence and grabbed the damp cloth from you. “Sorry, mama. Guess I got a little carried away.”
“I’d say so.” You reached up to grab the stray seed from his curls after Josh began to wipe his face. The tasks were quick, and Josh finished before you, but as you finger-combed through the last portion of his hair, your fingers caught a knot, tugging the hair on accident. Josh let out what sounded like a soft moan, and quickly brought his hand to wrap around your wrist.
You froze, much too aware of the boundary you were treading on now. All night, you had worked to convince yourself that he was simply being nice, that the alcohol in both of your systems made you more reactive to his actions. That this was all in your head.
But now, you saw that you had been right all along. Something was shifting. There was… tension. 
This was new, uncharted territory.
You searched his expression to see what your next step should be, but he seemed just as stunned as you, as if he was unaware that you had even heard him in the first place. You wanted to pull away from him, yet you also wanted to see where this would go. You wanted to escape from this situation, the suspense of the unknown, yet you also wanted to see where you’d land if you took it a step further.
But the anxiety was stronger than your urges, and the desire to retreat was almost too powerful to beat. You looked to his fingers wrapped around your wrist, the only thing keeping you in your place.
“Oh…uh,” you somehow managed to say. “I’m sorry.”
He sighed at your apology, eyes flickering back and forth from your eyes to your lips. “Mmm, don’t be.” His grip loosened to where you could control where you let your hand rest, but he never let go of you. You settled on taking a step - one that could still be considered platonic - by resting your palm against the base of his neck. 
You stayed there for a while, in silence and staring at one another. You drank in his presence, rubbing your thumb absentmindedly along his jaw while he rubbed against the skin of your arm. Whatever boundary you were crossing with your friendship, he seemed to be right along with you. Holding your hand along the way, his strides in perfect timing with yours. He seemed okay with this, whatever this was. And with the way he was looking at you right now as if he were looking at one of the seven wonders of the world, you were on the same exact page. 
“Josh…” Your voice was feeble, breathy. “Can I kiss you?”
You had taken the chance, betting on your ability to read the situation unfolding before you. Even so, you almost didn’t believe the words as they broke through the silence of the room. 
You weren’t able to look into his eyes, afraid of the possibility of rejection. His voice matched yours, just as unsteady as yours had been, but his response was immediate. “Please.”
You leaned into him, closing the short distance between you. It felt as if time froze, standing still as you almost brought your lips to his. Something was holding you from just going for it completely. Your heart raced wildly within the walls of your chest, aching for the air you had forgotten to breathe. 
He waited, or maybe was frozen himself, as you hovered over his lips. Was it too late to back out now? Has everything already changed?
“Y/n…” Josh whispered. 
His fingers danced across your cheek with a feather-light touch, gentle and curious. They sank into the tresses of your hair and wrapped around the nape of your neck, guiding you into him. 
His lips brushed yours, faint and cautious. The gentle, barely-there pecks revealed his hesitation, maybe out of worry that you would suddenly change your mind. That you might shove him off you and decide to throw him out of the apartment.
You wouldn’t, of course. You were practically vibrating against him and you wondered if he had felt it. Every one of your senses was hyper-focused on Josh, cutting out the world like it was really only the two of you in existence. You were still treading, testing the shallow waters of this new feeling with him.
You might have been lost in your own head when your teeth knocked into his. For a second, you were terrified you killed the moment, souring it with your awkwardness. Instead, he just giggled into your lips between soft kisses to the corners of your mouth. But that did very little to reassure you. 
You both were panting, taken aback from what had just transpired and relishing in the warm sensation of your breath fanning on each other’s skin. He rested his forehead against yours, and a flash of worry fell upon you, afraid that the contact would make him privy to your thoughts. Your anxious habit of overthinking was bound to make itself known. 
But the smile on his face said otherwise. 
“You okay?” He whispered to you, not daring to speak too loud as if he’d scare you away. 
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered out. 
That’s when he finally caught on to the nerves evident in your voice. He seemed to tense up as his eyes widened. 
“Shit, no you’re not, Y/N. You’re shaking. I’m so sorry, I-“
“No!” You interrupted, perhaps a hint too aggressively. You took a deep breath to regain yourself, correcting your tone in the process. “No, Josh, I- I liked it a lot. Can you-“ you paused, suddenly feeling too silly to finish your question. “Can I-“
As hard as you tried, you couldn’t find it in you to push past the nerves and kiss him again like you wanted to. You couldn’t focus on anything other than the feeling of his lips on yours, and god did you need it. 
Through your stuttering and glances at his lips, he seemed to pick up on what you wanted to ask. What you needed from him. Without a word, Josh smiled at you and nodded before finally closing the distance once more. 
This kiss felt different than the first one. This kiss felt as if there were no more platonic boundaries left for you to cross. As if you both were made for this moment. As if you were finally in control over where this all led to. 
The position of his hand on your neck tightened and his other resting on your hip to pull you in closer, his tongue flicked across your bottom lip, taking another stride into the unknown. You moaned unexpectedly, parting your mouth for him without realizing how much you truly wanted it. You welcomed it, yearned for him. When his tongue slipped across yours, it was reminiscent of a hot cup of cider on a chilly autumn morning, hints of cinnamon lingered in his mouth before melting into an unfamiliar sweetness, one that you would recognize as his. 
Both of his hands were now on your neck, thumbs secured along your jaw with fingers tangled in your hair as he licked into you, tasting you. It had broken the seal. You found yourself now diving headfirst into the deep end, willing to explore what this was. 
It didn’t take long for him to find his rhythm with you, falling into an effortless dance. You didn’t even notice he had you pressed up against the sink until the hard edge hit your back.
You broke from his lips to plant kisses across his cheek, along his jaw, and then farther down to his neck. There was a new hunger building inside of you as your swollen lips trailed along his body. He started to grind his hips into you in response to you flicking your tongue to taste the saltiness of his skin. 
“Fuck,” Josh whispered as your teeth grazed across the vulnerable area of his throat. His hands tugged your flannel near the small of your back, bunching the material in his fists. 
You felt his chest rise and fall rapidly against yours as he fought to catch his breath. He broke away from your lips, “I think you’re enjoying this a little too much.”
    You smirked, teasing, “Yeah? And what about you, Joshy?” 
Your fingers traveled down his stomach, feeling the muscles twitch under your touch. You took your time caressing and appreciating his body as you found your way to the waistband of his jeans. 
He probably should have fought you on leaving such a noticeable mark on his neck as you sucked the splotchy bruise on his throat. But the way he was preoccupied bucking his hips against you, told you, he was enjoying it just as much. You traced your fingertips over the trail of hair below his navel before dipping under the band, caressing the soft sensitive area for the first time. 
    His voice quivered through shaky breaths and nervous laughter before he quipped, “Fuck off…”
Of course, he didn’t mean it. He’d have you here forever if he could. He’d do anything to keep your hands on him. 
Nothing else mattered. You would have continued everything right there and then. Josh, on the other hand, had different plans. He bent down, wrapping his hands around the back of your legs to lift you up, guiding them to lock around his waist. 
You kept kissing him as he carried you out of the bathroom and down the hallway towards your bedroom, bumping into the walls as he went. 
    That’s when you really felt him. His cock was unbelievably hard, throbbing within the restrictions of his jeans as he pressed into your core. You writhed against him, grinding in need to feel more of him. Desperate for anything. 
He stalled in the middle of the hallway, breaking from your kiss as he squeezed his hold around your body, “Y/n…please.” He begged through heavy pants into your cheek.
“Josh, I need you,”
He extended an arm to brace himself against the wall. “I know. God. I know. Just wait a second. We’re almost there,” 
He stumbled into your room, carrying you until you reached the foot of your bed. You fell back onto the mattress, pulling Josh over you to bring his lips back to yours. 
The string of Halloween pumpkin lights you had strung up above your bed cast him in its soft orange light, making him glow in the amber haze. The room hadn’t started spinning yet, but you still felt as if time had slowed. 
            His hands trembled as he attempted to open your flannel, fumbling with the tiny plastic buttons. Sensing his nerves, you wrapped your hands around his, pulling his focus back to your face.
    Josh’s eyes locked onto yours, darting between them, making a smile appear as you asked, “Will you take a shot with me?”
    He nodded. You were able to look at him, really look at him since you had first kissed. The features that you had always admired before were brought to your attention in a new light. Your fingers traced along his chin, across his full lips that curled up in the corners. They followed up the bridge of his nose, spreading out to feel the warmth of his cheeks. He sighed at the touch, smiling to himself, and closed his eyes while you took all the time you needed to adore him. 
    You brushed the fallen curls from his forehead that had started to become frizzy, “You’re so pretty, Josh.”
    He smiled, blushing at the compliment. He leaned up and planted a hasty kiss on your lips before fumbling off the bed and out of the room. Stopping right at the door, he shouted back to you, “Don’t move!”
You heard the clattering of things being knocked over in your kitchen followed by Josh muttering, “Shit!” You giggled to yourself, picturing how frantic and clumsy he was in his eagerness to search for that bottle of whiskey.
The break from him left you alone with your thoughts. Josh had always been your best friend. That’s all. That’s all you ever let him be. But best friends don’t touch each other like you and Josh had tonight. Best friends don’t kiss like their lives depended on it. But isn’t that what you had always wanted deep down? 
From the very first time you saw him, there was something more. Something that had drawn you to him like a moth to a flame. 
You had learned to push away the feeling you had when his hand lingered on your leg when he was telling one of his rambling stories. Hoping that nobody would make him theirs, that he would always be there for you. 
You really couldn’t blame it on the alcohol, could you? There had been plenty of nights spent with Josh where you had too much, went way over your limit and then some more. This has never happened before. Something had changed. You couldn’t lie to yourself anymore. There was an undeniable shift, and you noticed it as soon as he entered your apartment tonight. 
Just as the thoughts started to consume you, Josh appeared in the entryway of your bedroom. The mischievous smile plastered across his face was so Josh. The bright and toothy, yet charming grin melted away any doubts that were threatening to creep into your mind.   
With the bottle in one hand, the other braced onto the door frame. He took in the silent moment to admire you sitting on the bed. 
He handed the Fireball to you as his hand went band of his jeans, “Ladies first.”
“Are you scared to take a shot all of a sudden, Joshua?” 
“This was your idea, remember?’’
You took it from his hands, screwed off the cap and brought it to your lips. You watch out of the corner of your eye as he shakes out of his pants, leaving them crumpled on the floor before crawling onto the bed.
He adjusts between your legs when you lay down, taking the whiskey bottle back from you.
You take the opportunity to make quick work of the same buttons Josh had struggled with moments prior. Just as he brought the lip of the bottle to his mouth, you opened up your shirt, revealing your naked breasts. 
His eyes widened at the sight of you beneath him. A small amount of whiskey dribbled from his lips wrapped around the bottle and dripped his chin and onto your bare chest.
He looked at you in utter shock, taking in each of the finer details as if he would never get the opportunity to see you like this again. You grazed your hand up his thigh, feeling the soft fabric of his boxers, “Clean up your mess, Joshy,”
In the love-sick trance you had put him in, he dipped down and began to lap up the liquor, flicking his tongue up the valley between your breasts. You hummed when the warmth melted across your skin. 
He peppered the supple flesh with breathy, open-mouthed kisses. You still felt him tremble slightly under your touch, shuddering when your fingers traced down his side. He sucked your nipple into his mouth, swirling over the sensitive bud. What his tongue wasn’t doing to the other, his fingers were.
He hummed into the softness of your breast as he tasted you, as you traced your fingers along his toned back, as you sank your fingers into the mess of curls on the back of his neck.
 He kissed your tummy, brushing his lips across the supple skin between your hips. He mumbled into you, “I’ve been dreaming about this for so long.”
For a moment you weren’t really sure if you were supposed to hear him as he continued to kiss your body. 
You hesitated, but decided to ask before you became too distracted, “Really?”
He tensed from the sound of your voice, pausing his lips right above your navel. You brought your finger under his chin, lifting his face to look at you. For a second, his expression showed caution, even guarded with the confession. With a brush of his curls from his face, he rested his cheek on your belly. His eyes softened when they met yours and you noticed the rosy-pink hue flushing in his cheeks.
The realization hit you hard. You thought about all the sloppy kisses planted on your cheek after those nights out drinking together. Was he always wanting something a little more? You remembered all the little gifts he gave you throughout the years. Things you talked about in passing and eventually forgot about, only for him to surprise you months later. The late-night texts where you needed to vent after a long day even if he needed to be up early the next morning. Did he always feel this way? 
“How long, Joshy?”
He blushed from the pet name, letting the giggles bounce from his chest as he laid across you, “fucking forever.” 
Your stomach flipped hearing the words and it felt like all the air had been knocked from your lungs. You stared up at the ceiling, reeling in the truth that your best friend had fallen for for you. He nipped at the thin skin covering your hip before soothing the sting with his tongue.
He felt the sudden change in your body language and mistook it for you changing your mind. “You sure you want this?”
“More than anything,” you whispered, cupping his cheek into the palm of your hand, He leaned into it, tilting his head to press a tender kiss to the inside of your wrist. 
He kissed down your belly once again, traveling between your thighs, and placed one directly over your covered clit. His tongue wet the cotton panties, making you squirm with anticipation. He was making it clear that he had no intentions of rushing this with you. 
“Josh,” you whined while lifting your hips to chase the sensation. It was the first time you had ever said his name like that and for a fleeting moment, you felt embarrassed. 
Without wasting a second he let out a pleased sigh, “You sound so beautiful saying my name.”
His fingers curled around the band of your panties and pulled them down your legs. They traced up your thighs to guide your legs, spreading them open before him. He looked over at you, smiling before biting his bottom lip between his teeth while drawing patterns with his fingertips to the inside of your thigh. 
His thumb brushed over your clit a few times, so light and delicate with his touch. He grinned to himself before dropping his head, kissing the sensitive bud as his fingers slipped down to tease your aching pussy. You clenched around nothing, waiting for them to slide into you. 
If his warm breath didn’t tickle you between gentle kisses, it was the soft hair of his mustache brushing your most sensitive spot. Soft laughter fluttered across you as you wiggled impatiently under his touch, relishing in his ability to tease you like this.
Your fingers dove into his curls when his tongue finally flicked across your clit in slow, languid strokes. 
Breathy cries and moans filled the room as the velvet softness of his wet tongue rolled over you. His arm draped across your tummy to keep you still on the bed, because as soon as he worked his mouth on you, your hips bucked into his face.
He pulled you in, dragging you across silken waves of ecstasy when he rolled your clit into the heat of his mouth. It radiated from your core, flushing through every part of your body, even to the tips of your fingers. Every inch of your bare skin was buzzing with electricity. You were chasing it. Peering right over the ledge, he was still holding you back just enough that you didn’t fall. Not yet.
His lips broke from you, his voice airy and fucked-out, “You taste even better than I imagined.”
Every time you felt yourself teeter on the edge, he pulled back just enough to keep you there. Your nails were digging into the skin of his forearm, but he didn’t seem to mind as he licked patterns of circles onto your throbbing, swollen clit. 
Your vision became out of focus. The orange string lights above your bed mimicked the streaked look of traffic lights in a heavy rainstorm. 
Your hand balled into a tight fist, tugging his hair from his scalp. You almost didn’t notice that it had happened, your body only acting out of instinct if it wasn’t for the muffled moan coming from Josh between your legs. You would have been worried it was out of pain, but he never slowed as he worked on you.
Your heart nearly skipped a beat when the sound vibrated against your heat as it pushed past his soaked lips. You pulled again.  A strangled cry was thrown into your pussy and you wished it could play in your mind forever. 
Maybe it was the liquor swirling in your belly, or maybe it was the need for the release that made you feel bold. You pushed your palm into his forehead, causing him to look up at you. “Make me cum, Josh.”
Using his hair as makeshift reigns, you pulled him into you with a new fervor. He growled in response to your demand. The fingers that had been teasing you had plunged into you, sweeping your perfect spot. The lewd sounds of your wetness pooling around his fingers filled your bedroom. 
He licked you up with a new unbridled passion than before. He wasn’t dancing with you at the peak of your climax now. He was ready to throw you into the abyss. 
His tongue that had once edged you with an expert precision was now flicking across your clit rapidly in a released, frenzied hunger. You opened your eyes, catching him grinding against the bed in search of friction, any relief. He wanted this just as badly as you did.
“Josh…I’m gonna…”
And just as you were finding the ability to finish the thought, his tongue circled on the bundle of nerves once more in unison with a perfect swipe of his fingers, in such a way that pulled you right into the crashing waves of your orgasm. You felt weightless, yet at the same time, it seemed like you had sunk into the mattress beneath you. 
You had forgotten to breathe as your heartbeat thumped loudly in your ear, the only sound you could actually focus on. 
It felt like an eternity for you to come down as you were finally able to breathe. Josh brushing his lips across your skin is what brought you back to him. He crawled up your body, slotting his knee between your legs as he continued to kiss up to your neck.
 He was breathing almost as heavy as yours was. You tasted yourself on his tongue when he kissed you, and you felt just how hard he was against your hip when he started to grind into you.
“Flip over,” you muttered against his mouth, making him pull back slightly.
He seemed almost bashful from the request, “Oh, I-I don’t expect you to-“
You shushed him with a kiss on his lips as you cupped him in your hand and whispered, “Lay back, Josh. It’s my turn.”
He obeyed, rolling onto his back and stretching out across the pillows before propping himself against the headboard. You crawled over, finding a position between his legs and ridding yourself of the opened flannel to toss it on the floor. You let your hands explore his body, tracing along the curves of his muscles that dipped beneath the one piece of clothing on his body. 
His cock was still tucked away, throbbing and leaking, creating a small wet spot of precum on the front of his boxers. You palmed over it, squeezing gently with each pass. His hands rested on his thighs, still shaking and fidgeting as his fingers drummed nervously against his leg. 
You rubbed your hands over his to help calm him, “You okay?”
He released a heavy sigh as if he had been holding his breath, “…yeah”
“Relax. It’s just me,” you reassured him as you started to pull his boxers down his legs. With a final tug, the band released his cock with a soft slap against his toned stomach. Your eyes widened at the sight of him, and you tried your best not to blush. But, oh my God. 
“I-I know it’s-it’s you,” he stuttered, sucking in a sharp breath when your hand wrapped around him, watching as you stroked him with a loose fist. His hips would buck slightly each time your thumb brushed against the tip with each pump of your wrist. 
“Just me…” you hummed between kisses to the head of his cock, “…and my Josh.”
You flicked your tongue along the underside of his length, taking him slowly into your mouth. A pitchy whine filled the room the second the warmth of your tongue enveloped him, sliding towards the back of your throat.
“Holy shit,” the hushed curse paired with him sweeping your hair back from your face to watch you, encouraged you further.
With one hand wrapped around the base, you collected your spit to stroke him with a twist of your wrist while swirling your tongue around the head of his cock.
Ragged, broken moans broke free from his heaving chest. You saw that sweat had started to coat the surface of his skin, glistening under the lights when you peeked up through your lashes. 
His legs started to fidget underneath you, letting you know he was getting closer to unraveling completely. Just as you had done moments prior, his fingers tightened around your hair that he had collected in his hand. 
You relaxed, flattening your tongue to push him farther down until he hit the back of your throat, more so than before. The tip of your nose barely brushed up against the hair while your tongue flicked underneath. You were fighting the urge to gag as you heard him groan above you. 
His hand grabbed yours that had been gripping onto his thigh, “I’m not going to last-“    
As much as you wanted to continue, you pulled him from your mouth with a sinful pop! of your lips. He felt so good in your hands that you couldn’t resist the temptation to let the spit drip from your open lips onto his cock. You looked up to see him fixated on what you were doing with your hand, brows pulled tightly together as your fingers slid around him. 
“Please. I need to be inside you.”
As reluctant as you were to stop, you wanted it just as badly. You showered him in kisses as you crawled up his body, straddling your legs over his lap. His hands found your hips instantly, pulling you against his chest. 
Your lips meet, now sloppy as they struggle to fall into their once perfect rhythm. He was needy. Almost biting at your lips before slipping his tongue along yours. 
Wrapping your fingers around him, you coat him in your wetness, brushing the tip along your clit he had taken so good care of, teasing him by rocking your hips along his shaky thighs. He was looking into your eyes, searching them for the final confirmation. There was no turning back as you guided his cock to your entrance, sinking down slowly as you braced yourself on his shoulder.
You sucked in a sharp breath through your teeth when he started to stretch you out, inch-by-inch. A faint cry from you elicited a look of concern to paint across his features. 
He was losing himself, getting high off another hit from the drug that was you. You worried he might be drifting too far away as you watched his eyes roll back behind lust-heavy lids as he pushed farther. A heavy sigh fluttered from your chest when you felt him nudge deep within you, bottoming out himself at your limit. Your arms were locked behind his head and you leaned in to nip at his ear. 
“Oh, fuck…” fell from his open mouth. His arms wrapped around your waist, fingers leaving harsh indents into the flesh in a weak attempt to keep you in place. Or maybe to keep a hold on you, making sure you didn’t disappear from him. 
“Just-just let me feel you. Please.” The whiny pleas fluttered from his pinkened kiss-swollen lips before he pressed them along your collarbone.
His breathing was strained in broken, heavy pants that fanned across your dampened skin. You stilled yourself, taking in the feeling of his cock filling you up completely. You tightened around him, bathing in the feeling of how he felt inside you. His lips began to move up, bringing the trail of lazy kisses to your neck and shoulder.  
The slight sting of him stretching you out eased into a heat of pleasure. You started to move, slowly at first to build a rhythm as you rode him. 
“You’re doing so good. Stay with me.” Your sweet praise brought his focus back to you, but a whimper fluttered in his throat. You cupped his cheek in your palm, “Talk to me.”
You rolled into him, letting his cock glide effortlessly inside your pussy. The way you had already soaked him makes his head fall against the wall, giving you access to the vulnerable expanse of his neck. Your inhibitions were long gone as you wrapped your fingers around his throat.
This time you felt the groan rumble from his chest, vibrating under your palm while his Adam's apple bobbed beneath it when you squeezed. His heartbeat pulsed under your fingertips. Seeing him so needy, on the brink of losing what little control he was holding onto already, spurred you on even more. 
When his eyes barely opened, they focused on nothing in your room. Beads of sweat collected across his forehead above his brow. You didn’t want to lose him, not yet.
You swept a piece of hair that had stuck to his face, brushing your fingertips across his cheek. Blown pupils focused back on yours through the intimate moment.
 You whispered just before licking into his mouth, “Talk to me. Tell me. What are you feeling?”
His eyes closed and he released a heavy sigh, “Fuck, you feel so good.”
“Go on, baby. Tell me more. You’re doing so good for me.”
You could see the internal battle he was struggling with, fighting between wanting to give in to his desires and struggling to keep this moment as long as he could. 
His lips tug into a weak smile as his eyes lazily, mostly hidden behind heavy lids, look back at you in the most fucked-out expression, “You’re enjoying this, huh?”
He paused to add a hint of cockiness in his voice, “-Seeing what you do to me?”
God, did you. You would have loved to tell him how good he felt. That you could fuck him for hours and hours and never want it to stop. That was for next time. This time, you wanted to hear every filthy thing that left his pretty lips as he unraveled just from the feel of you wrapping around him.
You stopped, holding yourself just right so the tip of his cock sat right inside the entrance your pussy. He wanted to lift his hips into you, but you managed to keep him still beneath you.
He whimpered while grabbing your waist to pull you back down onto him in an act of desperation, “Fuck, mama. Don’t stop.”
You brought your hand back to wrap around his throat once more, loving the power it was giving you. Your lips brushed against the shell of his ear, “Josh, baby. You’ve been listening so well. Just follow directions for me.”
You dragged each word out with a pronounced roll of your hips onto him, deep and full. His head rolled back, but you paused to hear his answer. Which you knew was a cruel thing to do given the borderline pathetic whines that came from him. 
“I-I, oh…fuck. You feel…so good. warm…so fucking tight. I think my cock was made for you.”
You couldn’t help but squeeze around him, dropping your forehead to his.“Hmm. It was, wasn’t it?”
“Yes…please move again. God, please,” he cried out with another desperate thrust of his hips to feel more of you. It caught you off guard to see him like this, with his eyes glassy with tears, threatening to spill over onto his flushed cheeks. 
You swept one away with your thumb while caressing his face. “My sweet, sweet boy.”
What you were both chasing was being suspended, just within your grasp of open fingers. You kept it there in the fight for balance just until the scales tipped. Just before you took the plunge into the void, together.
His breathing was past the point of ragged, harsh as he pulled air into his aching lungs. “I can’t…I can’t”
You knew what he meant, holding him close with fingers weaved tightly in his hair. “Cum for me, Josh,” 
That was what he needed from you. The words that would allow him to finally let go.
He buried his face into the crook of your neck with his fingers digging hard enough into your sides that they might leave small bruises for you to find tomorrow. A string of curses paired with your name, woven through his whiny pleas rang like a mantra in your ears. 
He shuddered beneath you, and the warm feeling of his release filling you up sent you into a second climax of the night. You rode it out with him as long as possible, in staggered, faltering movements. Slowing to the point where he started to shake from the overstimulation. 
You stayed there, basking in that moment, embraced in each other’s arms while taking as much time as you needed to collect yourselves. Your fingernails slightly dragged against his scalp as you held him to your chest.
 Everything had changed between you. It truly terrified you, but you were willing and ready to find out what that meant for you. The way you fit with him made perfect sense, like everything had fallen into place.
After a while of holding you In his arms as he softened inside you, he flipped you so that you were now on your back with his cheek resting on your breast, listening to your heart return to its normal pace. 
“Can’t believe you cried the first time we had sex.” You nudged his side, making him squirm, before going back to running your fingers across his back. 
He lifted his head, “First time?”
You smiled and wiped the stray tear that lingered on his face. “I figured you wanted to keep me around, Kiszka.”
“Of course I do.” He placed a kiss between your breasts and laid his head back down on your chest. “You’re everything.”
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Thinking about ✨️him✨️
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110 notes · View notes
gracev0609 · 18 days
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After catching your boyfriend Danny pleasuring himself you only have one question. Do you invite the friend he was fantasizing about?
A Danny Wagner Stand Alone
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI, Male masturbation, implied threesome.
This has lived in my drafts for forever with no place to go, I decided to re work it this morning 💚
The house is quiet as you come back with your little haul from target, holding two iced coffees in your hand. One for you and one for your boyfriend Danny. You assume he went out with a friend as his car was still in the driveway, but then you hear it. A moan. Muffled sound coming from the other side of your apartment. You quietly set your things down and make your way to the bedroom, the door is cracked open. Looking in your jaw drops and instantly you feel wetness pool between your thighs. Your boyfriend Danny is sitting on the bed, naked in front of the large mirror. His muscular thighs shaking as he bounces up and down, riding your fat silicone cock. His one hand propping himself up, the other gripping his lubed cock, rhythmically jerking himself in the mirror. He throws his head black curls cascading down his muscular back, tongue slipping out from behind his teeth as he whines and bounces harder.
"God- Fuck- Josh"
His hips stutter as his hand flies faster over his cock, white ribbons of cum shoot across his abdomen as he whines. His hand still jerking himself as he fights the overstimulation. Squeezing the slick purple head of his cock, he continues to touch himself. His hips haphazardly rocking on the toy, he looks frantic his face contorts as he coaxes a second load out, dribbling over his fingers.
Your body feels like it's on fire as your and your boyfriend's panting breaths synchronize. His from exertion and yours from pure arousal.
You hear him whimper as a soft audible 'pop' comes from your bedroom and you shiver, knowing exactly what that sound was. Listening again you can hear him groan and start to shuffle around the bedroom, presumably cleaning up his mess. Quickly you scurry towards the front door as you hear his footsteps approaching and you call out," Danny! Baby I'm home, I got us coffees!"
He pops his head around the corner, his face still flushed and torso shirtless," Hey love. I'll be out in a sec." You see him blur past the entry way making it to the bathroom quickly, his tanned naked body with your purple toy in his fist. You hear the water run longer than usual, but you know he's cleaning himself and the toy. Your cheeks redden as you think about what you saw, about what he said. You have to admit you always found his friend Josh to be attractive, a beautiful body and a beautiful personality. You we're open and willing to see what avenue your beloved Danny wanted to take.
A few minutes later Danny emerges, sitting down at the kitchen table with you in nothing but some short sweat shorts.
"Show me your haul baby, what all did you find today?"
You laugh at your boyfriends enthusiasm and show him your goodies as you both sip your iced coffees. His phone buzzed on the table in between you showing a text from Josh. Danny reads it and relays the message," He wants to know if we want to get lunch and go to this art festival, he says there's going to be alcohol."
Butterflies erupt in your stomach but you agree to go. Meeting Danny in your bedroom as he finishes getting ready for the outing you decide to tell him what you walked in on. Sitting down on the bed you gently call his name," Danny? Um. When I came home earlier. I-uh- I saw and heard you."
His jaw clenches and his hands shake,"Oh."
"Do you? Do you want that? It could be fun to ask him to join us."
"You're not weirded out by it?" He asks, sitting down on the bed.
A smile graces your lips," No baby, it isnt weird. Not at all love. It's hot, I think it could be a lot of fun asking Josh to join us, he's hot!"
A blush forms on Danny's cheeks," He is, isn't he."
Enthusiastically you nod your head agreeing with your sweetheart of a boyfriend.
He swipes his palms down his thighs," I'm undecided if I want to ask him for real. Maybe we can just see how this afternoon goes."
"Of course Danny, it's your decision."
By now you three have been wandering around the festival for at least two hours, you're sufficiently buzzed and you can't stop staring at Josh.
"Doing okay honey? Didn't drink too much right? Ya still with us?" Josh giggles, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and you swore you felt tingles down your spine.
You feel the absurdly large smile on your face," Yup! I'm doin fine Joshy, just a little buzzed."
You lean your head into the crook of his shoulder and he laughs replying," Me too love, me too."
You couldn't help looking between the two men and imagining Josh's face looming over yours as his twisted in pleasure. You couldn't help but imagine Danny in the throws of ecstasy at the hands of one of his best friends.
You shivered as Josh's hand skirted down your back as he wandered off to look at the plants in the handmade pots for sale. Danny came up, wrapping his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of head.
He whispered making sure Josh couldn't hear," You're crushing on him hard baby. I can tell you're looking at him like a lost puppy."
He moves his mouth right next to your ear," I think you want to ask him as much as I do."
Your eyes widen and you crane your neck back to look him in the eyes," You're going to ask him?!"
"Shhhh. Yeah baby, I am. Gonna ask him today."
After a little bit Josh met back up with you two, he had a small box of succulents under one arm and one in his outstretched hand," Here! I picked this one out for you sweetie."
You beamed accepting his gift, clutching the small plant in your hand.
You smiled at Danny, and you noticed him looking nervous, biting his lip. He was going to ask Josh, right now.
Danny leans in, placing his large palm on Josh's shoulder, sliding it down to his lower back," I have a question Josh. Um. You can say no, but I'd - We'd really like it if you said yes."
Josh cocked his head looking into Danny's eyes as he spoke to him.
"Would you wanna sleep with us? Like have a threesome?"
A smile spreads on Josh's face as his eyes dart between the two of you.
"It's about time you asked me! Of course I'd wanna sleep with you, you two are such a hot couple."
You smiled at the boys, pleased with Josh's answer and excited for what's to come.
Josh points in the direction of the car," So? Shall we?"
Danny stutters," Now?!"
Josh shrugs before turning on his heel in the direction of his truck," Yeah why not?"
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Kissing - Greta Van Fleet
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A/N: It’s 3am, i’m having horrible cramps off and on and can’t sleep sooo, here’s this! This is just how I personally think all the boys are as kissers. By no means do I know from experience lmao, just genuine guesses based solely on their vibes.
WARNINGS: None really…? Descriptions of kissing.
Sam is a steady, very rhythmic kisser. A very meticulous and attentive kisser - Always thinking just a touch ahead. He knows just when and how to deepen a kiss, without messing up the rhythm he’s set. But, when Sam decides he wants to change the rhythm, it’s a seamless transition. He so naturally leads when you kiss and he’s incredibly easy to follow and flow with. He’s very handsy, but in a gentle way… Stroking your arms, his hand cupping your cheek with his thumb rubbing along it gently, softly running his fingers through your hair, or running his hands along your sides or thighs.
Josh is a slow, passionate kisser - but can easily get lost in a rapidly deepening, passionate kiss. He doesn’t always have to lead the kiss, he will happily let you take the lead at times, or maybe switch around with you throughout a long makeout session. Anytime he breaks away for air, he’s placing kisses along your cheeks and trailing them to your ear; whispering sweet little things to you. He’s incredibly handsy; rubbing, grabbing and squeezing anywhere his hands can get to - sometimes getting so rough with it, you know you will be welcoming little bruises the next morning.
Danny starts out very careful and sweet - not ever beyond slipping a finger or two under your chin and tilting your face up. But, the second he feels you melt into him, he’s upping the intensity so quickly, it makes your head spin a little. They almost always get a little messy and sloppy (in a good way) and incredibly needy and eager. His hands are almost always squeezing at your hips, pulling them into his so that he can grind against you. Absolutely anything to get you moaning into his mouth.
Jake is a playful kisser, quite the little fucking tease. He’d change up the pace and intensity, going from giving you everything to nothing in a split second. He definitely loves to get you frustrated and begging, chasing after his smirking lips when he’s just barely brushed his lips against yours and then pulled back entirely. He loves biting at your lip, smiling as he tugs on it, listening to your little whimpers. His hands are always in your hair or around your throat; holding you in place when he wants to drive you up the wall with his teasing.
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whollyfree · 2 years
Dreams In Gold
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Summary - you join jake on tour
Pairings – Jake Kiszka x f!reader
Word Count – 3.7k
Warnings – SMUT I have this in my bio but 18+ MINORS DNI !!!!! oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, cockwarming, cursing
March 10th 2022; the first day of chaos.
The morning was alarmingly quiet when you woke, but you knew it wouldn’t last long. The sun glowed through the window of your freezing hotel room. It was barely 20 degrees outside and you were convinced that the hotel’s heater was no match for the below freezing air outside.
You turn over slowly, careful not to wake your rockstar boyfriend so abruptly. It was the first show of the tour, and it was full steam ahead for the next month or so. You wanted him to get as much rest as he possibly could.
You fixed your gaze upon him as he slept, your lips curving upward into a smile as his eyelashes fluttered; lost in a dream. His soft snores made you giggle quietly before you fought back a small pout at how adorable he looked. His breaths were even and relaxed, an arm wrapped around your waist over the duvet solely to keep you close to him. You wondered how he was sleeping so soundly when the room was this goddamn cold.
“I can feel you staring, baby,” Jake’s gravely morning voice nearly made you jump as you were sure he was asleep. 
“I’m sorry if I woke you. I wanted you to sleep as much as you could,” you explain softly, reaching your hand over his face to run your fingers through his chestnut waves.
“You didn’t,” his eyes opened slowly, his sleepiness ever present on his features. “C’mere,” he dips the arm that was over the duvet underneath it and pulls you into his chest. You sigh in contentment at the warmth his body held; like a human furnace, you thought to yourself.
“Jesus, angel,” his voice was a soft whisper. “You’re freezing!”
“Baby, I’m not equipped for the Michigan cold,” the tail end of your complaint was nearly muffled against his skin. “Keep me warm?”
You could feel him smile from above you as his mahogany scent flooded all of your senses. “Always.”
It was like he missed your face already as he took your chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting your head up so he could look into your eyes. His relaxed, sleepy smile still remained just as you thought it did. 
“Hi,” you smile up at him.
“Hi,” his sweet smile grows wider before he places a tender kiss to your forehead. “Did you sleep well?” 
You hum, nodding your head in delight as he tucks a loose hair behind your ear. “You tired me out pretty well last night.”
He chuckles. “Did I now?”
“You know you did,” you smile bashfully, not even attempting to fight the forming blush on your cheeks. With all of Jake’s pre-tour nerves, you were happy to allow him to take it out on you the night prior.
“Was I too rough?” He asked you, a look of concern taking over his features.
“No, baby. No,” you assure him before placing a kiss to his lips. “It was perfect. You were perfect.”
Jake smiled down at you before reattaching your lips to his as his hand moved from your waist to cup your cheek. His lips were soft against your own, molding together perfectly as they always did. He would pull away gently as you went back for more, causing you to whine at the loss of contact. He grinned again, falling in love with the sounds he pulls from you before delving back in.
He slid his tongue against your bottom lip to ask for entrance, and you welcomed the feeling as it met yours. He pulled himself up, refusing to detach himself from your lips before hovering over you. You felt his semi-hardened cock through his briefs before he pressed against your naked cunt. The two of you took in a sharp breath at the contact; Jake being able to feel how wet you already were through his briefs.
“No underwear, baby?” His voice is low as he stares down at you, grinding his hips against you to provide the perfect amount of pressure to where you needed him most. You bit your lip to hide a smile, obviously failing.
“Well aren’t you pleased with yourself?” He smiles down at you, rolling his hips into yours once more.
“Jake,” you sighed in pleasure as a flicker of warmth made itself known in your belly. Clearly you hadn’t gotten enough last night, but then again, you could never get enough of him.
Jake hummed as he moved his lips from yours to plant kisses across your cheek, down to your jaw, and finally down to your neck. He was careful with his marks, wanting the entire world to know that you were his while simultaneously being gentle enough not to irritate the ones he left last night. He nipped lightly at your soft skin, a small moan emitting from you as he licked and kissed the same spot to soothe it.
“I love you so much,” his voice was nearly a whisper as he slid his hand back down to your waist, trailing it under the oversized T-shirt you wore to bed the night before. He had barely started putting his hands on you and you already felt like your body was on fire. His calloused fingers were anything but rough against your smooth skin; it felt like heaven. He was heaven.
“I love you too, Jake,” the volume of your voice matched his, and he took a moment to gaze into your eyes as you spoke. Regardless of the lust he felt, his eyes were still soft as they bored into yours, making your heart melt on the spot.
You kissed him once more, wanting to take charge of intensifying the kiss in an attempt to show him how much you really, truly loved him. He knew, of course. You were in tune with one another like no one had ever seen.
You detached your lips from his, removing your shirt in one swift maneuver. You lay back then, his lips parting as he drank you in. 
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he whispers under his breath. “So perfect.”
You blushed at his words. You would never grow tired of hearing his sweet compliments to you.
“Does my pretty girl like it when I tell her how gorgeous she is?” He taunts, bringing his lips down to your collarbone to bite at the skin. You moan in response, far too flustered to form a reply as you lost yourself in the way his velvet lips traced over your body.
“Yeah, she does,” he says more than likely to himself before trailing his mouth down to your sternum. He begins placing kisses downward through the valley of your breasts, your nipples desperate and hard for his attention. Your back arches as pleasure and need course through your body. He finally gave into your silent wish, providing your breasts with equal amounts of attention, kissing and sucking at the sensitive buds.
The cold air struck your breasts once more after his lips left them, trailing down your stomach and to the bottom of your stomach. You stopped his movements before he could go any further, pulling him back up to you, face-to-face. 
“Wanna make you feel good first, baby,” you explain, his brows that were previously furrowed in concern and confusion withering away as you speak. You feel him about to shake his head in protest, always wanting to put you and your pleasure first whenever the two of you are intimate.
“Please, Jake,” you plead, rubbing your thumb against his cheek with a doe-eyed expression. He couldn’t say no to you, a small smile that he tried to push back forming on his lips as he gave into you. You grinned in victory, pushing his chest away and flipping him onto his back.
You straddled his hips then, his pupils dilating even further as he took in the sight of you above him. He looked into your eyes, scanning over your flushed cheeks and down your neck, observing the marks he made on you just moments ago and last night. Your nipples, still hardened from the cold and the small amount of neglect, made his jaw go slack before moving his eyes down to your hips. He couldn’t help himself but grip your sides with his hands.
“Fucking stunning, angel,” he whispered, looking up at you just to see you blush even more. You did.
You kissed him again, grinding your hips slightly onto his groin. You feel him moan into your mouth at the way your pussy wrapped around the outline of his length. You smiled, working your way down to his neck as you kissed over the delicate skin.
“Be careful,” he warned you. “No marks, baby.”
You sighed as his hips moved up to meet yours. “I know, baby.” Your disappointment of not being able to mark him withered away as he released a whimper, wanting your mouth around him right then and there. 
“Feels s’good, sweetheart,” he moans as you place your lips on the junction of his neck and shoulder, knowing it was his sweet spot. “Want that beautiful mouth around my cock so badly.”
“Be patient, sir,” you whisper into his ear, biting his earlobe before he can fit in a snarky comment. He whined at your actions, taking a moment to catch his breath as his hips bucked up into yours.
“Don’t you get too comfortable up there or I might just have to remind you who’s in charge here.” He tries to sound as stern and composed as he can, but fails as you work your way back down past his chest and to his tummy, arguably your favorite part of him. You kissed your way down to the elastic of his briefs, taking a moment to lick the outline of his dick. He whined the most beautiful sound in response.
“Please don’t tease me, baby,” he whimpers. “Need you so bad.”
You smile, pulling his underwear off and tossing it to the side of the room. You take in the sight of his aching cock, taking note of the precum forming on the tip before spitting on it. Using your hand, you spread your saliva over him, causing him to groan and buck his hips into your hand as you carefully move up and down. 
Looking up at him for a moment, you notice his brows pulled together and a few beads of sweat glistening against his forehead. He looked far too beautiful; even more so as he was completely splayed out and at your mercy.
You kissed the top of his dick with swollen lips from adorning him with kisses just moments ago. You feel him smile, muttering something about how sweet you were to him as his hands found your hair, pulling it into a makeshift ponytail. Your heart melted on the spot at his endearing action. Regardless of how intense these moments got, he was still your sweet Jake; always making sure that you were comfortable and finding pleasure in everything you did.
Taking him by surprise, you cupped his balls with your free hand. He moans loudly at your actions as a smile forms on your lips.
“Who’s in charge again…sir?” You tease him. Before he can get a word in, you lick your way from the bottom to the top of his dick. His breath catches instantly; his comeback lost as he focused his attention on the way you were making him feel. You begin to suck over the tip as Jake moans, trying his best not to push your head down further onto him. Even though you weren’t able to fit all of him, you did your best, using your tongue to take him further, gliding up and down his shaft as you moved your mouth to take him in and back out slowly – teasing him just enough. 
Pushing your own limits and wanting to please him so badly, you pressed your head further down his shaft. You felt his cock reach the back of your throat as your nose met his happy trail, taking him in and out just as you were before. 
Jake was a fucking mess at this point. He was practically slurring his speech as you carried on, his moans growing louder with each one of your movements. You look up at him at one point and his eyes meet yours.
“So fucking good, sweet girl,” he says, his jaw falling slack at how fucked out you already looked and the way that you were making him feel. “You’re so good for me.”
You carry on with your task, feeling the wetness between your thighs growing more apparent the more you hear him moan out your name.
“Baby, I’m close,” he mutters, his head thrown back in pleasure. “Wanna finish inside of you. Please, baby.”
You oblige, not wanting to take your dominant position too far. After all, you definitely wanted to be in charge again. 
Your lips make a loud popping noise as you released his length from your mouth. Between your own saliva and Jake’s pre-cum on your lips, he felt drunk, wasted on you and the way you made him feel. Jake might as well have been bowing at your feet with how tightly you had him wrapped around your finger.
He steadied you as you climbed up his body, your thighs straddling his hips again as he pulled you into his lips. He moaned into your mouth as your pussy came in contact with his throbbing cock. You whimpered, feeling how hard he was against your heat. He slid his palms over your thighs before gripping your hips and pulling you upward to line your entrance up with his length. You gasp as your clit comes into contact with his shaft, unable to keep yourself from rubbing your bundle of nerves against it.
“Fuck,” he mutters, in awe of the wetness between your folds as you glide against his cock. “You’re soaked, baby.” You’re lost in a trance at how good his hardened length feels against you, grinding your hips over and over again to chase the warm feeling ignited within you.
“That feel good?” He asks the obvious question, your head falling back as your eyes squeeze shut in euphoria.
“So fucking good, Jake,” you whimper out before looking down at him. “Wanna feel you inside of me so badly.”
“Come on, angel,” he grips your hip just a bit tighter to assist you as you sink down slowly onto his length. 
Your jaw goes slack at the feeling of him filling you up, stretching your aching pussy in the most delicious way. Loud curses gasp out of both of you as his hands grip you tighter, his cock already hitting the deepest spot inside of you. His hands guided your movements against him as you bounced up and down slowly, bringing yourself to a rhythmic pace once you’ve found your footing. 
“Jesus fuck,” he breathes out before pulling himself up to be closer to you, needing to be near you as you moved up and down his cock. His eyes stared up at you, your own squinted shut as you were drowning in the way he felt inside of you.
“Look at me, baby,” he struggled to speak, lifting a hand to pull your chin to face him. You followed his gesture, looking into his eyes; you could hardly see the brown in them anymore.
“You’re mine,” he spoke lowly. “I want you to say it.”
Trying to catch your breath, you did as he asked. “I’m yours. All yours, Jake.” He breathed out curses at how fucked out and small your voice sounded.
“And I’m yours, sweet girl,” he whispers, bringing his hand down to swirl his fingers around your clit. Your moan was loud enough to bring the ceilings down. 
“All. Fucking. Yours.” He decided to assist you, speaking in between thrusting up into you. You cry out his name as your breasts bounced against his chest. You somehow needed to be closer to him, and he sensed it as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He was close and you could feel it in the way he twitched from deep inside of you. You weren’t far either, your legs shaking as you continued your movements.
“I’m gonna cum, Jake,” you whined pathetically as the knot in your stomach threatened to burst.
“Me too, baby,” he grunts, tightening the circles on your clit the perfect amount faster. “Such a good girl. Cum with me, angel.”
All it took was his small amount of praise and you were falling apart around him, your orgasm pulling you under harshly, taking nearly all of your breath out of you. He came at the same time as you, ropes of his release coating the inside of you as you kept moving. When it became too much for the both of you, you slowed down and came back to earth.
You both attempted to catch your breaths, Jake falling on his back as he carried you down with him. Your head rested on his damp chest as he brought his hand up to brush through your tangled mess of hair. With his dick still inside of you, you felt warm and fuzzy inside, wanting to keep him there for a minute longer.
“You okay?” He asks you and you turn your head to place your chin on his chest. 
“Mhm,” you hum with a smile. “Are you?”
He chuckles down at you. “I swear sex was never this good until I had you.”
You smile in response. “Well, lucky for you, I’m not going anywhere.” You plant a chaste kiss to his chest and look back at him.
“You better not,” he threatens before placing a kiss to the top of your head. Both of your eyes drift closed, completely relaxed almost to the point of exhaustion. 
That’s when a knock sounded at the door.
“Jake!” Josh’s muffled yells were heard, nearly making you jump out of your skin. “Buses are leaving in 15!”
Jake rolls his eyes before looking down at you. “If we don’t say anything, he’ll go away.” You bite back a laugh, already feeling Josh becoming angrier by the second from behind the door..
“Jake!” Josh pounds on the door now as you hold your breath to keep yourself from laughing. “I need to know your ass is up!” 
“You know he’s not gonna stop,” you whisper, lifting an eyebrow at your boyfriend. 
He huffs before responding to his twin. “I’m up, asshole!” Josh says nothing else, but you hear him chuckle as the sound of his footsteps fade away. 
“Alright, dreamboat,” you lean up once more and Jake hisses as you separate yourself from him, his release dripping out slightly against your thighs. “Get moving. You’ve got fans waiting for you.”
He sighs, not wanting to leave the comfort of you and your shared bed. “Don’t wanna leave you.” Jake then moves over to bring you back into his embrace, his head nestling into the side of your neck.
“I’ll be at the venue with you in a few hours, baby,” you tread your fingers through his hair and he sighs into you.
“Fine,” he huffs once more. “I gotta shower.”
“I know. You stink,” you tease him and he lifts his head up almost immediately before cocking his head at you. You giggle, knowing what’s to come before he scoops you over his shoulder and carries you into the shower with him.
The moment you arrived at the venue in Kalamazoo, you were met with the sight of fans lined up in front of the doors to the arena. You knew this tour was highly anticipated by many, but my God, there were a lot of people outside. Your heart grew warm at the sight as proudness surged through you at the fact that so many people were here to see your love perform.
It was now almost showtime, and you sat on the couch in Jake’s dressing room as he threw his jacket over his shoulders. You could sense his nervousness from a mile away as he exhaled shakily looking into the mirror. You stand up slowly, coming up behind him to wrap your arms around his waist.
“You look handsome, baby,” you tilt your head around to look at him through the mirror. He smiles graciously at you, muttering a small “thank you” as he wrapped his hand around your forearm.
“I know you’re nervous, but I cannot even begin to tell you how proud I am of you. You’re gonna kill it out there tonight,” you say, continuing to stare into his eyes through the reflection. He spins around slowly to cup your cheeks in his hands.
“There’s just so many people,” he says. “I don’t wanna disappoint them.” His breath was shaky as he exhaled, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. A frown forms against your lips as you cup his face into your hands then.
“Baby, you are the most amazing, talented, and humble person I’ve ever met. I’d be worried if you weren’t nervous. There’s a reason you won guitarist of the year. You’re the best that there is. And all of those people out there; they love you,” you pause in between words before placing a quick kiss to his lips. “And I love you.”
Jake lets out a sigh, but a smile overcomes him the longer he looks at you. “I love you so much.”
You grin in response. “There’s that smile,” you tease, pressing your chin to his chest while still looking up at him. He grips your body tighter to him before pressing a sweet kiss to your head.
“5 minutes!” A stagehand calls outside of Jake’s dressing room.
“Duty calls.”
Just minutes later, you found your seat in the audience closest to Jake’s side of the stage as Josh’s monologue rings out through the arena. The fans’ scream nearly took over Josh’s voice as you looked down to see fans crying and hugging one another, warming your heart and causing a smile to form on your face.
The monologue ended before fans cheered louder as the opening to Heat Above played. You then hear Jake’s whine of his guitar and your smile stretches wider. The lights then illuminate the entire room as fans cheer loudly. You immediately look to Jake, a smile gracing his features as he looks out into the roaring crowd as he plays.
Dreams in Gold was surely going to be a dream.
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Master of Keys
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warnings: 18+ (minors DNI!!!) basically porn with plot-- degradation, dacryphilia, gagging, heavy spit kink, rough intercourse, unprotected sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy!), pinning, marking, cunnilingus, male receiving oral, hard dom!sammy.
word count: 2k
synopsis: when configuring a song on the piano, things take a turn as your boyfriend Sam attempts to show you how it's done.
a/n: hey all! this was a request i recently got, and have really enjoyed writing! I hope you all enjoy!
Fingers danced among the keys, shifting from chord to chord in gentle movements, but somehow, you couldn't quite figure out what didn't sound right. As you sat on the white bench, your fingers glided across the ivories, attempting to find a tune that sounded just right in contrast to the previous chords you had played.
Letting out a sigh of deep frustration, you tried again and again, until a familiar voice peaked from the doorway. "Having some trouble there, doll?" Sammy asked, walking over to the edge of the piano. He leaned against it, watching as you played the tune once again, the sour note causing him to crinkle his nose. "I just can't figure it out.. I don't know where to go after that." You explained, exhausted from the various previous attempts. Sam nodded gently, standing up straighter. "Let's see.." He hummed, making his way to your side of the claviature.
The male watched as you played the tune over again, causing him to shake his head. "That's the problem, pretty girl.." He said gently, resting his hands over yours. "Instead of going to the G, you should move to a C.." He instructed, his hands guiding yours across the keys. Surreptitiously as you played, Sam grew closer, his chest pressing against your back gently as you continued to replay the melody. His hands slowly shifted from your hands down to your waist, his chin nuzzling against the crook of your neck comfortably. He hummed along to the song as you played, his fingers slowly tracing the waistline of your leggings.
Goosebumps pricked your skin as his chin turned, his lips coming in contact with your neck. "Sammy.. I've got to work on this song.." You insisted. Though you could feel a warmth growing in your core, finishing off the song was important to you. He shook his head, pulling away from his plump kisses to speak. "You don't truly want to stop..," His hands traveled past your waist, his fingers slowly brushing against your heat. "Already wet..? I've barely touched you.." He let out a soft laugh. Shivers were sent down your spine as your hips slowly rolled forward against his palm. He shook his head gently, his hands slipped up to keep your hips readily in place.
A desperate whine slipped past your lips. "Sammy, please don't tease me like this.." He shook his head and grabbed your chin. "That's not how you address me, and you know that damn well." He veered, his deep brown eyes staring back into yours.
"Y-Yes, sir.." A gasp left your mouth as you looked up to him, a hand gripping the bench. Slowly, Sam's thumb pushed past your lips, allowing you to take it in. "Good girl.." He murmured, watching as you swirled your tongue around his digit. "Let's see how long that lasts." He mentioned, a cunning smirk wiping across his face. He reached behind you, pushing the cover of the piano down onto the keys. His other hand had remained gently cupped beneath your jaw as he pushed his thumb further back into your mouth. He bit his lip, watching as drool slipped down your chin. "You're such a slut.. doing everything I say.."
Slipping his thumb from your lips, he drew you in for a deep kiss. His lips parted lightly, his tongue meeting with yours, his hand sliding from your chin to your neck while his other pushed you up against the piano's front. A faint whimper met his lips from yours as you felt the wood meet with your back. His hand pushed it's way up your hip, slipping beneath your shirt, coming in contact with the heat of your stomach. Leisurely, his lips left yours as your eyes met once more.
Suddenly, however, an unfamiliar semblance became visible in his chocolate iris'. You couldn't quite get a word out other than a small "Hm..?" as you studied him, attempting to unlock the strange secrets that he withheld in his mind. His palm snuck under your chin for a second time, before he finally gave you a glimpse into his head.
Your brows furrowed curiously as you looked up at him. Unsure of what he meant, you just stared. His hand advanced to the nape of your neck, taking a hand full of hair, pulling your head back. "I said open." His voice was stern and harsh. Finally understanding, you parted your lips for him, allowing your jaw to widen. Without hesitation, he spat into your gaping mouth, his hand finally coming back to prompt your lips shut. "Swallow." He instructed.
Looking into his looming eyes, you did as he said, swallowing the warm liquid. His gaze didn't falter as he admired you. Suddenly, he pulled you down from the bench, beaming over you. "On your knees." He demanded, keeping eye contact as you knelt before him. The stiffened tent in his pants met your eyes as he took one of your hands, stroking himself with your small palm. The heat of his stiffened length radiated from his trousers into your hand as you looked up to him through hazed lashes. "Sam-- Sir.. I need you.." You begged, looking up to him in desperation. "Well, if you want to be such a needy slut, you're going to show me how badly you really want it." He elucidated.
As he undid his belt, you could feel your panties soaking through the fabric of your leggings. You needed him.. He knew exactly how to work you up, and it infuriated you. Once his belt had fell to the wooden floor, he slipped his pants off. Knowing what to do, you reached up, pulling the fabric of his briefs down, causing his length to spring out just in front of you. A bead of precum settled at his tip as you slowly pushed your hand down his shaft-- a soft groan lulling past his lips.
You knew too well that he would become relentless the second you started, so you stalled, peering up to him as your hand thrusted against him. "If you're going to whine like a slut, you need to show me how desperate you really are." He glared, taking his bottom lip beneath his teeth as his hips pushed forward against your hand. You nodded gently, swirling your tongue around his pink tip. The subtle taste of his substance came in contact.
You eased yourself down onto his length, looking up to him with bashful eyes. He knew better, pushing his hips forward in hopes for more. Sam took a fist full of your hair, guiding you against his cock as he let out another raspy moan. "Fuck-- come on, whore.. You can do better than that.." He grimaced, his length begging for more movement. He began to push your mouth down onto him, his length reaching the back of your throat. Tears pricked your eyes as a minuscule gag pushed past your lips. Picking up the pace, your movements became more fluid, your head bobbing against him. Low groans rumbled from deep within his chest as he began to use your mouth. He fucked himself further and further into you until your nose reached the base of his length.
"Just like-- shit..-- Just like that.." He moaned, throwing his head back. With each thrust, more tears began to fall from your heavy lids, taking him as deep as you could. Watching his shoulders rise and fall with each moan, you watched as he edged closer, drool falling past your lips.
"Ahh-- Fuck!" He writhed, forcing you down against his cock as his warm seed filled your throat.
Pulling away as he finished off, he glanced down to you, snickering at the sight. "Look at what a mess you've made.." He purred, wiping your tear-stained cheeks. "Get on the bench." He commanded, already working to slip your shirt off. As you sat upon the wood, his fingers met between your thighs again, pushing against your core from outside of your clothing. Your hips grinded against his palm while his other hand made it's way to your breast, squeezing it lightly. A whimper fell past your lips as you leaned back against the piano, his lips meeting with your skin once more. "P-Please.. I.."
"You what? Are you getting all worked up?" He teased, getting down in front of the bench. In one swift motion, he pulled your leggings down, slipping them off past your ankles. His lips met with your thighs, slowly trailing kisses up to the lace that traced your begging heat. Without another word, he slipped the last of your clothing off, his lips coming in contact with your throbbing clit.
"Fuck! Please, sir.. m-more.." You droned, your fingers tangling in his hair. His tongue whirled against your vulva, his fingers teasing your slit diligently. You reeled with pleasure, moans and whines escaping your mouth as you gripped the bench. Sam shifted downward, his tongue meeting with your slit as the bridge of his nose pressed against your pulsating bud. Your knuckles became white as you gripped the seat, your head falling back against the piano's edge.
Just as you were growing towards a substantial climax, your master pulled away, leaving you a whining, trembling mess. "P-Please!" You begged, squeezing your legs together. "I was so close.." You staggered, your distressed eyes meeting with his once more. "Please, Sir, I need you.. I can't take it anymore.." Your adjured with ragged breaths.
Sam spat into his palm, slicking himself with his saliva before taking hold of your hips. "If you want it that badly.." He shrugged before pushing himself deeply into you, filling you with his warm length. The sudden pressure caused a sharp cry to leave your lips, grasping onto his arms shakily. "Oh my god.."
His lips met with yours once more, your desperate hums vibrating against his lips with each coarse thrust. One of his hands groped your breast while your grasp on his forearms didn't loosen during his relentless pounding. Your face hid in the crook of his neck as he gripped your hips with an aching hold-- it would surely bruise by the morning.
"That's it, come for me.. Come for me like the slut you are.." He graveled, a low moan bellowing from him as he sharply pushed into you. "Who do you belong to?" He questioned.
Too stunned to speak, all you could let out was a shaky moan. He took you by your throat, forcing you to look up to him. "Who?" He ordered.
"Y-You! I'm all yours.." You sobbed, your legs beginning to shake with each new thrust.
"That's it, doll.. That's it.." He praised, his hand slipping down to circle around your clit. "Come for me, doll. Let me hear you.." His voice trailed, your hands making their way to hook around his neck. With the next coming thrusts, you were sent into a quivering orgasm, your moans bouncing off of the walls as his thrusts came to a slow. Feeling the liquid fill inside you, he rested his head against your shoulder weakly. Breathlessly, You could feel him twitch deep inside you.
Sam slowly pulled out, his hand coming up to caress your cheek as he pulled you in for a gentle kiss, his lips melting against yours as he finally caught his breath. He withdrew from the kiss, peppering soft kisses against your shoulders. "Fuck.." A soft laugh left his lips as he admired you through half-lidded eyes.
As you simmered down and relaxed, your fingers ran through his soft hair, slow pants escaping from your lungs. "Let's run you a bath.." He concluded, kissing your forehead gently.
Once you were finally dressed, Sam curled beneath the covers with you, pulling you close. "I love you, sweets.." He assured, pushing a strand of hair out of your face.
"I love you more, Sammy.." You endeared, admiring him. Your thumb traced the sharp line of his jaw, unable to take your eyes from him. He gave you a soft, kind smile, his hands wrapping around your waist gracefully, pulling you close to him.
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seenoversundown · 6 months
❄️ Be Naughty, Save Santa The Trip ❄️
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Sam x Willa (OC)
Warnings: 18+ SMUT (including; Oral (F receiving) Penetrative sex, Praise Kink,)
Word Count: 3.2k
Santa Baby - Eartha Kitt “Santa baby, just slip a Sable under the tree for me Been an awful good girl Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight”
Sam’s POV 
The snow is falling faster than my windshield wipers can keep up with as I rush home. 
I don’t know why I took this fucking job this week, and I can’t help but think to myself. I’d rather be home getting ready for Christmas with my girls.
I audibly groan and smack the steering wheel, frustrated as all hell. Just ten minutes from home but still too far, and these fucking backroads. I turn the music louder, hoping to drown out my bad mood. I can make it ten more minutes. 
Pulling into our driveway, relief fills my chest. Glancing at our small home, it looks as though it’s almost glowing in the soft falling snow. The warm lights inside softly trickled through our half-closed curtains, making it almost like an ethereal haven. I can’t turn the car off fast enough as I dash towards the porch, excited to see her. 
“Willa!” I shout as I throw our front door open. “Penny-girl!” 
The chilling silence greets me.
Panic creeps in rather quickly; I don’t think anything has been this quiet since I brought Penelope home from the shelter. I look at the small table near our entryway where we keep our keys when a little black and white square catches my eye. 
A polaroid? 
I walk over and flip over the photo. Staring back at me is a close-up of Willa’s collarbone, her signature dark brown hair barely brushing her shoulder. 
Penny is at Josh’s. Come find me. ⅕ 
My heart immediately picks up as I read her words, and I can feel a smile tugging at my lips. It’s game on as I look around for the remaining photographs. I spot one rather quickly taped backward on the wall leading deeper into our home. Sprinting over to it, I’m careful as I peel it off its resting place. This polaroid is a close-up of her delicious hip adorned with lavender lingerie I don’t recognize. 
Like what you see, baby? ⅖
My mouth is watering at the sight of her. It feels like my heart is beating out of my chest with the amount of adrenaline coursing through my veins. I need to find her. 
“Birdie!” I shout. 
The only response I hear is the start of soft music coming from what seems like our bedroom. I take off in a hurry, keeping my eyes wide for the last three polaroids. As I round the corner and started to take the stairs two at a time, I stopped in my tracks. Halfway up, taped to the wall, is another bit of black-and-white treasure. Again, I’m careful as I pluck it off of the wall. I take my time as I flip around to see what she’s left for me this time. This one has just her perfect lips and jaw in the photo. Her bottom lip is tucked in between her teeth. 
I’ve been waiting for you, gonna make me wait longer? ⅗ 
My fucking girl. My heart pumps with a primal need for her now. I finish my ascent to the top of the stairs as I pull the hair tie around my wrist and tie my hair back into a messy bun. I don’t want anything to get in the way of her. I can’t help but charge into our bedroom, where the music gets progressively louder. 
I take a solid breath and open the door. “I hope you’re ready-” Another empty room. I can’t help but laugh into the open space as I glance at our bed. On top of our navy sheets, another black and white wonder waits for me. I take a moment and strip off my thick sweater, leaving me in my undershirt and jeans as I walk over to the polaroid. I waste no time flipping this one over; a proud feeling blooms in my chest over my girl. Looking at the photo, it’s just her chest. Her delicious chest, covered by lilac-colored lace. Small intricate flowers shield bits and pieces, but I can still see the warm brown of her nipples peeking through. 
I’ve been such a good girl, Sammy ⅘
My breath hitches when I read her words. My jeans get incredibly tight to the point that the pressure of the zipper feels good. I glance around our room for another hint, anything to lead me to where she is. Thinking that I had found Willa, I shut the door to our room quickly, which was something she suspected. A yellow post-it note stares at me from the back of our door with the word closer written on it. Doesn’t she know what happens to cocky girls? 
I pull the door open, blind with the need to have her in my arms. I race towards her home studio, the only room left in the house.When I round the corner and see that final little black and white wonder taped to her door, I feel victorious. When I flip this one over, I can’t help but groan, fucking Willa. 
This polaroid, this absolute treasure of a polaroid, shows between her hips. The garter wrapped around her waist led down where the straps dangle delicately on her open thighs. Her free hand, not taking the photo, is also in this shot, pulling her panties aside so I can see her delicious cunt. One of her fingers dances dangerously close to her clit, and a growl comes out from deep within me. 
Time for your Christmas present, baby 5/5 
I rip open the door to her studio and see Willa, fucking finally, the same lilac lingerie I’ve been seeing in my little gifts, draping her body. I take quick strides to get to where she’s seated on her couch and pull her into my arms. She laughs because, of course, she does as I pepper kisses along her neck, and she wraps her legs around my waist. 
“Thank you for those lovely treats to come home to.” I say as I nuzzle into her ear, her signature scent of woodsy lavender washing over me. “But you’ve been a bad girl, haven’t you?” I give a playful bite against her neck. “Touching what’s mine.” 
Her head rears back to look me in the eyes; hers are sparkling with mischief. I’m beyond ready to play with her. I stare straight into her eyes as I ask, “Did you come?” 
Her cheeks flare red while she shakes her head no, I watch her wavy brown hair fly from side to side. 
“Are you sure about that?” I place a finger under her chin to keep eye contact. 
“Only once.” Willa says the sentence so fast and quietly I almost miss it. I’m sure my face has morphed into something that scares her as she quickly follows that with, “You were late and I couldn’t stop thinking about you coming home.” 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. My naughty girl couldn’t wait for me? For this?” I grind her against me and watch her head fall back. “You know what happens to bad girls like you, right? They get punished.” 
There have been many firsts with her, but nothing trumps the carnal need I have for her every day. I swear I can feel my pupils dilate when I look at her. I turn and throw her on the couch where I originally found her, earning a little squeal. Willa lays on her back, propped up by her elbows, as she watches me peel my shirt off, leaving me in just my jeans. The pressure from my zipper is still intense, but I’ll have her help with it soon. Her eyes are wide as I stalk towards her. 
“Get on all fours.” 
Watching her comply with my demands is fucking beautiful. My strong-willed girl, listening to only me. Once she’s up, I take the empty seat in front of her. 
“Come here, baby.” I watch as she crawls over to me, slow and deliberate. She keeps her head slightly down, on purpose I'm sure, and looks up at me through hooded lids. Her bangs add an extra curtain of mystery to her face; I close my eyes, trying to commit the picture to memory just like her polaroids. I hum at the thought, growing harder in my jeans. She places herself right over my lap, I open my eyes again and fuck is it a sight to behold. I grab her hands and pull them together in front of her, leaving her ass high in the air. She does a little wiggle in anticipation of what’s to come next. 
“This,” I begin as I palm her ass cheek. “Is fucking mine.” I pull my hand away and bring it back quickly, a loud smack rings through the air, followed by a whine from Willa. I move my hand over to her other cheek and give her only a moment before I redden it, too. I move down and slowly trace the outline of her pussy, relishing in the noises she’s making. I find her clit through her panties and press down with force, enough for her to pay attention. 
“Willa, no one makes you come but me.” My voice comes out gravelly and harsh. 
“I’m sorry,” she mewls. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” drawing small circles under my touch, I can’t help it. 
“Did my girl miss me?”
“Yes.” Willa hisses as pushes her ass higher into the air, trying to get more friction from me. I move my hand away from her clit and back to her ass, much to her dismay. I give her one more smack before I pull her up to straddle me.
She attaches her lips to mine as I pull her closer, and I start to feel her fingers fiddling with the button of my jeans. I nip at her bottom lip, which she returns by licking my upper lip until our tongues are intertwined. When I finally hear my zipper go down, I lift us quickly and kick off my pants. I can feel how wet she is through my boxers, and I can’t help but moan into her mouth. My girl is ready for me. I position us back onto the couch to hover over her while she’s on her back. 
“Need to taste you,” I mumble into her lips. I start to make my way down her body, stopping over each nipple to kiss it through the fabric. “I fucking love this on you.” I capture some of the lace between my teeth and pull back. 
The way Willa’s body shudders underneath my hands as I work my way down is a movement I've committed to memory. I kiss her stomach’s soft skin, loving how it feels on my lips. 
“Sam, please.” She squirms underneath me. I graze my teeth on her hip, relishing in this power I have over her. Hooking my fingers on either side of her lacy underwear, I slowly graze it down her body. By the time I reach her feet, she’s practically trying to kick the fabric off of her, and a laugh escapes my lips. 
“Someone’s needy after being bad, aren’t you?” I say as I place my hands on the inside of her thighs, spreading them apart. Her glistening center is ready for me; my mouth waters at the sight. 
“You are so fucking beautiful, baby.” I say. I take one of my hands and spread her center with my fingers. I moan at the sight of her in front of me before I dive in. My first slow lick up her center is sweeter than honey. The taste of my girl is utter perfection. I growl as I start to lap at her pussy. 
I hear mixtures of moans and “you’re doing so good” and “right there, don’t stop” coming from her. The encouragement urges me as I focus my tongue on her hard clit. I bring my finger to her entrance and hear her hiss a yes before I plunge one inside of her. Hooking my finger inside of her, I hit that delicious spot she loves. 
“Be a good girl and come on my face.” I say as Willa works her way into my bun. I add one more finger inside of her and feel her come undone. She tightens around my fingers and holds my face close as she rides out her orgasm. I would suffocate on her cunt if she’d let me. I don’t stop licking and kissing her until she pushes me away. 
“Sam, please.” she whines. I rise to my knees so I tower over her. Her bangs are sweaty and plastered to her forehead. Her brown eyes shine while they travel over me as she bites her bottom lip. 
“And what is it that my girl wants?” I slowly position myself so my hands are on either side of her head, trapping her in my grasp. Willa’s hand grabs my aching erection, and I growl in response. 
“Let me have this, please.” She pleads. I’m back on my heels, pulling my boxers down to release me before I pick her up, her legs instinctively wrapping around me. I position my cock at her entrance before pulling her down. 
As soon as I feel the head of my erection pass the threshold of her sweet, warm cunt I groan into her neck as I push further inside. My hair tie is long gone now, with her hands thoroughly messing up my hair. When I finally reach the hilt, our mouths fuse together, hungry and desperate. I keep bouncing her on my cock, slick from her arousal. 
Losing myself in Willa is one of my favorite pleasures in life. It feels like my girl is made for me as her pussy grasps onto me. I attach my lips to her neck, grazing lightly with my teeth. The vibrations in her throat from her moans fuck me up in the best way. Making sure my arm is securely anchored around her ass, my free hand replaces my mouth around her throat. 
“Yes, Sam. Fuck yes.” She mewls as she drops her head back. I let my fingers tighten on either side of her neck as I feel her pussy tighten even more. She’s close to another orgasm, and I want it. 
“Come for me. You’re so good, baby. Look at you fall apart.” Praising her between kisses and bites to her lips, she comes undone on me. I keep thrusting as she works through her orgasm, screaming unintelligible words. It’s hard not to come myself, but I’m not quite done with my girl yet. 
I watch her come down from her second high as I lay her on the couch. To my dismay, and hers, I pull out. My hand immediately finds my aching cock as I give it a hard stroke. Willa’s eyes dart down to watch me. 
“Back on all fours.” Her eyes snap up to me, and I can see their excitement. 
“I was hoping you’d say that.” She’s quick to scramble on her hands and knees after my demand. 
“Such a good girl for me.” I say as I watch her ass wiggle in the air, taunting me. I place my hands on her hips and yank her back, loving the squeal that comes from her. I waste no time lining myself back up with her sweet entrance and thrust in without warning. The noises coming from her are guttural, almost feral. I can feel her pussy tightening around me again, and this time, I want to come with her. I move one of my hands to find her clit and start rubbing it in light, rough circles. 
“Sam, I’m close.” Willa says in a rush. 
“Come with me, baby. Let me feel it.” And with that, my good, obedient girl falls apart under me. With her soft, warm cunt gripping my cock I have no choice but to let go and release into her. I still at the hilt as I moan her name. I stay there for a moment, stunned by the bright, hot sensation of my orgasm, until I feel my thighs start to shake. 
I take my time pulling out of Willa, sitting back on the couch, and pulling her onto my lap. We’re both a sweaty mess as she curls up and rests her head on my chest. I can’t get enough of the smell of us filling the room. I take my time and rake my fingers through her hair, enjoying the feeling of my girl being so close. 
I let a couple of moments of silence pass before I pick up Willa and stand, walking us to our bathroom. It’s a comfortable silence as I place her on the counter and press a single kiss to her forehead. I turn towards our shower and adjust the temperature, knowing she likes the water to be borderline scalding. I’ve learned to enjoy it. I set up two towels for us on our heater so they’ll be warm by the time we’re done. Before I get us into our steamy escape, I run back to our bedroom to grab my cell phone. Picking the playlist I’ve called Birdie 🤍, I hit shuffle. 
Soft music fills the bathroom, and I watch as her eyes shut in satisfaction. When I’m finally ready, I turn towards my girl and stand between her legs. 
“C’mere,” I say as I wrap my arms around her waist again. She latches on like always, and I walk us into the warm shower. I let the water hit her back first, slow and steady. When she’s ready, she puts her feet on the ground. Selfishly, this is my favorite part of aftercare. 
Her brown eyes look up at me, the flecks of gold shining so bright as I add shampoo to my hands and lather her hair. Her hums of approval and eyes fluttering shut make my heart melt. I keep going, making sure to drag my fingers against her scalp. Without speaking, she takes a step back to engulf herself in the water fully. I watch as the suds rinse down her body, over her pert nipples and soft stomach. I reach out to have her body in my hands, just to touch some part of her. The smile that graced her lips told me she wanted that, too, and I gripped my girl a little tighter. 
I take my time with the soapy washcloth over her body, making sure to get every curve of her. I’ve committed every little piece of her body to memory. 
I do the same to myself once I’ve finished soaping her up and rinsing her off. Willa watches me with sleepy eyes from the other side of the shower. I turn off our steamy oasis and grab our towels, wrapping her up first. I tie the towel around my waist and guide her out of the shower. I lean myself against the counter, where she collapses into me. 
“Thank you for the gift today, Birdie. It was perfect.” 
“I hope you’re ready to have this tradition every year.” Fuck, if I don’t fall more in love with my girl when she says that. 
With a kiss on her forehead, I mumble, “Absolutely.” 
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moonlightisdancing · 7 months
Blood Lust/d.r.w
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Pairing: Au!Danny Wagner x Female Reader
Word Count: 1781
Warnings: NSFW MINORS DNI 18+, mentions dui/massive accident, alludes to death, vampire danny, touching, kissing, oral (f receiving), fingering, soft intimacy, praise, unprotected sex (pls wrap before you tap!), self-inflicted wounds (not in a s/h way), blood consumption
A/N: this is my first time writing where characters aren’t human! hope it turned out okay for the ending to gretaween! (granted a teensie bit late….)
“Are you sure about this? It can’t be undone.” Danny asks as he sets up for the ritual.
“Yes, I know.” You nod, fiddling with the amulet hanging from your neck.
Although he promised you owed him nothing, you wanted to pay Danny back for saving your life exactly one year ago today. The memory still foggy in your mind, the scars tattered along your skin would be permanent reminders of the day you almost lost it all. Coming home from a Halloween party, your drunk boyfriend insisted on driving home, taking back roads to avoid being pulled over due to his state of intoxication. He’d failed to slow down around a corner, flipping the car into a ditch. All you remember after that point is the loud ringing echoing through your mind and then nothing. You woke up inside of a cabin you hadn’t recognized surrounded by acres of woods, and a tall man who’d comforted you in a state of panic. He says it took you 3 months to recover, in which time you’d been reported as missing, until you never returned, pronouncing you deceased. It took you 2 months from that time to ask Danny how he saved you.
“I cut my finger with glass from the windshield and pressed it to your lips.”
You’d come to realize he wasn’t human, he was a product of something supernatural. He’s a vampire, and today you’d join him, allowing your love to flourish.
Danny lights fire to the sticks and logs laying in the fireplace before returning his attention to you.
“Y/N, you don’t have to. You know I’ll love you either way.”
“I know, but I want to. I want our love to be easier for both of us. Without you I wouldn’t be experiencing your love, for several reasons.” You walk towards Danny, dropping the amulet to your chest and placing your hand on his arm.
He pivots to face you, taking your chin between his index and thumb. He leans in, lips dangerously close to making contact, but instead he speaks.
“We should get ready.” He finally breaks the tension, pressing his lips against yours with fervor.
Danny grabs your hand and guides you to a blanket he’d put down on the floor.
“So, what’s the process again?” You timidly ask. You know the answer, but you liked hearing the words leave his mouth.
“We make love until you’re weak, and I nurse you back. Just like I did that night, except I need to taste your blood in exchange.” He grabs a knife from the kitchen and returns to your side, placing the knife on the floor beside the blanket.
His hands toy with the hem of your shirt, eyes searching yours for an unspoken answer, to which you silently respond. Danny brings your shirt over your head, dragging his fingers along the supple skin of your sides. Your chest sits naturally underneath the fabric, nipples growing hard in the temperature change. Danny lets your shirt drop to the floor as he cups each breast, rolling your tender nipples between the pads of his fingers.
“You’re ethereal. Truly a masterpiece I’ll never grow tired of…” His voice trails off, his lips connecting back to yours.
Danny’s hands smooth down your frame, catching his thumbs in the waistband of the shorts that were once his. He pulls them down past the wide of your ass, allowing them to fall around your ankles. He steps out of his sweatpants, the only article of clothing he’d been wearing.
“Come with me, darling.” Danny holds his hands out for you to grab as you step out of the shorts, letting him guide you towards the blanket.
He helps lay you on the blanket, allowing you to get comfortable before he joins you.
“C’mere, I miss you.” You reach your arms up and grab your fingers at him.
Danny brings himself to your level and lays next to you on his side. You turn to face him, tracing your finger up and down his ribs. His fingers dance along every feature of your body as if he’d never seen you nude, committing you to memory. Danny inches himself closer, pressing his bare chest against yours. His hand stops at your waist, pulling your groin against his, filling in the remaining gap perfectly. He’d grown harder just from innocent touching, the sight of you for his taking aiding his burning desires.
“You, my love, are everything.” Danny’s lips find their home against yours once again as he rolls you onto your back.
“I am so entirely in love with you.” Admittance rolls off your tongue. You’d been telling him you loved him fairly early on, but you never told him you were in love with him.
His face becomes even softer, almost tear-ridden as he pulls away to look into your eyes.
“I’m in love with you, too.” A smile stretches across his lips.
Danny inches himself down, allowing his head to rest against your sternum as he peppers kisses along the bottom of your breast. His hand gently massages the flesh on top, taking your nipple between his fingers. You rest one hand against his cheek, running your fingers along every edge of his structure, the other situated at the back of his head, rubbing his scalp. He sits up on his knees, adjusting your legs around him for comfort. Danny places his hand at your neck and traces his fingers down your chest and stomach, lingering above your center before removing all contact and restarting at your neck. He repeats this one, two, three more times before giving in to his temptations, allowing his fingers to brush against your aching clit. Danny slowly drags his fingers down and gently presses against your entrance.
“S’okay? Feel good?” He whispers, reading your eyes.
“Feels so good.”
Danny pushes two fingers past your entrance, leisurely working them in and out. A few stray moans escape your lips as you grow more wet under his touch and gaze. He places kisses down your body until his lips meet your clit. Removing his fingers, he places his hands on your stomach, holding you down as he tenderly pays homage to your bud. You rest your hands over his, wrapping them around his large palms, leaving crescent shaped marks on his skin.
“Danny, I need you to make love to me.”
“Patience is a virtue, my love.” He pulls away from his task, looking you in the eyes with his slick covered mouth.
“Waited long enough. Please?”
Over the last year he learned he couldn’t say no to you. If you wanted something, he made sure you had it. Luckily all you ever wanted was him, and he’d signed himself away to you the day he found you amongst wreckage. He vowed from that day forward to protect and take care of you, so protect and take care he did. The love of his immortal life.
“Anything you want.”
Danny brings his hand down to stroke himself, guiding his tip through your slick. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him in deeper. You hiss at the stretch, but the pain quickly dissipates as you grow accustomed to him again.
“Easy, darling. Wanna make love to you.” He slowly rolls his hips into you until you can take all of him.
He lays into you again, resting his head between your shoulder and neck. Sweet moans and heavy breathing fills the air around you accompanied by the crackle of the fire. Your hands rub up and down his back, running your fingers over the dips at the tail of his spine. He places a trail of languish kisses along your jaw, pausing to make deep eye contact before reconnecting your lips. His hips start to move at an even pace, rubbing against your special spot with each stroke. You lift your legs higher, allowing him to fuck you deeper. One of his hands tangled in the hair at the nape of your neck, the other working its way between the two of you to rub your clit. Your walls start to flutter around his cock as his thrusts grow deeper and slower.
“That’s it, my love. You’re doing so good for me.” He presses the pad of his thumb harder against your aching bud, working tighter circles around you. You wrap your arms around his torso, pulling your face into his neck. You feel yourself start to unravel, each movement from Danny urging you closer to finish. His lips press feverishly against yours, swiping his tongue along your bottom lip. The grip on your hair tightens as Danny nears his release, bringing you with him in his last final thrusts. You feel the room around you go dark, left without hearing or vision for a few seconds. In this state of nothingness, you feel Danny’s warm seed spill deep inside you, coating the inside of your swollen walls.
“Y/N, baby? You alright?” His tender voice slowly brings you back down to Earth.
All you can manage is a barely there nod. The scent of sex and fire settles in around you alongside the comfortable silence and sleepiness.
“Is it time?” You whisper into the open.
Danny looks over to the grandfather clock in the corner, dimly lit by the dying fire.
“3:33, just on time.”
Danny reaches to grab the knife and attempts to hand it over to you, but your movements falter.
“Tired, do it for me?” You whisper, completely fucked out and useless as you lay beneath him.
He reaches for your hand and drags the cool metal across your palm, immediately subsiding the searing pain with the softness of his lips.
“So sweet, angel.” He laps up every drop of you, taking in the warmth of your life. “Ready?” He kisses your fresh wound, sure to leave another scar on your well written skin.
Danny brings the blade to his palm, working a perfect slit across the taut skin. You watch the blood pool in his palm as he brings his hand toward you.
“Open, darling. We’re almost there.”
You weakly part your lips with your tongue, offering yourself to him. He presses his fresh wound to your lips, hissing at the sting of contact. The velvety, warm substance slowly drips onto your tongue. It doesn’t feel like blood pouring into your mouth, simply just a liquification of his eternal love for you. The taste of him becomes all-consuming, burning every inch of you as the liquid travels down your throat. You slip into a deep slumber, sure to wake up forever hungry for and belonging to Danny.
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broken--stardust · 2 years
baby blue - j.t.k.
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a/n: inspiration drawn from the song "baby blue" by luke hemmings; which i highly recommend you listen to while reading [x]
summary: hot tub s*x
pairing: jake x f. reader
word count: 3.1k
warnings: SMUT (18+, MINORS DNI), fluff, childhood best friends, 4/20, explicit descriptions of smoking, drinking, straw hat mention. specific smut warnings after the cut.
explicit warnings: touching, learning each other's bodies, licking, biting, sucking, making out, fingering, slight hair-pulling, grinding, "good girl", unprotected sex, brief cockwarming
“Shut the fuck up, Sammy” your voice shook with laughter as you cursed him.
“What? It’s true!” he exclaimed as you watched his cheeks begin to tinge pink through the haze of the hot tub steam and the pipe you all were passing, the laughter of you and his brothers echoing around him as he grew more exasperated.
Josh shook his head across from him, “No way that Mickayla Howe would ever make out with you. She was too busy with Jake, anyway,” he finished with a splash toward Jake.
“What the fuck dude, this bowl is ruined now,” Jake groaned as he dumped the now moist, ground contents from his glass pipe into the grass next to the hot tub. Josh snickered a half-hearted apology as he went back to bantering with Sam, while Jake began grinding up more flower for the pipe.
“Is that true?” you whispered with a teasing grin and a poke to his bare side under the water.
He let out a little giggle as he involuntarily jumped from your ticklish gesture, before quickly trying to mask his grin and appear unphased. “Is what true, Y/N?”
“You and Icky Micky?”
He threw his head back with a laugh. “You’re terrible. She wasn’t that icky.”
“Not to you, apparently.”
He raised his eyebrows as he pulled a long drag from the pipe and held it, before blowing it right into your face. As you sputtered a cough with a playful smack to his chest, he leaned in closer to you, his fingers on your thighs and his breath tickling your ear. “Why so interested, you jealous?”
You felt your face grow warm as your fingers grazed his while grabbing the pipe from him and taking a long drag for yourself. You blew the smoke into the night without meeting his eyes. “Never.”
“Okay baby,” the pet-name falling from his lips as easily as if it were your first name, “whatever you say,” he slurred with a lopsided grin, the effects of the marijuana now evident.
You leaned back against the plastic side of the bench under the water, closing your eyes as you felt the heavy wave of your impending high begin settling atop your chest, just before your brain took flight. A soft smile drew across your lips as you relaxed, the warmth of the hot tub pairing beautifully with the warmth in your lungs. You turned your head and stole a glance at Jake, who was mirroring your position and facial expression, already staring at you.
“What?’ you giggled. Any awkwardness or embarrassment from the half-sober conversation from a few minutes ago completely dissipated with both of your new state of being.
“Nothing,” he giggled back as he turned his head to face the sky again. The sun had finally set, the dark of night washing the landscape, stars peeking through the fronds of the Florida palms above your heads. Neither of you had realized you had both leaned closer and closer to one another until your heads were touching. But in your blissed state, you didn’t mind.
“Hey,” Josh began with a soft kick to your shin under the water. “We’re gonna go inside and watch a movie, are you guys coming in?”
“Nah, I think I’m gonna smoke some more.” Jake answered.
“Yeah, me too,” you agreed.
With a few playful splashes to each other, Sammy and Josh climbed out of the hot tub and entered the condo you were all staying in and left you and Jake alone.
Jake packed a new bowl and cornered it, taking a long hit before passing it to you to smoke the rest. Sufficiently high at this point, you set the pipe down on the side of the hot tub and sank down into the water until only your head and neck were exposed to the ocean breeze, eyes closed leaning against the side.
After a few moments of silence, you felt the trepidatious touches of Jake’s calloused fingers atop your own. Growing up with the boys, you’d held hands with each of them before, wrestled each other to the ground and found yourselves in vulnerable positions, and changed in front of one another…but this was Jake. There was always something a little more with him. In high school with his Justin Bieber-esque hair and guitar always in hand as if it were an extra limb, how could you not swoon just a little? Especially when you were the best friend, the one with the “in” that all the other girls were always jealous of. But your vague attraction never crossed the threshold after innocent crushes, aside from long, stolen glances and the occasional cuddling during movie nights. Maybe as he grew into his body more; the lankiness of his teen years fading along with his love snapbacks, making room for his newfound love of straw hats and Adele; you had let your mind wander to what else could be hidden beneath his singular buttoned tops and loose linen pants.
That being said, you weren’t opposed to these exploratory touches, but you couldn’t be sure where Jake’s head was at. You opened one eye and shot him a curious glance as his grazing moved from your fingers and up your forearm. “Can I help you?” you jested, testing the waters of this uncharted territory with a playful joke, as you normally would.
He giggled as he traced his fingers back down to the top of your hand. “Maybe,” he answered, in his low tone, an extra layer to it that wasn’t normally there, but you couldn’t be certain yet of what it was.
You laced your fingers with his cautiously, as he stroked your forefinger with his thumb. “How’s that?” you played along as you caught his eye.
He held the eye contact with you for a few seconds before looking down at your lips and back up to your gaze, “Maybe it’s the weed talking, but I don’t know, I just kinda like touching you” he confessed as he removed his hand from your grasp and inched his fingers back up your arm, before slowly dragging it under your bikini strap, and laying his palm on your chest just atop your heart. “And, it kinda feels like you like it, too” he concluded breathlessly, your rapidly increasing heartbeat evident to his touch. You placed your hand atop his and dragged his fingertips up and across your collarbone and to your cheek.
As the sensations grew stronger than innocent touch and into something deeper and more intimate, especially with the heightened effects of the marijuana in your system, you let go of his hand on your body and began tracing your fingers up his arm and across his chest. You raked your nails lightly through his sparse chest hair as he hissed slightly, both of your eyes following what your fingers would do next. You began softly dragging your fingertips up and to the back of his neck before tangling them into his hair, causing him to release a quiet moan. You then moved your fingers across his face, dragging your thumb lightly across his bottom lip as you made eye contact again, though ever so slightly blurry in each other’s haze. You held each other’s gaze as you smoothed your hand back down his neck and to his chest before the weight of the situation fell on you in an instant and you felt a blush rise to your cheeks. “Sorry” you mumbled before dropping your hand back onto the bench, and your gaze back to your lap.
He released a shaky breath you didn’t know he’d been holding. “Why’d you stop there?” he whispered.
You met his stare in an instant and took notice of his half-lidded eyes and the steady rise and fall of his chest. “You wanted me to keep going?” you responded breathlessly.
He nodded vigorously before tentatively grabbing your fingers and placing them back on his chest. “I’ve always wanted you to keep going” he admitted.
You dragged your fingers lightly up his torso and cupped his cheek, slowly taking your lip between your teeth.
“C’mere” he mumbled before placing his arm behind your back and using the water to his advantage to effortlessly lift you onto his lap and locking his lips with yours the moment you sat down. He tasted of pot and the IPA he had sipped on earlier in the night, but in that moment, you were willing to bet you’d never tasted anything better. The kisses were sloppy and wet due to your mutual inebriation, quiet moans and soft whines exchanged between the two of you as you began to hesitantly grind across the fabric of his tightened trunks. He let out a low groan during a particularly heavy sweep across his lap, and you felt the confidence of your high returning as you began to peck your lips across his jawbone and to his earlobe, taking it between your teeth with the tiniest bit of force.
“Oh, fuck,” Jake groaned as he tilted his head back, exposing his throat to you while you danced your lips across it on their way to his other ear. As you licked, pecked, and lightly nibbled, Jake finally took your face between his hands and held your gaze in breathless wonderment. After a few beats to each catch your breath, he smiled softly at you. “My turn” he stated, before flipping you both over and half kneeling, half floating in the warm water above your lap. Once situated, he met your lips with the lightest touch of his own. As he did this, he dragged his fingertips across the fabric atop your nipple, grinning against your lips ever-so-slightly as he felt its tautness before moving them down your body and danced them across the hem of your bikini bottoms.
You gasped quietly as you felt his fingers dip below the waistband before he pulled away slightly and met your eyes.
“Is this okay?” he asked in a hush whisper.
You nodded.
“Use your words, baby,” he admonished.
“Yes, Jake, please,” you half-moaned.
He smiled before pecking your lips quickly and pulling away again. “Good girl.”
You moaned deeply as he pushed his whole hand into your bottoms, the restricting fabric keeping his palm tight against your pelvis as his fingers explored your folds; before finding your clit and brushing over it a couple of times until you were quietly gasping with each touch.
He stared at you in awe as he pushed a finger into you, his jaw falling slack just as yours did.
“Oh, Jake, fuck,” you groaned breathlessly as he pushed another finger into you.
“Tell me all about it, baby,” he whispered.
“God, Jake,” you cried out softly as he thrusted his fingers into you with increasing speed. “It feels so good.”
“I know, baby, I know. Are you gonna come for me like this? All over my fingers?” he half-whispered as you met his eyes.
You nodded as you gasped, your mouth falling open as you held his gaze. After just a couple more thrusts and grazes across your clit, you felt yourself pulsing around his fingers, the contractions so much more intense, the pleasure so much deeper than you felt when sober.
“Oh, fuck, baby, good girl. Let it all go, you’re doing so good” Jake praised as he worked you through your orgasm.
You kissed him breathlessly as you came down from your high, so intensely that even Jake gasped when you pulled away. A smile spread across his lips after you caught your breath and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“What are you so eager for?” he teased.
“I’ve never fucked high, and if it’s anything like that, I can’t wait” you admitted confidently.
Jake let out a breathy laugh before meeting your eyes with a toothy grin. “It’s nothing like that, to be honest,” he began. He smirked before leaning in close to your ear, the damp strands of his hair brushing your cheek. “It’s so much better” he finished on a whisper, before turning you both back over so you were atop of his lap.
He kissed you with raw intensity as he reached behind you and untied the straps of your top, breaking for just a moment to pull it over your head and lay it across the side of the hot tub. In this moment, as he stared at your bare breasts on full display for him in the moonlight, he realized that he was about to have sex with his best friend. He met your eyes with his own filled with so much more than just lust, feeling so much in that moment that you both felt a blush rising to each of your cheeks, before he took your lips between his and kissed you with more passion than you’d felt with any former lover. He pulled away and met your eyes again.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked again.
You smiled as you felt your cheeks grow warm once again at the care he was showing you. You nodded. “Yes, Jake, I’m sure,” you whispered.
He smiled back at you. “Good,” he whispered back, letting the situation sink in for another moment as he held your gaze, before lifting you above him with one hand, made easier in the water, and pulling his trunks down his knees with the other. He brought you back to his lap, slightly encouraging you to grind over him again with a gentle tug to your waist.
After a few movements over his bare cock, his lips between yours, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of your bottoms and began slowly inching them down until they met your knees bent atop the bench on either side of Jake’s legs.
You met each other’s blurry gaze again, and he reached out a thumb to caress your cheek as blissed out grins overtook both your faces.
“You ready?” he smiled.
You nodded before leaning forward and bracing yourself with your hands on Jake’s chest, as you sunk down onto his cock under the water. You both groaned as soon as he penetrated you, the sensations overwhelming. He held you there with his arms crossed across your back, neither of you moving as you sloppily kissed each other, tongues dancing with each other and licking into your mouths while his cock sat inside you. The singular penetration combined with the intense making out alone had you already clenching around him. You shifted slightly, raising your hips before bringing them back down slowly to his base. You repeated the motion, and Jake lifted up to meet your hips in perfect harmony, breaking the kisses occasionally to let out the breathiest, whiniest of moans.
“How does it feel, baby?” Jake breathed.
“I wanna stay here forever” you murmured against his chest, eyes closed, forehead resting on his wet shoulder while he held you in his arms, you grinding and he thrusting just enough to give you both the pleasure you sought.  
He laughed blissfully. “I think I’d like that,” he agreed as he held you tighter, taking over the movements as he thrust up into you faster and faster. You were a whining mess as he brushed your damp strands out of your face to watch your expressions, the way your lips would part ever so slightly with particularly deep thrusts, or the way your eyebrows would furrow when you’d groan.
You opened your eyes to find him already staring at you, his movements slowing slightly at the eye contact. “What?” you asked breathlessly.
“You’re just, so fucking beautiful, Y/N” he murmured.
You smiled as you blushed. You started to answer, to thank him, when he began thrusting into you with purpose, even faster and deeper than before, your jaw falling slack as you held his gaze, the words dying on your tongue. All you could say instead was, “Oh, Jesus fuck”, as he maintained a steady pace, one of his hands moving from your back for his fingertips to find their rightful place on your clit, rubbing in smooth circles with just enough pressure.
“Baby, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you groaned.
“Me too, baby, I’ve got you. Come for me” he maintained a consistent rhythm and pressure to bring you to your climax, though you could see in his face that he was straining to not let go before you. You held his gaze as you felt the waves of pleasure wash over you, over and over as you clenched on his cock.
“Oh my god,” you cried out in bliss as he continued to thrust into you with a different pace, before settling into you with a deep groan, his cock throbbing inside you with his release.
Your head fell onto his shoulder with exhaustion, your arms wrapped around his neck as he held you close to his chest, the skin-to-skin contact grounding you and comforting you as he kissed you all over what was exposed of your cheeks.
After sitting like that for what felt like hours, one of his hands stroking up and down your back, soft kisses between just letting your heads rest on each other, you leaned back to let out a yawn. Jake pushed some of the hair out of your face when you leaned forward again, staring at you with a soft smile.
“Is it time for bed?” he teased.
Your face fell slightly, though you hoped he wouldn’t notice. “I don’t wanna go to bed.”
He caressed your cheek as he asked, “Why’s that, love?”
You shrugged before looking away from him and into the night.
“Hey,” he cupped your cheek and turned you towards him, “What’s wrong?”
You took a shaky breath. “I guess, I’m not ready for this night to be over.”
He half smiled, like he knew something you didn’t. “Why, baby?”
“I guess…because that means we are just gonna…go back to normal after this.”
“No, it doesn’t,” Jake smirked.
You quirked an eyebrow.
“Just because the night is ending, doesn’t mean this-,” he gestured between both of you, “is.”
You waited for him to finish.
He let out a shaky laugh. “I fully intend on you sleeping in my bed tonight, showering with you in the morning, and surprising you with breakfast, though I guess it won’t be a surprise now” he smirked. “And the next time we have sex, we’ll be sober.”
You grinned at him. “Next time?”
“Yeah, dumbass, next time” he replied with the playful banter you had used as best friends your whole childhood, letting you know that nothing had changed between you, except everything, and nothing at the same time.
You were okay with that.
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