#Dan Takes Quizzes About Himself
pix3lplays · 9 months
Could I req the full Dan Heng SFW Alphabet? Thanks!
(like the parts that you didn’t already do)
Yeah, absolutely, let’s do it!
-Dan Heng full SFW alphabet-
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He’s not very affectionate, at all. The most he’ll do is hold your hand.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Dan Heng would be a great best friend, he’s very calm and rational and blunt, always telling you how it is. You’d likely become friends because you’ve both boarded the astral express.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Not really…Dan Heng isn’t much of a fan of cuddling. His skin is naturally pretty cold because…Vidyadhara…but you eventually get used to it, and you’re able to cuddle him. His cuddles are stiff and awkward and cold, but they still manage to be comfortable in their own special Dan Heng way.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) I can see Dan Heng wanting to settle down. He’s not great at cooking and cleaning, but he’s able to keep himself alive
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Quickly and to the point, if he genuinely thinks he has to end it I think he would want to do so swiftly.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’s hesitant. He comes with a LOT of emotional baggage, and he’s afraid to drag you into that…so I think he’d be very hesitant to make a commitment and get married, even if he wanted to.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally)
Physically? Fairly gentle. Sometimes he squeezes your hand a little too tight, but never on purpose. Emotionally he’s not very gentle. He remains blunt, even with you, though never with the intent to hurt your feelings.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Not particularly, he’s a little bit touch averse…so he doesn’t hug you often. When he does hug you, he pats your back, and doesn’t squeeze you very hard at all.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Not very quickly, you can expect it closer to the proposal date.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He doesn’t get jealous very quickly or often. When he does get jealous though, he finds that he usually transforms into IL, and hovers around you until the cause of his jealousy goes away.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are Cold but very gentle. He likes to kiss you on your forehead, and he likes it when you kiss his cheek.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He treats children pretty similarly to how he treats adults, typically.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Dan Heng wakes up very early, so if you’re willing to wake up early you may be able to spend some time with him. His mornings are spent training and reading in the archives. Join him if you’d like.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) He’s a bit of a night owl. It takes some time before he’s ready for bed. He also spends his nights reading, and he enjoys reading with you. When he’s finally ready for bed, he reverts to his IL form, because it’s more comfortable for him to be in his true form.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s very hesitant to reveal his wild past to you, until he’s literally forced to, or the guilt of not telling you gets too strong.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s not quick to anger. In fact you can’t remember the last time you saw Dan Heng get angry…
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Dan Heng remembers nearly everything about you! He can’t remember Everything, but he remembers a majority of things about you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment in your relationship was when you warmly accepted him, even though he revealed himself as Imbibitor Lunae…you still loved him, even though he had been hiding such a crucial truth from you for so long…
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Dan Heng is fairly protective of you, usually standing close with his arms crossed. He doesn’t need to be protected but if you really wanted to protect you he wouldn’t mind if you wanted to stand near him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
I think Dan Heng really would try, but especially when it came to anniversaries and everyday tasks.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Straight-up just ignoring people when he doesn’t want to talk! It’s a real problem!
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not that concerned, but concerned enough to make sure he looks presentable.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes. He’d try to fill that void with missions for the Astral Express.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He’s thinking of cutting his hair in his Imbibitor Lunae form, he prefers it short.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn’t like chains, enclosed spaces, the dark, and rats.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) He wraps his tail around you when he sleeps! It’s completely subconscious, but how could you mind? It’s really cozy, even if his tail is cold. He’s perfect to cuddle with on warm nights, but not so much on cold nights.
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hollisiguess · 2 months
anyone else get bored and take morality quizes as chracters they like? No? Just me? Anyways heres the results
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(more precise info under cut)
here's the quizz in question btw: https://www.idrlabs.com/moral-alignment/test.php
and the more precise results!
The lawful good peeps are,
March 7th (100% good 39.2% lawful),
and Welt (85% good 47.5% lawful)
Acording to the testn; people who are Lawful Good believe that an orderly, strong society with a moral government can work to make life better for the great majority of the people. When the laws are fair, the people respect them,and try to help one another, humanity as a whole prospers. Therefore, people who are Lawful Good strive for a social order that will bring the greatest benefit to everyone and cause the least harm. Lawful Good personalities may sometimes find themselves faced with the dilemma of whether to obey the law or do good when the two conflict. For example, when upholding the law of the land would lead to unfairness or harm or when there is a conflict between two orders of what is right, such as between the ways of their community and the law of the government.
the Neutral good queen is Himeko (47.5% good and 30.8% chaotic)
According to the test being neutral good is for people who are guided by their conscience and typically act altruistically, with only secondary regard for whether their actions are lawful or in line with cultural expectations or traditions. Neutral Good individuals have no problems with what is lawful as such, and nor are they rebels by nature, but they believe in furthering kindness and good deeds through whatever means seem necessary to them. If fostering good means supporting an organized society, then that is what must be done. If good can only come about through the overthrow of the existing social order, then so be it. For many who are Neutral Good, insistence on either lawfulness or rebellion is seen as detriments to or distractions from the greater goal of promoting true kindness in the world.
Obviously the trash racoons where gonna be chaotic good so Caelus and Stelle both score 68.3% in the good catergory and 43.3% in the chaotic department (lower then I thought tbh-)
this implies that
The are strong individualists marked by a streak of benevolence. They believe in the greater good and being kind to others but have little use for laws and regulations. Their actions are guided by their own moral compass which, although benevolent, may not always align with the rest of society. They place a high value on freedom, not only for themselves but for others as well. Chaotic Good individuals intend to do what is right, but their methods are generally disorganized and may lead to conflict when they come into contact with those who prefer extensive organization and planning.
and least but not least the grumpy man in true neutral Dan Heng (22.5% good and 14.2% lawful)
Meaning that people who are true neutral such as Mr. Dan Heng himself believe in the ultimate balance of forces, and they refuse to see actions as either good or evil. True Neutral individuals do their best to avoid siding too strongly with any one force, whether that force is good or evil, lawful or chaotic. For this reason, True Neutral personalities sometimes find themselves drawn into rather peculiar alliances, friendships, and life paths. To a great extent, they side with the underdog, sometimes even changing sides as the previous loser becomes the winner. Such people often see good, evil, chaos, and laws as simply prejudices that lead to dangerous extremes. Like the Taoist masters of ancient China, they tend to believe that the universe functions best when the light and the dark, the yin and the yang, are in balance.
Anyways thats all and I'm still bored so expect our buds the stelleron hunters soon
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best-phan-video-poll · 9 months
Round 1, wave 12
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astradyke · 2 months
have the courage to exist
mare • they/she/he • 18
asexual lesbian who would risk it all for phil lester
dan + phil sideblog, i maintag a lot to help w/ fandommetrics
first video: daniel & depression (2018)
(current) favorite amazingphil videos: what dan and phil text each other 4, making whipped tiktok coffee - easter edition, dan is leaving me, keeping or yeeting my entire closet with dan, doing a makeup tutorial inspired by my fish, ghost ferret
(current) favorite daniel howell videos: dan's grandma explains the internet, viewers pick dan's outfits, my bahamas travel disaster, dan takes quizzes about himself, i nearly blinded myself, the story of my hamster
(current) favorite dan and phil games videos: forcing dan to watch all my tiktok likes, halloween baking - slime and sadness cinnamon rolls, dan and phil's traumatic golf incident, dan and phil are getting divorced - it takes two #1, phantasy mocktails with daniel and philippe, dan and phil's DRAGon RACE
i follow from violexides
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korgbelmont · 2 years
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There is a peace between all supernatural species, all overseen by the council and their operatives. And then there's Daniel, a private investigator. When beings start turning up dead, council members start calling out each other, and so the Werewolf representative asks a certain Agent to hire Dan to look into it all off the books, as he isn't bound by their rules in the same way...
Written in the present tense
Warnings: Talk of death, blood, language
Word Count: 2024
Notes: Title was made on cooltext.com.
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Going to answer the door, Dan raises an eyebrow the moment he opens it. A woman the same height as him stood before him. Seeing the file under her arm, Dan sighs.
Dan - I'm guessing this ain't a social call, sis?
Maria - I'm afraid not.
Dan rolls his eyes and stands to the side to let her in.
Maria - Chloe in?
Dan - She's in the shower at the moment. Not long got in. You want a coffee?
Maria - Yes please.
As Dan gets the kettle going, Maria sets the file down on the surface.
Dan - So what's up?
Maria - Brogen sent me. How much have you heard about the recent killings?
Dan - Just that it has the council at each other's throats.
Maria - Exactly that. And because of that, no one's actually looking into these killings. So with you not being so constricted by the council's laws, you're all we have.
Dan - So Brogen wants me to find out who or what is behind this.
Maria - Yeah. And he's willing to pay.
Dan raises an eyebrow.
Dan - How much?
Maria - Ten thousand.
Dan - WHAT?!
The sound of a door draws Maria's attention as her brother looks at her in shock. Her sister-in-law and Dan's wife, Chloe steps into view, giving Dan a quizzing look.
Chloe - What's going on here?
She goes to give Maria a quick hug as Dan regains himself.
Chloe - How are you, Maria?
Maria - Busy.
They part, and Chloe turns to her husband.
Chloe - So what is going on?
Dan - A possible job. The kind that pays well.
Chloe - You going to take it?
She then turns to Maria.
Chloe - And are you going to stay for dinner?
Maria - I'm afraid I can't. Here professionally this time. Next week, perhaps.
Chloe - I'll hold you to that.
The two share a quick hug before Maria turns to her brother.
Maria - Let me know what you decide.
Dan - I'll take it.
Maria - Just like that?
Dan - Just like that. If things are so bad that the council are at each other. Then it needs to be solved.
Maria - Thank you. I'll let Brogen know.
Maria begins to take her leave, before turning back to her brother.
Maria - It's good to see you.
Dan - You too.
Maria then leaves, closing the door behind her. Dan turns to Chloe, who is giving him that look she always does when he takes a new case.
Dan - I'll look after myself. And I'll make sure to be back in one piece.
Chloe - I know.
The two wrap each other up in a hug, sharing a quick soft kiss.
Dan - I love you...
He places his hand on Chloe's stomach, resting his forehead against hers.
Dan - Both of you.
They spend the rest of the night doing what they usually do in the evening, dinner, movie, taking it easy before heading to bed.
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The next morning, Dan begins his investigation, pulling up outside of an abandoned dockside warehouse. He grabs the folder Maria gave him, looking at the photo of the building, making sure it is a match before getting out. He ducks under the tape seeing the outlines of where the bodies were. Opening the file, he matches some photos to each outline.
Dan - (Okay, so we have three Werewolves, a Therian, and a Witch? I can see why it was Brogen who wanted this looked into. But what could take them out?)
The amount of blood on the floor suggests that there was a fight. Scratch marks on containers, but they're too big to have been made by the Werewolves. He takes his phone out and snaps some more photos. It's there that he sees the container that is partially open. His curiosity getting the better of him, Dan pulls the door open and does his best not puke as the smell hits him hard. Stepping back to nearer where the air is fresher.
Dan - (That's bad. Really bad.)
He takes a few deep breaths before returning to the container. Now prepared for the smell, Dan switches the torch of his phone on and looks around. The inside is covered with blood and there are bones on the floor.
Dan - (Looks like someone or something was being transported. And if I had to guess, whatever was on these bones was the meal.)
He snaps some more photos, the flash revealing more scratch marks that are bloody. He leaves the container, closing it up before returning to his car. Once sat in the driver's seat, Dan begins to make notes on a page he had placed in the folder. With everything he made note of recorded down, Dan notices three people ducking under the barricade.
Dan - Ooookay...? What are you lot doing here?
Waiting until all three are out of sight, Dan jumps out of his car once more and heads back to the warehouse. He looks round the edge of the entrance to see them pulling the container open.
Dan - (Now that's interesting.)
He takes his phone out and hides down behind another container to begin recording as they talk.
Man - Maybe it reverted to its human form and hid.
Man 2 - Hid yes. But these things don't change form. They're mindless animals.
Dan - (That narrows it down.)
Man 2 - It'll be looking for somewhere out of the sun. A forest or somewhere surrounded by nature.
Woman - There isn't any of that for quite a distance. Not in a way it could hide.
Dan - (Keep going, I'm trying to figure out what you lot're carrying.)
Man - I'll call him. Let him--
The other man grabs him by the neck, cutting him off.
Man 2 - Not until we know where it is. You have any idea how much fucking money into capturing that thing?!
The man releases his colleague and just as quickly, he swings his fist into his face.
Dan - (Ouch.)
Man 2 - We have plenty of room to work. The council can't authorise an investigation without anyone becoming suspicious. And even if they tried, he could make sure that things get slowed down.
Dan - (Wait, what?)
Woman - We should go.
Dan - (Which would be my cue.)
As the three make their way out, Dan goes round to the end of the container to keep out of their sight. Once they're gone, Dan stops his recording and takes his leave.
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That evening, Dan looks over the spread contents of the folder along with the thumbnail of the video he took on his phone and the paper he made his notes in his hand.
Chloe - So what's your thinking?
Dan - I don't know. But I think it leads to the top.
Chloe - Someone on the council is behind this?
Dan - I can't rule it out. But I need to figure out what it was they had in that container before anything else.
Chloe - What do you know about it so far?
Dan - It sounds like something wild. And doesn't change form.
Chloe - That rules out Werefolk. And those scratch marks look too big for a starved Vampire. That being said, you can't narrow it down anymore until you find out where it came from first. Look into the container.
Dan looks up at her, grinning.
Dan - What would I do without you?
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The next morning, Dan sneaks into the offices and begins searching the manifest. He looks at one of the photos he took earlier of the container doors in order to match the numbers.
Dan - (Okay, so let's just type you in here and see where you came from.)
A link to forms come up and Dan begins reading through them. His eyes widen as he reads the names on the forms.
Dan - Shit.
He prints the forms and very quickly gets out of there with the papers. Once in his car, he takes his phone to ring his sister. After a few rings, her voice comes over.
Maria - You okay?
Dan - Gather the council. They need to be warned. I'm about to head to the building now.
Maria - Alright, I'll see you there.
The line goes dead, and Dan starts his car up, taking to the road with a screech of his tires. He cuts through traffic, even running a couple of red lights and soon makes it to the Council building. He rushes out and straight past the guard in a failed attempt to stop him. In the council chambers, Dan finds Maria speaking through a walkie to call off the guard on him. She clips it on her belt and walks over to him.
Maria - I hope you know what you're doing.
Dan - I have an idea.
The council members soon take their seats, all looking round at Dan, Brogen especially. Dan takes his place in the empty space in the middle of the table.
Dan - Members of the council. Word reached me of some killings, so I began looking into it. But at the centre of it all, was a container. Inside this container, apart from a vomit inducing smell, was a creature.
Amara - What kind of creature?
Dan turns to the council's Witch representative.
Dan - I don't know. I'm sorry. And I don't know why. But I know who this container belongs to.
He turns on his heel to face the Vampire representative, Samuel, and his right-hand man stood behind him, Nathaniel.
Dan - My lord. Does this container look familiar to you?
Dan hands Samuel a photo, and he watches the Vampire's reaction very closely. The Vampire shakes his head.
Samuel - I don't.
Dan - My sister and I have always had a talent for reading people.
Everyone begins murmuring.
Dan - And I believe you. You on the other hand...
Dan raises his eyes to Nathaniel.
Dan - You tensed up when you saw the photo over his shoulder.
Nathaniel - And?
Dan - And I would like to know why? And what creature you had in there.
Nathaniel - You imply I'm behind this, but you have no proof.
Dan - Actually I do.
Dan opens up the folder and takes out the paperwork he printed from the dockyard. He hands it to Samuel, reading through it, the Vampire whirls on the man he believed he could trust, grabbing him by the neck and holding him off the ground.
Samuel - What did you have in there?
Nathaniel - Sir!
Samuel - Tell me!
Nathaniel - A... A WENDIGO!
Everyone gasps and begins talking at the mention of the creature.
Samuel - I should end you right here.
Maria - My lord!
Maria joins her brother in the centre of the floor.
Maria - Whilst I know that's what you want, we will need to question him.
Brogen - Samuel.
Samuel throws Nathaniel to some operatives, who cuff him. He turns to his fellow council members.
Samuel - We need the city to be put on lockdown. Have all available operatives finding this creature.
Brogen - Daniel.
Dan turns to the Werewolf.
Brogen - Thank you.
Dan nods as everyone begins working.
Maria - Get home, you've done all you can. Cheers for everything.
Dan - No worries.
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Now at home with Chloe, only able to watch the events unfold on the news.
Dan - Maria told me she'd give me the low down on what happens with Nathaniel. They'll probably be looking into who his associates are and taking them in as well.
Chloe - I'm interested to know why.
Dan - You me both. But, none of it would be happening if it weren't for you.
He gives her cheek a quick kiss and they settle in for the night as the city goes into lockdown in order to hunt down the Wendigo.
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feelingofcontent · 2 years
DNP Rewatch: Dan Takes Quizzes About Himself
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Date video was published: 04/03/2017 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 339
Dan’s quizzes video! Phil had done one back in September 2016, with some of the same quizzes, so I’ll do a bit of comparing their results. Warning that this is going to be a long one.
0:00 - I love this intro. I love it so much. “well...no” 😂
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0:14 - “a certain rat called Phil...I’m still listening!” this intro is too much 😭
0:19 - so many big smiles and eye crinkles
0:26 - mmmm, navigating the YouTube changes
0:39 - that is...extremely specific
0:45 - “creative” I would love a compilation of Dan just saying that in that specific tone
1:04 - yeah that has to be the weirdest part as the subject of the quiz
1:17 - “Daniel” definitely trying to prepare the audience for the rebrand
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1:30 - um...annnnd cutting that sentence off 😳
1:36 - I love that space-themed blanket
2:09 - jump scared by the memes
2:36 - they had just uploaded the third and final Crafts video for April Fools Day a couple days before this
2:45 - Dan has already started cringing at himself
2:53 - alright, Dan is funny
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3:07 - wow 100%. Phil took his version of this quiz and only got 75%.
3:31 - this one is just silly
3:38 - the dead-eyed look at the camera is great
3:50 - he’s so dramatically upset about being wrong
4:05 - he’s just given up and us choosing the middle one every time
4:11 - lol at his reaction to remembering he put that in a video... 😂
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4:18 - this is equivalent to the “PSL or Phil” quiz Phil did in his video. 
4:30 - Dan’s hair looks really good in this video. This is about when DNP started getting the exact same haircut
4:54 - so many cute fetus Dan photos
5:03 - oh Dan, cringing at that one specifically...
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5:19 - Dan’s facial expressions in every video are great
5:28 - Dan thinks it’s very important that we know that they have the same sleep schedule... “I can assure you that neither of us wake up before mid-day”
5:38 - he’s getting ready to kill the branding
5:41 - “Phil wears a lot of socks, but they’re odd, like him...” and then the “still listening you bitch” which should not be fond at all but somehow is
5:50 - “I’m literally not wearing any pants right now” ...thanks for sharing? 😳 also, Dan is wearing the same shirt as the *cough* pants-less live show, so this might have been filmed that same day
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okay, Phil did this same quiz in his video! (though he went through more of the questions in the video than Dan does. Let’s compare:
Left or Right? Phil - Right; Dan - Left - different
Early Bird or Night Owl? Phil - Night Owl; Dan - Night Owl - same
Snow or Beach? Phil - Snow; Dan - Snow - same
Lion or Llamas? Phil - Lion; Dan - Llamas - different
Coffee or Tea? Phil - Coffee; Dan - ??? - didn’t see Dan’s answer
Pikachu or Totoro? Phil - Totoro; Dan - Pikachu - different
Socks or Not? Phil - Not; Dan - Not - same
Worm or Moth? Phil - Moth; Dan - ??? - didn’t see Dan’s answer
Taylor or Emma? Phil - Emma; Dan - ??? - didn’t see Dan’s answer
The Queen or Justin? Phil - The Queen; Dan - The Queen  - same
5:59 - I’m glad they both managed to get themselves, lol. Though they did seemingly have a mix of the same and different answers
6:12 - his red-patch is out, but this starts off less horrifying than he expected
6:24 - just gonna skip those last two sentences
6:43 - “I can’t do this...I’m gonna do it” 😂
6:50 - it’s really not because this one is just...bad lol. He is also so horrified by how many people have taken it
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7:20 - “christ” is right
7:26 - he can’t even make it through the first question 😂
7:53 - he’s so done...and yeah
8:14 - the inter-cuts of his reactions make this video so good
8:52 - “Dan-cest is on the cards” help.
8:52 - another one Phil did...let’s just compare their faces after reading the title
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9:08 - that would be hilarious to have someone who doesn’t know who they are take this quiz
9:18 - “is that a challenge?!” I love it 😂
9:24 - that had a very obvious Dan answer
9:48 - the fact that he hovered over “PHIL 100%” as if he was thinking about picking that 😭
9:58 - maybe because advice-type content is the content he likes making best
10:07 - “Dan’s inner trash can is about to be revealed” going with classic Phil solo content out of those options
10:43 - “no one do that” 😨
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answer comparison:
Favorite color - Phil - Blue/Greeny colours; Dan - Black (like my soul)
Favorite type of music - Phil skipped this question & we didn’t see what Dan answered - it’s weird that neither of them showed that one!
Choose Dan or Phil - Phil - PHIL 100%; Dan - I would refuse to choose
Favorite Dan video - Phil - Photo Booth Challenge; Dan - Internet Support Group
Favorite Phil video - Phil - Halloween Baking; Dan - Why I was a weird kid
How much do you love DNP - Phil - My life would such without them; Dan - My life would such without them - the only same answer
10:49 - Dan is so happy about this after the challenge at the beginning, hahaha. Both DNP got “phil” body-parts as a result
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11:00 - his attempt to read this description, the majority of which he skipped over because well...
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11:37 - both DNP wanted to nope out as soon as they saw the “Dan’s crotch” option 😂
11:42 - great Dan face
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12:05 - he really didn’t need to attempt to justify this one... 😳
12:20 - so nice about his audience so no one feels bad
12:35 - “I’m going to go and have a long and hard...” WHERE is that going?!
12:50 -  after this he doesn’t post for a month again, until his rebrand
I like this video a lot; I find Dan so funny in it. I also love that DNP can use the same idea for a video, but they end up being so different. But I definitely think this is part of the era where Dan was struggling a bit with deciding if he was okay with posting less “serious” content to his channel.
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mattynmarns · 3 years
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giffing the first dnp video in my recommendations
day 13/?
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nohshinwoos · 5 years
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365 days of happiness (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
day sixty-one
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kae-karo · 6 years
The dan takes quiizes of himself vid @ the beginning the bants and also the "are you listening, you bitch?????" Theyre so fucking married ohmygod
honestly have you seen two nerds more adorable toward each other??? literally ever??? next level domestic bants lbr
send ur fave demon moments
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pinoffs · 6 years
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My Top 3 favorite Daniel Howell Videos of 2017        → #2  Dan Takes Quizzes About Himself
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lichtflut · 7 years
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dxntasies · 7 years
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how you want to be vs how you really are
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mesqueunclub-ish · 7 years
Dan: There can't be any Howell in your soul. I don't have one.
Me: same
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mzch3y · 7 years
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pastel and snazzy @danisnotonfire *:・゚✧
retweet // redbubble
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thegraceofebonee · 7 years
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ytnonsense · 7 years
I can’t do this. I’m gonna do it.
Dan (Dan takes quizzes about himself)
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