gay-poet-gabriel · 3 days
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also gtg do a chore rq yall
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unicornsaures · 4 days
kiss kiss fall in loovvbvee
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soctherapy · 2 months
dallas and two-bit but dally is trying to count the freckles on two’s face, however he keeps getting lost so he’s just staring hard at two-bit and two’s like “you good man?”
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outsiders rare pairs hit DIFFERENT. like, have i always been a multi-shipper? yes, but i’ve reached a new level with this fandom‼️
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moondust-artz · 6 months
Dally and Two-Bit
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Currently redesigning the whole gang and prob other characters
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agaytransrat · 8 months
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I like ya’ a lot..
Can also be found on my Wattpad
I can make a ch 2 if yall want me to. Idc lol
Dallas didn't look at Two-bit. Not even for a second. He just stared at the ground. His head was spinning with thoughts,and is stomach full of butterflies. Why? Well today was the day. Today was the day he would finally tell Two. Tell him what? Well,Dallas had developed a crush on Two-Bit Matthews. He doesn't know how this happened. It just did.
Maybe it was his goofy ass smile,maybe it was his stupid laugh,maybe it was the dumb ass jokes,maybe it was because Two was the only person who could make him die of laughter,maybe it was because Two was the only person he could actually open up to. He doesn't know..it could be all of those reasons..and it was
"Sooo,you gunna tell me that thing or what?" Two asks looking over at Dal,who was still looking at the ground.
The air cool yet also warm at the same time,the moon was out fully,the stars were shimmering in the dark night sky,the air was quiet yet it sounded so nice. This was just a perfect nigh. One that Dal wanted
"Yeah. The thing" Dal responded finally,his voice was monotone yet he was able to make it still sound like his actual voice
"Well what is it?" Two-bit started "Ima' be Curious George in a bit if you don't tell me soon" he added,laughing a bit like he always did after said something stupid
Dal stood in front of Two,lifting his head up slowly so he could look at the man in front of him. Dal looked Two-bit in the eyes,the moon light making them sine and the stars making them sparkle. Just look at him made him smile. Two raised an eyebrow,which finally got Dal to talk again
"Well..Two..there's something I've been needing to tell you.." he stared,his voice sounding low and nervous.
"Needing to tell me?..What have you been hiding from me Dallas Winston?" Two-bit had use Dal's full name,this meant that Two was serious about this now.
This just gave Dal more butterflies. He kinda loved it when Two would use his full name,and talk in that serious tone of voice. He blushed more then he already was,but it was dark enough to hid it
"It's nothing bad Two...well..it might be after this.." Dally said,taking his eyes off of the man
"Just tell me man. I don't feel like playing detective right now" Two said trying to sound more serious but he laughed a bit at himself again.
Dal put his hands in his pockets,and just looked away from Two. He was finally going to tell him. But he was scared as hell. His brain was telling him that he didn't care if he said no,but his heart was telling him that he would care if he said no..
He took a deep breath..
"Listen..Two..the thing I wanted to tell you was that..I-" he stopped himself for a second. He was rethinking all this,but he knew. This was the right thing to do. For him at least.
He groaned..
"I- I like ya' Two-Bit..a lot..and not like- like you as a friend..like..I..I like you as a lover.." he didn't even look at two when he said that,but two-bit was frozen in shock.
Dal finally looked back at Two,he had a shock expression on his face. He sighed,as he thought this was it. He had ruined everything
He went to leave,but Two-bit grabbed his arm. This scared Dal a bit,but before he could even ask Two something he was pulled into a mess kiss. Dal's eyes widened a bit,but he felt himself slowly kissed him back.
This went for god knows how long,but Two pulled away and had that stupid smile on his face. Dal couldn't help but smile back.
"I love ya' too man..I always have.." Two said in his soft tone
"I'm glad ya' do man.." Dal replied,trying to speak in a soft tone.
Dal looked Two in the eyes again. They still shined in the moonlight and the stars still making them all sparkly.
"You wanna go to the Curtis house?" Two asked with a slight blush on his face.
"Yeah. That sounds nice" Dal replied,and Two and him made there was to the Curtis household.
As they walked,there hands touched. They looked at each other. Two smiled at Dal,and took his hand. Dal smiled softly. His hands were so warm..and they felt nice..
They got to the Curtis house,and just stood on the porch. Not for any reason,they just did. Dal squeezed Two's hand a bit.
"Don't be nervous man. I'm sure the guys won't care" Two said trying to reassure Dal that everything was gunna be fine. About him and Dal. He was sure the guys wouldn't care..right?
"I don't know man..what if-" Dal was about to say a 'what if' but Two cut him off.
"It's gunna be okay man" Two started,he faced Dal and wrapped his arms around his waist "I promise ya'.." he added,saying it in his soft tone
Dal sighed as he wrapped his arms around Two. He really wanted to trust Two-Bit..even though he knew that Two could never keep a promise and always broke it..the way he said 'I promised'..it sounded like he actually meant this one..even though he has broken most promises he's made with him and others..he really felt like this was a true promise..
"Alright Two.." Dal said and planted a small kiss on Two-Bits lips
Two smiled and blushed a bit. They let go of each other and they walked inside
Holding hands...
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mck-htt · 2 years
when they have about 2 scenes together 😍😍
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arieshasbrainrot57 · 8 months
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Dalbit my forever sillies
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sophie-i-guess13 · 2 years
I absolutely adored the darry x dally hcs you made me! Can you please do some Dalbit hcs please? <3
BTW is it okay if I introduce myself to you sometime? <3
Of course anon! I’d love to meet you <3 Ok let’s get this show on the road!
I made an entire list only to realize you asked for DALbit not DARbit😭 I fixed it tho!
- Ms. Mathews actually likes Dally
- so does Two’s sister
- partly bc they’ve been hearing about Dal since he rolled into Tulsa, but also bc Two’s completely in love with him
- They seriously talk about a pet
- Twobit really wants a dog named Pluto
- in the beginning Dallas just agreed for shits n giggles
- it’s all fun and games and jokes until Buck comes into the bar one day with a kitten pressed against his chest
- she’s an orange tabby :)
- and her name is pluto <3
- she’s Buck’s cat, but the whole neighborhood knows to bring her to the Mathews house if she gets out or something
- I feel like Two-Bit would be really into physical signs of affection
- So he’s pretty much hanging off Dally any chance he can get
- once again, Dallas agreed begrudgingly
- but he lowkey kind of misses the weight of Two-Bit on his shoulder and the smell of his cologne
- constant bickering over who’s taller
- two loves country music and it’s the hill and I will die on
- Two-Bit’s sister insists on doing her brother’s hair when he gets ready for a date with Dally (bc he always does her hair when their mom’s busy)
- and so 9 times out of 10 Two will show up at the house with a big old grin and a mint green bow clipped in his hair
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gay-poet-gabriel · 7 days
dalbti...dlabit ppls..dallas..twobjt...plsl....
a million
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unicornsaures · 4 days
dalbti and
thatone song
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soctherapy · 9 days
silly bf and serious bf heheheheheheh
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kittycqts · 2 years
I just know that Two-bits hand LIVES in Dally's back pocket, Its natural habitat. It's always there.
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goldilocks-pony · 2 years
Tough Guy
This is the prologue to the dalbit fic I'm writing. I may change the title but for now, this is it.
Warnings: none
Tagging: @theoutsidersisruiningmylife @sarcasticpenguini @cha0s-incarnated @sophie-i-guess13 @mx-misty-eyed @serpentski @thefingerinthemiddle @pasta-and-isopods
10:00pm was lights out. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that’s when your brain shuts off as well. He lay there, on the thin cot. Beneath him is his only blanket, having it on top of him wouldn’t have made much difference because of its poor quality. His mop of thin, patchy blonde hair was spread out over his hands, the pillows weren’t great either so his hands gave more neck support than the pillow. 
Outside his door, he hears footsteps and quiet chatter. Only one of the voices was familiar. There must be a new intake. He’d been there enough to know all the staff and that voice sure wasn’t one of them. The footsteps were heavy but cautious. It was like they couldn’t control the weight they put into each step. Their voice was slightly gruff, it sounded like they had been yelling and hadn’t had a drink of water in hours. Being where he was, He wouldn’t have been surprised if that was actually what happened. They entered a different room and as the sounds faded away he let his eyelids slip shut and his consciousness fade until his mind went to dreams of the outside world
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 years
I NEED Dally and Pony being besties.
And maybe..maybe just a little Dalbit at the end...maybe.
hear me out,,,,,ponyboy,,,,,and curly,,,,,,as wingmen,,,,,,for dally and two bit,,,,,,maybe,,,may b,,,,,maybe,,,,,
LIKE pony notices dally has a crush on two bit bc they kinda have the same dynamic as pony and curly, and pony and curly r already together so pony notices the lil signs bc dally and curly r kinda similar, and he sees dally and two bit flirting from time to time SOOOO w a lil bit of bribing pony and curly get together to help em out without dally and two bit knowing the other is in on it and doing the same thing
this also could result in a double date eventually
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dalbitpotion · 8 months
oh i'm obsessed with holly black's folk of the air series. jude and wren are just. SO. they're everything to me. they are cruel and quick and violent and viscious and ambitious but they're also shaped by their circumstances where they're pushed into corners where there IS no other option but become who they become in order to survive. but they also want love so dearly but they're so starkly aware of the power difference between themselves and their lover (jude is human, cardan is the fae king/wren has nothing while oak is the heir), where they feel like if they let their guard down they will be tricked into doing things/surrender without their will, so they think the only way they can have a little piece of them is if they are /under vow/ under their control. there's this interesting, viscious, dark parts of them that relishes in having them under their control because most of the life they've been powerless. their world hates them (the folk detests jude despite everything she's done for them, wren has been a prisoner at the court of teeth) but still they carve out a space for themselves to survive. they're everything to me.
obviously they are different characters, and jude will always be my favourite, my ride or die, my beloved wife (<- me talking about a fictional character) but I got to really love wren in her book. the element of faerie where you feel like you can't trust anything is so prevalent in the books and you're constantly on edge like wren is, because you someone at all times is keeping a secret that could harm you. ough. cardan and oak are really interesting characters and i love them and their relationship with jude and wren too. but!! at the end of the day, it's jude and wren for me.
anyways. the stolen heir was so good, loved it. 10/10.
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