#Dahvie Vanity Is Not Innocent
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Dahvie Vanity is fucking disgusting.
It’s frustrating ASF that this man still hasn’t been put
in prison where he fucking belongs yet.
Dahvie Vanity is a horrible human being.
He can’t keep on getting away with his horrible crimes.
He needs to face real consequences for what he did.
I hope that this disgusting man gets arrested soon.
The survivors deserve justice.
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somescenecatholic · 7 months
kill your self nigger dahvie vanity is innocent you loser
he isnt
vine boom sound effect
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jackinalex · 2 years
This is a problem that I see a lot within various fandoms (though especially on twitter and tiktok) but a lot of cancel culture is turning into a spontaneous trial on any person without any kind of obvious rules. To put it very honestly, I think the idea behind cancelling is theoretically a very good one, except that people have harnessed it in such ways that it loses a lot of power. All this to say that there are a million different factors in the allegations and most of all, it feels as if ATL has been backed into a corner. Technically, they are innocent until proven guilty, but there's so much that's variable and/or unprovable that it makes them look bad either way. This happens a lot in another fandom that I see brought up a lot in cancel culture discussions; often claims are made against creators that would require them to dox themselves to disprove, or that have no good ending. It's all very complicated, but a lot of internet discourse-- no matter how serious-- turns into this cornering game where there's always some reason that the person did something bad, whether they did it/admit to it or not. Assault victims should be believed but by god has all of everything spiraled out of control.
-- snowy jalex anon
I’m sorry that it took me so long to respond. Sometimes I get overwhelmed at the thought of answering asks and I know that’s very stupid, but I just do that sometimes lol. I agree that it’s theoretically a good thing. People like Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein should be canceled. Dahvie Vanity should be canceled. Hell, my favorite YouTuber when I was in middle school, Cryaotic, was canceled and I wholeheartedly believe he should have been. However, I agree that it’s a messy situation. Believe victims, of course, and never take up for abusers, but I think sometimes we don’t give people room to grow. I am so fucking glad I wasn’t allowed on social networks when I was a kid because I was an idiot — because I was young and inexperienced and uneducated. It feels like we don’t allow that to be taken into account anymore. Keep in mind that I mean that in the context of offensive jokes or takes, not abuse or grooming. That’s just my two center I don’t have much to add to your ask because you pretty much nailed it. Thank you for your thoughts!
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I truly hope we get the same victory for Dahvie Vanity’s victims, his prison time is long overdue 💯
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guildwarsgirl · 4 years
Me, seeing girls still support Dahvie Vanity and screaming that's he is innocent:
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You: Dahvie Vanity is so cute and I love his music! Hes innocent!
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bubblezcandygorre · 4 years
SGTC is an extremely toxic fan base! Leave while you can!
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Tw: mentions of meltdowns, grooming, suicidal thoughts, swearing
I hate this world.
I don't like living in a world where people read something and they believe it. Rumors spread like a disease.
If you think Michael Jackson is guilty, do not interact with my account ever.
I just had a meltdown. Why? Because i was trying to explain to this ignorant person that my idol isn't guilty of what people are accusing him of.
I provided evidence, but apparently a fucking documentary with no evidence is more believable than actual proof even though wades case was dismissed not that long ago.
I asked that person to leave me alone and they wouldn't.
We suck at taking care of our planet, of each other. We attack innocent people for fame and fortune but ignore the actual predators.
Heres the thing: i was groomed. I fucking hate him, i want him to drop dead.
If i got the chance to put him away, I'd take it. I wouldn't sue him for money, i wouldn't tell the whole world, nothing.
Michael was the ONLY thing stopping me from breaking down and ending it. He's the only thing that is convincing me that im still in the same world as i was in 2017.
In fact, He's the only thing calming me down from a melt down right now.
I was sitting on the bathroom floor, shaking my arms slightly and watching videos of him on my phone. Now im in bed, watching those videos on my tv.
Every fucking night and day i pray and hope that one day, these rumors about him will stop.
I feel like i knew him, even though i didn't.
You drama watchers wanna attack child predators? GO AFTER DAHVIE VANITY! he is alive and guilty WITH PROOF!
Just leave us alone. Leave MICHAEL alone. Let him rest.
He was attacked throughout his whole fucking life and even when he's dead, y'all STILL arent done.
I hate the human race.
Michael is innocent. The only thing he's guilty of is being an adult with a pure heart and innocent mind.
I want everyone to just get along, for once. Why do people have to be like this? What is wrong with this generation? What is wrong with this species?
I feel TERRIFIED looking at Jessie (the guy who groomed me) and i feel sick looking at Dahvie Vanity. But hearing Michael or seeing him?
I feel safe
I wish i could bring him back. But, i wouldn't. Why? Because this world is horrible.
I cant think of a single decent thing about how the world is right now.
Im sooooo damn tempted to stay off ALL social media. Just spend the rest of this month watching videos of my idol, enjoying his music and doing the things i love. Writing, reading, drawing, listening to music
I want my life back. My life shouldn't be consumed by facebook, tiktok, ect.
I will occasionally come back onto here to post once in a while or to scroll through blogs that calm me down.
I will NOT be checking tiktok under any circumstances.
That app is pure toxicity.
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Why is social media not removing this predator?
I honestly don’t know why either.
Dahvie Vanity should get removed from all of the
social media platforms that he’s on he’s such
a scumbag. I really can’t stand Dahvie Vanity I hate him.
This horrible man doesn’t deserve support.
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Dumb girl on Facebook: "Dahvie Vanity isn't innocent!!"
Same dumb girl on Facebook: *wears a Blood on the Dance Floor tee in her cover photo*
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Cry me a river over this post, I dare you!!!
I don’t THINK Dahvie Vanity is innocent, I KNOW Dahvie Vanity is innocent! It’s a fact, NOT an opinion!
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Going back to this whole Dahvie Vanity situation! I know that Jayy was a victim himself and I’m very happy that he’s healthy now and free from HIV but I just can’t help but feel that he’s not completely innocent from all of this! Jeffree Star is a liar as well and this whole thing is just becoming more and more of a mess! But either way! FUCKING LOCK DAHVIE UP ALREADY! WHAT’S THE HOLD UP??
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hanatimonea-blog · 5 years
Freedom of speech and defamation are two completely different things! You don’t have to like the music from Blood on the Dance Floor! The rumors, on the other hand, are what defamation is! Dahvie Vanity is innocent!
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chibiusagisgtc-blog · 6 years
Things That Make Me Happy
1. My fiancee Josh <3
2. Blood on the Dance Floor
3. Bunnies
4. Alternative Fashion
5. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
6. Chipotle sauce
7. Ketchup
8. Cute accessories
9. Kind words
10. When you believe the true fact that Dahvie Vanity is innocent
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dahvievanity4prison31 · 10 months
Dahvie Vanity is too disgusting/dangerous. To be
using social media platform’s Js.
Dahvie Vanity need’s to be sent to prison ASAP.
He doesn’t deserve to be a walking free man he’s not Innocent.
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dahvievanity4prison31 · 10 months
Dahvie Vanity is my savior so back off XD
Fuck Off Dahvie Vanity is disgusting!!🤢🤢
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