#Cogdis Spoilers
kurosurintomasu · 10 months
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the pipeline
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cogdis2-xx · 2 years
Experimenting with the idea of making a different variation of the magicant boss theme for everyone which leans more into their individual instrument
Larice's is just synths because he doesnt actually play an instrument and that'd probably fit
and the last one's a spoiler, though the whole post is a bit of a spoiler I guess lol
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incorrectcogdisquotes · 8 months
chapter 7
Elmadan: This was tough. I suggested we flip a coin. But Deepsea said he doesn't like to gamble. Of course by saying that, he was gambling that I wouldn't smack him.
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Really curious as to where this sprite cogdis uses comes from honestly, been something ive been curious about for a while
I feel inclined to guess it's from an asset pack or other game of some kind? It's named "Phantasm" in the game files and the shading and coloration dont match cogdis's other giygas enemies very well, though I have no clue what it would be from specifically
I thought it was potentially a stock RPG Maker 2003 asset but it doesnt seem like it's in there
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dee-g · 2 years
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oh yeah remember when i tried to write a fanfiction about larice’s memories?
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g1-skywarp · 2 years
instead of doing sprite edits im just gonna say some stuff about the coke disc enemies sprites
part 1 i guess im lazy
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jin tak pakai toncit
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excuse me would you like to hear about this insurance company? th
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im so full of pure radioactove materials yum
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nothing about the sprite in particular but i fucking hate these fuckers
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gayest motherfucker ever doing the gayest motherfucking pose ever
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torchdreemurr · 7 months
Just beat Mother: Cognitive Dissonance for the first time (I got the Good and Severance endings), and uh... Here are my thoughts! (BIG COGDIS SPOILERS BELOW)
Holy fuck Niiue is so hot. I just want to stare at his flowing hair, his big blue eyes, his little snout, his big pink tail, all of it. AND THAT'S NOT EVEN GETTING INTO FUTURE NIIUE??? I CAN'T STOP LOOKING AT THAT ONE PIECE OF CONCEPT ART HIS HAIR IS SO LONG AND FLOWING!! I wonder what Geeg skin feels like, it's so bright, i bet it's smooth and wonderful. Look at him just swim through the air so gracefully. AND HIS VOICE!! I can't stop listening to Speak!! Every single time I hear his voice, so soft yet so gravelly and so tender, the roughness and intimacy of the song, I feel choked up every single time i hear him. I'm so glad he lived, I'm so happy he gets to be acklowledged as his own person, I think he'll be such a good dad for Giegue...
Oh yeah and the game had other stuff in it too
Cogdis' biggest flaw is probably how little the main four are characterised. Obviously Niiue is an exception to this (or maybe that's just my gay autism), but Alvinar, Col. Saturn, Larice, and Zarbol all felt like they had no characterisation whatsoever. After spending so many hours finding every single secret, I could barely tell you what they're like. When you reach the magican bosses and fight the manifestations of everybody's flaws, that's a bit of characterisation I guess, but Larice's nightmare is the only one who has their flaw be explored outside of the text that introduces the boss. So many quirky side characters and allies, and yet there isn't even a note for the core four to be one-note to.
Outside of this, though, the game was incredible. I hear that people don't really like that they didnt include the iconic rolling health but I just had fun playing it as a standard RPG. Difficulty felt good, and each character's playstyle felt distinct even if it doesn't reach the heights of individuality that other RPGs do (UNDERTALE 2 EVERY GAME MUST BE COMPARED TO UT2 THE GREATEST RPG EVER MADE).
The music is a tossup for me. On the one hand, we have some slop that barely counts as more than noise, the musical equivalent of the unpleasant colour gradient. This is usually the area themes. On the other hand... Bill Eager is a fucking genius and he fucking nails literally every single track he touches. He is an auditory god and having him grant audio to the game's greatest moments is a perfect decision. The Apple of Enlightenment would not FEEL like something actually divine if it didn't have Hymn of Dawning Light play as you collected it. Tomorrow's Fight is one of the most hypnotically groovy battle beats I've ever listened to, and somehow it's one of the LESS notable tracks Bill made?? And, of course... Speak and Ghosts In Flight. Yeah. I cannot stop fucking listening to these. Big & Hairy is literally me because I would attend literally every single Nowhere Train concert no matter what. This game's soundtrack fucks. Dare I say it? It cums.
I know this isn't a big thing, but I would like to take a moment to gush about Master Magnolia because holy shit the buildup to his fight is so perfect. You go through the whole infected mothership and you keep hearing the voices, and you assume that this is from the sole survivor of the affiar. But as you keep going it gets stranger and stranger until you finally meet MM himself and everything is simultaneously explaned perfectly and flipped on its head. God it's so good.
And, of course, this game has the most powerful anime character of all time, Fungustrosity. How could it not be peak fiction? In short, well... Cogdis is a good game and you should play it because it's fun. That's all there really is to say on the matter. I might make a full big youtube video on this one day, but until then, remember...
Love is the only thing standing between us and the great beyond.
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warp-wet-woodss · 3 years
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sometimes you just need some self care
finished cogdis last night, GOD i love this game so much,, like, oh my god
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niiue · 3 years
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so i beat cogdis
(don't have screenshots unfortunately, i streamed it in a discord server)
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stoic--rose · 3 years
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WHAT THE HELL I STARTED CHAPTER 3 IN HARD MODE AND IM THE FUCKING ????? CURSOR FROM THE COMBINULATOR??????????????????????????????????????????? EXCUSE THE HELL OUTTA ME???????????????????????????????????????????????????
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theotherjet-archive · 3 years
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so i have this headcanon that before the whole Thing deepsea was the martian equivalent of a greek philosopher because why the hell not. unfortunately this is definitely the only time i ever tell this ok bye
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Master Magnolia:
“Well you found me. Congratulations. Was it worth it?”
“Because despite your violent behavior, the only thing you’ve managed to break so far is my heart.”
“Maybe you could settle for that and we’ll just call it a day.”
“I guess we both know that isn’t going to happen.”
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aha, thats the name of the game! *finger guns*
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Cogdis severence ending spoilers below
So if Giegue kept at least a decent chunk of his memories when being turned into smolgue does that mean Giygas (or something similar) would be his magicant boss or whatever?
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Asks/dares are open! Go ahead 'n do some stuff with it! We may not've gotten everyone, but we got the main ones, at least! - Alin
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g1-skywarp · 2 years
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old martian deepsea art from november or september i forgor
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