#Claire bishop walken
starry-eyed-adam · 1 month
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they r going to illegally experiment on you
@littlemissartemisia she deserves to be an ominous villain. where is Claire’s evil arc.
unfiltered version below vv
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littlemissartemisia · 1 month
Claire lore again!
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cbnfvrr · 6 years
Les héros du peuples sont immortels - le jeu de lumière chez Ferrara
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Le 19 septembre 1990 sortait au cinéma les Affranchis de Martin Scorsese, jalon de marque dans la carrière du réalisateur, tant sur le plan critique que publique (depuis 2000, le film est conservé à la bibliothèque du congrès américain pour son importance « culturelle, historique, et esthétique »). Marty y peint la fresque baroque d’une honorable société à l’agonie, figeant un pan de la culture italo-américaine sur pellicule. Un long-métrage façon testament en somme, dernier coup d’oeil dans le rétro avant la mise en bière d’une culture trop enracinée dans l’histoire du XXème siècle pour espérer voir l’aube du troisième millénaire. Joie de la synchronicité, une semaine plus tard sortait aux États-Unis le King Of New York d’Abel Ferrara, film post-punk et cocaïné résolument tourné vers l’avenir (et qui aura coûté moins d’un quart du budget alloué au Scorsese magnifique), officiant dans un registre entre neiges éternelles et abysses pré-apocalyptique.
Christopher Walken qui adresse la caméra d’un regard avant de sortir de la douche, d’enfiler un costume sombre entouré de sexy sicaires calibrées, dans une suite luxueuse modèle de narco-architecture. Tout ça avant qu’une bande de jeunes noirs aux silhouettes clinquantes (donc menaçantes) n’interrompent la renaissance de ce Lazare païen dans une scène qui se révèle en fait n’être que retrouvailles et joies exacerbées, on ira même jusqu’a y danser. Art antique et signes de gangs, sommets et trottoirs. On ne s’y trompera plus, Ferrara est un rôdeur à l’oeil aiguisé, passé maître dans l’art du clair-obscur. À l’entendre, King Of New York naît d’un vendredi soir passé devant Terminator (premier du nom, évidemment) à une époque où Sammy The Bull n’as pas encore signé la fin du Dapper Don, John Gotti. La folie des années 80 n’est pas encore dissipée et les mafiosos de tous bords semblent avoir fait voeu d’hybris. L’heure est au spectacle, on déifie les show-man, brûles des cierges sur l’autel du libéralisme total. La face cachée de cette orgie électro-luminescente, ce sont les gamines qui tapinent, les hôpitaux qu’on ferment, l’infra-monde dont se repaît Frank White derrière les vitres de sa limousine : il apparaît dès lors dans un halo de lumière blafarde, véritable vampire qui aurait bu le sang vicié de sa ville jusqu’à l’écoeurement, comme on s’inocule un poison pour y être immunisé. Gotham a besoin d’un sauveur, mi-Joker mi-Batman, Frank incarne la providence. Startuper avant la mode et en prise avec son temps, il théorise l’air de ne pas y penser un capitalisme rédempteur puisque né dans une cité qui se lit en négatif : les armes, la drogue, l’influence, et les corps … tout s’achètent alors autant arroser l’arroseur en devenant le maître d’un jeu distordu. Ceux qui se perdront sur l’échiquier, c’est les flics à ses trousses. Persuader de faire le bien, ils sont en fait des agents de l’ordre véreux qui est en place. Pour eux, White est le grand sorcier sur la montagne, une obsession rampante. Chaque personnages du film est en proie à une frénésie mortelle, comme si tous se savaient acteurs d’une tragédie urbaine et salissante, alors les policiers deviennent escadron insubordonné, vestige du vieux monde : « I thought we were what’s right » dira l’un d’entre eux, mais right is wrong lorsque la pièce est truquée, magic happens. Comme souvent chez Ferrara et St. John (son scénariste d’alors), il n’est sans doute question que de rédemption au final. Frank White ne verse pas dans le divin, pourtant, il se sait en mission. Le compte à rebours est lancé, par qui et depuis quand ? Chacun aura sa version des faits.
D’aucuns auraient rêvé à voir Frank disparaître dans la foule, à la sortie du métro où il a abattu Bishop, vieux de la vieille honorable mais malheureux dommage collatéral. Pour autant, Abel Ferrara sait qu’une utopie n’est rien de plus que « ce qui ne se rencontre en aucun lieu », alors lui et Nicholas St-John se doivent de faire mourir leur champion, dans un haïku couleur néons en forme de taxi jaune bravant les eaux du Styx. New York New York.
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littlemissartemisia · 2 months
Claire 🎤
“I never meant to hurt anyone
I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid A good kid, who's had a bad run And all I need is one last chance
To prove I'm
Good enough for someone”
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littlemissartemisia · 24 days
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Claire’s motives!
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Claire likes downloading games that have special features during a birthday so she can get wished a happy birthday. She doesn’t have a set date as a birthday because she only knows the year she was born.
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littlemissartemisia · 2 months
Claire 🎵
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littlemissartemisia · 2 months
Claire for the Lyrics thing
“Learn everything
For the first time again
just wanna be a kid
I just wanna be a kid
But I don't wanna be a kid who was born like this”
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littlemissartemisia · 2 months
C4 Claire
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littlemissartemisia · 3 months
hello! i saw you where part of the @tmntbestsibscompetiton, so i bring my gremlins to interact with yours if you so wish! ( no pressure to respond)
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Might look for prankster
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littlemissartemisia · 2 months
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littlemissartemisia · 3 months
Is there a way someone could stop Claire from going after Misa?
Wake up her little brother or provide a way to do so
Claire’s a pretty easy to influence type person when it comes to certain things
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littlemissartemisia · 1 month
There’s a version of Claire, who never had a little sibling so they ended up stuck in the home that Claire was in, and then sent to the EPF before they decided to leave after their 21st birthday.
They use Bishop as a Mononym but also accept being called Walken.
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littlemissartemisia · 2 months
Claire Lore Post
Okay so, Claire is the 19 year old scientist who is working with Baron Draxum and kidnapped Misa to study her. But she is also a pretty unique experiment herself.
Claire’s Full name is Claire Bishop Walken. 20 years before, Claire was created as an experimental clone of John Bishop, though designed to not look exactly like the agent. The volunteers who helped develop and design Claire were given the task to raise her until she was deemed old enough to start being trained by the E.P.F.
Unfortunately for Claire, they didn’t consider her as an actual child. She was privately educated, put on a very strict diet, given specific hobbies that would in time assist when it was time for her to be sent away and regular check ups to make sure her physical health was steady. But throughout the process, they completely neglected to socialize her properly, or tend to her mental or emotional health.
From Claire’s perspective, she had strict parents who she understood that she couldn’t come to for advice or assistance in understanding anything that wasn’t related to the topics they taught her. So when she began to understand that she wasn’t exactly the gender that she was born as, she kept it to herself because she was sure asking about it would turn out wrong, especially since one of her guardians was quite openly transphobic and both were rather cold with her in general.
When Claire was nine, a second clone was created, as she was getting closer to the age at which she would need to start being prepared to be sent to EPF. The second child was born by the time she was ten and Claire became somewhat attached to her new little brother, Firo. Six months after Firo was born, Claire realized that plans were being made to send her away. She couldn’t stand the idea, not because she didn’t want to leave but because in doing so, Firo would be left behind. She was certain Firo would be neglected the same way she has been and refused to let that happen.
So Claire packed two bags with as much survival supplies for a baby and child as she could think of, stole some cash from her guardians, and in the night, slipped away from her only home with Firo in tow.
And they did okay for the first four years. Claire would use most of the supplies she’d taken, disguise both herself and Firo by dying their hair and staying in crowded areas where children were most often present so that they could go unnoticed by most adults and made sure Firo was happy and safe. All those resources she was given as a kid really came back to bite her guardians in the ass.
The two siblings were happy with their little lifestyle until the day they were attacked. Because their guardians never stopped trying to find them, even hiring a thug of sorts with the intention to bring them back.
When they were found, Claire resisted big time and it turned out the hired thug was a yokai. Things went wrong and as a result both Claire and Firo escaped but were injured. The details were a blur for Claire but the results were her little brother had to be placed in a medically induced coma of which he hadn’t woken up from yet.
Claire found a new safe space to keep Firo to monitor his recovery as well as study ways to help bring Firo safely out of his coma.
By Nineteen, she managed to establish a personal lab to do her research in more depth when Oozesquitoes released and she started noticing the emergence of mutants.
One lead to another and she ended up working with Baron Draxum. She believed that he had something that could help her in her goal of waking Firo. So she captured Misa at his request and under his guidance, studied her until Misa escaped
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littlemissartemisia · 3 months
hi I have!! so many questions about Misa!!!
do you have a reference post for her? what species of turtle is she? what does she like to do/what’s her vocabulary like/who mutated her (was it the EPF, what kind of experiments happened, etc)
and finally is it okay to draw her!!
sorry for the bombardment of questions I am. excited.
I’m not sure if I have a good reference post but I can add some pictures I’ve made of her. Misa is supposed to be a reeves turtle although when she was in development she was a soft shell.
She likes exploring a lot since she’s small and can get into a lot of places unnoticed. She likes gift giving as well. She doesn’t get a lot of gifts but she noticed that Gifts were how some people express love so that’s her go to when meeting people.
Misa doesn’t speak much English. She mostly communicates with chirps but when she does speak, she’s supposed to have a little lisp as well as she speaks in third person like. ‘Misa wants to havva cookie please,’ I’m so bad at writing out the way she’d sound but she speaks very well despite sometimes preferring just chirping.
Misa was not purposely mutated. She actually came to be mutated a few hours or maybe even a day after the first episode of rise. Misa started life as a pet. Her egg hatched in the care of a little girl who loved Misa to pieces but had a mean older sibling. The older sibling got mad at the little girl for something and as a petty revenge, took Misa to Central Park and released her into a nearby pond. Later that night, Oozesquitoes happened to be in the area and Misa ate one, mutating into a turtle tot
Misa was the turtle equivalent of a toddler of 3 years old but only a year and a half old when she mutated. So I guess technically Misa is younger by human years? I dunno.
Misa was captured after her first birthday by 19 year old Doctor Claire Bishop Walken. While Walken did have a connection to EPF, it was a private contractor who commissioned Walken to capture and experiment on Misa. A battery of medical exams and Analysis of Misa as a being on her own as well as her connection to any of the other mutants in New York City.
Misa eventually had to escape on her own when Walken’s lab space was Compromised by an event that may or may not involve the Kraang invasion.
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