#Child of Destiny
dominicsorel · 17 days
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cough cough
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holleighgram · 1 year
I Think Re:Coded Tells Us How The Story Will End
So I'm going to shamelessly tag @tennelleflowers because I had this moment of speculation while watching their fantastic 6 hour long video essay (yet again).
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As the title states, I think Re:Coded for all of its many faults, is a rough outline for how the story will progress.
Data Riku is chosen by the Journal (a non sentient encapsulation of the story) to embody all that it contains to protect it from "corruption".
There is speculation that Riku may be some sort of avatar of Kingdom Hearts, and this theory will be using that as a jumping off point.
I think, down the line, Kingdom Hearts will be threatened again, and will choose Riku as the Child of Destiny, to embody it and protect it from corruption via the MoM or otherwise.
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Now, Riku will probably keep this a secret from Sora as they go through their journey in this chapter because he thinks he needs to protect KH on his own because he was chosen OR he's not sure Sora is "up to the task" yet.
But, we know Sora is
And I think he will have to. Just like in coded, we will see Riku ready to give up and self destruct in order to spare Sora, but Sora won't have it.
I think he's going to have to dive into Rikus heart (now containing Kingdom Hearts itself, which would just be a SICK gameplay imo) and learn more about why Riku was chosen.
The reason KH chose Riku was the same reason the journal did-- because 2 defenders are better than one. Sora might not defend the Journal or KH with his life, but we know he will do just that for Riku.
Both Riku and Sora have the strength to protect what matters, which is what will ultimately save KH.
In the end, it's not about saving the Worlds. It's about saving *your* world. And this story is about these two heros and their bond being what ultimately saves the worlds.
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The ENDING ending is up to speculation- sora sacrifices the his place in the realm of light to stay with Riku or they forget everything in the end or whatever. Nomura has the final shot already decided, apparently.
BUT anyway that's just my brainrot for today.
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verathena14 · 7 months
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Destiny's Child
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Child of Destiny (CoD)
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CoD Red Herring
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Cod Fish
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khllentxene · 2 years
There are so many little hints that it’s actually Riku who is the Child of Destiny. Yes, the audience is supposed to immediately assume it’s Sora. And in a way it is because Riku chose to pass the Keyblade (and his heart) to Sora. Like “the Child of Destiny will combine his heart with another”
They do that. They do that with the Gayblade. That suspiciously still don’t have a name. Riku is Sora’s Dreameater. We have Yozora. This weird mish-mash of things and traits combining Sora and Riku (but mostly looks like Riku)
And then there’s just the fact that Sora is a “dull, ordinary boy”. Throughout Sora’s journey, this has always been who he is. How he’s described by anyone who has a 6th sense about this stuff. By Nomura. And it wouldn’t be the first time Nomura has only answered with what is present knowledge. But with Riku, Nomura has said “I haven’t revealed what Riku really is yet” and has taken SO. Much. Time. Showing over and over again the Riku has a heart full of Light. Zexion ponders “What is he? No one has worn the darkness like him before.” Terra and Aqua saw so much Light in Riku and were drawn into Destiny Islands just because of how much of a Special Boy tm Riku is.
And like my last reblog mentions, Riku is capable of holding his darkness without succumbing to it. (I wonder if the Dark Road line was changed because Nomura was like “Hm, maybe this is making it too obvious” lol)
The only, and I mean ONLY thing holding me back from 1000% believing this theory and keeping me at %99 sure is the whole empathy powers thing. Both Sora and Riku have shown capabilities for this, with Sora’s being more noticeable, like opening his heart to Ventus as a child, and like, that scene in the Frozen world where Sora feels Anna’s heart get blasted by Elsa’s magic. While Riku’s empathy powers seem zero focused on Sora. Noticing Sora crying before he cries in bbs, feeling Sora’s distress in the Keyblade Graveyard before he even sees Sora, and so on. But! At the same time, Sora’s empathy link with Ventus can be explained by what happens early in bbs, with baby Sora sharing his heart with Ven. My only working theory for explaining the Elsa/Anna/Heart blast thing is that either Riku’s powers are rubbing off on Sora, which would make enough sense, if Sora gets the Keyblade then it makes sense other abilities might transfer over as well. Or because Sora related so much to Anna/Elsa’s struggles to his own conflict with Riku, it opened his heart to feeling Anna’s pain or some kind of heart connection thing like that, y’know?
Whereas Riku’s instances doing this are played a lot more subtly with with no explanation (other than Riku just having the same kind of heart connection with Sora I was just talking about) so it certainly leads me to believe with my full chest that Sora is a red herring as the Child of Destiny, while it’s actually Riku. (But then y’know, also Sora cause Riku chose Sora. :V)
And then when you add on the whole “We haven’t completed the whole “Thank Namine” plotline yet” and the Necklace Theory., and the symbolism of, if the Necklace theory holds true, Riku giving Sora a *crown* necklace. Like, I’d say I just have a hunch about all this, but it’s more like a mountain.
And yeah, definitely not the first person to point all of this out, I just needed to write some of my own thoughts down.
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blowingoffsteam2 · 2 years
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“What we’re hoping to find is true light that shines even in the face of confusion and uncertainty.”
“Sometimes you care so much for somebody that other feelings disappear. Then there’s no room for fear or doubt.”
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randomz83 · 6 months
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Can we talk? Who’s down for a Destiny’s Child reunion?
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sayumichu · 2 years
"𝑰'𝒎 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒛𝒊𝒏𝒈. 𝑰'𝒎 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔. 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒐𝒏."
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starlightwayfinder · 1 year
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I wonder why this line was changed…? Either way, it’s all very interesting!
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m0ney · 3 months
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Destiny’s Child in 2000‎ ‧₊˚ 𓂃౨ৎ
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augustswife · 1 month
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kelly rowland.
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verathena14 · 1 year
wheeee crossposting
inspired by @khllentxene ‘s child of destiny riku theory
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Riku is. Sora is a false king.
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He may have been influenced by it, but he himself is not one of them.
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90s-2000s-barbie · 4 months
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Bratz Magazines
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blowingoffsteam2 · 2 years
Said this on twitter but there’s clearly a difference between being a normal (as in, not supernatural) level of empathic like Sora is, and also him being able to feel whats in other’s hearts because they are literally inside his own vs the supernatural empath powers that we are shown Xehanort having (like having dreams of someone else’s memories who is not literally in his heart or connected to him beyond normal means). We’ve been shown instances of Riku being able to sense what’s going on in Sora’s heart even before Sora himself notices. I don’t think that’s unimportant.
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