#Chapter 106
manga-meow · 5 months
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fast-moon · 1 year
Noragami Chapter 106
Chapter 106 has been translated.  106-2 is scheduled to be released 7/6/23.
For some mood whiplash, I have also included the gag comics from Volume 26 that I kept forgetting about.
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nanami-kento-archive · 4 months
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Chapter 106
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every-luffy-smile · 1 year
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meezla212 · 1 year
Ok ok ok so Dazai was saying goodbye to Chuuya in chapter 101 right? Right. And this seemed genuine enough and probably was but then Dazai took it all back, said he didn't mean it and then said Goodbye!
Ok now this is important right because Dazai was saying to Chuuya how their hearts connected and all that gay jazz and then Chuuya's eyes turned normal and Dazai was probably like 'oh shit!' and took it all back.
But it's actually the way that Dazai said goodbye in Japanese is interesting. So the way Dazai said it is actually the title of Dazai's (the real ones) last book that was never published. Now we do know that things like corruption and the lines to activate it and soukoku silly mission names are named after actual things the real authors wrote.
So what if Dazai saying goodbye was a soukoku code? For like a mission. And when Dazai saw Chuuya's consciousness come back he told Chuuya the entire plan through that code name in complete soukoku logic.
The thing is, the reason why Goodbye was never published was actually because the author killed himself before it could be published.
So goodbye could actually be code for a plan that involved Dazai dying. So uh oh.
Also with the Fyodor thing I think there's definitely going to be a skk Vs Fyodor little fight scene.
Everytime some ever underestimated soukoku ever they totally thrashed them.
And Fyodor underestimated them really badly so this is a very big tell tale sign that soukoku is going to beat up Fyodor.
Also, I know thanks to the dragon head incident that Chuuya is very very confident in Dazai's brain and is also probably completely confident that Dazai will beat Fyodor in typical soukoku blind trust.
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a-forbidden-detective · 10 months
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Toto: There’s a detective I know, and like you he’s had to battle the fear inside himself. He’s become a great detective since then, and had saved countless lives.
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Ron: (all quiet and is probably elated)
Chapter 106: The Case of the Cryptid Serial Murders Pt. 6
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linklethehistorian · 1 year
Of Skyfall, Sigma, Ian Fleming & James Bond
A personal theory add-on for Skelechuuchuu’s incredible Ian Fleming theory. Please read and give love and support to that original theory here if you have the time!
Hello everyone! At the time of posting this, I’m extremely sick and kinda sleep-deprived right now, so I will probably not be terribly active until I feel better. :’)  
Nevertheless, after having a small chat (with a lot of breaks in between :’)) with some cool people in a BSD server, I still wanted to come and drop this little add-on to the recent (and extremely compelling) theory that dropped about Sigma being Ian Fleming (and James Bond-inspired).
As I tend to do best, I wanted to analyze and explain why Skyfall is not only a perfect and crucial choice for the episode name in S4 as OP describes above due to the inseverable tie to James Bond, but also how the lyrics to the tie-in Bond song by this name themselves relate perfectly to Sigma and the events of BSD involving him so far.
I’ll place it below the cut for both S4 spoilers and manga spoilers up to Chapter 106-107 or so! Proceed with caution if you’re worried about spoilers!
Now, without further ado, let’s get to lyric analyzing!
Before we get into the nitty-gritty of analyzing the song lyric by lyric, allow me to start with a more generalized observation:
The overarching theme of the song Skyfall, apart from being obviously intrinsically linked to Bond (given it was made for it), is about bravely facing down the end with those you love, come what may; this is a perfect fit for Sigma, whose whole character is wrapped up in the concept of needing to belong and protect those he loves. In the episode of the same name, he even fights, despite knowing he is “just an ordinary man”, with his whole life to protect his beloved people in the Casino, unafraid of dying because living without them would be meaningless.
(I would also like to note here that at first glance, it might seem to be written almost like a love song, but I feel it’s important to distinguish — especially in the context of this theory — that this is not necessarily the case, and there is one line that upon listening to it, especially seems to almost completely confirm otherwise to me; in the song, it sounds like Adele is saying “all your loving arms”, despite many lyric sites and such claiming otherwise (it is really not uncommon for artists to differ from the original written lyrics from time to time in certain recordings, so I find this rather plausible). Nevertheless, whether or not this is actually correct, the song is ambiguous enough that it can still be taken however one wishes, and I believe that if we apply it to Sigma, the song is not directed towards one person, but towards a group of them.)
I’ll get on to the more intricate stuff of analyzing lyric by lyric in a moment, but before I do I would just like to make one little key statement here before we start, and that is that despite how it seems, I don’t actually believe most of this song was  meant to be applied to the casino or the people there; rather, I believe it largely reflects and is about his feelings towards Dazai, Atsushi, and the ADA as a whole. (Again, I’ll explain this more in a bit, but…there is one particular set of lyrics that truly sets this up for me: “Skyfall is where we start”; obviously, Sigma has had his casino and known the people in it for awhile, from his perspective, but do you know who he does meet in the episode Skyfall, and first starts to find some small measure of hope/consolation in? Atsushi. The ADA.)
Okay, with that in mind, now let’s on to the main bit!
This is the end Hold your breath and count to ten
In the most recent chapters, Dazai and Sigma are trapped underwater, and literally have to hold their breath to survive. As he runs out of air, Sigma is counting the moments until he can resurface, but fears it may not happen because Dazai seems determined to stop him (for good reason, it turns out)
Feel the Earth move and then Hear my heart burst again
Being with Dazai and having hope of joining the ADA has shifted Sigma’s world around him, changing his worldview and making his heart explode with genuine hope at all of the kind deeds they’ve performed for him — especially when he realizes Dazai is not trying to kill him by keeping him underwater but protect him.
For this is the end I've drowned and dreamt this moment
As they’re staying under the water and near out of air to share, Sigma almost fully accepts his fate, thinking to himself that he may die this way, but at least he was able to dream of a beautiful life for once in those few precious moments he shared with the ADA.
So overdue, I owe them
Sigma has waited a long time to have a place to permanently belong and feel loved and cared for, and he feels indebted to the Agency for all they’ve done for him — all their acts of kindness.
Swept away, I'm stolen
When Dazai was given a chance to pick something to take with him in Mersault, he stole Sigma from the DOA completely, and this action also sweeps Sigma away with surprise, hope, and gratitude inside.
Let the sky fall When it crumbles We will stand tall Face it all together
This one is probably pretty self-explanatory; Sigma isn’t afraid of death, as long as he stands with the ADA in hope of a good life, though this attitude also perfectly fits his attitude towards the Casino in the Skyfall ep and how he stood with his people against the Hunting Dogs, unafraid to die for them.
Skyfall is where we start
I already went over this one a bit, but Skyfall is the ep where he and Atsushi (and by extension the ADA) meet for the first time; it’s his start with knowing the ADA — the time when he first experiences true hope that doesn’t involve him being used and discarded in the end.
A thousand miles and poles apart
I think this part is kinda metaphorical to how he at first thinks he and the ADA are on opposite sides, and that they care nothing for him besides forcing him to use his ability; in his eyes, they are worlds apart and he could never even get close to their world of light.
Where worlds collide and days are dark
Yet, in that moment of Atsu trying to save him, Sigma begins to feel they’re not so far apart, after all. 
Their worlds collided in that brief moment, on one of his darkest days, and he felt grateful for that, even though he still felt his fate was sealed and that he had to let go of Atsu’s hand to prevent him from tumbling to his death with him.
You may have my number, you can take my name But you'll never have my heart
I believe this would be directed at everyone else whom had used and abused him up until this point, and, from his perspective, took his memory from him; they can take everything from him, own him, rob him of his true identity, etc., but he will never be one of them. He’ll never truly be a terrorist. His heart belongs in the light — with the ADA; he realizes that now.
Where you go, I go What you see, I see
As a member of the server we were in, Cloudii, pointed out, I think this could be a reference to how similar Sigma sees himself to Atsushi and vice versa, but I think it could also be a reference to his willingness to follow the ADA (both literally and metaphorically) and with the last line, his ability to gain knowledge of someone else’s knowledge (and thereby in a limited way experiences) through touch.
I know I'd never be me Without the security [Of] All your loving arms Keeping me from harm Put your hand in my hand And we'll stand
The lines about “put your hand in my hand, and we’ll stand” in particular strongly remind me of the moment when Atsu tries to save Sigma by holding his hand when he dangled off the casino, and reflects both Atsu’s desire to have him keep holding on and pull him to solid ground, and Sigma’s desire to stand by the ADA and repay them for kindness by using his ability for them right before what he believes will be his death.
That being said, I also think this whole set of lyrics above matches Sigma’s attitude towards the ADA and his determination to stand by them now in general, even in the most dire of times. 
He knows that he’ll never get to be who he wants to be and live the life he wants to live, having a place of belonging, an identity, people who love him genuinely, if he doesn’t learn to put his faith in them and trust that they are different from the rest of those who had him before. The ADA seems to love and protect him and so he’ll do his best, ordinary as he feels he is, to stand by them, too, until his last breath — using his ability and whatever else he may have as necessary, as they face down the end of the world as they know it and those who would bring it about together.
Anyway, yeah, that’s my analysis for today! Thank you for reading! Love y’all. 🥺💖
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fast-moon · 1 year
Noragami Chapter 106 Raws
Chapter 106 raws are available.  Not much text-on-image this time around so editing should go quickly.  Next chapter on 7/6/23.
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nanami-kento-archive · 4 months
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Chapter 106
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every-luffy-smile · 1 year
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cmweller · 28 days
A Starting Sentence a Day
"The injury was healed with the help of Nani's magic, though the scar was still fresh and anomalously pink against his young lordship's blue hide."
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chrsa · 1 year
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