#Cecil is a deer and Kevin is a centipede :) :)
asydicsydney · 1 year
I made a Cecil pony on PonyTown back in August(?)
Thought I'd make a Carlos and Kevin to accompany him (and update him) :)
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Carlos with cutie mark visible under the cut
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WTNV Quick Rundown - Live Show - The Debate
One day, I'll actually get to attend one of these things. Until then, you and I can go through it like this together~ This show featured the guest voices of Kevin R. Free, Mark Gagliardi, Mark Evan Jackson, Jackson Publick, Hal Lublin, Annie Savage, and Mara Wilson.
We found a little piece of heaven here. It is black, smooth, oblong. It hums a soft but discordant note, and we are afraid to touch it. Welcome to Night Vale.
The Debate mention is, of course, the mayoral debate between candidates Hiram McDaniels (a literal five-headed dragon, wanted by the law for tax evasion) and the Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In All Of Our Homes (FOW).
As a surprise, we are also told that Marcus Vanston will be running for mayor. He's pretty much just a jerk this entire episode (lol) saying things like how he basically used to own a dragon as a slave and other rich boy stuff. Anyway he gets turned into an angel.
We are told that Pamela is 'not' being soul-bonded with someone and forced to step down.
In Night Vale, mayors are chosen by counting and interpreting the loud pulses coming out of Hidden Gorge, but Cecil says they're allowing citizens to hear what the candidates have to say anyway.
NV's recorded history apparently only goes back seven years.
Hiram's wishes to 'break ground' for those who do not identify as human. He says that having multiple heads makes him a better candidate because they are all good at different things. Green Head is good at maths, for example. He also reveals he has debilitating claustrophobia. Hiram also says that he'll be less invasive of people's privacy and less inclined to try and run their lives, as he doesn't understand humans so doesn't care to do so.
The FOW's (who has a name but will not share it) says she will be a good mayor because she has always been and always will be by the side of every citizens (she's also set fire to countless homes) and knows them intimately. She is quite passionate about children and learning and wants to sell off people's unused possessions in order to raise money to fund school programmes.
Weather: “Promise to the Moon” by Jason Webley
The FOW mentions citizens by the name of Mike Numminen, Claire Franklin (who hasn't yet told someone called Eva she loves her) and Felicia Jackson. There is also somebody called Roberta who works as sales staff at the station.
Cecil owns a whole set of collectible jadeite bowls he doesn't use. Hiram has a hoard of rare jewels and gold in a mahogany chest in his cave. Marcus has a coffee table made of human bones.
Angels, all called Erika with a K, call both to worry about the tiny city under Lane 5 and to call upon Marcus. They're not legally allowed to be recognised as existing, so the conversations as brief. They are afraid. They also say that angels do not hear gender.
Diane Crayton calls with questions about helping NV's schools, concerned about centipedes crawling out of teachers faces, clocks which don't work, gun violence and declining graduation rates.
John Peters (you know, the farmer?), calls about how the Glow Cloud has been disrupting his farming by dropping dead animals everywhere. However, the Glow Cloud (all hail) has too much of a psychic grip on the town for anyone to do anything.
"Hi, this is Steve Carlsberg? And, um, my question is for Hiram. Hiram, –" "NO!!! NO!!! STEVE CARLSBERG!?! WE ARE OUT OF TIME FOR QUESTIONS GOODBYE!!!" I am begging you to look up this up on youtube it's so funny.
There has been an alarming humming, attributing to a mass of deer with time-travelling abilities which have appeared in great numbers (often displacing people in time and space), but is in fact coming from a vortex not dissimilar to the one which opened during the Sandstorm.
Hiram investigates and brings Kevin of Desert Bluffs through with him, much to Cecil's shock and horror.
Kevin is finally told Cecil's name and the name of the town. He mentions again how he and Cecil are so similar, especially in the eyes and the smile. He states that the FOW actually has a face, with deep hazel eyes, proud lips and an archaic jaw. This deeply disturbs her as she has never had a face.
He states again that NV has old-fashioned technology and how 'places like this' are usually covered in blood and other such things, but hey guess they do things different in NV! He's very enthusiastic about NV and wishes his intern, Vanessa, could see as he'd always talked to her about visiting NV. He says she's funny and enthuses about her greatly, only to reveal that she died many years ago during an...incident...
'Oh, dear, I’m sorry, no. Vanessa died many years ago. We’re all still very upset about it. Very upset about what we saw. Some of us never came back to work again. Some of us never left our houses again. Most of us never woke up again. I don’t like to talk about it much.'
He says that Stexcorp is recalling the deer and will be carrying them away by helicopter, having planned to introduce them slowly to do people's math problems and earn them extra work hours by shifting them back through time, but they got carried away.
Kevin also says that anyone affected can contact Strexcorp attorney Luisa Reyes as she is filing a class action lawsuit against Strexcorp. He then says he has to go and that he thinks the towns are connected by more than a two-lane highway.
"You are beautiful when you do beautiful things." Another nice little popular quote.
Cecil is quite terrified of Kevin, describing him as having blood-stained skin, with missing eyes and teeth like an abandoned cemetery.
Stay tuned next for a chasm of subjectivity and bravado between yourself and every other human being. Goodnight, Night Vale. Goodnight.
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disgruntleddemon · 5 years
headcannon Cecil has an open eye tattoo on his forehead and cockroach tattoos that circle around his arms. on the back of his hands he has deer head tattoos. all of those are in purple
as for Kevin he has a closed eye tattoo on his forehead and centipede tattoos that circle around his arms. on his palms he has fox head tattoos. all of those are in yellow
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