#Casper 170
misterdtour · 7 months
Casper #170, “The Littlest Trick-or-Treater”
In honor of Halloween, a fifty-year look back at Casper #170, “The Littlest Trick-or-Treater”
Looking for something Halloween themed while also looking to branch out into fresh genres and publishers, I figured there would be a ton of Halloween stories of Casper the Friendly Ghost out there, right? Continue reading Untitled
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occupyhades · 1 year
District of Wyoming | Casper Man Sentenced to 170 Years on Six Counts of Child Pornography | United States Department of Justice
Salvador Salas, Jr., age 32, of Casper, Wyoming, was sentenced today to 2,040 months (170 years) of imprisonment, with 10 years of supervised release to follow if he were ever to be released from his term of imprisonment, for possessing and producing child pornography.
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teknoloskop · 7 years
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Yeni yazımıza göz atın https://www.teknoloskop.net/casper-via-a1-inceleme/
Casper VIA A1 İnceleme
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Casper, yeni çıkardığı telefonlarıyla dikkat çekmeyi başarıyor. Özellikle ülkemizde yerli teknolojinin teşvik edilmesinden dolayı Türk markalar ucuza çok kaliteli teknolojik aletler çıkarabilmektedir. Orta segment sınıfında olan Casper VIA A1 bazı özellikleriyle de üst seviye kullanıcı deneyimi sunuyor. 1400 liraya satılan cihaz, sahip olduğu özelliklerin hakkını fazlasıyla veriyor. Eğer 2000 lira üzeri büyük bir markalı bir telefon almak istemiyorsanız hemen hemen aynı özelliklere sahip Casper VIA A1 telefonunu gönül rahatlığı ile alabilirsiniz.
Telefonun tasarımı oldukça hoş ve sade olmuş. Telefonun dayanıklı olması için gövde metalden yapılmış. Ekran kenarlarında 2.5D olarak isimlendirilen eğimli bir yapı kullanılmış. Ayrıca çoğu telefonda olmayan çift sim kartı sayesinde iş adamların ihtiyacı karşılanmayı hedeflenmiş. İş telefonu ve özel telefonu aynı anda kullanabiliyorsunuz. Telefonun en altında USB-C port giriş mevcut, mu sayede telefon daha hızlı şarj oluyor. Telefonda parmak izi olması büyük bir avantaj olup araba kullanırken kısa süreli olsa telefonun kilidini tek elinizle açıp kapatabiliyorsunuz. Oldukça ince bir tasarıma sahip olan telefon 7.6 mm kalınlığında olup 170 gram ağırlığıyla dikkat çekmektedir. Telefon ince olmasına rağmen biraz ağır olmaktadır.
Telefonda 5.5 inch boyutunda ekran kullanılmış Tamamen IPS panel kullanılan telefonda 178 dereceye kadar görüş açısı sunabilmektedir. Full HD çözünürlülüğe sahip telefonun Gorilla Glass 3 ile korunarak ekranın çizilmelere karşı dayanıklı olması sağlanmış. Android Marshmallow işletim sistemini kullanan telefon, saf android kullanıyor. Telefonda dual pencere özelliği eklenmiş ve böylece iki programı açabiliyorsunuz.
Telefonda MediaTek MT 6755M işlemcisi kullanılmaktadır. 1.8 GHz hızında çalışan ve 8 çekirdeğe sahip telefon 64 bit yapısında. Telefon 4GB RAM sunarken dahili 64 GB hafıza sunuyor. Telefonu ağır yapan etmenlerden biri olan batarya 3130 mAh kapasitesine sahip. Böylece uzun pil ömrü sunmaktadır telefon.
Telefonun 13 MP kamerası var ve tabi bu kamera arkada olmaktadır. Ön tarafta ise 8 MP kamera yerleştirilmiş. Çoğu üst segment akıllı telefonda 8 MP kamera bulamazsınız. Tabi kamera kalitesi tartışılabilir. Arka kamerada tek LEF flaş yerleştirilmiş. Arka kamera 1080p kamera kaydı yapabilmektedir. Önde ise 720p kamera kaydı yapılabilmektedir. Gün ışığında çok iyi görüntü yakalanabiliyor ama gece çekimi o kadar başarılı değil.
Görüldüğü üzere telefon fiyatına göre çok iyi özellikle sunmaktadır. Eğer daha fazla para vermek istemiyorsanız ve telefonda üst seviye program çalıştırmayacak iseniz bu telefon tam da size göre. Gerek boyutu olsun gerek tasarımı olsun gerek te özellikleri olsun, bu telefon orta segment telefonlarının en iyi telefonlarından birisi olmaya aday bir telefondur. Casper kalitesinde üretilen bu telefonu ilk çıktığı tarihten daha ucuza satın alabilirsiniz.
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feldmanallen · 1 year
LinkedIn 是當今許多成功營銷策略不可或缺的一部分,因為它在擴展專業網絡方面非常��效。 鏈接營銷非常強大,因為該平台使用戶能夠與其他專業人士、新員工、客戶、求職者、業務合作夥伴和同事聯繫並共享內容。 此外,通過為您的營銷目的選擇此平台,您還可以獲得與分析、連接和品牌建設相關的許多有用功能。 LinkedIn 營銷意味著利用該平台建立聯繫、產生潛在客戶、提高品牌知名度、促進業務關係和合作夥伴關係、共享內容並為您的網站增加流量。 Rhee、Hwang 和 Tan 進一步發現,與求職者相比,推薦更高層級職位的員工更有可能提供推薦,並且性別同質並沒有降低競爭自我保護效果。 目標是創建世界經濟及其內部聯繫的綜合數字地圖。 例如,LinkedIn 沒有使用質量分數來保持廣告的相關性,也沒有提供定位選項,這意味著企業向普通受眾而不是目標消費者投放廣告。 不久前,LinkedIn 缺乏許多功能,這些功能在當時使其他平台為企業主做廣告更有利可圖。 它包括每個制定營銷策略的人都應該知道的基本但有用的問題。 儘管 LinkedIn 去年在其平台上發布的所有更新似乎都被他們遺忘了,但 LinkedIn 群組仍然非常強大。 傳遞價值;就像您與世界分享的任何其他營銷信息一樣,故事應該始終為您的受眾帶來價值。 不要僅僅因為您覺得必鬚髮布而發布,因為如果您的受眾沒有從中獲得價值,他們將來會跳過您的故事。 目前,它僅在移動設備上可用,您可以通過搜索欄下方的小圓圈頭像、您的人脈以及您關注的品牌來識別它們。 因此,如果您想變得更加成功,LinkedIn 應該成為您公司營銷策略的重要組成部分。 然而,LinkedIn 在過去幾年中做出了一些重大改變,現在就可以非常容易地開始使用它進行內容營銷。 通過有效的電子郵件營銷提高客戶忠誠度 他們甚至在文案中努力指出他們對客戶和反饋的關注。 即使您沒有推出新產品,您也可以了解 Casper 如何將此電子郵件視為對其註冊用戶極為重要的內容。 現在,您可能認為合作夥伴關係將對您的業務造成損失,因為您在聯盟佣金支付上虧損。 但是這樣想,如果你做對了,你將獲得更多可以進一​​步培養的客戶。 例如,客戶購買價值 2500 美元的產品,而客戶只支付 50 美元。 在今天的市場上,消費者不再對“一刀切”的方法感到滿意。 本文將討論為什麼忠誠度營銷在當今環境中如此重要,並提供您今天可以運用的五種策略來降低客戶流失率並提高經常性收入。 也就是說,170 多年前使用的忠誠度營銷策略可能不會削減它,雄心勃勃的公司將需要採取創新措施來保持客戶付費。 Marsello 與 Lightspeed 零售銷售點和電子商務的集成意味著可以準確跟踪結果,為您提供值得信賴的結果。 它標誌著對 SharePoint 的新關注,... 隨著電子郵件通訊和數字設備成為我們獲取新聞、娛樂、購物和與我們喜愛的品牌交流的一站式來源,... 有明確的行動呼籲要求獎勵,使客戶旅程無縫。 這些受眾已經與組織接觸,作為滿意的客戶,他們成為了市場的主要候選人。 組織可以鼓勵他們最大的品牌擁護者——他們的員工——來推廣忠誠度計劃。 員工擁有自己的朋友和家人個人網絡,他們可以向他們介紹新計劃,但他們也可以在與客戶的日常討論中宣傳忠誠度計劃。 而且,由於個性化已被證明可以促進銷售,而忠誠度計劃可以提高保留率,這可能是 Ulta 成功的一個重要因素。 該品牌 95% 以上的銷售額來自 Ultamate Rewards 會員。 展示廣告 缺點是您無法編寫自己的廣告文字;谷歌為你做這件事。 想像一下,您沒有使用正確的關鍵字,會發生什麼情況是您將通過廣告向您的網站發送訪問者。 但是,一旦他們到達您的網站,他們就會放棄它,因為您不會提供他們正在尋找的東西。 最重要的是,您使用的渠道越多,增加再營銷列表就越容易。 然後,您可以根據他們的位置、性別、您想在其中與他們聯繫的頻道等對他們進行分類。 在展示廣告中獲得良好點擊率的最佳方法是使用創意管理平台。 使用數據饋送可確保展示廣告系列保持個性化、相關性和新鮮感。 它們是控制和顯示相關廣告內容的絕妙方式。 如果他們確實想參與,他們就會與之互動。 精心製作的視頻橫幅為觀眾提供了積極的選擇。 從本質上講,它釋放了 HTML5 的全部潛力,是營銷人員應該在所有展示活動中使用的技術。 例如,以下是 Google 提供的尺寸列表。 移動視頻營銷
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視頻是將觀眾轉化為有利可圖的客戶的最有效方式。 通過具有視覺吸引力的內容吸引和娛樂您的追隨者。 這就是我們希望您從應用程序中添加交互元素的原因。 如果您還沒有嘗試過 BIGVU Collections,那麼您將錯過很多。 消費者/觀眾可能會忘記視頻的前 5 秒,但他們會記住您最後說的話。 如果您決定一個問題,請確保它會讓他們感到疑惑,並讓他們再次訪問以找出答案。 但是,如果您確實決定使用聲明,請確保它基於您已經說過的內容簡短而簡單。 甚至在開始製作簡短的廣告系列或視頻之前,營銷的第一條規則就是了解您的受眾。 通過創建與您的受眾需求和需求相一致的內容,將使他們的參與時間更長,您的努力也不會白費。 這一切都源於新的數字和移動時代,這讓我們都迫不及待地等待信息。 我們短暫的注意力和對實時點播信息的渴望導致 TikTok 等應用程序佔據了中心位置。 該平台正成為有史以來增長最快的社交媒體平台,擁有超過 8 億活躍用戶。 營銷人員被短視頻應用所吸引是因為它的快節奏特性和在短時間內吸引觀眾的能力。 你不能忽視的內容營銷的 10 大好處 您的企業可以使用內容營銷來吸引潛在客戶,在有人研究購買什麼時為您的產品或服務提供案例,並完成銷售。 創建簡短的、可共享的博客文章內容片段,人們可以在社交媒體上輕鬆閱讀和分享。 將您的博客內容重新調整為簡短的說明視頻也是一種有效的方法。 我們與您一起了解貴公司的目標、目標受眾以及您與競爭對手的確切區別。 通過將您的見解與正確的指標、協作專業知識和您對成功的定義相結合,制定了自定義內容策略計劃。 使用合適的內容營銷機構優化您的 Web 形象至關重要。 因此,當您創建要在社交媒體上共享的內容時,您希望使其可共享。 您的標題還應該符合您的讀者,這意味著它應該吸引您的目標受眾。 如果它太模糊,讀者會開始閱讀——認為這篇文章適用於他們——卻發現它與他們無關。 然而,隨著社交媒體等新的營銷渠道幾乎每天都在湧現,機會正在敲門。 因此,用戶了解 LinkedIn 提供與其職業發展相關的高價值內容並保持最新狀態。 這些內容包括博客或白皮書,為他們提供通過渠道所需的信息。 雖然渠道底部的潛在客戶需要包含有關您的獨特優惠的具體細節的內容,以幫助他們做出明智的購買決定。 選擇一個能夠讓您始終如一地共享高質量資產的發布計劃。 您可以在開車、跑步或烹飪時從播客中獲取信息。 在閱讀電子書或觀看視頻時,更難同時處理多項任務。 當一個人看到病毒式帖子時,他們會與多人分享。 Doc分析促銷活動對消費者購買決策的影響 例如,首次訪問該網站的訪問者會獲得一定百分比的折扣代碼。 Mazzone 建議,不熟悉品牌產品或定價的消費者通常更容易受到以百分比表示的大量數字的影響。 相反,對公司定價有更好了解的回頭客通常對“20 美元 T 卹”或“50 美元 3 件 T 卹”等折扣或促銷反應更好。 儘管優惠券營銷有其缺點,但如果執行得當,優惠券活動是吸引新客戶進入您的業務的好方法。 根據 Epsilon 的說法,如果品牌個性化體驗,80% 的消費者更有可能進行購買。 您現在有多種優惠券活動創意可供選擇,可用於促進銷售和提高客戶忠誠度。 客戶有興趣免費獲得優惠券,因此重要的是要明確您的優惠券可以在沒有其他義務的情況下使用。 這就是為什麼提供優惠券折扣對於激勵購物者採取行動而不是繼續在其他地方尋求更好的交易至關重要。 如果優惠券交易足夠有吸引力且易於獲得,那麼消費者將更有可能採取行動並完成購買。 僅限內部人員的折扣也可以與您的忠誠度計劃攜���並進。 例如,您可以使用優惠券作為忠誠度會員的激勵和獎勵,以認可他們是您忠誠度計劃的一部分。 谷歌和波士頓諮詢集團的一項研究發現,90% 的客戶願意分享他們的電子郵件地址以換取有價值的東西。 購物不是萬能的,折扣也不是,所以一定要設計針對收件人的個性化優惠。 貿易展可能非常成功,儘管參與其中的公司需要跟進展會上產生的潛在客戶。 促銷是一種營銷傳播工具,用於在短時間內刺激收入或向分銷商、銷售人員或客戶提供獎勵或額外價值。 促銷活動包括特別優惠、展示、演示和其他不屬於日常活動的非經常性銷售活動。 作為購買的額外激勵,這些工具可以針對消費者、零售商和其他分銷合作夥伴,或製造商自己的銷售人員。 為此,本研究測試了各種促銷策略的影響及其對消費者購買行為的影響。 我是否擊中了我的目標市場?來自 Facebook 分析的 5 個關鍵見解 與任何其他社交媒體平台一樣,在發佈時間方面,您需要確保您的粉絲和追隨者在您身邊,當您的帖子出現時已經滾動瀏覽他們的提要。 展示次數佔用戶查看您帖子的總次數,計算同一用戶的多次查看次數。 訪問帳戶,以了解您的 Facebook 帖子從在時間軸中滾動瀏覽您的內容的所有用戶那裡收集的總瀏覽量。 您的參與度說明您的帖子收到的互動總數,包括點贊、評論和分享。 通過所有社交媒體平台,您的主要目標之一應該是說服人們您的產品和服務正是他們正在尋找的。 你不應該分享你創建的每一篇博文,而是選擇那些你知道會引起你的 Facebook 受眾共鳴並希望被你的追隨者分享的博文。 當然,您希望您的 Facebook 業務頁面取得成功。 但是,社交媒體上的成功會因您的業務目標而異。 您的首要關注點可能是推出新產品、建立知名度、推動銷售或收集潛在客戶。 您對 Audience Insights 瞭如指掌。 Facebook 擁有 15.6 億日活躍用戶。 這幾乎是美國人口的 5 倍,佔世界人口的 20%……而且還在不斷攀升。 HubSpot 的所有營銷、銷售 CRM、客戶服務、CMS 和運營軟件都在一個平台上。 有很多付費工具可以幫助您做到這一點,還有一些免費工具。 Shortstack 提供了許多免費的競賽模板,只要您的頁面的點贊數低於 2,000。 許多第三方 Facebook 競賽應用程序都提供免費版本,但您對它們的選擇是有限的。 使用來自您之前的內容和廣告的 Facebook 業務洞察,有機地運行測試活動,然後再用廣告支出支持它們。 您還可以運行迷你廣告活動來測試您的理論,然後再跳入更昂貴的理論。 使用 Facebook 內部分析的主要好處是方便。 什麼是搜索引擎營銷 有機搜索引擎優化和按點擊付費廣告是任何網絡營銷活動的兩種主要方法。 與您的業務相關的關鍵字,您正在尋找並將其轉化為業務以最大化您的投資回報率。 搜索引擎營銷是一種創建和編輯網站的方法,以便搜索引擎將其排名高於其他頁面。 這些廣告的成本因行業和您出價的關鍵字的搜索量而異。 這種數字營銷方法可以幫助企業迅速在這個競爭激烈的市場中佔據領先地位,並在目標消費者面前保持領先。 PPC 的其他優勢包括這些廣告出現在自然搜索廣告之上,它們允許您選擇目標受眾。 但與任何策略一樣,PPC 廣告也有缺點,例如價格昂貴、利潤率較低等等。 雖然大多數中型和大型企業同時進行 web optimization 和 SEA 工作,但預算較緊的小公司通常不得不選擇其中之一。 訪問者在每個頁面上花費的平均時間可能是所提供內容類型以及訪問者對該主題的興趣程度的關鍵指標。 如果訪問者在某些頁面上花費大量時間,則表明他們發現這些頁面上的內容很有價值。 但是訪問者在某些頁面上花費的時間較少表明內容沒有吸引力或可能與他們的需求無關。 seo
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threadgalapparel · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SAKS FIFTH AVENUE | Casper Navy Suede Ankle Boots.
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chaoticrebels · 2 years
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Name: Caspian Rhys Hargrove
Nickname: Casper, Cas
Alias: The Heartbreak King
Birthday: March 29, 1967
Age: 17-19+
Sexuality: Bisexual, Biromantic.
Location: Hawkins, Indiana
Species: Human
Powers: None
Occupation: Lifeguard at Hawkins Community Pool, Starcourt Cinemas employee (formerly), Student at Hawkins High School (formerly)
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair color: Dirty Blond
Piercings: One
Tattoos: A few
Scars: A few
Faceclaim: Dacre Montgomery
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Caspian is the son of Neil Hargrove and an unnamed mother in California, he is the identical twin of Billy Hargrove. His father was physically abusive to the twins and their mother. The twins had a passion for surfing as a kid, and their mother was very supportive of them. He has fond memories of her standing on the beach watching them surf. However his mother abandoned his brother and him sometime later when they were about ten years old, due to Neil's behavior. Shortly after that Casper wanted to run away as well but he couldn’t leave Billy behind so he stayed and he promised Billy he’d never leave him. Neil eventually married Susan Mayfield, mother of Max Mayfield, who was introduced to Billy and Casper as their "new sister" which Billy did not like and Caspian was hesitant about. Caspian watched as his father’s abuse turned his twin into a childhood bully, however he remained quiet about it and just let Billy do whatever. Since it wasn’t as if the anger was aimed towards him, so he just pretended he didn’t see a thing.
In 1984, much to his dismay, Caspian and his family moved from California to Hawkins, Indiana, and he began attending Hawkins High School. At first Casper didn’t know if he wanted to drive his Lamborghini Countach or just catch a ride with Billy and Max in his brother’s Camaro but eventually decided to ride with Billy the first day, after that he would drive his own car since they would be taking turns driving Max to school and taking her home. Leaning the seat up so Max can get out then putting it back in position, looking over at Billy after Max skateboarded towards Hawkins Middle School. Giving him a reassuring smile before he watched as Billy got out of his car, watching his twin get noticed by several students including Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler as well as three other girls who admired his figure before he got out of the car himself and headed in the direction Billy went. Ignoring the looks he was getting as he followed his twin, he was sure he’d get to know them all soon enough.
Caspian initially comes across as a classic 'Heart Throb’' type but with more mysterious undertones. He has a devil may care attitude at times but he can be quite charming and passionate, he can also be quite a sweetheart when he wants to be. He likes to think of himself as irresistible, going so far to call himself the new stud of Hawkins Highs. However due to the abuse he suffered at the hands of his father, he has an unpredictable nature with slight sinister undertones. But despite how Neil treats him, and unlike Billy, Caspian only reveals how violent he can get when he loses his temper which he tries to control. However despite how much Billy or Max may piss him off at times, he’d never get violent towards them - especially Billy.
He drives a pitch black Lamborghini Countach and is a pro at sweet talking, immediately becoming quite popular in Hawkins. Despite being popular at school, Casper is never shown having any meaningful connection with another person other than Billy. Maybe because he struggles with problems at home: namely, his abusive father, who physically abused his mother to the point where she left Billy and him with Neil, who now reflects that violence onto his sons, as well as calling them a 'faggot'. Susan is a silent witness to this abuse, and makes no move to protect the twins, who are - despite their bravado - still a child.
Casper tends to get irritated whenever someone confuses him with his twin brother Billy, however he just grinds his teeth and puts on a fake smile before politely correcting them. He is also super protective of the people he cares about, especially Billy. The protectiveness is why every single time his father laid a hand on Billy, he had to bite the urge to knock his own father and risk making it worse for either of them. He also wanted to yell at Max and tell her to grow the hell up already when she made it extremely hard, especially for Billy but he’s only done that a few times because he was more concern with calming his twin down before he did something stupid. And his protectiveness is also why he isn’t exactly fond of Sinclair, however unlike his twin, he didn’t demand Max to stay away from him. Only suggested she find someone better, someone who actually deserved her when she was much more older than she was now.
One of Casper's incredible skills is his proficiency with his words, his adeptness with his words was revealed when he displayed significant prowess in charming his way out of trouble. He is also quite flexible and knows how to fight, in fact he has yet to lose a fight with anyone that isn’t his father. However he rather than having to actually fight, he rather charm his way out of it, which his charm hardly ever fails him.
Casper knows how to surf and skateboard, but he mainly sticks to playing basketball and baseball which he is great at. Though sports hasn’t ever really been an issue for him. He also knows how to bake and cook, which is something he does often. Caspian is also quite creative, he put that skill to use when he draws and writes, something he found a love for. The male developed the love of taking photographs, something he found himself quite talented at. He is also an exceptional singer but the only one he really let's listen to him sing is Billy and that’s because sometimes when he is trying to calm Billy down he will sing to him Also he never keeps any secrets from his twin, they practically know everything about each other.
Billy Hargrove: Billy is Casper’s identical twin brother and best friend, the only one he truly cares about and trusts with his life. He’s super protective of Billy, willing to fight about just anyone who hurts him. However he bites his tongue when it comes to their father, only because he knows it would only make it worse. He’d probably follow his twin to the ends of the world and back without being asked, that is how close he is with his brother. After their mother left, Casper made a promise to Billy that he’d never lose him and he’s kept that promise ever since. And despite him not being a fan of how violent his twin can be, he never says anything to stop it because he understands better than anyone why the male is the way he is. When Billy is processed by the Mind Flayer, Casper is practically the first one to notice the difference in him and begins to panic and worry about him but he doesn’t know who to turn to for help. And when Billy sacrifices himself to save Eleven, Max, and the rest of Max’s friends from the Mind Flayer. Casper’s heart shattered and he felt like he just lost an important piece of his soul. The loss of his twin was the worst pain he'd had ever felt, it hurt more than when his mother left. The loss of his twin had also caused him to distance himself from everyone for a little while, especially since he didn’t want anyone but Billy.
Neil Hargrove: Neil is Caspian’s father. Neil is abusive towards Caspian, both physically and verbally threatening him. His father’s abuse is visibly distressing for him, and is likely the source of his behavior as he abused him and his mother. After Casper's mother's departure, Neil was free to abuse Casper even more, giving him a violent nature as well. After Billy died, the abuse just got a lot worse for Casper.
Unnamed Mother: Unlike his father, Caspian had a good relationship with his biological mother when he was young. She always supported and encouraged Casper's dreams. He loved his mother dearly as he tried to protect her along with Billy from his father's abuse. However, after his mother finally had enough of the abuse and left, Casper was heartbroken and tried alongside his twin to get his mother to come back, but to no avail. For a bit he was upset that she didn’t take his brother and him with her but deep down he still loves and misses his mother, and he suspects he always will.
Susan Hargrove: Susan is Casper's stepmother. He has no warm feelings towards Susan, mainly because she is a silent, unresponsive witness to the abuse the twins suffer at Neil's hands. Though he sometimes suspects that’s because she’s terrified of Neil, just like he is but doesn’t make it right.
Max Mayfield: Max and Casper are step-siblings, sharing a complicated history and difficult relationship at times. However unlike Billy, Casper tends to be a bit nicer to Max when she isn’t upsetting Billy or getting him in trouble with his father. At first he is hesitant about Max becoming a part of his life but eventually gets over it, though he doesn’t practically like it when people refer to Max as his sister at times but tends to ignore it. The only one he really lets question him about Max though is Billy. After Billy died, Casper became a bit distant from Max but eventually started to work on making their relationship better.
Steve Harrington: Shortly after his arrival, Casper watched as Billy started a rivalry with Steve Harrington, watched him surpass Steve and claim the title as “King'' of the high school. And even though Caspian felt bad for Steve, he did nothing to stop it because he wouldn’t cross his twin. However after his brother’s rivalry with Harrington turned violent, Casper set out to make sure that he was okay and apologized but told him it was best to avoid Billy. Also that it was a stupid move to lie to Billy about Max’s whereabouts, and that whatever Max had said was most likely an experastion. After that Casper would subtly flirt with Harrington whenever his twin wasn’t around, just because he loved the reactions he had gotten from Steve. They weren’t enemies but they weren’t exactly friends either.
Heather Holloway: Heather was Casper's co-worker at the Hawkins Community Pool. They were slowly becoming friends until the Mind Flayer used Billy to kidnap her and make her and her family become part of the Flayed.
Tommy H: When Billy began to outperform Steve, Tommy gladly became Billy’s lackey. Which caused Casper to roll his eyes and become irritated but he didn’t say anything, he just did his best to ignore it since it wasn’t like it would matter in the long run.
Kairi Sykes: Kairi was one of Casper’s best friends back in Cali til she moved away, it sucked because he had developed a crush on her. He missed her but he eventually got over it, besides he still had Billy and that was all that mattered. When he moved to Hawkins, he was a bit happy to see her again but this time it was a bit different than it was back in Cali. He for one didn’t have the same feelings like he did in Cali, and they never really hung out during school due to him hanging with Billy. Kairi became his co-worker at Starcourt Cinemas and their friendship blossomed even more, however when Billy got processed Casper started getting distant. He stopped talking to Kairi all together after Billy died, since he just wanted to disappear from the world. But eventually he began hanging out with Kairi again, she tried to help him heal the best she could over the loss of his twin brother..
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twistedstxrs · 2 years
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Name: Caspian Rhys Hargrove
Nickname: Casper, Cas
Alias: King Pretty Boy
Birthday: 1967
Age: 17-18+
Sexuality: Bisexual, Biromantic.
Location: Hawkins, Indiana
Species: Human
Powers: None
Occupation: Lifeguard at Hawkins Community Pool, Starcourt Cinemas employee (formerly), Student at Hawkins High School (formerly)
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair color: Dirty Blond
Piercings: One
Tattoos: A few
Scars: A few
Faceclaim: Dacre Montgomery
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Caspian is the son of Neil Hargrove and an unnamed mother in California, he is the identical twin of Billy Hargrove. His father was physically abusive to the twins and their mother. The twins had a passion for surfing as a kid, and their mother was very supportive of them. He has fond memories of her standing on the beach watching them surf. However his mother abandoned his brother and him sometime later when they were about ten years old, due to Neil's behavior. Shortly after that Casper wanted to run away as well but he couldn’t leave Billy behind so he stayed and he promised Billy he’d never leave him. Neil eventually married Susan Mayfield, mother of Max Mayfield, who was introduced to Billy and Casper as their "new sister" which Billy did not like and Caspian was hesitant about. Caspian watched as his father’s abuse turned his twin into a childhood bully, however he remained quiet about it and just let Billy do whatever. Since it wasn’t as if the anger was aimed towards him, so he just pretended he didn’t see a thing.
In 1984, much to his dismay, Caspian and his family moved from California to Hawkins, Indiana, and he began attending Hawkins High School. At first Casper didn’t know if he wanted to drive his Lamborghini Countach or just catch a ride with Billy and Max in his brother’s Camaro but eventually decided to ride with Billy the first day, after that he would drive his own car since they would be taking turns driving Max to school and taking her home. Leaning the seat up so Max can get out then putting it back in position, looking over at Billy after Max skateboarded towards Hawkins Middle School. Giving him a reassuring smile before he watched as Billy got out of his car, watching his twin get noticed by several students including Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler as well as three other girls who admired his figure before he got out of the car himself and headed in the direction Billy went. Ignoring the looks he was getting as he followed his twin, he was sure he’d get to know them all soon enough.
Caspian initially comes across as a classic 'Heart Throb’' type but with more mysterious undertones. He has a devil may care attitude at times but he can be quite charming and passionate, he can also be quite a sweetheart when he wants to be. He likes to think of himself as irresistible, going so far to call himself the new stud of Hawkins Highs. However due to the abuse he suffered at the hands of his father, he has an unpredictable nature with slight sinister undertones. But despite how Neil treats him, and unlike Billy, Caspian only reveals how violent he can get when he loses his temper which he tries to control. However despite how much Billy or Max may piss him off at times, he’d never get violent towards them - especially Billy.
He drives a pitch black Lamborghini Countach and is a pro at sweet talking, immediately becoming quite popular in Hawkins. Despite being popular at school, Casper is never shown having any meaningful connection with another person other than Billy. Maybe because he struggles with problems at home: namely, his abusive father, who physically abused his mother to the point where she left Billy and him with Neil, who now reflects that violence onto his sons, as well as calling them a 'faggot'. Susan is a silent witness to this abuse, and makes no move to protect the twins, who are - despite their bravado - still a child.
Casper tends to get irritated whenever someone confuses him with his twin brother Billy, however he just grinds his teeth and puts on a fake smile before politely correcting them. He is also super protective of the people he cares about, especially Billy. The protectiveness is why every single time his father laid a hand on Billy, he had to bite the urge to knock his own father and risk making it worse for either of them. He also wanted to yell at Max and tell her to grow the hell up already when she made it extremely hard, especially for Billy but he’s only done that a few times because he was more concern with calming his twin down before he did something stupid. And his protectiveness is also why he isn’t exactly fond of Sinclair, however unlike his twin, he didn’t demand Max to stay away from him. Only suggested she find someone better, someone who actually deserved her when she was much more older than she was now.
One of Casper's incredible skills is his proficiency with his words, his adeptness with his words was revealed when he displayed significant prowess in charming his way out of trouble. He is also quite flexible and knows how to fight, in fact he has yet to lose a fight with anyone that isn’t his father. However he rather than having to actually fight, he rather charm his way out of it, which his charm hardly ever fails him.
Casper knows how to surf and skateboard, but he mainly sticks to playing basketball and baseball which he is great at. Though sports hasn’t ever really been an issue for him. He also knows how to bake and cook, which is something he does often. Caspian is also quite creative, he put that skill to use when he draws and writes, something he found a love for. The male developed the love of taking photographs, something he found himself quite talented at. He is also an exceptional singer but the only one he really let's listen to him sing is Billy and that’s because sometimes when he is trying to calm Billy down he will sing to him Also he never keeps any secrets from his twin, they practically know everything about each other.
Billy Hargrove: Billy is Casper’s identical twin brother and best friend, the only one he truly cares about and trusts with his life. He’s super protective of Billy, willing to fight about just anyone who hurts him. However he bites his tongue when it comes to their father, only because he knows it would only make it worse. He’d probably follow his twin to the ends of the world and back without being asked, that is how close he is with his brother. After their mother left, Casper made a promise to Billy that he’d never lose him and he’s kept that promise ever since. And despite him not being a fan of how violent his twin can be, he never says anything to stop it because he understands better than anyone why the male is the way he is. When Billy is processed by the Mind Flayer, Casper is practically the first one to notice the difference in him and begins to panic and worry about him but he doesn’t know who to turn to for help. And when Billy sacrifices himself to save Eleven, Max, and the rest of Max’s friends from the Mind Flayer. Casper’s heart shattered and he felt like he just lost an important piece of his soul. The loss of his twin was the worst pain he'd had ever felt, it hurt more than when his mother left. The loss of his twin had also caused him to distance himself from everyone for a little while, especially since he didn’t want anyone but Billy.
Neil Hargrove: Neil is Caspian’s father. Neil is abusive towards Caspian, both physically and verbally threatening him. His father’s abuse is visibly distressing for him, and is likely the source of his behavior as he abused him and his mother. After Casper's mother's departure, Neil was free to abuse Casper even more, giving him a violent nature as well. After Billy died, the abuse just got a lot worse for Casper.
Unnamed Mother: Unlike his father, Caspian had a good relationship with his biological mother when he was young. She always supported and encouraged Casper's dreams. He loved his mother dearly as he tried to protect her along with Billy from his father's abuse. However, after his mother finally had enough of the abuse and left, Casper was heartbroken and tried alongside his twin to get his mother to come back, but to no avail. For a bit he was upset that she didn’t take his brother and him with her but deep down he still loves and misses his mother, and he suspects he always will.
Susan Hargrove: Susan is Casper's stepmother. He has no warm feelings towards Susan, mainly because she is a silent, unresponsive witness to the abuse the twins suffer at Neil's hands. Though he sometimes suspects that’s because she’s terrified of Neil, just like he is but doesn’t make it right.
Max Mayfield: Max and Casper are step-siblings, sharing a complicated history and difficult relationship at times. However unlike Billy, Casper tends to be a bit nicer to Max when she isn’t upsetting Billy or getting him in trouble with his father. At first he is hesitant about Max becoming a part of his life but eventually gets over it, though he doesn’t practically like it when people refer to Max as his sister at times but tends to ignore it. The only one he really lets question him about Max though is Billy. After Billy died, Casper became a bit distant from Max but eventually started to work on making their relationship better.
Steve Harrington: Shortly after his arrival, Casper watched as Billy started a rivalry with Steve Harrington, watched him surpass Steve and claim the title as “King'' of the high school. And even though Caspian felt bad for Steve, he did nothing to stop it because he wouldn’t cross his twin. However after his brother’s rivalry with Harrington turned violent, Casper set out to make sure that he was okay and apologized but told him it was best to avoid Billy. Also that it was a stupid move to lie to Billy about Max’s whereabouts, and that whatever Max had said was most likely an experastion. After that Casper would subtly flirt with Harrington whenever his twin wasn’t around, just because he loved the reactions he had gotten from Steve. They weren’t enemies but they weren’t exactly friends either.
Heather Holloway: Heather was Casper's co-worker at the Hawkins Community Pool. They were slowly becoming friends until the Mind Flayer used Billy to kidnap her and make her and her family become part of the Flayed.
Tommy H: When Billy began to outperform Steve, Tommy gladly became Billy’s lackey. Which caused Casper to roll his eyes and become irritated but he didn’t say anything, he just did his best to ignore it since it wasn’t like it would matter in the long run.
Kairi Sykes: Kairi was one of Casper’s best friends back in Cali til she moved away, it sucked because he had developed a crush on her. He missed her but he eventually got over it, besides he still had Billy and that was all that mattered. When he moved to Hawkins, he was a bit happy to see her again but this time it was a bit different than it was back in Cali. He for one didn’t have the same feelings like he did in Cali, and they never really hung out during school due to him hanging with Billy. Kairi became his co-worker at Starcourt Cinemas and their friendship blossomed even more, however when Billy got processed Casper started getting distant. He stopped talking to Kairi all together after Billy died, since he just wanted to disappear from the world. But eventually he began hanging out with Kairi again, she tried to help him heal the best she could over the loss of his twin brother..
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gg-pontos · 3 years
𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓶 𝓭𝓮 𝓹𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓸𝓼 𝓼𝓮𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓵
Abaixo podem ser encontradas as pontuações dos personagens e seus respectivos players, correspondente às semanas dos dias 25/01 a 31/01
Não se esqueça de checar a nossa página de pontos para relembrar as regras, prêmios e desvantagens. Qualquer divergência da realidade, favor contatar a central e será retificado!
Geneviève d’Harcourt @evreuxdharcourt: 1.566 pontos + 160 pontos = 1.726 PONTOS.
Wolfgang Mateschitz @bigbadwclff: 1.338 pontos + 170 pontos = 1.508 PONTOS.
Cédric Martin @fuckauthorityy: 977 pontos + 65 pontos = 1.042 PONTOS.
Faheera Al Hosseinzadeh @ohfaheera: 898 pontos + 120 pontos = 1.018 PONTOS.
Penélope Pendragon @not-inthebox: 864 pontos + 45 pontos = 909 PONTOS.
Choi Jun Ho @schoijunvho: 766 pontos + 45 pontos = 811 PONTOS.
Chloé Beauchamp @ambitchiiious: 730 pontos + 55 pontos = 785 PONTOS.
Hypatie Love-Hauet @patiepatata: 717 pontos + 55 pontos = 772 PONTOS.
Romain Geauxinue @romaintico: 636 pontos + 15 pontos = 651 PONTOS.
Margot Dubois @margotdbsl: 440 pontos + 115 pontos = 555 PONTOS.
Domenico Borghese @domvnico: 387 pontos + 80 pontos = 467 PONTOS.
Benjamin Beauffort @benjaminfrdrc: 398 pontos + 20 pontos = 418 PONTOS.
Noelle Houssière @houssie: 355 pontos + 35 pontos = 390 PONTOS.
Ludovic DuPont @ludcvic: 312 pontos + 35 pontos =  347 PONTOS.
Sebastian Chadwick @opaitaon: 317 pontos + 25 pontos = 342 PONTOS.
Valentin Terrazas-Sulzbach @vclentinho: 266 pontos + 20 pontos = 286 PONTOS.
Mary Isobel Ainsworth @mzbel: 165 pontos + 80 pontos = 245 PONTOS.
Émeric Girard-Dampierre @diosnysos: 140 pontos + 75 pontos = 215 PONTOS.
Casper Kane @casskane: 150 pontos + 15 pontos = 165 PONTOS && Carmen-Grace Rivera @carmengrace: 150 pontos + 15 pontos = 165 PONTOS.
Gaspard Dubois @gaspdubouis: 75 pontos + 55 pontos = 120 PONTOS.
Amelia Sauveterre @ameliasauveterre: 55 pontos + 55 pontos = 110 PONTOS.
Charles Lennox @odesxronado: 30 pontos + 75 pontos = 105 PONTOS.
Sofia d’Angelo @sofalsa: 90 PONTOS.
Holly Cotillard @hollvcrap: 35 PONTOS.
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thehomemadehooligan · 4 years
List of everything in my drafts for my own purposes
1. agron/nasir @malsrp 2. alastairyork/noah @malsrp 3. alastairyork/noah @malsrp 4. aleksandrlubomirksi/dominik @malsrp 5. aloncrisanto/kieran @cvntboys 6. andreasvasilescu/destin @malsrp 7. archieandrews/jughead @malsrp 8. austindisantos/danni @femmeshavemorefun 9. avicallahanconstantine/nivaan @jigglypuffwrites 10. babygrant/koda @malsrp 11. balancegrant/kian @malsrp 12. beatriceporter/ivy @malsrp 13. beattycres/issy @malsrp 14. bellamyblake/murphy @rebellhearted 15. bellamyblake/murphy @rebellhearted 16. bellamyblake/murphy @rebellhearted 17. bellamyblake/murphy @rebellhearted 18. bellamyblake/murphy @rebellhearted 19. bellamyblake/murphy @sarcasiisms 20. benfrench/harry @malsrp 21. benfrench/harry @thehearbreakprinces 22. benfringe/liam @svnliqhts 23. benkilmartin/felix @malsrp 24. betsyshrivatsa/giselle @malsrp 25. bettycooper/veronica @malsrp 26. biggrant/kade @malsrp 27. billyhargrove/cal @pinkestlyps 28. billyhargrove/hildr @hildr-daughter-of-loki 29. billyhargrove/murphy @rebellhearted 30. billyhargrove/nancy @hawkinssleuth 31. billyhargrove/nancy @hawkinssleuth 32. billyhargrove/puck @losingluck 33. billyhargrove/puck @losingluck 34. billyhargrove/steve @halefirewarrior 35. billyhargrove/steve @jocksitter 36. billyhargrove/steve @jocksitter 37. billyhargrove/steve @semicanonfuckboys - don't know new url 38. bosseljung/alan @ecclecticgays 39. bridgetbarker/dorothea @malsrp 40. cainedunbar/cynthia @beaconwhores 41. cainedunbar/liam @malsrp 42. carlgallagher/kammy @malsrp 43. carlgallagher/kammy @malsrp 44. caspianlance/seth @lewdlegion 45. cherielewis/toni @malsrp 46. cherokeecash/emily @wickcdcreations 47. chibstelford/juice @malsrp 48. ciaranbyrne/alyx @malsrp 49. claryhelstrom/bentley @malsrp 50. connormacmanus/murphy @malsrp 51. damonsalvatore/laurie @cvntboisandfems4u 52. derekhale/stiles @malsrp 53. diegohargreeves/klaus @malsrp 54. diegohargreeves/klaus @malsrp 55. diegohargreeves/klaus @malsrp 56. diegohargreeves/klaus @malsrp 57. diegohargreeves/klaus @malsrp 58. dixieenger/quinn @malsrp 59. donovantorrance/jas @ecclecticgays 60. edriclange/kiran @malsrp 61. edwardbrock/peter @ohnosmallknives 62. edwardbrock/peter @semicanonfuckboys - don't know new url 63. edwardbrock/peter @wallcrawlparker 64. eliotwaugh/quentin @q-makepeace 65. elodieirvine&jadetonnick/sophia @malsrp 66. enzoferris/hunter @malsrp 67. enzoferris/hunter @malsrp 68. erasylmaier/austin @malsrp 69. evgenishankarov/casper @breedables 70. eviegrimhilde/mal @malsrp 71. fangsfogarty/kevin @malsrp 72. fievelvoelkel/skylar @malsrp 73. finleonidus&arikalongan/amadej @malsrp 74. fionnlagh&dubhlaghpfdunbroch/orion @malsrp 75. fpjones/archie @theheartbreakprinces 76. georgiagarth/hayley @malsrp 77. georgiagarth/poppy @malsrp 78. glassbaldwin/robin @ahoy-dingus 79. greysonrutherford/dmitry @malsrp 80. griffin/riaan @malsrp 81. gryphontrent/sascha @malsrp 82. hanseoul-oh/sean @jigglypuffwrites 83. harleykeener/peter @ohnosmallknives 84. harleykeener/peter @ohnosmallknives 85. harleykeener/peter @ohnosmallknives 86. harleykeener/peter @ohnosmallknives 87. harleykeener/peter @wallcrawlparker 88. harryosborn/peter @ohnosmallknives 89. harryosborn/peter @ohnosmallknives 90. harryosborn/peter @ohnosmallknives 91. harryosborn/peter @ohnosmallknives 92. harryosborn/peter @wallcrawlparker 93. hayleygold/carlos @jigglypuffwrites 94. hecate/quinn @malsrp 95. hecate/venus @malsrp 96. iangallagher/mickey @glassmenagerieofmuses 97. iangallagher/mickey @malsrp 98. ianto&iefanmumbles/leon @malsrp 99. ianton&iefanmumbles/leon @malsrp 100. illyiadbarakan/kit @malsrp 101. inkmarburg/bobbi @malsrp 102. issaclawson/kai @malsrp 103. ivamalone/kira @malsrp 104. ivamalone/kira @malsrp 105. ivamalone/kira @pinkestlyps 106. jacelightwood/alec @malsrp 107. jakobyellis/joshua @malsrp 108. jaxlakota/lola @malsrp 109. jeanmoreau/veronica @malsrp 110. jefferson/killian @malsrp 111. jeremiahfenrirson/mihai @malsrp 112. jettmccreightonhill/adam @tannderandthesociety 113. jettmccreightonhill/xavi @malsrp 114. jimimars/lucas @svnliqhts 115. jimmymalone/blaine @jigglypuffwrites 116. joaquindesantos/fangs @not-helpfcl 117. joaquindesantos/jughead @theheartbreakprinces 118. joaquindesantos/kevin @theheartbreakprinces 119. john&jrmurphy/felix @malsrp 120. johnmurphy/bellamy @malsrp 121. jonsnow/robb @dangerousbeasts 122. joshwheeler/wesley @strawbcrryfanta 123. jrmurphy/felix @malsrp 124. jugheadjones&sweetpea/joaquin @malsrp 125. jugheadjones/archie @theheartbreakprinces 126. jugheadjones/archie @theheartbreakprinces 127. jugheadjones/joaquin @malsrp 128. jumpcutjones/archie @malsrp 129. kelleenacrighton/clarke @malsrp 130. kelleenacrighton/tabitha @malsrp 131. keriannagraves/xavi @malsrp 132. keriannegraves/april @jigglypuffwrites 133. kerryholt/caleb @malsrp 134. kitrook/ty @malsrp 135. kostiakomtrikru/lexa @malsrp 136. Lavrentycomescu/nora @beaconwhores 137. lilahsanderson/ava @malsrp 138. lorelaivierra/isis @malsrp 139. lorelaivierra/lola @malsrp 140. lykaiosgodfrey/jude @malsrp 141. lyriaofleah/caty @malsrp 142. madriganhatter/kam @malsrp 143. magnusbane/alec @malsrp 144. makenakysely/shane @malsrp 145. matildazolnerowich/corey @malsrp 146. mikaelawhistler/dorian @wickcdcreations 147. mileso'shaughnessy/hephaestus @galahadsrp 148. mileso'shaughnessy/joaquin @malsrp 149. moosemason/kevin @theheartbreakprinces 150. nathanielspooner/casey @malsrp 151. niabradbury/rory @ovcrtly-sexual 152. nickscratch/harvey @dangerousbeasts 153. nova/phoenix @malsrp 154. nova/phoenix @malsrp 155. nova/phoenix @malsrp 156. pamelaisley/harley @malsrp 157. pawcavanagh/mackenzie @malsrp 158. peilanisalvatore/kade @pinkestlyps 159. peterburke/neal @malsrp 160. peterhale/liam @malsrp 161. peterparker/bucky @ofmenofsins 162. peterparker/wade @bootymaster-420 163. peterparker/wade @bootymaster-420 164. philippearson/trevor @jigglypuffwrites  165. philippearson/trevor @jigglypufwrites  166. pollyrise/isis @malsrp 167. prudencenight/sabrina @malsrp 168. quentin&quinlancruikshanks/carmen @pynkcandiies 169. quentincoldwater/eliot @malsrp  170. radovanzivkovic/noah @svnliqhts 171. ravenreyes/octavia @malsrp 172. ravenreyes/octavia@malsrp 173. raylanbernice/spencer @malsrp 174. reggiemantle/jughead @theheartbreakprinces 175. remingtongoldwyn-mayer/arlan @malsrp 176. remingtongoldwyn-mayer/arlan @malsrp 177. remingtongoldwyn-mayer/arlan @malsrp 178. renaddington/taylor @malsrp 179. revolver/blake @malsrp 180. rikovelli/shayne @malsrp 181. roankomazgeda/clark @canonbcys 182. romangodfrey/peter @malsrp 183. rooksmith/kade @pinkestlyps 184. rooksmith/river @tabboboys4u 185. rooksmith/xavi @malsrp 186. rosaleelette/celeste @malsrp 187. rosaleelette/mia @malsrp 188. sam&sebshankarov/logan @tcnebris 189. sam&sebshankarov/robert @maleshaven 190. samosetavanyu/rout @jigglypuffwrites 191. scottmccall/isaac @not-helpfcl 192. sebastianmichaelis/ciel @malsrp 193. shelbykiyaya/ilia @malsrp 194. simonlewis/jace @dangerousbeasts 195. simonlewis/jace @jigglypuffwrites 196. spotconlon/race @malsrp 197. stanrotor/michael @fxxlssxcxld 198. steffenvigo/jericho @malsrp 199. steffenvigo/jericho @malsrp 200. steveharrington/jonathan @drkrooms 201. stevejinks/claude @malsrp 202. stevewinchell/french @aprilxblooms 203. stevewinchell/french @aprilxblooms 204. stevewinchell/french @jigglypuffwrites 205. stevewinchell/french @jigglypuffwrites 206. stirlingargent/joshua @malsrp 207. stirlingargent/laurie @cvntboisandfems4u 208. sweetpea/jughead @not-helpfcl 209. switchmckenna/blair @malsrp 210. switchmckenna/blair @malsrp 211. tammythompson/robin @ahoy-dingus 212. teasaidhaddams/daemon @jigglypuffwrites 213. templetonpeck/murdock @malsrp 214. theoraeken/louis @tannerandthesociety 215. theoraeken/micah @malsrp 216. tigtrager/abel @sonsoftheking 217. tobiasbourne/kam @malsrp 218. tonymonroe/silas @assfcrdays 219. tonystonem/maxxie @malsrp 220. turbopokaski/wesley @strawbcrryfanta 221. wadewilson/peter @wallcrawlparker 222. walkersimon/beau @malsrp 223. weiryncernonnus/eoin @malsrp 224. willherondale/jem @malsrp 225. wolfgangbogdanow/alcide @ofmenofsins 226. yukimusume/eva @malsrp 227. yukimusume/eva @malsrp 228. zinaidakuznetsova/xavi @malsrp 229. zylafolsom/zoe @malsrp 230. loganhowlett/victor @ofmenofsins
Starters for me to do
Sicario Montoya for @theownerslove
Eddie Brock for @spiderprodigy
Billy Hargrove for @femmantics
Ian Gallagher for @sarcasiisms
Eddie Brock for @speedsterandweedster
Paul Tristan for @theheartbreakprinces
Peter Hale for @theheartbreakprinces
Jon Snow for @theheartbreakprinces
Robin Locksley for @ranodo
Tate Harrington for @everlcstinq
Carl Grimes for @everlcstinq
Carl Grimes for @spiderprodigy
Ron Anderson for @everlcstinq
Randall Carpio for @fvckingmagic
Morbid Kitchell for @malsrp
Dove Finch for @malsrp
Dove French for @diviinitism
Dove Finch for @dangerousbeasts
Dove Finch for @rebellhearted
Cherokee Cash for @theheartbreakprinces
Billy Hargrove for @h010type
Billy Hargrove for @halefirewarrior
Roman Godfrey for @maleshaven
Javan Bengal for @ranodo
Peter Parker for @abreedoftheirown
Fabien Mariani for @touchfelt
Theo Raeken for @hunksrps
wishlist plotting to do
This [x] With @softghostboy
This [x] With @stxrdvstt 
I also have a list of older threads that I’m going to add to my tracker and see if an are my turn. I’ll be crossing things out as I do them, rather than deleting them. I’ll add them to the tracker as I get them posted. 
4 notes · View notes
The Motivation behind why Everybody Love Best Online Shopping.
The 14 best kitchen, home stylistic theme, and furniture bargains best online shopping at the present time
 This week, you can discover real investment funds on Amazon furniture, All-Clad cookware, thus considerably more. (Photograph: All-Clad/Amazon)
 — Our editors survey and prescribe items to enable you to purchase the stuff you need. On the off chance that you make a buy by clicking one of our connections, we may gain a little portion of the income. In any case, our picks and sentiments are autonomous from USA The present newsroom and any business motivating forces.
 The excellence of shopping on the web is that you can generally discover an arrangement on something. The trouble is that there are so cracking numerous retailers and things to purchase that notwithstanding finding a deal can be overpowering, not to mention finding that thing you need and ensuring it's very great arrangement.
 Increasingly: All the best back-to-class best online shopping arrangements and deals up until this point
 To enable you to begin your hunt out right, we scour all the top online retailers to perceive what they have going on. We observe these spots intently so we're sure that the spots in this rundown are really holding deals that merit perusing, regardless of whether you need to get another bed, substitute your worn out home stylistic layout for something more fall-centered, or overhaul your cooking apparatuses.
 1. All-Clad
 This exceptionally pined for cookware, which is made to work incredibly as well as endure forever, is regularly unattainable in light of the fact that it's so dang costly. Be that as it may, from time to time, Every single Clad ha deals on their "processing plant seconds" stock, and today is one of those time. This 48-hour streak deal is a stunning chance to get top-quality cookware for monstrous limits. Production line seconds does mean there might be some minor corrective harm, however no more regrettable that what will occur as you utilize these pots and container in any case, so why not exploit these profound limits?
 2. Heritage
 Alright, so this isn't actually an arrangement on things for your home, however we couldn't not make reference to that Family line is having a part of the bargain. You can get their DNA packs for just $59 now through August 26, which is $10 more than we saw on Prime Day and regularly observe on The shopping extravaganza following Thanksgiving and for the occasions. In any case, on the off chance that you have any birthday events or other present surrendering occasions coming, this could be an extraordinary present, particularly on the grounds that you are setting aside cash as well. Also, Attributes is simply $10 more to add on, rather than the typical $20.
 3. Bed Shower and Past
 BB&B consistently has a type of uncommon, and right presently they have a couple of worth investigating. In the first place, you can discover various types ofcollege bedding basics for 30% off. Also, in case you're not carrying on with that dormitory life, you can in any case shop reserve funds. They're offering $100 off select Dyson vacuums and fans (consistently a decent arrangement), 40% off select cutlery, and limits on Brita pitchers, shoreline towels, and the sky is the limit from there.
 4. Casper Sleeping pad
 In the event that you've constantly needed a Casper sleeping cushion, you should look at this deal, which finishes today. They're offering 10% off your request when you purchase the first Casper or the new Wave sleeping cushions, which is a similar markdown they regularly offer for all the real bedding deal occasions. Simply enter the code "SLEEPCOOL" at checkout to see your markdown.
 5. Costco
 You can locate some amazing arrangements in case you're a Costco part at this moment. You can spare $50 on Ring brilliant home security (cameras, video doorbells, and that's only the tip of the iceberg) and $70 on iPads. Furthermore, on the off chance that you have children preparing for the start on the school year, look at class kickoff reserve funds on mass bites, quarters basics, school supplies, and then some.
 6. Drop
 Football season is simply around he corner, and on the off chance that you need to observe each game on the best television conceivable, you might need to look at Drop's arrangement on the Samsung 65" Q900 QLED Savvy 8K UHD television. Indeed, that says 8K, a too top quality picture quality that is in all respects gradually turning into a thing. The 65-inch television is selling for $2,800. It ordinarily costs $4,000, so this $1,200 value plunge has us excessively energized.
 The arrangement is live for the following three days, and you should simply pursue a free record with Drop (once in the past Massdrop). Outsources it with white glove administration as well, so you don't need to stress over harm from travel. Also, on the off chance that you need something greater, the 75-and 88-inch models are at a bargain too.
 7. Dyson
 We as a whole know owning a Dyson vacuum is viewed as world class inside the cleaning network, yet really owning one is kind of a pipe dream on account of their high costs. Be that as it may, at this moment, Dyson is presenting to $170 off a huge amount of well known vacuums and devices including the V11 Torque, our preferred cordless vacuum. There are additionally a few cordless vacuums on this rundown just as air purifiers for your home.
 8. Home Terminal
 The Home Terminal is one of those retailers that reliably has in any event one noteworthy deal going on. This week, you can discover up to 35% on select machines, as much as 40% off shower and kitchen fundamentals, and class kickoff investment funds of us to 40% on furniture, stockpiling, and bedding. Indeed, Home Station sells bedding now.
 9. Houzz
 Fall is coming, and winter isn't a long ways behind. In the event that you've been pondering re-trying your stylistic theme before you're investing more energy inside, Houzz is having a middle of the season deal right now through August 18. You can spare as much as 75% on a portion of their most prominent items, and it's not all wallet-gouging pieces, either. There are some mind boggling pieces beginning underneath $199, including this adorable easy chair, huge amounts of lighting and bar stools, thus significantly more. In the case of nothing else, this is a deal worth perusing and staring off into space about.
 10. Macy's
 Macy's is having a huge same on furniture at this moment, with limits up to 60% on love seats, carpets, porch furniture, sleeping cushions, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. What's more, when you enter the code "HOME" at checkout, you'll get an extra 10% off. Nothing amiss with that!
 11. Nectar Rest
 In case you don't know a Casper is directly for you, we prescribe the Nectar. Truth be told, it's the best bedding we've tried up until now. I mulled over it for a month and a half and observed it to be the most agreeable (I'm a side sleeper) and the coolest (and I rest extremely hot) of the considerable number of beddings I've attempted. They began their Work Day deal all around right on time and are offering $100 off and two free cushions with the buy of one of their sleeping pads through September 9.
 12. Sur la Table
 There are not many things on the planet that I cherish in excess of a decent blowout deal, and right now Sur La Table is having a gigantic one. It's actuallythe last day of this deal, so on the off chance that you haven't looked at it yet, I'm so happy regardless you have time. Not exclusively are there limits as immense as 75% off, however they're offering an extra 20% off. You can discover everything from dinnerware to cookware to eating materials and preparing frill.
 13. Target
 Do you need a reason to go to Target today? What about, other than their school year kickoff deals, Target is additionally offering a huge amount of limits on furniture, lighting, covers, draperies, style, mats, and other home products for up to 25% off. This is flawless whether you need to spruce up your stylistic theme for fall or you're sending your children off to their dormitories or school condos.
 14. Wayfair
 With regards to Wayfair, the inquiry isn't On the off chance that they'll hold a deal, it's what it will be on. On the off chance that you're now preparing your patio for fall, at that point you're in karma. At the present time, you can prepare for the fall season with Wayfair's Prep for Fall deal, which offers up to 65% off outside stylistic theme and furniture. They've additionally got blaze deals on an assortment of things, including floor coverings and work areas and stylistic theme, just as limits on room furniture and territory mats under $150.
 The item specialists at Surveyed have all your best online shopping needs secured. Pursue Investigated on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the most recent arrangements, surveys, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
 Costs are exact at the time this article was distributed, however may change after some time.
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slapper51 · 2 years
Mulerider Softball set to return home to take on Harding
Source: https://muleriderathletics.com/news/2022/4/7/mulerider-softball-set-to-return-home-to-take-on-harding.aspx
MAGNOLIA, Ark – After playing their last six games on the road, the Great American Conference leading Southern Arkansas University softball team will return to Magnolia as they are set to take on the Harding University Bisons in a three game GAC series. The Muleriders 23-12 (16-4 GAC) sit alone on top of the GAC standings, while Harding 27-11 (14-7 GAC) currently sits in third place. The three-game series will get started tomorrow evening at 5:00 p.m. followed by a double-header on Saturday that is set to start at 1:00 p.m. SAU went 5-1 on their road trip, as they swept Southeastern Oklahoma State University two weeks ago and then took two of three from Henderson State University a week ago. The Muleriders were supposed to play two more games on the road this past Wednesday against Arkansas-Monticello, but the double-header since been rescheduled to April 13th due to rain earlier in the week. HU picked up a GAC sweep over Monticello last weekend, but they fell in a midweek contest to Arkansas Tech on Tuesday 2-0. The Bisons are 6-3 in their last nine contests. The Muleriders are 10-1 at home this season and will look to add to that number as they battle with the Bisons. SAU has outscored its opponents 170-87 on the year and have outhit their opponents 257-194, with Jade Miller leading SAU in both of those categories. J. Miller leads the team with 49 hits and 33 runs, while also leading Jason Anderson's squad in batting average (.392), number of total bases (84), home runs (9), and slugging percentage (.672). Jaxynn Dyson and Alese Casper have shown great offensive production as they have each collected 32 hits this season, while Madison Miller has notched 22 base hits. Dyson leads SAU with 25 RBI, while Casper ranks second on the team with 28 runs. Tiare Lee is tied with J. Miller with 22 RBI while M. Miller and Sarah Evans both have knocked in 18 runs. Dyson has hit seven home runs on the season, followed by Evans (6), Lee (5), and M. Miller (4). Taylor Murphy and Casper lead the team with 14 walks apiece. Kiana Pogroszewski and Sydney Ward have both collected 10 wins in the circle for the Muleriders. Pogroszewski leads the squad with a 1.10 ERA and 83 strikeouts through 83.0 innings pitched. Ward has tossed a team high 84.0 innings to go along with 79 strikeouts. KP and Ward both have tossed six complete games with KP collecting three shutouts. Baylie Thornhill ranks second on the team with a 1.83 ERA through 30.2 innings pitched. Thornhill has struck out 33 batters and has allowed 11 runs (eight earned) on 30 hits. Macie Welch has picked up two wins for SAU to go along with a team leading three saves. The Memphis transfer has struck out 39 batters through 37.2 innings pitched. The Bisons come into this weekend's series having outscored their opponents 237-173 and outhitting them 359-251. Harding has four players that are hitting .378 or better, as Emma Curry and Nicole Sano lead the team with a .415 average. Leigha Harris is batting .388 while Chelsea Blankenship is hitting .378. All four players have 44+ hits as Shano leads the team with 51. Blanenship has collected 48 base knocks, followed by Harris (47) and Curry (44). Shano leads the team with 41 RBI and 13 home runs. Megan Pistokache leads HU in the circle with a 10-4 record and has pitched 100.1 innings. Pistokache has surrendered 122 hits and 63 runs (56 earned) to go along with 56 strikeouts. Lily Tanski has also seen a decent amount of time in the circle as she has collected eight wins through 83.2 innings of work.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
and the hole approaches 200 well almost 170. a nd is not at its largest this will boost it as tons of stuf fis stuck in the park. and mac will say him he did it.  and is clancy so says it now. a nd really he did.  is not so srue we escaped. sees evidence we didnot and we say ok we did not. and fight.  like the dickens. and he goes there tonight the storm moves now and is headed here. as well as the hole widens and five moremiles and now. and moves faster. tons in.  saw it and bugs yes were climginb out not kraken no no kraken foot steps Thor Freya andw e were up top here and said the words now we say this we are in charge of this move we say whee and when to go. need it now. and we go thre to Casper WY and now to retrieve items and big huge bugs. and yes a massive Klendathu over one hundred miles wide. and taller is there. they are afraid we are not.  need it now and stuff. we say where silently he appreciates it but  if needed a push can be provided hopefully i have done it well thusfar and we agree he is good at it. we go to Darth Maul Darth Talon who say....we are fine in it. need several things, and we are getting them now..and more later but now would be early so we ask now and stage somewhere and we need the Talon claw that ou saw the ripper.  in mass.  outside of swansea. and ok we see it there.  now they go and retrieve it our giants under yuou. two more there.  one over in cali and under a base no less. need the base out folks no way out..has to be. nad we agree too many devices. and we move it shortly. and we need to do work now.  fully ...and on it now pull it and we wil haveto fster works hat way i do promise you Zig Zag and we agree we do this now Thor Freya and we agree we force ourselves to Olympus
0 notes
threadgalapparel · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SAKS FIFTH AVENUE Casper Navy Suede Ankle Boots.
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dx5588net · 4 years
網球》喬帥冠軍戰遇扳倒蠻牛的小巨人 挑戰大師賽史上第1紀錄
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〔體育中心/綜合報導〕身高170公分的阿根廷小巨人史瓦茲曼(Diego Schwartzman)在羅馬大師賽連戰皆捷,今天在男單四強大戰3盤擊敗加拿大新星沙波瓦洛夫(Denis Shapovalov),晉級決賽的對手是正要挑戰ATP1000分大師賽最多王座紀錄的喬科維奇(Novak Djokovic)。
史瓦茲曼繼在8強扳倒紅土之王納達爾(Rafael Nadal)之後,今天又以6:4、5:7、7:6(4)擊敗沙波瓦洛夫,生涯首度闖進ATP1000分大師賽決賽。
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tobis-filmwelt · 4 years
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📽 Blockbuster TobiView 📽 *ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL* Kinostart 14.02.2019 Twentieth Century Fox, TSG Entertainment, Lightstorm Entertainment, Troublemaker Studios, Caffeination, Stereo D, Madhouse FSK 12 ▪️ Prolog: Regisseur Robert Rodriguez drehte mit einem geschätzten Budget von ca. 170 Mio. Dollar diesen Cyberpunk-Sci-Fi-Actionfilm, der auf dem Manga “Battle Angel Alita“ von Yukito Kishiro basiert. Als Co-Autor und Co-Produzent fungierte James Cameron. ▪️ Inhalt: In einer fernen Zukunft findet der mitfühlenden Cyber-Arzt Dr. Ido auf einem Schrottplatz in Iron City einen weiblichen Cyborg-Kopf. Er nimmt ihn mit in seine Klinik und konstruiert dort einen neuen Körper für sie. Dr. Ido gibt ihr den Namen Alita und zieht sie wie eine Tochter auf, jedoch hat das Robotermädchen keinerlei Erinnerung an ihr bisheriges Leben. Alita ist fest entschlossen, das Geheimnis hinter ihrem Ursprung zu lüften, und bricht zu einer Reise auf, die sie dazu bringt, die Ungerechtigkeiten dieser dunklen, korrupten Welt auf sich zu nehmen und zu entdecken, dass eine junge Frau die Welt, in der sie lebt, verändern kann. ▪️ Besetzung: Rosa Salasar verkörpert durch Performance Capture die Rolle der Alita. In weiteren Rollen sieht man u. a. Christoph Waltz als Dr. Ido, Keean Johnson als Hugo, Mahershala Ali als Vector, Ed Skrein als Zapan, Casper Van Dien als Amok oder Michelle Rodriguez als Gelda. ▪️ Epilog: ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL erzählt mit einem regelrechten Effektgewitter und richtig guter Action zwar eine flache, aber doch recht interessante und spannende Geschichte. Optisch lässt der Film kaum Wünsche offen, denn besonders bei der Visualisierung und der Inszenierung grenzt es schon fast an Perfektion. In der Essenz erlebt man charmantes und effektvolles Popcorn-Kino par excellence. ▪️ Fazit: Sehr Gut Wertung: 8 ▪️ #TobisFilmwelt | #TobiView | #Alita | #AlitaBattleAngel | #AlitaMovie | #TwentiethCenturyFox | #TSGEntertainment | #LightstormEntertainment | #TroublemakerStudios | #Caffeination | #StereoD | #Madhouse | #Filmstagram | #Filme | #Kino | #News | #NurmeineMeinung | #Movie | #Cinema | #Moviegram | #Filmblog | #Movieblog | #Germanblogger | #Filmblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/CBc-0OuF9H4/?igshid=1ik0hbudmfud
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