#Carey rambles about her life and stuff and things like sleeping or not as the case may be
dewitty1 · 1 year
Saturday Six (Stuff)
Getting woken up after only 2 hours of sleep, and not being able to really go back to sleep, is not cool. Guess I'm living on caffeine today.(¬д¬。)
That moment when someone you know gets a personal pleasure item stuck up their butt. Nope, not me, and has to have it pulled out by a surgeon. Good times.(⑅ ‘﹃’ )
I ordered orthopedic shoes and now I feel about 75 years old. At least two pairs look cute.ヾ(*´ー`)ノ
My therapist keeps asking me if I'm going to get another cat. I keep thinking two is enough, for now. (=^-ω-^=)
We had a lovely day of rain yesterday, even though my plant hook that was out in the grass fell over, due to the wet. I can't wait to be able to get some plants outside!(❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
My birthday this past Tuesday was a very chill day. We had a nice lunch. Even if my dad did leave the door open when he used the restaurant's bathroom. (ὀ⌓ὀ⑅)
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luobingmeis · 5 years
i love your team sweet flips kids!!!!! what were some of their first quests (or times that they used their classes)? how do carey and killian feel that they don't have magic and can't super help johann with his training? what kind of moms are they? who tries to be the ~cool mom~? (sorry if this is a lot i just love team sweet flips and their kids)
anonymous asked: Ocs r da bomb!!!! Tell me Abt them kids uwu
oh omg sick okay so!! i might just end up rambling bc i have so many scattered thoughts in my head abt the sweet flips kids omfg
(quick little notes: johann and noelle are my OCs for carey and killian’s kids, named after bard johann and no3113. johann is a dragonborn and noelle is an orc. i’ve put too much thought into really random details about them.)
johann’s classes: wizard and rogue
noelle’s classes: druid and fighter
(in a family so greatly consisting of magic users, no one can convince me that a bunch of them don’t jump at teaching the kiddos magic)
i haven’t thought of legit quests for them yet (but give me some time, omfg, i’ll probably end up with an entire AU just dedicated to them doing cool shit) but i’ve thought about who would train them in their classes!!!
angus is who initially teaches johann magic, just like how taako taught angus. johann was probably super young when he started learning magic. was it ever said how young someone can be and still learn magic?? bc i put him at, like, seven or eight when angus starts teaching johann really simple cantrips, like mage hand. it’s only as he gets a little older (like probably 14/15) that he starts learning illusion magic (bc he looks up to davenport a lot and, as a shy little kid, davenport was the first person, besides his moms, who he got very attached to)
by the time he’s, like, 18, he’s “come get y’alls juice”-ing noelle
also, just through sheer observation, he starts learning rogue shit from carey. and i’m talking that, like, when he’s four, he’s just taking shit. he doesn’t even know exactly what he’s doing, his brain is just like “seeing mom prank friends by taking stuff = something fun to do”
carey is lowkey horrified (in, like, kinda a fun way tho) and killian just thinks that it’s hysterical bc “babe he’s just like you” and carey’s like “killian i’ve been arrested for pickpocketing and other rogue shit before, he cannot be just like me”
(johann was once jailed for an afternoon tho and they did, in fact, have to pick him up/bail him out from that)
noelle, on the other hand, actually learned some of her magic from barry!!! not anything necromantic in nature, but just, once again, simple cantrips. she was just super attached to barry (i mean, she was a very social charming kid, so she was attached to everyone, but barry was special). however, by default, she also started learning some stuff from lup, too. she decided to specialize as a druid, tho, and, with that, she probably learns some stuff from merle, too!!!
and then magnus teaches her how to fight/protect herself!! first, he just teaches her how to use a shield to defend herself, and then he works up to a sword and shield, but suddenly, one day, she’s wielding a giant fucking battle-axe and magnus is delighted
carey and killian, initially, feel kinda bad that they can’t help their kids with their magic. bc they want to help their kids out with everything!!! and they can see how frustrated they get when they’re trying to practice spells but none of the magic users are around so they just have to work everything out by themselves. but carey and killian also find it, honestly, really fun to see their kids learning new things.
they’re also low key terrified bc, even though johann specialized in illusion magic and noelle is a druid, somehow johann knows how to cast perfect fireballs and noelle knows just a bit too much abt necromancy stuff (sorry kravitz)
(honestly tho, between merle & lucretia & dav & lup & barry & taako, you can see all types of magic influence on the sweet flips kids) (and other’s, too, like how johann knows how to pick locks and, after being babysat by avi enough, noelle seems to have pretty good aim with projectiles, etc etc etc)
johann goes to taako’s school and noelle goes to lucas’s school. and, see, taakos fawns over the both of them (even tho he swears he’s not a fan of kids even tho he and kravitz have basically adopted angus already), but he (jokingly) gives noelle shit for not going to his school and absolutely praises johann for “making the right academic choice” but you know that, during family get togethers, taako is helping both of them out with school work and making sure that lucas is going easy on noelle
i think both carey and killian are pretty cool moms!!! but, actually, i think at first, like when johann was still in an egg, carey was... incredibly nervous. i hc that she didn’t really have much of a family life. like, she had her parents and her brother, scales, and they lived in neverwinter together, but it was kinda like “parents that had kids but let their kids do whatever they want from the time they were little.” so, like, carey was out on her own for most days, wreaking whatever havoc and doing whatever she wanted, and sometimes she would come home to sleep and sometimes she wouldn’t, so she was super scared that she wouldn’t be a good mom. killian, on the other hand, i hc is a huge family person and the oldest of a bunch of sisters, which kinda made carey even more nervous bc “oh god what if killian is so good at this and she regrets having kids with me and and and” but killian helps her out and shows her that she can give their kids and better upbringing than she had and, together, they work together and are really good moms!!!
they joke that killian is “bad cop” and carey is “good cop” but they’re both huge softies for their kids but also know when discipline is necessary (but, like, calm discipline. they don’t believe in yelling at kids). i do think that they have their Things, you know. like killian is protective in the way that she doesn’t want anyone to hurt her kids, so she’s the “intimidating” parent when her kids start bringing dates home (but she softens up quickly). and carey gets really nervous when the kids are out for a while, so she at least likes to keep tabs like “hey just make sure to come home and let us know what’s going on.” but, overall, i think they’re both really chill moms and they have a super nice, super trusting relationship with their kids. and even when the kids start growing up and going off on their own, they always stop back and visit!!!
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crimsonrevolt · 6 years
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Congratulations Chloe you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Sybill Trewlawney!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
Your application was such a treat to find in our inbox, Chloe! From the expanded traits to the wonderful headcanons you gave, your Sybill is so wonderfully fleshed out. The love you have for her is amazing and we all loved just how well you captured her - ‘she’s always been unafraid to march to the beat of her own drum‘ completely sold us. It’s so clear to see from you application just how much you’ve thought about the role that Sybill has to play in the war and gone into so much detail about her involvement with Aversio it’s such a pleasure to see! We think that Sybill will fit in just wonderfully and we cannot wait to have you both in our roleplay!
Application beneath the cut 
Chloe, she/her, GMT, from England  
Well it’s been a little while since I’ve actively roleplayed so I might start out a little rusty, but given the preference you have for longer threads and your lenient activity limit I’m sure I’ll be around fairly often, like three times a week at least. (to give you a number I’d say like 7/10 on the active scale)
*removed for privacy
I was looking through the hp rp tag, and to be honest I was looking specifically for a Sybill Trelawney to play that I felt was actually a good representation of her character and also sat within an rp that had a good plot aha
Maybe a cliché but I really loved Ginny (in the books of course, don’t EVER get me started with the mess they made of her character in the movies dear god) she was spunky and confident (and ginger like myself, which tbqh has made me slightly bias in favour of the whole Weasley clan. Like you’re telling me not only do they deal w/ shit for being blood traitors but they redheads too??? Hard knock life, my man.) And of course my dear Sybill, who was just trying to be understood in a world that wasn’t quite ready for her.
Sybill Trelawney  
Alycia Debnam Carey isn’t an fc I’ve ever worked with before but after browsing her tag and doing a little research she seems an excellent choice for Sybill in my opinion, and since she’s your chosen fc too I’m sure you’d have no problem with me picking her. (I am also partial to Juno Temple as Sybill, but I kinda feel that’s getting a little overdone)
Uhhhh this is just a general comment but I really love that you’ve made Sybill a big of a fighter and actually self confident like all the time I see her portrayed as this scared little thing and I don’t think that’s accurate, like I’ve always felt that (at least in her younger years, before the world beat her down a bit) Sybill would have been a passionate and confident woman with faith in her gift and a desire to set the world to rights. Her words aren’t always tactful, sure, but I think everything Sybill says she says because she thinks it needs to be heard.
When I first read about this Aversio group you’d created I wasn’t sure that putting Sybill in with such people was the right choice but after a little thought the idea really grew on me. I think Sybill’s visions have forced her to witness so much death and destruction that she has been powerless to prevent, and who wouldn’t be made angry like that? Who wouldn’t grab the first chance that came along to take back some of that power, to try and defend the people she loved? Sybill is part of this group for all the right reasons. She’s fighting for freedom and safety, but she’s not naïve, she doesn’t think the order sitting around and just waiting to form counter attacks are doing enough. I also feel she was something of a loner in school and despite being quite clever was never really invited into or considered for the order and so perhaps this comes from the ever so slight niggling urge she has to prove herself, because despite being a hippy dippy seer she’s also capable of affecting change and taking part in things. (If anything her visions and prophecies have only made her more determined to change the world, for she will have seen how truly tits up everything could go.)
I just have a longstanding love for Sybill, she’s always been unafraid to march to the beat of her own drum. Like, refusing to take on the name ‘higglebottom’ and so causing the end of your own marriage?? That’s hardcore. That’s a woman who won’t take no shit. Yeah, I love Sybill and I am forever searching for an rp with what I feel is an accurate representation of her. This is getting long so I’ll wind it down now, but if you’d like to hear anything more about my love for Syb pls just do message me lmao.
Sybill has always been wary of romance and love. With her gift it is easy to see the multitude of ways things can fall apart. Not only that, but it is hard to find someone with complete faith in this gift of hers, someone who truly believes all her madcap ramblings and feels the power of nature and the universe as much as she does. (Of course, she would only ever settle down with someone who believed in this power as much as she did and yet like her was not afraid to question it.) Sex is different to romance, though, I think Sybill views sex as something much simpler and it’s very much a pleasure she indulges in without ever feeling guilty about it. Honestly I think she can be quite the flirt when she wants, not ashamed of her desire to lure a man or woman into her bed for the night, because why should we deny ourselves such a simple craving? We shouldn’t.
As far as ships go I’m very happy just to go with the flow, nothing prioritised. Sybill goes by she/her pronouns, did consider them/they for a while but after some contemplation in the forest realised her energy was decidedly feminine in its nurturing and care, even if it was a little wilder and more adventurous. (Sexuality I touched on a little above, i feel like she’d be very fluid about it and call herself bisexual if pushed on the subject)
Self-assured- Sybill has gotten comfortable with her gift of sight, and by extension- since she’s long felt like that was the most drastic aspect of her personality- the rest of herself. She’s confident in who she is and the doubts of others can no longer throw her off her chosen course.
Free-spirited- spends a lot of time out in nature, but its much more than that. Sybill is very unassuming and so as long as what/who you are is not a cause of harm (for example, unless you are a death eater) she is quite happy to not only let you continue with your life and hobbies, but likely also interested in learning about it. She is happy for you to be in love, she is happy for you to mindlessly fuck, she is happy for you to abstain and spend all your time writing. As long as your soul is good and warm, you can be counted as a friend of Sybill’s.
Crafty- well, there’s the obvious definition of her being artistic which is true, Sybill likes to paint and tell fanciful stories and take one mans trash to make into her own treasure. But her crafty mind also  makes her quite statistical, she can wriggle her way out of almost any problem and really earns her keep as one of the strategic minds of Aversio.
Genuine- Another fairly obvious I feel. Some of the stuff Sybill says may be odd, but she means every word of it. This applies to her actions too. She has not one conniving or manipulative bone in her body, she never lies. Everything Sybill does is honest and true to the core of who she is.
Dreamer- constantly lost in her own world. Idealistic almost to a fault, often too optimistic about the future. Sometimes too optimistic about the present and so gets herself into dangerous situations just because she underestimated the circumstances.
Emotional- oh GOD if you criticise Sybill’s shoes she will CRY for a week. If you call her pretty in passing it will make her smile all year. Let me be clear here I don’t think Sybill holds grudges or has preferences, but I think she remembers everything that people do and everything impacts her as much as it did at the time it truly happened (does that make sense? Every time she remembers that Lily once complimented her hair it fills her with the same joy as the initial compliment did, for example.) I think this is why her gift takes such a toll on her, every bad thing that happens (whether it really ends up happening or not) affects her psyche terribly.
Dramatic- it’s very up and down with Sybill. I think being dramatic is good and bad, because every small show of kindness is an absolute joy but also every little negative moment or action is the worst betrayal imaginable. Nothing is done in halves by Sybill.
Weird- I mean self explanatory. She talks to plants, she’s constantly blabbering on about the energies of nature and the universe. She relies too heavily on her inner eye to guide her rather than just watching and responding. It’s a weirdness she’s comfortable with but that doesn’t mean everyone else is so ok with it, sometimes she makes people uncomfortable with her frank statements and odd habits.
Sybill can play guitar. Yeah, she loves music, I think she plays guitar really very well and finds it quite relaxing (can’t think about anything else if you’re trying to master difficult songs y’know) but it isn’t a talent she often shares.
She writes poetry too, doesn’t call it that, just calls it writing. Often times her visions and prophecies can be a lot to digest and so writing about it all can help to sort her crazy imaginings from what might actually be possible.
Not adverse to substance abuse. She lives alone, and sometimes being part of Aversio leaves her incredibly amped up and angry, so it can be difficult to sleep. A few glasses of whiskey or a couple of joints sort that problem out, though.
Can get aggressive with fellow Aversio members. See she knows they can handle it and all the negative energy has to go somewhere (where else would she take it out? Nature? Absolutely not.)
She meditates because it helps focus her inner eye.
This aggression with Aversio members might be an interesting one- like, does she think some of them are really just death eaters afraid to admit that? Are some of them scared of her? Do they think she’s too pushy with the people she’s supposedly aligned with? Yeah, lots interesting to say there.
Of course as an Aversio member there’s always the chance that the order or DE might find out that she’s part of such a group and try to sway her one such way (the DE would have no chance, and i don’t really see the order being much luckier, though she may be willing to form some kind of cooperation with them.)
There’s always the chance of her abandoning everything to just live in the forest.
More prophecies or visions! Are they always accurate? Who knows?!?!?! No one really.
The following section should be looked at like a survey for your character. Answer them in character and feel free to use gifs. Or, if you’d rather, answer them in third person or OOC without gifs. Answers do not have to be extremely lengthy.
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it:
I think I’d like to invent a potion that would make me immune to all poisons. To be honest, that’s one of the few things that forces me to buy actual food from shops and stops me from living purely off the foods nature provides. I’m quite worried about being poisoned by something not meant for me you see, so if I had a potion that meant no such poisons affected me I would live only off the bounty provided by nature.
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you:
I think Xenophilius Lovegood would make for very good company. He’s easy on the eye and we’re both the types who see more in the world than most people do. I don’t suppose i’d pick anyone for their ability to keep me safe- I’m quite capable of that, thank you. Rather I think I’d pick Xenophilius because we would not run out of things to talk about. Ad far as objects go, maybe a sword? They fascinate me to be perfectly honest- so violent, so pretty- and I think it would be most useful should magic fail me.
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?
Who to send on missions or counter attacks. It’s never very easy to decide if you need stealth and logic or aggression and strength, you know? And always I am so fearful that by sending the wrong type we will do more harm than good.
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?
That I am a liar. That’s easy, people can say much about me as long as they always believe I am true.
Sybill could not sleep. This was not a rare occurrence. More often than not she’d use alcohol or drugs to knock herself out for the night, acutely aware of all the work that there was to be done the next day and so too focused on being alert for that to be concerned with her own body. Tonight, however, she chose the forest. And drugs. There was a lovely little wood right by her house (would Sybill move anywhere without nature close by? Of course not.) And so she meandered through the trees until a small clearing came about, settling herself with a joint and her notebook for a sleepless night.  
See, tomorrows attack did not directly involve her. It was more an urban stealth mission, not really her style, and so she saw no harm in turning up to the meeting a little tired and out of it. Hey, she was usually ‘out of it’ as far as the others thought anyway, and so what was the harm really. So for this plan she had taken more a strategic role, using her gift to her advantage to help plan the timing, who she be where and when they should be there. It was something of an arduous task to be honest, left her a little drained to look so closely at individuals, but Sybill would never complain about it. Her inner eye was a gift very few possessed and she intended to use it to it’s full potential.
Besides being out here among nature’s glory with her writing and a joint would be sufficient to restore the balance of her energy. She took a drag and sighed into the quiet night, shifting to lay on her back and feel the full flow of the earth against her body. Her fingertips tingled and her toes curled. God, you know what would really help her sleep? Sex. But so few were as interested in no strings in the same way she was. Still willing to form a connection and truly bon with each other, just not so insistent that such a bond be permanent. It was okay to need someone only for a night or two. The summer she’d bounced around muggle music festivals had spoiled her, obviously. Maybe most wizards were so interested in commitment because it carried on the family name.
Not that she could blame them for such. Cassandra Trelawney had claimed the gift skipped three generations after all and by golly the family had seen to it that her point be proved. The idea made her giggle, bright energy pushing out against a dark sky.
Whatever the case, she was antsy and restless and worried about tomorrows plans. Worried about tomorrows’ people. If things went wrong those few were the ones who would pay most dearly. She closed her eyes, trying to feel the influence of the universe move through her and search for the answers she desired. Would tomorrow be okay? Had they chosen well? The universe, as it so often was in what it considered small affairs, had little more to offer than a small reassurance that Sybill wasn’t driving towards utter disaster.
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taran42181 · 4 years
Losing Sean to addiction and illness...one year ago......
I’m not sure why exactly I’m writing this. Maybe because there’s not a human on this earth, I can talk to the way I can to a blank page. It’s too many layers of things and just confusing to be honest.  I’m writing this with limited editing. For an English major it’s not going to be my best work, but the only way for me to get my thoughts out raw and unfiltered is to not care about the silly nuances of grammar. Perhaps that is why I chose to call this blog “Ramblings” because essentially that is what it will be.
I’m sitting here alone, for the first time in weeks. I’m grateful for the chance to quarantine safely in my home with books, tv, food, water, heat, etc. I’m grateful for the extra family time and extra sleep. However, I need my me time. I can only take so much interaction before I need to retreat for a while.  
So what is on my mind..what is on my mind..is that I’m missing my brother. Actually, I’m missing my childhood family as I once knew it. Two gone, One sick and one in another state. Such is life. I’m reminiscent.  I cringe typing this, because so many people have it so much worse. So many people have so many more struggles and why should anyone give a damn about what I’m missing? We all have stuff do deal with in life. I feel, I post too much as it is, about my life on social media..but I’ll never stop acknowledging Sean or my dad. I’ll just keep the details of my feelings to this blog. I can write, which I love to do, without being a “Debbie Downer,” Sorry. 
   Dear Sean, You are on my mind so much. I got to text with Paul and Eric out in Colorado and damnit, I’m thankful for them.  I’m thankful for Rich, too.  I’m glad you had friends that loved you for you. Friends that chose you as family.  It means the world to me. 
I’m thinking of you Sean, because this time last year, you were dying.  You were laying in a bed at CMC, struggling to breath.  I’m scared of the coronavirus and devastated and anxious for the patients laying in ccu beds on vents and their helpless families. I watched what irreversible ARDS can do to someone and its downright terrifying. It’s ironic that I’m hearing what it does, when just a year ago, I was watching it happen to you.
I tried for years to shield people from your less redeeming qualities; the severity of your mental illness and addiction.  It’s so easy for people to judge without knowing the person behind it all.  Some people are unforgiving and I wanted to protect you from them. I didn’t see things through rose colored filters. I was tough on you a lot.  I was embarrassed and sometimes even afraid for you.  I prayed you wouldn’t hurt or kill yourself or accidentally hurt someone else when you were using. 
You started out in life as the funniest, happiest little guy I ever knew.  You were my best, and for several years, only friend.  You never minded hitting record on the cassette player and being my audience when I wanted to sing Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston songs.  We walked home from school together every day, and we started neighborhood clubs together. You let me boss you around and played every game I ever asked.  You always thought of me when you did things and included me. We both had trouble finding our place in the world at times, but had each other.
It broke my heart when you were 16 and I was 18, and I started noticing you had been acting weird.  I had never lived with an addict, and I think it took all of us a little longer than some, to notice the signs.  I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you from a bad choice.  You made a choice, and honestly I know it was for the sake of peer acceptance, to try heroin. I’ll never forget the day I confronted you and made you call mom at work and tell her you had been using heroin and couldn’t stop. In hindsight that was a terrible decision on my part towards mom.
It would take days, months even, if I were to write about the years between this day in 1999  and April 1, 2019- the day you died.  So, I won’t recount all of it. In short, you suffered all those years. We suffered as a family.  We discovered you had many physical health issues, some irreparable. We discovered you had more severe mental health issues than the current mental health system was prepared for, and we saw your addiction spiral to an honestly impressive tolerance. I’ve yet to see anyone else compare. I’m not saying that as a good thing, just the reality.  You were hurting, you hurt others and it was a vicious cycle.  I won’t sugar coat it.  You kept your distance and I tried to protect what I could of your reputation when people asked about you. The truth is your mental illness led you to some dark places and with that, you lost many friends and acquaintances. I know some people never knew you enough to form an opinion, other than a bad one. For their lack of insight into your issues, I don’t hold anything against them.  I understand why people would judge harshly and detach from someone who was self destructing. However, I’m so grateful for the people that saw past the bad and remembered that there was a kind, compassionate guy in you somewhere.  I’m thankful for the relatives that would ask about you, remember you at holidays and not take your isolation personal. They forgave your mistakes. They loved you and that never waivered. I hope you know that.  I know you felt shame, Sean.  You felt guilty and hated.  I also know you just wanted to be accepted.  It saddens me that some family chose to not come out here when you died. They chose to NOT be here for mom when you died. They chose to not honor you as a human being.   This doesn’t refer to all of them. Only a couple.  Some didn’t acknowledge your death at all!  I understand and I know you do too.  It’s hard with families and jobs and I hold no ill will. It’s hard, especially coming from out of state. Some of themy expressed their condolences and I was grateful. Some  though, judged you and didn’t like what you had become. Maybe you had done or said things to them, and weren’t on good terms with them. Maybe because you didn’t bother to visit them or engage in their lives. Ha! If they only know what your life had become. Alas though, your death wasn’t important to them. Mom’s loss wasn’t significant. They couldn’t be inconvenienced to be here one day for mom, unless it fit their schedule.  You didn’t have cancer, you didn’t commit suicide. I’m sure they were surprised it took this long.  It makes me sad, but it’s their fears and ignorance that kept them away. I forgive and move on. Guess what though? your true friends and family showed up.  I saw Mike and Lem and some other of your childhood friends. Eric, Paul and Rich. My friends from CMC and so many others. I’m forever grateful for each and every person who came to your service or called. Sean, the bottom line is that your life was complicated. My feelings on everything are complicated. ((sigh))).
 So, having touched on all the negative stuff, I want to tell you how much you meant to me and still do. I know you knew.  I told you all the time I loved you and you told me. We had so much fun together. I wish more of the world saw the Sean that I did.  You were kind, funny and loving. You only showed yourself at your best to your nieces and nephews. Somehow despite it all, you managed to be a positive in their lives. It breaks my heart how much the kids miss you, especially your buddy James. When you were doing well, you were amazing.  Those times in between, when I know you tried harder than anyone has tried at anything, I cherished.  You had so many positive qualities. I’ve still yet to meet someone that compares to your intelligence and quick wit.  You are one of a the best writers I know and could play the best pranks.
Watching you die was the hardest things I’ve ever experienced. Even harder than watching dad die.  Ryan and I have talked about the comfort we find in knowing you and dad are together. Maybe dad had to die first, to be there to bring you home.
For those of you still reading that don’t know what happened when Sean died.. I’ll tell you. A quick side story though... My mother has a neuroendocrine malignancy and parkinsonism. A tiring and frustrating combination of mysterious symptoms. Anyway, much of the last few years she has been in and out of the hospital. Thankfully, we are closer to a more accurate diagnosis and treatments, but her quality of life has diminished. She was a healthy, vibrant healthcare administrator and an active board member for various community organizations in Denver.  Approximately 7 years ago, was the beginning of her decline.  She still lives life to the fullest though, does not look for help or sympathy, and does her best each day. She amazes me and on her best days you wouldn’t know anything was wrong!  
Anyway, about two weeks before Sean died, she had a bad episode in the middle of the night.  Paramedics took her to the hospital.  It was awful. The next morning, I called Sean to check on him.  No answer. A couple of hours later, my mom now stable at the hospital, asked me if I’d talked to him. I told her I’d keep trying. I called and called. I went over to Sean’s apartment and although I had a key, I had to break the chain lock.  When I got to his room, he was in bed.  He had vomit all over him and was unresponsive.  I called 911 and luckily was able to get him to wake up by screaming directly into his hear.  When he came to, he was lethargic and disoriented. I wasn’t able to ascertain exactly what he had taken.  My only regret that day is that I didn’t go to the hospital with him.  Sean’s had many overdoses. I was frustrated and relieved he woke up and thought this would be another one of his hospital admissions. My mom and Ryan have resuscitated him in the past. He overdosed and was intubated several times over the years, before the days of getting Narcan at home. (And yes, he did get lots of “tough” love too. He was in treatment many, many, many times) Sometimes treatment was hard to get because of his co-existing mental and physical issues, but my angel of a mother never gave up on him. She was scammed out of money by a “recovery coach” and hit a lot of roadblocks through the years, but she always tried to keep him alive. She never gave up hope for him. She has been judged for this, but you find out what you would do when your in situations.  Anyway, enough sidetracking.
Sean was taken from his room with paramedics and police to the hospital. I fully believed he would be ok.  I had to work that evening and called the hospital to check on him.  I wasn’t able to find out where he was or what was happening. My mom found out he had gone into respiratory distress and had been intubated. Sean, having been intubated previously on several occasions, had repeatedly told my mom he did not want vented ever again. I’m glad we weren’t there for them to ask us, because his honest feeling was that he didn’t want to be saved but we didn’t have a written dnr and we didn’t want to lose him. In any case, he was intubated and admitted. I went to see him the next day and when I spoke quietly to him, but he woke up and started trying to talk over the vent. I told him I loved him but I was leaving because he needed to rest. I reminded the staff of his high tolerance for sedatives and told them I’d try to stay away as to not agitate him.  The nurse was very sweet and understanding.
The next few days I was there in between kids activities, school and work.  I tried to visit him and my mom as much as I could.  Fast forward, each day Sean got sicker and sicker. I left my phone in my car one day to get coffee at wawa and when I came back I saw the hospital had called. Sean had coded, but they got him back. I went over to the hospital. I took my mom from her hospital room to ICU to see him. They did a TEE but it was negative. They told me he was septic. He had a very bad infection in his lungs. He had what you may be hearing about now on the news, called ARDS. He was so hot that I could have literally cooked breakfast on his skin.  He was on a cocktail of antibiotics.  Sean had pre-existing lung issues and the night before I found him, Sean had taken drugs. Which ones and what kind, I’m not sure of exactly. He had sedated himself so much, that he went to bed, drank something in his sleep (he had a bottle of orange juice with him) and he aspirated. Had he not taken too much of whatever he did that night, he wouldn’t have been lethargic and under the influence. Had he not brought orange juice to bed, he wouldn’t have aspirated. Laying in bed for a day, after choking, and his breathing diminished, made for him too become too sick to recover.
He continued to deteriorate until they could not longer keep him vented. (side tracking again, if your family member is intubated for any reason I strongly suggest you research what you can and know your rights and options). It came to a point where we had to make a decision. Sean was “out of it’ for most of the time, but he would wake up at times.  It was agony because we knew he didn’t want to be vented but he needed it to live.  The Palliative care doctor decided we could slowly wean him off things that made his judgement cloudy. Not immediately, but when and if, he was coherent enough, she would talk with him directly.  We ask him and he communicated with head nods and pointing. He even tried writing and then he tried and pointed at letters on a keyboard.  The day came around and Ryan, mom, me and the Palliative care doctor spoke with Sean.  His intensivist told us his lungs would “never recover.” If he were to be take off the vent, the only way he could live was to have a permanent trach. My mom having health issues, and at the time, still a patient herself, wouldn’t be able to care for him full time.  He would be likely left to live out  years and years, in a nursing home on a trach.  If he was healthier and this was reversible for him, it would've been a no brainer. Unfortunately, he had a lot stacked against him.  The doctor explained to Sean what happens if we take the tube out.  He kept motioning for us to take it out.  She explained without the trach he would stop breathing eventually.  He indicated in several ways, he clearly understood. For Sean, living each day was a struggle. I think even if he had a better chance at recovery, he still wouldn’t have wanted it.  She asked him if that's what he wanted several times and each time, he indicated yes. I had to leave the room to not lose it and break down.  So it took a while but they slowly weaned him off of the vent.  He asked for Mountain Dew, his favorite. He couldn’t swallow or drink so we put the smallest amount on a one of those little mouth sponges, and gave him a taste. He coughed and coughed, but smiled.  He wanted his music, so we played his favorites for him. Frank Turner, Billy Brag, mainly. (much of the music he introduced me too is now stuff I listen to regularly) The three of us spent the next several days with Sean, watching him die. We told him stories, he listened. He tried to laugh. He cried. We cried. He slowly and painfully left the world after three or four days. I can’t even remember how long it took. I told him I would get a tattoo to match one of his. He pointed to one on his arm, that he wanted me to get. The day after his death, I got the tattoo.  His breathing became more difficult. His skin burned and burned and even with cooling packs, they couldn’t help him. It devastated me to see him suffering at the end of his life, even though the nurses tried their best to keep him comfortable. Each time he had what I now know is called “Cheyne-stokes” respirations, we would think the time was near, but he kept on. We told him it was ok to go and that dad was waiting. My angel mother prayed over him, with him. She sang to him and I’m damn positive she delivered him to God herself and helped him transition peacefully between the two worlds. I don’t know where she got the strength. She never left his side until the last day. I wasn’t as strong. I couldn’t handle hearing his breath sounds without crying. I’m glad my mom and Ryan could, but I know it wasn’t easy.  So, if you’re still reading this long story. wow. and thank you .  I feel better for having wrote it out. It’s so much to talk about.  I have some really great friends that let me vent to them during it all and have been there for me still. More angels that walk this Earth. <3
I know this is jumbled and all over the place. Half talking to Sean, half talking to whomever is reading.  I apologize, but it has been cathartic for me to get it out. 
Sean, in the end, I love you. Your life mattered. You had many positive impacts on people.  You are missed. We are grateful for having had you for 35 years and I won’t ever forget you!! 
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