#Cali Sanchez
BFCD Reviews By Nesha || The Purge Franchise
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to my experience with my Purge marathon this month, for October purposes. We could glide by the first one, since there is literally one Black woman in it and she’s there for like, a few minutes, or whatever. BUT. Since there were prominent Black female characters elsewhere in the franchise, I decided to just put all of my thoughts into one long post. (Only covered the movies 1-3, because that’s all I watched)
This essentially started whenever I saw this post that asked for POC thoughts on the representation in The Purge. I was already considering reviewing it, but that pretty much was like my little push. Then, I was in the comments or whatever, and just don’t think that I had the time at the moment to really state my thoughts in a comments section, particularly while I was only two movies in. Basically, long story short, if there is ever a story about POC, especially in stories where injustice is a major plot point - if there are characters of color, there need to be writers of color. If there are characters of color and no writers of color... Just know that them white people fucked it up. Sometimes it’s okay, because sometimes, they got a friend of color or something and have watched a few documentaries. Lol. Idk if this man who wrote this franchise know any Black people outside of work. 🤷🏾‍♀️
And the usual disclaimer, since we back OUTSIDE! You say you outside but you ain’t that outside. I’m outside of my fandoms in this department, and these things tend to bring the fandoms to me because I stepped foot in their things. Disclaimer for somebody who stumbled across this post because of the fandom tags - I am an independent partaker of this content, not “part of the fandom,” and my audience in particular is NOT for everybody. SO: If you may have been criticized in the past for casual racism, tone deafness to Black women’s concerns or accused of misogynoir or antiblackness, leave now. If you don’t like cussing, AAVE, general ratchetness and mean lesbian energy, you too might wanna go. A bitch can be eloquent, but I type like I talk, at times, so it is what it is and I don’t curate for kids, dudes, or nonblacks. That’s just what that is.
The Purge
I initially watched this movie whenever it first was out (more like whenever it was out of the theaters, so not at the very beginning of it’s existence, but pretty dang close). I watched it at my older sister’s house. I wasn’t interested in it. Whenever I heard the premise, I thought it sounded pretty dope, but then I saw Ethan Hawke, and so I was willing to pass. One thing I’ma do is pass on an Ethan Hawke movie without a second thought. So. I didn’t plan on watching it, but my sister put it on at her home one night and that’s her TV, so I wound up seeing the thing.
Wasn’t impressed with the movie, overall. It came out at a time where I was very invested and involved in Black activism and the movie read like someone who had read a few white liberal articles on politics and then made a lil’ movie about the horrors. It felt extremely tone deaf in some areas, and like the point it was trying to make was not being properly communicated. 
BUT THEN, I noted that many of the white people I knew personally felt very into it and I decided, “Oh, okay. It was meant for them. It was to communicate things that we already know to these people who have often always been able to live without having to know or think about these things. I’m including this interaction with someone in the fandom, on the post linked above, to clarify:
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So. To me, this family read as conservative. They could be moderates. I definitely could see it. They put their flowers out to show that they support the purge, but then whenever it comes down to it, they don’t actually have it in them to support it in full. But. I feel like there are so many conservatives like this as well. 
I’m from Texas. Southeast Texas, to be exact. Right by the Gulf of Mexico, right by Louisiana. I have hella conservatives surrounding me who were “nice” people. They love their families, however that looked, and didn’t actually go out to klan rallies or anything, but they support law enforcement and make excuses for these “great institutions” in our nation, and in Texas. Now... They wouldn’t be likely to actually shoot me down dead without a second thought like the police would, but they would support the police force, despite them doing such things. This is how the main family reads, to me. 
The writer though? Felt like someone on the other side. The ones who will gladly raise awareness to help the less fortunate, but if they had to do even a step more than that, they would not have the energy. The story read like a person - who puts BLM in their profile, but doesn’t really even know any Black people, much less help them - telling a story about how maybe, under the right (or very wrong) circumstances, their white counterparts could see the light about humanity. 
I was glad to see that brotha survive, but beyond that, this was not a movie for me or mine. It isn’t a movie that outside of this marathon I will watch again either. Now, the second one, to me, was more empathetic.  It was like if the writer heard feedback and decided to clarify and expound on what message the story was giving, and opened up a doorway to a broader audience.
The Purge: Anarchy
We followed characters around who knew what was up and were just trying to do their best. Instead of following people who were part of the problem like we did in the first movie, we followed people who were more likely to be affected by those in power who were the problem. They even went so far as to cast leads who are biracial Black women as part of the ensemble that we take this journey with. 
Yes, like the first one, they’re still shown as targets of the problem, but they also are shown as survivors too, and while there is still an undertone of white saviorism, as there also was in the first movie, it isn’t a cut and dry white savior story. It is a group of people who need help through an impossible life in an unfair world, and how each of them does their best, not only to live, but to look out for their loved ones, and eventually each other. It is really the type of story that I would have wanted from a world like this, and I would have wanted evidence that there were people who could somehow make the best of it all. 
Nobody don’t do that like Black people. One of our main identifiers is how we make lemonade out of lemons, so there was good visuals in who they selected to follow through this story and I thought the end was BEAUTIFUL. To see the brotha done not only survived last time, but he done started working to give power to the powerless? Loved that for him. Loved that Our Good Sis nem made sure to have the man’s back who had theirs in the beginning. It was a well told story for such a horrifying state of things.
The Purge: Election Year
I don’t know what happened here...
This movie was not good. At the end of the day, I think that they needed Black people, preferably ones who know about community work, politics, and such to assist them in trying to write these characters.
They gave you more POC in this story... They gave you more access to the ones standing up to the corrupt power system. But, then they sort of sullied it with this idea that to rise up is to be as bad as those who LITERALLY use their power to eradicate you and have the means and malice to do it. 
White liberal knucka strikes again with a heavy hand in false equivalencies of an organization that had to be created in order to help and protect the most vulnerable people in these disgusting times with actual white supremacists. The white supremacists were a seen, real, force trying to eliminate the one person who wanted to make changes, from a place of power.
Enter the White Savior Trope that they were flirting with last movie, and amplify that bitch. This movie was so damn annoying with the thought of this white woman being the only hope that the people had, when the brotha had been tearing through the Purge purists’ shit for years. (He finally got him a name this movie too). But, my point is. There is no better way for you to get me to roll my eyes and smack my teeth than to try to paint some white as the only hope, and in THIS particular story, it’s especially heinous, because there was already some hope in the niggas evening the field a little bit by exterminating some of the high profile people and hitting their fancy events.
What this movie did was that, and even worse, they shoved down my THROAT that these negros with guns were just as bad, and somebody in there had the audacity to have the main negro say at one point, “Now, I love Black people, but I’m not letting you shoot these good white folks. These our white folks” while those people were in the process of trying to thwart an operation that could eliminate one of the worst of the purge pushers who had ALREADY tried to kill them PERSONALLY! WHY??? WHO BUT SOME HONKEY OR SOME COON WOULD WRITE THAT AND BE SERIOUS??????????? 
HUGE. STEP. DOWN. From the trust that they built with me as a Black viewer in the previous movie. I thought perhaps that there might be another increase in awareness and quality, like there was between the first and second movies. There was not. Not for my Black ass. I didn’t even watch it in one sitting, and was ready to end my trek through the franchise. I was that irritated by the complete and utter audacity, in a universe like this, in a situation like this for THAT. What SHOULD have happened, if it wasn’t some white nonsense, was everybody shoulda told that white lady what the brotha was tryna tell her and get the white people to sit down and shut up and get out the way, because come 7:00, THEY were gonna fucking be safe again! EVEN IF this white bitch is the only fucking hope in this universe, what she was gon’ do? Wave a wand and make it so? 
These people were supposed to just wait for you to have the right pieces in order to possibly help them, when they KNOW FOR SURE, one of they problems can end, right now today, by blowing this dude brains out? GOOFY. This is goofy. This was the height of too white for me to personally enjoy. Especially because people who tend to say shit like, “Then, you’re no better than them” usually haven’t gone through nothing. This hoe went through the purge. Shit killed her whole family. She was almost assassinated TONIGHT, multiple times, and the minute. THE VERY MINUTE she realized that these people who HELPED HER were going after her opponent, her main focus was how SHE couldn’t win like that. BITCH, THIS IS THESE PEOPLE’S LIVES. FUCK YOUR WIN.
AND, WHO THE FUCK PUT THIS LADY IN CHARGE??? They already have an entire operation that they had to do with not one spec of help from the great white hope, and they have been doing there best and helping people. They have been about it, while she has spoken about it. And then suddenly, folk all gather to crowd and protect her and why is everybody in this movie priority to protect her? This is not my ministry. Hated it, for all of that. Some other POC might have liked it, oh no baby, not my Black ass. I was cussing all they asses out through them shenanigans. Fuckin’ up the church’s money.
“This is no longer an assassination. It’s a rescue mission.” IT COULD BE BOTH! UGH. HATE THIS GODDAMN BULLSHIT. “We can’t be like them.” YOUR LIFE LITERALLY IS NOT GOING TO BE SHIT TOMORROW, LADY, FUCK YOU! And she’s like... getting in his way as they’re tryna move out, talking through him through the door when he has this decision to make. Quite frankly, I think she’s a piece of shit specifically for getting in the way of this group killing that man. She’s just the “lesser of two evils,” who STILL does not have these people’s best interests at heart, and it is not clear if the writer knew this or actually believed in her policies. Judging from the way this story has always read as white liberal bullshit, I think it’s a writer issue, and not that her character is this way on purpose.
AND THEY KILL MY NIGGA! They gave us the optics of the main Black character getting gunned down by Nazis. And the one white hero whose entire mission this movie is to save the white woman is the one we get to see defeat the main Nazi. Who, as I said, had just killed the longest running Black character in the franchise, who only even got a name THIS movie, even though it’s his third appearance in the franchise. The other main negro jump in front of the white woman to give us the Sacrificial Negro Trope that I had a sneaky suspicion would occur in this movie. I just didn’t know which one they was gon’ do it too. But I knew. I felt it in my spirit that this was the type of writer who would employ that representation. Girl, fuck this movie. No lol. 
The first hour and a quarter are tolerable, then it just shits itself. I actually went to try to see if there was some shuckin’ & jivin’ ass nigga behind the scenes that for whatever made them think this was okay, but nope - white people were responsible, and it SHOWS. Powered through the last half hour on principle. Don’t know if I wanna continue. There are so many horrific things that I can watch that I will probably love out there.
Not only was this the worst movie in the franchise, but this is one of the worst movies that I have seen recently. I’d advise the Black people with interests similar to mine not to waste your time. I would punch this man in his face for writing this movie, if I could. Whew. Well, niggas and friends... idk if Auntie Nesha will be finishing this franchise, but even if I do, at MOST, I’d do a “Nesha Watches” and liveblog it. This shit got my equilibrium fucked up. 
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hudgenssource · 3 months
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Introducing Caliwater Kids pouches. They'll be supporting Olive Crest and a portion of proceeds goes to preventing child abuse.
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joeygallagher · 2 years
Henry Sanchez 
ft. Marcus Mcbride
Sight Unseen - Transworld Skateboarding  (2001)
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nightwhispcrs · 8 months
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closed starter for @wvsteria ( zoe & cali ) / "y'know , the first few times you started showing up during my shifts i didn't think anything of it ," zoe teased as she slid a glass of wine in front of cali , a free offering of one of her favorites . "now i think there's only one of two options for you coming by here alone so often . one , you're stalking me . or two , you're an alcoholic ." they leaned on their palms , resting their elbows on the counter . "which is it ?"
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wvsteria · 9 months
cali sanchez & alec lightwood @hiddenpxpercuts
"sometimes i forget you have the legs of a child." cali's head shook as they watched the other attempting to run to catch up to them. "you know if someone was chasing you, you'd be dead already. that's not your real run is it?"
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abdullahkilic · 1 month
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threads: 4/4 | event threads: 3/3 | drafts: 0/6 | next reply: 12/05 (sunday)
an dependent single-muse blog written for kismetharbor - written by ateş (he/him) UTC+300
basics //
name: abdullah kadir kılıç
nicknames: abby, kılıç.
faceclaim: uraz kaygılaroğlu
gender & pronouns: agender (he/they)
age: 37 years old 
birthday: august 21st
place of birth: izmir, turkey
languages: turkish (native), german (fluent), english (fluent), japanese (conversational), spanish (conversational).
occupation:  retired military (turkey), foreign language teacher (primary, elementary, high school + independent adult).
neighborhood: downtown
time since arriving in kismet harbor: since september 2014
town activities: lgbtqia+ & wounded warrior.
facts //
had both of his legs amputated due to the injuries he suffered in the army.
although fully employed by the middle school, he takes on adult students as well.
has no contact with his adoptive family (oops)
red flag; would marry totk!ganondorf in a flash.
green flag; would have 1.4 billion cats if he wasn't allergic.
biography //
tws: mafia/crime family dynamics, military injuries, war violence.
Opportunity; wealth; royalty - they made one arrogant and well-educated, a dangerous combination for a child who wanted the world to bow at their feet. Born of fire and ice in the western Aegean region of Turkey, he was abandoned quickly by a mother not yet ready to mother him and a father who would wish him to remain a secret - you see, his birth father owed the mafia more money than his life was worth. And so, he gave them something of equal proportions; a heir. From mother to mother, his given name remained the same, however, he would inherit a surname worthy of placing fear in the hearts of commoners.  He was an ostentatious child, driven, well-spoken; his presence commanded people, his confidence impressed, but his way with languages was what he was infamous for. Self-taught in the library, alone, with babysitters and nannies and security, Abdullah fell into book after book, written in language after language, and while in the background, he was learning what the first-born son of ahmet kılıç should know, his disinterest was made very clear. Abdullah didn’t want to hurt people - he supposed that’s where everything started. Conscription came early. On his 23rd birthday, he received a call to duty that was pushed aside by his father and sent worry into the heart of even the woman who married him. On opposite sides of the battlefield, he met him, a soldier who he was supposed to be at war with. He would save that same soldier in the name of love, months later, when tensions peaked, in a moment where choosing between his heart and his nurture had never been clearer.  Recovery from injuries, mental and physical, were slow when he opened his eyes a week after heroism was deemed betrayal. He lost his father, his mother, his siblings; decided to travel, never settling, never staying long enough for his thoughts to catch up to him; Kismet Harbor was the outlier, he supposed. Or well, in his search for his biological family, it led him to another coastal town, this time on the east coast of the United States.
active threads // ** event threads
levi steele-hutchinson (replied) - justin
**donovan morgan (replied) - starr
**carson sanchez (replied) - katie
**roman rhodes (replied)- g
connections //
levi steele-hutchinson (antagonistic/flirtatious) - tutoring his daughter in german; knows his ex-wife. hates him.
donovan morgan (platonic/??) - with similar experiences, support is at the basis of this relationship.
ricky (platonic) - work friends
gabriel pierce (platonic) - tbd
calliope wallace (platonic) - levi is a jerk, abdullah holds him accountable. cali lives for it. they've bonded over it.
hank bramson (platonic) - tbd
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hiddenwashington · 8 months
@wvsteria said : before the event starts i want to make some drops to start off strong. can i please drop for a lack of muse: jennifer jareau and cali sanchez
please do not unfollow, but note that jennifer jareau and cali sanchez are now both reopened for applications!
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labelleperfumery · 1 year
Stars and Scars -- You Be the Judge
Jay-Z and Beyoncé not only bought the most expensive property in Cali’s history, they paid cash!!! And speaking of money, take a look at Lauren Sanchez’s 20-carat sparkler! So we gotta ask … from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2023/05/27/polls-you-be-the-judge/
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Globe Soccer Awards : La Liga à l'honneur pour l'édition 2022 !
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La 13e édition des Globe Soccer Awards, aura lieu ce soir. Les prix seront remis aux meilleurs du football masculin et féminin en 2022 lors de la traditionnelle cérémonie. Les meilleurs joueurs, entraîneurs, dirigeants, agents et légendes du football mondial y seront présents. Le Conseil des sports de Dubaï assure l'organisation depuis 2010 au somptueux complexe Madinah Jumeirah. Benzema et Putellas à l'honneur au Globe Soccer Award Cet événement, dont MARCA est le journal officiel, s'est imposé comme un événement de référence. L'industrie du football y a trouvé sa place, non seulement au Moyen-Orient, mais dans le monde entier. Mohamed Salah, Sergio Ramos, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Paolo Maldini, Francesco Totti, Romario, Unai Emery, Rui Costa, Adriano Galliani, Jose Angel Sanchez, Wayne Rooney et d'autres encore fouleront le tapis du Globe Soccer Gala. Le prix principal du meilleur joueur dans la catégorie masculine a Benzema, Haaland et Salah comme finalistes. Des personnalités du football figurent parmi le jury. Ils ont  désigné le gagnant après la sélection des votes du public lors des deux tours précédents. Lire aussi : Meilleur buteur Coupe du Monde 2022 : Qui sont les favoris ? 33 124 813 votes de plus de 150 pays différents ont exprimé leur vote pour choisir les finalistes des principales catégories. Le vote s'est fait par le biais de la plateforme TikTok. Parmi les 21 prix remis lors du gala, l'un des plus attrayants pour le public est le prix TikTok du meilleur joueur choisi par les fans. Les finalistes sont Karim Benzema, Thibaut Courtois, Kevin De Bruyne, Erling Haaland, Robert Lewandowski, Mo Salah, Lionel Messi et Cristiano Ronaldo. Il y a trois finalistes pour le prix de la meilleure joueuse. Alexia Putellas, qui l'a remporté l'an dernier, est la grande favorite. L'Anglaise Beth Mead (Arsenal) et la Colombienne Linda Caicedo (Deportivo Cali) sont les deux autres prétendantes. De nouveaux prix décernés Le Real Madrid, Manchester City et Liverpool sont les finalistes pour le prix du meilleur club masculin. Dans la catégorie féminine, on retrouve Barcelone, le Real Madrid et Lyon. Les finalistes du prix CNN Off the Field sont Didier Drogba, la Fondation Real Madrid et la Fondation AC Milan. Cela récompense la contribution à la société par le biais d'œuvres caritatives, Lire aussi : TOP 5 : Les meilleurs joueurs de football du monde en 2022 Florentino Perez (Real Madrid), Khaldoon Al Mubarak (Manchester City) et Paolo Scaroni (Milan) seront en compétition pour le prix du meilleur président. Les finalistes du prix du meilleur directeur sportif sont Julian Ward et Michael Edwards (Liverpool), Cristiano Giuntoli (Naples) et Paolo Maldini et Frederic Massara (Milan). Le prix du meilleur agent concernera Jorge Mendes, Rafaela Pimienta et Leon Angel/Frank Trimboli. Pour le meilleur scout, les finalistes sont Juni Calafat (Real Madrid), Barry Hunter (Liverpool) et Goffrey Moncada (Liverpool). Enfin, pour le meilleur journaliste sportif, Fabrizio Romano, Gerard Romero et Gianluca DiMarzio sont en lice. Dans la catégorie du meilleur entraîneur, Carlo Ancelotti fait figurede favori. Il sera en concurrence avec Pep Guardiola, Jurgen Klopp, Jose Mourinho et Abel Ferreira, entre autres. Et dans le nouveau prix Power Horse de la meilleure révélation, Fede Valverde, Eduardo Camavinga et Gavi seront opposés à Jude Bellingham, Julian Alvarez, Rafael Leao et Victor Osimhen. Lire aussi : Ligue 1 : Classement des 7 meilleurs joueurs de la saison Read the full article
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weeb-alcove · 2 years
In English:
Best Friend - Conan Gray Disaster - Conan Gray Memories - Conan Gray
Bye - Jaden
Clarity - Vance Joy
Cotton Candy - Yungblud
Daydreaming - Harry Styles Late Night Talking - Harry Styles
I Just Called (Acoustic) - Neiked & Anne-Marie & Latto
I Like You - Justin Burke
I'll Take You On - Brockhampton & Charlie Wilson
I Try - Courtship
Kiss of Fire - Woodz
La La La That's How It Goes - Honne
Left and Right - Charlie Puth & Jungkook
Lola - Camila Cabello & Yotuel
Miss Those Days - Mina Okabe
Mi Vida - Justin Park
Not a Summer Song - Namou
Sweet Nothin' - Coletta
Tainted Love - Isaac Dunbar
Tell Me U Luv Me - Juice WRLD & Trippie Redd
This Hell - Rina Sawayama
Until I Found You - Stephen Sanchez
Weekend - Clubhouse
Where I Wanna Be Found - Neeve
Yoyo's House - Yoandri
Accident - Woodz Hope to Be Like You - Woodz Lift Up - Woodz Love Me Harder - Woodz
'Bout You - Seventeen
Cali 2 Paris - Jaeha
Comes and Goes - Hyukoh
Done - WJSN
Don't Care About Me - GOT7
Drive - Miyeon
Heart Burn - Sunmi
Never Stop Me - (G)I-DLE
Wishlist - TXT
Bad Example - Takayan
春泥棒 - Yorushika
情人 - Kun
小雨天气  - 嘿人李逵 Noisemakers & Yuan & Nudnik
0 notes
chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (October 28, 2022)
23:56 DARRIUS JAMAR - Forget Me Nots (Feat. Dayve Stewart) 23:51 TONY SAUNDERS - Just Letting Go 23:48 ART RUPRECHT - City on a Hill 23:43 DAVE KOZ - Definition Of Beautiful (feat. Javier Colon) 23:38 JODY MAYFIELD - Sunshine and Rain (feat. Heidi McLaughlin) 23:34 DARREN MOTAMEDY - All You Wanna Do 23:30 DANIEL CHIA - Cali Style 23:26 BRETTINA - New Day 23:22 BYRON MILLER - Say Hello 23:17 MIKAEL - Trippin Over You 23:13 NILS - Red Wine & Sunsets 23:09 MISZ - Our Place 23:04 NELSON RANGELL - Human Nature 23:00 NILS, STEVE COLE - California 23:00 FLAER SMIN - Alone In The Dark 22:55 EVANESCENCE - My Immortal (Acoustic Version) 22:52 GARBAGE - Milk 22:47 MICHAEL ANGELO, MELISSA LORETTA - Hearts Unspoken (Christopher Breeze Chillout Mix) 22:44 METAHARMONIKS - Doors 22:39 MIGUEL LARA - Oblivion 22:36 MOBY - Porcelain 22:31 FAR EAST MOVEMENT - Like a G6 (DJ Dan Karim Relax Mix) 22:27 MICHAEL E - Deja Vu (Short Mix) 22:22 DEEP MOTIONS - Memories 22:18 MIA LEMAR - Colourful Life (Photo In Lounge Remix) 22:10 DELIRIUM, SARAH MCLACHLAN - Silence (Michael Woods Mix) 22:07 ERIK HAKANSSON - Smooth (Original Mix) 22:01 ALBERT ST. BARTH - Balearic Treasure 21:56 ALY, FILA, TIFF LACEY - Paradise (Original Mix) 21:52 MR. SPECIAL - Aren't You Clever (CJ Alex Chillout Remix) 21:45 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Ibiza Zouk (Sunny Mix) 21:41 DOMINIK POINTVOGL - Step Up (Original Mix) 21:37 AHY O - Shine On 21:31 MATHIEU & FLORZINHO - Life Is Just a Dream (Levitation Remix) 21:27 PRIME CIRCLE - As Long As I Am Here (Cafe D'Afrique Mix) 21:22 BLANK & JONES - Coming Home (Afterlife Mix) 21:17 KUBA - Kailash 21:11 DENIS SERGEEV, 4ONE - Merging Of Two Destiny 21:05 DEEP SECTOR - Rainbows (Original Mix) 21:01 DEEJAY HOUSE PROJECT - Komodo (Stefy Martinez Lounge Mix) 20:56 CHRIS B, LADY V - A New Direction (Original Mix) 20:50 CHRISTIAN HORNBOSTEL - Waiting At Potsdamer Chaussee 20:46 HOKKAIDO, DEBBIE DIGITAL - Sigh For The Beauty (El Gambrero Remix) 20:42 CJ STONE, ANNA TURSKA, SHERLOCK - Believe Me (Chill Out Classic Mix) 20:37 CLAUDE CHAGALL - Obsession 20:32 CJ RCM - Humans Of Space (Original Mix) 20:30 DAVID VENDETTA - Love To Love You Baby (Lounge Mix) 20:26 DJ MATISSE, LOUNGE PARADISE - This Love (Maroon 5 Cover) 20:20 KITARO - Caravansary Original 20:18 HOUSE MASSIVE, J. GOLUBEVA - Apologize 20:14 IDENLINE - At Sunset (Original Mix) 20:08 DON GORDA PROJECT - Attractive Qualities 20:03 DOWNTEMPO GROOVERS - Smooth And Sexy Mix 19:59 EXIMINDS, AELYN - I Feel You (Chillout Version) 19:56 BROCKMAN - Live Your Life (Free Your Mind) 19:49 COASTLINE - Adriatic Sea (Lounge Cafe Chillout Del Mar Mix) 19:46 INMOTION - Summer Days 19:44 INNA - Hot (Chill Out Remix) 19:40 CRISTINA CAMACHO - Thank You 19:34 AK47, TRACY DIAMONDS - It's No Good 19:27 HALDO, GEORGIA CEE - Clouds 19:22 DEPECHE MODE - Enjoy The Silence (Pacific State Chillout Mix) 19:19 GYSNOIZE - Loving You More 19:15 ELLIE GOULDING - Heartbeats (Cosmonaut Grechko Edit) 19:11 HEAVN - Bright Lights 19:08 DJ G.ROS, IAN CAREY - Keep On Rising 19:03 DJ A - Let Me Love You (Andreas Agiannitopoulos Remix) 18:59 DJ ANTOINE - This Time (Acoustic Mix) 18:53 DJ ARTAK SAMVEL, SONE SILVER - I Feel Your Body 18:49 DJ ELECTRA - I Feel You (Acoustic Version) 18:45 DIMA ZIMAKOV - Right Back (Original Mix) 18:40 DIDDY, KEYSHIA COLE, B-STAR - Last Night (Slow Version) 18:36 DIANA KRALL - California Dreamin' 18:31 DINKA - Hotel Summerville (Original Mix) 18:28 ROB NUNJES - Smells Like Teen Spirit 18:23 DJ GROOVE - So Late 18:18 DJ KODI - Love Will Tear Us Apart 18:12 ROAN PORTMAN - In Faith We Trust 18:07 RIHANNA - We Found Love (Dj Fernandez Chillout Remix) 17:57 ENVIO - Touched By The Sun (Rusch & Elusive's Chillout Mix) 17:51 ENRICO DONNER - Chicago At Sunrise 17:46 DJ MILEWS - Children 17:43 ENIGMA, SARAH BRIGHTMAN - La Mer 17:39 DJ OKAWARI - Luv Letter 17:34 ROMAN MESSER, LJ AYRTEN - Break The Ice (UltraNova Chillout Remix) 17:29 ROGER SANCHEZ - Another Chance (Afterlife Mix) 17:25 EMILY UNDERHILL - Fly 17:21 ERICK MORILLO, EDDIE THONEICK, SHAWNEE TAYLOR - Live Your Life (Eddie Thoneick Chill Out Mix) 17:16 EMILIA DE PORET - Weightless (Chillout Mix) 17:11 LOREEN - Euphoria (Cool Bill Seaside Mix) 17:08 JAMES BUTLER - Dinner For Two 17:05 SAGI REI - Your Loving Arms 17:00 ARMIN VAN BUUREN, FIORA - Waiting For The Night (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 16:56 JS FLOYD - Sunrise 16:52 KEITH MASON - I Wanna Thank You 16:47 MAX HIGHSTEIN - The Ship Hail Mary 16:43 BONEY JAMES - On The Path 16:40 CHAZZY GREEN - At My Place 16:35 JEANETTE HARRIS - The Ride (feat. Darrell Crooks) 16:31 ROD TATE - United 16:27 ANDY SNITZER - Breaking 16:22 AMANDUS - Groove Infection (feat. Uli Brodersen) 16:17 MICHAEL ROSS - On the Beach with You 16:13 KIM WATERS - Wonderama 16:09 LES SABLER - Tranquility 16:04 DR. DAVE, THE HOUSECALL BAND - Carefree (Revisited Version) 16:00 ROCCO VENTRELLA - See You Smile 15:56 NILS - When I Think of You 15:52 ROBERT CHRISTA - Mother Earth 15:47 QUINTIN GERARD W. - Cleared for Takeoff 15:41 JOYCE COOLING - Daddy-O 15:36 DREAMING IN COLOUR - Twilight Drive 15:32 DWIGHT SIRLS - Stand 15:28 EJAZZ ARTISTRY - We Belong Together 15:24 KEN POWE - Above The Clouds 15:20 LIN ROUNTREE - Me for Me 15:16 TIM BOWMAN - Watchout 15:11 ROBERTO VAZQUEZ - Simple Life 15:07 CHRISTOPHE GOZE - Soul to Soul (2022 Version) 15:04 DAN SIEGEL - Street Talk 15:00 LOWELL HOPPER - No Turning Back 14:57 AVENUE BLUE - The Conversation 14:53 2UNES - Sweet Baby 14:49 PAUL JACKSON JR. - B.F.A.M. (Brothers from Another Mother) 14:45 TONY LINDSAY - Fixed 14:40 JULIAN VAUGHN - A Feeling 14:35 EDGARDO CINTRON - Make It Real 14:30 TOM BRAXTON - Hope For Tomorrow (feat. Bob James) 14:26 ROBERTO RESTUCCIA - That's It For Tonight 14:22 ADAM HAWLEY - Traveling Mood (Feat. Julian Vaughan) 14:18 PHIL DENNY - Lifted 14:13 CHUCK LOEB - Cotton Club 14:09 FOSTINA DIXON - Good Vibes 14:04 FRANK PIOMBO - Luv Dat Smooth Latte (Nicos Theme) 14:00 AL DEGREGORIS - All in Good Time 13:56 FRANK MCCOMB - Patrice (For Patrice Rushen) 13:52 ZOLBERT - Everyday 13:49 FUNKTASTIC PLAYERS - Glad I Met You Tonight 13:45 WAYMAN TISDALE - In Love 13:41 EVERETT B WALTERS - It's for the Love of Music 13:36 GARY MEEK - Monterey Groove 13:32 GHOST JAZZ TRIO BAND - Dreams Above (feat. James Morgan) 13:27 GIL - You & Me 13:24 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - After Hours 13:20 HIROSHIMA - Someday Soon 13:15 ILYA SEROV - My Funny Valentine 13:10 BOBBY LYLE - Nujazzy (feat. Nathan East) 13:04 EUGE GROOVE - Rise 13:00 GERALD ALBRIGHT - Hope 12:59 JAY KING - Feels So Nice 12:54 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Fish Grease 12:49 JOHN E. LAWRENCE - Step into a Dream 12:45 JUSTIN KLUNK - Dive 12:40 KENNY NIGHTINGALE - New Day 12:37 DAVID BENOIT - @Home 12:31 KIRK WHALUM - Afterthought 12:27 KOOL&KLEAN - Feel Again 12:22 3RD FORCE - Carry On 12:17 NOTEWORTHY BAND - Surf to Smooth 12:13 ERIC DARIUS - All Around The World 12:08 PETER WHITE - Could It Be I'm Falling In Love 12:04 WILL SUMNER - The Girl 12:00 FRANK SUTTON - Rain Serenade 11:58 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Layin' It Down 11:53 MAURIZIO GRONDONA GROUP - Looking At The Sea 11:49 MARQUEAL JORDAN - I'm Coming Home (feat. Chris Big Dog Davis) 11:45 WILL DONATO - Jaywalkin' 11:42 MIKE PHILLIPS - Hangin' With Mr. D. 11:38 RICK HABANA - Cocktails 11:34 YULARA - Bridges To Shambhala 11:30 NAJEE - Bounce 11:26 ALEX FALDIN - Comfortline 11:22 TERENCE YOUNG - Dance with Her 11:17 BLAKE AARON - Bumpin' on the Wes Side 11:13 ANDRE CAVOR - Without a Doubt 11:08 GREG MANNING - I Need To Know (Feat. Adam Hawley) 11:04 GREGG KARUKAS - Soul Secrets 11:00 ROB SABADO - Spice Of Life 10:55 ANDREY CHMUT - Those Sweet Nights (feat. Valeriy Stepanov) 10:50 BILL MCGEE - Stay 10:46 BENNETT B - Tell Me About It 10:43 PETER HEROLD - Still the One 10:39 CHRIS STANDRING - Piece of Cake 10:34 ALTHEA RENE - Inner Circle 10:29 STEVE OLIVER - Circles 10:24 KEITH SLATTERY - The Last Minute 10:15 JEFF KASHIWA - Let It Ride 10:09 AXIOM - Magunda 10:04 BLUE SIX - Aquarian Angel 10:00 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Fingers On Fire 09:59 BROOKE ALFORD - Shine 09:55 CHILLAXING JAZZ KOLLEKTION - Wherever I Go 09:50 CHILLAXONIC - Quintessence 09:46 KEITH ANDREW - Bayon 09:42 ALAN, RITA BLAKE - Return of the Mack 09:38 JAKOB MAGNUSSON - Karlsson's Arrival 09:33 TERRENCE RICHBURG - Treasures 09:29 A RAY FULLER - A Coastal Breeze 09:25 STEVE COLE - Living Out Loud 09:21 SIMPLY RED - So Not Over You 09:17 SERGEY CHIPENKO - All For You 09:12 ANDRE DELANO - Face Off 09:08 JAREZ - Slow Motion 09:04 BROOK ALFORD - Empire State of Mind 09:00 RICHARD ELLIOT - Given It Up 08:58 RHODA GRAHAM - Finally 08:54 SONNY EMORY - Latina 08:50 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Shine (feat. Randy Scott) 08:46 KAYLA WATERS - Apogee 08:42 SONIX - Cloud 9 08:38 RODNEY GREENE - Real Close 08:30 JOY RIDE - Strollin' 08:25 MARC ANTOINE - Still In Love 08:21 KEIKO MATSUI - Return To Eternity 08:16 MEZZIFORTE - 02-Nightfall 08:12 JIM ADKINS - Get Over It 08:08 BACH & A. KILLIAN - No Next Time 08:04 ATTILA ZAVODI - Beetle by the Road 08:00 BILLYRAY SHEPPARD - She's Lovely In Yellow 07:56 496 WEST - Boo'd Up 07:52 ZACH BRIDGES - These Hands 07:48 WALTER DUDA - Invisible 07:43 THE V.I.P CLUB - Night Move 07:39 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - Between The Sheets 07:35 JAMHUNTERS - Tah 07:30 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Susie Mae 07:27 DEON YATES - The Night 07:22 PATRICK BRADLEY - Exhale 07:17 A & MARK R. HARRIS - Westside Memoirs (feat. Ignacio Nunez & Dean Rickard) 07:13 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - I Love Your Smile 07:08 STEVE WATSON - Playtime 07:04 CHRIS 'BIG DOG' DAVIS - Fall Back 07:00 DAVE BAKER - California Dreaming (feat. Rich Kurtz & Walter Runge) 06:56 THREESTYLE, MAGDALENA CHOVANCOVA, ROBERT FERTL - Better Days 06:53 SHAWN RAIFORD - Chunky 06:49 SHAUN LABELLE - Tomorrow 06:45 MEKIEL REUBEN - Zoraida (A Feel for Hope) 06:41 NICHOLAS COLE - Summer Groove 06:38 MICHAEL MANSON, BEN TANKARD - Right Turn Ahead 06:34 MARK JAIMES - 6 After 8 06:30 KIM SCOTT - Take It To The Rink 06:26 MARION MEADOWS - Lunchbox 06:22 PIECES OF A DREAM - Going Home 06:17 BOB BALDWIN - Morning 06:13 PATRICK YANDALL - Try the Blue One 06:09 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Get Up (Levantar y Bailar) 06:04 BLAIR BRYANT - Squid 06:00 PEET PROJECT - Megy a lany 05:58 HERB ALPERT - You Are So Beautiful 05:49 BLUEY - You Are the One 05:45 GARY MEGGS - Internal 05:41 AL GOMEZ - Who's Right, Who's Wrong 05:37 DARREN RAHN - Sonic Boom (feat. Jonathan Fritzen) 05:31 JEFFERY SMITH - Fantasy 05:26 GARY METZ - Summer Night Jam 05:22 HANK BILAL - Glass Slipper 05:18 GARY PALMER - Lisa 05:15 PAUL TUVMAN - Something 05:10 GABRIEL MARK HASSELBACH - Litmus Test 05:06 NORMAN BROWN - The North Star (feat. Marion Meadows) 05:00 NATE WHITE - Step up to the Plate 05:00 KENNEY POLSON - Love on a Two Way Street 04:56 DEE LUCAS - Full Tilt (feat. Blake Aaron) 04:52 ALEXANDER ZONJIC - Rolling in the Deep 04:48 DEE BROWN - Love You Too 04:44 BE'NE MUSIC - ZiZi 04:40 BILLY EVANS - Let's Save the World 04:35 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Only You 04:31 SAN GABRIEL SEVEN - Moment by Moment 04:27 SLIM GAMBILL - Up (feat. Charlton Singleton) 04:23 SEAN U - Sunburst 04:18 DERRICK HARVIN - Another Day in Paradise 04:14 JACKIEM JOYNER - Step With Me 04:09 DOMINIC CAMARDELLA - Headwinds 04:06 KEN NAVARRO - That Time Of Evening 04:00 JAMES SAXSMO GATES - Killing Me Softly 03:56 RJC (Rhythm & Jazz Coalition) - Best Part 03:53 RONALD BOO HINKSON - The Comet 03:49 SPECIAL EFX - Lavish 03:44 SPONTANEOUS GROOVIN' COMBUSTION - Jackie's New Car 03:39 JEFF RYAN - Edge of Tomorrow 03:35 PAUL BROWN - Nothin' But Love 03:30 JEFF LORBER FUSION - Louisiana 03:27 BUFF DILLARD - My Destiny 03:22 ROBERT HARRIS - Your Memory Lives in Me 03:16 MARCUS ANDERSON - Your Wish Is My Command 03:12 CENTRIC, KENYA - Always On My Mind 03:07 DARRYL WILLIAMS - Reflections 03:04 RONNY SMITH - Funny How Time Flies 03:00 CAL HARRIS JR. - Bridges 02:58 NICK COLIONNE - When You Love Somebody 02:54 MOTOWN MOE - Shades of Funk (feat. Chris Campbell) 02:50 NAI SOUNDS - Can't Deal 02:46 PAOLO RUSTICHELLI - Voyager 02:42 PAT BELLIVEAU - Lakeview Drive 02:38 PHILIPPE SAISSE - And So But Then 02:34 REBECCA ANGEL - Just the Two of Us 02:30 RICHARD BROWN - Stars In My Eyes 02:26 DESMOND MEYER - Lickamore 02:22 DIRK K - It's On 02:17 DONN BYNUM - Our Turn to Dance (feat. Paul Jackson Jr.) 02:13 BOBBY WELLS - Oooh Baby 02:10 GEN SAX - Trapped in the Beat 02:05 NORMAN BROWN - Heart To Heart 02:00 DAVID PETROSYAN - By Happy 01:56 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Echoes Rising 01:52 PAUL TAYLOR - Told Ya So 01:48 MILES GILDERDALE - Remind Me (To Never Let You Slip Away) 01:45 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN, JULIAN VAUGHN - Make You Feel 01:40 INCOGNITO - Selfishly 01:36 ELLIS WHITE - Keeping It Real 01:32 J. WHITE - Spirit Walk 01:26 REZA KHAN, PHILIPPE SAISSE, DAVID MANN - Zero Tolerance 01:21 JAWANZA KOBIE - Let Me Lead 01:17 JAZZ HOLDOUTS - April and May 01:13 DARRON COOKIE - Another Day at Work 01:09 EARNEST WALKER JR - Chandelle Drive 01:04 UNDER THE LAKE - Last Day of March 01:00 BRIAN SIMPSON - Mystical 01:00 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Versace On The Floor 00:55 MICHAEL SILVERMAN, ERIC MARIENTHAL - In These Times 00:50 POP'N BOSSA - Too Good to Say Goodbye 00:46 R.L. WALKER - Just a Feeling 00:40 RHYTHM LOGIC - Beverley 00:35 REZA KHAN - The Way 00:31 REZA KHAN, DAVID MANN - Under the Moon 00:26 REZA KHAN, JEFF KASHIWA - Gathering 00:22 REZA KHAN, NILS - Drop of faith 00:17 REZA KHAN, JEFF KASHIWA, MATT KING - It's About Time 00:12 CHRIS GODBER - Rolling 00:08 KEVIN STEVENSON - Talk To Me 00:04 RICK BRAUN - Brazz Street 00:00 DANNY LERMAN - Snoopy's Dance
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hudgenssource · 3 months
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Next Tuesday, March 14, Vanessa Hudgens will be present at the stand of her brand Caliwater at the Expo West business fair, in California. During the event, the company will also reveal a new product. It is the third consecutive year that the brand will be present at the largest natural products fair in the world.
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seositetool · 2 years
AS Aesthetics by Angie Sanchez Provides the Hottest Aesthetics Treatments in Cali Colombia
AS Aesthetics by Angie Sanchez Provides the Hottest Aesthetics Treatments in Cali Colombia
AS Aesthetics by Angie Sanchez, the leader in cosmetic injectables and non-invasive facial treatments, is a highly sought-after beauty center in Cali, Colombia, offering cutting-edge Aesthetic Treatments. AS Aesthetics by Angie Sanchez beauty center is a pioneer in non-invasive facial treatments and cosmetic injectables. They are a reputable beauty center in Cali, Colombia, with five-star client…
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wvsteria · 9 months
cali sanchez & billy loomis @mischiefxmuses
"there are worse lives to live, don’t feel sorry for me." if there was something that cali hated more than injustice (which there wasn't), it was being pitied. they'd dealt with a lot but have been able to move past it. "but like i thanks though, i guess. i just don't need the pity face that everyone gets."
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Today’s Nazi Punching Character of the Day is: Cali Sanchez from “The Purge: Anarchy”
(submitted by chiseldownkyriarchy)
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hiddenwashington · 9 months
@wvsteria said : Was that [HAYLEY LAW]? Oh no no, that was just [CALI SANCHEZ], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [THE PURGE ANARCHY]. They are [TWENTY-THREE] years old, use [THEY/SHE], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. {moon} can i reserve zoe davis from escape room pls
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. cali sanchez [hayley law]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!  **zoe davis (escape room) is now reserved for moon until 9/1 at 6:30 am est!
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