kaiowut99 · 4 months
Have got to get around to throwing up some more ZEXAL thoughts I've put elsewhere but suffice to say, knowing the pain of losing Durbe, Merag, Gilag, and ALITOOO, the amusement of Vector being Vector throughout it all, and the absolute rage Nasch has for him after that, I'm in deep
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servegrilledcheese · 2 years
for the ask gaaame #28 and #30 :D
28. How do you choose your sims’ traits, aspiration, and/or career?
for traits, i try to give them at least one from each category (emotional, lifestyle, etc) and one negative trait, just to keep it realistic (as realistic as the concept of people only having three personality traits can get).
for aspirations and careers, if i’m not playing a challenge i either give them the aspirations/careers that i haven’t fully played with yet or i stick to the ones i know and already like.
30. What’s your favorite thing to do in the game?
make pretty sims, take pictures of them for my blog, and leave them to rot in my photoshoot save <3
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mahammarsart · 3 years
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I know halloween is gone but it’s never late for OC cosplay!  from left to right: 
Theresa (she/her) as Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn 
Roz (they/them) as Mae from Night in the Woods 
Samuel (he/him) as Zagreus from Hades 
Neil (he/him) as Dream from Sandman (casual clothes)
I only noticed now they’re all like gaaames-comic lmao Neil. it was not on purpose I promise  the big house background was way more challenging than i thought it’d be, working out how to pain it blue but not make it look boring or flat, or like, take way from the chars, sure was something
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ephemeralxiv · 4 years
Concerned Children’s Advertisers | Jin | Trial 3-2 | Re: Cris, HOSHI
Yes, yes, it certainly would suck if this was a shitty accident. Jin was, predictably, unmoved by that. Accident or not, if another party was responsible then another party would have to own up to it or be found out. Someone was going to get executed and wagering on Keizo being counted as responsible for his own fate seemed… risky.
He didn’t think a majority vote for the deceased would end well - there was no way Daichi would just snap his virtual fingers and let them go because they didn’t vote for someone living to be executed.
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“I don’t know why we’d be forced to go through this if it were as simple as it being Ito’s own fault. There wouldn't be any reason if there was such an ‘easy’ answer.”
Was that an easy answer? Could any outcome be considered that much easier to stomach than the others? Would it kill him to consider this as yet another person dying a tragic death instead of just some intellectual challenge?
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“At any rate, yes. If it turns out that this really was a well-intentioned effort turned tragedy, even I can concede that it would be most unfortunate. If it really was an accident, then I must implore whoever is responsible to speak now.”
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“If you don’t, someone else might die because of you. Is that what you want? To live with the deaths of two people here on your hands? If it truly is the case that you didn’t mean to do this, then I doubt that you want anyone else to suffer for your mistake, right?”
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“Then again, perhaps it was the intention all along to make us believe that it could have been a tragic accident. If someone knew precisely what they were doing, and Ito believed they had genuinely good intentions, it would have been all too easy to set up. It doesn’t appear that he was made to take the painkillers by force - even on a broken ankle, surely there would be some sign of him putting up at least a bit of a struggle, don’t you think?”
But that's just a theory. A gaaame theory.
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