#CADAVER (2020)
thisisrealy2kok · 11 months
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Happy99 Shoe Design by Nathalie Nguyen and Dominic Lopez (2020)
Photographer: Elizabeth Wirija Models: John Yuyi and Chris Cadaver Creative Direction & 3D Post-Production: Happy99
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SUMMARY: In the aftermath of a nuclear disaster, a starving family are lured to a hotel by the offer of a free meal, which turns into a sinister game.
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onlyhurtforaminute · 5 months
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minty-maguire · 2 years
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warningsine · 3 months
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Good post op.
For those interested, here are some such films to know herstory:
"Mädchen in Uniform" (1931)
"Anna and Elizabeth" (1933)
"All about Eve" (1950)
"Olivia" (1951)
"Mädchen in Uniform" (1951), dir. Géza von Radványi
"Girls in Uniform" (1951), dir. Alfredo B. Crevenna
"No Exit" (1954)
"The Girl with the Golden Eyes" (1961)
"Walk on the Wild Side" (1962)
"The Nun" (1966)
"Persona" (1966) (yes, I'm including it)
"Belle de Jour" (1967)
"Les Biches" (1968)
"The Killing of Sister George" (1968)
"Baby Love" (1969)"
"The Exquisite Cadaver" (1969)
"The Vampire Lovers" (1970)
"Daughters of Darkness" (1971)
"The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant" (1972)
"The Beguines" (1972)
"Successive Slidings of Pleasure" (1974)
"Twice a Woman" (1979)
"Desert Hearts" (1985)
"I’ve Heard the Mermaids Singing" (1987)
"Betty" (1992)
"Les Voleurs" (1996)
"8 Women" (2002)
"Nathalie…" (2003)
"Night Fangs" (2005)
"Backstage" (2005)
"Pretty Persuasion" (2005)
"Loving Annabelle" (2006)
"The Page Turner" (2006)
"Notes on a Scandal" (2006)
"Bandaged" (2009)
"Chloe" (2009), American remake of "Nathalie…"
"Cracks" (2009)
"Gigola" (2010)
"Bloomington" (2010)
"A Perfect Ending" (2012)
"Concussion" (2013)
"Nymphomaniac: Vol. II" (2013) (going controversial with this one)
"Tru Love" (2013)
"Clouds of Sils Maria" (2014)
"Sand Dollars" (2014)
"The Duke of Burgundy" (2014)
"Unexpected" (2014)
"4.48" (2014)
"Carol" (2015)
"Freeheld" (2015)
"Summertime" (2015)
"AWOL" (2016), dir. Deb Shoval
"Bird of Prey" (2016)
"Foreign Body" (2016)
"Allure" (2017)
"Atomic Blonde" (2017)
"Daphne du Maurier: In Rebecca’s Footsteps" (2017)
"The Party" (2017)
"You, Me and Him" (2017)
"Lizzie" (2018)
"The Favourite" (2018)
"Suspiria" (2018)
"The Bisexual" (2018)
"Clementine" (2019)
"Greta" (2019) (anon's* choice ❤️)
"Saint Maud" (2019)
"Ammonite" (2020)
"I Care a Lot" (2020)
"T11 Incomplete" (2020)
"Take Me Home" (2020)
"Parallel Mothers" (2021)
"Vigil" (2021)
"Benedetta" (2021)
"Anaïs in love" (2021)
"Eileen" (2023)
"May December" (2023)
Some of them are subtextual, some of them explicit, some--to use Tumblr's favorite word--problematique, some do not revolve around romance, some are cinematic masterpieces, some utter trash.
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Ok, I laughed out loud, but on second thought? #valid
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miscelliteeous · 2 days
Underrated 2020s Horror Movies (So far!)
Making this list because these are all good or at least fun or interesting horror movies that I genuinely think need more love!
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Freak (2020) - Gory slasher movie where the killer is played by a really gnarly puppet!
Cadaver (2020) - Artsy post-apocalyptic horror inspired by Sleep No More!
Bloody Hell (2020) - Ex con gets captured by a cannibal family!
Hunter Hunter (2020) - Sad and BRUTAL story of a family in the woods finding bodies!
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Spare Parts (2020) - Girl punk band vs weirdly Mad Max-esque cult!
Fear Pharm (2020) - Corn maze full of a family of killers with moneymaking aspirations!
The Oak Room (2020) - Slowburn thriller taking place in an almost empty bar!
Anything For Jackson (2020) - Grief drives old couple to demon worship!
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Vicious Fun (2020) - A loser gets caught up in a support group for serial killers!
Bingo Hell (2021) - Deadly bingo game with Richard Brake being weirdly hot as always!
The Cursed (2021) - Period piece werewolf movie with very creepy werewolves!
The Final Rose (2022) - The Bachelor but with a slasher on the loose!
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Gatlopp: Hell of a Game (2022) - Horror comedy about a cursed drinking game!
Moon Garden (2022) - A little girl in a strange, surreal world tries to get home!
Requiem For A Scream (2022) - A slasher who records his victims screams for music!
Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls (2023) - Obnoxious guy and a group at their magician idols spooky mansion!
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House of Dolls (2023) - Artsy slasher about sisters who stay in a giant doll house to win their inheritance!
Baby Blue (2023) - It's like The Ring meets Nightmare on Elm Street meets Slumber Party Massacre 2!
Bring Her To Me (2023) - Weird dreams bring a woman to a strange realm with a demon who wants her!
Dante's Hotel (2023) - Slasher set during a New Years Eve ball, very similar tone to Ghost Ship!
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Renfield (2023) - Renfield tries to leave his abusive relationship with Dracula!
Bury The Bride (2023) - Evil rednecks target a bachelorette party!
You Shouldn't Have Let Me In (2024) - Sexy vampires target a bachelorette party!
Abigail (2024) - Kidnapped rich girl fights back against her kidnappers!
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somberauthor · 8 months
can i get uhhhhhh-
danganronpa if you write for it
i wanna give chihiro a hug dawg..
Yeah, I do danganronpa! (Sadly danganronpa may be on of the better fandoms I write for... 2018-2020 was ROUGH)
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You were shocked. You knew someone was going to die, but you silently hoped that they weren't next. But your hopes fell on deaf ears. As there they were, hanging in the girls locker room. Your tears flowed down your cheeks, you hadn't even realized you were crying before Aoi hugged you from the side. You wiped your tears away, before hugging Aoi back.
She whispered an ''I'm so sorry'' to you, before you two separated. She gave you affectionate pats on the shoulder, before going back to Sayaka to talk about the situation.
That left you alone. To your own devices. You walked over to the body, which was suspended in the air. But with their short stature, you didn't have to crane your neck to look them in the eyes. You moved without thinking, your arms wrapped around their corpse. You buried your face into them as you sobbed. Your body shook as you sobbed into their cadaver. Byakuya pulled you off of them with the help of Sakura, your arms still outstretched towards them. You wanted to scream, do anything to vent your frustration.
You were going to find out who did this. And you were going to enjoy their punishment.
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syntia13treeman · 2 months
Case files 11.01
what I think happened in:
Case 11.01, the case of "Ink in the Water" or "Dead men tell no tales."
Today we visit the old Padstow cemetery in Cornwell. Sat at the very edge of the cliffs, just a kilometre or two away from town of Padstow, the place offers breathtaking view of the Atlantic Ocean, surely appreciated by the many sailors of old interred here. Unlike its less scenic sister cemetery located off Newquay Road, this old burial ground hasn't seen any burials since beginning of 20th century, but until recently remained a local landmark.
The cliff erosion that had been slowly eating up the space over the years has finally reached the stage where integrity of the cemetery was threatened*, and Cornwall Council decided to relocate all dearly departed to a more secure quarters at Newquay. The job was appointed to a crew of local lads led by Gordon Alan Johnson, under supervision of David [last name unknown], a medical examiner. They regularly reported by email to Alison Leshi of the Cornwall Council.
The works started in the first days of 2020 (yikes) and progressed with little delay. It was determined that they could use heavy machinery everywhere except the patch nearest to the cliff edge, but Gordie was confident that they'd manage those last few graves just fine with shovels.
All was well for about a week, until January 12, when a suspiciously well preserved body was uncovered. An artful rendition of a sailing ship covered the dead man's back, and the fact that it remained intact and pristine raised concerns that it was, possibly, a modern-day murder victim buried on the sly.
While the controversial cadaver was carted off for closer scrutiny, Gordie and his crew were left to care for unconfirmed crime scene. ($)
The news must have spread, because within a day or two a curious individual came by. They didn't give their name, but we know them as Ink5oul. They apparently had somehow** identified the dead man's tattoo as work of Oscar Jarrett, (connected to Sutherland Macdonald)***, and wanted to take a look. They visited cemetery first, then started hanging around the examiner's office. Let's leave them there for now and go back to two local man who already did have a peek at the inked masterpiece
Around the time when the tatted body was uncovered, Gordie started noticing the sound of the waves getting… louder. Or maybe closer. So close he could even hear them in his dreams. He started re-examining photographs of the tattoo left by David and at some point his interpretation of the scene changed. At first glance it seemed hopeful, but now he saw that the sun was setting on the voyage, and there was something sinister lurking beneath the waves, giving chase. The waves kept getting louder, and Gordie so desperately wanted to know, what was hiding in the water?
Dr. David, meanwhile, had not just pictures, but the og tattooed body all to himself, and was in no hurry to let anyone else have it. We don't know what he heard or saw or dreamt when examining the ink, but we know how it ended. On January 15th David walked out to the cliffs and threw himself into the ocean below. His body hasn't been recovered. It's all right, though. The deep will care for his bones.
Few days later, on January 19/20, there was what appeared to be a break in at the examiner's office, and the contentious body disappeared****. Good ol' Gordie swore up and down that it wasn't him, and his frequent presence at the scene was just due to his fervent wish to see the corpse he was responsible for. He pointed fingers at Ink5oul and vowed to recover the body from them or die and kill trying.
Shortly thereafter his email account was deactivated/deleted. Gordie's final fate remains unknown*****.
Final thoughts:
*A case could be made that the cemetery was at risk of toppling into the sea, because the sea was actively trying to get to The Body. This man belonged to the sea, not the earth, and was clearly marked as such. The sea was not having any of this ‘burial’ nonsense.
** I wonder how Ink5oul knew to come here. Did local news run the story of halted exhumations, and showed pictures of the tattooed body? Or did Ink5oul feel a great disturbance in the ink when the body was dug up?
*** What is the 'thing' with OJ and SM? Since Sutherland Macdonald (1860–1942) was a known tattoo artist irl, I think that Oscar Jarrett was either his competitor, student, or both. Also an og tattoo magic man.
**** Was there really a break in, or was it actually a break out? While it is believable that Ink5oul or other fan of OJ spirited the body away for worship or study, it is equally possible the 'body', freed from the confines of the grave, heard the call of the sea, woke up and walked out all on its own. Who knows, maybe we'll meet it somewhere down the line.
*****That only leaves the question, what happened to our friend Gordie? We know from Daria's case that Ink5oul was still operating in 2022, so presumably they didn't get killed or arrested in 2020. If Gordie indeed tried to confront them, it didn’t go in his favour. Maybe he died right there, in a small motel room, at the hands of a tattoo artist who was more than they seemed. Or maybe, cursing and desperate, he found himself walking toward the cliffs, irresistibly drawn by the call of the waves. Maybe he got to find out what was waiting in the water.
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buckybarnesss · 8 months
tagged by @dear-massacre
i am primarily a non-fiction girlie. i like reading about historical things. you could say i have a niche. can you guess what it is?
102 minutes that changed america by jim dwyer and kevin flynn. i consider this a must read about 9/11. it's an engaging read and i promise you will come out of it infuriated about new york real estate codes but also it humanizes the event. there were real heroes that day. the history channel also did a documentary of the same name.
the invention of murder: how the victorians revelled in death and detection and created modern crime by judith fanders. this one of not for the faint of heart. it's a beast of a book. but it's incredibly interesting and full of information. we've always been weird freaks.
stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers by mary roach. i will not lie i got this book due to a sterek fanfic and i did not regret it. if you ever wanted to know how cadavers have contributed to science and human safety this is the book to read.
this republic of suffering: death and the american civil war by drew gilpin faust. this is one of my incredibly niche interests. the american civil war fundamentally changed the american relationship with death (and religion) which is fascinating. men died far away from home and americans had to learn to cope with mass death.
working stiff: two years, 262 bodies, and the making of a medical examiner by judy melinek and t.j mitchell. dr judy melinek started working as a pathologist for new york city two months before 9/11 and a few other big events. i found this super compelling.
plague (black death & pestilence in europe) by william g. naphy and andrew spicer. i just want y'all to know i was reading this book in feburary 2020 (☞゚ヮ゚)☞. it's also super informative. who doesn't like reading about the black death and societal changes because of it?
assassination vacation by sarah vowell. i discovered this book due to the incredibles dvd giving sarah vowell a spotlight on it. she is the voice of violet parr and an essayist. i recommend any book by her and she was a semi-frequent guest on the daily show during jon stewart's tenure. by this one? it's about presidential assassinations -- a favorite topic of mine.
how to fight presidents: defending yourself against the badasses who ran this country by daniel o'brien. this is written by cracked alumn and now writer for the late late show daniel o'brien. he liked my tweet about it. pour one out for him not only having to read about mallard filmore but he also was spoken to by the secret service and not allowed to include any living presidents (at the time) in the book.
the witches: suspicion, betrayal, and hysteria in 1692 salem by stacy schiff. a really in depth look at the salem witch trials that i considered quite the page turner. i consider it a god forbid woman do anything tale. her book on cleopatra was also riveting.
tagging @janiedean @jamiesugah @jack-whiskey-daniels @sarcasticassian @frostysfrenzy
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honeybcj · 11 hours
movie rec?
hi mila! join me on my wild journey of movie recs…it’s not that wild, but there’s options there!! <3
1. the wicker man (1973 version ONLY)
2. what if (aka the f word) (2013)
3. cadaver (2020)
4. the call (2020)
5. incantation (2022)
6. ballerina (2024)
7. the vampire lovers (1970) —> honestly any of peter cushing’s work with hammer film productions
8. night of the demon (1957)
9. yves saint laurent (2014)
10. quest for camelot (1998)
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Hi lovely! I was wondering if you have any fics where Sherlock buys John gifts? Maybe a new coat or something adorable and thoughtful? Anything really! Gift giving is my love language so would love to see it with my favourite couple!
Hey Lovely!
AHH it's mine too! I love making people happy, so it hits right, hahah :)
Ah, ones I can immediately think of:
Sibling Rivalry Or Fighting Over John Watson By Jessa7 (T, 8,085 w., 1 Ch. || Romance / Humour) – Mycroft is just as much of a genius as Sherlock is. He keeps randomly kidnapping John for chats, and the locations get better. Cue Sherlock’s younger sibling complex rearing up and jealousy ensues.
The Devil You Know by PipMer (T, 9,300 w., 1 Ch. || Jealous Sherlock, Romance, Friends to Lovers)- Mycroft flirts with John. Sherlock gets jealous. John’s just along for the ride.
Licence to Kiss by fellshish (T, 13,739 w., 4 Ch. || Post-ASIB, Sort-Of Bondlock, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Mutual Pining, Angst and Humour, Bed Sharing) – Sherlock loves John, and John loves... James Bond. He only made Sherlock watch every single film. Tedious. And now John's birthday is coming up. Sherlock can't tell him how he feels, but he can organise an amazing gift: John's very own spy adventure. Sherlock begs Mycroft for a real case with some extra gadgets. And perhaps some actors pretending to be criminals. What could possibly go wrong?
Our Enthusiasms Which Cannot Always Be Explained by withoutawish (M, 32,961 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Post-TRF, Case Fic, Mild Gore, Sherlock Whump) – The list that is tacked haphazardly on the refrigerator of 221B reads, ‘Kidney(s), and/or a full cadaver (preferably male, late 30s, under six feet tall), bag of fresh toes, sixteen cow’s eyes (corneas retained), dual exhaust hand –held flame thrower, an unopened first edition copy of Joseph Conrad’s 'Heart of Darkness', and no less than ten abhorrently gruesome murders in the upcoming month.” The one neatly hanging next to it simply reads, “Sex.” One of these lists is not John Watson’s. If John Watson were to put what he really wanted in list form, to live in a land somewhere beyond ‘almosts' now that Sherlock Holmes has indeed returned to him, he would never be able to look his flatmate in the eye ever again.
The Wedding Garments by cwb (E, 105,390 w., 36 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Alternate Future AU || Alternate First Meeting, Dating / Arranged Marriages, Romance, First Kiss/Time, Heavy Petting, Cuddles, POV Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn / Falling in Love / Dev. Rel., Nervous/Anxious Sherlock, Jealous/Cranky Sherlock, Hiking, Vacation Homes / Honeymoon, Sherlock’s Family, Horny John/Sherlock, Patient John, Massages, Hand Jobs, Assassination Plots, Oral Sex, Case Fic, Emotional Love Making, Bath Time Fun) – This is the story of a young consulting detective who wants nothing to do with marriage and an army doctor who wants to find true love. It's 2020 post-Brexit England and the British government is encouraging arranged marriages. Candidates meet through state-run agencies and date in hopes of finding love (and tax benefits). Sherlock doesn't need or want a spouse, at least not until John Watson shows up. Hesitant to give in to his more carnal urges because of the way they derail his mind, how will Sherlock progress toward the more intimate aspects of a relationship? The answer lies in a very special wedding gift.
Ah, you can also probably check out these few lists that will obviously have gift giving:
Christmas Fics (Dec. 2017)
Christmas: Oblivious That One or The Other is In a Relationship
Christmas 2019 Part 1 (All Bookmarks XMas and New Years)
Christmas 2019 Part 2 (Marked for Later)
G / T / K+ Rated Christmas Fics (Dec. 2018) (Updated Dec 2021)
Community Recs: Christmas 2020 (Updated Dec 2021)
I know I'm missing a TONNE MORE, and I know I've read some and can't remember what they're called... so if anyone can add some more, please do, because I would love to add them here!
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delshorrorlist · 1 year
My Horror List
-Here is a list of my finished horror movies. The first portion is in an unknown order, and the second portion is when I started documenting the order-
1408 (2007)
#Alive (2020)
•REC (2007)
13 Ghosts (2001)
28 Days Later… (2002)
30 Days of Night (2007)
A Classic Horror Story (2021)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
A Quiet Place (2018)
Anaconda (1997)
Annabelle (2014)
Army of the Dead (2021)
As Above, So Below (2014)
Banana Splits Movie (2019)
Before I Awake (2016)
Bird Box (2018)
Black Sheep (2006)
Blood Red Sky (2021)
Brainscan (1994)
Butchers (2020)
Cadaver (2020)
Cargo (2017)
Carrie (1976)
Carrie (2013)
Child’s Play (1988)
Child’s Play (2019)
Children of the Corn (1984)
Christine (1983)
Color Out of Space (2019)
Cube (1997)
Dave Made a Maze (2017)
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Day of the Dead (2008)
Death of Me (2020)
Devil (2010)
Doctor Sleep (2019)
Don’t Breathe (2016)
Eli (2019)
Escape Room (2019)
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (2021)
Evil Ed (1995)
Fear Street: Part 1 - 1994 (2021)
Fear Street: Part 2 - 1978 (2021)
Fear Street: Part 3 - 1666 (2021)
Final Destination (2000)
Final Destination 2 (2003)
Final Destination 3 (2006)
The Final Destination (2009)
Final Destination 5 (2011)
Friday the 13th (2009)
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
Get Out (2017)
Grave Encounters (2011)
Grave Encounters 2 (2012)
Graveyard Shift (1990)
Gremlins (1984)
Halloween (1978)
Hellraiser (1987)
Hereditary (2018)
His House (2020)
Hostel (2005)
Housebound (2014)
Hush (2016)
Idle Hands (1999)
In the Tall Grass (2019)
Incantation (2022)
Insidious (2010)
Interview with the Vampire (1994)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
IT (2017)
IT: Chapter Two (2019)
Jaws (1975)
Jigsaw (2017)
Krampus (2015)
Lake Placid (1999)
Leatherface (2017)
Legion (2010)
Life (2017)
Lights Out (2016)
Little Evil (2017)
Ma (2019)
Mama (2013)
Maximum Overdrive (1986)
Midsommar (2019)
Monster House (2006)
My Bloody Valentine (1981)
No Escape Room (2018)
Nope (2022)
Oculus (2013)
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Peninsula (2020)
Pet Sematary (1989)
Pet Sematary (2019)
Poltergeist (1982)
Psycho (1960)
Purge (2013)
Purge II (2014)
Purge III (2016)
Purge IV (2018)
Purge V (2021)
Ready or Not (2019)
Saw (2004)
Saw II (2005)
Saw III (2006)
Saw IV (2007)
Saw V (2008)
Saw VI (2009)
Saw VII (2010)
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)
Scream (1996)
Scream 2 (1997)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Silver Bullet (1985)
Sinister (2012)
Society (1989)
Spiral (2019)
Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2021)
Splice (2009)
Summer of Fear (1978)
Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989)
Texas Chainsaw (2013)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)
The Babadook (2014)
The Blair Witch Project (1999)
The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
The Conjuring (2013)
The Craft (1996)
The Crazies (2010)
The Darkness (2016)
The Descent (2005)
The Empty Man (2020)
The Endless (2017)
The Escape Room (2018)
The Evil Dead (1981)
The Final Girls (2015)
The Forest (2016)
The Hills Have Eyes (1977)
The Ice Cream Truck (2017)
The Lazarus Effect (2015)
The Lost Boys (1987)
The Mist (2007)
The Nun (2018)
The Platform (2019)
The Possession (2012)
The Resort (2021)
The Ring (2002)
The Ritual (2018)
The Ruins (2008)
The Shining (1980)
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
The Sixth Sense (1999)
The Strangers (2008)
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
The Thing (1982)
The Void (2016)
The Woman in Black (2012)
There’s Someone Inside Your House (2021)
Train to Busan (2016)
Tremors (1990)
Truth or Dare (2018)
Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010)
Tusk (2014)
Unfriended (2014)
Us (2019)
Uzumaki (2000)
Vivarium (2019)
Warm Bodies (2013)
What We Do in the Shadows (2014)
Willy’s Wonderland (2021)
Winchester (2018)
Wish Upon (2017)
Would You Rather? (2012)
Zombieland (2009)
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
Dated Movies
-From this point on I have the date and order I watched these movies, everything above I watched before everything below-
Drag Me to Hell (2009) - October 4th 2022, #176
The Privilege (2022) - October 12th 2022, #177
Halloween Ends (2022) - October 15th 2022, #178
The Witches of Eastwick (1987) - October 24th 2022, #179
The Perfection (2019) - October 25th 2022, #180
Barbarian (2021) - October 25th 2022, #181
The Faculty (1998) - October 30th 2022, #182
The Exorcist (1973) - October 31th 2022, #183
Smile (2022) - November 27th 2022, #184
The Menu (2022) - January 8th 2023, #185
Ghostwatch (1992) - January 28th 2023, #186
Skinamarink (2023) - February 2nd 2023, #187
The Collection (2012) - February 4th 2023, #188
The Innocents (2021) - February 7th 2023, #189
Deadstream (2022) - February 7th 2023, #190
The Dark and the Wicked (2020) - February 7th 2023, #191
Kolobos (1999) - February 8th 2023, #192
Scare Package (2019) - February 9th 2023, #193
Re-Animator (1985) - February 10th 2023, #194
The Boy (2016) - February 15th 2023, #197
The Invitation (2022) - February 18th 2023, #198
Grizzly (1976) - February 18th 2023, #199
C.O.R.N.: Field of Screams (2021) - March 2nd 2023, #200
Slumber Party Masscare II (1987) - March 2nd 2023, #201
The Slumber Party Massacre (1982) - March 3rd 2023, #202
The Silence (2019) - March 5th 2023, #203
Once Upon a Time at Christmas (2017) - March 5th 2023, #204
Evil Toons (1991) - March 15th 2023, #205
Sleepaway Camp (1983) - March 15th 2023, #206
Prom Night (1980) - March 15th 2023, #207
Cooties (2014) - March 19th 2023, #208
House (1985) - March 20th 2023, #209
House of Wax (2005) - March 25th 2023, #210
Prom Night (2008) - March 25th 2023, #211
Werewolf in a Girl's Dormitory (1961) - March 31st 2023, #212
Wolf Creek (2005) - April 2nd 2023, #213
Body Melt (1993) - April 2nd 2023, #214
Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022) - April 5th 2023, #215
Death Becomes Her (1992) - April 18th 2023, #216
Stigmata (1999) - April 19th 2023, #217
Dead Silence (2007) - April 19th 2023, #218
Elevator (2012) - April 20th 2023, #219
Bad Hair (2020) - April 22nd 2023, #220
We Need to Do Something (2021) - 25th 2023, #221
Good Boy (2020) - April 25th 2023, #222
Pilgrim (2019) - April 27th 2023, #223
Piggy (2022) - April 28th 2023, #224
They Come Knocking (2019) - April 28th 2023, #225
Death Spa (1989) - April 30th 2023, #226
The Naked Witch (1961) - April 30th 2023, #227
I'm Just Fucking With You (2019) - May 2nd 2023, #228
Critters (1986) - May 3rd 2023, #229
Chopping Mall (1986) - May 5th 2023, #230
The Farm (2018) - May 12th 2023, #231
Motel Hell (1980) - May 12th 2023, #232
Jeepers Creepers (2001) - May 14th 2023, #233
Mother's Day (1980) - May 15th 2023, #234
Slaxx (2020) - May 15th 2023, #235
Slaughterhouse (1987) - May 16th 2023, #236
One Missed Call (2008) - May 19th 2023, #237
Mayhem (2017) - May 19th 2023, #238
Boar (2017) - May 19th 2023, #239
Pieces (1983) - May 22nd 2023, #240
Pandamonium (2020) - May 24th 2023, #241
All Cheerleaders Die (2014) - May 27th 2023, #242
Waxwork (1985) - May 28th 2023, #243
They Look Like People (2015) - May 28th 2023, #244
Class of Nuke'em High (1986) - May 28th 2023, #245
Fear PHarm (2020) - May 29th 2023, #246
The Stuff (1985) - June 1st 2023, #247
Planet Terror (2007) - June 2nd 2023, #248
Fear PHarm 2 (2021) - June 5th 2023, #249
Mom and Dad (2018) - June 8th 2023, #250
Renfield (2023) - June 11th 2023, #251
After Dark: The Task (2011) - June 12th 2023, #252
Terrifier (2016) - June 19th 2023, #253
It Follows (2015) - June 20th 2023, #254
Choose Or Die (2022) - June 20th 2023, #255
31 (2016) - June 21st 2023, #256
The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016) - June 22nd 2023, #257
Apollo 18 (2011) - June 22nd 2023, #258
Triangle (2009) - June 23rd 2023, #259
Sorority House Massacre (1986) - June 23rd 2023, #260
Braid (2018) - June 24th 2023, #261
Await Further Instructions (2018) - June 26th 2023, #262
Ghost Ship (2002) - July 9th 2023, #263
Annihilation (2018) - July 11th 2023, #264
Antrum: The Deadliest Film Ever Made (2018) - July 13th 2023, #265
Scare BNB (2019) - July 19th 2023, #266
Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers (1988) - July 20th 2023, #267
Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland (1989) - July 20th 2023, #268
The Bunnyman Massacre (2014) - July 26th 2023, #269
House (1977) - July 26th 2023, #270
Night of the Comet (1983) - August 3rd 2023, #271
Phantasm (1979) - August 8th 2023, #272
Evil Dead 2 (1987) - August 8th 2023, #273
Battle Royale (2000) - August 8th 2023, #274
Trucks (1998) - August 8th 2023, #275
247F (2011) - August 15th 2023, #276
2001 Maniacs (2005) - August 15th 2023, #277
The Video Dead (1987) - August 17th 2023, #278
Human Resources (2021) - August 17th 2023, #279
Parents (1989) - August 18th 2023, #280
Urban Legend (1998) - September 8th 2023, #281
You’re Next (2011) - November 21st 2023, #282
Frogs (1972) - November 21st 2023, #283
Jennifer’s Body (2009) - January 8th 2024, #284
The Hunt (2020) - January 8th 2024, #285
The Amusement Park (1975) - January 21st 202;, #286
Diary of the Dead (2007) - February 2nd 2024, #287
Corporate Animals (2019) - February 7th, 2024, #288
The Vampire Bat (1933) - February 7th 2024, #289
Blades (1989) - February 7th 2024, #290
Martyrs (2008) - February 7th 2024, #291
Game of Death (2017) - February 14th 2024, #292
Night Swim (2024) - February 16th 2024, #293
976-EVIL (1988) - February 18th 2024, #294
Microwave Massacre (1979) - February 18th 2024, #295
Street Trash (1987) - February 20th 2024, #296
Escape the Field (2022) - February 21st 2024, #297
Auntie Lee’s Meat Pies (1992) - March 3rd 2024, #298
Return to Horror High (1987) - March 23rd 2024, #299
The Beach House (2019) - April 14th 2024, #300
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Stats from Movies 601-700
Top 10 Movies - Highest Number of Votes
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1992) had the most votes with 1,347 votes. Absentia (2011) had the least votes with 54 votes.
The 10 Most Watched Films by Percentage
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1992) was the most watched film with 44.6% of voters out of 1,347 saying they had seen it. The Inhabitant (2017) had the least "Yes" votes with 0.6% of voters out of 785.
The 10 Least Watched Films by Percentage
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Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977) was the least watched film with 69.7% of voters out of 538 saying they hadn’t seen it. I Am Alone (2015) had the least "No" votes with 11.3% of voters out of 531.
The 10 Most Known Films by Percentage
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1992) was the best known film, 6,7% of voters out of 1,347 saying they’d never heard of it.
The 10 Least Known Films by Percentage
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I Am Alone (2015) was the least known film, 88,10% of voters out of 531 saying they’d never heard of it.
The movies part of the statistic count and their polls below the cut.
The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007) Unhinged (2020) Tales from the Hood (1995) Tales from the Hood 2 (2018) Tales from the Hood 3 (2020) Quarantine (2008) Quarantine 2: Terminal (2011) I Am Alone (2015) The Hitcher (1986) Lady in White (1988)
Ghostland (2018) Dark City (1998) Event Horizon (1997) Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977) The Exorcist III (1990) Exorcist: The Beginning (2004) Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist (2005) The Exorcist: Believer (2023) Tragedy Girls (2017) Martin (1977)
Saint Maud (2019) A Cure for Wellness (2016) The Devil's Advocate (1997) Alice, Sweet Alice (1976) 1408 (2007) Good Manners (2017) The Crawling Eye (1958) Un Chien Andalou / An Andalusian Dog (1929) Cadaver (2020) Skinner (1993)
Cube (1997) The Bees (1978) August Underground (2001) The House (2022) The Lodge (2019) Stay Alive (2006) Shallow Grave (1994) Contracted (2013) Messiah of Evil (1974) The Red Queen Kills Seven Times (1972)
Llamageddon (2015) One Hour Photo (2002) Absentia (2011) You Might Be the Killer (2018) The Haunting (1999) Onibaba (1964) Abandoned (2022) The Offering (2022) The Crow (1994) Call Back (2009)
La Llorona (2019) Suicide Club (2001) 1BR (2019) Where the Dead Go to Die (2012) El Conde (2023) Black Mountain Side (2014) Piggy (2022) The Neon Demon (2016) Prom Night (1980) Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987)
Prom Night III: The Last Kiss (1990) Prom Night IV: Deliver Us from Evil (1991) Prom Night (2008) Rift (2017) Slaughtered Vomit Dolls (2006) ReGOREgitated Sacrifice (2008) Slow Torture Puke Chamber (2010) Sweet, Sweet Lonely Girl (2016) The Club (1994) The Last Exorcism (2010)
Braid (2018) Red Mist (2008) Knock at the Cabin (2023) Revealer (2022) Piranha (1978) What Keeps You Alive (2018) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) Teeth (2007) Martyrs (2015)
The Woman In Black (1989) The Last Thing Mary Saw (2021) Thirst (2019) Tigers Are Not Afraid (2017) An American Haunting (2005) Troll Hunter (2010) The Power (2021) Post Mortem (2020) Vampires vs. the Bronx (2020) Bulbbul (2020)
The Inhabitant (2017) The Cleansing Hour (2016) The Wind (2018) The Mimic (2017) Errementari (2017) Witches in the Woods (2019) There's Something Wrong with the Children (2023) Antrum (2018) Love at First Bite (1979) The Night of the Hunter (1955)
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onlyhurtforaminute · 5 months
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gengarghast · 11 months
Magnus Geist
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Magnus Geist is my 'main' OC, who I created around mid 2020 on the coding website known as Scratch, and has grown throughout the years throughout the times that I've used him as he jumped from website to website. :)
TW: Death, tragedy, abuse, suicide, whatever
As his official lore goes, he was born around the 1930s to long line of monster hunters. However, unlike the rest of his family, he developed a soft spot for the beasts, avoiding harming them whenever possible while also trying to earn his family's good favor. This behavior sparked mockery and distrust of him throughout the family, his many brothers and sisters and cousins constantly mocking him for being so weak. His parents gave him no assistance, sending him through intense training regimens over and over with no end.
As he grew up, he attempted again and again to try and become stronger and earn his family's approval, until an even befell him and changed his life forever. He, along with the help of a sibling who took pity on him, discovered a book of ancient rituals in the old family library, finding one that was supposed to make the caster stronger. They preformed the ritual, but during it, the sibling who helped him find the book was killed- Taken as a sacrifice by the ritual, their strength added to Magnus'. In the morning, this event was found out by the rest of his family, who shunned him and banished him outside of the family manor.
As he left the manor, trudging through the rain, he stumbled upon a run-down inn. He paid for a room with the little money he was able to take with him, and went upstairs to his room. Once he was alone, he took out a pistol, stuck the barrel in his mouth, and pulled the trigger, his hat flying up into the air and across the room. He was only 18 years old.
As he opened his eyes once more, he found himself to be floating above the floor, his corporeal body on the ground beneath him. Horrified by the sight of his own cadaver, he whipped around to avoid seeing it again. Upon doing so, he spied his top hat, thrown across the room by the force of the blast. Drifting over to it, he picked it up and looked inside. A single, shining, silver bullet laid inside the hat.
Oops I just lost motivation for writing this lmao, oh well
Anyways, after that he hung out in a graveyard for a while (a fuckign century), picking up tips from other ghosts and learning how to do all sorts of things; Appear to mortals, move objects, create things from shadow. Once he eventually discovered that ghosts could slip between the thresholds of reality, he decided to do just that. He bid his friends adieu, and simply just popped out and began to explore the multiverse.
And, uh, that's his main "lore"!! There was also that time he ran into another version of himself, accidentally stole their identity, and almost got killed by them, but they're cool now. :)
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warningsine · 1 year
The manager of Harvard Medical School's morgue and three others have been charged with buying and selling stolen human remains.
Cedric Lodge allegedly took "heads, brains, skin and bones" from cadavers donated to Harvard University's medical school and sold them online.
According to the indictment, he and his wife, Denise, sold body parts to buyers in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts.
The scheme allegedly ran from 2018 to 2021.
Prosecutors allege Mr Lodge used his position as the manager of the "Anatomical Gifts Program" at Harvard Medical School to dismember cadavers donated for medical research.
Harvard students use donated bodies to study and practice medical procedures. When the school finishes using the cadaver, they are often cremated and the remains returned to their families, or buried in the university's medical cemetery, according to the indictment.
Mr Lodge and his wife are accused of harvesting, selling and shipping body parts from these donated cadavers instead.
"At times, Cedric Lodge allowed [others] to enter the morgue at Harvard Medical School and examine cadavers to choose what to purchase," according to a statement from the US Attorney's Office.
Katrina Maclean of Salem, Massachusetts, and Joshua Taylor, of West Lawn, Pennsylvania, allegedly bought body parts.
According to the charging statement, in October 2020, Ms Maclean purchased dissected faces for $600 (£473) that she intended to have tanned into leather.
Ms Maclean is the owner of a store called Kat's Creepy Creations. Social media accounts for the business show she specialised in up-cycling dolls into gothic, blood-soaked, horror novelties. It is unclear if the cadaver parts were used in her products. The indictment alleges she stored and sold human remains at the store.
Mr Taylor allegedly made 39 electronic payments to Ms Lodge for stolen body parts over the course of four years, totalling more than $37,000 (£29,226). The indictment included a grim reference to a PayPal memo for a purchase of $1,000 (£790) that allegedly read, "head number 7".
"Some crimes defy understanding," said United States Attorney Gerard M. Karam in a statement. "The theft and trafficking of human remains strikes at the very essence of what makes us human."
Both Cedric and Denise Lodge refused to answer reporters' questions after making an initial appearance at a New Hampshire federal courthouse on Wednesday.
All four defendants have been indicted on conspiracy and interstate transport of stolen goods charges. If convicted, they each face up to 15 years in prison.
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