#But who cares?
circusinarun · 2 months
Having fun with the animation app on my phone because i don't have a normal tablet yet
Mermie :3
Sry for bad quality
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k-martins · 5 months
Do you know that Frozen short where Elsa gets a cold and every time she sneezes, several little snowmen appear out of control?
So, imagine Megumi waking up one day with a particularly bad cold, and every time he sneezes, five fuzzy rabbits flee from his shadows (the number increasing as his cold gets worse) and don't obey him.
Imagine how everyone at school would react to a herd of white rabbits running amok:
Gojo having fun and catching the rabbits (who insist on attacking him, why not?), Nobara being covered by some because they think her hair looks a carrot, Inumaki having a freak out because the rabbits destroying her garden and Panda running around scared by several kung fu rabbits (Maki definitely wouldn't suffer from this because the rabbits would be very afraid of her).
And of course, Yuji being a magnet for the bunnies who just want to be close to the one they love most and snuggle into his strong, warm arms.
Cut to Yuji taking care of Megumi during her cold surrounded by fluffy white rabbits sleeping peacefully around him.
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adrift-in-thyme · 7 months
@skyward-floored I know you’ve been sick all week so I wrote you a little something to help cheer you up. It’s short and probably not wonderfully edited but I hope you get some joy from it anyway :)
“Up and at ‘em Captain!” Legend calls as he stomps down the hall. “The day’s wasting away!”
The sun is already high in the sky. The other heroes are already dressed and packed and well into eating their breakfast. Yet, the captain is still snoozing away, snug as a bug beneath his blankets.
Must be nice being able to sleep through all that ruckus, Legend thinks, grumpily.
Though, now that he ponders it, it is rather unlike Warriors to slumber on like this. Usually, he is one of the first to awaken. By the time anyone else rises, he is already washed and dressed and looking entirely too well-kept for someone who catapulted out of bed before even the sun dared peek over the horizon.
A small shred of worry worms its way past Legend’s careful defenses. But he pushes it aside as he steps into the doorway.
“Hey, pretty boy! Did you hear me?”
By all appearances, the bed is occupied solely by blankets. And save for a few sniffles, their occupant remains steadfastly silent. Frowning, Legend steps closer.
“Warriors? You alive in there?”
“Mmph,” groan the blankets.
Legend grasps the nearest edge and flings them off. A very miserable-looking Warriors blinks up at him.
Legend winces. His voice is painfully hoarse. Speaking must be agonizing.
His eyes are glossy too, he sees now, and his cheeks unnaturally flushed. A layer of sweat coats his forehead and drags down his curls. When he pushes himself upward, the movement is accompanied by a violent shudder that nearly lands him back on the bed.
The captain presses his fingertips to the bridge of his nose.
“Sorry, is it time to get up? I-I didn’t realize…”
He trails off, blinking into the rays of sunlight that waft through the blinds. Panic streaks across his face.
“I overslept.”
“Yeah, you did.”
Legend puts a hand to his chest, pushing him back as he tries to get out of bed. He shivers beneath his touch, breath hitching.
“And it’s no wonder that you did. You look like crap, Wars. How long have you been sick?”
Warriors swallows, cringing as he does it.
“Don’t know.” He shrugs, weakly. “I haven’t felt well all week but I thought…I thought I was fine.”
His eyes widen.
“I’m gonna get everyone sick!”
“Well, yeah, probably. But we’ll be fine.”
Legend presses the palm of his hand to Warriors’ head, ignoring his weak attempts to shove him off.
“You’re burning up, captain. Lie back down.”
“But we-we need to get going…” Warriors looks up at him, eyes wide and pleading. “We were so close to the…we were so close…”
Legend sighs. “The monsters can wait. You need to rest.”
“Is everything alright in here?”
Time peeks around the door, now, a concerned expression on his face. When he catches sight of Warriors it deepens. In two strides, he is within the room.
“Captain, are you well?”
“He’s definitely not,” Legend says before Warriors can try and make excuses. “He’s sick as a dog.”
Time places a hand on Warriors’ forehead, then retracts it, a frown darkening his features.
“We will stay in the inn today. You must rest.”
“But Sprite…” Warriors begins. Time shakes his head.
“I’ll hear no arguments from the very man who forcibly snuggled me until I slept as a child.”
Legend snorts. “He did what?”
Time only smiles, his attention still on Warriors.
“Pushing on will only make you worse, captain. You would be the first to pause the journey if one of us were in your place. Let us take care of you.”
“Fine.” Warriors slouches, defeated. “Why’re you two so stubborn?”
Legend grins.
“You think we’re bad? Just wait until you see the others.” He winks. “Lemme go get ‘em.”
As he turns on his heel, Legend sees Warriors sink further into the bed. His grin grows wider.
Get comforted, captain.
Less than half of an hour later, the bedroom is swarmed by eight heroes, all armed with illness-fighting supplies. Sky and Wild, come bearing warm soup.
(“It’s the best for a sore throat,” Sky says with a smile and Wild nods, “yup, I cooked a big batch too, so you’ll have plenty of it.”)
Hyrule offers healing potions. Wind and Four bring armfuls of blankets.
(“Did you two raid every house in Castle Town?” Time asks in disbelief as he takes the small heroes’ bundles. Wind grins.)
Twilight brings fresh water from the spring just outside of town, said to have healing properties…and also a stray cat to keep the captain company.
(“You sure that’s for his benefit?” Legend asks, narrowing his eyes as the rancher sets the animal on Warriors’ lap. Twilight just grins.)
Soon, Warriors is lying down once more, wrapped snugly in what Wind dubs a “blanket burrito,” with a belly full of soup and a cat on his legs.
Time brushes his bangs out of his eyes and places a cool cloth on his forehead. Warriors sighs at the touch.
“Are you feeling a little better now?” Wind asks, eyes wide with concern. Oblivious to the captain’s warnings about germs, he has managed to fit himself in between the eternal blankets and the cat, cuddled against Warriors’ side.
Not that the knight seems to mind overly much, now that all is said and done. And as he settles on the end of the bed, Legend can’t help thinking he looks glad to have the company.
Warriors nods, eyes drooping.
“Yeah, I’m better, sailor.” He sends the heroes a tired grin. “Thanks to all of you.” His gaze flicks to Legend. “Especially, you vet.”
Legend’s cheeks heat and he looks down, waving a dismissive hand.
“Ah, no big deal. I’m not so mean as to let you die in here all alone and snotty and miserable.”
Warriors chuckles and closes his eyes. “So, you decided to suffocate me with blankets instead?”
Legend shrugs, a grin playing on his lips. “What can I say? I’m merciful.”
The blankets in question look rather comfortable and he decides to lay down upon them. He’s not the only one either. All of the heroes have drifted over now, cuddling up on a bed not made for nine men and boys. But they make do. And Warriors seems to melt in their embrace.
Legend smiles at the peaceful look on the captain’s face as he drifts off. He guesses even someone like the pretty boy needs a break once in a while. And — he chuckles as Wind and the cat compete for space — some snuggles too.
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clevernightdinosaur · 3 months
My weird headcanon recently:
Arthur hates Scabbers and the idea his favorite child with that stupid rat, so he tried his best to buy an owl to replace that rat, even if it took him 10 years.
This was the only reason why Percy had two gifts when he became Prefect.
Btw, Arthur also asked Percy to give Scabbers to Ron, because his youngest son seemed to dislike that rat and Arthur believed he would soon abandon Scabbers.
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how-good-day · 10 days
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Another day without a wife and beloved daughter.
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frogsare-friends · 7 months
and if i say jeremiah is an a-b student? who maybe got one or two c's? he's a good student, conrad's just a great one that gets straight a's, so everyone makes him think he's a bad student
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I like this artwork! It is very well done, and it is MadaNaru! Found it on Pinterest and I knew I had to show you guys.
@lewistheeditor, Vielen Dank! (Thank you very much!) for stressing the importance of crediting artists' work, so beneath the image, I put a link to the actual page it is on! I will try to make a habit of this, unless it is from the actual anime or manga, as we know who to credit there! Again, thank you!
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loiseau-lyre · 1 year
Little Sister
A female younger human being who can show unpredictable behavior towards her older sibling that can vary from pure malice to the most extravagant and unsollicited displays of affection, not hesitating to make a fool of him, for example by adressing him by infamous nicknames, preferably in the most inappropriate moments and places such as: in public, in front of girlfriends, when her brother tries to show his virility and his strength in front of his opponents.
Major source of annoyance and stress.
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Honestly, I wonder why I spent so much time trying myself to semi-realistic style when I can go with this. So much time could have been spared 😅!
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julien-fiction · 4 months
if u rlly love me, ud carve ur initials into my thigh. jus sayin. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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dinosaurqueenmab · 4 months
I am not getting married. I don't have a fiance. Nor do I have a boyfriend. Nor do I WANT a boyfriend (whatever happens, happens).
But I really like the idea of a fully red and black wedding theme.
Anyone else think a gothic red and black wedding would be beautiful?
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been on a big mending kick tonight
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penguinzzz · 2 months
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Zuko standing in a field.
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c00and · 10 months
there’s something so special about watching a BIG show, one that millions of people have seen and love, a project with tons of fan work and a passionate community surrounding it, and having that series represent YOU. not just in headcanons and subtext but instead: having main characters who are gender queer and/or at least trans adjacent without any pushback from any character. having main characters who stim; vocally, physically, tamely, violently, in unnoticeable ways, in ways that scream joy or misery. having these characters get you. they’re just like you. they make you feel, just for the moment, that you are seen and valid. you are normal. you are you and that’s okay.
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silostosstuff · 2 years
Okayokayokayokayokay listen to me
I need the trailer to be like:
We start with Lockwood and Lucy in front of the Sheen Road while they're waiting for Mrs Hope
Meanwhile we hear some dialoge and between every sentence we see a frame BUT JUST A TINY LITTLE FRAME of what happens in Sheen Road (like old photos, empty rooms, but a little creepy, wind, close up to Lucy being aware of all the little signs)
They get the key (maybe skip that dialoge with Mrs Hopes daughter (sorry forgot her name)) and Lockwood says "are you ready?"
The door opens and BOOM
We see Annie, we see the fire, we see blue light and hear sirens in the middle of the night, we see the hospital where Lucy stays for a day, we see the necklace, we see Lockwood fighting for his life, we see newspaper with Annie's missing announcement
And then we go back to Sheen Road where they enter the house, a short wind comes from within and Lucy and Lockwood vanish behind the door
And we see the Door with the Number 62 on it and it fades slowly to black
And then "Lockwood and Co" fades in
And shortly after "Hauntings are our buisness"
And then gone. Pitch black screen. End of the trailer.
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yellowcry · 6 months
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So, in surface pressure, Luisa gets crushed by Casita and then lifts it. But if we look at foundation, it seems completely intact. So it means Luisa was squeezed by the building and then got back to shape. So...
Luisa is a liquid!
(Or, maybe there was a a damage to the floor that made her burrow inside the floor. But that's boring)
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chippersweetbaby · 1 year
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