#Boober go for a swim
rowlfthedog · 3 months
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I doodled Boober real quick from memory because I ordered 3 fraggle plushies and I'm SO excited. Can you guys help me manifest them to [NAME AND ADDRESS WITHHELD] as quickly as possible
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palettepainter · 7 months
Begging for headcannons on phoebe Fraggle I love trope of anxiety ball with ball of energy too plz I need more!!!!!!
Since I haven’t posted anything with this OC yet here’s an update to anyone who doesn’t know who Phoebe is: Phoebe is my Fraggle OC, she’s Boober’s little sister and is basically his mirror opposite
This ask is actually great cuz it gives me a chance to flesh out her character a bit more! 
-So like I mentioned in an older post where I first brought up Phoebe, I picture her as a kid. I’m still deciding an age but I picture her no younger as 6 and no older then 10. I personally like to hc Boober as autistic, and Phoebe is the same. Phoebe is intensely interested in plants and insects, which often limits her ability to make friends with other Fraggles her age. She hops about and shakes her arms when especially excited and (like Boober) has strong reactions to certain odors. Despite her and Boober squabbling a lot thanks to their differing personalities they understand each other’s needs very well
-Phoebe doesn’t have many Fraggle friends her age, so she tries to tag along with Boober and his friends when they go on big adventures. She’s often told to stay home because she’s too little to be doing all the stuff they do - so often she’s left to her own devices to entertain herself. Sometimes this can lead to her unintentionally wondering off without realising, until a panicked Boober starts yelling for her 
-She hasn’t been to the Gorgs garden, she’s banned from going anywhere near there since she’s still a kid, so she loves to listen to Mister Matt’s stories of outer space, or Gobo’s tales from the Gorg’s garden. Though she thinks Mister Matt is cool, she gets annoyed when he too underestimates her because she’s little 
-She eventually does go to ‘outer space’ and meet Lottie, where the two then become best friends. Phoebe continues to visit Lottie as often as she can which sometimes means lying to her brother so she can slip away when he’s not looking. I’ve got a good story idea in mind for how they first meet (Boober and his friends didn’t believe Phoebe when she said she met a ‘silly creature’ - aka a person. And the band thought Lottie’s Fraggle friend was an imaginary friend), and I have been thinking about the idea of Phoebe eventually leaving Fraggle Rock when she’s older to join Lottie on an expedition around the world 
-Phoebe loves swimming! It’s my own personal Headcannon that when Fraggles are babies they float like otters do, until they’re big enough to swim and dive under the water. Phoebe has a tendency to float on water if she stays still, and sometimes she’ll just…float away, as in she’ll go wherever the water takes her. Red is currently teaching her how to swim 
-Out of all of Boober’s friends she’s closest with Red and Wembley the most. Wembley is often hanging around with Boober so Phoebe has gotten used to him popping over to Boober’s cave. She likes Wembley’s funny shirts and giggles when the others have to spin Wembley upside down to stop his wembling. She’ll actively ask to be held upside too. 
And she likes Red because she’s basically like a cool older sister to her, also because Red is teaching her how to swim properly. Red is daring and adventurous, she may also like all the free adoration Phoebe gives her so she lets Phoebe hang out with her when Boober’s busy 
-She likes it when she finds small places to hide, especially if it’s a small tunnel that’ll lead her to another cave. She likes finding secret nooks and crannies that no other Fraggle can reach 
-She’s superstitious. She considers the bow in her hair to be lucky, and will get very distressed if she can’t find it (she also can’t see well if her hair isn’t tied back)
-She prefers cold weather to hot weather 
-She likes to hang by her tail. I think it’d be cool if Fraggles could use their tails to hang/steady themselves on things, sorta like how some animals do. Sometimes when Boober returns home he will be greeted by Phoebe hanging from the top of the cave. She also uses her tail to help with climbing since she’ll wrap it around vines or parts of rock 
-Doesn’t like sour foods
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Woober Rock:Chapter 4
Wembley woke up to his stomach growling. He sat up and yawned and looked over. Boober was curled up against him. His hair fell against his pillow. Wembley could see one eye. It was closed but it was more of Boober's face Wembley had ever seen. He felt guilty looking, surely Boober hid his face for a reason, and looking at it was a breach of privacy. Wembley turned away just in time for Boober to start shifting before he sat up. Wembley acted as if he had just sat up, stretching and yawning, all with closed eyes. Boober startled himself and fell out of bed,"Wembley!", he shrieked. "Boober!", Wembley matched his energy. Boober pushed his bangs over his face before he stood up. He fumbled with his tail,"Goodmorning, uh, sorry for scaring you" Wembley leaned towards the edge of the bed," scared me? I scared you!" Wembley's stomach grumbled and they both looked at it. "Uh...Breakfast?", Boober offered. "Yes please! I haven't eaten since second supper last night!", Wembley tossed the blanket off of himself and rushed to his bag to grab his shirt. Boober fixed his hair again and grabbed his hat and scarf from their hooks. They undressed with their backs to eachother. Sure, every fraggle looked the same under clothes and their bodies were covered in thick fur anyways but it was a sign of respect.
The boys walked to the great hall, where the smell of radish waffles and coffee filled the air. They said some goodmornings to some fraggles as they made their way to the table. It was a new Fraggle custom to have meals together 3 times a day, with the other two meals being had in each owns cave. And with this custom came a brand new grand kichen just off the great hall where Fraggles would take time with a team to make the meals for the rest of the rock.
Boober gave himself a good helping of waffles with a large mug of coffee. He watched wembley tower up waffles on his plate and hummed. Then they sat together by the pond, waiting for their friends. Boober picked at his food and Wembley had downed 3 waffles by the time Mokey and Red walked up with their own plates. "Hey Boober, Hey Wembley!", Red chirped. "Goodmorning you two", Mokey smiled and took a seat next to Boober, Red joining her. "Whats the plan for today? I have a swimming class to teach after breakfast but I'm free for the rest of the day!", Red was loud, especially for it being so early. But most Fraggles were. "Im on lunch duty today so I was gonna take my team up to the Gorgs garden for fresh ingredients", Mokey smiled,"But Gobo said he wanted us all to go up with him to get the artifact from his Uncle Matt" Boober spoke up," Not into outer space right? We wont actually go out there right??", Mokey took Boobers paw in her own. "Of course not, Im pretty sure he just wanted to show us how he does it". Boober sighed," Good! I'll learn from a distance then" Wembley chuckled next to him. At that moment Gobo plopped down next to the green fraggle, "Mornin' guys! Are yall ready to visit the portal later? Uncle Matt said this next artifact was going to be the coolest one yet!". Boober held his face in his hands and Red scoffed,"sure". Mokey glared at her," Red!" Red rolled her eyes but didn't say anything more. Wembley was bouncing in excitement, "ooh! What is it Gobo?" Gobo shrugged," I dont know yet, He said he wanted it to be a surprise cus of how magical it was" "Is he going to sterilize it before he sends it at least?",Boober groaned. Gobo laughed without answering.
They finished up breakfast just as the great hall began filling with more and more fraggles. Red had rushed off to her and Mokey's cave to get ready for her swim lesson, and mokey met with the other lunch team fraggles and left for the gorg garden. That left the boy fraggles alone until lunch. They all returned their plates to the dirty dished pile and walked back to Gobo and Wembley's cave. "What did yall do last night?", The explorer questioned after they got settled. "W-what do you mean?", Boober had the image of a sleeping wembley replaying in his head and all the things he was thinking. "I dunno, just what did yall do?", Gobo shrugged. "Not alot actually. Just talked for a bit and went to bed", Wembley said, tapping on his bongos to keep his handd busy. "Really? thats all?", Boober couldve sworn Gobo looked him in the eye. Surely he couldnt know he was up panicking over being so close to wembley. Surely he didnt know he stayed up thinking of the green fraggle. Surely he- "Yeah actually! But boy did we get some good sleep, right Boober?", Wembley smiled. Boober gulped, "Yeah...we did". Little did he know Wembley was having a crisis.
Did Boober know he had seen his face? He'd hate to make him uncomfortable. What if he hated him for breaking his trust?
"What did you do last night, Gobo?"
Gobo reminisced about his night with Todd. "Me and Todd just hung out. Played some music, talked, just hung out", Wembley gave Gobo a teasing look but didnt say anything. "Um! I just remembered I had some laundry to catch up on, You guys have fun", Boober blurted out as he got up and fixed his hair. Wembley's stomach sank as he noticed it and his mind immediately started worrying about this morning again.
Total filler chapter, Im not sure how to write for Red and Mokey :/ I love them but rarrrr yknow? lol
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The Fraggle Rock Story Ch. 13
Chapter 13: Afraid and Shy
Red had, unfortunately, forgotten her unique talent of being able to sleep while floating and, thus, had tumbled over the waterfall. This woke her up pretty handily, and she was able to swim out of the pool and climb ashore. She did all this without realizing that, of course, Mokey was watching the whole thing and was standing just a little to the right of where Red hauled herself out.
“Hello, Red.” When Red looked up she wanted to jump back in the water.
“Oh, hi, Mokey.”
“Are you OK? You just fell over the waterfall!”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“That’s good! I’m so glad you’re not dead. How are things going with your little boyfriend?”
“Little boyfriend?”
“Well, I suppose to you he’s a great big mountain of manliness, but to me all boyfriends are, you know, little--”
“Oh, you mean Gobo?”
“Who else would I mean?”
“Uh—er—You see…”
“Oh, no, you haven’t been having problems with him, have you? You haven’t been arguing?”
“Oh, no,” said Red, whose brain had begun to shut down again. “Things have been fine, it’s just that I haven’t been able to be as—as affectionate as I would like towards her—him.”
“Well, you both know you love each other, right?”
“Uh, yeah…”
“So you just need to keep Romance alive. I get it. Do you kiss each other goodnight?”
Red practically retched, but kept her composure. “Oh, yes.”
“How nice! Perhaps you should begin kissing him in the mornings, too.”
“You know,” said Red, “that’s an excellent idea.” Of course, she wanted to confess to Mokey both that she had lied about Gobo and that she really wanted to kiss Mokey good night, and in the mornings, and at several other intermittent times when the fancy struck them both. However, if there was one thing Red knew nothing about, it was this sort of thing. “I think he’ll like that.”
“I certainly would,” said Mokey, then quickly clarified “If I were Gobo, of course.”
“Of course,” said Red. “It’s safer that way.”
“I see you’re painting something. Do you mind if I see it?”
“Well--” said Mokey, “Uh… sure!” She turned the easel around.
“Woah,” said Red, “Is that you?”
“Are you dead?”
“Not personally no—just in the painting.”
“But why? Mokey, are you depressed or something?”
“Yes,” said Mokey, “I guess I am.”
“What’s wrong?” asked Red, hoping against hope that she could help without confessing.
“I was in love with somebody,” said Mokey, “He was devastatingly handsome…”
“What was his name?” “It was, uh—Rod.”
“Rod, huh? Was that short for something?”
“I don’t know. I admired him from afar.”
“What was he like?”
“He was very sporty. Always running around, diving off things, very energetic.”
“What color was his hair?”
“Red, like Boober’s.”
“It’s funny I never met him.”
“Oh, he lived in a branch off the Great Hall. Most Fraggles don’t usually go there, but I would go there to collect flowers for pigments. In fact, that’s where I found Lanford.” This branch technically existed in reality, though it contained no such Rod and never did. “The light would glint off his fuzzy yellow fur, shine through his red hair, and each time I saw him, I fell in love. He was a little brash, but so kind--”
“Maybe I have met him, he sounds kinda familiar.”
“The last time I saw him, he introduced me to his girlfriend. That’s why I’m depressed, I suppose… I blew my chance, I guess.”
“You too, huh,” thought Red. “Well, at least I know you don’t love me now.” Then she began to cry.
“Oh, Red, no!” said Mokey, instinctively embracing her. “Oh, you poor darling, it’s just a temporary setback in my life. There will be other lovers, I just know it…”
“Yeah, but,” Red muttered, “I… I don’t know.”
“Well,” Mokey said, “You don’t need to hang around this old sad sack anymore. And I know somebody back home who will cheer you up immensely.”
“Oh, you know who he is!” said Mokey. “I’ll bet he knows just what to say. Come here,” she said, and picked Red up, “Let’s go back to the Great Hall.” By this point, Red was both too sad and too flustered by the close contact with Mokey to protest, instead just sobbing the whole way. To her horror, Mokey indeed went into Gobo’s house and laid her down in Gobo’s bed—beside Gobo.
“There! You just take a nice little map with your boy and you’ll feel so much better!” said Mokey, nearly in tears herself as she tucked Red in.
“But, Mokey--”
“Goodbye, Red,” said Mokey. “See you around.” She left.
“Damn,” thought Red, “I’ve got to make a fast getaway before he notices.” She was on the floor a moment later.
“YOU GET OUT OF MY BED, SOPPY FRAGGLE!” yelled Gobo, still in a lucid dreamstate. “I TOLD YOU I DIDN’T WANNA SEE YOUR FACE ANYMORE!” Red ran out of the house, but she didn’t know where she was going.
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The Fraggle Rock Story Ch. 12
Chapter Twelve: Outward Bound
Mokey had had a horrible night. Her head had been filled with hour-long dreams of Red snuggled up against her, at the conclusion of which she would awake temporarily to find nothing but the blanket in her arms. “It’s no use,” she thought. “I can’t stay here a moment longer—I have to go out on some sort of excursion.” She fed Lanford, packed up her art supplies and headed for a decently safe cavern that lead to a large waterfall. She had often gone there to paint whenever she needed practice with water effects. Red had usually accompanied her on these trips, as she liked to swim in the pool beneath the waterfall. As a result, Mokey now realized, she had never really gotten much practice with water effects due to a certain red-haired distraction swimming around.
But now that she would not and could not be distracted by Red, Mokey was determined to plunge the remainder of her existence into painting. Future generations of Fraggles would, she imagined, learn about Mokey Fraggle, the great painter who eschewed romance for a complete and total dedication to her art. “Wasn’t she interested in anybody?” they might ask. “Oh, yes,” some future Storyteller would reply, “In her youth, she harbored a crush on Red, center wing of the Great Hall Gorgthwarters. But Red went on, as everybody knows, to marry Gobo, the coach of the team, therefore forming one of the greatest power couples in Rock Hockey history.” “If everybody knows, then why are you telling us?” they would ask. “It’s my job,” the Storyteller would reply. “Mokey, of course, was heartbroken but from this grief came many of her greatest paintings, like this one, entitled Waterlogged Corpse with Flowers.” Mokey shed a rather self-indulgent tear thinking of her unhappy legacy. “Gosh,” she thought, “What a shame that I won’t be around to witness my own legacy!”
She soon realized that, of course, there was no point in pitying herself at this point. Besides, she also realized that while daydreaming she had stopped walking and was now standing stock still in the middle of the Great Hall as everybody pretended not to notice. So she walked on.
Red, meanwhile, had just left Boober’s. “Well,” she thought, “I’ll just have to sleep outside for a little while. But somebody had to tell them.” Suddenly, she saw Gobo, looking completely disheveled, sleepwalking towards her. “Gobo?” she asked.
“Why, hello there, Soppy!” Gobo said, still asleep. Soppy was a member of his bowling team. “How the hell are ya?”
“Damn,” thought Red, “He’s sleepwalking. I’ll just have to take him back home before he hurts himself. I hope he doesn’t wake up.”
“I’m fine, Gobo,” said Red.
“That’s great, I’m miserable! I just drove my Red away from my house and I’ll probably never see her again. And Wembley has this wacky idea about heterosexuality stuck in his head, and--”
“Well, Red probably deserved it,” said Red, taking his elbow and leading him home. “She can be such a jerk. What did she do this time?”
“She told Mokey that I was her boyfriend or something, in order to throw her off the scent.”
“Who, Mokey?”
“Yeah, she’s been carrying a torch for her for quite a spell. What a shame she couldn’t admit it. Just had to go mess the whole thing up.”
“Yeah,” said Red, “What a bitch!” in two seconds she was on the floor.
“You listen to me, Soppy,” said Gobo, towering above her. “Nobody calls Red a bitch around me and gets away with it, no matter what she’s done to me. Understand?”
“Uh huh,” said Red.
“Good,” said Gobo. “I’m going back home now, and I don’t wanna see your face around here ever again, understand?”
“Oh, sure,” said Red.
“Well, so long, Soppy.”
“So long, Gobo.”
Gobo staggered back towards his house as Red remained on the ground. “I never realized,” she thought. “He’s called me a lot of things, but he never called me that. He sure was a loyal friend, in his own fashion—what a shame it is to lose him.” She decided that it was probably a good idea to stay away from Gobo’s house, lest she be mistaken for Soppy again. In fact, she needed to figure out a whole new place of residence. She remembered that there was a little house that had been left vacant at the top of the waterfall she and Mokey had visited so often when Mokey wanted to paint the water or something. She remembered that Mokey never got anything done at the waterfall, but she never seemed unhappy there. Red didn’t know the reason for this, but she was too deep in denial to understand it.
She decided that the nicest way to get to the vacant house was to float down the river. When she floated downstream, she could become lost in thought in a very nice way. So she walked up to the top of the Great Hall and then into a small cavern that lead to the river. She got in the river and laid on the water completely motionless. The river there was long and wide. She would have about an hour to think before she would have to worry about the waterfall.
Boober and Wembley parted to each ask their respective “lady-friends” to dinner. Boober strolled up to Tosh’s house and knocked on the doorframe. “Oh, Toshie?” he cooed.
“Come in, Boober,” said Tosh.
“Hello, darling.”
“Well, I can’t stay long, I, uh, was just going to invite you to dinner at my place.”
“Oh, how nice! I’d love to come. I’m sure I can leave Beastie up to her own devices for a few hours.” The Beast was, currently, asleep and growling softly.
“That’s great!” said Boober. “Would you mind if it was sort of, uh, a double date?”
“No, of course not!” said Tosh. “Who are the others?”
“Well, you know my friend Wembley, don’t you?” “Yes.”
“He’s worked up the courage to ask somebody out—her name eludes me at the moment. I’m sure she’ll say yes, though. He’s such a wonderful person, you see.”
“Oh, he is?” asked Tosh, slowly realizing Wembley meant something to Boober.
“Yes! He’s so funny and handsome—one might even call him charming, in his way. He’s a real honey! As far as the ladies are concerned at least.”
“I see. Well, I’ll be glad to eat dinner with you all.”
“Great! See you then!”
Meanwhile, directly across the Great Hall, Wembley was asking Lou roughly the same thing.
“Hiya, Lou!”
“Hi, Wembley.”
“Guess what?”
“I’m kinda in love with you, I think!” Lou raised her eyelids. Not this again. Wembley continued, “So would you, uh, would you—like to go and—have dinner with me and Boober? And Tosh, of course, he’s dating her now. Yeah.”
“Oh, he is, is he?” Despite her practical nature, Lou had a bit of a mischievous streak, as do many people who are engineers in some way. And this was the perfect opportunity to give her beloved one a little surprise. “Yes, Wembley,” she said, “I’d love to go with you and see Tosh.”
“Great!” said Wembley. “I’ll see you at Boober’s place for dinner!”
“See you there,” said Lou.
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