#Blitzwing.Blitzwing.BLITZWING IN BUNNY SUIT
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Da dumb won ze poll
So I drew him
OKA SO HERES THE THING I forgot today was Easter till I went out with family n friends so when I got home about like what two hours ago I realized Huh didn’t do any Easter post which I mean is fineeee
But then I RECALLED that in a discord server I’m in its lowkey tradition for me to draw Blitzwing cus I always do it and then I realized SHIT I haven’t even made a SKETCH so I Drew this REALLY FAST I hope u guys like it GRAAAH
Last year I drew hothead in a similar rabbit fit but I probably will NEVER POST THAT EVER because it’s terrible and I hate it I love hothead and SPEAKING OF WHICH how come I can’t rig my own polls HOTHEAD ISLOSING BY 20 MILLION GAZILLION VOTES WAAAAAAAAH WHERE ARE THE HOTHEAD FANS AT pull up PULL UP random is winning by HALF THE VOTE H-A-L-F HALF (I am a hothead fan)
ALSO ALSO ALSO the Blitzwing poll is HILARIOUS every hothead fan sends like paragraphs upon paragraphs on why hothead is the best which I AGREE someone posted something on the poll like Did you know toothgaps were a sign of beauty and I read that and my mind EXPLODED NO WONDER HOTHEAD IS SO ATTRACRIVE I love these paragraph upon paragraph explanations of why hothead is the best because we all know he definitely can’t read Thus he wouldn’t be able to read to paragraph and understand how badly we are embarrassing him by calling him our little silly rage schnookums and baby boy
and then icy fans are funny bcuz they are simple. Succinct. Icy fans just be like yeah icy is the most attractive 😍 that’s why I like him that’s why he is the best and to that I ALSO AGREE icy kinda looks like one of those high-cheek boned high fashion models I feel like he is simple though like if I beat him in a game of chess he would surrender to me and we would be married I will sapiosexually bottom him he’s probably like a chess grandmaster with like 20 million degrees and phDs in being smart and devilish sexy so that would be hard to beat him
And then random fans are just like. Heeheee hoohooo he’s the funny man and I CONCUR I feel like random like. Made Blitzwing. Like if hothead n icy just existed without random Blitzwing wouldn’t be Blitzwing he would be Blutzwuss RANDOM is the funny glue that says one-liners from time to time but the one liners are the best thing you’ve heard all day and they make your day and heal your depression or something
He also has a crazy long tongue so I see the appeal I see 😝😝😝😝
Anyway happy Easter THANK YOU for looking at my post n my ramble daily reminder that Blitzwing is pretty cool and I am still brainrotting Okay Love You Bye
For April fools should this blog become a astrotrain love club or Blitzwing HATE ZONE🤔
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