#Best Colloidal Silver
asterveda · 2 years
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Colloidal Silver Supplement
Colloidal silver is a dietary supplement that may help cleanse your gut and detoxify your body. It has other health benefits also, such as wound healing, boosting immunity, etc. One can find the best colloidal silver online in India at Astervdeda Healthcare. We also have a wide range of the best health supplements in India.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 1 year
Sorry to keep going on about this but I have anti-vaxx parents so it's important to me, but homeopathic groups are so fucking predatory. They specifically target people who are justifiably wary of the medical system (mainly women of color, especially black women) and people who are either chronically or terminally ill and desperate for something that makes them feel in control of their illness.
They push bullshit "traditional medicines" and use all the right buzzwords to make people scared of both medical professionals and standard Western medicine and then they push themselves as the "safe" and "natural" alternative. They employ cult tactics to make people scared of the world so that they don't feel like there's anyone they can trust except [insert "wellness" company].
They leap at any bit of fear, any tiny medical complication or bad experience, and they use that as their opening to dig into people's heads. The best case scenario for a lot of the victims of these groups is going fucking bankrupt because they spent thousands on what is essentially water that had a leaf in it for a very brief moment, but a lot of people end up dying because they put their trust in these scams. People try to use crystals and colloidal silver to treat their cancer, get "chakra" massages for their heart conditions, drink pennyroyal tea to induce "natural" abortions.
A lot of these groups also end up turning into actual cults, which is a whole other can of worms. The founders of these companies become controlling, violent, turn themselves into religious figures. Then suddenly people in the group find themselves transferring their "ascended" leader's mummified corpse across state lines in the car trunk.
And then the victims get blamed for it, mocked and harassed. And I get it but I'm also the child of someone who is neck deep in that mindset and I've seen much how fear is the driving force. And the more and more misinformation and disinformation becomes common not just online but also on the news and on tv, the more people end up falling into these groups.
You can argue that people who fall for those things are just idiots who don't know how to do research, but the simple fact is that search engines? News sites? Youtube? Social media entirely? Those are becoming increasingly dominated by "wellness" cults and anti-science nonsense and it's getting harder and harder to pull people out of that spiral. Especially right now, with how fucking terribly the US government at least has handled covid; people know they can't fully trust government agencies to take care of their health, and these predatory groups are just giving them explanations for that distrust, even if those explanations are wrong.
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jellalism · 1 year
No. 6 Vampire AU fic: Justice
Vampire hunter Nezumi is out for blood tonight. The target: a high-standing vampire politician. If only all goes well...
Word count: 2.8k
Content warnings: Violence, mention of rape, mention of suicide
Notes: This fic was written for the No. 6 zine "The Promise: 365 Days".
Read below or on AO3.
Nezumi tried looking into the room from outside the window. The curtains were closed; a sign that his intel might be right. It was the middle of the day and he had climbed up to the second floor of an old, unsavory-looking hotel. Not the kind of place one would expect a high-ranking vampire politician to be in, but Nezumi’s sources assured him that this man, Matsuda Takashi, had some rather unconventional desires.
In this segregated society, where humans were kept like cattle for their vampiric overlords, vampire society still had some morality. Of course, this morality ran completely counter to any human morality that had ever existed, but it was a morality nonetheless. It had no particular rules on how to treat humans; they were considered mere objects, and anything was fair game. Like humans would eat plants without thinking twice about the plant’s feelings about being eaten, so vampires would drink human blood without scruples. But naturally, there was a strict moral code for vampires on how to treat others of their own kind. Drinking another’s blood was one of the greatest taboos, and anyone found breaking it would be sure to have their life ruined. It wasn’t prohibited by law, but ubiquitous social scorn was a certainty.
For a politician, being caught was a career suicide so thorough that it would perhaps be better to commit actual suicide. In Nezumi’s humble opinion, it would be best if all vampires would just kill themselves already – but no way in heaven was that going to happen. So he figured he’d help fate a bit by using his own hands. And a wooden stake, and some colloidal silver.
Today, this Matsuda Takashi had gone to a back-alley hotel, where he could surreptitiously order a sex worker specializing in his peculiar tastes – though perhaps "sex worker" was a bit of a misnomer. Even a cursory investigation into the company that hired these people out would reveal that some shady practices went on. It seemed that many of the employees were pressured into the job, one way or another. Perhaps "sex slave" was a better term for them. In any case, sometime before sunrise, the sex slave would leave while Matsuda, comfortably sated, would drift off into sleep. This would be Nezumi’s chance to strike.
He carefully opened the window from the outside – an arduous task to most, but he’d had some practice. He lifted the tip of the curtain to inspect the room. It was dark, but on the bed a vampiroid shape could be discerned. There didn’t seem to be anyone else in the room, and so Nezumi slipped inside silently. Although Matsuda would probably be deep asleep by now, the nature of the task before him made him want to avert even the smallest risks. If the man woke up now, he’d be royally screwed. He closed the curtain behind him, and let his eyes accustom to the darkness. After a minute or so, his eyes had gotten thoroughly used to it, and he could see most of the objects in the room. He ignored them, though; he had an aim in mind. He stepped towards the figure on the bed, and looked at his face. Bingo. The right room, the right man.
He took his bag off his back and took out a little box. In it was a syringe filled with colloidal silver: water with tiny particles of silver in it. While not effective at killing vampires, silver was a great way to weaken them. But if you wanted to work surreptitiously, you couldn’t just go around stabbing the victim with a silver knife. The best way was probably to place garlic near him, but garlic was all but impossible to find nowadays – the vampires had made a great effort to rid the world of it. So, Nezumi had to settle for the second best way: injecting silver into the bloodstream. Pure silver was not an option, as it only became liquid at 962 degrees Celsius[1]. So, highly concentrated colloidal silver it was.
He took the syringe in his right hand and slowly bent over his victim. He seemed to be sleeping soundly. Great. He swallowed his saliva. Focus. His left hand went to the man’s neck, and searched for the carotid artery. With a fluid motion he stuck the needle in carefully, and searched the vampire’s face for any sign of disturbance. But he kept sleeping peacefully, unaware of what was about to happen to him. Reassured, Nezumi emptied the contents of the syringe in the vein.
Now he had to wait for thirty minutes for the silver to spread through the body; distribution through the body was severely slowed by the absence of a beating heart. Moreover, the dose was low; he would rather use a larger dose, but silver wasn’t easy to get. The only reason their vampiric rulers hadn’t banned it outright was its technological uses.
Once the thirty minutes were past, the vampire was weakened and harder to wake up. But he would wake up, Nezumi knew. He carefully stuffed a ball of cloth in the man’s mouth. It didn’t wake him up, but what would come next would. It would have him screaming if it wasn’t for that cloth.
He moved the blanket back, exposing the man’s torso. Then he took out the wooden stake and a hammer. He carefully planted the stake on the vampire’s chest. This part took more expertise than a layman would realize. The rule that the heart was always found on the left side, was only a general rule and not a natural law set in stone: some people had their heart on the right side. In humans, you could check simply through locating their heartbeat, but vampires’ hearts didn’t beat, so that avenue was blocked. Fortunately, the heart was not completely located on one side of the chest; it was found in the middle, behind the sternum, usually just a bit more on the left than on the right.
To make sure he would bore through the heart in whatever position it was found, he held the stake a bit tilted so it would go through at that angle, penetrating a larger area of the chest. When he had found the correct angle, he mentally prepared himself. Once he had hit the stake with the hammer and driven it in partway – getting it through all at once was impossible – Matsuda would surely wake up. So he had to work quickly, and keep up the hammering before he came to his senses enough to retaliate. He closed his eyes.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
He opened his eyes, swung the hammer back, and then hit the stake with all his strength. It was a near-perfect hit; it went in deep with a satisfying cracking sound, already halfway through. Simultaneously, the vampire awoke with a start. His red eyes shot wide open. Nezumi didn’t waste any time, and swung his hammer back once more, delivering another hit. Meanwhile, the victim started flailing his arms weakly, unused to the condition the colloidal silver had brought him in. He tried to scream, but his sounds were muffled by the cloth in his mouth. As Nezumi swung his arm back a third time, however, the man’s hands had found their way to his mouth, and ripped the cloth out. Just before Nezumi delivered the final strike, the vampire’s voice rang out clearly, surprisingly loud for a man so pitifully weakened. “HELP!”
The cry seemed to echo through the otherwise quiet building. The man was already dead now, his call for help too late. But it was not too late for retribution. If Nezumi was found, there’d be hell to pay – unspeakable torture would befall him. He had to leave now.
But at that same moment, someone opened the door of the room. A hotel employee – vampiric, of course – was standing in the doorway, looking at the scene. A man, with a hammer in his hand, standing over a dead body with a stake through the chest. The situation could not be clearer, but the boy – about the same age as Nezumi, he estimated – didn’t seem to grasp it at first. Shock, probably. It was unthinkable that such a thing could happen. I have to take my chance and take him out now, Nezumi thought. He dropped his hammer, rushed over to the lad while unsheathing his precious silver knife. He raised his hand, about to strike the employee's neck, but at last the boy came to his senses and, fast as lightning, grabbed Nezumi’s wrist. The knife halted just centimeters from his throat.
With big eyes, he looked straight at Nezumi. “What did you do?” he asked incredulously.
Nezumi just stared daggers at him, desperately thinking of a way out. But he couldn’t do much as long as his wrist was being held in an iron grip. The cold hand allowed him no movement at all; he could feel his fingers grow a little colder over the constricted blood flow.
Shock was written all over the boy’s face, and despite Nezumi’s silence, he didn’t repeat his question or say another word. They stood like that for several long moments. The boy’s hair was white: an unusual choice, but it suited him well. It fit his face’s innocence – even though, as a vampire, he was anything but innocent. The hotel clothing wasn’t anything special – a simple dark blue suit. He wore a nametag; “Shion”, it read.
Despite all his observations, Nezumi saw no way out. This would probably be his grave. Realizing this, a powerless anger came over him, and he answered Shion honestly: “I killed that motherfucker. That’s what I did. He had it coming, and so do you and the whole fucking empire you built.”
“But… killing someone is wrong!” he stammered, but then corrected himself mumblingly. “No, no, of course a human wouldn’t understand that.”
Although it wasn’t intended for his ears, Nezumi still heard the words. They ignited a flame of white-hot fury in him. “Because we’re mere beasts, I assume? Fuck that. To me, you vamps are the beasts, devoid of critical thinking and blindly led by lust.”
The white-haired boy looked shocked at his words. Not just at the fact that a human was talking back, but at the actual content of the statements Nezumi made. That, in turn, shocked Nezumi; he hadn’t expected his words, spoken in anger, to actually be heard. And unsurprisingly, Shion’s facial expression soon hardened: the realization had come over him that he was speaking to a mere human and need not pay attention to its sounds. Even so, the surprise that Shion had showed, although it was only for a moment, appeared to Nezumi as a tiny flicker of hope in the darkness. If he could somehow convince the boy of his personhood, just long enough to let go of his wrist and offer him the time to jump out the window, he could make it out. If he could get outside, where the sun was shining brightly, he would be safe.
But to do that, he couldn’t let the vampire think too much by himself. Once he started thinking, he would inevitably fall back on the ideology that had been fed to him all his life.
“Somehow, it has never entered your goddamn minds that we experience feelings just like you, we think just like you. We laugh, we cry, we love, we hate. There’s a whole sentient existence that has constantly been ignored by you guys! Simply because you monsters are thirsty and can’t deal with the idea that you might be wrong, that you might be fucked up.” Shion’s expression betrayed a glimmer of uncertainty, and his grip was loosening ever so slightly. Nezumi started to feel his fingers again. Encouraged, he continued his tirade. “Like I said, you guys are the beasts in this world. If you spent even one second thinking about what it is that makes a vampire’s life supposedly valuable, you’d see that those same qualities are found in humans. So given your track record, you are in no position to tell me what is right and wrong.” The grip around his wrist loosened more. His hand was forced back from Shion’s throat. Then the boy let go of Nezumi entirely. Nezumi was tempted to immediately make a break for it, but he knew better than that; vampires were much stronger and faster than humans, so he wouldn’t be able to make it to the window before Shion stopped him. Still, he did take one step back from the boy and towards the window.
“But…” the boy began, searching for and stumbling over words. He tried desperately to make it make sense. Nezumi had to speak again, before the ideology took back over.
“No buts. I’ve killed this man” – he gestured to the body impaled with a stake – “because he is genocidal. Every single one of you is responsible for countless deaths, but this man is especially guilty. If you tell me I am wrong for killing him, what is he for killing thousands?” He had been looking at the vampire in question, and as he finished his sentence he looked back to Shion. The boy hadn’t been listening. Oh fuck, he hasn’t been listening. The white-haired lad’s face, like an open book, betrayed all his thoughts. He had been caught up in his own reasonings, insofar as they were his own; he was grasping for his comfortable ideology, and it embraced him like a mother. The vampire didn’t need a counterargument to Nezumi’s lectures; the mere assertion that Nezumi was a human sufficed as a defense. Nezumi saw it in Shion’s eyes: the tables had turned. He immediately turned around to bound for the window, hoping against the odds that he'd make it. One step, another step, and another. Only one more and he was at the window. But then an arm wrapped itself around his abdomen, completely blocking him from moving any further in that direction. He grasped with his arms at the curtains, hoping to slide them open just a bit, to let the sunlight stream inside, but his fingertips only lightly brushed them. Then Shion pulled him back roughly and threw him on the bed, half over the dead body of Matsuda Takashi. His head hit the wall hard, causing a dull pain. When he came to his senses, Shion was sitting on top of him.
“I can’t believe I was almost deceived by a human. You are in for a world of pain, kid. Not by me, but by the police. Believe me, they won’t take kindly to a human like you killing a vampire – a politician, no less. But first, let me…” he trailed off, but there was no need for him to finish anyway. It was clear. Shion bent forwards, mouth moving towards Nezumi’s neck.
In a panic, Nezumi kicked and hit him with all his power, but the vampire’s body was like iron. “Fuck,” he hissed under his breath. Shion’s mouth came closer and closer while Nezumi was still unable to stop or even minimally delay the man on top of him. He felt two pricks in his neck: teeth. And Shion started to suck the blood right out of his artery. All strength left Nezumi’s body. Not because of blood loss – that would take a while to set in. He had simply given up. The fight had left him. Ah, so this is how I die. The thought crossed his mind. Shion would probably suck him dry to the point that he’d be incapacitated, so that he would be able to alert the authorities about the murder. It really was the end of the line for him.
The sucking seemed to last hours, though it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes. Vampires could suck the blood out fast. For incapacitation, 35% would be just right. Any more and he was in danger of dying. Any less, and he’d still be able to walk. Shion probably wanted to avoid both scenarios, because, as he said: he was in for a world of pain. Justice must be brought down upon the murderer. His skin cooled and his heart started beating faster, trying to keep the little blood that was still in his body pumping around. He was vaguely aware of Shion getting up and saying: “That should do it. Remember, the worst is yet to come. You’ll get what’s coming.”
He would. The horror had only just started.
[1] 1763 degrees Fahrenheit
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prep4tomoro · 1 year
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Things to Stop Buying and Start Making/Growing:
Learn to be self-reliant; the alternative is being one of the hoards of victims/users/takers that will exist, and may be knocking on your door, when an emergency happens. If you are browsing this and similar blogs, you have the potential and interest to be self-reliant BEFORE that day comes. Here are some suggestions to start the journey: Things to Stop Buying and Start Making to Save Money Ultimate DIY List Of Survival Hacks, Projects and Recipes [Self Sufficient (Farm) Living]    [Planning a One-Acre Farm]
Take baby steps. Taking on too much at once, can be discouraging. Do one project at a time; a small one at first; then progress to larger ones to build confidence.
Get all the details before starting a project so frustration doesn't set in by having to start and stop because something was omitted. The Internet (and library) is filled with resources to help. YouTube is my friend.
The formulation of independent solutions will emerge. In time, doing for yourself will modify your thinking patterns. Instead of being told what to do and how to do it, your brain will starting figuring it out. For me, it can take quite a while before I start a project. I plant the idea in my head, gather all the information I can, and let it stew in my brain until I have all I need to start the project. Think beyond store-bought solutions.
Forget the notion that government is the solution. You are the best one to prepare for your individual needs and condition.
Stay in good physical shape. Diet, exercise and staying away from smoking, drinking and drugs are your first-line defenses to survive a disaster situation.
Be prepared. Document an emergency plan. At the very least, build a 72-hour Emergency Kit.
Develop intuition (gut feelings) instead of relying only on rational thinking.
Develop a survivor personality (flexible, cool-headed, don't give up, accept mistakes and move on). Be adaptable and flexible to change, even in your emergency plan. Life itself is already unpredictable. An emergency will only make things less stable and predictable.
Build personal survival relationships based on moral and upright principals and character and not on their skillset or what they have. People without morals and upright principals will abandon or turn against you.
Expand your information sources to different opinions (than what you may like to hear), news broadcasts (foreign and domestic) and cultures
Learn First Aid
Learn self-defense
Secure your premises
Take a hands-on, practical, basic survival course or go camping and hiking regularly. Occasionally get away from your creature-comforts zone. Know how to build a fire, how to build a primitive shelter, how to find water and how to purify water.
Learn the "Universal Plant Edibility Test"
Learn Ham Radio Operations for emergency communications.
Identifying, gathering and preparing Wild Edible Plants for food
Gardening: Soil, Aeroponics, Hydroponics
Hunting, Trapping and Preparing animals/fish (rural and urban) and raising livestock for food
Produce your own electricity without the use of fossil fuels: Solar - Wind - Water (Hydro)
Staying Warm in the Winter and Cool in the Summer - Naturally
Soap making from scratch with fat and lye
Making Ethanol to use as fuel in combustion appliances (after modification), beverage (moonshine), antiseptic or deodorant
Make your own Personal Care Products
Making natural Yeast
Making your own Antibiotics from plants or Medical cures or treatments from Colloidal Silver
Food Canning and Preservation
Entertainment and Fun Stuff - Survival doesn't always have to be work. More fun stuff
Learn how to make your own weapons from common items
Reloading ammunition
If you own or want a firearm, take a personal/home defense firearms training class and not just a class that only shows you how to shoot.
Educate Your Children at Home or Online More ideas
Self-Sufficiency Standard: The Self-Sufficiency Standard determines the amount of income required for working families to meet basic needs (including taxes) without public subsidies (e.g., public housing, food stamps, Medicaid or child care) and without private/informal assistance (e.g., free babysitting by a relative or friend, food provided by churches or local food banks, or shared housing) at a minimally adequate level, taking into account family composition, ages of children, and geographic differences in costs. Most U.S. states have designated resources to help its citizens reach a level of self-sufficiency. [Related Link]
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
This blog is partially funded by Affiliate Program Links and Private Donations. Thank you for your support.
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fitchrowland15 · 2 years
Buy Nature's Sunshine Silver Defend Liquid, 6 Fl Oz
After all, reading private, first-hand tales in regards to the many ways folks use colloidal silver to heal infections and disease might be the best and fastest approach to discover methods to use colloidal silver yourself. Colloidal silver is a liquid antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-fungal that has been touted as treating and preventing an assortment of conditions in each people and animals. The combination of Colloidal Silver and MSM proves nicely to assist in everyday ear, eye, and nostril circumstances. Colloidal Silver has a bio-active ion that kills micro organism by performing as an antibiotic, whereas MSM aids in relieving pain and irritation. When physique cells are low in oxygen, our pets or we are extra susceptible to diseases and illnesses. colloidal silver in ear Nutrition immediately impacts health and immunity – a scarcity of diet leaves one prone to a host of deficiencies and infections. If the nice micro organism is not fighting this battle with you, you're combating a losing battle. Rather toughen up, fight an excellent struggle for a minimum of six months and see the results. This product has made a distinction in any other case I would have stopped utilizing it way back. • It may help as a primary line of defense in opposition to colds and flu. • Silverlab Ionic Colloidal Silver Liquid may help to strengthen the immune system and could also be used as a natural antimicrobial agent. Many individuals with candida develop food allergy symptoms , and if left untreated, may go on to develop environmental sensitivities and auto-immune ailments. At A2 Magazine we do everything in our energy to simplify and demystify therapies and procedures obtainable to you in South Africa. From aesthetics, anti-ageing and skincare to integrative medication, beauty dentistry and cosmetic surgery – we’ve obtained your back! Babalas Herbal Tonic helps to forestall and ease the uncomfortable signs of overindulging in too many drinks or rich meals. Made with Hawthorn, Gotu Kola, Cayenne, Parsley, Garlic, Gingko Biloba, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2, this powerful Body Tonic assists with ailments related to blood circulation. Get your blood flowing in order that it can carry important oxygen to all your cells and permit them to perform at their best. Healthy blood additionally removes waste merchandise from the cells that your physique does not want. Fashion and sportswear merchandise may be exchanged for a different size or color variation, supplied that such variation is available. Instead, it's highly developed and independently tested ionised silver options. Taken orally, the Silver answer is absorbed from the mouth into the bloodstream, then transported to the physique cells. Colloidal Silver is excreted by the kidneys, lymph system and bowels after a number of days and will trigger no unwanted effects because the particles are too small to stay in the physique. A colloid is an answer consisting of ultra-fine particles suspended in a liquid medium. Most over-the-counter drugs are in a crystalline state. Recurring ear infections are usually an indication that an original infection has been immune to the prescribed treatment. Sea Miracle Vapour Rub is made with an exclusive blend of seaweed extract, peppermint, menthol, camphor, eucalyptus and pine oil to assist alleviate symptoms of colds and flu. It may additionally be used on drained, aching legs for cooling and refreshed results. This sugar-free herbal tonic helps clear alcohol from the blood, reduces toxins, and rehydrates the system. Your excellent go to product when you are feeling unwell, tired or just run down. Breathe easy, along with your favourite mix of Seaweed, African Potato, and Eucalyptus. Sea Miracle Vapours are activated by warm water to provide the final steam experience, so that you can feel like your self again. Great for soaking your tired physique or achy toes after a long day, and will go away you feeling invigorated, decongested, and relaxed. Have a take a glance at our pet insurance choices to offer the one which you love pet the care it deserves. Do you understand about the unbelievable well being benefits of colloidal silver for cats and dogs? Actually for all residing beings, however right now we will focus on cats and canine. People have been utilizing colloidal silver for generations as a end result of its antimicrobial, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. Silverlab Ionic Colloidal Silver Liquid may be taken as a every day dietary complement, and likewise as a tonic to assist strengthen the immune system to fight infection. Colloidal silver advantages can be experienced as an anti-viral for HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, herpes, shingles and warts. Give it a try, and keep away from what really destroys something good inside your own and your children’s bodies. Silver has lengthy been used for its antimicrobial properties to stop and treat quite a lot of diseases and most notably infections. Each time the youngsters received sick after that I wouldn’t even hesitate putting them on antibiotics just to get them better. The downside was that I had so many “babies” at one stage that the final thing you want is some viral infection or something related, breeding in your home. Candida albicans is a single-celled fungus, at all times present in the genital and intestinal tracts.
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silverlab101 · 6 months
Safety and Precautions: Proper Usage of Silverlab Colloidal Silver Liquid Spray
In today's fast-paced world, where health and wellness have taken center stage, people are constantly seeking alternative and natural remedies to enhance their well-being. One such remedy that has been gaining attention is the Silverlab Colloidal Silver Liquid Spray, a product that harnesses the power of ionic colloidal silver to promote healing and vitality. In this article, we will explore the remarkable benefits and uses of Silverlab's colloidal silver spray, also known as the Silverlab Healing Spray. Join us on a journey to discover the incredible properties of this silver spray and how it can improve your overall health.
The Power of Silverlab Colloidal Silver
Silverlab colloidal silver is not your average health supplement. It's a unique product crafted with precision and care to deliver extraordinary results. Before we delve into the many ways this silver spray can benefit you, let's understand what colloidal silver is and why Silverlab stands out.
Ionic colloidal silver is a special form of colloidal silver that Silverlab has perfected. The term "ionic" refers to the silver particles carrying an electrical charge, which enhances their bioavailability and effectiveness within the body. This unique characteristic makes Silverlab Colloidal Silver Liquid Spray a powerful tool for those seeking holistic health solutions.
The Benefits of Silverlab Healing Spray
Silverlab's colloidal silver spray offers a wide range of benefits for various health concerns. Let's explore some of the key advantages that make this product stand out:
Immune Support: One of the primary benefits of using colloidal silver liquid spray is its potential to support your immune system. Silver has natural antimicrobial properties, which can help your body fight off harmful microorganisms.
Wound Healing: Silverlab Healing Spray is also renowned for its wound-healing properties. When applied topically, it can help reduce inflammation, prevent infection, and speed up the natural healing process. This makes it a valuable addition to your first aid kit.
Skin Health: Many individuals turn to Silverlab colloidal silver to address skin issues such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of this silver spray can help soothe skin irritations and promote a healthier complexion.
Oral Health: Silverlab Colloidal Silver Liquid Spray can be used as a mouthwash for oral hygiene. Its antimicrobial properties make it effective in combating oral bacteria, reducing bad breath, and supporting gum health.
Respiratory Wellness: Inhaling Silverlab colloidal silver through a nebulizer or vaporizer can help with respiratory issues. It may offer relief from conditions like bronchitis, asthma, and allergies by targeting the root causes of inflammation and infection.
Digestive Health: Some individuals use Silverlab's silver spray to support digestive health, especially when dealing with bacterial imbalances or food poisoning. The ionic colloidal silver can help rebalance the gut flora.
How to Use Silverlab Colloidal Silver Liquid Spray
Now that we understand the numerous benefits of Silverlab colloidal silver, it's important to know how to use it effectively. Here are some tips for incorporating this silver spray into your daily routine:
Oral Ingestion: For immune support and overall well-being, you can take Silverlab Colloidal Silver Liquid Spray orally. Follow the recommended dosage on the product label for the best results.
Topical Application: To aid in wound healing or address skin issues, apply the silver spray directly to the affected area. Gently massage it into your skin and allow it to dry.
Oral Rinse: As a mouthwash, dilute the colloidal silver with water and use it for oral hygiene. Swish it around in your mouth for a specified time and then spit it out.
Nebulizer/Vaporizer: For respiratory support, use a nebulizer or vaporizer to inhale the silver spray. This method allows the ionic colloidal silver to reach your respiratory system directly.
Safety and Precautions
While Silverlab Colloidal Silver Liquid Spray offers numerous health benefits, it's essential to use it responsibly and follow the recommended guidelines. Here are some important safety considerations:
Dosage: Adhere to the recommended dosage provided on the product label. Overconsumption of colloidal silver can lead to a condition known as argyria, which results in a bluish-gray discoloration of the skin.
Purity: Ensure that you are using a high-quality product like Silverlab colloidal silver, which is renowned for its purity and effective particle size.
Consultation: If you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating colloidal silver into your routine.
Storage: Store your Silverlab Healing Spray in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.
Silverlab Colloidal Silver: A Holistic Health Solution
In a world filled with synthetic medications and invasive treatments, Silverlab Colloidal Silver Liquid Spray provides a natural and holistic alternative for various health concerns. Its unique properties, including the presence of ionic colloidal silver, set it apart as a powerful healing tool. Whether you seek immune support, skin health, or respiratory wellness, this silver spray is a versatile and reliable choice.
Silverlab's commitment to quality and purity in its colloidal silver products, such as the Silverlab Healing Spray, has made it a trusted name in the industry. The power of ionic colloidal silver harnessed in this remarkable silver spray is a testament to the potential of natural remedies in promoting well-being.
If you're looking to explore the world of holistic health and experience the benefits of colloidal silver, consider adding Silverlab Colloidal Silver Liquid Spray to your daily routine. Remember to use it responsibly, following the recommended guidelines, and consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns. Embrace the healing power of Silverlab and embark on a journey towards a healthier, more vibrant you.
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flemingfrandsen54 · 8 months
Best Ways To Treat Ear Infections, In Accordance With Experts
An ear infection is a bacterial or viral infection of the center ear. This infection causes inflammation and the buildup of fluid inside the inside spaces of the ear. Viral or bacterial infections can happen in the course of the ear. BPPV is a sort of vertigo that results from sudden actions of the pinnacle. This situation just isn't life-threatening, however it could improve a person’s risk of falls. After flushing the ear canal to remove any excess debris, you must therapeutic massage the base of the ear from the skin. The infection can also occur when a overseas object similar to a cotton swab or ear plug introduces micro organism into the ear canal. Taking a probiotic supplement or eating meals high in probiotics, like yogurt, might assist prevent future ear infections. More analysis is required on each probiotics and vitamin D supplements to confirm that they help stop ear infections. A 2017 Northern Saudi Arabia research of 138 folks ages 60 and over found that 9.4% had a middle ear infection. Herbs are generally protected, however they might counteract with certain medications. Before utilizing herbs for ear infection, it’s very important that you speak to your physician first. Other causes of ear bleeding, corresponding to an ear infection, are much less severe. colloidal silver for ear infections Very few circumstances of people with COVID-19 have featured ear or listening to considerations. But as time goes on, increasingly cases of COVID-19 with ear issues are appearing. Most instances of cellulitis may be handled with a seven-day course of antibiotics.
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biosilversteam1 · 11 months
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niftynightmare · 1 year
Gonorrea treatment natural sinergy with ceftraxiona and azithromicin
4 Powerful Natural Remedies for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia...
Discover the top 4 natural remedies for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia in this "must read" article. Each of the natural cures listed has an extremely high success rate when used correctly...
What is the best natural health remedy for gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia?
Gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia are all sexually transmitted infections (STI's). They're caused by a bacterium which is passed from one person to another through vaginal, anal or oral sex. Gonorrhea and chlamydia usually go together and it's women who are at the greatest risk of infection. With gonorrhea and chlamydia, symptoms will usually show up within 2-3 days whereas the symptoms for syphilis come in stages, so it can take several weeks for them to show. You can read more about the symptoms and testing procedures for these infections here... Women's Health Care Physicians.
The biggest problem with trying to treat these diseases using orthodox methods is the ineffectiveness of pharmaceutical antibiotics. As with most infections (including bacteria), they eventually mutate and develop a resistance to conventional antibiotics. If you've tried pharmaceutical antibiotics for either gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphilis, you would have probably already discovered this for yourself.
Thankfully, this is not the case with the first 3 natural remedies for gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis that we're about to discuss. Bacteria, viruses and other protozoa's cannot become resistant to these powerhouse foods, and it makes no difference if they mutate. Olive leaf extract, colloidal silver and oregano oil will still kill them in a flash!
So here's our top 4 natural cures in order of importance...
#1. Olive Leaf Extract (OLE): Olive leaf extract contains a powerful substance called oleuropein. Oleuropein is a strong anti-microbial and has been found in studies to destroy the bacteria that causes gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis. What it primarily does is surround the bacteria, virus or protozoa so it can't move on to other cells in the body (and feed on them). Without a constant food supply the microbe soon dies. And because OLE surrounds the infection (creates a force field) it doesn't matter if the microbe tries to mutate or become resistant, it still cannot escape and will eventually die!
In addition to this, olive leaf extract is very good at building up and enhancing the immune system. Strong immunity is also crucial for destroying (and keeping away) any type of virus, bacteria or protozoa.
When it comes to purchasing your olive leaf extract, you need to be mindful of what brand(s) you buy. OLE comes in different strengths and it's important you ONLY purchase the "super strength" varieties. These are the only ones that have enough "kick" to completely kill bacterial or viral infections.
If you're interested, here's a reputable brand that we regularly recommend to our clients... OliveLeafMAX capsules. To get the most out of the olive leaf extract, it should be taken for a period of 12 months. For specific dosages, simply follow the directions listed on the container.
#2. Colloidal Silver: Colloidal silver works in similar fashion to olive leaf extract. It also surrounds and eventually destroys the bacteria or virus by starvation or "strangulation". In fact, colloidal silver has been touted "the strongest antibiotic in the world" for over a thousand years, and with good reason. Before pharmaceuticals came along, this is what was used to treat and cure all bacterial and viral infections - including gonorrhea. And it still works a thousand times better and a thousand times faster!
Once again, when it comes to purchasing colloidal silver, you need to be
careful. There's so much rubbish out there and most of the colloidal silver that's sold is weak and the wrong type. This is the only colloidal silver you should use... Sovereign Silver - Silver Hydrosol. For dosages, take one teaspoon (use plastic teaspoon not metal) mixed in a glass of filtered water 5 times a day for 12 weeks. You can also use a Q-tip (cotton bud) or cotton swab and apply some colloidal silver directly onto any lesions or rashes for extra relief and faster healing.
#3. Oregano Oil: Oregano oil contains some highly potent antiseptic, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-parasitic properties. This essential oil is actually best known for its ability to kill bacteria in the body. In fact, oregano oil works so well it even destroys antibiotic resistant "super bug" bacteria such as MRSA. Another benefit of oregano oil is it builds up your immune system and also helps to prevent further infections (any type of bodily infection) in the future.
For best results, oregano oil should be combined with OLE and colloidal silver. When oregano oil, colloidal silver and olive leaf extract are combined together, they work in synergy and enhance the effectiveness of each other significantly. This combo is actually the strongest bacterial, viral and pathogen killer you'll ever come across!
Oregano oil also comes in different potencies. The ONLY type you should consume is the pure undiluted Mediterranean oil (such as this one... Wild Pure Greek Essential Oil of Oregano). To take, add three to four drops of the oil to 6-8 oz of clean filtered water and drink down. Repeat this twice daily for a period of 12-16 weeks. In addition, dilute 2 or 3 drops of pure oregano oil with some organic virgin coconut oil and hold this solution under your tongue for approximately 10 minutes. Be careful to make sure you dilute the oregano oil enough - so it produces only a slight tingling feeling - otherwise you may temporarily burn the bottom of your mouth.
#4. Alkalizing Foods: Keeping the body alkalized (positive pH) is extremely important for destroying any type of bacteria or virus. The reason why is because bacteria and viruses cannot survive in an alkaline environment - it's impossible! However, they can survive and thrive in an acidic environment (opposite to alkaline). In addition to this, for the olive leaf extract, colloidal silver and oregano oil to work effectively and do their job, alkalinity is needed.
Fortunately, it's not that difficult to do this. Start eating alkaline forming and fiber-rich foods such as beans, whole grains, seeds and nuts. Fresh fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients so be sure to eat plenty of these. Leafy greens in particular such as alfalfa, chlorella, wheat grass and barley grass are potent alkalizing foods so try and get these into you as well. In addition, herbs and spices such as garlic, turmeric, cayenne pepper and ginger are all strong bacterial and viral killers so be sure to use these in your cooking as much as possible.
There are also foods that do the opposite and make the body acidic rather than alkaline. There's probably no real surprises as to what they are...
Refined "sugary" food and drinks
Processed foods and soft drinks
Processed dairy products
Junk food
Red meat
So definitely try and keep these foods to a minimum if you can.
Hope this helps you out.
Good luck and all the best to you!
Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist, Health & Wellness Coach)
Comments for 4 Powerful Natural Remedies for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia...
Click here to add your own comments
May 19, 2016
by: Anonymous
Thank you very much.
May 19, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)
You're very welcome. Hope it helps.
Oct 08, 2016
Thank you!!!
by: Anonymous
Thank you so much. I have gonorrhea and antibiotics didn't work at all. Thanks for the links - makes my stressful situation much easier!! I will give this a shot and report back with results as there's no reported experiences (that I could find) with the natural remedies for this.
Oct 09, 2016
by: Troy
Yes, please do. Hope they help.
All the best!
Oct 12, 2016
Curing these diseases?
by: Joe
Hi... I have been fighting chlamydia/gonorrhea with conventional antibiotics for about a year now but am still having the symptoms. I've now done away with them (not helping anyway). Instead I've changed my diet and lifestyle. I have two questions...
i) Can I get rid of it by taking a mixture of garlic, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, plus following an alkaline diet?
ii) It's been in my body for a lengthy period, so how long do I take the first 3 remedies?
Oct 13, 2016
by: Troy
Hi Joe. The OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil are crucial for getting rid of both of these STD's. Our article explains how long you should take each one for, however, if you feel the need to take them for longer then you certainly can. They are not harmful and will only help you.
Following a "clean eating" alkaline diet and consuming plenty of the herbs and spices we list is also crucial for destroying these infections. So yes, make sure you do this as well.
Good luck and all the best to you Joe.
Oct 15, 2016
Thank you
by: Joe
I will definately give feedback in a few months time.
Oct 29, 2016
Olive Leaf Extract
by: James
I must say I did read about the olive leaf extract but here's where I kinda went wrong... I got the olive leaf complex instead of getting the actual olive leaf extract supplement. I'm hoping olive leaf complex is as good as the extract. Can you respond to this comment and point me in the right direction as to what I'm supposed to get?
Oct 30, 2016
by: Troy
Sorry James, it should be a high strength olive leaf extract supplement such as this one... OliveLeafMAX Capsules. Make sure that the oleuropein content in what you buy is at least 25% or more (250 mg's of pure oleuropein). Most of the olive leaf complexes do not contain this amount and so are not strong enough.
Nov 14, 2016
Think I might have gonorrhea?
by: Anonymous
Been searching the internet for quite sometime. I might have gonorrhea. One week ago I experienced a discharge and burning while peeing. Since then I've been trying to build my immune system. The symptoms have gone away but I still get some pain in the penis. My question is, is this a real cure if taken correctly? I'm not a fan of going to the doctor for anything, not even a simple I.V. I'd rather handle it naturally, but if I absolutely have to I will go to the doc.
Nov 18, 2016
Resistent Gonnorhea
by: Anonymous
Hi, so I've been taking antibiotics for a strain of resistant gonnorhea. the treatment failed and now I'm taking another round of doxycycline. I've read that drinking green tea with the antibiotics will help the antibiotics to kill the bacteria? My question is, is this a bad idea and how do you take the methods you mention in the article? Do you take all of them at once or try one at a time? And also do you take them with water and how much is recommended at a time?
Nov 19, 2016
by: Troy
Green tea enhances the effectiveness of any type of remedy, be it natural or orthodox, so yes, be sure to drink lots of green tea. With the remedies we list, you MUST take all of them together at once, not just one or two. If you want to destroy a virus, bacteria, or any type of pathogen, you must hot it with everything you've got. This protocol does this 100%. For dosages, either follow the directions that we list above or follow the directions listed on the side of the supplement. Yes you also take them with water, but only FILTERED water not tap water. Tap water contains heavy metals such as fluoride, which impedes this protocol and makes it less effective so do not drink tap water... ever!
Hope this helps.
All the best. :)
Nov 19, 2016
by: Troy
This is a certain cure for gonorrhea, as long as you follow the recommendations to-the-letter and purchase high quality supplements. If you go with cheaper supplements and follow the plan half heartedly, you'll simply be wasting your time.
Hope this helps.
Good luck and all the best to you. :)
Nov 21, 2016
by: Anonymous
Thank you for your advice. One last question, should I take your remedy with the Doxycycline or wait till I finish this then begin? Sorry for the excessive questions. I just want to do this right to reap all of the healing properties.
Nov 21, 2016
by: Troy
Wait until you finish your course of antibiotics. Doxycycline interfere's with the digestive system quite badly. No good taking supplements if your body doesn't absorb them and they just end up coming straight out the other end! :)
Dec 28, 2016
Types Of Foods?
by: Anonymous
Okay, so I'm following the steps for the natural cure (along with drinking cranberry juice and 2-3 cups of tea) as well as the diet and I got pain relief the first day. I don't mind the herbs and the diet itself but is it possible to eat the foods I love every so often and still maintain the process of killing this infection?
Dec 30, 2016
by: Troy
Having a "treat night" once a week would be okay, as long as you don't go overboard. Remember, refined "sugary" food and drinks, processed foods and soft drinks, processed dairy, junk food, red meat, alcohol and caffeine are all acidic. You don't want your body to be acidic, you want it to be alkaline so be sure to keep your "treats" small. Remember also that this is not forever. Once the virus or infection is gone, you can then relax your diet if you so choose.
Jan 15, 2017
Olive leaf extract question
by: Kak
Hello and thank you for this thread. I have the oil of oregano, sovereign colloidal silver, but for the olive leaf extract I got the "Barleans" with 40% oleuropein at 266mg. My question is do you think that the Barleans olive leaf extract supplement is strong enough? It's the mini soft gels. I'm also taking "nutribiotic defense plus" but not at the same Time. Your response is much appreciated!
Thank you
Jan 17, 2017
by: Troy
Hi Kak. The Barleans olive leaf complex is not pure olive leaf extract, so its potency is significantly lower. Whether it will work is hard to say. You can only try it. The Nutribiotic Defense Plus, however, is a great addition and will help to boost your immune system tremendously (which is what you want).
Hope this helps.
All the best!
Jan 18, 2017
Olive leaf
by: Kak
Thank you for the reply, I will finish what I have and then grab the pure extract instead of the complex. I've been doing this for 2 days now and the burning during urination has subsided about 50%. The aching "blue balls" has almost vanished. I'm doing the oregano, colloidal silver and olive leaf. I've been doubling up on the olive leaf since I got the wrong one. I think adding the defence plus helps give an extra kick.
Thank you!
Jan 20, 2017
by: Troy
You're welcome Kak. :)
Jan 27, 2017
Olive leaf extract for throat soreness/possible STD
by: Anonymous
If I'm understanding this correctly, it takes 12 months for the olive leaf extract to kill the infection. I'm going to buy the capsules immediately if it works faster than that.
Jan 29, 2017
by: Anonymous
I have had a full three years fighting this bug in my body. I'm really tired but still hoping to get well. My manhood is no longer strong and my stomach is not good. My whole body is burning. I've tried a hell of a lot of remedies. I'll try this one now and see what comes of it. I don't have discharge anymore but I'm quite sure the virus is hidden right inside. It's also affected my mental capacity, my emotions and my personality. There must be a world campaign for this dangerous resistant STI.
Feb 01, 2017
by: Troy
12 months is the MAXIMUM amount of time you will need. If you follow the recommendations above, it will definitely happen faster. With the Olivus Olive Leaf MAX capsules (hopefully these are the ones you are considering purchasing), you start off with 2 per day and slowly work up to 4-6 capsules a day.
Hope this helps.
All the best!
Feb 01, 2017
Blood work
by: Anonymous
I was wondering about the above comment... does blood work or urine sample show that you still have the gonorrhea bug? How do you know you still have it? I'm assuming tests?
Thank you
Feb 01, 2017
by: Troy
A swab or urine test is what is done. These are very accurate and will tell you whether you still have the infection or not... Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Tests.
Feb 04, 2017
by: Temmy
Thanks so much for this, but how do I get all of this stuff, especially the olive leaf max capsules?
Feb 15, 2017
by: Troy
Try Amazon or Ebay Temmy. With the Olive Leaf Max capsules, you can order them from here... Olivus Olive Leaf MAX. They deliver world-wide. :)
Feb 20, 2017
Finding these remedies?
by: Anonymous
So are the remedies only available online or can they be found at CVS Walgreens or even drug stores? And instead of using water could you use green tea for the drops or must they be done with water? Meaning putting the drops in my green tea and swallowing the pills?
Feb 20, 2017
by: Troy
You can certainly find OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil in any good health food store. Just make that the brands you buy are high quality and high strength or they will not work. And yes it's fine to take the supplements with green tea. Whatever is easiest to get them into you!
All the best. :)
Feb 21, 2017
Oregano oil
by: Anonymous
Is there any other type of oregano oil that you can take besides Greek Wild Essential Oregano Oil (Zane Hellas?)
Feb 23, 2017
by: Troy
Any food grade (preferably Greek) oregano oil that has a minimum of 75-80% carvacrol content (the active ingredient that kills the infection) can be used. Zane Hellas has 86-92% carvacrol - the highest we've seen. For the price & what you get, it's a bargain. Definitely try and use this brand if you can.
Mar 01, 2017
Natures Way OLE?
by: Anonymous
I have just purchased Natures Way 20% Oleuropein vcaps. May I know if these are strong enough? Thank you.
Mar 01, 2017
I am using oregano oil and it's not working yet?
by: Lucio
Hi guys. I've been using the oregano oil for 10 days and so far it's not working? How many times do I have to take it per day?? I'm using oregano P74 strength.
Mar 02, 2017
Reply to Lucio
by: Troy
Hi Lucio. Firstly, the oregano oil you are using is not strong enough. This is what you should be using... Wild Pure Greek Essential Oil of Oregano. Exactly how you should be taking it, how many times per day and for how long is listed in the above article. Secondly, for the oregano oil to work effectively and do its job, it needs to be combined with the other 3 recommendations. This is crucial.
Hope this helps.
All the best. :)
Mar 02, 2017
by: Troy
Preferably, you want the 25% oleuropein OLE at 500 mg's per serve. The problem with Natures Way OLE is it's only 20% and 250 mg's per serve, so you will need to take 2-3 capsules per day for them to work. This works out to be quite expensive. The Olivus OLE is definitely the strongest and best if you can get it, however, Natures Way OLE can still be effective. Like I said, you will just need to take more.
Hope this helps.
All the best!
Apr 01, 2017
by: Anonymous
Will this work if the chlamydia is in my prostate?
Apr 06, 2017
by: Troy
Makes no difference where the bacteria is residing in your body. By effectively cleansing and detoxing the body, you can and will get rid of this pathogen, wherever it may be hiding. :)
Apr 06, 2017
Penicillin didn't kill my Syphilis infection
by: Anonymous
After much discussion with the doctor about penicillin and my reluctance to have that shot for syphilis infection, and after she assured me the 3 weeks of treatment would wipe it out, I went along with the very painful injections over 21 days. It didn't work. My number only dropped by one tier from 32 to 16 and now they want to "try another antibiotic". So I'm going with this and ordering everything today. Also going on a body cleanse detox along with eating lots of alkalizing foods.
Will keep you updated.
Apr 18, 2017
Urgent advise needed
by: Anonymous
Whoa. I am so happy I came across this Article. I have battled with gonorrhea and chlamydia for more than a while now. Ginger n garlic, which I have lived on as natural antibiotics, still keep giving me on and off symptoms. Now, I wish to know if its okay to try all three: OLE, Colloidal Silver and Oregano Oil at once?
If yes, please advise on how the three can be used so I can put an end to this Ailment.
Apr 20, 2017
by: Troy
For this protocol to work you must use ALL FOUR together. Yes the OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil can (and must) be combined, but remember also, an alkaline diet is crucial for these supplements to work. All the dosage recommendations are listed in the above article.
Hope this helps.
All the best!
Apr 21, 2017
Remedies Question
by: A.T.
I have ordered all 3 remedies. The OLE and silver came together. Will it only work if I use all 3 or will they cure individually?
Apr 24, 2017
by: Troy
No you need all three together. Wait until you have them all then begin. Don't forget about #4 as well. Diet is extremely important.
All the best!
Apr 29, 2017
Boosting Your Immune System
by: Anonymous
You only want things that will boost your immune system. I know three of these four recommendations will boost the immune system (I'm not sure about colloidal silver yet). The most powerful thing you can have to fight any disease is a strong immune system.
The medical establishment is so corrupt, there treatment for cancer is giving you something that could even kill a healthy person. They even lie about HIV and AIDS... bastards!
Thanks for the information. I'll try and bookmark this in case I ever get infected.
May 02, 2017
Olive Leaf Extract
by: Tamika
Good day sir.
I've been searching for OLE max caps to no avail.
I was wondering can I use Island Nutrition Spanish Olive Leaf Extract...
25% oleuropein
20% hydroxytyrosol?
As for the colloidal silver and oregano oil, am I supposed to add them to the same bottle of water?
May 03, 2017
Reply to Tamika
by: Troy
Hi Tamika. The olive leaf extract you are talking about is incredibly potent and is an excellent choice... Real European Olive Leaf Extract Super-Strength 25% Oleuropein. With this brand, take one capsule 3 times daily on an empty stomach. With the colloidal silver and oregano oil, no you don't need to add them to the same bottle or glass of water. It's actually better if you take them at separate times rather than both together. The potency increases substantially when you do this.
Hope this helps.
All the best!
May 05, 2017
One product would be fantastic :)
by: Anonymous
Why somebody doesn't just simply make one mix in one capsule with all 3 ingredients and right dosage???
May 06, 2017
Bacteria in my prostate and possible sti
by: Anonymous
Hi Troy,
I bought the Olivus olive leaf extract 1000 capsules of which I have already started taking. I am about to order the oregano oil and colloidal silver but not sure of how much quantity I should buy to last me the specified number of days. Kindly help. Thanks
May 07, 2017
by: Troy
The Sovereign Silver colloidal silver and Zane Hellas Wild Pure Greek Oregano Oil will both last you the required time, in fact more than the required amount of time. So you can actually keep them and even take all three again further down the track for an extra "internal cleanse" and immunity boost rather than simply throwing them out and wasting them. :)
May 18, 2017
by: AGT
So I have been taking the things listed in the article for 1 month. I have less discharge and less burning sensation. I tested my body in a sensual act, there was no pain when finished. When I cleaned after myself there was blood that came out of the urethra. I am male but felt no pain. What should I do?
May 18, 2017
by: Troy
Firstly, you should visit a health care professional to put your mind at ease if you're worried. Gonorrhea and chlamydia can both cause blood in the semen, and very often do, so you should be aware of this. Inflammation and infection can also cause this to occur. You can read this article for more information... Blood in Semen (Hematospermia).
Hope this helps.
All the best. :)
May 21, 2017
by: Mondy
I have had gonorrhea for the past three months. Please if I may ask, can I cure it with only green tea?
May 23, 2017
by: Troy
No, you will need more than just green tea to get rid of this infection. Unfortunately, there is no easy or quick fix. Follow all 4 recommendations listed above to-the-letter. :)
May 25, 2017
Dosages and Effectiveness
by: Barracuda
Is 510 mg Oregano oil capsules just as effective as the actual oil to eliminate Chlamydia? Also, if I take 2 caps oregano oil, olive leaf extract, 6 drops of sovereign silver in the morning and night would this speed up the process to eliminate Chlamydia?
If anyone knows the answer please feed back.
May 27, 2017
by: Troy
The oregano oil capsules are still okay to use. A combination of the capsules AND the oil is even better. Make sure the brand you buy has a carvacrol content (the active ingredient that kills the virus) of at least 75% (85+ is excellent). Zane Hellas produce a very potent oil and capsules if you're interested... Zane Hellas Oregano Oil Softgels. If you take the OLE, oregano oil & colloidal silver as you list above that would be fine. Try and add the oregano oil liquid with the capsules if you possibly can and don't forget to eat lots of alkalizing foods and avoid processed foods. :)
Jun 01, 2017
Anal STD's
by: Anonymous
Will the treatment take the same amount of time if you have Gonnorhea and/or Chlamydia in the anus? How would you administer the treatment? I was thinking about doing the Colloidal Silver and the Oil capsules. I do not want the infection to get worse.
Jun 02, 2017
by: Troy
It makes no difference where or what the STD is, this protocol will get rid of it. Remember, all of the remedies are taken orally. The colloidal silver can also be safely applied to any external sores around the anus. Make sure you use all 4 remedies as well for maximum effect. There's no shortcuts when it comes to ridding the body of an STD. :)
Jun 03, 2017
Anal STD's
by: Anonymous
Thank you Troy! No sores but I just want to be safe rather than sorry. So using all 4 how long do you think it would take to cure?
Jun 09, 2017
by: Troy
It can take anywhere from 3 months up to 12 months (at the very most) using the olive leaf extract. There is no "set" time frame as such. :)
Jun 11, 2017
Gonorrhoea in prostate
by: Bab
Can anyone please let know if somebody has tried this combination successfully? I have been dealing with gonorrhoea/chlamydia for the last 2 years. This pathogen is residing in my prostate and is causing major discomfort and pain. Is there hope using this combination?
Jun 18, 2017
Safe for kidneys?
by: Anonymous
Hello Troy, just wanted to know if these ingredients are safe for your kidneys. I have suppressed gonorrhoea for quite some time now and sometimes protein comes out in my urine, which my doctor indicates is for underlying kidney problems. I don't know much about colloidal silver so just wanted to know if it's safe with this condition. Appreciate your support.
Jun 19, 2017
by: Troy
None of the supplements listed above harm the kidney's. In fact, they actually help with kidney health. Following an alkaline diet and cutting out all acidic foods (#4 remedy) will also help tremendously with the regeneration and subsequent health of the kidney's.
Hope this helps.
All the best to you! :)
Jun 21, 2017
Adding another supplement?
by: Anonymous
Thanks Troy, I have ordered all three online. Hoping to get these soon. One question please, I read in some of above comments to add Nutribiotic Defence plus so I have ordered that too. Can I take this along with the other three supplements at one capsule a day? And if the pathogen is in the prostate is it necessary to have prostate massages in combination or will just oral intake of this protocol work? Thanks in anticipation.
Jun 22, 2017
Antibiotics prescribed by doctor
by: Anonymous
Is it ok to take these supplements with antibiotics prescribed by my doctor?
Jun 24, 2017
Where to buy products?
by: Solomon
Please, I want to use the products as antibiotics cannot cure my gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis. But my problem is where can I get them from? Please help. Thanks
Jun 24, 2017
Reply to "Adding Another Supplement" Comment
by: Troy
Yes, it's perfectly fine to take the Nutribiotic Defense. In fact, this will help you even more. Don't forget to use all of the supplements in combination with #4 as well. This is extremely important. There's no exclusive need for massages as such, however, massaging the prostate can actually be beneficial as this helps to remove toxins and heavy metals from the prostate gland (which the virus likes to attach itself to).
Good luck and all the best!
Jun 24, 2017
Reply to "Antibiotics Prescribed by Doctor" Comment
by: Troy
You would need to check with your health care professional first. Unfortunately, we cannot give out medical advice. :)
Jun 24, 2017
Reply to Solomon
by: Troy
Amazon or Ebay are definitely your best places Solomon. Depending on where you live, you may also be able to order them from a health website in your own country or get them from your local health food store. :)
Jul 08, 2017
by: Jake
Hi. So I have a question about the alkaline diet. Would I have to cut out everything on the avoid list of foods or just keep it in moderation? I'm confident in my ability to follow a healthy diet, especially when I'm trying to get rid of Chlamydia. I just was wondering how strictly I need to follow it. Also, would smoking marijuana interfere with my diet? I'm only asking because if I don't drink I would like to be able to do that at least.
Jul 10, 2017
by: Troy
You must follow an alkaline diet/healthy eating plan to-the-letter for the supplements to work effectively, otherwise you'll simply be wasting your money and wont get the desired results. "Moderation" will not be enough. Smoking marijuana can also induce breakouts/lesions so we don't recommend this either. Unfortunately, there can be no shortcuts Jake. Remember also, you wont be on this protocol forever. It's only short term.
Hope this helps.
All the best! :)
Jul 28, 2017
Any possible supplement interaction?
by: Sophie
Is it ok to take all of this with other supplements my holistic Dr gave me (creatine, folate, etc). I've been having yeast infections and BV on and off for years, always using natural treatments to prevent and cure but I had to take a morning after pill and a few days after I got serious itching and discharge, so I don't know if it's a BV due to the hormonal changes or if I caught something else with my partner. So I'm thinking I just want to do your 4 step treatment just to boost my immune system and in case it's trichomonosis or Ghornorea. It seems like it would get rid of any of these other potential stds. So please let me know if your 4 step treatment is ok with other supplements that I may be taking.
Jul 28, 2017
Feedback on the protocol
by: A.G.T.
12 weeks into the protocol, I thank you for sharing this information. Discharge is nearly 100% gone, urination pain is neatly 100% gone, no blood, itching, etc. The only thing is pain when my penis is erect/ready for action. Does pain equal inflammation? Is there anything else you can share that addresses this aspect?
Jul 30, 2017
Preventative medicine
by: Anonymous
I actually rub oil of oregano on my penis if I am about to enter a questionable 'place'. I just tell my partner it is lube.
Aug 03, 2017
Reply to Sophie
by: Troy
None of the supplements/diet recommendations listed above will interact in any way with other natural supplements. They are all completely safe. With pharmaceutical medications (if you are taking any), you would need to check with your health care professional first.
Hope this helps.
All the best!
Aug 03, 2017
Reply to A.G.T.
by: Troy
Make sure you are consuming lots of anti-inflammatory herbs and spices such as garlic, turmeric, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, cloves, sage, rosemary and ginger. The H2O2 method is a very powerful way to reduce inflammation AND rid the body of these particular STD's. Read this book and follow the H2O2 protocol listed on page 74... The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases.
Hope this helps!
Aug 13, 2017
Greetings Troy
by: Anonymous
First of all I wanna say thank you for sharing this info 😊. My question is, is it necessary to take 4 to 6 Olive Leaf Capsules a day, if so is this to speed up the process of killing the infection?
Aug 14, 2017
by: Troy
To rid the body of an STD, you need to hit it with all you've got. Taking 4-6 OLE capsules a day allows this powerful substance to really get in there and destroy the infection. Anything less MAY still kill the virus, or it may not.
Hope this helps.
All the best!
Aug 27, 2017
Colloidal silver
by: Anonymous
Instead of putting Colloidal Silver in water, is it okay too put under my tongue?
Aug 27, 2017
by: Troy
Yes, putting it under your tongue will actually get it into your bloodstream faster.
Aug 30, 2017
by: Anonymous
Thank You. 😌🙏
Sep 09, 2017
Olive leaf extract
by: Faith
Hi. Please where can I get the Olive leaf extract? I am in Nigeria-Abia. Can I get it in a chemist or at the markets? Plz I need a reply.
Sep 11, 2017
Reply to Faith
by: Troy
Most Chemists stock olive leaf extract so you should be able to find it there. You can also purchase the OliveLeafMAX capsules (see link in above article) as this supplier delivers world-wide. Go with the highest strength that you can find and be sure to take AT LEAST the highest recommended dosage listed on the bottle/container for best results. :)
Sep 12, 2017
Chlorine Dioxide
by: Anonymous
Would chlorine dioxide do the work instead of taking all these?
Sep 13, 2017
Gonorrhea cures
by: Anonymous
Thank you for your advise. Look forward to trying it!!
Sep 13, 2017
Colloidial Silver
by: Anonymous
Hi there. How much of the sovereign silver is safe to take a day and for how long?
Sep 15, 2017
Reply to "Chlorine Dioxide" Comment
by: Troy
Chlorine dioxide on it's own would not be strong enough to kill the virus in my opinion. However, adding chlorine dioxide to this regimen as a topical treatment would certainly increase the potency and effectiveness of the cures listed above even more. It would be a worthy addition if you can get a hold of some. :)
Sep 15, 2017
Reply to "Colloidal Silver" Comment
by: Troy
For dosages, take one teaspoon (5 ml's) of the Sovereign Silver colloidal silver (hold under tongue for 30 seconds then swallow) 5 times a day for 3 months. After this, take one teaspoon twice daily for a further 3 months. Also remember not to use a metal teaspoon when measuring out your dosage as the heavy metals in the spoon react negatively with the colloidal silver particles. Use a BPA free plastic spoon or glass measuring cup instead. :)
Sep 17, 2017
by: Brendan
Hi All,
So I have tested positive for Gonorrhea and am about to finish a one week cycle of antibiotics, which I have a prescription for my next cycle starting tomorrow.
However, I have a real sore throat still and just intuitively feel that the medication is not working, although I will continue on it until the end of next week.
I want to know if I am able to do anything whilst on the antibiotics and more importantly, if any of the above herbs will have an adverse effect on the medication, potentially causing more harm. Here are some questions I have:
1. Is it ok to start taking the 3x herbal remedies given above whilst on antibiotics?
2. Is it still ok to start a high alkaline diet (whilst on meds)?
3. I read above that green tea helps even whilst on antibiotics, is there anything else I can add to my diet?
4. Is it ok to exercise whilst having Gonorreah, does this benefit me or make it worse?
I really would appreciate any feedback you have as I am determined to get through this. It's a really emotional journey on many levels and I hope all the above people will appreciate the answers to these questions too.
Thank you for making this site :-) I really appreciate this.
Much love
Brendan xx
Sep 19, 2017
Reply to Brendan
by: Troy
All of the 4 recommendations listed above can be safely used in conjunction with conventional antibiotics. In fact, they will actually help to increase the effectiveness of the antibiotics you're taking. Just remember to take a good quality probiotic supplement whilst on antibiotics as they destroy your good gut bacteria. In fact, you should always take a probiotic supplement and eat plenty of probiotic rich foods (fermented foods) just to keep your daily supply up anyway.
Hope this helps.
All the best to you Brendan!
Sep 22, 2017
by: Brendan
Thanks for the response Troy.
I have been on the antibiotics for 2 weeks almost and there has been improvement but my throat is still sore and kind of numb alongside slight pain in my testes that has reoccurred, which has been quite demoralising.
I'm based in Australia and some the 3x supplements don't deliver to this part of the globe. I've ordered the supplements below but am not sure if they are to the standard that you mentioned.
Olive leaf - http://www.herbosophy.com.au/olive-leaf-x40-40-oleuropein/
Colloidal silver - https://au.iherb.com/pr/p/16056
And I can't find a suitable oregano one yet.
Are the above OK? If not, do you know of any suitable ones I can get in Australia?
Also, what's a good probiotic supplement you'd recommend?
Sorry for all the questions, I'm determined to beat this thing!
Much love
Sep 24, 2017
Other remedies?
by: Anonymous
Hello. I got this disease almost two weeks ago and I've ordered everything and been keeping a strict diet beforehand. Will turmeric, garlic, acv and herbs help boost this protocol?
Sep 25, 2017
Reply to "Other Remedies" Comment
by: Troy
Yes, most definitely as these are all powerful immune boosters. :)
Sep 25, 2017
Reply to Brendan
by: Troy
Both the OLE and colloidal silver you have ordered are top shelf brands and are perfect. With the OLE, you'll need to work up to 3 capsules per day. Start with one for the first week then two for the next two weeks. After this take three a day 20 minutes before a meal. The colloidal silver is one teaspoon (use BPA free plastic spoon) taken 5 times daily under the tongue. This is a great probiotic supplement that you can find down in Oz... Renew Life, Extra Care, Ultimate Flora Probiotic, 200 Billion Live Cultures.
Hope this helps you Brendan.
All the best! :)
Sep 25, 2017
by: Anonymous
Is it true that smoking cannabis will harm the recovery process?
Sep 26, 2017
by: Troy
We don't recommend smoking cannabis whilst on this protocol as it can definitely impair the healing process and effectiveness of the above supplements. :)
Sep 28, 2017
Reply to Troy
by: Brendan
Hi Troy,
Thanks again for this.
I've just received the Oregano Oil too so going to combine them all. Good to know I can get this stuff in Oz.
I think I initially over done it with the OLE as I started taking 3-4 a day, but I think my system rejected it as my bowels seemed to open up!! Anyways, I'm taking one per day alongside the others.
Love this site, I've learned so much!
Thanks for all your help!
Much love
Oct 27, 2017
Oregano capsules
by: Anonymous
Is it ok to take oregano capsules instead of the oil? Also, How much should I take daily?
Nov 02, 2017
by: Troy
Yes, the oregano oil capsules can be taken orally in place of the liquid, however, you must make sure you use a high strength oil. This is crucial. Most oregano oils are weak and have been overly diluted with a carrier oil. Do not use these! Only take a high strength and authenticated oregano oil such as the one we recommend... Zane Hellas Oregano Oil Softgels Concentrate.
Hope this helps.
All the best!
Nov 11, 2017
How about herpes?
by: Fernando
Hello Troy. I was diagnosed with herpes recently. I found out that oregano oil will cure and kill the virus, if I combine this with an alkaline diet. Reading all of these comments is very helpful. Can I also try all 4 of these remedies to treat my herpes (I don't have Gonorrhea or chlamydia)? Can you please give me advice on my separate problem. This would be greatly appreciated Troy, and thank you.
Nov 13, 2017
Reply to Fernando
by: Troy
Have read of our full article and protocol for eradicating the herpes simplex virus here Fernando.... Natural Herpes Cure. It gives you everything you need to know. Also have a read of this powerful book... The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases. It outlines the hydrogen peroxide method for alkalizing the body to get rid of the herpes virus (and also gonorrhoea and chlamydia).
Hope this helps.
All the best!
Nov 25, 2017
Which shop do I get them to buy in Ghana
by: Sika Emmanuel
Why are they not shipped to Ghana? How do I get them to buy?
Nov 30, 2017
by: Troy
Try Amazon or eBay. If not, a supplier in South Africa (Cape Town) should be able to ship them to you in Ghana. Try these guy's... E-vitamins.com. :)
Dec 05, 2017
Great natural remedy post
by: M-Michaels
Hello, and thank you for your post. I just saw it today and bought the whole 3 natural remedies from the Vitamin Shoppe. I've also been drinking Alkaline water ph9.5 from Stater Bros for about 2 weeks now as well. Is this a good way to keep me less acidic?
Dec 06, 2017
Other Infections?
by: SO
Hi! I have some kind of infection, could be bv, yeast, or possibly Chlamydia or Gonnorhea. I am really trying to avoid being prescribed a medication as I prefer natural healing. Will taking the three supplements work to cure any (and possibly a combination) of these? I follow a vegan diet as well.
Dec 08, 2017
Reply to M-Michaels
by: Troy
Yes, alkaline water is extremely good for you and for keeping your pH level up, so keep on drinking it!
All the best!
Dec 08, 2017
Reply to SO
by: Troy
Yes, definitely. Follow all four recommendations listed above and you'll get rid of whatever viral, bacterial or fungal infection you have. Here's a handy acid/alkaline food chart to go off of as well... The Acid/Alkaline Foods List. In addition, make sure you take a good quality probiotic supplement, particularly if you think you may have a yeast infection.
All the best!
Dec 23, 2017
Gonorrhea Treatment
by: Anonymous
I have been taking the 3 products you have recommended for about 5 weeks now. I just realized you said to start taking 2 a day of the OLE at first and then work your way up to 4-6 a day. If I started out taking 6 a day would this slow the process? What should I do? Also with the oregano oil, can I take it 3 times a day and take the coconut oil with 2-3 drops under my tongue 1-2 times a day? Thanks
Dec 24, 2017
by: J Cas
So I had symptoms for the last 10 days and 5 days ago I tried garlic, sage and golden seal - all I feel didn't work. I started using this treatment 2 days ago and I already notice less drip and now hardly no drip from penis. Burning has greatly lessened so I guess so far it's working. Only thing is I am using plnt by v olive leaf capsules that I brought from GNC. Directions say take one a day but I am taking 2. I also got the sovereign silver which is the brand you mentioned. As for oil of oregano, I am using wellness brand, it lists 70% carvacrol. So though I'm not using the 2 brands you mentioned, are the ones I'm using any good? As I do kinda feel them working already.
Dec 29, 2017
Reply to "Gonorrhea Treatment" Comment
by: Troy
Taking 6 of the olive leaf extract capsules a day right from day one will not make things worse, it will actually help to speed up the healing process! The reason we say to start off on 2 per day and work your way up is because of the detoxing (herxheimers) effects. If you didn't experience this then that's good. Stay with the 6 capsules a day - this is the perfect amount. You can also up the oregano oil too. This will also help speed up the healing process.
All the best to you!
Dec 29, 2017
This really works
by: Anonymous
Started doing this Saturday and already feel no more burn or dripping. I used wellness oil of oregano and plnt olive leaf extract caps even though you said 2 other brands, but they still worked. I feel alot better and I'm going to keep doing this for a few more weeks. How long is this suggested?
Dec 29, 2017
Reply to J Cas
by: Troy
The GNC olive leaf extract is a quality brand, so you're okay with this. The oregano oil, however, not so much. I would still recommend that you get the Zane Hellas Wild Pure Greek oregano oil as this is much stronger (min 86% carvacrol). Up to you of course, but you'll notice even better results with this oregano oil. It's one of the best on the market.
All the best to you!
Dec 29, 2017
Reply to "this really works" comment
by: Troy
Glad it's all helping. As for how long you need to do this for, check each recommendation listed in our article for the specifics. Even though your symptoms have improved, you need to continue to take the supplements and eat properly for a while yet to fully cure the infection (get rid of it for good). This can take anywhere from 4-12 months. But you're definitely on the right track!
All the best! :)
Jan 01, 2018
Sex partner?
by: HealThySelf
Hello, If I acquired chlamydia through my partner who acquired it from a past relationship, can we still have sex if we're both adhering to the above treatment course? Or should we refrain?
Jan 02, 2018
by: Troy
If you're doing the protocol together (and both sticking too it to-the-letter) then there would be no problems. :)
Jan 03, 2018
by: John
Hello Troy, I have been taking the 3 products you have recommended. I do see a difference. I have been taking the 7 day probiotic that you have recommended as well. Will any of the 3 products kill the friendly bacteria? Should I give the probiotic a certain amount of hours and take it by itself? Thanks for all you do Troy. I appreciate it.
Jan 09, 2018
Reply to John
by: Troy
The colloidal silver can interrupt the growth of friendly bacteria, not by much though so don't be overly concerned. The other supplements are perfectly okay. As long as you continue to take a probiotic every day, you'll be fine. The absolute best time to take your probiotics is alongside your meal - right before or just after. Don't forget to also eat and drink probiotic rich food and drinks too if you can (this website has some handy recipes if you're interested).
Hope this helps.
All the best to you John! :)
Jan 17, 2018
Will black seed oil alone kill this problem?
by: Anonymous
Will black seed oil alone kill syphilis.
Jan 18, 2018
by: Anonymous
I have chlamydia and gonorrhea. Is it okay if I follow those advises of yours even if I am pregnant? Thanks.
Jan 20, 2018
Ozone therapy better than H2O2
by: Zman
I read through all of the aforementioned comments and just wanted to add my 2 cents worth. I, too, started with the 6 caps of OLE and WOW I felt nauseated about 2-3 hours afterwards from Herxheimers reaction. But I've been cleansing and killing pathogens for so long in my body already that it was a fairly mild reaction and by the next day I was feeling pretty good at that dose. My girlfriend, on the other hand, has been having some diarrhea at only 3 caps per day for the first couple of days. I believe this to be a direct result of her using ozone far less than I do, and therefore she has many more pathogens to kill and expel from her body than I do.
Regarding your comments about H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide for those who don't know) I have to say that it is proven that ozone is a much safer and more potent type of oxygen therapy for balancing immunity, killing off pathogens and restoring mitochondrial function in cells (which are trained in turn to utilize oxygen more efficiently to restore energy and health to the body systemically). Ozone can be administered at home (as I'm doing) by using a catheter rectally or any number of other methods as long as it is not breathed into the lungs at higher concentrations. I experienced relief from std symptoms within a few minutes from my initial dose. On the flip side, it is not quite as convenient to administer ozone as it is to pop herbal caps when you have a busy lifestyle, but it is regarded as the number one cure for nearly 100% of diseases known to man. Antibiotics aren't very effective at restoring immunity after infection for 2 major reasons: 1) resistant infectious pathogens that persist after medication and 2) drugs only immobilize the pathogens by removing their lipid (fatty acid) outer layer. The dangerous infections actually stop spreading and multiplying but stay in the body to keep activating immune responses, which ends up causing immune dysfunction and autoimmunity. The immune system often starts attacking healthy cells and ignoring the harmful invaders. White blood cells (T-killer cells) will eventually shrink in size and "fall asleep", which obviously leaves the body vulnerable to subsequent attacks by future invaders.
This is the real face of so-called AIDS... not some phony HIV virus which has been given a scary name but poses very little if any threat of harm to the human body. The WHO admits that you don't need to be infected with HIV to develop the AIDS condition. The fact is, many things can lead to this condition and even make you false positive on the virus test. Bottom line is that all pathogens, dead or alive in the body, contribute to a weakened immune system and must be eradicated. Antibiotics will kill the pathogen and weaken immunity. Herbs will kill the pathogen and strengthen immunity which will eventually lead to cleansing the body of the pathogen theoretically. This is very good. Ozone, on the other hand, obliterates the pathogen within seconds as witnessed in many clinical tests over the past 100+ years since the super genius Tesla invented the first ozone machine that could be used by humans internally. It then wakes up and empowers the immune system to clean up the mess once the killing spree is over. Furthermore, with the enlarged and reactivated T-cells on the alert, they begin to patrol for existing or new pathogens that were missed by the initial rectal fumigation. By the way, rectal insufflation is shown to be nearly as effective as direct IV injections that are administered by a physician. The ozone gas is taken up directly in the rectum through the arterial wall inside the colon. The body's own enzymes are able to safely break down the ozone once it's finished doing its job into H2O2, O2, and H2O. Rectal insufflations may be done safely at home by yourself as long as you make sure you receive proper training as to how to follow well-tested and recognized protocols like any herb or drug. I taught myself by reviewing free video materials at Truly Heal on YouTube. No, I do not work for them or sell anything relating to anything I've mentioned. I simply would like to add to the helpfulness of this great site. I know I've made this posting quite long, but I hope it can help someone by giving them enough info to make an educated decision.
Jan 22, 2018
Reply to black seed oil comment
by: Troy
No. Although black seed oil is certainly powerful, to get rid of syphilis you need to take a holistic approach. Multiple remedies, hitting the infection from various angles, is what will kill this bacterium and kill it quickly.
Hope this helps.
All the best to you!
Jan 22, 2018
Reply to "Pregnant" Comment
by: Troy
We advise you wait until you have your baby before starting this protocol, just to be on the safe side. Your body will be going through a powerful detox so you don't need any added burdens when you are already pregnant.
Hope this helps.
All the best!
Jan 22, 2018
Reply to Zman comment
by: Troy
Excellent post Zman, thanks for sharing. Yes the ozone protocol is definitely powerful, no doubt about it. Many people are really scared to follow it though, so hopefully your post helps them out.
0 notes
asterveda · 2 years
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Can Colloidal Silver Help Reduce Wrinkles?
Colloidal silver has amazing antioxidant features that help remove harmful free radicals and toxins from the surface of the skin. And this way, all signs of ageing including such as fine lines and wrinkles gradually fade away. At Astervdeda Healthcare one can find the best colloidal silver supplement online.
0 notes
webpros · 1 year
Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover Solution for Cats|100% Natural and Safe|Recommended by Breeders/Vets/Cat Fanciers/Groomers|Contains Colloidal Silver|Remove Stains from Fur on Persians and Exotics, 16oz Price: [price_with_discount] Customer satisfaction rating 4.5 (according to Amazon product Details) Of the brand Eye Envy products are made with only the best ingredients to improve the overall health of pets. They are tested and recommended by veterinarians, breeders, groomers and leading pet owners. It is discontinued by the manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No Product Dimensions: 6.4 x 3 x 2.8 inches; 1.15 pounds Item model number ‏ : ‎ FBA_EE 16OZS-NR-C First available date ‏ : ‎August 7, 2010 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Eye Envy ASIN ‏ : ‎ B001F6PZHG REMOVES TEARS: Eliminates tear stains in 7 days with daily use. To keep it stain free, use it weekly once the original tear stains are removed. Safely removes tear stains with 100% natural, non-irritating ingredients, including colloidal silver. Apply directly around the eyes. SAFE AND NATURAL: Eye Envy products are non-irritating and are applied topically, never ingested. Safe for pets of all ages. Made in the USA with human grade ingredients since 2001. EFFECTIVE ON PERSIANS, HIMALAYANS AND EXOTICS: Proven effective by breeders, veterinarians, professional groomers and cat lovers worldwide. Ideal for Persians, Himalayans and Exotic Shorthairs and other white/light colored breeds. 3-STEP SYSTEM - Use Eye Envy Tear Stain Facial Cleanser to remove tough stains and debris/dirt. Follow this with Eye Envy Stain Remover Solution to clean the affected area. Finally, finish with Eye Envy Tear Remover Stain Powder to absorb moisture and repel tears to prevent stains from forming. #Eye #Envy #Tear #Stain #Remover #Solution #Cats100 #Natural #SafeRecommended #BreedersVetsCat #FanciersGroomersContains #Colloidal #SilverRemove #Stains #Fur #Persians #Exotics #16oz See more related items: Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover Solution for Cats|100% Natural and Safe|Recommended by Breeders/Vets/Cat Fanciers/Groomers|Contains Colloidal Silver|Remove Stains from Fur on Persians and Exotics, 16oz Read More: This site is affiliated with Amazon
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innatewellness · 1 year
Prices At Bio-care Bioresonance Therapy Medical Centers Markham
The comprehensive report is color-coded for straightforward reading and consists of actionable recommendation to help you and your vet create diet, wellness, and medical programs in your pet. The first step is to discover what your root cause is thru an in depth evaluation and useful medicine testing. A Full Body Bio Resonance Scan is doubtless certainly one of the finest methods to uncover all the problems which could be holding you again from healing.
Try and make your own uncooked goats cheese when you can. You can definitely get rid of the herpes virus in 8 months or even much less. However, placing a time-frame on how lengthy you will need your self just isn't feasible nor sensible.
You have to marvel how our immune system offers with this type of stuff. Howbeit, the one factor we do know is that our immune system is continuously on the look out for potential threatening entities. Once situated and recognized, immune killer cells then present up to spherical them up, dismantle them after which ship their carcasses out of the physique like pro bouncers.
If you have symptoms of mould sickness and/or CIRS, please don’t try to tackle remedy on your own. Find a mold-literate doctor to help information you thru the Shoemaker protocol steps. Receive your pet’s test outcomes summarized in an actionable and simple bioresonance allergy test to understand report within 5-7 days of receipt at our lab. All tests include a 100 percent money-back guarantee. If you suppose your dog could have allergic reactions, contacting your vet ought to be Step 1.
Anyway, I keep in mind this vaccine as a child again in elementary college. It was excellent news to not have to roll up our sleeve and get stabbed with a needle. Mind you, it was one less alternative for the prince to impress the maidens; there were always dragons to be slain in those instances. Howbeit, this vaccine proved to be especially troublesome and was quickly demoted to second place; now not thought of the ‘prescribed normal of care’ for Polio… well… on this country anyway. According to my research, many died from the protocol… extra so than those who were not subjected to it.
I know there's plenty of them but familiarising yourself with what's required is crucial. Also going through the comments, ideas and questions in Heather's article is important too... Remember additionally, a uncooked meals food regimen is what you should bioresonance allergy test be following. Unfortunately, fried eggs, bacon, sausages, etc, are not part of this. I really acquired my HSV1 via a woman that apparently thought that cheating on her husband (I did not know she was married) who cheated on her and GAVE her HSV 1 was a great plan.
I care for my dog way an extreme quantity of to permit the homeoscammers to make use of her. My vet makes use of the three year rabies vaccine and solely provides boosters for something bioresonance allergy test when required, not by a schedule. We lately had give her a bortadello booster so she could presumably be accepted at a kennel while we're on vacation in two weeks.
The aloe helps stop your pores and skin from drying out. Use it instead of the coconut oil as per our suggestion. With the oregano oil, as long as it's diluted enough it is still okay to tackle an empty stomach. I often advocate 10 minutes earlier than food - just sufficient time for the oil to combine together with your intestine flora in your GI tract and make its means down to your duodenum.
The colloidal silver could be good however you can still do well without it. The chemical compounds and components aren't going to assist your body detox. You're on the best track and off to a great begin in my view . I really have been taking and have experienced what i believe is Herxheimer reaction (feeling completely fatigued like i am preventing off something + low grade fever). I even have tried to include oregano oil and OLE (1-2pills OLIVUS per day), however it could be too much. Should I cease the Lomatium, or Oregano/OLE?
0 notes
gustavsenhermann · 2 years
Why You Must Never Let Toenail Fungus Go Untreated
Rathod et al. demonstrated that synthesized AgNPs by Rhizopus stolonifer has a considerable antifungal exercise on T. Mentagrophytes and Candida species in contrast with Amphotericin B and fluconazole. Similarly, the antifungal effect of AgNPs alone and combined with griseofulvin towards T. The results showed that AgNPs had superior effectivity than fluconazole (40 μg.mL-1), however less antifungal effectivity than griseofulvin (0.eight μg.mL-1). They confirmed that the antifungal actions of fluconazole and griseofulvin had been increased in the presence of AgNPs . colloidal silver for fungal infection The MIC was decided as the lowest AgNPs and GR concentration that inhibited visible development . The antifungal susceptibility of nanosilver particles in contrast with griseofulvin . Its efficacy was investigated in opposition to three strains of dermatophytes by each agar dilution and broth microdilution take a look at . It is very contagious and all precaution should be taken to prevent it from spreading to different folks. While on therapy, it is best to not miss a dose and to proceed with the treatment for a couple of days after all of the symptoms have disappeared. A combination of prescribed, house and pure treatments might allow you to get rid of ringworm fast. Now, the most effective methodology to get the colloidal silver into the lungs is to use a nebulizer. Generally, use one teaspoon roughly thrice a day for 10 to fifteen minutes. At home with colloidal silver as a result of it’s a potent anti-fungal. Oil of oregano is a vital oil that you should all the time dilute with a service oil. Over-the-counter ringworm therapy is often the first approach for standard ringworm therapies. Examples of over-the-counter remedy for ringworm embody clotrimazole (Lotrimin® AF) and terbinafine (Lamisil® AT). If you may have ringworm of the scalp, your doctor could probably suggest a medicated shampoo as part of your typical ringworm scalp remedy. Ringworm, or dermatophytosis, is attributable to dermatophytes, which is a gaggle of parasitic fungi. When these fungi come into contact with human or animal skin, the organism can start to multiply. It might assist to moisturize your feet after you apply the answer. For instance, Athlete’s foot and even stubborn toenail fungal infections can be wiped out by using colloidal silver as an alternative of potentially harmful antifungal medication which were recognized to harm the liver. Simply take a glass baking dish and pour an inch and a half or so of colloidal silver into it.
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prep4tomoro · 1 year
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Colloidal Silver: Is it Quackery or a Cure?
I'm not an expert on this topic so its content is not intended to be authoritative but to pique an interest in others to do their own research, and to encourage myself to keep learning about the many aspects of the blog’s goal. As with anything that goes into, or on, the body, extreme caution should be exercised. While many tout Colloidal Silver as a panacea for all human ailments, from the common cold to staph, aids and cancer, it appears that the medical community, FDA and many others view this liquid as quackery and potentially harmful to internal organs. It is a liquid made by electrolysis with pure silver and water (usually distilled water). The purpose for the concoction is intended to be a "natural" antibiotic alternative to modern drugs. Some recurring statements: It can be used internally or topically. The body does not need silver. Do not use it unless treating a specific condition. Use only .9999 (not .999) pure silver. A solution of 5 PPM (Parts Per Million) seems to be the strength to kill/treat most germs/diseases. Do not exceed 25cc/ml per day for the condition you are treating otherwise the silver can absorb into body tissues and discolor skin (generally blue). How it's made - The short version is, connect three (3) 9-volt batteries, in series, and solder alligator clips to the two (red and black) wire ends. Buy two (2) rods of pure silver, clip one rod to the Positive (+) end of a battery and clip the second rod to the Negative (-) end of the battery (this setup is called a Colloidal Silver "generator" which can be purchased pre-made). Many home-made generator designs are available online. Dangle the two silver rods in a container of water until the water becomes cloudy and reaches the PPM that you desire. A PPM meter should be purchased to determine the exact PPM of the solution. Click here to find a ton of YouTube videos on making the stuff. You can also purchase pre-made solutions and related products online. Storing Colloidal Silver: Most experts recommend storing your homemade colloidal silver in dark glass bottles for long-term storage or storing clear containers in a dark room. That’s because the dark helps prevent light from “tarnishing” (i.e., oxidizing) the silver particles suspended in your solution, which in turn lead to the silver particles falling out of suspension and coating the bottom of your storage container. Colloidal Silver Shelf Life: Colloidal silver will tell you when it’s beginning to lose potency. When you make the solution, silver particles are suspended in the solution (see the "How it's made" section above. The general rule of thumb is to watch for precipitation of silver particles in your storage container. “Precipitation” means the silver particles are beginning to fall out of suspension in the solution. The resulting residue will begin to visibly coat the sides and/or bottom of your storage container. That is the sure sign that your batch of homemade colloidal silver (or even store bought colloidal silver, for that matter) is beginning to lose its potency. Though large quantities are needed, the residual silver can be melted down into coins or bars to sell or trade. The silver rods should work indefinitely but should be cleaned of any tarnish or oxidation before each use. MY PERSONAL CONCLUSION: Before I even finish tweaking and completing this post, I wanted to include this statement. Unless a crisis arose when conventional antibiotics became unavailable or inaccessible, I would not use this stuff. After personal research, I feel it may have merit as an "emergency" antibiotic but best left for only a true crisis situation. I do have the components for each of my emergency bags, and will test their functionality to make the liquid. While colloidal silver is highly antibiotic in nature, it is recommended only for external uses. Ingestion of colloidal silver can damage internal organs and kill beneficial bacteria. If you need to consume antibiotics, choose another option, not colloidal silver. I once heard someone say that if the mind believes that something will heal an ailment, it will heal the ailment. So, while something may appear to do miracles, it may actually be the mind doing the miracles and not the product. Look into Alkaline Structured Silver as an alternative to Colloidal Silver. SEE ALSO: Proven Colloidal Silver Benefits or an Unsafe Hoax? Antibiotics to Stockpile for an Emergency [Reference Link]
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jobssok · 2 years
Simply Silver Spearmint Toothpaste - Trace Minerals and Nano Hydroxyapatite Remineralizing formula 4 oz
Simply Silver Spearmint Toothpaste – Trace Minerals and Nano Hydroxyapatite Remineralizing formula 4 oz
Price: (as of – Details) Simply Silver Spearmint Toothpaste contains not only colloidal silver, but nano Hydroxyapatite (HAp) and trace minerals that help remineralize weakened enamel. HAp is completely non-toxic and shown to be clinically superior to fluoride. Simply Silver Toothpaste uses only the best and safest ingredients. We use no Fluoride, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (which can cause canker…
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silverlab101 · 8 months
Colloidal silver liquid for babies liquid silver for colds is colloidal silver safe for kids
Parents often seek natural remedies to alleviate their children's cold symptoms. One such remedy that has gained popularity in recent, is colloidal silver safe for kids. This silver-based solution is believed to have antimicrobial properties, but the safety and efficacy of using colloidal silver for babies with colds remain a topic of debate among healthcare professionals and parents. In this article, we will explore the use of colloidal silver liquid silver for colds, its potential benefits, and the safety considerations that should be taken into account.
What is Colloidal Silver Liquid?
Colloidal silver is a liquid containing tiny silver particles suspended in water. It has been used for centuries as a purported remedy for various health conditions due to its antimicrobial properties. Supporters of colloidal silver claim that it can help combat infections, including those caused by bacteria and viruses.
Colloidal Silver for Babies with Colds
When it comes to using colloidal silver for babies with colds, there is limited scientific evidence to support its effectiveness. Colds in infants are typically caused by viral infections, and colloidal silver's effectiveness against viruses is not well-established. However, some parents still choose to use it as an alternative remedy, primarily due to anecdotal reports of its potential benefits.
Safety Considerations
The safety of colloidal silver, especially for babies, is a significant concern. Here are some key safety considerations:
Risk of Argyria: One of the most well-known risks associated with colloidal silver consumption is argyria, a condition that causes the skin to turn blue-gray. While argyria is rare, it is a potential side effect of prolonged or excessive use of colloidal silver.
Lack of Regulation: Colloidal silver is not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for medical use. This means that the purity, quality, and dosage of colloidal silver products can vary widely, making it challenging to ensure safety and efficacy.
Potential Interactions: Colloidal silver may interact with medications or other supplements, potentially causing adverse effects. It's essential to consult a healthcare professional before giving colloidal silver to a baby, especially if they are taking other medications.
Dosage: Determining the correct dosage of colloidal silver for babies can be challenging. Giving too much could increase the risk of adverse effects.
Lack of Scientific Evidence: The limited scientific evidence available does not conclusively support the use of colloidal silver for treating colds in babies.
Alternative Cold Remedies for Babies
Given the safety concerns and lack of strong scientific evidence, it is advisable to explore other safe and effective remedies for treating colds in babies:
Nasal Saline Drops: Saline drops can help relieve nasal congestion in babies by loosening mucus.
Humidifier: Using a humidifier in the baby's room can add moisture to the air and ease congestion.
Fluids and Rest: Ensure your baby stays hydrated and gets plenty of rest to help their immune system fight off the cold.
Suction Bulb: Use a nasal suction bulb to clear mucus from the baby's nose gently.
Consult a Pediatrician: If your baby's cold symptoms are severe or persistent, it is always best to consult a pediatrician for guidance on appropriate treatments.
Colloidal silver liquid for babies with colds is a contentious topic, with safety and efficacy concerns outweighing the potential benefits. While some parents may choose to use it as an alternative remedy, it is crucial to exercise caution, consult a healthcare professional, and consider alternative, evidence-based treatments when caring for your baby's health. The health and well-being of your child should always be the top priority, and it is essential to make informed decisions based on the available evidence and expert guidance.
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