#Because he’s working out so much lately and getting big biG BIGGG
plistommy · 27 days
Now that Joseph is getting very muscular all I can think about is Eddie coming back in season 5 really build and shredded and no one bats an eye even though he’s now more muscular than Steve.
Makes sense if he’d be Kas!Eddie though…
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bakumu · 2 years
What type of engagement ring would you like Kasaki to propose to you with?
And what would be your ideal proposal, wedding, and honeymoon?
Omg anon thank you so much for asking, and thank you for being patient with me, this got asked so long ago 😣 but I appreciate it so much!! And this is so long I'm sorry lol
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Proposal and ring:
For Kisaki's proposal, he took me to a garden or shrine (i can't pick lol) with a lot of wisterias in late April on a warm spring day. He donated a ton of money so that the two of us would be alone as we roamed amongst the blooms. He visits this place a lot and has taken me here many times and it's always quiet between the two of us as we hold hands and wander.
Eventually, we’d make our way to a bench that overlooks the garden and I’d sit nestled into his side. Kisaki is a little restless at this point, it's hard to notice but he keeps bouncing his leg and rubbing his thumb and index finger together, it's a little subconscious thing that he can't hide from me. I think that he's just having a rough time with work and stuff but little did I know… He starts playing with the hair on my shoulders and talking just loud enough that I would be able to hear him.
I don't want to write the actual dialog because I will cry but just imagine the cutest love confession he can muster. He talks about how he doesn't deserve the happiness I give him, but he can't make himself give me up, he has to be selfish and keep me all to himself. And at this point, I'm crying lol. But he pulls the ring box out of his pocket and asks me if I will marry him. The ring would be biggg, like one big single princess cut diamond. Maybe it would have some side diamonds but they would be very very small in comparison. Of course I say yes.
I don't really care about the fact that he didn't get down on one knee or all that because it's not really him, and also I don't really care about that tradition lol.
The Wedding
Kisaki and I own an Italian Villa on the coast somewhere, lmao because of course we do. So we flew all the important people out to Italy for a small wedding. The villa is huge too so most of the guests stay with us. We'd be there a few days before the wedding with everyone and then afterwards kick them all out lol.
The day of the wedding would probably be really relaxed. We have had a team of chefs on staff that handle the food, and so we'd probably only need a few rentals and flowers, and a photographer.
Oh and you can't forget the Assassination attempt lol. I, of course, know nothing about this and Hanma pretty much takes care of it but it was just a small glitch in Kisakis perfect day.
I think Kisaki cares about the day more than me tbh. Like I care about the photos and having a good time but the day is much more symbolic for him.
It's normal wedding activities tho. A short ceremony where we both write our own vows. Photos and dinner afterwards. Some dancing and celebrating, and I think Kisaki would let himself get a little tipsy even, which is rare for him.
And then after the party is done we go back to our room and have very passionate sex lmao. Lots of him calling me his wife because holy shit it makes him feel so good. My possessive husband 💖🥰
The honeymoon
Once our guests are all gone, it's just me and my new husband, the security team and then Hanma and Hanmas girl. And we get on Kisakis Yacht (lmao you know I had to).
We sail around the Mediterranean hitting up all the big cities and even some of the smaller ones. There's a lot of sneaking off to have yacht sex and Kisaki still has to do some business but he keeps it to a minimum because he loves me.
The honeymoon is probably the easiest he's ever been to seduce lol. All I have to do is climb on his lap and push his papers aside and he is unable to tell me no.
So yeah, good food and laughs for a bit, maybe 3 weeks? I spend way too much time in a bathing suit lmao.
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