notasapleasure · 4 months
The flowing locks. The thighs. The wee grazes on his knees.
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rugbypodbg · 2 years
Бъдещето на Bastareaud е все още мистериозно
Бъдещето на Bastareaud е все още мистериозно #ръгби
ТОП 14 – Възстановявайки се от тежката си контузия на коляното, Матийо Бастарио вече няколко седмици се подлага на рехабилитация в Тулон, без да знае дали ще може отново да играе ръгби. Клубът все още не е взел решение относно бъдещето на играча. В средата на юли една обикновена снимка беше достатъчна, за да предизвика подозрения. Една съвсем обикновена снимка в контекст, който не е толкова…
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¿Cuál fue el resultado del último partido de fútbol entre Francia y Escocia y quiénes fueron los jugadores destacados?
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¿Cuál fue el resultado del último partido de fútbol entre Francia y Escocia y quiénes fueron los jugadores destacados?
Resultado del último partido Francia vs Escocia
En el partido más reciente entre Francia y Escocia, la selección francesa logró imponerse con un impresionante marcador final de 3-0. El encuentro tuvo lugar en un estadio lleno de espectadores ansiosos por ver a sus equipos favoritos en acción.
Desde el inicio del partido, se notaba la determinación de los jugadores franceses por dominar el juego y llevarse la victoria. Con un juego sólido en todas las líneas, lograron mantener la presión sobre el equipo escocés a lo largo de los 90 minutos.
Los goles no tardaron en llegar para el equipo francés, con una combinación de juego en equipo y talento individual que dejó boquiabiertos a los espectadores. Los jugadores demostraron su habilidad en cada jugada, haciendo que la afición vibrara de emoción con cada gol anotado.
Por otro lado, el equipo escocés luchó con determinación, pero no logró encontrar la forma de superar la solidez defensiva de Francia. A pesar de su esfuerzo, no pudieron evitar la derrota ante un rival que se mostró imparable en este encuentro.
Con esta victoria, Francia sigue demostrando por qué es una potencia futbolística a nivel mundial, mientras que Escocia deberá trabajar en ajustes y estrategias para enfrentar sus próximos retos en el campo de juego. Sin duda, este partido quedará en la memoria de los aficionados como un espectáculo de talento y pasión por el fútbol.
Jugadores destacados Francia vs Escocia
En el emocionante mundo del rugby, el enfrentamiento entre Francia y Escocia siempre despierta pasiones y expectativas. Dos equipos con una rica historia en el deporte, llenos de talento y jugadores destacados que hacen vibrar a los aficionados en cada encuentro.
Francia, conocida por su estilo de juego dinámico y agresivo, cuenta con jugadores que han dejado una huella imborrable en la historia del rugby. Entre ellos destacan figuras como Mathieu Bastareaud, un centro imponente y habilidoso, capaz de romper defensas con su potencia y destreza. También se encuentra Antoine Dupont, el talentoso medio scrum que con su visión de juego y precisión en pases marca la diferencia en el terreno de juego.
Por otro lado, Escocia se caracteriza por su juego veloz y táctico, con jugadores que destacan por su habilidad y astucia. Uno de ellos es Stuart Hogg, el fullback versátil y letal en ataque, capaz de desequilibrar cualquier defensa con sus corridas y patadas precisas. Otro jugador destacado es Finn Russell, el estratega del equipo, cuya creatividad y audacia en el campo lo convierten en un rival temido por cualquier oponente.
En cada enfrentamiento entre Francia y Escocia, la emoción y el talento de estos jugadores destacados se encuentran en un choque de titanes que deja boquiabiertos a propios y extraños. Sin duda, un espectáculo deportivo que ningún aficionado al rugby se puede perder.
Marcador final Francia Escocia fútbol
En el marcador final del partido entre Francia y Escocia de fútbol, se vivió una emocionante contienda llena de acción y momentos destacados. Ambos equipos mostraron un gran desempeño en el campo, demostrando su habilidad y determinación por hacerse con la victoria.
El encuentro estuvo lleno de intensidad y buen juego, con jugadas rápidas, habilidosas y goles que mantuvieron a los espectadores al borde de sus asientos. Los jugadores de ambas selecciones dieron lo mejor de sí, mostrando su talento y entrega en cada minuto del partido.
La afición también jugó un papel importante en el desarrollo del encuentro, alentando a sus equipos y creando un ambiente vibrante en el estadio. El apoyo de los seguidores impulsó a los jugadores a dar lo mejor de sí sobre el terreno de juego.
Al final del partido, el marcador reflejó el esfuerzo de ambos equipos, con un resultado que dejó satisfechos a unos y desafectos a otros. Sin embargo, lo importante es el espíritu deportivo y la pasión mostrada por todos los involucrados en este apasionante enfrentamiento.
En resumen, el marcador final del partido entre Francia y Escocia de fútbol fue solo una parte de un emocionante encuentro que demostró la grandeza de este deporte y la habilidad de los competidores en el campo.
Resumen encuentro Francia Escocia
El encuentro entre Francia y Escocia fue un emocionante enfrentamiento que mantuvo a los espectadores en vilo hasta el último minuto. Ambos equipos demostraron un alto nivel de juego y una determinación sin igual en el campo.
Desde el inicio, Francia mostró su poderío con una ofensiva agresiva y un juego de pases preciso que mantuvo a la defensa escocesa bajo presión. Sin embargo, Escocia no se quedó atrás y respondió con una sólida defensa y rápidos contraataques que mantuvieron el marcador equilibrado.
El primer tiempo estuvo marcado por la intensidad y la lucha en el medio campo, con ambas selecciones buscando abrir el marcador. Fue en la segunda mitad cuando Francia logró romper la defensa escocesa y marcar el primer gol del encuentro, desatando la euforia en las gradas.
Pero Escocia no se rindió y continuó presionando en busca del empate. Su esfuerzo dio sus frutos cuando, en los últimos minutos del partido, lograron anotar el gol del empate, dejando a los espectadores con el corazón en un puño.
El encuentro finalizó con un empate que reflejaba la intensidad y la igualdad que se vivió en el campo. Ambos equipos demostraron su calidad y su determinación, dejando claro por qué son considerados dos de las potencias futbolísticas más importantes del mundo.
Ahora, tanto Francia como Escocia deberán seguir trabajando duro para alcanzar sus objetivos en futuros encuentros, sabiendo que cada partido es una oportunidad para demostrar su talento y su pasión por el fútbol.
Desempeño jugadores clave Francia Escocia
El desempeño de los jugadores clave en el partido entre Francia y Escocia ha sido fundamental para el desarrollo del juego. En este encuentro, se han destacado figuras como Antoine Griezmann por parte de Francia y Andy Robertson por parte de Escocia.
Griezmann, reconocido por su habilidad en el ataque, ha demostrado una vez más su calidad en el campo al marcar un gol crucial que ha permitido a su equipo mantenerse en ventaja. Con su visión de juego y precisión en los pases, ha logrado crear oportunidades de gol que han mantenido a la defensa escocesa bajo presión constante.
Por otro lado, Robertson ha sido un pilar en la defensa de Escocia, mostrando su fortaleza física y resistencia para contener los avances del equipo rival. Su capacidad de anticipación y su rapidez para recuperar el balón han sido clave para evitar que Francia aumente su ventaja en el marcador.
Ambos jugadores clave han demostrado su valía en el terreno de juego, contribuyendo de manera significativa al rendimiento de sus respectivos equipos. Su desempeño ha sido fundamental para el desarrollo del partido y ha mantenido la emoción en este enfrentamiento entre Francia y Escocia.
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oscar-piastri · 28 days
short scenes of a love story
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ii. first day
Cassy started to walk slowly to the training campus of the Rugby Club Toulonnais, with a mix of excitement and nervousness. After doing all the job interviews and signing papers remotely, it was the first time she was seeing her new workplace. The only thing making her mind calm was that she was gonna be with Melvyn Jaminet, the only familiar face. She hoped he would remember her, considering their brief encounter just days ago.
As she got closer she noticed a figure waiting in front of the main door. “You must be Cassy” he greeted with a smile, placing his right hand in front. “I’m Matthieu Bastareaud, I’m the Team Manager and your guide for today. The communication department is in a meeting right now, so we’ll meet them later. I hope it’ll be alright?”
“Of course,” Cassy replied, shaking his hand. “I still can't believe I'm working for RCT. I grew up watching this team with my dad.”
“A lifelong RCT fan?” Matthieu inquired as they walked through the administration area. Cassy was following behind but she couldn’t help but look at her new surroundings. The white walls were covered with red and black decorations, with giant pictures of the key moments and players of the team.
Cassy chuckled, her cheeks turning slightly red. “Actually, I've always been a Toulouse fan, but Toulon is a close second. Maybe it’s the team colors that draw me in.”
“Then I guess we can include Lyon in your top 3” Matthieu joked, referring to the red and black colors Lyon was wearing as well.
The tour continued, with Cassy meeting various staff members and exploring the campus. After this little tour, Matthieu brought Cassy to the outside field so she could meet the players properly. The campus was built with an inside field so the players could still train inside while it was pouring outside; a rare weather for the town of Toulon, but still a smart decision from the team.
When they got closer to the field, Matthieu asked the coach; Pierre Mignoni, to stop the training so he could introduce her briefly to the team. Pierre whistled to signal his players that it was time for a break and asked them to gather around. Cassy spotted Melvyn among the players in the back of the group, chatting with his friends.
Once everyone was around, Matthieu let Cassy introduce herself. “Hello, I’m Cassy. I’m the new graphic designer and community manager. Guess we can say I’ll be the annoying person with the phone following you guys”
“Even in the lockers?” One of them asked as a joke and most of the team laughed, before Charles Ollivon; the team captain, slapped the back of his head to shut him up.
“Isa, that’s 20 minutes of running you got yourself” Pierre said, making the other players burst into laughter.
Cassy may not have noticed, too busy feeling embarrassed, but Melvyn didn’t take away his eyes from her, ever since she got his attention when she said ‘Hello'; his smile widening as their eyes met. Memories of their previous encounter during the board game night came flooding back.
After the introduction, the team went back to training and Matthieu left Cassy to watch the training session for a bit while he was busy with a phone call. She put herself a bit away, quite scared to be hit in the face by the ball, when she noticed Melvyn jogging towards her.
“So, we meet again. Really surprised to see you here, why didn’t you tell me you’d be working with me?” he said, crossing his arms on his chest.
“So you remember me?” she asked, ignoring his question.
“How could I not? You know I’m not like your friends, I don’t forget about you” he replied, realizing his mistake when Cassy’s smile faded. “Sorry, dick move”
“It’s fine” she muttered, remembering how her friends were acting the last time they saw her. “By the way, shouldn’t you be back there?” she asked, pointing to the training field where his teammates were all back to train. “Or are you too much of a star to train with them?” she smirked.
“Nah, it’s fine-”
“Hey loverboy! Your ass better be back on the field in 2 seconds” Matthieu growled as he was walking back to Cassy. Melvyn’s cheeks turned to red in two seconds and Cassy couldn’t stop giggling.
“Yes sir, sorry. I uh… yeah, I’m going” Melvyn apologized before sprinting to join his teammates.
“Hope he wasn’t bothering you, I swear these guys can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.” he apologized, shaking his head. “Okay, let’s meet your actual coworkers”
She followed Matthieu back to the building, and as they were walking, she tried to mind map the building to avoid being lost in the next few days. As soon as they reached the Communication office, she was met with two men; she assumed that they were her coworkers. Matthieu then left her in ‘good hands’ as he said and walked back to his office after Cassy thanked him for the morning tour.
Her new coworkers introduced themselves and explained each of their missions. It was said in the job interviews that Cassy would be working for and with the main XV team, as they thought that her style and ideas was more fitting to promote them; while her coworkers would focus on the women’s team and younger teams. 
One of her coworkers then handed her a jacket, the official team wear she’d get to wear when attending events or matches. “It’s yours, welcome to the family”
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
Bastareaud's emotion
Mathieu Bastareaud played Sunday at the Mayol stadium against Bordeaux-Bègles the very last match of his career. Very moved, the third row of the RCT just regretted that the Varois had failed to qualify for the play-offs. After words, place for emotion. On May 19, hot on the lawn of the Aviva Stadium in Dublin just after winning his first Challenge Cup and thus becoming the first French player…
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nardirct · 1 year
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bouxmounir · 2 years
Bastareaud, Brunel, Candelon... Guilhem Guirado interviewé par siens
Bastareaud, Brunel, Candelon… Guilhem Guirado interviewé par siens
Quand il n’y a plus de ballon, il y a le reste. Guilhem Guirado, 36 ans ce vendredi, est sur le point d’être touché. Du coup, on nous a posé à une dizaine de ses proches le porte-parole de Montpellier la question qu’ils aimeraient avoir. Sérieux ou décontracté, sportif ou hors rugby. Mathieu Bastareaud, sélection et équipe de Toulon Tu dis que tu as toujours voulu jouer à mes côtés mais à quel…
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croisonsles · 5 years
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Les Capitaines.
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fordysfaz · 6 years
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Serin et Bastareaud jouent à RUGBY 18
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Serge Blanco exprime son soutien à Jacques Brunel
Serge Blanco a défendu Jacques Brunel concernant la non-convocation de Mathieu Bastareaud pour la Coupe du monde de rugby à XV 2019. Selon le dirigeant sportif, les gens ont des principes et ils les défendent. De plus, l’ancien numéro 2 de la Fédération française de rugby ne souhaite pas critiquer le sélectionneur du XV de France, car il pense que le travail de Brunel est bien difficile.
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pakcricwiz · 5 years
Mathieu Bastareaud back as France opt for power against England
Bastareaud is one of six changes made by Jacques Brunel
Demba Bamba to start at tight-head in pack reshuffle
Mathieu Bastareaud has returned to Les Bleus’ starting line-up as France opted for bulk and power in their Six Nations encounter against England at Twickenham on Sunday.
Jacques Brunel, the France head coach, has made six changes to the team who let slip a 16-0 half-time lead in a 24-19 defeat by Wales in the championship’s curtain raiser last Friday.
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dieveticord-blog · 5 years
Full SportsTime 2019 Women's Internationals: England ENG v France FRA
    England 44 France 8, Six Nations 2019: Jonny May. 2019 women's internationals england eng v france france. 2019/20 RUGBY EUROPE CONFERENCE 1 NORTH: SWEDEN SWE V LUXEMBOURG LUX STREAMING 4K Rugby World Cup 2019, Final, Match 48: Winner Semi-Final 1 TBC v Winner Semi-Final 2 TBC. England 44-8 France, Six Nations, 10 Feb 2019. 2019 Women'S Internationals: France FRA V England ENG HD No Sign Up Live 4K Full Online
http://mencaumacar.parsiblog.com/Posts/7/2019%2f20+rugby+europe+trophy%3a+netherlands+ned+v+ukraine+ukr+strea/ 10.03.2018 Watch the short highlights as Paris hosted England in Paris in Le Crunch! France v England, Stade de France, Saturday March 10 France: 15 Hugo Bonneval, 14 Benjamin Fall, 13 Mathieu Bastareaud. 2019 Women's Internationals: England ENG v france france france.
2019 Women's Internationals: England ENG v france france
Rugby Europe Womens Trophy 2019-20: Czechia CZE v Switzerland SUI. 2019 Women's Internationals: England ENG v. England Rugby World Cup 2019 Fixtures. England were drawn in Pool C at Rugby World Cup 2019 along with Tonga, USA, Argentina and France... England booked a place in the World Cup quarter-finals following victories over Tonga, USA and Argentina. England Six Nations 2019 Fixtures. (although it has been named 'Eurostar Trophy' a few times in France, since 2000. Games have also been played as Tests and at the Rugby World Cup. England and France have played each other on 106 occasions, England winning 58, France winning 40, and 8 matches have been drawn. Overall, England have scored 1,704 points, and France 1,338. 06.02.2019 England vs France, Six Nations 2019: Kick-off time, TV channel, teams and odds Everything you need to know ahead of the first Six Nations match to be played at Twickenham this year.
Ireland vs England 2019 Six Nations February 2. antonio-10.jimdosite.com/full-score-hd-november-1080p-2019-20-rugby-europe-conference-1-south-malta-mlt-v-cyprus-cyp/ FIFA Women's World Cup France 2019. 2019 Women's Internationals: Wales WAL v Barbarians Women BAR. https://seesaawiki.jp/waraichi/d/Full%20Live%20Free%20Results%201080P%202019/20%20Rugby%20Europe%20Conference%201%20North%20Sweden%20SWE
Rugby Europe Womens Trophy 2019-20: Czechia CZE v Sweden SWE. England Women's football team fixtures and results. http://ringmitsupho.blogg.se/2019/october/2019-womens-internationals-italy-ita-v-japan-jpn-720p-4k-calendar-without-paying-november.html 2019 women 27s internationals 3a england eng v france fra diavolo. 2019 Women's Internationals: Netherlands NED v Hong Kong HKG. FIFA Women's World Cup France 2019 - Matches - England - USA. FIFA Women's World Cup France 2019 - Matches - England. England ENG. 02 July. 1-2. USA USA.
History of rugby union matches between England. Competition date 08 October 2019 Competition type A Women's International. PRT Home team Portugal goals. vs FT. Away team score 1. Away team England Eng goals. goal scored by B. Mead on minute 72. Find out how England got their France 2019 campaign off.
2019 Women's Internationals: England ENG v www
Short Highlights: France v England, NatWest 6. 2019 women's internationals: england eng v france franklin. 2019 Men's Internationals: Barbarians BNS v Fiji FIJ. 2019 Women's Internationals: England ENG v france françois. 02.02.2019 Extended Highlights: France v Tonga - Rugby World Cup 2019 - Duration: 10:48. World Rugby 34,694 views. New. England vs France 2019 Six Nations February 10 1stH - Duration: 53:04.
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gosportsfield · 5 years
Vice-captain Bastareaud left out of France World Cup squad
Vice-captain Bastareaud left out of France World Cup squad
Mathieu Bastareaud will not be part of this year’s Rugby World Cup after the Toulon centre was left out of France’s 37-man squad on Tuesday.
Bastareaud, who was vice-captain for Les Bleus during a disappointing Six Nations campaign, did not feature in the squad list of 31 or among the six standby players who will start preparation for the tournament from June 25.
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cnnnewsnetwork-blog · 6 years
Warren Gatland Calculates Risks As Wales Look To Absorb France Blows
Warren Gatland Calculates Risks As Wales Look To Absorb France Blows
CNN Paper: Points make prize money in the Six Nations. The title may have gone west but the cost to the Welsh Rugby Union of defeat against France in the final match of the Six Nations could be £2m, the difference between coming second and fifth.
It may explain a contradictory selection by Wales who, alongside Scotland, have expanded their portfolio this season to become one of the more…
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
A new costume for Bastareaud
Midi Olympique reveals on Tuesday that Mathieu Bastareaud, who will end his playing career at the end of the season, will join the staff of RC Toulon as Team Manager. Mathieu Bastareaud (35) is not yet officially retired. However, he is already set on his reconversion. And it will be done within this RC Toulon whose jersey he defended for the last time on the European scene, last Friday during…
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usanewsgoogle · 6 years
Backlash after Mathieu Bastareaud handed only three-week ban over homophobic abuse in Champions Cup
European Rugby officers are going through a backlash after Toulon centre Mathieu Bastareaud was handed only a three-week ban for verbally abusing an opponent, with the France worldwide utilizing homophobic language in direction of Benetton lock Sebastian Negri throughout final weekend’s Champions Cup encounter.
A disciplinary panel deemed that Bastareaud’s offence – he was heard calling Negri a…
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