minyboy · 1 month
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A birthday party without a cake is like a dance floor without me!
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dejahisashmom · 4 months
Gateway to the Heavens: The Assyrian Account of the Tower of Babel | Ancient Origins
The Tower of Babel is in the Hebrew & Christian Bibles. It's in Genesis 11:1-9. This article is about the Assyrian version of the story.
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bluesman56 · 2 years
Welsh temple by Tony
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Mohammad Mortazavi - Philharmonie Berlin --Balal Balal
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ackletze · 10 months
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Some OC art from the past couple weeks
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Cats Song Balal Hamine Kids Dance Kids Song@KidsDanceSongsMusic
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zibah-ho · 1 year
favourite brand of misogyny fuelled fruity fiction
two men in a dick measuring contest trying to flirt with a girl who are essentially flirting with each other via this poor girl
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tigerpawsjunior · 2 years
Season 3, Episode 2
Season 3, Episode 2: Brendan O'Sullivan
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meowunmeow · 2 months
Talking about Language
I was surprised that the Ainu language was used. Japan has a whole thing about having pride in being a monocultural country to the point of denying the existence of the Ainu up until 2019. As of 2008, there was already less than 100 native speakers. Also, Japan has a weird track record with denying their history... But I digress.
Lan said that the game will use all 7000 "confirmed languages" of the loop. It basically solidifies that Ainu is an identity with its own culture and language, and it still exists until now.
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You can drive a language to extinction but that does not mean it never existed. Just like how death isn't the end if it is still remembered.
UMAs are meant to represent concepts that lead to humanity's downfall. One might think "how does language do this?" and I could think of two answers.
The first has to do with her hat, for lack of a better word. It is the Tower of Babel, the tower that introduced language to humanity and causing humanity to not understand each other. Many say that the word comes from the Hebrew word "balal" which means "to confuse", though it is debated.
Fun fact: in my native language, the word "babal", which sounds similar to Babel, means "stupid to the point of not understanding something regardless of how many times it is repeated" lol. Basically as if there was a language barrier.
The second is how one can easily kill a huge part of one's identity by enforcing and limiting language use through colonisation and assimilation. Creating conflict between humans, I wonder where I heard that from?
Oh yeah. Beast.
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rayar32 · 10 months
Suddenly just had a thought: If Hibiki and Miku are cleansed from the Curse of Balal after G, does that mean that they get to understand/speak every language ever? Before everyone else does???
I imagine they unconsciously slowly start doing it more and more: When Miku does it, no one questions it at first, but when it's Hibiki everyone blue screens for half a second and just bury the thought because it's easier to do that than to believe Hibiki is skilled at anything other than singing and fisting fighting
Like, imagine the G Trio talking to Hibiki in perfect english, and none of them ever question it because "Well, someone must've taught her already or something like that" (coping)
Or hell, Hibiki screaming at Carol in german, or french at Saint-Germain and no one knows what to think of it other than "Y'know what, maybe she is a secret polyglot or something, who fucking knows maybe it's God-Slayer privileges!!!" (even more coping)
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labeelart · 9 months
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Balal (BG3's oc)
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minyboy · 1 month
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Katy Kat is full of spunk and life and yet somehow is still two dimensional. I mean everyone in PaRappa is 2D, but still...
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bluesman56 · 2 years
Split paths by Tony
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arbitrarygreay · 5 months
Symphogear attack names
@mimeparadox alerted me to the fact that Kirika's attack names are crimes against linguistics, so I started looking at all of the Gear users' attacks. Much thanks to the wiki, which helpfully compiles not only the attacks, but their title cards, the romanization, and the original text!
I'm only looking at anime attacks. From "least cringe" to "Kirika":
Miku: Two-character Chinese phrases. Short, sweet, dignified.
Hibiki: Cheating because she doesn't get attack name cards at all. See post-ranking paragraphs.
Mid-tier: Maria/Tsubasa/Kanade tie. These girls are chuuni, but are relatively self-aware enough to have some restraint. However, Tsubasa might actually be one tier up by a sliver. She's getting away with some shit by doing hers in foreign language calligraphy, but see the post-ranking paragraphs.
Chris: Name that rock band! Golden spot of delightful indulgence. I dare anyone to not smile whenever MEGADETH PARTY shows up like an old friend. Chris has one (1) genre on her music player, and she doesn't give a fuck.
Shirabe: [greek alphabet letter]-style: {[spinning reference] AND/OR [cutting thing/action reference] wrapper addition/s to make it chuuni}
Kirika: Aforementioned CRIMES AGAINST LINGUISTICS. Build a desired phrase. May or may not include kana-ized English referencing a western fictional character. Add chuuni Japanese as necessary. Find phonetic syllables in Japanese that can be represented by tortured kanji readings that fit desired meaning. Substitute other kana with English alphabet letters. Featuring such great hits as:
断殺・邪刃ウォttKKK (did you know that you spell Jabberwock with "t"s? that's how Kirika rolls, death)
So, like, there are indications that these aren't relic-defined names, but things that the girls themselves came up with. The strongest evidence for this is Gungnir, which has three users across the length of the show. Not only does the show make it explicit that Hibiki is coming up with the attack names herself, as they are called "Hibiki Style", but even the two who are using Gungnir as intended, Kanade and Maria, have their attacks names tailored to them. Kanade's all involve the "∞" sign, which don't show up in Hibiki or Maria's attacks.
Maria and Chris also both present even stronger evidence, as the rare users who have performed attacks across two different relics, and their tailored quirks are present in both. With Gungnir and Airgetlam, Maria's attacks feature the "†" sign splitting capitalized English. With both Nehushtan and Ichaival, Chris features rock band references in Old English font.
And this isn't even getting into the NONSENSE when combo attacks enter the fray, as each girl's naming quirks get thrown into a blender. Not only do we have Shirabe and Kirika throwing their Greek-letter-tortured-kanji-random-romanized-letters shit together into the likes of "禁合β式・Zあ破刃惨無uうNN", but then you add Maria's cross-capitalized-English-chuuni, and get "禁結終Ω式・爍機†TRINITY".
Another canon case of an attack evidently being named by a person is S2CA, which is short for "Superb Song Combination Arts", despite the fact that it makes zero sense in Japanese, where "Superb Song" is "Zessho". Forced acronyms transcend the curse of Balal!
(Tsubasa sidebar: so if we're assuming that attacks are named by their users, then the likelihood that Tsubasa's attacks are actually more chuuni in the original Japanese goes way up. Tsubasa doesn't know what normal is! Her baseline standard is the Kazanari family, and her ninja idol manager! Not to mention that her main transformation song is already borderline self parody in S2. Japanese imagery, sword, sword, blade, sword, blade, blade, I am sword, sword is me, etc. Maria and Kanade's attack names are constrained by being only 1-2 English words. Tsubasa out here throwing out flowery whole scroll calligraphy. Every added character brings her closer to Shirabe and Kirika's level.)
You may notice that this ranking suspiciously seems to follow the level of lack of blood family and divorce from civilian life. Chris, Maria, Shirabe, and Kirika are all orphans who were coerced into exploitation. However, Maria still had Serena, who overtly shares her surname, which suggests blood ties (they still don't share Anastassia's surname).
One step further on this, though, is that Chris was yet still closer to Kanade's situation in that she did know who her civilian parents were before she lost them. The Yukine surname was never in question, which is not necessarily the case for the Receptor Children. It's possible that some of these kids may have chosen their surnames for themselves after being freed from captivity.
Which would explain why you can get a Gundam-ass name like "Maria Cadenzavna Eve", which makes little to no sense in terms of ethnic name origin. Maria is Greek+Latin via Hebrew, Eve is English via Latinized Hebrew, and then Cadenzavna is a nonsense mishmash of Italian and Eastern European.
"Kusanagi Motoko" from Ghost in the Shell is a pseudonym (admitted canonically in 2nd gig), which is something like "(plain) Jane Excalibur". It seems obvious to me that "Akatsuki Kirika" and "Tsukuyomi Shirabe" are similar. The music/sound-based given names apply across most all of the Gear users, but I can easily see these two goobers picking the edgiest surnames (with shared moon connotations!) for themselves. Which, per the first half of this post, is reinforced by how chuuni their self-defined attack names are. (Meanwhile, Maria loses her little sister called Serena, and then replaces her with two girls with moon-associated surnames, eh. Maria, the Eastern European who would have been more likely to watch a dub of an anime than the sub, and wore that odango hairstyle as a child...)
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glitradora · 1 year
I literally just have one thing to say as an Egyptology student about the Jada Picket Smith Cleopatra “documentary”
This is a statue of a fully ethnically Egyptian priest, named Ka-aper, from around  2400BCE (aka over 2300 years before Cleopatra was even born)
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When he was found the people in the town named him Sheik Balal. Because he looked so much like their local governor.
Modern Egyptians and Ancient Egyptians are the same people - you’re just Islamophobic.
Egyptian People are not “invaders” of their own country. Saying that Cleopatra was “before the arab invasion” is Islamophobic. Perpetuating the idea that modern Egyptians “took over” their own country and it’s history is ISLAMOPHOBIC
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status-updates · 8 months
[Calling status two…]
Two, good news.
Pign pnong
Again? I didn’t even know we had a ping pong table.
Me wnwiether!
Anyway, the ratings indicate that you fucking suck at this so I figured out how to post updates remotely
Thananaks you! 🥰
You’re welcome. How’s ping ping going?
What? How have you not lost?
I shshooti mororoe balalls thanna theeeeeeeeee oppooonebeby
… Ping pong does not involve shooting balls.
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