#Bail Lawyer in Faridabad
leadindia011 · 1 year
There are numerous examples of emotional cruelty in marriage. However, how does one establish mental cruelty in a court of law? There are numerous steps in a court case, and the most important one is proving the allegations.
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bail-lawyrs · 1 year
What kind of cases a husband can file against wife?
If a woman mistreats him, the husband has the right to file a lawsuit. However, unlike those under IPC Section 498A, such proceedings are not subject to criminal law. These could be divorce proceedings in which the husband wants to break the union because of his wife's behavior. Cruelty is one of the gender-neutral grounds for divorce, among the other grounds or causes. Depending on a person's faith, personal rules govern both marriage and divorce. Cruelty is a basis for divorce under certain Indian laws.
In India, both husbands and wives have access to the legal system to handle a variety of problems that could develop in a marriage. In India, a husband may bring the following claims against his wife:
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If there are grounds for dissolving the marriage, such as cruelty, desertion, adultery, or mutual consent, the husband may do so in accordance with the terms of the Hindu Marriage Act, Special Marriage Act, or Indian Divorce Act (depending on the couple's faith).
According to the stipulations of the Hindu Marriage Act, Special Marriage Act, or Indian Divorce Act (depending on the couple's religion), the husband may end the marriage if there are grounds for doing so, such as cruelty, desertion, adultery, or mutual consent.
The rights of the husband are frequently disregarded more severely under Indian law in circumstances of abuse. Legislators are unable to comprehend that there are men as well as women who commit mental abuse in marriage. The Indian Penal Code, 1860's Section 498A provisions clearly designate a woman as the aggressor and her husband or his family as the accused. Because of this, women frequently misuse 498A, whether or not the charges are supported by evidence. It is not possible to compromise or compound the charge of cruelty under Section 498A. However, it is now very common for the High Courts to dismiss FIRs under Section 498A.
A complaint may be made under Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code if the husband is the target of dowry demands, cruelty, or harassment because of the dowry. This section addresses abuse of the wife by the husband or members of his family, but husbands may also utilise it to pursue legal action.
The Supreme Court observed in the case of Kanchan v. Kamalendra, AIR 1993 Bom 493, that Section 24 permits both the wife and the husband to request support pendente lite if they can both show that they have no other independent source of income. However, the husband must show the court that a physical or mental impairment prevents him from working and providing for his family. The spouse could not be given maintenance since he was healthy and not mentally ill and because the only reason his business failed was that it went against the letter of Section 24 of the Act.
If a spouse cannot financially support himself, he may request maintenance or alimony in the event of a separation or divorce. The spouse might ask the family court for his wife's financial support.
Child custody: If the marriage has kids and the husband wants to get custody of them, he can submit a petition. When considering custody disputes, the court takes the child's best interests into account.
Adultery: The spouse may submit a complaint under Section 497 of the Indian Penal Code if the wife has had an extramarital affair. It's crucial to remember that this part is debatable since it only takes a married woman's extramarital connection into account—not her husband's.
In other words, even though the husbands are capable of working for a living on their own, it is not common practice for them to request maintenance from their working spouses. Only individuals who are truly and completely unable to sustain themselves are intended to get assistance under the Hindu Marriage Act's provisions. As was previously stated, only a "deserving man" is qualified to assert this privilege. The payment of maintenance to the husband will reduce the number of divorce proceedings since it will obligate the wife to support her helpless husband. And the wife would rather stay married than grant her husband a divorce and maintenance.
If the case has been filed in Noida, then Bail Lawyers Noida may be hired. Likewise, if the case has been filed in Faridabad, then a Bail Lawyer In Faridabad may be appointed. Bail Lawyers In Delhi. may be hired if the case has been filed in Delhi.
To address the problem, Lead India provides a selection of data, legal services, and free legal advice. To get the best guidance in this case, ask a legal question and talk to a lawyer
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Bail Lawyers Noida, Bail Lawyer In Faridabad, Bail Lawyers In Delhi.
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legal-issue · 1 year
What Is The Process To Hire The Best Lawyer To File Pil?
Public Interest Litigation is litigation in the interest of the public. It is the power provided to the general public to raise their voices for public issues in the court of law. PIL is a legal action taken by a public-spirited person so as to protect the public interest.
An individual who believes that injustice is being committed against the public or society, could approach the court for judicial remedies.
PIL could be filed for-
As mentioned earlier, PIL could be filed for matters related to public interest mostly. Some of the important issues for which PIL could be filed have been mentioned below-
Violation of fundamental rights or some other legal right guaranteed by the laws.
If basic human rights of the poor have been violated.
Ensuring that the government authorities or municipal authorities perform their public duty
Conduct of the government policy
Who can file PIL?
Previously, a person whose interest was directly affected along with others could file a PIL. Now, however, any ‘public-spirited’ person could file a PIL on the behalf of a person or a group of persons whose rights have been affected. Thus, it is not necessary that the person filing the PIL should have direct interest in the matter; the PIL should not be filed for private reasons but for the good of the public at large.
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How does a lawyer help filing the PIL?
A lawyer could help you with the procedure of preparing, filing and presenting your PIL in the appropriate court. A PIL advocate has the necessary experience in PIL matters. With the increase in the number of frivolous and bizarre PILs, the courts have become wary of accepting every PIL filed. Every PIL is scrutinised in great detail by the Courts after which the decision regarding the acceptance is taken.
A good and experienced PIL lawyer would ensure that your PIL has good motive and would get rejected for want of sufficient reason.
A experienced would ensure that your petition is drafted properly and without unnecessary continent and errors. Your lawyer would also ensure that your PIL is filed in the correct court and thus reducing the chances of it getting rejected.
Where can a PIL are filed?
Supreme Court and the High Courts have the authority to entertain Public Interest Litigation in accordance to the subject matter of the petition under Article 32 and 226 of the Constitution. 
Issues over which a PIL cannot be filed-
The Supreme Court has set some guidelines, based on which certain matters could not allowed in the form of PILs-
Matters related to services.
Tenant and landlord matters
Gratuity and pension matters.
Matters involving admission to medical and other educational institutions.
Petitions for early hearing of cases pending in the High Court or other subordinate courts
Any complaint against the Central and State government departments and local bodies, accepts those mentioned by the Supreme Court in the guidelines.
As could be inferred from the above discussion, though one could file for petition, it is important to seek experienced lawyers practising in the High Courts and Supreme Court for the PIL. You could appoint one by having your friends recommend one or by contacting a trustworthy legal firm.
Lead India offers you an experienced team of advocates who have been successfully dealing with cases in the High Courts and Supreme Courts. Even for matters related to civil or criminal laws if you wish to talk to lawyer or seek free legal advice online, such as appointing a Bail Lawyers in Delhi, Bail Lawyer in Faridabad, Bail Lawyers Noida or any other city, you may contact us.
Visit us: — https://www.leadindia.law
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How To Hire Best Lawyer In Delhi NCR For Bail
Everybody wonders about this question at some point when they need to resolve a legal issue. This is due to the fact that Delhi has a large number of lawyers available to handle legal matters, but not all of them are equipped to do so successfully. Therefore, certain facts need to be taken into account when choosing a lawyer.
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The factors to take into account while hiring a bail lawyer include:
When narrowing down the many lawyers in Delhi, references, reviews, and ratings are quite important. You can request referrals from attorneys who are familiar to your friends, family, or coworkers. On the official website of the law company representing the attorney, reviews and ratings are provided by clients who have used their services. They should have a solid track record of customer service, and their former clients shouldn't have lodged any complaints.
Meet the trustworthy attorneys you've shortlisted in person. Many people attempt to hire attorneys by calling them or chatting with them online. When you first meet someone, you'll be able to tell if you feel at ease speaking with them. While they describe the legal problems that need to be resolved, you can evaluate their competence. As you describe your issues to them, you must be completely honest. There is no need to worry about paying for early encounters because many reputable lawyers offer free consultations.
Legal cases are best handled by a skilled attorney. People frequently go to general attorneys for assistance in resolving legal issues. They eventually arrive at disappointing results. Therefore, it is best to locate a lawyer experienced in handling those specific legal issues.
The best option is to get a lawyer that charges fairly for their services. It is wise to avoid selecting the advocate who charges the lowest rates among the other attorneys. A lawyer with little experience or one who has dropped several cases will bill less.
Anytime during business hours, they ought to be able to answer your calls or get in touch with you. An overworked lawyer won't be able to manage your case effectively.
A lawyer from the same judicial district where your case needs to be filed or has already been filed against you should always be considered because they are more familiar with the local court system. If the case has been filed in Noida then Bail Lawyers Noida should be appointed. A Bail Lawyer In Faridabad can also be appointed if the case has been filed in Faridabad. Likewise, if the case has been filed in Delhi then Bail Lawyers In Delhi can be appointed.
They should be skilled in the negotiation because it helps them much in out-of-court settlements of legal disputes.
The information above will undoubtedly make it simple for you to choose a reliable lawyer in Delhi. The ideal candidate for your case is a lawyer who has experience representing friends or family. They will prove to be of great assistance in effectively presenting your case in court. A person accused of committing a crime in Delhi must retain a local bail attorney. For a variety of reasons, they will prove to be the ideal assistance. The reasons are:
They will gather the necessary proof to demonstrate their client's innocence. It makes the case stronger, and perhaps after a few hearings, you won't be found guilty.
They are able to create the necessary paperwork to deal with legal problems and protect your rights.
They will comprehend more effective strategies for hastening the resolution of the lawsuit.
In addition to enthusiasm, expertise, and knowledge, a bail lawyer should also possess the following traits:
Committed: Criminal cases can become difficult, and the outcome can have a significant impact on a person's life. Therefore, it's crucial that you select a lawyer that won't push you or your case and is fully committed to helping it come to a successful conclusion.
Privacy: Not everyone feels comfortable talking about their issues, particularly court situations. So it's crucial that you look for a lawyer that excels at maintaining confidentiality. It is crucial for every defense attorney to avoid disclosing facts that can cause controversy or have unfavorable results.
Analysis: It takes a lot of information distillation to study a case, and it also takes management of all the data to win the case. There may be more than one reasonable conclusion or precedent that can be used to resolve an issue at a given time.
You can contact Lead India for hiring a lawyer. Here, you can talk to a lawyer and even ask a legal questions. We also provide free legal advice. You may be confident that the matter will be handled with professionalism because we have the best team of attorneys with the most experience.
Visit Us: - https://www.leadindia.law
Call Us: - +91-8800788535
YouTube: - https://www.youtube.com/c/LeadIndiaLawAssociates
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Bail Lawyers In Delhi, Bail Lawyers Noida, Bail Lawyer In Faridabad
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ethicallegal · 3 years
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We provide best legal solutions in the matters pertaining to Divorce, Family Disputes, RERA Property disputes, Matrimonial, Criminal, Civil, Recovery, consumer disputes and Arbitration. Our top priority is to minimize the legal hassles of our clients in dealing with the court matters. Our well experienced and dedicated team of lawyers works extensively to provide best in class services and solutions, helping resolve Family disputes and Matrimonial cases like Dowry Demand, Domestic Violence, Maintenance, Divorce, and Child Custody. Our team is well equipped to handle legal matters pertaining to Anticipatory bail, Criminal Offence charges, Cheque bounce, Arbitration & Reconciliation, Consumer Forum and Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, with presence in cities Faridabad, Gurgaon, New Delhi & NCR.
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pioneer-edu · 3 years
ETHICAL LEGAL CONSULTANTS - Law firm in Faridabad Gurgaon Haryana India
We provide best legal solutions in the matters pertaining to Divorce, Family Disputes, RERA Property disputes, Matrimonial, Criminal, Civil, Recovery, consumer disputes and Arbitration. Our top priority is to minimize the legal hassles of our clients in dealing with the court matters. Our well experienced and dedicated team of lawyers works extensively to provide best in class services and solutions, helping resolve Family disputes and Matrimonial cases like Dowry Demand, Domestic Violence, Maintenance, Divorce, and Child Custody. Our team is well equipped to handle legal matters pertaining to Anticipatory bail, Criminal Offence charges, Cheque bounce, Arbitration & Reconciliation, Consumer Forum and Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, with presence in cities Faridabad, Gurgaon, Haryana, New Delhi. 
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Twitterverse react to the Bhima Koregaon raids
New Post has been published on http://funnythingshere.xyz/twitterverse-react-to-the-bhima-koregaon-raids/
Twitterverse react to the Bhima Koregaon raids
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The Pune police on Tuesday raided the houses of activists in Delhi, Mumbai, Ranchi, Hyderabad, Faridabad and Goa in connections with the Bhima Koregaon violence. Pune police have unearthed a letter which reportedly talks about a plot to assassinate PM Narendra Modi.
The residences of activists Vernon Gonsalves and Arun Ferreira in Mumbai, Gautam Navlakha in New Delhi, Sudha Bharadwaj in Faridabad, Varavara Rao in Hyderabad and Anand Teltumbde in Goa were raided. Rao was arrested and produced before a local court.
Twitterverse reacts to the developments:
In the ‘new’ India human rights activists will be arrested but no one wants to touch groups like Sanathan Sanstha! And the country stays silent! #BhimaKoregaon
— Rajdeep Sardesai (@sardesairajdeep) August 28, 2018
1. A failed filmmaker cooks up a term called Urban Naxals 2. Someone writes a funny obviously fake letter in Times New roman font 3. Media lackeys run it as news story 4.Activists arrested on the basis of that news story
Haste rahiye..aapka bhi number aaega 🙂#BhimaKoregaon
— Scotchy (@scotchism) August 28, 2018
For decades, Dalits have celebrated #BhimaKoregaon without being attacked by Hindutva-vadis. This year, that changed. Now, instead of arresting instigators of violence like Bhide, the BJP has ordered cops to go after Dalit activists, their lawyers and members of the PUCL. Brazen.
— Mihir Sharma (@mihirssharma) August 28, 2018
Police is not able to provide evidence in previous #Bhimakoregaon case where they arrested 5 so called Maoists. Now they raid more human right activists. What’s going on? Is it vendetta?
— nikhil wagle (@waglenikhil) August 28, 2018
From raids to arrest, none of those so-called urban naxals had a role in #BhimaKoregaon there are 2 main out on bail Manohar Bhide, Milind Ekbote. Why are they free? Why raid Anand Teltumbde’s house? He was critical of the bandh
— Neeta Kolhatkar (@neetakolhatkar) August 28, 2018
Sometime back I revealed letters that showed #CongLinkToMaoists arrested in #MaoistPlotToKillPM – it clearly spk of #BhimaKoregaon to create unrest & kill @narendramodi – Today arrests of Varavara Rao & others & #MaoistCrackdown vindicates me – live on @ZeeNewsHindi at 7pm https://t.co/Il58hNCmLV
— Shehzad Jai Hind (@Shehzad_Ind) August 28, 2018
Meanwhile a pan-India, multi-city crackdown is being conducted by Maharashtra govt on #UrbanNaxals responsible for the dangerous #BhimaKoregaon violence. Raids & arrests followed after ample evidence. CM @Dev_Fadnavis taking the bull by the horns!!
— Priti Gandhi (@MrsGandhi) August 28, 2018
Those who lynch are garlanded, those who make hate speech elevated to high office. But those who fight for the poor, defend human rights, arrested. #BhimaKoregaon
— Saba Naqvi (@_sabanaqvi) August 28, 2018
The real orchestrators of #BhimaKoregaon violence are roaming scot-free while we see a nationwide witch-hunt against human rights activists, lawyers, writers and citizens with dissenting opinions. This is #ModiEmergency and India must defeat it like it defeated #IndiaEmergency
— Dipankar (@Dipankar_cpiml) August 28, 2018
Country-wide crackdown on activists and thinkers who raised their voices for Dalits at #BhimaKoregaon. Terrible signalling by a ruling regime busily cultivating the Dalit vote https://t.co/N6Fow6alN8
— Sagarika Ghose (@sagarikaghose) August 28, 2018
Followers of Godse are now ruling So the followers of Gandhi are in Jail once again.
They have been looting you at Petrol Pumps, Banks, Giving your money to Ambanis & Adanis. Speak up now before they start looting your homes & Jail you if you resist. #WakeUp #BhimaKoregaon pic.twitter.com/bvCGpczEO9
— My Fellow Indians (@MyFellowIndians) August 28, 2018
Can’t comment on the merits of the #BhimaKoregaon arrests. But, #BJP is badly losing the plot in terms of perception, optics and narrative. If they continue in this ham-handed way 2019 is a lost case. Hope they have a water-tight case that stands judicial and public scrutiny.
— GhoseSpot (@SandipGhose) August 28, 2018
Prof Anand Teltumbde is someone who does not believe in any identity politics including Dalit politics(I may not agree). But, he has pointed out the reasons why he felt so. Even when #BhimaKoregaon happened,he criticized why Dalits making it like a pilgrimage.
— Tamizh_Muttley/Master of Roster/Future Governor (@Tamizh_Muttley) August 28, 2018
The government and MHA better be 200% sure of what it is doing with these #BhimaKoregaonRaids. It is very bad optics and create huge negative publicity both in India and overseas. If there is no overwhelming evidence could very badly backfire and cost Modi 2019. #BhimaKoregaon
— GhoseSpot (@SandipGhose) August 28, 2018
In the #BhimaKoregaon violence Bhide was not touched, Ekbote is out on bail . But glad that Varavara Rao & others left an obvious trail behind , so cops could nab them. Imagine like all other cases in the past , he also left such a trail so the agency could catch him!!
— Tehseen Poonawalla (@tehseenp) August 28, 2018
Source: https://www.deccanherald.com/national/twitterverse-react-bhima-689848.html
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marymosley · 4 years
List & Video Recordings of All Sessions of Legal Desire Knowledge Series (Updated)
Available on Youtube Channel ‘Public & Policy TV’, Click Here 
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The List will be updated regularly. Last Updated on: 25.05.2020
Current Stats:- Sessions: 21 / Registered Participants: 24,800 +
    S. NO. SESSION TITLE DATE NAME OF SPEAKERS YOUTUBE LINK 1.       Forensic Evidences as a Decisive Factor in Crimes Related to Women 19th April Adv. Vishal Kumar Singh, Patna High Court  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYGeEQiRRjM 2.       International Virtual Conference on ‘Role of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation’ 20th April a)     Adv. Pallavi Pratap, AOR, Supreme Court
b)     Prof. Sally Lukose, Dean Academics College of Traffic Mgt., Faridabad
c)     Dr. Leena, Asst.Prof., Dept of Forensic Science, SGT University
d)     Nada Muhammed Ali, Drugs Poisons Expert, FSL- Ministry of Justice, Egypt
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yocVCGI80U0&t=1s 3.       International Conference on ‘Use of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation in 21st Century’ 20th April a)     Dr. Carlos, Gutierrez, M.S.F.S., M.ED.
b)     Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Ass. Prof., Dept. of Forensic Chemistry, College of Criminal Justice, Saudi Arabia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7O7_ny7rkg 4.       Cyber Security Laws and Regulations Discussing a Roadmap For India 26th April a)     Mr. Falgun Rathod, Founder – Cyber Octet Pvt. Ltd
b)     Adv. Prachi Pratap, Supreme Court of India
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq6wkeAX4do&t 5.       Stress & Time Management for Lawyers and Law Students 26th April Mr. Nipun Bhatia, President, Strategic Management & Process Redesigning, Legal League Consulting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Yn8wJ6edZc 6.       (Keynote) Arbitration: Is  Low Cost Option Still a Dream?, Legal Desire  Virtual Summit, 2020 1st May Dr Alok Verma, Prof. Faculty of Law, Amity University, Noida https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gf3uzRyiKGE 7.       Arbitration: Is  Low Cost Option Still a Dream?, Legal Desire Virtual Summit, 2020 1st May a)     Mr. Abhijeet Tople, General Manager and Head Legal, Jio Financial Services
b)     Mr. Shubhash Shete, Asst. General Manager- Legal & Compliance at Valvoline Inc.
c)     Adv. Arjun Nataranjan, Commercial Litigation & Arbitration
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJNm3yOtodE 8.       Role of Judiciary in Environmental Protection, Legal Desire Virtual Summit 2020 1st May a)     Prof. (Dr) S. Shanthakumar, Director, Gujarat National Law University
b)     Prof. (Dr). Alok Mishra, Dean, Kirit P. Mehta School of Law, Mumbai
c)     Dr Navtika Nautyal, Ass. Prof., ICFAI Law School, Dehradun
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8BnEcdK7iw&t 9.       Criminal Investigation in 21st Century, Legal Desire Virtual Summit 2020 1st May a)     Dr. N. Anita Evangelin, Additional Director, Telangana State Forensic Laboratory
b)     Adv. Harsh K Sharma, Founder of Prosoll Law Inc.
c)     Mr. Ravinder Chauhan, Senior Scientific Asst., Ballistic Division, CFSL, CBI
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPTt5U-UN00&t 10.    New Dimensions in IPR: Fashion and Arts, Legal Desire Summit 2020 2nd May a)     Ms. Maria Zoee Vathis, Former President, Federal Bar Association Of Counsel, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
b)     Ms. Shreya Gupta, HOD, Dept. Of Fashion Law, Legal Desire
c)     Mr. Subhash Bhutoria, Partner, Krida Legal
d)     Adv. Namrata Pahwa, Intellectual Property Litigation, Advisory & Civil Dispute Resolution, Delhi High Court
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA-N9FM5BJs&t 11.    Human Rights Violation During Pandemic COVID- 19, Legal Desire Virtual Summit 2020 2nd May a)     Adv Syed Mujtuba, Child Rights Lawyer at Child Guidance & Well Being Centre IMHANS-K
b)     Dr. Reshma Sagari, Director, Dr. Reshma’s Health & Wellness Pvt. Ltd.
c)     Ms. Mrinalini Banerjee, Ass. Prof. Chettinad School of Law, Chennai
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToKRWjhDH4Q&t 12.    Domestic Violence & COVID19 3rd May Adv. Smeeksha Pandey, Supreme Court of India https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3ATqNPRjSA 13.    The Right to Constitutional Remedies Through WRITs and PILs 10th May Adv. Vishal Kumar Singh, Patna High Court https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQTD6BkaQbk 14.    Digital & Mobile Forensics 12th May Mr. Anjana Kamba, Scientific Officer, Cyber Division, Telangana, SFSL, Hyderabad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUiedido7WQ&t= 15.    Questioned Document Examination 13th May Dr. Suneet Kumar, Assistant Professor, Galgotias University, Greater Noida https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEML6V-_cZ4 16.    Highlights of India’s Covid19 Economic Package: MSME, NBFC, MFI & Taxes 14th May a)     Anuj Kumar, Founder & Editor-in-Chief, Legal Desire
b)      Apoorva Mehta, Executive Asst., Legal Desire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ6kGFSBzsY&t 17.    In Conversation with Gaurav Shukla, Creator & Script Writer (Asur, Angreji Medium & More)on Making Webseries depicting use of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation 15th May Gaurav Shukla, Creator & Script Writer (Asur, Angreji Medium & More) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUDP8TucgUg 18.    Basic Structure of Indian Constitution Interesting & Rare Known Facts about ‘Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala 17th May Adv. Pooja Agarwal, Gauhati High Court of Meghalaya Editorial Board Member, North East Judgments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGuQdUc_pco 19.    Writing a Winning Research Paper 21st May a)     Anuj Kumar, Founder & Editor-in-Chief, Legal Desire,
b)     Apoorva Priyadarshini, Executive Editor, Legal Desire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCO4QzUU__k 20.    Importance of Medico-Legal Autopsy 22nd May Dr. Vidusha Vijay, MBBS, MD, PGDMLE, Sr. Resident at Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Bangalore Medical College & Research Institute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdSPB2nUHoA 21.    How to live with Covid 19? 24nd May Dr. Mayank Mittal, Microbiologist – IRL STDC, Agra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkKw5VHf2pM 22.    Learn Basics of Legal Drafting: Institution of Suits, Plaint, Written Statement, Bail, Appeal & Revision 25th  May Adv. Pramod Kumar Dubey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYTqfb7K3Ck
  The post List & Video Recordings of All Sessions of Legal Desire Knowledge Series (Updated) appeared first on Legal Desire.
List & Video Recordings of All Sessions of Legal Desire Knowledge Series (Updated) published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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                                        Ethical Legal Consultants
Some of the Frequently Asked Questions by several litigants are reproduced herein under:
How does Police Investigations be dealt?
Indian Police has powers to investigate any person/ cases with or without a FIR. It may investigate you based on a complaint or suspicion in any cognizable offence.
Given the wide powers that police has they sometimes use harsh and unacceptable ways leading to harassment of victims.
Different types of cases that may require presence and investigation of accused includes, Accidents, rape, murder, cheating (420), Forgery, Frauds, Economic Crimes, Divorce (Matrimonial) matters, 498A, Dowry, Sexual Harassment, Cyber Crimes, etc.
It needs experience, expertise and maturity to deal with Indian Police during an investigation.
How can I apply and get Bail?
The ingredients of valid bail need to be explained and pleaded in the Court of law. Both in case of “Regular Bail” or “Anticipatory Bail”, the Court needs to be convinced that the Accused will not run away from pending Investigations.
How can I seek Second Opinion on my current case?
Criminal matters can be complex and dangerous. It is always better to seek “Second Opinion” on your case. There may be strategical errors or missing points or a line of defense that your legal counsel may have overlooked.
In the long run, Second Opinion saves you time, money and efforts.
What are serious Frauds?
Also called Corporate Frauds or White Collar Crimes, these matters are dealt by specialized and senior police officers. The Government of India also emphasizes strict and expeditious investigations and charge sheeting in these matters. KNOW MORE ABOUT-Ethical Legal Consultants READ MORE -Best Lawyer in Faridabad, Divorce Lawyer in Gurgaon
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leadindia011 · 1 year
Only a lawyer can give you the best advice on what to do if you're arrested and make sure that, given the unique circumstances of each case, the right relief, like anticipatory bail, may be acquired as soon as possible.
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bail-lawyrs · 1 year
How Can I Hire A Lawyer For Bail?
Everybody has wondered this at some point when they have a legal problem to tackle. This is because not all of the lawyers in Delhi who can handle legal cases are qualified to do so, despite the city's abundance of lawyers. Therefore, several facts must be considered when selecting a lawyer.
Things to consider while hiring a lawyer:
References, reviews, and ratings are crucial while sifting among Delhi's numerous lawyers. You can ask friends, relatives, and coworkers who have experience with certain lawyers for recommendations.
Customers who have used the services of the law firm that represents the attorney post evaluations and ratings on the website. They should have a proven track record of providing excellent customer service, and none of their prior customers should have ever complained.
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Meet the reputable lawyers you've chosen in person. Calling or speaking with attorneys online is a common method used by people to try to hire them. You'll be able to tell when you first meet someone if you feel comfortable speaking with them. You can assess their skill when they outline the legal issues that need to be resolved. You must be absolutely honest with them when you discuss your problems. There is no need to worry about paying for initial consultations because many respected attorneys provide them for free.
Choosing a lawyer who charges appropriately for their services is the best course of action. It is advisable to refrain from choosing the attorney who charges the lowest fees among the others. A less experienced attorney or one who has dismissed several cases will charge less.
A knowledgeable lawyer is best suited to manage legal situations. Legal concerns are typically resolved with the help of general counsel. They eventually reach unimpressive conclusions. Therefore, it is best to choose a lawyer skilled in dealing with those particular legal concerns.
Anytime during business hours, they ought to be able to answer your calls or get in touch with you. An overloaded attorney won't be able to adequately handle your case.
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They should be skilled in the negotiation because it helps them much in out-of-court settlements of legal disputes.
The ideal candidate for your case is a lawyer who has experience representing friends or family. They will prove to be of tremendous help in making your case in court efficiently. They will prove to be the best help for a number of factors. The reasons are:
They will gather the necessary proof to demonstrate their client's innocence. Because of this, the prosecution's case will probably be stronger and you might not be found guilty after multiple sessions.
They are able to create the necessary paperwork to deal with legal problems and protect your rights.
They will comprehend more effective strategies for hastening the resolution of the lawsuit.
The following qualities are also necessary for a bail lawyer to have in addition to zeal, knowledge, and expertise:
Committed: Criminal cases can become difficult, and the outcome can have a significant impact on a person's life. Choosing a lawyer who won't pressure you or your case and is genuinely devoted to seeing it through to a successful resolution is therefore vital.
Analysis: It takes a lot of information distillation to study a case, and it also takes management of all the data to win the case. It is possible to use more than one reasonable conclusion or precedent to address an issue at any one time.
Privacy: Not everyone feels comfortable talking about their issues, particularly court situations. Therefore, it's imperative that you seek out a lawyer who excels at upholding secrecy. It is essential for every defense lawyer to refrain from revealing information that can spark a debate or have bad outcomes.
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ethicallegal · 3 years
We provide best legal solutions in the matters pertaining to Divorce, Family Disputes, RERA Property disputes, Matrimonial, Criminal, Civil, Recovery, consumer disputes and Arbitration. Our top priority is to minimize the legal hassles of our clients in dealing with the court matters. Our well experienced and dedicated team of lawyers works extensively to provide best in class services and solutions, helping resolve Family disputes and Matrimonial cases like Dowry Demand, Domestic Violence, Maintenance, Divorce, and Child Custody. Our team is well equipped to handle legal matters pertaining to Anticipatory bail, Criminal Offence charges, Cheque bounce, Arbitration & Reconciliation, Consumer Forum and Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, with presence in cities Faridabad, Gurgaon, New Delhi & NCR.
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ethicallegal · 3 years
How to find Best Lawyer in Faridabad Haryana
How to find Best Lawyer in Faridabad Haryana
Once you had make up your mind to hire a lawyer in your city i.e. Faridabad, for your legal needs and requirements, you can ask your family and friends or your professional contacts for recommendations. This may help you by making it easier to know which lawyer can be useful for your specific needs and requirements. Even if they practice in a different area, they may make you aware of the reputed lawyers in Faridabad who may suffice your need and requirements.
Your city being Faridabad, you can also try Faridabad bar association's lawyer referral service. This will at least provide you with the list of local Lawyers who practice in Faridabad. You can also find in your locality i.e. Faridabad through Google and similar search websites.
Once you've shortlisted some prospective lawyers, don't just simply hire one because they happen to be the first on your list. Choosing the incorrect Lawyer can end up costing you a lot of time and money. Recommend you to visit and interview at least 3 lawyers.
First, make sure the Lawyers actually offer the same set of services you are looking for.
Secondly, check Faridabad District Bar's website to see if any disciplinary actions have been placed against them.
 Further, you may then ask them some specific questions like;
1.      Who exactly will be working on your case? 
Make sure you don't really like only to discover that you're handed off to a junior associate who you don't like so much being less experienced and not confident enough.
 2.      What are the credentials of Lawyer? 
Every lawyer enrolled to the bar in Faridabad district is technically qualified to practice law but they may have also obtained a specialization like M.B.A, or Expertise or an LLM (Master of Laws) in an area like Cyber law, Criminal Law, Company Law etc.
3.      How much experiences the Lawyer have working with clients like me in similar situations? 
You don't necessarily want your lawyer drafting his first case for you.
4.      How would you be paid?
 If you are paying a fixed fee, fee per hearing basis or an hourly rate, you will definitely want some idea of what this would cost you and whether it's worth investing.
5.      Does your Lawyer have any questions for you? 
An intelligent and diligent Lawyer will be focused on your situation and needs rather than his own.
Last but not the least, surely you may want to work with a Lawyer whom you can like and trust, so don't discount the importance of his personality and personal chemistry. In any case, I believe these tips will help you choose a Lawyer best suited for your requirement and needs.
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marymosley · 4 years
List & Video Recordings of All Sessions of Legal Desire Knowledge Series (Updated)
Available on Youtube Channel ‘Public & Policy TV’, Click Here 
(Subscribe & Press Bell Icon to get notified when we go live or upload a new video)
The List will be updated regularly. Last Updated on: 25.05.2020
Current Stats:- Sessions: 21 / Registered Participants: 24,800 +
    S. NO. SESSION TITLE DATE NAME OF SPEAKERS YOUTUBE LINK 1.       Forensic Evidences as a Decisive Factor in Crimes Related to Women 19th April Adv. Vishal Kumar Singh, Patna High Court  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYGeEQiRRjM 2.       International Virtual Conference on ‘Role of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation’ 20th April a)     Adv. Pallavi Pratap, AOR, Supreme Court
b)     Prof. Sally Lukose, Dean Academics College of Traffic Mgt., Faridabad
c)     Dr. Leena, Asst.Prof., Dept of Forensic Science, SGT University
d)     Nada Muhammed Ali, Drugs Poisons Expert, FSL- Ministry of Justice, Egypt
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yocVCGI80U0&t=1s 3.       International Conference on ‘Use of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation in 21st Century’ 20th April a)     Dr. Carlos, Gutierrez, M.S.F.S., M.ED.
b)     Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Ass. Prof., Dept. of Forensic Chemistry, College of Criminal Justice, Saudi Arabia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7O7_ny7rkg 4.       Cyber Security Laws and Regulations Discussing a Roadmap For India 26th April a)     Mr. Falgun Rathod, Founder – Cyber Octet Pvt. Ltd
b)     Adv. Prachi Pratap, Supreme Court of India
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq6wkeAX4do&t 5.       Stress & Time Management for Lawyers and Law Students 26th April Mr. Nipun Bhatia, President, Strategic Management & Process Redesigning, Legal League Consulting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Yn8wJ6edZc 6.       (Keynote) Arbitration: Is  Low Cost Option Still a Dream?, Legal Desire  Virtual Summit, 2020 1st May Dr Alok Verma, Prof. Faculty of Law, Amity University, Noida https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gf3uzRyiKGE 7.       Arbitration: Is  Low Cost Option Still a Dream?, Legal Desire Virtual Summit, 2020 1st May a)     Mr. Abhijeet Tople, General Manager and Head Legal, Jio Financial Services
b)     Mr. Shubhash Shete, Asst. General Manager- Legal & Compliance at Valvoline Inc.
c)     Adv. Arjun Nataranjan, Commercial Litigation & Arbitration
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJNm3yOtodE 8.       Role of Judiciary in Environmental Protection, Legal Desire Virtual Summit 2020 1st May a)     Prof. (Dr) S. Shanthakumar, Director, Gujarat National Law University
b)     Prof. (Dr). Alok Mishra, Dean, Kirit P. Mehta School of Law, Mumbai
c)     Dr Navtika Nautyal, Ass. Prof., ICFAI Law School, Dehradun
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8BnEcdK7iw&t 9.       Criminal Investigation in 21st Century, Legal Desire Virtual Summit 2020 1st May a)     Dr. N. Anita Evangelin, Additional Director, Telangana State Forensic Laboratory
b)     Adv. Harsh K Sharma, Founder of Prosoll Law Inc.
c)     Mr. Ravinder Chauhan, Senior Scientific Asst., Ballistic Division, CFSL, CBI
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPTt5U-UN00&t 10.    New Dimensions in IPR: Fashion and Arts, Legal Desire Summit 2020 2nd May a)     Ms. Maria Zoee Vathis, Former President, Federal Bar Association Of Counsel, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
b)     Ms. Shreya Gupta, HOD, Dept. Of Fashion Law, Legal Desire
c)     Mr. Subhash Bhutoria, Partner, Krida Legal
d)     Adv. Namrata Pahwa, Intellectual Property Litigation, Advisory & Civil Dispute Resolution, Delhi High Court
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA-N9FM5BJs&t 11.    Human Rights Violation During Pandemic COVID- 19, Legal Desire Virtual Summit 2020 2nd May a)     Adv Syed Mujtuba, Child Rights Lawyer at Child Guidance & Well Being Centre IMHANS-K
b)     Dr. Reshma Sagari, Director, Dr. Reshma’s Health & Wellness Pvt. Ltd.
c)     Ms. Mrinalini Banerjee, Ass. Prof. Chettinad School of Law, Chennai
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToKRWjhDH4Q&t 12.    Domestic Violence & COVID19 3rd May Adv. Smeeksha Pandey, Supreme Court of India https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3ATqNPRjSA 13.    The Right to Constitutional Remedies Through WRITs and PILs 10th May Adv. Vishal Kumar Singh, Patna High Court https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQTD6BkaQbk 14.    Digital & Mobile Forensics 12th May Mr. Anjana Kamba, Scientific Officer, Cyber Division, Telangana, SFSL, Hyderabad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUiedido7WQ&t= 15.    Questioned Document Examination 13th May Dr. Suneet Kumar, Assistant Professor, Galgotias University, Greater Noida https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEML6V-_cZ4 16.    Highlights of India’s Covid19 Economic Package: MSME, NBFC, MFI & Taxes 14th May a)     Anuj Kumar, Founder & Editor-in-Chief, Legal Desire
b)      Apoorva Mehta, Executive Asst., Legal Desire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ6kGFSBzsY&t 17.    In Conversation with Gaurav Shukla, Creator & Script Writer (Asur, Angreji Medium & More)on Making Webseries depicting use of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation 15th May Gaurav Shukla, Creator & Script Writer (Asur, Angreji Medium & More) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUDP8TucgUg 18.    Basic Structure of Indian Constitution Interesting & Rare Known Facts about ‘Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala 17th May Adv. Pooja Agarwal, Gauhati High Court of Meghalaya Editorial Board Member, North East Judgments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGuQdUc_pco 19.    Writing a Winning Research Paper 21st May a)     Anuj Kumar, Founder & Editor-in-Chief, Legal Desire,
b)     Apoorva Priyadarshini, Executive Editor, Legal Desire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCO4QzUU__k 20.    Importance of Medico-Legal Autopsy 22nd May Dr. Vidusha Vijay, MBBS, MD, PGDMLE, Sr. Resident at Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Bangalore Medical College & Research Institute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdSPB2nUHoA 21.    How to live with Covid 19? 24nd May Dr. Mayank Mittal, Microbiologist – IRL STDC, Agra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkKw5VHf2pM 22.    Learn Basics of Legal Drafting: Institution of Suits, Plaint, Written Statement, Bail, Appeal & Revision 25th  May Adv. Pramod Kumar Dubey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYTqfb7K3Ck
  The post List & Video Recordings of All Sessions of Legal Desire Knowledge Series (Updated) appeared first on Legal Desire.
List & Video Recordings of All Sessions of Legal Desire Knowledge Series (Updated) published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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                                         Ethical Legal Consultants
We provide best legal solutions in the matters pertaining to Family Disputes, Property disputes, Matrimonial, Criminal, Civil, Recovery, consumer disputes and Arbitration. Our top priority is to minimize the legal hassles of our clients in dealing with the court matters.
Our well experienced and dedicated team of lawyers works extensively to provide best in class services and solutions, helping resolve Family disputes and Matrimonial cases like Dowry Demand, Domestic Violence, Maintenance, Divorce, and Child Custody.
Our team is well equipped to handle legal matters pertaining to Anticipatory bail, Criminal Offence charges, Cheque bounce, Arbitration & Reconciliation, Consumer Forum and Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, with presence in cities New Delhi & NCR - Gurugram and Faridabad.
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marymosley · 6 years
The Dissenting views of Justice D.Y. Chandrachud on Bhima-Koregaon case
At last the Bhima Koregaon case (Romila Thapar and Ors. V. Union of India and Ors) heard on 28/09/2018 by three-judge bench of the Supreme Court comprising of:-
Dipak Misra,
Justice A.M. Khanwilkar and
Justice D.Y Chandrachud
The bench refused to constitute a Special Investigation Team (SIT) in 2:1 ratio, extending the house arrest of the 5 activists, who were arrested in Bhima Koregaon case, for four more weeks and made accused free to pursue other appropriate remedies. The Pune Police was asked to continue the probe. However, Justice D.Y Chandrachud dissented with the decision and said that acts of Maharashtra police raise question whether they can be trusted to carry out the investigation. Police is selectively disclosing probe details to media casting cloud on fairness of investigation.
Quick view of Bhima Koregaon case
Here is a chronology of the case which will help us to understand the facts and history of the case.
History: Koregaon Bhima is a small village in Maharashtra’s Pune, which is closely associated to the Dalit history in the state. This was the place where a few hundred Mahar soldiers of the East India Company defeated the massive Peshwa army, led by Peshwa Bajirao II on 1 January 1818. The victory of Dalit soldiers over an army of upper caste Peshwas came to be associated deeply with the lower caste community’s history. Every year, the anniversary of the battle is marked by Dalits assembling in Pune and marching to the Koregaon-Bhima war memorial. The victory is seen as an assertion by Dalits against the age-old upper-caste oppression.
31 December 2017: Elgar Parishad: A conference was held in Shaniwar Wada near Pune to mark the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Koregaon-Bhim as a tradition which is celebrated every year.
1 January 2018: A communal disturbance took place, resulting in the death of one, near Sanaswadi adjacent to Bhima-Koregaon which resulted in a state-wide violent agitation.
2 January 2018: The first FIR was filed at Shikrapur police station by a woman named Anita Ravindra Sawale, who alleging the attack as pre-planned at the behest of Bhide and Ekbote. Both were charged with non-bailable offences under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act of 1989 and police arrested Ekbote on 2 January but he was later released on a conditional bail two months later. Bhide was also implicated in the case, who was later given a clean chit as Sawale later told the magistrate that she did not know Bhide, nor had she seen him and she just filed the complaint against him on the basis of what people in Bhima-Koregoan were saying after the January violence.
8 January 2018: Damgude’s counter FIR was registered alleging 5 dalit activists being responsible for the agitation held in January. based upon the FIR, raid took place in April and resulted in the arrest of 5 activists.
6 June 2018: Five Dalit rights activists: Sudhir Dhawale from Mumbai, lawyer Surendra Gadling, activist Mahesh Raut, professor Shoma Sen from Nagpur, and Rona Wilson from Delhi were arrested on for alleged Maoist links in connection with the Elgar Parishad based upon the letters, information from the laptops, mobiles and memory cards discovered in the raid which took place in April. They were held liable u/s 13, 16, 17, 18, 18B, 20, 38, 39 and 40 of the UAPA.
28 August 2018: Pune police arrested telegu poet Varavara Rao from Hyderabad, activists Arun Ferreira and Vernon Gonsalves from Mumbai , trade union activist Sudha Bhardwaj from Faridabad and civil liberties activist Gautam Navlakha from Delhi. A petition was filed on the behalf of the Navlakha in Delhi High Court where he was directed not to be taken away from the capital till he hears the next date of the matter. On the other hand, Punjab and Haryana HC stays transit remand of Bhardwaj.
29 August 2018: Maharashtra Police gave in Delhi High Court translated documents including FIR to Navlakha’s counsel. Historian Romila Thapar and four activists approached the Supreme Court under article 32, against the arrest of five rights activists seeking their immediate release and SIT probe where SC directed all activists be kept under house arrest till Sep 6.
30 August 2018: Delhi High Court was directed not to proceed with hearing of the plea against Navlakha’s arrest till any further orders issued by SC.
05 September 2018: Maharashtra govt claimed in SC that activists were not arrested for their dissenting views but due to the cogent evidence linking them with the banned Communist Party of India (Maoist) which was opposite of what the activists were claiming that arrest was an attempt to silence the human rights activists who had been working to protect the rights of the poor and the marginalized, particularly Dalits.
06 September 2018: SC extended activists’ house arrest till Sep 12 so as to investigate further in the matter.
12 September 2018: SC extended their house arrest till Sep 17 due to the same reason.
7 September 2018: SC further extended their house arrest till Sep 19 saying it would examine whether there was material supporting their arrest in the case.
19 September 2018: SC again extended house arrest of activists for a day saying it would look into their arrest with a ‘hawks eye”.
20 September 2018: SC reserved verdict on the pleas which was a sigh of relief and a ray of hope for the activists.
28 September 2018: SC, in a 2:1 verdict, refused to interfere with the arrests and declined to appoint a SIT.
Say of justice D.Y. Chandrachud on this:
Justice D.Y. Chandrachud had some different views regarding the appointment of the SIT:-
The Court must be conscious of the fact that ordinarily when an investigation into a criminal offence is in progress, rights and remedies are provided by the Code of Criminal Procedure. Hence, it is but trite law that in matters pertaining to or arising during the course of investigation such as remand, bail (including anticipatory bail) and quashing of proceedings, recourse must be taken to the provisions of the Code.
It was necessary for the Court to bear in mind that recourse to its constitutional jurisdiction under Article 32 had been invoked not only by the petitioners but by the five individuals who were arrested on 28 August 2018. These proceedings had been moved with a specific grievance that the arrest of the five individuals was an attempt by the state to muzzle dissent and that each of them is being persecuted for being a defender of persons subjected to human rights’ violations.
When the petition was initially filed, the relief which was sought was in regard to the circumstances relating to the arrest of the human rights activists but later by an application for amendment the reliefs were amended to inter alia to seek the constitution of a Special Investigating Team (to be monitored by the Supreme Court).
It was necessary to note the object of the petition was not to stop an investigation but to ensure an independent and credible investigation.
The maintainability of a prayer for relief, seeking that the investigation should be either monitored by this Court or should be entrusted to an independent SIT under the directions of this Court should not be ignored.
A wide-range of submissions urged before the Court that it was necessary that the court must eschewed a detailed or meticulous examination of the material produced by the ASG together with the case diary, particularly when the investigation is in progress. The expression of a finding by the Court would affect the administration of criminal justice or even the rights of the accused.
The petitioners were not anonymous and were not motivated by personal gain or political considerations.
The observations of the Court must be confined to assessing whether a case made out for the constitution of a SIT and matters having a bearing on that decision.
He criticized the behavior of the police on the following incidents:-
On 29 August 2018, the Court issued notices to the State of Maharashtra and to the others imp-leaded as respondents to the proceedings. a press conference was held in Pune after few hours of the conclusion of the court hearing by Shivarjirao Bodhke, the Joint Commissioner of Police proclaiming that the Pune police had more than 27 sufficient evidence against the five individuals whose transit remand was stayed by the Supreme Court while ordering them to be placed under house arrest. He responded to the interim order of this Court by recourse to the electronic media which was very oblique.
On 31 August 2018, a press conference was addressed by a team of senior police officers headed by Shri Parambir Singh, ADG (Law and Order), Maharashtra in which the letters (many of which should form part of the case diary) were selectively flashed and read out. According to the petitioners they were also leaked to the media.
On 1 September 2018 the ADG appeared on a television programme titled “Truth v Hype” on NDTV, during the course of which he stated to have agreed that the letters which had been read out by him were still undergoing forensic analysis together with the electronic devices.
Police also tried to shape the public opinion and the judgement of the court because of 3 reasons:-
The first round of arrests took place on 6 June 2018 and on 8 June 2018 an alleged letter was released by the police to the media a little before the proceedings for remand before the competent court (in the June arrests), alleging that the arrested persons were plotting to attack the Prime Minister.
On 4 July 2018 when the arrested persons were to be produced before the Court in Pune, a letter attributed to Sudha Bhardwaj was sensationally telecast on a television channel linking her with the unlawful activities of certain groups.
And these letters neither placed before the Court of law nor did they find mention in the transit remand applications moved before the CJM, Faridabad by the Pune police.
Held by Justice D.Y. Chandrachud
He gave his decision in the favor of the petitioners and supported the constitution of the SIT. The investigation shall be monitored by the Court as the circumstances drew a cloud on whether the Maharashtra police had acted as fair and impartial investigating agency. Some directions were issued as following:-
The Special Investigating Team was asked to submit periodical status reports to the Supreme Court, initially on a monthly basis.
The interim order passed by this Court on 29 August 2018 shall continue to hold the field for a further period of three weeks within which it would be open to the said five individuals or any one or more of them to apply for bail before the Court of competent jurisdiction.
However, he didn’t mention the names of the personnel constituting the SIT on the date of the judgement but directed the petition to be listed after three days for orders on the constitution of the Special Investigating Team.
However, the other judges including CJI doesn’t agree with the formation of SIT and dismissed the appeal for constitution of SIT.
The post The Dissenting views of Justice D.Y. Chandrachud on Bhima-Koregaon case appeared first on Legal Desire.
The Dissenting views of Justice D.Y. Chandrachud on Bhima-Koregaon case published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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