#Backslash bakugan
aether-the-bakugannie · 6 months
Hey so I've been watching Bakugan gen 3 if anyone wants to talk about that.
My personal opinion is that it's really good and I love how Dan's had character development so he cares about more than just brawling and realises he's good at things that aren't brawling too. BakuChaos members might have just seen me assume they were going to remove that character development and for that I apologize because I assumed too quickly and forgot bakugan is not just any other series, they keep their character development and let their main characters take a step back so others can shine sometimes.
Still though, I was absolutely infuriated for a few seconds when I thought they were going to go back on the character development like..? I've done that exact thing before as a writer, trick the audience into thinking there'll be a cliche but then have something else happen instead. I now understand how evil that writing style is.
My favorite character in gen three so far is definitely Mia, I don't even know why, she's just so cool and I love her character and design <3
If we're talking ships.... Junomia ftw, I haven't really found myself really properly vibing with many other ships yet but Juno and Mia are so real.
I absolutely love how Dan and TC are brothers too, that's such a fun thing for them to add in, found family is always a favorite thing of mine to see in shows.
Also can I just mention Griffin is such a fun character he's just a lovable nerd who loves manga and cartoons like the fandom do, he's absolutely great.
Loving the other clans too, Backslash is probably my favorite of the clan leaders but I do love Raven too, her design is so pretty and her personality is so interesting too.
Everytime I remember Rip and Razor have the same voice actors as gen 2 Dan and Drago, I'm shocked, they're still voicing hilarious characters though. And Jay sharing a voice actor with Magnus? That's such a shift in characters.
I'll probably make another post about gen 3 soon but for now this is just me rambling with some thoughts about it.
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bakubabe-chlorine-p · 6 months
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friendly reminder that some beautiful and talented people got together and named him Backslash.
his name is Backslash
his name is /
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glitzwashere · 9 months
"I know more about you than anyone does of me, so I suggest you choose your words..."
Another Glitch doodle, I decided it'd be a cool idea to make their coat be able to change colours (similar to Mia's outfit change) with buttons on their coat
So it can change between, black, white or a holographic colour
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I wish I liked colouring traditionally to show it off but no
Anyways now I got a (secret) Wynton doodle to work on 🤭
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How do you think Hargrave and Klipse could came to thought that Klipse was like ok, Hargrave, I like you, lets make our own child clone or wtf. Cause whole situation is canon yes, and fact that there is a chemistry between these two exist, even strong one, but damn, ok it was still alward but it had reason I mean Six's creation - Chase is lynchpin, Klipse cant make himself lynchpin so he need to create his own, better on Chase's basis cause clone would have succeed dna. But how did they thought this Hargrave's flirting and some gay jokes and very different view on clones/children from both sides could came to them making their own kid? I mean at least +- canonicaly. I mean, I like this kid and the fact that he exist, but then I thought, how the fuck did that could happen in canon?
I think we can agree after this that Klipse shouldn’t have any more children. Like no sir, your canon youngest clone (Six) now has issues and needs an actual parent.
Well, (nightmares aside) if I was Hargrave and Klipse treated me with respect and care to the point that I would fall for them, I’d probably be starstruck and in a state of shock and disbelief if I heard Klipse say something like that, but go with it because it’s Klipse and clearly he saw something in me. Another idea would be that if the two already made one clone but Klipse felt disappointed in him, then it make sense it Hargrave agreed to the idea because maybe he felt something good or euphoric about the fact that Klipse thinks his DNA would create the perfect clone he had in mind.
Unfortunately in canon, we all saw what happens to a Klipse clone despite Hargrave being there. Poor Six went crazy because all he wanted was a father’s praise and Klipse sometimes gives it to him, but then doesn’t parent him enough to say he actually loves him. And then, there’s our theories. Those two keep losing clones because Klipse can’t parent properly. I mean, Dom ain’t dumb since he’s a mercenary and he’s not crazy all the time, but Klipse doesn’t really parent him. Hargrave does the parenting. And if Backslash was their other son, the question is why is he there? Like why is their child in a Bakugan show? Did Klipse sent Hargrave on a mission with their older sons and left Backslash with himself to parent? Why in the world is Hargrave even leaving Klipse with their kids? He keeps losing them! Dump him Hargrave, or else if Bakugan makes another child for you two, Klipse will lose that one.
So yeah, as much as we both know that Hargrave is smart, he’s still a person and we do things that make us look bad or do stupid things. Klipse giving him the idea that they’d make a perfect clone was just him thinking that they’d have a great child together. It’s the sense that Hargrave is valid in Klipse’s eyes and that he’s Klipse’s SIC (second-in-command) for a reason that makes him think it’s fine until he reaches reality.
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silver-chasm · 5 years
My Toy Collection
Hello, welcome to a very long, image-heavy post about me showing off some of the toys I’ve acquired over the years.
(Forgive me if the images are too big D:)
So, let’s begin with my Monsuno toys :)
(For the uninitiated, Monsuno was a cartoon that aired back in 2012-13, following this 13 year old boy as he tried to find his missing dad. Said dad was a researcher working on secret government experiments that created monsters from green glowing alien essence (the titular Monsunos). It’s close to my heart)
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This is Rouge, my fake fusion Shadowhornet toy (with their core that they pop out of when it’s struck). They are my icon for this blog. I know this is a fake because the wings are completely red (when they should have some black on them).
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And this is Meteorit, my Backslash toy. He’s real and cost me close to $60 AUD to import from Romania. His name is meteorite in Romanian (Monsunos are associated with some mineral and Backslash’s mineral, officially, is meteorite).
That blue thing in the background is a worm on the string btw
The Monsunos also come with cards. You’re meant to battle with them, activating abilities through cards I think (I’ve never played it). These are ones that came with Meteorit:
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Pretty neat huh? Every Monsuno comes with some ‘character’ card (left) that shows the creature’s strength, with a small description. The others are attacks the Monsuno can do. In the show, Cursed Spiral is so cool to watch (midair corkscrew from Meteor Mutt)
Anyway, this is the card that came with Rouge:
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You may notice that the beast on the back of the card looks nothing like Rouge. That’s because the creature on the back is Backslash 2.0, a fusion Monsuno that appeared only in the Season 1 finale of the show. It is a mix of two Monsunos: Backslash and Shadowhornet. If you have the two fusion versions of the Monsuno toys you can connect them together to create the fusion.
Backslash 2.0 is my favourite Monsuno. It’s a combination of two things I really like: Meteor Mutt and Bat-winged Centipede
Now, onto my Yugioh cards (another show with a tie-in toy line)
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I used to have a full deck and play against my sister. This is all I have left now unfortunately. That Dark Magician card isn’t even the one I had originally. A friend gave to me after I told him I lost mine. It still is my favourite card. Greaceful Dice is a close second
I loved the TV show when I was younger and grew up with it. I still enjoy seeing fanworks related to it today
Speaking of my childhood, let me show you my Bakugan
(Bakugan is yet another cartoon that had it’s own toy line. It aired between 2007-2008 (wow!) and followed this group of kids who find these mysterious balls and cards falling from the sky and make a game based on it. They find out that these balls are actually aliens from another dimension who reveal their true forms during battle. If memory serves me correctly (it’s been a while), the two dimensions are colliding and must be saved (that or the Bakugan dimension was crumbling for some reason). I absolutely adored this show when I was younger!)
They toys are magnetic and pop from their balls when they land on a magnetic card. I have several, some from the second wave of toys, some fake and one from the first wave. (As an aside, the colours indicate the Bakugan’s element, there’s 6 in total)
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These are the bootleg Bakugan. On the left is a raven man who’s missing his legs. The right is an enthusiastic frog who doesn’t like to stay in their ball. I like to think the frog carries the raven on their back, traveling as a team
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This one’s a warrior, a knight (if memory serves me right). This is a second wave Bakugan, having a chasm on its back that allows you to attack some weaponry
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These are two of my dragons. On the left is a prism dragon (I always thought it was another raven person). On the right is Terra, a dragon from the first wave. I bought Terra because my favourite character from the show was Drago, a fire version of Terra (I sincerely apologise to the Bakugan nerds who find this post. I can’t remember the element names D:)
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Finally, we have two more second wave Bakugan. The one on the left is a dragon dude. The right is a winged, long-haired sword wielder (they’re also my strongest Bakugan).
Now, for the cards. These are the weird ones I got with the bootlegs:
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They’re all magnetic. These are the real ones:
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The River Valley card is the one I got with Terra. The creature on it, I remember, appeared late in the series (of the first season) and it was a water/air elemental. It was shocking to the protagonists because Bakugan only have one element associated with them. I think all the creatures that you see appear in the show at some point.
There are also non-magnetic cards that you activate during battle
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Now, for something more well known: Pokemon
To say I have a few cards would be an understatement
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Majority of them are fake. I won’t show them all, just some highlights
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Two of these look cool while one is well loved :)
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These ones have cute artwork. The Driftloon one looks like it’d fit into a children’s book. The bottom two are shiny, for some reason
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When you’re right half of the time
Lation instead of Latios and calling Deoxys’defense forme its attack forme
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I like Gen 4, clearly. These some of my legendaries. Note the two Dialga X cards that aren’t identical
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With weird energies. That Palkia is actually one of my favourite Pokemon cards (I like Cyrus and I have Pokemon Pearl)
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Now, these two cards I got from a friend while on the school bus. I think these are the only real Pokemon cards I have. Maybe. I don’t know. Either way, they look cool!
This card below is something I found in the sorting room of the op shop I volunteer at. It’s holographic (sorry for the gif quality :/)
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This is the back of it. Te description says:
This terrifying Pokemon may be a Bug-type, but it seems to have as much in common with the dinosaurs.
Its razor-edged wings make its Slash technique a killer. Add to that ninjalike speed and sharpness and the enemy is down for the count! This is one Pokemon to avoid if you’re a beginning trainer.
To think, I’m taller than it
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Moving on, we have (left to right) GL the Arceus, an Oshawatt dangler I got from a cheap capsule dispenser and Phoebs the Manaphy. GL and Phoebs were gifts :)
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This is a Meowth next to a tardigrade (water bear, moss piglet). The Meowth was originally my sister’s. She gave it to me when she moved out. The tardigrade I got from Scienceworks (which is what I can only describe as an interactive science museum). Water bears are a microscopic organism that inhabits moss. They can roll up into a ball (called a tun) and can survive extremes that would otherwise kill (extreme colds, pressures and even the vacuum of space). But, they can’t stay rolled up forever.
On the subject of soft toys, I have some Beanie Kids
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Left to right, you have T-Bone the dog, Munchies the Guniea Pig, Cecilia the Snake and Blueberry the not furry. T-Bone, Munchies and Blueberry I got at the same time. Meanwhile, I found Cecilia at the op shop and I had to have her (she’s a naga bear). They’re all very fluffy and cute :3
Munchies in the middle is questioning his life choices
Now, to the toys I’ve had the longest: the Transformers
Not to sound like a boomer, but back in my day (*shakes cane in air*), Transformers had multiple steps to transform, not single fluid movements that you find in current toys. I even remember that they came with step-by-step instructions.
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Left to right, you have Divebomb (local eagle screaming at ground), Demolisher (the reason I know that word) and Cruellock (my first and favourite). These are part of the Energon series of Transformers, which allowed you to attach a stud to some part of them (Demolisher is the one wearing it)
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This is them transformed. Divebomb is the most fiddly to work with because those hands keep falling off (and you expect him to hold his boomerang?) Demolisher comes with missiles that be fired from his truck tray. Cruellock originally had a sword and a second piece to his tail. I lost both of those at school long ago. I was rough with him (but I wasn’t any older than 7 years)
Finally, I leave you with the image of the worm on a string I seemed to have acquired.
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Well, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed this! :D
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Well, after this episode, it really feels depressing
Dan is actually not main character, but he is leader of their team. But not main character.
And whole situation, damn Andrew's and V's dad looks like hybrid of Klipse and Jeredy, with beard and everything and being scientist, but who actually wants to help people. V looks like Six with hair, and Andrew with these glasses like small Jeredy. Maybe again, designs taken from monsuno as base as was with Backslash. And V, I can understand why he became like that, but still it's too much what he's doing, he'll die right after Andrew make him on good side again or he'll just accept their side and become new member of their team for next season(s). But damn, this g3 is dark as hell.
Wait until the next season. It’s gonna be more depressing because of the family drama. We’re gonna see TC choose between his brother Vakar over his new family with Dan and the turmoil that will follow.
Dan has been sidelined in this season, and that was a negative I have read in comments, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to be sidelined next season. Remember, Dan was the one who bonded closely with TC, and Vakar knows that. Vakar viciously threatened Dan and not the other Misfits for being the reason he and TC aren’t family anymore, and he’s looking to kill him and Drago to get TC. Dan is going to get his main character spotlight back, probably with TC getting more spotlight too.
Now, I don’t know if the animators have used parts of the Monsuno cast for the inspiration of V, TC and their parents, but boy do they remind me of the Suno and Klipse families. Though, don’t say that V’s and TC’s dad looks like a mix between Klipse and Jeredy because TC and V don’t deserve to be related to those two bad influences. I can take V being an expy of Six, he does remind me of him and the white hair feels like someone read my fanfic since Eira’s hair is white, and begrudgingly I can see why someone could see that TC looks like a mini Jeredy, but those two had a good dad who wants the best for the world and is actually helping his sons to things the right way, something Jeredy and Klipse don’t do for their sons.
As for V, like I said, he reminds me of Six, and while Six was loyal to Klipse only because Klipse did everything to brainwash him into a loyal clone, V’s father gave him freedom and raised him right and that ultimately is why V wants revenge. A good father died because of the Bakugan and all everyone sees that Bakugan are cool, leaving V and TC with nothing. That’s enough to make anyone go crazy, but V ups the ante with wanting to rule the world and having the Bakugans as slaves. I really don’t think Andrew/TC can do anything but try to defeat him to make V see reason because the brother he knew has gone bonkers. I do hope that V doesn’t die because if he does, poor Andrew is going to be in so much pain and Dan and the Misfits can’t do anything to help since TC has lost all of his family. If V manages to survive during his time as an antagonist because of Andrew and V stays with him and the Misfits for whatever reasons, no one is still willing to trust him with any tech or Bakugan, and considering how he hates Bakugan and doesn’t seem to care to bond with one that he can’t use as a pawn, V might be regulated to side character unless he lets go of the pain and learns to trust a Bakugan.
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Damn, new bakugan series gives me same vibes of realistic depressing anime as monsuno did... Cause proportions are normal, emotions mostly normal, and no weird actions beside them having bakugans. Feels like monsuno, as show and as toys. Cause damn, now I can't unsee them as monsunos on beyblade, cause their bottom part can spin, at least half of them. It's basic gimmick in this gen. Last series with TC and V felt like my nightmares or that weird version of world you have in your dreams while sleeping. This vibe. But I'm interested in this story. Also, Backslash shown to be proud of himself when he hacks battlefield and V calls hacker a smart dude
It might be because I watch other anime that are like Monsuno and Bakugan, but I feel like it starts to become the norm that once the seasons are rolling, they get darker, realistic and depressing. Almost as if the writers want us to go back to the beginning where everyone was happy and no one was traumatized, and that’s how we want the story to end because everyone can have their happy ending despite the pain and sadness that they went through.
As for toys, I haven’t gotten any Monsuno nor Bakugan because I had no money when Monsuno came out and I don’t have space in my house for Bakugan, so I’m just basing things off of what I watch on YouTube, and it kinda does remind me of Beyblade. I did have one Beyblade as a kid, but I lost it so I’m not sure if my childhood knowledge counts. The gimmick is still cool though.
TC and V’s story. I don’t know what vibes it’s giving me, but I just know that it’s gonna end in drama and TC having to chose whether he could forgive V for his actions or if he can’t forgive him because he hurt TC’s new family.
And Backslash is making the Klipse family proud with his antics. Boy that is the second or third or something times that he’s done that and got away with it. I swear until maybe the last season that he ain’t gonna get caught because no one is smart enough to figure out that he does it. Well, Juno might suspect him, but he’s still not going to get caught that easily.
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Vi is... Gaster..?
Looks like one
And more Backslash
Also, about Vi...
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Herrscher of the Void, and so Asmodeus
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Someone played genshin and honkai
Also, Kage is missing
And one poster it was shown Vi riding Nillious with Misfits. But voice actor leaked Vi's face, he's not Kage or anyone we know.
I’m not familiar with the game and will likely never play it. So, I really have zero idea who you are talking about other than the Bakugan characters.
Still, hooray for the new season!
Vi is one shady character and I really do think he did something with the Bakugan tech other than restoring the bond. Like, he caused chaos last season and that isn’t something he wouldn’t do again. If I had to pick a similar situation/trope, I’d pick ‘deals with the devil’ because the leaders gave him the opportunity to do something to them and their Bakugan in exchange for him restoring their bond with the Bakugan.
As for Kage being missing, I think he’s probably finding Nillious. And not to reconcile with him, but to stop what plans Nillious has because there’s no way Nillious isn’t thinking of getting revenge on Drago and Dan. He might not be back for some time, but considering it’s Nillious, it would make sense since he’s still a bad guy and is out there making evil plans. And considering that Nillious ended up partnering up with Vi, Kage’s episodes have to be epic since he’s going against two baddies who might body him.
And Backslash somehow managed to look mostly sane for an episode. Not much of a record, but he looks cute.
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Ok, V is also Hargrave. Cause he's loyal smart henchman of someone, probably Nillious, but not sure. I dont mind seeing more Hargrave/Klipse kids, but I'm confused about the fact that it's happening. And if V is more villianous but also more henchman than main villian, Backslash otherwise is leader of one of the teams and he didnt even was henchman to Kage, he kinda was supperior than him cause he suggested plans for Nillious but didnt worked for him, he worked for himself. So, Backslash looks more and smart like him Hargrave, but behaves more like Klipse. V is henchman.
Hargrave needs to tell Klipse stop having more clones. I mean sure, they’re also his, but come on, that’s too many children that they keep losing and letting them run amok.
Still, I do agree that V seems more henchman than big bad, and I think it’s the fact that we still have no idea about the whole Bakugan experiment thing, especially with TC and his past. I think V is just acting as an antagonist and the real main villain is the people doing those experiments. And Backslash can’t be much of a villain either because he’s more of a guy who wants Bakugan brawling to not be illegal and does whatever he wants. Yeah, as much as cool or edgy it would be to have either V or Backslash a big bad, they’re not going for that route with all the secret experiments and lab guys and TC’s past thing.
So yeah, the Klipse/Hargrave clones are pretty much their parents.
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I guess I'm right, masked villian is Backslash
At least shoulette looks like his
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I don’t think a silhouette indicates anything other than this guy is bad news. Besides, why would Backslash do something like this and then rescue his clan’s Bakugan? Doesn’t make sense.
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Oh, I really waited, and now bakugan g3 are available in my country! 26$...but I bought one. Waiting for it to come now. It will be chinese dragon Smoke, and I ordered black one. Wanted green, but this one is fine too.
And about Backslash, he's probably will be main villian I think. Or he'll try to be one. Cause damn he really came up with evil plan for Nillious. Klipse would be proud of this clone, haha. I guess Hargrave/Klipse genes works better than Chase/Klipse. And it so weird about this gen, I wanted next gen of monsuno maybe with children of some characters, and I really into Hargrave/Klipse ship, but I kinda understood that if this would work, it wont be Klipse/Hargrave, it would be Jinja choosing Dax or Beyal, Chase and Bren. But definetly they wont make another gay family child. And Six could even be forgotten at all. But in the end, what exacly we got is bakugan monsuno like reboot with Klipse/Hargrave kid named after Klipse's monsuno Backslash. I'm happy.
Holy that is a lot for Bakugan, but considering that you love the series, congrats and good for you!
Now, why should Backslash be the main antagonist? He can just be a villain, but not like the big bad villain, just someone who makes things harder for the heroes. Kinda like Six or Dom, they’re not Klipse, but they’re making problems for Chase and his team. I think that suits him more because he doesn’t look someone who’s willing to destroy cities or Bakugan-Human relations because he likes Mantid and is good friends with him. Why risk it? The only way he could be the big bad is because it’s a one season thing for him and he’s getting the spotlight for himself.
As for a next generation, this is Bakugan and not Monsuno despite their similarities. Yes, there is a ton of overlap, but let’s give Monsuno their own next generation. If it were an actual next gen, the writers would finally show who Jinja ends with because it’s too confusing for us to guess who she wants, Dax or Beyal. As for Chase and Bren, we might see Chase end up a bachelor for life or something because he’s already got a kid (Six) but Bren did show a liking to Tango so they’d end up being a couple. As for Six, if the Sunos and the Klipse actually needed a next generation, Six would fit even if they might forget him, but if Chase doesn’t want to find someone then it would have to go to Six for the whole children thing. I mean, I made him an oc love interest, it wouldn’t be that hard. Heck, give Chase his own gf that we don’t need to know and we’re going to be fine with that. So the only known next gen child would be that if Jinja/Dax or Jinja/Beyal and Bren/Tango for actual canon characters and the rest is all up in the air with children.
Still, it’s next having a Klipse/Hargrave child in Backslash. Such a cute tiny nightmare.
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Sadly, we're one of less than 10 persons who talk about bakugan g3 series, not toys. So we count. Especcially since we only one who talk about characters and lore.
And Backslash by age is like 10-12, same time went since monsuno series. So...
Anyway, I feel like they want to point at him, since Dan doesnt look like really interesting character. Kage isnt a villian. And so, even if Backslash isnt in a lot of series, but he was seen a lot in short description videos. Someone who's behing this is definetly Klipse/Hargrave shipper, cause I would do the same if I was allowed to. And Backslash was made like he's actual antagonist, like his crazy actions, and the fact that he suggested evil plans by himself.
Well, that’s on the tumblr side of things. There’s also YouTube, Twitter and others where people might be taking about Bakugan that we don’t know about.
That being said… Thank you for reminding me that I’m getting old. Can’t believe Backslash is the same age as the years since Monsuno, and is part of the second reboot since the first Bakugan.
Let’s just see where things are about to go with Backslash since out of all the other clan leaders that aren’t named Kage, we know him more than the others. Not sure if he being in promo pics means anything, but let’s just hope he ends up helping the main cast or even joining them with Kage to stop whatever’s happening in the show. Mostly because I’m a sucker for redemption arcs.
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I realised that bakugan g3 s1 ended... Like, does it even look like season...? No proper scenario and just had no ending. Even monsuno had scenario for a season with proper ending, even if had a lot of fillers in series, most of. But here... I. Want. More. Of. Backslash. And TC. I still wait for them to reveal more, an easter eggs that barely a few people would understand. But it ended on dude in mask...? That dude's voice is Nillious, so it's probably him or his avatar or he's possesing Kage. So, situation with who us masquerade in first bakugan series, or in last of g1 seasons Wiseman, is really different and isnt obvious. But here... They arent doing good made lore, so I dont expect something good, only thing I see is baby Hargrave. How the fuck, but here he is. Interesting thing in monsuno was with the fact that Dawnmaster launches like Chase, but other animations werent used second time, only Chase's did, and when they did that with Six, it was said that is specialy because they're related. But Dawnmaster...? And he covers everything, even his skin isnt visible a bit, voice isnt real, but why? He looks like Dom, behaves like Dom sometimes, but like his other side or wtf is he. Both mercenaries. Monsuno had a lot of secretly kinda shown relationship, like Tallis and Charlemagne, Drezz and Tallis, Hargrave and Klipse, Jon and Jeredy, Jeredy and Klipse, Klipse and Jon, Dom and Six, Klipse and Dom. These relationship or arent directly showed, or isnt showed a lot. But in bakugan g3... Backslash is a brat, and look, you dont remember this character, but it's that gay butler from one bakugan like show which wasnt very popular! I like Backslash, I'm here for him. And TC, kid who was experimented on. And Kage, who is like Dom and Chase. I like Backslash and Kage. Gives me good vibes. But whole lore... Give us at least hints of something, come on
I bet you they did the cliffhanger just for fans and newcomers to get interested in the next generation of Bakugan and its future seasons. Yes, it's not great, but cliffhangers do work to keep people interested. As for the lore, it is starting to pick up now with the mystery character which does remind me of Dawnmaster and Dom, but not really because he's just shown a few times.
As for Chase and Dawnmaster having the same style of launching, then having Six copy it, we'll never know why and really it's a shame because Dawn is such a cool character, and Dom and Dawn being the same or just similar will also never be answered because the show end, which is sad because I wish they had a mercenary vs master thief battle between the two. As for everyone being connected to each other in Monsuno, that's all on the writers, they wanted everyone to be connected together and make things either easier or harder for people to understand how everyone is connected. It's like a string theory, but with Monsuno.
We might have to wait a bit for Bakugan g3 to pick up on relationships that aren't in just their clans and also have more lore as the year goes by, but for now, at least you like Backslash, Kage and TC.
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If I remember right, bakugan live with their humans, and not in ball form. But, each of team has their hq, so Mantis probably stays here with other bakugans of the team.
And child fighting was always allowed in bakugan. In g1 in s1 they were like 10-11, and it's main ones, other were battling like 3-5.
Oh right. I forgot that Bakugan is a children’s card game show.
And tradition states that children should battle by the time they can walk and bond with their monster partners so Backslash and everyone does check out.
Still, it be nice if Mantid does live with Backslash because he feels like family to him, but yeah living in hq does make sense too since he is the leader and probably stays there to lead the clan’s Bakugan.
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Why do you think Dom isnt with Backslash in this universe? They could move together. Also, maybe it's just different city and bakugans are monsunos from other planet cause they're kinda simmilar.
Maybe Dom and Backslash are living in the same house together, but why does he let his baby brother go off and become the leader of the Insect Clan and become a prominent figure in the Bakugan world? Your brother is biologically younger than Six when he started his battling career! The only reason why he might do this is because he wants Backslash to experience the same things he did years ago and is proud of how important Backslash has become.
Though, that does beg the question, does Mantid have his own room? I can’t see Dom not wanting to give Mantid a room in the house or at least even giving him a bed because Dom liked his Monsuno and he’d probably want his brother to bond with his Bakugan the way he thinks best, by having them bunk together.
Now, when will he teach Backslash how to fight against authority? I want Chip humbled.
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Oh, I found canon events. Six lives with Eira, while Hargrave and Klipse later made their own clone, Backslash, Hargrave dies cause of age, Klipse gone completely mad and Dom takes Backslash with him and lives with him as his caretaker.
The best thing for Six to live with his loving, loyal, tiny dictator of a wife. Yes, she’s not the best person anyone would want to have as a partner or daughter-in-law, but considering Six, she’s his soulmate and the reason he’s happy with life.
As for Backslash, poor boy, at least Dom is there for him since Hargrave has passed, but considering that Hargrave is a senior citizen, it was inevitable that he would pass. Still, Klipse already went crazy the day he wanted to rule the world as a Monsuno sapien, Hargrave being gone just means that he won’t have another loyal person next to him to help that dream.
Though, does this mean it was Dom who lost Backslash to the Bakugan world? Dom, why? Your baby brother now is leader of the Insect Clan and is still acting like he’s part of Klipse. Get him home!
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