#Backhand drive in table tennis
ppongsuper · 1 year
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Best Backhand drive in table tennis
The grip on a backhand drive is different from a forehand drive. It is typically held with the palm facing down, with the ball closer to the body. The grip can be different depending on the player's preference. A Backhand drive in table tennis is more like a push, which is the reason why it is more difficult to move the ball up and down with it than with a forehand drive.
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tabletennisbest · 1 year
Basic Backhand Drive | Table Tennis Tutorial | Table Tennis Review [4k]
Накат слева, бэкхенд хорошо показан. Экономные, точные движения.
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lafoiaveugle · 2 years
Happy Death Day, Year 14
If you don’t know me, I celebrate a birthday in February the worst month, and a death day in November. Both are equally important days to me, even if I tend to forget which exact day my Death Day is. Anyways, every year I talk about the things I'm happy for, the little bit of advice I can give, and fuck it I'm making it an actual thing.
Are you…Dead? No, I am not dead. Wouldn’t it be ironic if November 23rd/24th ends up being my official death day though? I wouldn’t put it past the universe.
No, see at the age of 20, it really looked like the universe was trying to decide whether or not I should be alive. I ended up in the hospital multiple times due to an incurable autoimmune disease, and then a car accident landed me in ICU for a month. That happened to be the week before Thanksgiving through days before Christmas (if I remember correctly) and I’ve been celebrating it ever since. For those who weren’t there, I’ll spare you the graphic details, but I went from “she won’t likely survive the night” to “she might survive, but she’ll never walk” to “she’ll walk, but never unassisted,” to “okay but you have to wait another month because we are mostly afraid you’ll break your arm again.”
Note: They were right to fear this last one. I literally fell my first tennis match back during WARM UPS. Didn’t break my arm again. Did gain a killer backhand knowing people would target the scar.
People nearly die every day. Why celebrate this? I don’t think I am a pessimist by nature, but I do genuinely appreciate an anniversary to remind me about all the things I am truly thankful for, especially an anniversary without the added side effects of familial trauma, colonizer guilt, and forced cheer. No, instead I reflect on the things that keep me alive now, fourteen years after my death day. And when you add in the growing political unease and two years past the beginning date of a pandemic, I personally need to be reminded to take a minute and be thankful. The date represents a hard year, and a reminder to myself that while I now have a healthy relationship with the concept of me dying, I’m still so glad I’m here. So no, I don’t mentally calculate all the days I nearly died (every day I drive on the highway, let’s be real). But I do take a minute every November to compose my thoughts on life.
How are you celebrating this year? Well, I’ve started my morning with three cats using my bed to play “the floor is lava.” I’ll see my wonderful mom and two of my amazing siblings and grandmother for Thanksgiving lunch, then hanging out with Redd once he gets up from his super late shift last night. I’ll be in contact with those I love through out the day because we all will be navigating family. Maybe for fifteen I’ll throw a party or something. Fifteen extra years with me — you’re welcome (no really I’m so sorry.)
What new items are on your thankful list? First, I am thankful to the scientist out there working on “orphan diseases.” A new medication came out this year that could potentially put me in remission, get me off steroids, and potentially get me off my chemotherapy med. How amazing is that? I’ve spent the majority of the last two years fighting off the depression that comes with hearing a world constantly talk about how you aren’t important because you are sick. Or that you are less important because you are sick. The universe disagrees, bud, but I digress. I’ve been thinking about how thankful I am I didn’t give up on podcasting. Last year, especially this time of year, was incredibly rough and I did not consider podcasting a fun escape anymore. I had made the mistake of who I chose to cohost podcast with, I had men belittle my intelligence and tell me I was dramatic. I knew I was done hosting, being in front of a mic, but I was ready to move behind it permanently, into a writing position if I was lucky. Fortunately, I didn’t do any of that. I started up a podcast idea that was all consuming, I put myself on a time table that ended up requiring me to be in front of the mic again, and I’ve had to come face to face with some real repercussions and consequences of what had happened in 2021. Because of that, I have so many new people I adore working with, I have new friends I can’t imagine how I got this far without them in my life, and a genuinely great team to help push it forward. And it’s in the finals for some awards — look I know I throw myself into something when I cannot cope, and I’m glad this time it’s been a healthy project. One that has changed me for the better. I am also thankful that I’ve gained strength to stand up for myself more. I’m still working to gain back my confidence and self-worth, and I have made great strides forward in setting boundaries of who is allowed in my life and why. I also adopted two cats this year — a very outgoing part dog named Tempo, and a trained rogue who will steal your heart named Astrid. Along with Inanna, they keep our apartment loved, cozy, and chatty actually.
But again, none of this could be accomplished on my own. I have a support system of an amazing mom and step dad who may not always understand me but will support me (through the teasing). I have 3 siblings that just mean the world to me and inspire me to be a better person by watching them grow. I have Keira, who has only shown me kindness, friendship, and love, reminding me again that family is never just blood. I have four amazing best friends that are just as willing to talk me through the anxiety attack as they are to tell me when I am the problem. I never expected “Am I being dramatic or…” to be the way I orient myself in life, but I am so thankful they don’t judge it. I am thankful for the group of doctors and nurses I need to live. Not only that they all help keep me alive (and sane!) but because I’ve somehow found doctors that listen and work with me, rather than talk down to me.
What advice would you give someone post 14 years after nearly dying? I feel like I should put a caveat on my advice: most of this is advice I have to give myself regularly.
Stop trying to find the meaning of life. Just live. Don’t live to work, live for life. If that’s family, if it’s creating, if it’s traveling, cool! Find work/life balance and find it early. I didn’t have it at 20; I really didn’t have it until 33/34. It is life changing. If there is a secret to the universe, a “reason to be here” then I have figured out what my reason is, and what the universe’s reason might be. I don’t love the second, but I can only control the first.
Down time is healthy. Doing “nothing” is healthy. Producing something at all times is not healthy.
You can only control you, and that fucking sucks. Let me be clear — it’s a good thing I can’t control other people or how they react, and it’s even better no one can control me! Does that mean I like it? Absolutely not! Humans are unpredictable and you have to learn to roll with it.
Giving 100% and spoon theory actually overlap, and it took me way too long to realize that.
Notebooks don’t buy happiness. But an e-ink tablet is coming very close.
Teaching your cat to play fetch (or to “bring me the toy so I’ll play with you”) is a great idea in theory, ruins bathroom time quite frequently.
Know your worth. And you are worth it.
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bazmichaels · 2 years
Ping Pong Fury
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When I was 10, the summer after I finished 5th grade, I started going to a Recreation Center near me for a summer recreation program. I suppose it was fairly close to our new house on Newcome Drive. From what I remember it was a large open indoor area – maybe a school cafeteria or a YMCA open space. At first, I just kind of hung out, reading Mad or Highlights magazines, playing board games like Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, Checkers, or Chinese Checkers. I think I may have been introduced to chess here, but I didn’t get much farther than learning how each kind of piece was allowed to move. We did some activities like boxing, which I thought was kind of strange for kids our age. I tried it, but it seemed like the kid with the longest arms always won. Then, one fateful day, I wandered down to the far end of the great room where there were two ping pong tables that were the center of attention for at least a dozen kids my age and a little older.
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The rule of thumb was that, whenever anyone was waiting for a table, the people on it would have to play a 2-out-of-3 game match. The winner would stay, the loser sat down, and the next kid stepped up to the table. That was very intimidating to me because I had never played before. I finally found an opportunity to get on a table when no one was waiting, and the other kid was willing to let me just get a feel for hitting the ball. I had been watching for a while, so I knew how I wanted to hold the paddle. The rec center provided balls and sandpaper paddles, which literally had sandpaper on the hitting surface rather than rubber. You could get some spin on the ball with the sandpaper paddles, but I was just trying to block the ball back onto the table at first. I used a grip where I had my thumb and my pointer finger on the backside of the paddle. I was able to place the ball with my forehand using this grip, and my backhand was just a defensive block back onto the table. From what I can remember, it didn’t take me long to get the hang of getting the ball back in play onto the table, and I think I was able to get in the mix of playing games by the time other people started showing up and waiting for their turn at the tables. I was hooked. It felt like I was born to do this. Once I started playing ping pong, that was pretty much all I did at the rec center. One of the tables was considered to be the beginners’ table, where I started out, and the other was the advanced players’ table, where I wanted to be. It didn’t take long before I got kicked off the beginners’ table. The best player my age was named Pengo. He was also one of the nicest kids I ever met, and we became ping pong buddies. He had an offensive game that was much more advanced than mine, so I liked to play against him and watch him play other kids. I eventually started to try to be more forceful with my forehand – hit into different parts of the table and create openings, and then hit it hard through the opening. I slowly figured out how to place the ball to create openings with my backhand, but I could only hit my put away shot with my forehand. By the end of the summer, I could give Pengo a run for his money and beat him on occasion, although he maintained the upper hand, overall.
As the Summer was winding down, I found out that players from our rec center could enter the San Antonio city table tennis championship tournament. I had never played in a tournament, but Pengo told me it was fun, so I filled out the form and signed up. On the big day, we had a bus take us downtown to some huge arena. The entire floor seemed to be filled with ping pong tables. I suddenly got very nervous. I had no idea what I was doing there. I had just started playing a couple of months earlier. Suddenly, I heard a grown up call my name. I hopped up and went over to the tournament official. He led my opponent and I to our table, upon which sat two pristine sandpaper paddles. One of us was handed a ball, and we were told to warm up. At that point, I forgot about all the unfamiliar surroundings and all the things I didn’t know about playing in a tournament, and I just focused on the ball and the table. Soon, we started playing and it was so comforting to just be playing the game. It didn’t matter where I was, what was going on around me, or even who I was playing. I just know I wanted to win the point I was playing. Suddenly, the match was over, and I was the winner. I was aware of the vast arena once more, and the seemingly thousands of other players in it. But I had a win under my belt, Soon I had another, and another. So did Pengo and some of the other guys from our rec center. Pengo was right – this was fun. I don’t remember how many rounds there were, but Pengo and I kept winning. Then, suddenly, Pengo lost. I was a little shocked, but I didn’t necessarily know what to expect, and I figured there had to be kids better than us. But I kept winning, and I found myself in the finals. In the finals, it turned out, you are the only match going on in the entire arena. I was sort of intimidated, but I also knew I was about to play a ping pong match, so I ignored all that. Once we started our warmup, I noticed that the other guy in the finals was nothing special. The game started, I found my focus, and I won. I got a big trophy, I had to do a little interview on the microphone, and all my friends from the rec center were super excited for me, especially Pengo. I was 10 years old and had experienced the high point of my life. Just kidding, but it was really cool. The following summer, I switched my grip to a single finger, which allowed my backhand to become an offensive weapon like my forehand. I got a fancy-ish rubber paddle, with a cover, and started putting a lot more spin on the ball so I could back away from the table and take huge swings, like the high-level players you see in the Olympics.
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We had a girl at the rec center that competed in national tournaments, and I started getting some wins against her. Pengo and I had better and better daily battles, but I now had the upper hand. That summer was filled with the music of Elton John’s Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. We listened to all the songs on that album every day as we played ping pong. It was a great summer. When the tournament came around that year, I needed to move up from the 10 and under division to the 12 and under division. The quality of competition rose dramatically, but my game had also improved by leaps and bounds.
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The tournament was still a sandpaper paddle tournament, so none of us could use our fancy/fancy-ish paddles, and that was an adjustment for all of us. I got into my zone and battled my way to the finals, where I met the defending champ in the 12U division. The kid was good, and he won the back-and-forth battle. Even though I lost, it was thrilling to play at that high level, and I even kind of liked that the whole arena was watching our match. I got another nice trophy. I felt good about how I played and figured I had next year to take the 12U championship. I did not, but that’s another story.
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Getting the gist of 聽君一席話,勝讀十年書
Especially the table tennis videos I saw on YouTube make me go "how could I not know about that".
Relearning backhand drive 推, loop 上旋拉, forehand lift.
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ailasacay · 3 years
Men’s Singles Table Tennis Final – Full Match | Rio 2016 Replays
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Court Dimensions:
Men’s Singles Table Tennis Final Match in Rio 2016 tournament has a court dimension of 9 ft. (2.74m) long, 5 ft. (1.525 m) wide and 2 ft. 6 inches (76 cm) high. The table used was made out of a variety of materials including: plywood, concrete, metal, and fiber glass. The court is divided into two equal parts for each player centered with a white line.  
The general equipment’s I noticed that was used during the match includes the usual table used for table tennis, table tennis net, racquet or paddle, and a ping-pong ball. In addition, these are what I’ve noticed to the equipment’s used by the players:
Ma Long- He wore a red shirt with yellow lines that has a dragon design with it in the front. His name was imprinted in white text on the back. Also, I noticed he wore black shorts as well as comfortable socks and shoes.
Zhang Jike- He wore a black shirt that also has a dragon design with it in the front. His name was also imprinted in white text on the back. Also, I noticed that he also wore black shorts as well as comfortable socks and shoes.  
Basic Skills:
Table tennis is a layered, dynamic game that involves a mixture of mental and physical techniques to master. Even the most difficult game, however, is based on the basis of basic skills that everyone can learn and practice to develop their game.
The following are the basic skills of table tennis:
·Forehead Drive- The forehand drive is the most basic and fundamental ping pong stroke. It responds to aggressive/attacking strokes by landing the ball near the opponent's baseline or sideline. To add strength to the ball with a forehand drive, it requires to rotate your upper body away from the ball and shift your weight to your back foot while pushing your arm straight back. 
·Backhand Drive- The backhand drive is a forehand drive that is designed to return attacking shots and land the ball at the opponent's baseline. To execute a backhand drive, it requires to keep your stance angled toward the table with your free arm pointing toward the ball (rather than reaching with your arm). 
·Backhand Push- Short balls are returned with the backhand drive, which stops the opponent from attacking. Instead of reaching to the side with your arm, as with the backhand drive, your body should be aligned with the ball. 
·Forehand Push- The forehand push is often used to return short balls and defend against attacks. As with the forehand push, it requires to stand with your dominant foot slightly back and rotate your upper body to highlight the paddle's motion.
·Serving- The final basic skill is a table tennis serve, which is important because the serve is the only time you have full control of the ball and the game. There are several different types of serves, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, but the fundamentals remain the same.
Technical and Tactical Skills:
In playing table tennis, technical and tactics skills generally rely on three main skills: The ability to keep the ball in play. The ability to play the ball to certain areas of the table, and. The ability to apply pressure on your opponent by using different types and amounts of spin, and different speeds, in order to create openings and hit winning shots. Furthermore, I observe that these skills were obtained by both players in the match which helped them to properly corporate the game.
 Rules of the Game:
·Games are played to 11 points
·Alternate serves every two points
·Toss the ball straight up when serving
·The serve can land anywhere in singles
·Double serves must go right court to right court
·A serve that touches the net on the way over is a “Let”
·Alternate hitting in a doubles rally
·Volleys are not allowed
·If your hit bounces back over the net by itself it is your point
·Touching the ball with your paddle hand is allowed
·You may not touch the table with your non-paddle hand
·An “edge” ball bouncing off the horizontal table top surface is good
·Honor system applies to disagreements
 Officiating the Sport:
There are only two officials in table tennis, the referee and the umpire. The referee is responsible for the entire running of a table tennis event which includes supervising all the umpires, whereas umpires control individual matches and maintains standards in the play. Overall, the officiators played an important role during the match as they ensure that the competition is conducted in a safe and fair manner.
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starletteex · 3 years
Men's Singles Table Tennis Final - Full Match | Rio 2016 Replays
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Court Dimensions:
The tournament in the video is played indoors, with its court dimensions consisting of a table that measures 9 m in length by 5 m in width. In addition, the playing surface is 2.5 cm high and it stretches 6 cm beyond the width of the table. These tables can be made out of a variety of materials, including plywood, concrete, metal, plastic, and fiber-glass.
The equipment that can be found in the video includes a table tennis shirt, shorts, shoes, socks, and paddles. 
Ma Long - In the video, he wore a red shirt with yellow and dark red lines, a white symbol on the right, and a Chinese flag on the left, his name can also be seen in white text on the back. He wore black shorts with a blue design and a white symbol. He had white socks with white shoes, red ties, and design. If you look closely you can see that his socks had a design as well.
Zhang Jike - In the video, he wore a black shirt with yellow lines, a white symbol on the left, and a Chinese flag on the right, his name can also be seen in white text on the back. He was wearing black shorts with a blue design and a white symbol. He also had white socks with white shoes that consist of a blue and yellow design. If you look closely you can see that his socks had a design as well.
In the video, the paddles are red and black on either side, and there's a little bit of blue in it. They also used paddles that are made of hardwood. Paddles made of wood are known to be the best choice for most players, as the blades have a certain elasticity to them. There is also a rubber surface that comes in contact with the ball, they are called rubbers, they affect the amount of friction applied.
The general equipment are the table tennis ball, net, and table 
Table tennis ball-The ball in the video is white-colored and is made out of a plastic-like material called celluloid. There is air trapped inside the ball which would allow it to bounce after hitting a paddle or a table.
Table tennis net-The net is colored black and stretches across the width of the table surrounded by white posts. It is also made of a stretchy nylon material.
Table tennis tables-The table is probably the largest and most expensive equipment needed to play the sport.  Its color is blue-green with a yellow pillar holding it up, it also consists of white lines which mark the area of play and a net in the center that divides the table into two.
Basic Skills:
The basic skills in table tennis include the forehand drive technique, backhand topspin, forehand push and backhand push, forehand flick, backhand flick, backhand loop of the underspin ball, forehand attack of the semi-long ball, forehand fast serve and forehand pendulum serve. I noticed that they both used the forehand drive technique quite well with the help of proper grip, learning the forehand drive is one of the first basic skills that should be taught to the players. It also serves as the basis for advanced strokes, such as the forehand topspin technique. Next is the backhand topspin, which could also be seen redundantly in the video, this skill should be learned as you learn the forehand drive technique because it's a basic skill that every player should master. In addition, the backhand topspin is a very quick move that can give you an advantage if your opponent doesn't pay close attention to the ball. Next are the forehand push and backhand push, both of them had an aggressive push with a quick pace and a powerful hit, which caught their opponent off guard and helped them score points. Next, is the forehand flick, which requires the players to aggressively return the serve, which both of them executed very well. Next is the backhand flick which is kind of similar to the forehand flick except for the way you hold the paddle is different, it is still a must to exert aggressiveness in doing these various skills. Next is the backhand loop which incorporates the lower part of your body, the concept for using your legs for your backhand attack is known as "power from the ground". In the video both the players widely used their lower body parts during the entire game and not just their upper body. Next is the forehand attack which has a ton of advantages, they can either do a short serve which is not risky, a long serve, and a semi-long serve which allows you to hit the ball off the table. If one of the players utilizes this skill then they will either perform a backhand flick or an aggressive forehand flick technique. Next is the forehand fast serve, which focuses on both the speed and power of the players, utilizing this skill has various advantages, such as giving your opponent a surprise, putting the opponent under a lot of pressure, reducing the quality of the server's return of the opponent, opening rallies and counter-rallies, and lastly, you're most likely to have a higher chance of attacking first. Lastly is the forehand pendulum serve which can be seen at the beginning of each round and is the best serve in table tennis. Overall, all the basic skills I've stated can be seen in the video, and both of the players have managed to perform them very well, along with proper footwork and grip of the paddle. However, I observed that both players need to work on their backhand skills because many faults occurred. 
Technical and Tactical Skills:
Teaching technical and tactical skills is important because it helps give the player who uses them an advantage over their opponent, with that being said, the technical and tactical skills at table tennis include playing on your opponent's weakness, playing consistently and not making unforced mistakes, portraying great stance and proper movement, varying strokes, playing using your strengths, and offense or defense strategies.  Playing on your opponent's weakness requires you to know who your opponent is and use his or her weaknesses to your advantage. Playing consistently requires you to keep practicing and keep the ball in play for as long as you can.  It's important to have the right stance as it gives you balance, stability, and range of movement while playing the game, movement also plays a crucial role in table tennis, in the video you can see that they kept on traversing across the table trying to hit the ball in areas where they could potentially score a point. Varying your strokes is important because playing the same stroke over and over again will give your opponent a greater advantage. Play using your strengths is significant because using your best shots can stop your opponent from dictating the match thus, giving you an advantage while playing. Lastly, is the offense/defense strategy, applying these in the game, requires players to take the initiative and act aggressively to enforce errors due to speed, spin, and placement variations. In the video, Ma Long won because he was better at applying the strategies of offense and defense.
Rules of the Game:
It is very important to know the rules and regulations of a sport before playing, as this gives understanding to all the players involved. That being said, there is a myriad of rules and regulations that players must watch out for while playing table tennis.
To start a point, the server must stand at the back of the table and serve either the forehand or the backhand. The ball must be thrown up either equal to or above the height of the net before the ball is struck, and the ball must be thrown from an open palm to stop finger spin.
If the ball hits the net on the serve but continues on the other side, then a 'let' is played.
Players are allowed to hit the ball around the side of the net.
The ball has to bounce on the player's side of the table before they play their shot.
During play, the competitors are not allowed to touch the table with their non-bat hand. If they do, the point will be conceded.
Players must swap ends at the end of the game, and in the final match, players will switch ends after five points.
How to Officiate the Sport:
There are only two officials in table tennis, the referee and the umpire. The referee is required to be present throughout the tournament and is required to uphold the rules. The umpire, on the other hand, uses their judgment in applying the laws and regulations. Overall, the officials in the video did a great job officiating the tournament, as they made sure that the game was played fairly.
Link of the Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5H-Eq_Kcxw&t=546s
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rjperez03 · 3 years
Men's Singles Table Tennis Final - Full Match | Rio 2016 Replays - A Blog Review
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Court Dimension:
Their playing surface is divided into two courts by a net. If the situation is doubles then each court is divided into 2 equal half courts by a white center line. In international events, they use a 14m x 7m. In national competitions, they will use a 12m x 6m. In national leagues they will use a 10m x 5m. In a local league they would normally use 9m x 5m. Lastly is recreational play which would normally be 8.5m x 4m. The table size should be 9 feet long, 5 feet wide, and 2 feet and 6 inches high. The net is 6 feet long and 6 inches high.
Ma Long – He wore a red jersey that had a dragon imprinted on it with yellow lines. He wore white shoes. He used a table tennis racket with one side being red and one side being black.
Zhang Jike – He wore a black jersey that also had a dragon imprinted on it with yellow lines. He wore white shoes. The table tennis racket that he used was one side being red and one side being black.
Overall Equipment:
They used a pingpong ball, table, net, and racquet; the pingpong ball is the one that the competitors or players will hit in order to actually play the sport, without it then there is no point in engaging in this activity. The table in the sport is always necessary in these types of activities since the ball has to hit something in order to determine who scored the point or if it even did. Next is the net, like any other sport like badminton, tennis or any other, this sport needs a net in order to know if the ball is in their lane. Lastly is racquet, you can’t really play the game if you don’t have this equipment since this is the one that will hit the ball back and forth to your opponent, it is usually made out of laminated wood covered with rubber on one or two sides.
Basic Skills:
Ma Long- His stance and footwork were impressive to me since he was really quick on his feet and that even though he moves fast it doesn’t really look like he is having a hard time. Next is his forehand drive, it was really good and I immediately saw that this was his sort of power move since he was good with that basic skill. The other is backhand and I immediately noticed that he isn’t really fond with this basic skill since he got a few faults from this basic skill. From re-watching his serves a couple of times I have noticed that his serves were really good since he has full control of the ball and there were other times where he would immediately gain a point just from a serve but there were also times where he failed in serving but he was still good at serving regardless of the fails that he gained from it.
Zhang Jike- From what I have noticed his stance was really good too but what was really noticeable was his footwork since he isn’t as quick on his feet compared to Ma Long which was greatly affecting his outcome in the game. I have noticed that forehand isn’t really his forte since it was quite noticeable that Ma Long was a lot stronger compared to his forehand. Next is his backhand, I was utterly impressed by the way he uses backhand and he was quick-witted when he used backhand but there were a lot of incidents that caused him to get a fault. Lastly is his serving, his serving wasn’t really that good and since his serving wasn’t that goof then the opponent got to have full control of the ball contributing to his loss.
Technical and Tactical Skills:
Both of their stances were really good and both of that their stances benefited both of them throughout the game, I have also noticed that if they use their stances in a certain way then they get the upper hand since different stances contribute to different this and moves. Next is their defense or offense, both of their offense were quite effective and efficient but the fact that Ma Long was far better in offense with his strong and quick hits says that he is strong in his offense while Zhang was also really good in offense but his was quite inferior or less stronger contrast to Ma Long, there were a few missed calls by Ma Long but in the end he was a great offense. Ma Long’s defense was also really impressive and well thought out since I noticed that he was really quick-witted in the game and that he knew what to do if the ball comes his way so quickly, his defense game was strong. For Zhang, his was also really good, he put up a good fight but I noticed that his wasn’t as strong nor quicker compared to Ma Long, in conclusion Ma Long was really good in both offense and defense. Ma Long’s movements were very quick and that this tactical skill would highlight how quick-witted he really is and how he calculates his movements to create these offense and defense that contributed to him as a victor. For Zhang Jike, he also moved really swiftly and that he was really reactive from start to the end of the game, although this wasn’t enough for him to be labeled as the victor of the tournament.
Rules of the game:
Scoring and Games
- Games are played to 11 points
- Players serve two serves each, it should be alternating. Either of the players do not have to win specifically off their own serve in order to win a point
- If the game ends up in a tie at 10-10, a player must win by 2 points. In this incident, the players must serve one serve each, it should be alternating
- In tournaments, games are played best of 5 or best of 7. Social games can also be played best of 3
Legal and Serving
- You must through the ball up straight, from a flat palm, at least 6 inches
- Your toss and service contact must be behind the table surface - You cannot hide the ball from the ball toss to contact, with any part of your body
- If the ball hits the net during serves, it is a let, the point is relayed. There is no limit or point deduction for let serves
How to officiate the game:
To officiate the game you need to hire the following: umpire, referee, scorer, deputy referee.
Umpire – they are the ones that will watch over the game in a high chair and make the game remain in a proper way with no surprising incidents.
Referee – they are the ones that make sure the rules of the games are being followed by the players. They will be the ones that will explain rules as needed and ensure that the participants understand these rules. They will also make calls regarding when these rules are broken.
Scorer- they are the ones that will record the scores and points made by the players.
Deputy Referee – They are the ones that will take the place of the referee if they are absent.
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loofypoof · 3 years
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Table Tennis at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro took place from 6 to 17  August 2016 at the third pavilion of Riocentro. Around 172 table tennis players (equally distributed between men and women) competed in both the singles and team events.Table tennis had appeared at the Summer Olympics on seven previous occasions beginning with the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. In addition to men's and women's singles, the team events were staged for the third time since replacing doubles events at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.
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Table tennis tables are regulated playing surfaces designed specifically for the game of table tennis (ping-pong). Table tennis tables measure 9’ | 2.74 m long by 5’ | 1.525 m in wide. The playing surface of a ping-pong table must be set at a height of 2.5’ | 76 cm and is equipped with a center net that is 6” | 15.25 cm high and stretches 6” | 15.25 cm beyond the width of the table. Tables can be constructed out of a variety of materials ranging from common designs using plywood and/or particle-board to more exotic variants made of concrete, metal, plastic or fiber-glass. The materiality of a table tennis table is a matter of preference, but the bounce of the ball on the surface should be uniform at a height of 9.1” | 23 cm when dropped at a height of 11.8” | 30 cm.
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Ball- The ball that used in the game weighs 2.7 grams. It is a small celluloid ball that is white or orange in color, depending on the preference of the player. They come in different qualities with those possessing 3 stars being the best kind It is recommended for beginners.
Rubber, Racket, or Paddle- The table tennis racket or paddle is another important piece of equipment. It is used to hit the ball back and forth on the table. The shape is similar to the one used for tennis except it is smaller and made of different materials. The racket is made of wood and rubber. It is divided into two parts, the handle, and blade. The quality of both parts of the racket can affect the force applied by the player. The player must choose the best kind of racket to get good results.
Table Tennis Table- Included in the list of important table tennis equipment is the table. The ITTF specifies that the official table tennis tables used in the tournament must be 9 ft long, 5 ft wide, and must be placed 30 inches above the ground. They come in either green, blue, or black color and are made from hardboard. The surface must be smooth to provide the lowest friction possible.
Net and Post - The net is bought together with the table or rackets, or it can be bought by itself. Whatever the case, it should be six feet long and six inches wide. It should have an upper white tape that is not more than 15mm wide. Also, it should include an assembly that can be attached to the middle of the table tennis table.
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For what I have seen on the video that was given to us is that the basic skills they used are the: Forehand Drive, The BackHand Drive, The BackHand Push, and lastly The Forehand Push.
Technical and Tactical Skills
Tactics generally rely on three main skills:
The ability to keep the ball in play
The ability to play the ball to certain area of the table.
The ability to apply pressure on your opponent by using different types and amounts of spin, and different speeds, in order to crrate openings and hit winning shots.
Rules of the Game
A Game is played to 11 points. A Game must be won by two points. A Match is generally the best three of five Games.
Each side of the table alternates serving two points at a time. EXCEPTION: After tied 10-10 (“deuce”), service alternates at every point. Can you lose on a serve in ping pong? Yes! There is no separate rule for serving on Game Point.
How do you serve the ball in ping pong? Hold the ball in your open palm, behind your end of the table. Toss at least 6” straight up, and strike it on the way down. It must hit your side of the table and then the other side. NOTE: Once the ball leaves the server’s hand it is in play, and so counts as the receiver’s point if the ball is missed or mis-hit.
There is no restriction on where the ball lands on your side or your opponent’s side of the table. It can bounce two or more times on your opponent’s side (if so, that’s your point), bounce over the side, or even hit the edge.
The serve must bounce in the server’s right court, and receiver’s right court (NOTE: landing on center line is fair). Doubles partners switch places after their team serves twice.
Can the ball hit the net in ping pong? Yes, during a RALLY, if it touches the top of the net and then otherwise lands as a legitimate hit. BUT not when serving. If a served ball hits the net on the way over and otherwise legally bounces in play, it’s a “let” serve and is done over. There is no limit on how many times this can happen.
Doubles partners must alternate hitting balls in a rally, no matter where the ball lands on the table.
Can you hit the ball before it bounces in ping pong? No. In regular tennis you may “volley” the ball (hitting the ball before it bounces on your side of the net). But in table tennis, this results in a point for your opponent.
If you hit the ball in a rally or on a serve and it bounces back over the net after hitting your opponent’s side of the table (due to extreme spin), without your opponent touching it, that is your point.
What happens if the ball hits your finger or hand during a ping pong rally? If the ball touches your PADDLE hand and otherwise results in a legal hit, there is no rule violation and play shall continue as normal. Your paddle hand includes all fingers and hand area below the wrist. But what if the ball touches a player’s body anywhere else during a ping pong rally? You may not touch the table with your non-paddle hand for any reason. It will result in a point for your opponent. BUT if your opponent’s hit sails over your side of the table without touching it, and hits any part of you or your paddle, that is still your point.
You may touch the ball or the table with your paddle hand (after reaching in to return a short serve, for example), or other parts of your body.
An otherwise legal serve or hit may contact the top edge of the horizontal table top surface and be counted as valid, even if it bounces sidewise. The vertical sides of the table are NOT part of the legal playing surface.
If no referee is present during a match and the players disagree on a certain call, the “honor system” applies and the players should find a way to agree, or play the point over. Ping pong carries a tradition of fierce but fair play.
For every table tennis competition, a referee is appointed with a deputy who can act on their behalf. The referee is required to be present at the venue throughout a tournament and is required to uphold the rules.
During a table tennis match, an umpire is appointed to decide on the result of each point or rally. The umpire is required to use their judgement when applying the laws and regulations of the ITTF. Where the umpire is officiating alone, their decision is final and they should be seated about 2–3 metres from the side of the table and in line with the net
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ppongsuper · 1 year
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The Best Backhand drive in table tennis - By Ppongsuper
Table tennis is a game that is played with a small wooden paddle and a ball that is struck back and forth over a net. There are many variations of the game, but Backhand drive in table tennis is a variation of the game that uses a rubber ball and a backhand drive is when the player drives the ball with the backhand side of the paddle. Backhand drive in table tennis is the act of applying force to the back of the blade of the racket with one hand in order to control the ball. The topspin can be used to control the ball or put the opponent off balance, while the backspin can be used to stop an opponent's topspin.
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
All I Want For Christmas (Is You) : Drabble
Summary: Finnegan spends Christmas with his aunt and without Victor.  Ships: Finnegan/Victor Trevor @tinfoiltemplar
Snow glistened on the branches of the trees stretching across Edie’s property. Finnegan, tucked neatly into himself, alone in one of the castle’s libraries, glanced out at the silent, Scottish countryside. He hadn’t wanted to come home for the holidays. This year, like most years, he’d intended to stay in London for the holiday season. It was Charity Gala Season, Christmas party season… Usually, Finnegan glittered among London’s elite. FinneCorp’s Christmas party was tonight. Finnegan hadn’t missed a single one since he was eighteen. He couldn’t bear to go this time, though. He’d be alone - he was often alone - and Victor Trevor would be with Shanon. The holidays were a time for family, after all. Finnegan usually enjoyed trying to show up or show off his lover at galas. He enjoyed completing his outfit with a date who was accomplished or gorgeous or both and watching Victor watch him with someone else. It wasn’t so tempting when the tables were turned. And, of course the Trevors were invited to the FinneCorp gala. It would have looked strange not to invite them after a year’s worth of cat-and-mouse games in ballrooms and board rooms, tennis courts and country clubs. Maybe Finnegan was a coward for not wanting to be reminded that his favorite plaything was a married man, with obligations more important than Finnegan could ever be. Maybe he was a coward for only getting as far as Scotland when he tried to run away. He could have set out across the world with a dozen lingerie models and sent Victor the pictures. Instead, he was here. He was home. The closest thing to a “home” he thought of when everyone else in the world was talking about “going home for the holidays”. Edie received him well enough when he called two weeks ago to invite himself. 
“I’m not dying yet, you know,” she said coyly. 
“You’d better not be,” Finnegan said back, tone just as teasing. “I don’t have time to take your seat in Parliament. Big things are happening at FinneCorp just now. I’d hate to give it up.”
“But you won’t go to your own company’s Christmas party?”
“I’m reevaluating my priorities, Edith.”
“Michael Finnegan, if you tell me you’re dying, I’m driving to London to kill you myself.”
“I’ll be there on the twenty-second,” Finnegan said. “I won’t inconvenience you for more than a few days.”
“Stay through New Year’s,” Edie said. “Or is it only your own Christmas party you’re avoiding?”
Finnegan had forgotten what it was like to be seen by someone who didn’t keep you a dirty secret. He’d forgotten what it felt like to feel good in another person’s company without realizing that the feeling wouldn’t last past morning. He’d forgotten how good it felt to be able to take someone’s love for granted. 
He stared at his phone. Right now, Victor was probably getting ready for a gala - his? - while that wife of his shrilled at him about not embarrassing her. Would Victor look for him at the gala? Worry and wonder when Finnegan wasn’t there? He hoped so. He hoped Victor scanned the room and could only find the vacant places Finnegan ought to be. He hadn’t outright told Victor he wouldn’t be in attendance. A week ago, wrapped around Victor in his bed that was now too large for Finnegan alone, he pressed his lips to the nape of Victor’s neck. 
“I’ll miss this,” he said quietly. “During the holidays.”
Victor had rolled over in his sleep and snuggled small against Finnegan’s chest, mumbling something of his own - a question, maybe. If he wasn’t so canny, Finnegan would have asked Victor to run away with him. Instead, he carded his fingers through Victor’s wild curls and smiled grimly.
“Oh, our social schedules this year,” Finnegan said vaguely, thinking he answered the question. “We’ll have some catching up to do come January.”
January couldn’t come soon enough. 
After all, what was he meant to do? Bring his lover home to his aunt and the ancestral walls that had silently judged Finnegan with the same stoniness as most of the figures he remembered from his youth? How would he explain to Edie that he was willing to waste his time as Victor’s shame when he would have been anyone else’s pride? How would he say why he hadn’t yet devoured Victor whole and spat back his bones? His teens and twenties were a graveyard of lovers who took second place to FinneCorp or his ego or a thousand other things. Edie had watched him then with exasperation and a little something like guilt. It wasn’t her fault Finnegan didn’t know what love was supposed to look like. Had his mother and father ever missed each other this miserably? Of course not. God, of course not - unfeeling creatures. They’d never watched sunrise crawl up a sleeping lover’s back; never subtly touched a lover’s wrist at a dinner party to say ‘I’m still here; I’m glad you’re here, too”. They’d never admired the grace and power of a lover whose backhand could send the tennis ball distressingly far or whispered secret commands into a cell phone the night before reuniting with your lover, things only the two of you would know. They’d never exchanged glances, redesigned their schedules, risked their reputation. Passionless. 
He envied them. They hadn’t even been able to get a passionless marriage right - both long dead before Finnegan’s thirtieth birthday, no golden anniversary. The dry pages of their love story provided kindling for their quick, burning funeral pyre, which lit the way for their only child to map the world. Finnegan knew his world well. He knew his place in it. He knew that his place was not to be cheaply tossed aside by the likes of Victor Trevor, not to be exposed for indiscretions that lesser men would have, not to die in disgrace. That was the ruinous road he trod now, so sure that even if the map spelled disaster that one thing was clear: Victor would not cast him aside. Finnegan could come and go as he pleased, as he did now, and Victor would remain stubbornly loyal, maybe more afraid of being alone than he was in love with Finnegan. After all, as Finnegan well knew: those who loved him were a rare and dying breed. Edith crossed his mind again. She would pity him because she loved him and she’d tell him to wash his hands of the whole thing because she loved him. He envied her. How much simpler it was to wash your hands of love than to be covered in it. Finnegan wanted to scrub and scrub the feeling away so he could forget, at least until after New Year’s that he was in love. Instead, he felt Victor’s fingerprints smudging him still, a week after they last touched. It didn’t feel dirty. It felt like someone re-molding him, fashioning him into something new. For so many years he’d been sharp, a weapon. What would it be like if he let Victor make him into art?
Good God, he wasn’t even drunk. He was simply sitting in the upstairs library, smiling at his phone as he silently begged it to buzz. Not work. No, his work phone was plugged in by the bed, charging. This phone, his personal phone, rarely saw the light of day. Since he’d arrived, however, he’d waited and waited for it to show a sign of life. He tried to be discreet, pretend that he was answering emails, but the crestfallen disappointment that sank his whole bulk into the corner of the couch ricocheted off of him, drawing the eye with a flash of light and then its sudden absence. Why wasn’t Victor texting him? Finnegan sighed and cast his eyes out the window once more. 
“Don’t tell me you’re already regretting staying home from the party,” Edie said from the doorway.
Finnegan didn’t jump, but he certainly hadn’t noticed his aunt enter. Her sharp, pale features complemented her dry wit, much the way a fluted glass complemented white wine. Putting the phone on his lap, he looked at her, composing his own features into a Sauvignon Blanc. 
“I’m sure the party is suffering far more in my absence than I am,” he said. “What’s in those mugs?”
“Mulled cider,” she said, crossing the room. “Not as romantic as a champagne toast, but…”
“I’m not married to my job,” Finnegan said, pointedly avoiding the point. “I can’t imagine what would be romantic about any champagne toast I might give FinneCorp this year.”
Edie arched an eyebrow and joined him on the couch carefully, handing him one of the mugs. Finnegan wrapped his hands around it for warmth. Even though a fire blazed in the fireplace, the castle was old and drafty. No dignified amount of jumpers ever seemed to make this part of the castle warm enough. 
“What’s really wrong, Finn?” she asked. 
“Usually at this point in the evening, you’re texting me for second opinions on identical bowties,” she said. “Tonight, you’re sulking in the coldest part of the house.”
“It isn’t the coldest part,” Finnegan said. “I’m sure if I want to freeze to death, I could spend the night in the stables.”
“How dare you,” said Edie. She took great pride in her racing horses and the quality of care they received, but Finnegan didn’t expect her to sound so insulted. She glowered at him over the top of her mug. “I know you better than just about anyone. This is sulking.” 
“I’m just enjoying the quiet,” Finnegan lied. “It’s nice to put my work phone on silent.”
“So who are you waiting to call you?”
He narrowed his eyes.
“No one.”
“Then why have you been gazing wistfully at your phone since you got here?”
“I’m not gazing wistfully at my phone-”
“Michael Finnegan, I know I raised a better liar than that,” Edith said. She lowered her mug. “Try that again: who are you waiting to hear from?”
Finnegan paused.
“A business partner,” he said hollowly, “who I’m planning a new venture with.”
“It felt disloyal to discuss it at the FinneCorp gala,” he continued. “And I hoped he was as enthusiastic about the prospect of going into business together as I am - was. I know I’m probably dodging a bullet, of course.”
“Of course.”
“He’d be a fool to let such a golden opportunity walk out his door. I don’t consider side ventures with just anyone. I won’t make that mistake again any time soon.”
“Of course not, darling,” said Edith. “How long have you been sleeping with him?”
Finnegan scowled and looked at his phone again. 
“I don’t know why you’re keeping it a secret,” said Edith. She shrugged and took a sip of her cider. “You could have brought him with you.”
“Things aren’t that serious,” said Finnegan. “Are they ever?”
“Darling, you referred to yourself as a business venture,” she said primly, in that pointed way she had long ago taught him meant that what you didn’t say was everything: I know how you feel about business ventures. “It’s a big enough castle, don’t you think?”
“He has other plans,” Finnegan said. 
Finnegan and Edith exchanged looks. 
“Does he know you wanted to see him?”
“If he knew that, then he’d have the upper hand,” said Finnegan. “He knows that I’ll be glad to see him in January.”
“That’s a long time,” said Edith. “I won’t judge you if you invite him here for New Year’s. It might be nice to see you smile instead of gazing longingly out windows.”
“He won’t,” Finnegan said. 
“You’ve finally found someone who can tell you ‘no’ and now you’re refusing to let me meet them?” Edith asked. “I’m hurt.”
“He can’t tell me ‘no’,” Finnegan said. “That’s the problem, which is precisely why I didn’t invite him.”
“You aren’t giving your HR department headaches because of a scientist or a secretary, are you?”
“No. I’m not twenty-five anymore.” 
I’ve moved on to bigger and better scandals, he thought miserably, taking a swig of his cider. It warmed him inside-out and he realized that he would be very sad and cold when he drank it all. 
“No, you aren’t,” Edith said. “Which is why it baffles me that you’d be willing to waste time the way you are now. If I was your age and I had a handsome young man in London-”
“I never said he was handsome.”
Finnegan nestled back into the couch. He checked his phone once more before staring into the fire. The flames twisted and danced with much more merriment than he could muster. 
“Are you two fighting?” Edith asked, voice softer, less poised to make fun of him or roast him. Finnegan lifted his gaze to his aunt and shrugged. “Call him.”
“It’s not that simple,” said Finnegan. “We aren’t fighting.”
“Then why haven’t you called him?” Edie asked. “I bet he’s doing the same thing with his phone, hoping to hear from you first.”
Finnegan could imagine it. Victor, drinking and staring at the phone deep into the night. Victor, sitting for family Christmas photos and checking his cell phone. Victor, tonight, at the gala, hoping to at least see him and getting drunk when he realized Finnegan wasn’t coming. Finnegan took a sip of his cider. Then another. 
“I hope he has a miserable Christmas.”
Nominally, they were Church of England; neither side of Finnegan’s family had ever been religious. You still would have thought he’d told his aunt that he wanted to punch the pope square in the jaw a few times. 
“I do,” Finnegan said. “It’s what he deserves.”
“Because he had plans with his own family for the holidays?”
“Precisely.” Finnegan said. “He had plans with his own family for the holidays.”
As the pieces came together for Edith, Finnegan feared the worst. He feared her pity, her horror. He feared she would think he was still a child and that he didn’t understand the enormity of the situation, how colossally he’d ruined his own life, their legacy, everything. Instead of tucking into the couch tighter, though, Finnegan maintained his aunt’s gaze levelly. He refused to be ashamed. Refused. He already lived like a fugitive in the city he owned because of the affair. He refused to be shamed here. This was to be his castle someday. Surely his ancestors had worse secrets buried on these grounds. Surely Edie had heard worse - from his own mother, perhaps…
“Goddamn it, Michael.” she said, leaning back. “Tell me this is one of your boyfriends from Eton… someone you knew before…”
“So he was married when you met?” Edie asked. Finnegan said nothing. “Does he have children?”
“Not yet, thank god. I’m sure his family will apply pressure soon enough.”
“Do we know his family?” Edith asked. 
Finnegan shrugged. The Trevors were of middling importance. Millionaires, not billionaires. Nouveau-riche, relatively speaking. He set his mug down and searched his pockets for a cigarette and lighter. 
Edie’s brow creased. 
“Is he someone important?” she asked. 
“That depends on your definition of ‘important’.”
“So he is.”
“He’s not that important,” Finnegan said. “Not to me, not really. I could discard him if it suited me.”
“It doesn’t suit you to discard a married man?” The ridges scripting themselves into Edies’ forehead deepened. “But he’s not important?”
“I’m still enjoying him,” Finnegan said. “When I tire of him, that’ll be the end of it.”
“Oh, Finnegan.” She sighed his name so pityingly that Finnegan choked on a lungful of smoke. Coughing, he looked at his aunt through the bluish haze. Her hand, adorned with jewels Victor’s family might have mined and sold, rested on Finnegan’s knee. He studied the sharp cut of the diamonds as they glittered in the firelight. It was easier to focus on the small details of ancient family jewels than the diamond-sharp pain in his chest. He tried to breathe it out. His eyes stung. “If he was just a plaything, you would be at that party tonight. It isn’t charming for you to delude yourself - you’re the only one here you’re fooling.”
“Yes, well, so long as I delude social London, too, I’m the only one who can get hurt by it,” Finnegan snapped. He pried his aunt’s hand from his knee. “I don’t need you feeling sorry for me.”
“I don’t know if I feel sorrier for you or for him. You aren't the only one who could get hurt, Finn. He’ll look for you at Christmas galas all throughout the holiday season. God only knows why, if you’re as warm towards your lovers as you are towards your family.”
Finnegan glowered. 
“I’ll see him in January,” he said. “He’ll wait for me.”
Edie said nothing, strategically retreating into her mug of cider. Wielded by her, silence was a weapon. Finnegan could feel the crushing hit of her judgement without words to soften the blow. 
“He will,” Finnegan insisted. “I’m worth waiting for.”
“You’re worth so much more than that,” Edie said softly. In her hands, softness, too, was a weapon. Finnegan grimaced into another drag from his cigarette. “You deserve a lover who can give you their all, no hesitation.” 
“You think I don’t know that?”
“Clearly,” said Edie. “If you knew it, you wouldn’t waste a minute more on the heartbreak of a married lover.” 
“I’m not heartbroken,” Finnegan said. “And it isn’t a waste. It… builds character.”
Edie laughed sadly, so sadly Finnegan drew tighter into himself for warmth. 
“Oh, Finn,” she murmured. “No one who knows you would ever think you were devoid of character.”
She rose from the couch and drained the rest of her cider.
“I’m going downstairs,” she said. “I kicked the chef out for the night and I’m going to bake Christmas cookies. I’d like my sous chef at my side, like when you were little.”
Finnegan groaned. Neither he nor Edie were talented bakers. He was very good at fetching ingredients from the pantry and little else. He mostly perched atop the counter and watched as Edie overmixed the dough. Their cookies were always a little tough. Every now and then, one had a gooey center, but many more had burnt edges. The frosting was always too thick or too thin and Finnegan usually lacked the patience to frost cookies when they’d sufficiently cooled. As a child, he’d watched frosting melt and run down the sides of his cookies and wondered why his cookies looked nothing like the ones Edie’s personal chef made for them. 
“I’m in no mood for disappointing family traditions,” he said. He took another drag from the cigarette and smoke billowed from his nose. 
“I’m afraid that’s what you signed up for when you chose to come home for the holidays.” 
Finnegan heaved himself to his feet and tossed his cigarette into the fireplace. 
“Do I have to leave my phone upstairs?”
“You can bring it on one condition,” said Edie. “Either you text him a ‘merry Christmas’ or you delete his number from your phone. Come downstairs once you’ve done one or the other.”
She walked from the library to the hall and Finnegan listened to her descend the stairs. Then, picking up his phone, he typed two words to Victor Trevor. 
Merry Christmas, he typed.
Maybe I won’t give you up for my New Year’s resolution after all, he wanted to say.
I miss you, he thought. It aches. 
And then, silently, he slipped his phone into his pocket and followed Edie’s path downstairs. 
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hillarym-001 · 3 years
Men's Singles Table Tennis Final - Full Match | Rio 2016 Replays
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The first game of the final opened brightly as Ma and Zhang produced some fantastic rallies right from out of the blocks. Ma made a positive start to the end and went 8-4 in front, but Zhang then began to grow into the game, winning a number of points with shots down the line from his backhand side to edge 8-9 ahead. Both competitors knew how important it was to take game one, and Ma did just that (14-12) to earn the early advantage.
 After the break at the end of the first game, there were even more high-paced engrossing rallies played. Zhang’s apparent flaw appeared to lie with his backhand-to-backhand shots, with Ma winning the majority of the points to double his lead in games to 2-0 (11-5).
Ma was becoming more and more confident by the second, while simultaneously dampening Zhang’s mood. Game three featured a masterclass in attack-against-attack, and attack-against-defence rallies, both players giving it their all as the atmosphere in the Riocentro – Pavilion 3 hit fever pitch. But the established pattern prevailed and Ma extended his lead (11-4) to move ever closer to Olympic glory.
 Court Dimensions:
The tournament in the video is played indoors, with its court dimensions consisting of a table that measures 9 m in length by 5 m in width. In addition, the playing surface is 2.5 cm high and it stretches 6 cm beyond the width of the table. These tables can be made out of a variety of materials, including plywood, concrete, metal, plastic, and fiber-glass.
The equipment that can be found in the video includes a table tennis shirt, shorts, shoes, socks, and paddles. 
Ma Long - In the video, he wore a red shirt with yellow and dark red lines, a white symbol on the right, and a Chinese flag on the left, his name can also be seen in white text on the back. He wore black shorts with a blue design and a white symbol. He had white socks with white shoes, red ties, and design. If you look closely you can see that his socks had a design as well.
Zhang Jike - In the video, he wore a black shirt with yellow lines, a white symbol on the left, and a Chinese flag on the right, his name can also be seen in white text on the back. He was wearing black shorts with a blue design and a white symbol. He also had white socks with white shoes that consist of a blue and yellow design. If you look closely you can see that his socks had a design as well.
In the video, the paddles are red and black on either side, and there's a little bit of blue in it. They also used paddles that are made of hardwood. Paddles made of wood are known to be the best choice for most players, as the blades have a certain elasticity to them. There is also a rubber surface that comes in contact with the ball, they are called rubbers, they affect the amount of friction applied.
The general equipment are the table tennis ball, net, and table 
Table tennis ball-The ball in the video is white-colored and is made out of a plastic-like material called celluloid. There is air trapped inside the ball which would allow it to bounce after hitting a paddle or a table.
Table tennis net-The net is colored black and stretches across the width of the table surrounded by white posts. It is also made of a stretchy nylon material.
Table tennis tables-The table is probably the largest and most expensive equipment needed to play the sport.  Its color is blue-green with a yellow pillar holding it up, it also consists of white lines which mark the area of play and a net in the center that divides the table into two.
Basic Skills:
The basic skills in table tennis include the forehand drive technique, backhand topspin, forehand push and backhand push, forehand flick, backhand flick, backhand loop of the underspin ball, forehand attack of the semi-long ball, forehand fast serve and forehand pendulum serve. I noticed that they both used the forehand drive technique quite well with the help of proper grip, learning the forehand drive is one of the first basic skills that should be taught to the players. It also serves as the basis for advanced strokes, such as the forehand topspin technique. Next is the backhand topspin, which could also be seen redundantly in the video, this skill should be learned as you learn the forehand drive technique because it's a basic skill that every player should master. In addition, the backhand topspin is a very quick move that can give you an advantage if your opponent doesn't pay close attention to the ball. Next are the forehand push and backhand push, both of them had an aggressive push with a quick pace and a powerful hit, which caught their opponent off guard and helped them score points. Next, is the forehand flick, which requires the players to aggressively return the serve, which both of them executed very well. Next is the backhand flick which is kind of similar to the forehand flick except for the way you hold the paddle is different, it is still a must to exert aggressiveness in doing these various skills. Next is the backhand loop which incorporates the lower part of your body, the concept for using your legs for your backhand attack is known as "power from the ground". In the video both the players widely used their lower body parts during the entire game and not just their upper body. Next is the forehand attack which has a ton of advantages, they can either do a short serve which is not risky, a long serve, and a semi-long serve which allows you to hit the ball off the table. If one of the players utilizes this skill then they will either perform a backhand flick or an aggressive forehand flick technique. Next is the forehand fast serve, which focuses on both the speed and power of the players, utilizing this skill has various advantages, such as giving your opponent a surprise, putting the opponent under a lot of pressure, reducing the quality of the server's return of the opponent, opening rallies and counter-rallies, and lastly, you're most likely to have a higher chance of attacking first. Lastly is the forehand pendulum serve which can be seen at the beginning of each round and is the best serve in table tennis. Overall, all the basic skills I've stated can be seen in the video, and both of the players have managed to perform them very well, along with proper footwork and grip of the paddle. However, I observed that both players need to work on their backhand skills because many faults occurred. 
Technical and Tactical Skills:
Teaching technical and tactical skills is important because it helps give the player who uses them an advantage over their opponent, with that being said, the technical and tactical skills at table tennis include playing on your opponent's weakness, playing consistently and not making unforced mistakes, portraying great stance and proper movement, varying strokes, playing using your strengths, and offense or defense strategies.  Playing on your opponent's weakness requires you to know who your opponent is and use his or her weaknesses to your advantage. Playing consistently requires you to keep practicing and keep the ball in play for as long as you can.  It's important to have the right stance as it gives you balance, stability, and range of movement while playing the game, movement also plays a crucial role in table tennis, in the video you can see that they kept on traversing across the table trying to hit the ball in areas where they could potentially score a point. Varying your strokes is important because playing the same stroke over and over again will give your opponent a greater advantage. Play using your strengths is significant because using your best shots can stop your opponent from dictating the match thus, giving you an advantage while playing. Lastly, is the offense/defense strategy, applying these in the game, requires players to take the initiative and act aggressively to enforce errors due to speed, spin, and placement variations. In the video, Ma Long won because he was better at applying the strategies of offense and defense.
Rules of the Game:
It is very important to know the rules and regulations of a sport before playing, as this gives understanding to all the players involved. That being said, there is a myriad of rules and regulations that players must watch out for while playing table tennis.
· To start a point, the server must stand at the back of the table and serve either the forehand or the backhand. The ball must be thrown up either equal to or above the height of the net before the ball is struck, and the ball must be thrown from an open palm to stop finger spin.
· If the ball hits the net on the serve but continues on the other side, then a 'let' is played.
· Players are allowed to hit the ball around the side of the net.
· The ball has to bounce on the player's side of the table before they play their shot.
· During play, the competitors are not allowed to touch the table with their non-bat hand. If they do, the point will be conceded.
· Players must swap ends at the end of the game, and in the final match, players will switch ends after five points.
How to Officiate the Sport:
There are only two officials in table tennis, the referee and the umpire. The referee is required to be present throughout the tournament and is required to uphold the rules. The umpire, on the other hand, uses their judgment in applying the laws and regulations. Overall, the officials in the video did a great job officiating the tournament, as they made sure that the game was played fairly.
Link of the Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5H-Eq_Kcxw&t=546s
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kath-anonat16 · 3 years
The court dimensions for table tennis measures 9' | 2.74 m long by 5' | 1.525 m in wide. The equipment for table tennis is having the racket, the ball and the table. Basic skills in table tennis is the forehand drive, backhand drive, backhand push and forehand push. Here are some technical skills in table tennis, the forehand drive technique, backhand flick, forehand push and backhand push, backhand topsin close to the table, backhand loop the underspin ball, forehand attack the semi-long ball and forehand fast serve. Those were 10 technical skills for table tennis. Tactical skills for table tennis is playing into their cross-over point, using wide angle, giving deep heavy backspin digs, varying your serves, always try and attack first, and make sure to keep everything short so they cannot attack. Those were some tactical skills for table tennis. Here are the rules of table tennis;
- The winner of the game is the first to 11 points.
- A Player takes 2 serves before the ball switches to the opponent to serve, except during periods of extra play where it changes each time.
- Toss the ball straight up when serving.
- the serve can land anywhere in singles.
- doubles serves must go right court to right court.
- a serverl that touches the net on the way over is a "let".
- volleys are not allowed.
Those are some basic rules of table tennis.
The officiates of table tennis are the umpires and referees, umpires control the match whilst referees control a tournament.
To official the game, the ball must rest on an open hand palm. Then it must be tossed up atleast 6 inches and struck so the ball first bounces on the servers side and then the opponents side. If the serve is legal except that ot touches the net, it is called a let serve. Let serves are not scored and are reserved.
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ggwatchax10 · 3 years
Dimensions Table tennis tables measure 9' 2.74 m long by 5' 1.525 m in wide. Equipment Paddle Table Net  Ball Shoes   Clothing Basic skills Forehand Drive. Backhand Drive. Backhand Push. Forehand Push Serving Footwork Technical Skills Forehand drive technique. Backhand topspin close to the table. Forehand push  backhand push. Forehand flick. Backhand flick. Backhand loop the underspin ball. Forehand attack the semi-long ball. Learn Forehand fast serve. Tactical Skills Playing into their crossover point Using wide angles Giving them deep heavy backspin digs  Keep everything tight and short so they cannot attack Always trying to attack first Varying your serves Keeping the ball away from their strongest side  Adding float balls as a variation Playing short to their forehand corner  Rules of the game 1. Games are played to 11 points 2. Alternate serves every two points 3. Toss the ball straight up when serving 4. Alternate hitting in a doubles rally 5. You cannot touch the ball with non-paddle hand 6. Doubles serves must go right court to right court 7. Players are allowed to hit the ball around the side of the net. 8. The ball must bounce on a player's side of the table before playing their shot. 9.  Players must swap ends at the end of a game, and in the final match players will switch ends after five points. 10. If the ball hits the net on a serve but continues over the other side then a 'let' is played. How to officiate Table Tennis are divided into two categories Umpires and Referees. Umpires control a match, whilst Referees control a tournament. Analysis of the Game - The two players were really good at playing table tennis but Zhang won the game because I noticed that his footwork, the way he smash the ball is very fast and powerful compared to his opponent. Every set was a close set since both of the player were really trying their best and I also noticed that they were both representing China even though it was the Olympics. I can also see that they practiced really hard for that game that no matter what happens they should their best for their country and for pride.
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anetherealsoul · 3 years
Get A Grip: A Table Tennis Blog
Rio Olympics 2016: China vs China Men's Singles Table Tennis Final
By Dana Esabelle I. Catingub
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A Sports Blog
Ma’s performance on the match was outstanding– without dropping a single game. On the other hand, despite the crushingly one-sided end scoreline, Zhang gave a good match showing off all his skills and speedy movements. The first game opened brightly as Ma and Zhang produced some fantastic rallies. Ma made a positive start to the end and went 8-4, but Zhang then began to grow into the game, winning a few number of points with shots from his backhand side to 8-9 ahead. Both competitors knew how important it was to take game one, and Ma did just that (14-12) and earned the early advantage.
There were also more high-paced, engrossing rallies played after the break at the end of the first game. Zhang's obvious weakness seemed to be his backhand-to-backhand shots, with Ma winning the majority of them to extend his game lead to 2-0 (11-5). By the second, Ma was gaining more and more confidence, while Zhang's mood was dwindling. The third game was a masterclass in attack-against-attack, and attack-against-defence rallies, both players giving it their all as the atmosphere in the Riocentro Pavilion 3, in Brazil. But the established pattern prevailed and Ma extended his lead (11-4) to move ever closer to Olympic glory.
Zhang’s body language heading into the fourth game looked negative, and fell 3-0 down leading to his time-out. Despite winning back-to-back points after the break, Zhang seemed to run out of ideas for a new approach as Ma finished off his opponent in straight games (14-12, 11-5, 11-4, 11-4) to seal the gold medal for China.
In-Depth Details:
Court Dimensions
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Room Size The playing space shall be rectangular and not less than 14m long, 7m wide and 5m high. The 4 corners may be surrounded by Table Tennis Barriers of not more than 1.5m in length (Michelle, 2016).
Ping Pong Table The table is 9 ft (2.74 m) long, 5 ft (1.525 m) wide, and 2 ft and 6 inches (76 cm) high. The net should be 6 ft (1.83 m) long and 6 inches (15.25 cm) high. (Hughes, n.d.)
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Ball- It is a small celluloid ball that used in the game weighs 2.7 grams. A 40 mm diameter ball is used mainly in international leagues and competitions.
Table Tennis Racket or Paddle- It is used to hit the ball back and forth on the table. The shape is similar to the one used for tennis except it is smaller and is made of wood and rubber. It is divided into two parts, the handle, and blade. The player must take note that the rubber used on the blade can affect the type and amount of spin used in hitting the ball.
Table Tennis Table- The ITTF specifies that the official table tennis tables must be 9 ft long, 5 ft wide, and must be placed 30 inches above the ground. They are made from hardboard. The surface must be smooth to provide the lowest friction possible.
Net and Post- The net should be six feet long and six inches wide. It should have an upper white tape that is not more than 15mm wide. Also, it should include an assembly that can be attached to the middle of the table tennis table.
These are the four common types of equipment used in Table Tennis. Others include shoes, clothing, and accessories. However, these are optional.
(Warren, n.d.)
Basic Skills
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Shakehand Grip- closely resembles the pose you would use when shaking hands. The placement of the edge of the blade within the natural V of the hand is crucial for wrist flexibility and control.
Pro: Great wrist flexibility; Con: Less power on attacks
Deep Shakehand Grip- similar to shakehand grip, but the thumb is slightly raised and relaxes on the rubber of the bat.
Pro: Adds power and precision to attacks; Con: Weak crossover point
Penhold Grip- The paddle is held much like you would hold a pen.
Pro: Versatile for both attack and defense; Con: Difficult to master
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Forehand Drive- The most basic stroke. It returns aggressive/attacking strokes and lands your ball close to the opponent’s baseline or sideline. With this, you rotate your body to the back to add power to the ball and transfer your weight onto your back foot. Hit the ball at the peak of the bounce, adding speed at impact to impart spin.
Backhand Drive- is intended to return attacking shots and land the ball at the opponent’s baseline. Keep your stance angled toward the table with your free arm pointed toward the ball.
Backhand Push- returns short balls and prevents your opponent from making an attacking return. As with the backhand drive, your body should be positioned in line with the ball, rather than reaching to the side with your arm.
Forehand Push- also designed for returning short balls and preventing attacking shots. Similar to the forehand drive, the difference is you do a smaller backswing, rotating your wrist forward through the range of motion, and keep your paddle open to brush beneath the ball.
This is a crucial skill since the serve is the only time you have complete control of the ball and the game. Steps on how to serve in table tennis: 
1. Balance the ball on the palm of your free hand with the hand open.
2. Throw the ball vertically upward so that it rises at least 6 inches above your hand.
3. As the ball drops, hit it with your chosen stroke, ensuring that it bounces on your side of the table, goes over the net, and bounces on your opponent’s side of the table.
Should be positioned wide, about 1.5 or more shoulder widths apart so that you can quickly move side-to-side. Keep your non-dominant foot slightly ahead of the other.
Back and shoulders
Keep your upper body slightly bent at the waist. With the bent ankles, knees, and waist and your shoulders forward, your whole body is in a slightly crouched position, ready to spring into action.
Technical and Tactical Skills of Zhang Jike
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During the 1st Game, while Ma Long took a slight pause, Zhang used the time to think about the tactics that he can use. As the rally started, Zhang hit the ball at Ma’s left-hand side then immediately on his second hit, he passed the ball on Ma’s right-hand side which made him lose the point because he got tricked by Zhang, manipulating the ball move from one side to the other.
Technical and Tactical Skills of Ma Long
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As Zhang kept going out of his comfort zone and showing off all his technical and tactical skills, Ma Long was observing from him and learned his tactics. Through this, he was able to dodge all his shots and hit them seamlessly. He made his way through the game by his good footwork, high energy, and quick reactions. He also took advantage of the backhand give more spin to the ball.
Rules of the Game
Service Rules
1. The service must start with the ball in an open palm. This stops you from throwing it up with spin.
2. The ball must be thrown vertically, at least 16 cm. This stops you from serving straight out of your hand and surprising your opponent.
3. The ball must be above and behind the table throughout the serve. This stops you getting any silly angles and gives your opponent a fair chance at returning.
4. After throwing the ball, the server must get their free arm and hand out of the way. This is to allow the receiver to see the ball.
General Match Play
1. You have two serves before it is your opponent’s turn to serve twice. This used to be five serves each but since changing to 11 it’s now just two.
2. At 10-10 it’s deuce. You get one serve each and must win by two clear points. This is sudden death or table tennis’ equivalent of a tie break.
3. If you are playing a best of 3, 5 or 7 (as opposed to just one set) you have to change ends after each game. This makes sure both players experience conditions on both sides of the table. You also change ends when the first player reaches five points in the final game of a match.
The score is not recorded when:
1. An otherwise good serve touches the net. This ensures your opponent has a chance at making a return.
2. The receiver isn’t ready and doesn’t try to hit the ball. 
3. Disturbance by something outside of the players’ control. This allows you to replay the point.
A point is lost when:
1. The service is missed.
2. The service is not returned.
3. A shot goes into the net.
4. A shot goes off the table without touching the court.
5. A player moves the table, touches the net or touches the table with their free hand during play.
(Larcombe, 2012)
How to Officiate the Sport
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Tournament Referee- Some referees are involved in every part of the organization from drafting the entry form to arranging the finals. While some referees appear only on the day of the tournament solely to decide any question of rule interpretation.
Deputy Referees- It is usual to appoint one or more deputy referees, who exercise the authority in defined ways. Such as taking place in the absence of the Tournament Referee. 
Umpires- Primary duty is to decide the result of each rally. He has no discretionary powers but is required to exercise judgement in applying laws and regulations.
(Hughes, n.d.)
Basic Table Tennis Skills You Need To Know. (2020, October 15). From Ping Pong Ruler: https://pingpongruler.com/basic-table-tennis-skills/
Hughes, M. (n.d.). Table Tennis Room Size. From All About Table Tennis: https://www.allabouttabletennis.com/table-tennis-room-size.html
Larcombe, B. (2012, September 26). Table Tennis Rules and Regulations. Expert Table Tennis. Retrieved March 11, 2021, from https://www.experttabletennis.com/table-tennis-rules-and-regulations/
Michelle. (2016, February 10). What size room do I need for a Table Tennis Table? Home Leisure Direct. Retrieved March 11, 2021, from https://www.homeleisuredirect.com/blog/table-tennis/room-size-guide-for-Table-Tennis-Table.html#:~:text=Competition%20play%20rules%20by%20the,more%20than%201.5m%20length. m-size-guide-for-Table-Tennis-Table.html#:~:text=Competition%20play%20rules%20by%20the,more%20than%201.5m%20length.
Warren. (n.d.). Basic Types Of Table Tennis Equipment. From Table Tennis Spot: https://www.tabletennisspot.com/basic-types-of-table-tennis-equipment/
Photo Credits:
Video Reference:
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ashiiewappa · 3 years
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Rio 2016 Table Tennis Men’s Singles
Indoor Table Tennis
Court Dimensions:
For a full-size table tennis table, the upper surface is called the playing surface. It requests a certain elasticity and good bounce of a ping pong ball. The dimensions of a full table tennis table size are 2.74 meters long, 1.525 meters width, and 76 centimeters height measure from the ground. There are white sidelines along the length of both sides of the table. The width of the sideline is 2cm. There is also a white end line along the width of both sides of the table. The width of the sideline is 2cm. There is also a white center line across the table. The width of the centerline is 3mm. It is used to divide the table into equal halves when playing double games.
Nets and Posts
Paddle Cases
Penhold Paddles
Rubber Covers
Pingpong ball
Table Tennis Paddle
Table Tennis Shirt
Table Tennis Short
Table Tennis Shoes
Basic Skills:
Forehand drive technique
Backhand topspin close to the table
Forehand push
Backhand push
Forehand flick
Backhand flick
Backhand loop the underpin ball
Forehand attack the semi-long ball
Forehand fast serve
Forehand pendulum serve
Backhand side-spin serve
Technical & Tactical Skills:
Ma Long:
Ma has a great type of serve however in first minutes it shows that his defense in quite down, thus he fell for the same trick Zhang used twice. Zhang also using a unique type of serve, however this didn’t stop Ma from setting up his defense and playing using his own tactic earning him a point. Ma getting hyped and trying to score through a strike, failed however Zhang kind of step on his trap making him swing with more force than needed thus over throwing the ball and earning Ma a point. Ma using the same tactic again but failed to score because of too much force as he got too excited. Ma earned a point when Zhang committed similar mistakes he did. Ma earned a point after Zhang was not able to make the ball cross the net. Another point for Ma after Zhang over threw the ball. Ma got consecutive points after Zhang committed yet again the same mistakes. Ma won the first set with a two point gap from Zhang just proving how determined both players are to win, however Ma just must have been more determined as he won the first set. Ma got the first point for the second set, however Zhang scored right after. Ma took the lead in terms of score having five points while Zhang has 2. Ma once again won the second set with a much higher gap than the first set. Ma lead the third set once again but Zhang also kept up his pace and stay to catch up with the score. Ma however just plays with a great offense that was able to win the third set. The fourth set was spiced up that both players were playing their best play, but Ma once again proved that he is a greater player by winning the four sets. 
Zhang Jike:
A good start for Zhang despite a difficult to predict type of serve by Ma he was able to return it and got a point. Zhang used the same technique twice and scoring two times in a row because Ma can’t help but fall for the same trick twice. Zhang got a little bit too excited and he overthrows the ball earning Ma a point. Just as when Zhang seems to take a lead he also makes the same mistake twice by overthrowing the ball and earning Ma a point. Zhang Earning a point after Ma got too excited and also over throws the ball. Seems that both are just committing similar mistakes and alternately earn points, this time Ma got the point while Zhang was the one who committed the mistake. Zhang got short on force having the ball not cross the net. Seems that Zhang can’t help but repeat his mistakes overthrowing the ball, earning Ma a point. Zhang seem determine to catch up he was able to tie the score at eight points when he takes his offense up. Zhang and Ma were neck on neck at twelve points after both up their games. Zhang changed tactics for the second set and played with great offense against Ma. Zhang struggles to keep up with Ma leaving a four point gap in terms of score. Seems that Zhang’s new tactic didn’t work against Ma after he lost again during the second set. It was a clear neck on neck during the first minutes of set three as Zhang tries to catch up. Zhang keeps repeating hist mistakes, seems that he was not learning from it that lost him the third set too. Zhang was swept by Ma after he lost the fourth set  with a huge gap with their points.
Rules of the Game:
A Game is played to 11 points. A Game must be won by two points. A Match is generally the best three of five Games. 
Each side of the table alternates serving two points at a time. EXCEPTION: After tied 10-10 (“deuce”), service alternates at every point. Can you lose on a serve in ping pong? Yes! There is no separate rule for serving on Game Point.
How do you serve the ball in ping pong? Hold the ball in your open palm, behind your end of the table. Toss at least 6” straight up, and strike it on the way down. It must hit your side of the table and then the other side. NOTE: Once the ball leaves the server’s hand it is in play, and so counts as the receiver’s point if the ball is missed or mis-hit. 
There is no restriction on where the ball lands on your side or your opponent’s side of the table. It can bounce two or more times on your opponent’s side (if so, that’s your point), bounce over the side, or even hit the edge. 
The serve must bounce in the server’s right court, and receiver’s right court (NOTE: landing on center line is fair). Doubles partners switch places after their team serves twice.
Can the ball hit the net in ping pong? Yes, during a RALLY, if it touches the top of the net and then otherwise lands as a legitimate hit. BUT not when serving. If a served ball hits the net on the way over and otherwise legally bounces in play, it’s a “let” serve and is done over. There is no limit on how many times this can happen. 
Doubles partners must alternate hitting balls in a rally, no matter where the ball lands on the table. 
Can you hit the ball before it bounces in ping pong? No. In regular tennis you may “volley” the ball (hitting the ball before it bounces on your side of the net). But in table tennis, this results in a point for your opponent. NOTE: When your opponent hits a ball that sails over your end of the table without touching it and then hits you or your paddle, that is still your point.  
If you hit the ball in a rally or on a serve and it bounces back over the net after hitting your opponent’s side of the table (due to extreme spin), without your opponent touching it, that is your point.
What happens if the ball hits your finger or hand during a ping pong rally?  If the ball touches your PADDLE hand and otherwise results in a legal hit, there is no rule violation and play shall continue as normal. Your paddle hand includes all fingers and hand area below the wrist. But what if the ball touches a player’s body anywhere else during a ping pong rally? You may not touch the table with your non-paddle hand for any reason. It will result in a point for your opponent. BUT if  your opponent’s hit sails over your side of the table without touching it, and hits any part of you or your paddle, that is still your point.
You may touch the ball or the table with your paddle hand (after reaching in to return a short serve, for example), or other parts of your body. NOTE: If the table moves at all from your touching it during a rally, that is your opponent’s point. 
An otherwise legal serve or hit may contact the top edge of the horizontal table top surface and be counted as valid, even if it bounces sidewise. The vertical sides of the table are NOT part of the legal playing surface.
If no referee is present during a match and the players disagree on a certain call, the “honor system” applies and the players should find a way to agree, or play the point over. Ping pong carries a tradition of fierce but fair play. Help us keep it that way!
How to Officiate the Sport:
Umpire - is required to exercise judgment in applying the table tennis laws and regulations during the match, such as deciding whether a rally should be a let or whether the players behaviour is acceptable. When the umpire is officiating alone, his decision is final on all questions raised during a match, including decisions on edge balls and service. The umpire is also responsible for the timing the duration of play. The local umpires are required to pass the umpire test and volunteer at a local level before proceeding to international tournaments.
A good start for Zhang despite a difficult to predict type of serve by Ma he was able to return it and got a point. Zhang used the same technique twice and scoring two times in a row because Ma can’t help but fall for the same trick twice. Ma has a great type of serve however in first minutes it shows that his defense in quite down, thus he fell for the same trick Zhang used twice. Zhang also using a unique type of serve, however this didn’t stop Ma from setting up his defense and playing using his own tactic earning him a point. Zhang got a little bit too excited and he overthrows the ball earning Ma a point. Just as when Zhang seems to take a lead he also makes the same mistake twice by overthrowing the ball and earning Ma a point. Zhang also using a unique type of serve, however this didn’t stop Ma from setting up his defense and playing using his own tactic earning him a point. Ma getting hyped and trying to score through a strike, failed however Zhang kind of step on his trap making him swing with more force than needed thus over throwing the ball and earning Ma a point. Just as when Zhang seems to take a lead he also makes the same mistake twice by overthrowing the ball and earning Ma a point. Zhang Earning a point after Ma got too excited and also over throws the ball. Ma using the same tactic again but failed to score because of too much force as he got too excited. Ma earned a point when Zhang committed similar mistakes he did. Ma earned a point after Zhang was not able to make the ball cross the net. Another point for Ma after Zhang over threw the ball. Ma got consecutive points after Zhang committed yet again the same mistakes. Zhang Earning a point after Ma got too excited and also over throws the ball. Seems that both are just committing similar mistakes and alternately earn points, this time Ma got the point while Zhang was the one who committed the mistake. Ma won the first set with a two point gap from Zhang just proving how determined both players are to win, however Ma just must have been more determined as he won the first set. Ma got the first point for the second set, however Zhang scored right after. Ma took the lead in terms of score having five points while Zhang has 2. Ma once again won the second set with a much higher gap than the first set. Ma lead the third set once again but Zhang also kept up his pace and stay to catch up with the score. Ma however just plays with a great offense that was able to win the third set. The fourth set was spiced up that both players were playing their best play, but Ma once again proved that he is a greater player by winning the four sets. Zhang got short on force having the ball not cross the net. Seems that Zhang can’t help but repeat his mistakes overthrowing the ball, earning Ma a point. Zhang seem determine to catch up he was able to tie the score at eight points when he takes his offense up. Zhang and Ma were neck on neck at twelve points after both up their games. Zhang changed tactics for the second set and played with great offense against Ma. Zhang struggles to keep up with Ma leaving a four point gap in terms of score. Seems that Zhang’s new tactic didn’t work against Ma after he lost again during the second set. It was a clear neck on neck during the first minutes of set three as Zhang tries to catch up. Zhang keeps repeating hist mistakes, seems that he was not learning from it that lost him the third set too. Zhang was swept by Ma after he lost the fourth set  with a huge gap with their points.
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