babiepupp · 1 year
|| SFW Interactions Only! 🦴🐾 ||
When you’d love and want to be a big, strong, muscly big boy whose independent and cool who can also lift his friends with ease.
But you’d also want to lay on the ground colouring pictures of doggies and kitties with a paci and comfy baby clothes all padded up while daddy ruffles your hair and praises you for being such a good puppy!
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babiebrain · 1 year
Hello hello! I love your blog, it’s just so pretty! 🐾
May I request a Pink Puppy themed little outfit please? Preferably a little more masculine but I don’t mind! Keep up the great work!! ୨୧
- Bear 🦴
You’re so sweet, thank you!! Here you go, I hope this is okay :)
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