#Aut Lyra
autthesnot · 4 months
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Fancy dinner type beat
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txwitchery · 5 years
Breaking a Spell
From Horace’s Epodes, this is a recitation which begs the curse-caster to relent and take it back. This is to be used if you are truly at your wit’s end or if you have been cursed because you had it coming. 
Perhaps someone has placed some kind of hex or curse upon you and now, you wish to break it. If you find physical evidence of this hex or curse--such as a sigil, a charm bag, or some other physical marker--then great! You can burn that alongside an offering as you say the following petition. If not, simply burn a generous offering to the gods while stating the following:
iam iam efficaci do manus scientiae, supplex et oro regna per Proserpinae, per et Dianae non movenda numina, per atque libros carminum valentium refixa caelo devocare sidera, parce vocibus tandem sacris citumque retro solve, solve turbinem. dedi satis superque poenarum tibi: fugit iuventas et verecundus color reliquit ossa pelle amicta lurida, tuis capillus albus est odoribus. nullum a labore me reclinat otium, urget diem nox et dies noctem neque est levare tenta spritu praecordia. ergo negatum vincor ut credam miser, Sabella pectus increpare carmina caputque Marsa dissilire nenia. quid amplius vis? o mare et terra, ardeo, quantum neque atro delibutus Hercules Nessi cruore nec Sicana fervida virens in Aetna flamma: tu, donec cinis iniutiosis aridus ventis ferar, cales venenis officina Colchicis? quae finis aut quod me manet stipendium? effare: iussas cum fide poenas luam, paratus expiare, seu poposceris centum iuvencos, sive mendaci lyra voles sonare: ‘tu pudica, tu proba perambulabis astra sidus aureum.’ infamis Helenae Castor offensus vice fraterque Castoris victi prece adempta vati reddidere lumina: et tu--potes nam--solve me dementia, o nec in sepulcris pauperum prudens anus novendalis dissipare pulveres; tibi hospitale pectus et purae manus.
(Already I surrender to your potent knowledge, and as a suppliant I implore you, by the kingdom of Proserpina, by the immovable powers of Diana and by those books of spells that can call down the starts that are fixed in the sky, please stop those sacral words, turn back that swift spinner, turn it back! I have paid the penalty to you enough and more than enough: my youth has fled, the healthy flush has left the sallow flesh that clings to my bones, and your unguents have turned by hair white. No respite releases me from my labour, night follows day follows night and it is impossble for me to breathe deeply and ease my strained heart. And so in my misery I am compelled to believe in that which I denied: that Samnite charms rattle my chest and Marsian chants split my skull. What more do you want? Earth and sea I burn! Hercules smeared in the black gore of Nessus did not burn this hotly, nor do the Sicilian flames that flourish in boiling Etna! Will you keep scorching me like a factory of Colchian poisons until I am but dry ash, swept away by the harmful winds? What end awaits me and what price? Tell me: I shall gladly pay what penalty you demand! I am ready to atone, whether you require  one hundred cattle, or if you want my deceitful lyre to sound out, ‘you chaste woman, you upright lady, you will walk through the heavens a golden star yourself.’ Castor incensed at the wrath of infamous Helen and Castor’s brother were both won over by prayer and returned to the bard the sight they had stolen from him. You--for you have the ability--free me from this madness, you who are not some old woman who knows how to scatter the ninth-day ashes at paupers’ graves; yours is a kind heart, and pure hands.)
Scatter the ashes of your curse and your offering outside where you do not often go. Make right what you have done wrong. 
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debelltio-a · 3 years
This is novel only but K.rennic took Lyra’s body back to Coruscant for her funeral. And I realised today that probably just the two of them attended it. He justified shooting her in self-defence. Though tbf , the scene played differently in the novel vs the movie.
Book : He said ‘Do it!’ to dare Lyra to shoot at him. Movie : It was an order to his trooper to shoot her.
But still — that’s just fucked , man. Poor man can’t even grieve properly for his wife. Like the absolute self-control Galen must have.
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mika-rd · 6 years
organising the blog
CO-DESIGN- ACTIVIST MAKING ZINE WORKSHOP to make the kit  explain a aspect
links that have been looked at 
https://bestawards.co.nz/graphic/student-graphics/otago-polytechnic-school-of-design-2/bones/ - sick
https://brokenpencil.com/news/doing-it-for-the-kids-an-intro-to-teen-zines/ - tis not perfect just like them
https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/five_ways_to_help_teens_feel_good_about_themselves - we already knew
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1958/11/29/inventing-the-american-teenager - male gaze
https://www.stackmagazines.com/women/insider-polyester-zine/ - differentiated the aesthetics in the zines
https://www.stackmagazines.com/literature/lyra-magazine-2-editor-georgina-gray/  already seen??
https://www.dictionary.com/browse/women - orgin of women link
*solidarity  'lets judge ourselves as people and selling the idea of self love to find yourself
is pink the only way - changing through to stronger, now orange as it symbolises the being strong but is warming at the same time
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autthesnot · 4 months
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Got those low-fantasy white sneakers
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autthesnot · 3 months
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A sunny day is incomplete without some fashionable shade
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autthesnot · 3 months
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They're not besties, but it would be easier for everyone involved if they were
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autthesnot · 4 months
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Tfw you haven't seen your gf in a whole week
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autthesnot · 2 months
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A stoic fisherman's apprentice and a thotty lil shopkeeper's apprentice - you'll never guess which is which
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autthesnot · 3 months
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Slow day
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autthesnot · 2 months
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Sween: You're starting to look more and more like me every day. Lyra: Oh Sween: Why you crying? Lyra: You just- You just ugly. I dont wanna look like you.
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autthesnot · 30 days
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What, me actually drawing my OCs for the first time in like *looks at arm* 4 months???Impossible.
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autthesnot · 2 months
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Menaces to society
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autthesnot · 2 months
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Criminal offense of unlicensed cosmetology in the kitchen
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autthesnot · 4 months
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More Lyra sketches while I was getting back used to her
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autthesnot · 4 months
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This is literally just a TAZ scene from the train episode modified for me characters lol. The translation is:
Sweeney: Listen, this might sound phony, but we don’t know who we can trust. Listen. Look at us. We’re three grown people trusting a baby with our secrets.
Alik: I’m not a baby! I’m fo- I’m a- I’m a um, Wha? How old? I’m nineteen- Did I say how old I was last time?
Lyra: Nineteen.
Alik: Nineteen it is then!
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