rodolfohb · 5 months
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Austin Tv 🐰💿
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cyntita28 · 2 years
Hoy probablemente calme esa sombra Amada, te extraño Pienso esperar eternamente para poder pronto juntarme a ti Traté de cambiar el presente La vida ya no brilla Veo las muertes dolorosas y maldigo el atardecer después de tu frustrante enfermedad Perdóname Quizá traté de comprender el cruel pacto Anhelo tu amor
Aunque no alcanzo no olvido Tengo fe Algún lugar libre estará brillando
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escritos-ignominia · 1 year
Carta a mi pasado (2007-2010)
La vida es el arte más auténtico
Aunque creas que no tienes personalidad
Aunque creas que no tienes nada que decir
Aunque sientas la mierda del mundo
Puedes hacer que cualquier cosa exista
Solo da el primer paso
Llena o vacía, tú diriges tu propia vida.
Ámala, gózala, báilala, pero haz de ella la mejor película.
Aquí termina esta historia rítmica melódica
Pero todo final
Es también un comienzo (Austin TV, 2022).
Después de muchos años, por fin pude presenciar el concierto de una de mis bandas favoritas de la adolescencia: Austin TV. Recuerdo pasar las tardes en mi casa escuchando su música en mi mp3 o en YouTube imaginando que los veía en vivo. Siempre pensé que sería imposible, sin embargo, mi sueño se cumplió, vinieron a mi ciudad. Ya no tenía las trabas de cuando era chica, tenía mi propio dinero para comprar los boletos, la edad, la compañía, los medios para ir. El universo conspiró a mi favor y sin dudarlo asistí.
Esa noche tuve nervios, emoción un poco de miedo ¿y si no era lo que esperaba? ¿realmente me lo merezco?, pensaba en un intento de autosabotaje, pero toda duda se disipó cuando los vi entrando al escenario tocando su más reciente canción «De la abeja y la vispa». Debo admitir que en ese primer momento las lágrimas se me salieron solas no podía creer que los tenía frente a mí, el sentimiento brotó de manera tan orgánica que solo pude dejarlo fluir.
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Las canciones pasaban, pero en el fondo deseaba que tocaran mi favorita: «Hazme sentir»... y sí, la tocaron de una forma por demás conmovedora. Todos los miembros se colocaron en una esquina del escenario muy juntos como haciéndose compañía y alumbrados por luces azules. Fue entonces que me remonté a esa época.
La emoción, la alegría, la nostalgia y la tristeza se hicieron presentes porque recordé a esas amigas que dejé de ver hace mucho. Fue en el último año de secundaria que les hice una carta de despedida en power point y utilicé «Hazme sentir» para escribirla y como música de fondo, jajajaja, sentía que resumía, sin palabras, todas las cosas bonitas que quería decirles. Nos recordé riendo, jugando, platicando y haciendo mil tonterías. La escuela se convirtió en un refugio para los problemas que teníamos en nuestras casas.
Al final, nada salió como esperamos, las personas cambian, las promesas entre amigas se rompen, para bien o para mal, y en algún punto tomamos caminos distintos. Desde entonces no las he vuelto a ver salvo en las fotografías que llegan a publicar en sus redes sociales.
Mientras la canción llegaba a su fin, supe que era el momento de despedirme de ellas, de ese pasado que de alguna manera, en el fondo, no quería soltar y como en una película nos pude ver yéndonos las cuatro con nuestras risas al fondo del patio de la escuela. Ahí esos recuerdos, el cariño y todo lo que significó su presencia para mí se quedarán intactos. Les agradecí por los momentos vividos entre lágrimas y les dije adiós.
Esa noche volví a ser una niña de catorce años que bailó y gritó demasiado por ver a su banda favorita. Su show no decepcionó de ninguna manera, pero aún faltaba la cereza en el pastel. Al final del concierto tuve la oportunidad de conocerlos en persona y obtuve sus autógrafos. Caí en cuenta de que mi presente, a diferencia de hace algunos años atrás, lo veo con más optimismo. La vida me da la oportunidad de ser feliz.
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todoapulmon · 2 years
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Esta noche #adelantos #sencillos de @anora_kito @austin_tv @denisegutierrezoficial @inspector_oficial @julietavenegasp @mindcinemaband @molotovbanda , Sangre Asteka & @skapoficial #todoapulmon se transmite todos los #lunes 7pm #Fresno, 9pm #CDMX, 10pm #NewYork por @radiobilingue #discos #radio #radiobilingue #elfísicosíimporta #AnoraKito #AustinTV #DeniseGutierrez #Inspector #JulietaVenegas #MindCinema #Molotov #SangreAsteka #SkaP #latinalternative #rockalterlatino #rockmexicano #rocknacional #rockenespañol (at Radio Bilingue) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjQwkBJvpbf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marcialvilluendas · 7 months
Así fue la conferencia de prensa con #AustinTv desde el #PepsiCenter dónde asistimos con #AcusticaSubversiva
Que les hubieras preguntado?
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rockanrolario · 7 months
Cala Vento visitará México para continuar con la promoción de Casa Linda
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El próximo 14 de octubre, Cala Vento, una de las bandas independientes más importantes del momento de España tocará junto a Austin TV en el Pepsi Center WTC Como parte de una colaboración entre ambos proyectos, Cala Vento visitará México de nueva cuenta para continuar con la promoción de Casa Linda, su más reciente material discográfico, mientras que Austin TV visitará España próximamente para girar juntos por Valencia, Madrid, Zaragoza y Barcelona. A día de hoy, es una de las bandas de rock más influyentes de la música independiente española. Su impactante show en vivo, la gran afluencia de público de distinta procedencia en sus conciertos y la cada vez más larga lista de nuevas formaciones musicales creadas por sus fans, se suman a su especial manera de dirigir su paso por el siempre extraño y, a veces, complicado mundo de la música. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrh6rPL6bvyzSHjXSxqgLXvuhY9DWlKNY&si=wlsUZdyn3NUE8MWo Fieles a su espíritu independiente y autogestionado, desde hace unos años, Joan y Aleix, los dos miembros de Cala Vento, son los responsables del sello discográfico Montgrí, que en pocos años de existencia ha conseguido aglutinar en su escudería gran parte de las bandas de rock independientes más prestigiosas de España como, por ejemplo, los legendarios Lagartija Nick, Biznaga o Yawners. Sin ir más lejos, el nuevo disco de Austin Tv será editado en España por Montgrí. Intenso, introspectivo, nostálgico, poderoso. Eso y más es Casa Linda. Una travesía guiada por la esencia de la banda que retrata sus visiones sobre el amor, la tentación, la política y el arte, siempre a través de su lente optimista, sincero y juguetón. Rock que sabe a punk, sintetizadores que huelen a unos remasterizados años 80, el nuevo capítulo para Aleix y Joan. El lugar entre la mata y la innovación, donde se crean nuevos sabores. Un disco de viaje, para mover la cabeza, para cantar a todo pulmón. Con motivo de su visita por nuestro país y en colaboración con Buen Día Récords, se imprimió una versión sumamente limitada de su nuevo álbum Casa Linda en hermoso vinil verde neón. Read the full article
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aceiteparaelamado · 8 months
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shoegazeboycore · 10 months
Flores Sobre Las Piedras.
Siempre existe un lugar en donde florecen nuevas cosas, donde nacen nuevas historias y las ilusiones crecen no importa que el lugar esté echo de piedra, lo que importa eres tu.
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sha666y · 10 months
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citadinosmx · 2 years
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Luego de casi 10 años de ausencia #AUSTINTV está de regreso con ‘De la orquídea y la avispa’. Aquí el link: https://open.spotify.com/track/2cWaaXZL5idipbPuJkfvH9?si=LYo8jQGwQrGL21U-ihH8Dg&utm_source=copy-link #musica #austintv #citadinosmx (en Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjA-_E4uhEP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xomoosexo · 7 months
austintv won the idgaf war 😊
as if he would care if he even knew he’s here to entertain and make coin off whatever is left of the mcyt scene 💀
he's a sleezy problematic la gay who accidentally stumbled across the minecrafter clout in 2020 and is milking it for all it's worth okay let him do his thing
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rodolfohb · 6 months
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Austin TV Fontana Bella Album CD
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genfagloser · 6 months
i mainly just do absolutely terribly with visual horror, but i have easily triggered paranoia especially with medical stuff 💔
okay!!! ill skip over something then. this is gonna be LONG, ill put it under a readmore. keep in mind i didnt watch any of this live (timezone horrors) so i had a different experience to people who did
(i just finished writing it and its literally. 4.1k words im SO fucking sorry oh my god)
episode 1 starts off very sillyfunny with a few breakthrough moments that r designed to make the audience go “!! somethings wrong here”. ranboo starts off normalish but then the mask turns on and he becomes a point-and-click NPC. important to note that they say “it wasn’t supposed to be like this” at some point during the first few minutes. keep that in mind for theories later
so ranboo searches the first room and then charlie comes in and hes Different. hes like a slime demon thing. COVERED in slime. head-to-toe. and hes very childlike and likes to mess w ranboo. theres a cooking show segment and it gets rly silly and sort of makes you forget about the whole horror element. the whole show is very much like a boiling pot thing where it gets worse so slowly but the difference between the start and the end is jarring. cooking show finishes and charlie says ranboo can leave and he goes through the door but its christian hell so they come back. charlies gone. this is where we meet hetch for the first time; the screen glitches (one of the first Breakthroughs!!! the first sign that Something Is Very Wrong Here!!!) and speaks to ranboo, telling them to play along and that theyre doing great. the glitching stops, the mask goes back to normal, and then theres a little intermission thing. fun fact: its at this moment that one of the wires for ranboos mask breaks, and they proceed to get second degree burns throughout the rest of the episode!
uhh ran finds sneeg in a cage in the basement (so far the rooms have been directly next to each other on a flat plane, but theyre Designed as if theyre layered. theres a staircase in the basement). sneeg has a plastic skeleton named frank who he insists is alive and also insists on dragging around with him for the time theyre in the basement. he talks to the skeleton. more on that later
charlie appears (he was in a box in the corner and is stuck in the box) and douses slime over sneeg who is suddenly now Mind Controlled and fights ranboo. with chats help, ran wins, gets the slime off sneeg, and charlie leaves
the rest of the episode is still pretty strange. they explore charlies bedroom (newly unlocked) and theres a dream sequence where charlie and two other actors throw their asses back into a fake wall while sneeg is forced to witness the whole thing because hes Frozen All Night, and isn’t that strange?
sneeg gets killed after they rip open the wall. rip sneeg
ran goes through, fights charlie in another turn-based sequence game thing with chats help, wins, and kills charlie by drying him. rans like yay! then the mask starts glitching and freaking out again. he goes back to the tv and hetch appears again to be like yay! good job. ur doing great. keep listening to them! smile.
mask comes back and ran goes through one of the doors and then gets pounced on by the Rats (rae and sykkuno) and episode 1 ends there, with a jumpscare, to set the mood for the next bit
ep 2 is CRAZY. theres still humour in it but its definitely getting into “oh shit” territory. hit character The Puzzler leads ranboo through a series of – you guessed it – puzzles and shit. charlies back! hes not having a good time. but that’s medical stuff so i wont go into it. theres another Breakthrough here though and its cool as hell and INCREDIBLY haunting. theyre rly good actors
new characters! sneeg is back! theyre on a carousel. niki nihachu, vinny vinesauce, austintv, ethan nestor (and sneeg) are on the carousel (frank the skeleton is there too!) and the puzzler (who is revealed to be jerma with crazy looking prosthetics on his face) tells them to Beg For Their Fucking Lives so chat can vote for them. crazy! niki is crying the whole time. charlie gets pulled into the room because OOC during rehearsals he was like “hey wouldn’t this be funny” and they went yeah ur right it is
at some point another breakthrough happens but its after sneeg gets his hat back (bc it was missing somewhere). sneeg goes to “the bathroom” and we see him sprint offstage. interesting! the scene continues until all the characters suddenly freeze (throwback to ep1 when sneeg was frozen all night!) and we start to hear sneeg crying out for help. Showfall employees (the first weve seen of them) wrestle him into a chair and force a mask over his face. he stops fighting and goes back to his spot on the carousel. showfall people leave, scene unpauses. horrifying! for the rest of the scene sneeg is not tied to the carousel and makes no move to leave. he has a different hat now
important character note: when its nikis turn to beg for her life she just stops crying immediately. and shes very insistent on the fact shes Super Nice and Very Helpful and Please Choose Me Im So Nice And Good Please :D
chat picks niki and sneeg (sneeg, for story purposes, had to move on anyway). they go to the next room. another puzzle! niki dies because she gets shot. rip niki. shes also very good at acting. :(
vinny vinesauce time! he seems to be the only one disturbed by nikis death. interesting!
anyway they finish the puzzle (by accident lmao) and go through to the next room. before they do, ranboos mask starts flashing again, but a showfall employee appears and grabs something on the back of his head. from here on, they act even MORE like an NPC with no guidance and seem very lost and confused for the remainder of the episode
next room is a heist scenario with lots of lasers. vinnys like dw guys i got this. throw me through the lasers. ran and sneeg go “?? ok”. they do. he makes it through the lasers through a series of funny visual gags of a mannequin being tossed through the air and hitting the ceiling. oh yeah important note this bit was prerecorded btw. umm vinny makes it through and lands on the ground and is like “yay!” and then he dies to falling anvil. rip. neither sneeg nor ran react that much. interesting! ran tries to get through the lasers too (some turned off after vinny got thrown through) but he gets stuck. suddenly, charlie voice! in episode 1 he was dried off after having a towel thrown at him and ranboo picked it up and put it in their pocket. for plot reasons, i guess, because now charlie the demon is speaking to him from the towel. charlie tells them to throw him at one of the laser projectors and ran goes “aight bet”. theres a cut in the video because apparently ranboo took FORTY MINUTES trying to land it and failing. towel catches on fire and charlie dies again. rip.
anyway now ran can make it through yay! they make it through and grab a diamond and the lasers all turn off. sneeg and ran go to the end of the room and are both like “now what??” then they get teleported out into a different room much to their surprise.
it’s a walk in wardrobe! and a huge one at that! presumably the puzzlers! ethan and austin arrive and the puzzlers says something about how “appearances can be deceiving” or smth like that. ethans like “omg we should change our appearances” so they all get dressed in random outfits. the puzzler when he returns is very confused but goes along with it. chat votes, ethan is voted to be the coolest looking person there. puzzler + rats leave (its either this point or earlier that the puzzler breaks the door with his ass i cant remember. joke for the rest of the episode. fun blooper). umm they take the outfits off and discover two buttons and press them. uv(?) lights turn on and reveal writing on the walls and floor, pointing to one door and advising away from a false shelf. theyre all like “fuck that”. puzzler comes back at some point with the rats just to discover that everyone has taken the fun clothes off. for the entire episode so far, jerma has been putting on a funny voice to be the puzzler, but for this bit he goes back to his normal voice which is rly jarring and made me rewind it so i could laugh when i first watched it, and it still gets me every time MGDFGKBH. puzzler + rats leave. the guys wander around again and ethan pulls on something on the fake shelf. it starts turning and hes like “omg guys the exit!” and austin gets ready to follow him but then strange chewing sounds happen and ethan starts fucking SCREAMING. and “blood” pools on the floor (idk what the liquid is but its red and meant to represent blood so.) anyway ethans dead now! austin is the only one who freaks out about it, the other two r like “damn that’s weird”
WAI TIMPORTANT THING before ethan dies, the focus is on all of them standing there talking . ranboo still looks very lost and doesn’t seem to be able to do anything without instruction. while theyre standing there, one of their hands starts tapping out “SOS” in morse code. the other one, after a bit, reaches over to stop it. CONCERNING!!
they find the real exit and get through. new room! this one is slightly boring. puzzler goes on a tirade on a screen and then something blows up and the feed cuts. concerning! ranboo solves a rubix cube. for no reason. he confirmed afterwards that he just saw the cube and went “ooh solve time” and forgot about the show for a few seconds. someone (austin?) presses a button and a wall starts moving. sneeg and austin try to fight for the position but eventually sneeg sacrifices himself to stop austin so ran can get through. those two die. rip. now its just ranboo
ran gets to the puzzlers office (after the longest still shot EVER) and finds a recording the puzzler left. i don’t remember it word for word but he tells ranboo theres a key and ran finds it. then another Breakthrough happens! hetch appears on the screen. i don’t actually think he had a name yet until either this episode or the next one i cant remember oops. anyway he does something, ranboos mask turns off, and then ranboo slowwwwwly turns to look directly at the camera. holy shit!! in-universe, its been a fucking SHOW!!! theres a camera crew!!! ranboo walks RIGHT PAST the fucking camera crew and out into this HUGE ASS FUCKING MALL!!!! this is where ranboo swears for the first time ever and says “what the fuck…. what the fuck is this place….” then the feed cuts!!!!
EPISODE THREE BABEY!!! there is no room for humour in this one, its all gone to shit and ranboo is freaking the fuck out. hes acting (mostly) like a normal person now. the mask stays off for this episode. they continue talking to hetch, question the camera (which hetch says is a ‘drone’ and ‘under his control’). hetch leads ranboo through the mall and ran finds an exit and is like “oh hey i could just leave and get like. the police. please?” and hetch goes “your friends are still alive! don’t leave yet! what would the police do anyway?” and rans like. ok :(
ran goes downstairs and finds a store with the security closed screen shut but its seethrough. the room is blue and full of smoke. suddenly a BIG fucking Thing appears from the smoke and slams against the screen door. ran freaks out because HWAT??? but hetch just says its Security. important note: the actor for security is smth like SEVEN FUCKING FEET TALL
hetch continues leading ran through the mall until they find a room with a bunch of showfall employees who r all perfectly still. like its fucking creepy. the actors r very good at standing still. nasty. ran discovers whiteboards that show the WHOLE of episode 1 and 2 were planned out from start to finish. freaky!
ran finds four codes that hetch says will shut the facility down as long as he picks the right one. ranboo takes the codes to the ‘heart of the facility’ which is a room covered in wires and screens and it looks freaky. he sidles up to the control panel and turns it on, then it asks for one of the codes. hetch puts it up for an audience vote and ranboos like “wtf???? no”. audience picks red, ranboo punches in yellow (the computer screen is yellow). it’s the wrong code and an alarm goes off. hetch is like “lol good luck ur on your own now” and sets the drone/camera to ‘autopilot’ apparently. ran is now on his own. swears again. runs out and in the direction of the room they got the codes from. the employees are Awake now. ranboo shut the security door earlier so they cant get out. good job ranboo
ranboo runs back through the mall in the direction of the security creature and discovers That door is now open, with a blood trail leading into it. he does not stick around to find out what happened. they continue walking and start to hear voices! yay!
they run through and discover a foodcourt that has been turned into five(?) different streaming setups. there are some streamers that do actually stream i think, but idk any of them. suddenly, CHARLIE!!! hes been Actually live for the past 13 or so minutes and just reacting to colours (the vod is on youtube, its rly funny) and ignoring the chat. some poor fucking person in the chat said it was their first charlie stream. rip to that guy. anyway ranboo climbs over the counter and rips charlies headphones off and suddenly charlie is Aware of Ranboos Presence!! but he still cant see over the counter and i guess he thinks it’s a wall. very literal fourth wall shit. ranboo drags charlie away from the pc (more of my thoughts on this later) and yells at the camera. important note: charlies stream setup was recreated almost fucking PERFECTLY. its UNCANNY. literally u cannot tell he is in the mall at first. eerie shit.
charlie climbs over the counter with ranboo and suddenly is like “wait what the fuck” because in his eyes hes just teleported Through The Wall. they continue walking while charlie tries to get answers out of ranboo (who also knows nothing). they discover a shrine to the puzzler (rip). they almost find an exit but there are showfall employees chaining the doors shut. uh oh! important note again: there is currently a smoke alarm going off (accidentally) because one of the smoke machines triggered the alarm. this is adding to the vibe. it was unintentional
they run through the mall and find a directory. they try to find an exit. charlie spots one, yay! he takes a step back from the directory and sees something out of view of the camera. camera pans. dead showfall employee on the floor. suddenly, Robotic Roar! camera swivels over to zoom on the Security monster, hunched over someone. bit hard to tell in the moment, but if you pause and look closely, its sneeg, dead for the third time, right next to an exit. rip buddy. u were so close
charlie and ran RUN for their lives and discover more employees trying to break out of the room ranboo shut earlier. nice job again ranboo they find the exit they spotted earlier and almost go through the door, but more employees appear through it and force them to change direction. theyre shouting at each other. its so tense. i cannot IMAGINE how it mustve felt live. they get into a prop/surplus store ??? of some sort and bolt the door shut. charlie demands more answers and ranboo still cannot give any. freaky! ran finds a knife and charlie picks up an axe, but ran goes “can you run with that???” and charlie says no (despite handling it very well with one hand. interesting). charlie instead takes a frying pan. ok. he also has a bulletproof vest now. theres a bucket on the floor, labelled “slime”, but its got a red liquid (presumably blood) in it. think back to the first episode, where charlie was covered in slime. yeah that’s blood. it was blood. he was covered in blood. holy shit.
they go through back hallways and find another exit but get pursued by Even More Employees Holy Shit How Many Are There. they get back to charlies “stream setup” and charlies like “how didn’t i know??? how did i not know???” they climb back over, try to go back to the first exit, then get chased again. ruh roh! up the stairs they go. they slow to a stop and spot security again, so sneak onto a set. its the set of episode 2! they wander through the carousel area and even though charlie cant remember much hes still like “wait,,, i think we came through here before”. ranboo hesitantly goes “i did.” they get back to the previous room that i skipped over earlier and charlies like huh! and they move through but charlie is definitely subconsciously remembering something.
they find another exit! its boarded off. with wood. that could’ve been broken if charlie had the axe. sad!
they find hetch! hes dying. he gives the two a reality check and an existential crisis (“where did you grow up?” and they both answer cabin and hes like NUH UH!!). he gives ran a map and says to finish the job and tell showfall that ‘the hetch did this’. ok. he dies. charlie and ran leave. at some point in the past few minutes it became prerecorded, but its hard to tell where. interesting.
they walk out of the set and theres a ringing in the audiences ears and presumably ranboos too. charlie is begging ranboo to say something (“just answer a single question of whats going on!! are you even you right now? is this what you want??”). ran doesnot answer and just pulls out the knife. showfall employee jumpscare! ranboo stabs the employee. wires burst out from the wound. ranboo drops the knife for some reason!!!! charlie looks horrified
they enter a new room and discover The Cabin set. seeing as they’ve both only just discovered that they didn’t actually grow up there, despite the memories they have of doing exactly that, theyre very fucking distressed. they sloooowly walk towards the set. gorgeous camera angles here btw. charlie tries to say something but surprise, Security! it lunges at charlie and he trips and gets attacked and starts fucking screaming and holy shit cc!charlie is good at doing the most haunting fucking screaming ever. jesus christ.
charlie points out the button and his voice is overlaid with the robotic noises of Security which is cool as shit. ranboo looks around as employees appear from fucking everywhere and chase him towards the button. they press the button, turn around while all the lights are flashing and stare directly at the face of an employee behind him, then everything shuts off and all the employees’ heads tilt towards the floor. important note: the camera is still rolling. the camera presumably controlled by showfall. just to make u tense
gentle music now. so much relief. ranboo walks towards an exit (passing the first sign of sunlight weve seen for the entire show) and does a bow in front of it. music shuts out and Sinister Sound happens, and fucking HETCH appears!!! ranboos mask lights are back on. hes dragged into darkness. camera cut
it turns back on to show ranboo trapped in a fuckign saw trap, i Guess. hetch monologues at ranboo like “haha congrats you made it to the end :) wasn’t this so fun :)” and ranboos like WHAT…. WHAT THE FUCK. their mask is flashing. fun fact! cc!ranboo confirmed the mask flashing here was ranboo getting their memories pre-showfall back. fun! i hate everything. ranboo is crying
hetch sets up a vote. the audience, everyone who watched genloss live, has to vote whether ranboo lives or dies. and at first ranboo thinks that living means escaping, so he fucking screams at the camera “LET ME GO!!! LET ME GO!!!” and its haunting and devastating. and then hetch drops the news that actually, living is continuing with showfall, and dying is the escape. ranboo is stunned. and then starts begging for the audience to kill him. thus we get the horrifying clips of seeing ranboo, crying, scream “JUST LET ME DIE” . i am a puddle on the floor at this point.
the audience was trying to 50/50 the vote, and it was holding strong up until ranboo started begging to die, at which point the audience started swinging heavily towards die. mercy kill. audience didn’t want them to suffer anymore.
‘die’ wins. hetch teases at it for a bit and then announces the result. box closes! music cuts. ranboo dies with arms outstretched. fun fact! the position ranboo wakes up in at the very start of episode 1 is eerily similar to the way he dies here!
when ranboo wakes up charlie in ep3 he essentially dooms his friend to die, because if charlie stayed there, he wouldn’t have been killed by security. yeowch!
during episode 2, when sneeg is leaving for the “bathroom”, he says to ranboo ‘ill come back for you’. he does not! maybe he tries in episode 3, but all we see of him is him lying dead next to an exit. sad!
the plastic skeleton ‘frank’ was an actual living person at one point! sneeg was dragging around an “actual” (in-world) skeleton. freaky!
during the cooking segment in episode 1, there are points where you can see a message written in those magnetic letters on the fridge. it says “behind you” or something like that. referring to the cameras and shit that none of the characters can see!
um anyway generation loss was a commentary on how audience behaviour affects streamers and other celebrities and the like. which means its kind of ironic that ranboo got burned in the first episode because they refused to like, Stop, for their health, just to deliver a cool show for us, the audience. very meta of u ranboo. its rly shown in ep2 with how everyone is characterised; niki confirmed her character was created around the idea too many people have of her; that being thinking shes overemotional and dramatic (the constant crying), and the only good thing people describe her as is ‘nice’ (the crying stopping as soon as the attention is on her, her emphasising how Good and Nice she is please smile). ethans character was described as ‘unemployed’ and its essentially a commentary on how he isn’t viewed as his own person outside of his friends very often, and how most people associate him with markiplier because of unus annus, and now that UA is over they don’t rly know what he does. sneeg is kind of dickish and very sarcastic on the carousel and its an exaggeration of the way he acts on streams, because a lot of the time non-viewers see that and think that’s all he is, just kind of an asshole to everyone. i care about gl!sneeg so much .
ummm i don’t really know a whole lot about vinny or austin outside of genloss but vinnys character is described as a hoarder. he talks about shit hes collected ‘over the years’ and just rambles on about something until the other characters cut him off. they all got titles btw related to the stuff they rambled about (except for sneeg, ran and charlie, who are ‘the taken’, and ‘the hero’. i don’t think charlie gets a proper title like that?? hes referred to just as ‘slimecicle’ in the first episode so that’s what his ao3 tag is lmao). anyway austin is Austin “The Gay” and his whole character is just about how Very Straight He Is Yep and how he has a beautiful wife (many of them) and children (four of them) and his wife(wives) enjoy long walks on the beach and hes So Straight Cant You See? and hes desperate the whole time and generally the only one who properly reacts to anything happening around them. and thus i guess its sort of a commentary on how people perceive him as just ‘the gay one’, but also corporate homophobia and how his queerness is covered up and treated as a joke
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pomito-uwu · 4 months
Ojalá nunca nos dejemos porque eres el amor de mi vida
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todoapulmon · 1 year
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Esta noche @giecoleon_oficial @revolveroficial @polarisgram + las bandas del @vivelatino con @leonlarregui @austin_tv @los2minutos @estelaresya y mucho más. #todoapulmon se transmite todos los #lunes 7pm #Fresno, 9pm #CDMX, 10pm #NewYork por @radiobilingue #discos #radio #radiobilingue #elfísicosíimporta #LeonGieco #Revolver #CarlosGoñi #Polaris #ViveLatino #VL23 #LeonLarregui #AustinTV #2Minutos #Estelares #latinalternative #rockalterlatino #rockmexicano #rocknacional #rockenespañol #vinylcollection #nowplaying (at Radio Bilingue) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co6JoNmLrvl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aguadehorchataa · 4 years
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La Última Noche del Mundo, una serie fotográfica inspirada en Austin tv (@josesaurioo)
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