#Audrey Azoulay
krisrampersad · 6 months
When Kerry Met Kris - Negotiating Caribbean Development with US Secretary of State
We heard the welcome news that the USA will return as a member State of UNESCO. This has been as a result of intense lobbying by civil society and behind the scenes cajoling. The US rejoining signal new possibilities for bilateral and multilateral arrangements with Caribbean countries. The work started halted and stayed in abeyance for eight years. That’s how sluggish the diplomatic and…
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indizombie · 1 year
In the recently released 2021-2022 freedom of expression report, UNESCO noted the deaths of 86 journalists last year, amounting to one every four days, up from 55 killings in 2021. UNESCO noted that nearly half of the journalists killed were targeted while off duty; some were attacked while travelling, or in parking lots or other public places where they were not on assignment, while others were in their homes at the time of their killing. The report warned that this implies that "there are no safe spaces for journalists, even in their spare time". “Authorities must step up their efforts to stop these crimes and ensure their perpetrators are punished because indifference is a major factor in this climate of violence,” said UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, describing the findings as “alarming”.
‘Killings of journalists up 50 per cent in 2022: UNESCO’, UN News
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Today - November 29th - is International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Palestine Day has been around decades, just like the struggle of Palestinians under Israeli Occupation.
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If you don't know about the history of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, read up at https://www.aljazeera.com/.../palestine-and-israel-brief... for a brief summary of complicated events that have been going on since the United Kingdom taking control of the region in 1917. The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is intentionally difficult to self-educate on here in the US, and learning more is the first step to stopping injustice.
"Every year, the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People provides an opportunity for the international community to show its support for Palestinians’ dreams of a peaceful future." - Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO.
If you're looking for a next step on how to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people yourself, consider:
Advocating for change. Spread what you know about the active genocide happening right now in Palestine.
Writing to your elected representatives, signing petitions, and supporting political campaigns that promote peace and justice in Palestine.
Donate financial support to organizations providing humanitarian aid in Palestine, like the Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Hakini, Dalia Association, Taawon, and the Palestine Red Cresent Society.
Boycotting US brands complicit in the violation of Palestinian rights, such as Hewlett Packard (HP), Siemens, AXA, Puma, Ahava, Sabra, and SodaStream.
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On April 30th; The International Jazz Day 2024 will be celebrated in more than 190 countries.
UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Herbie Hancock are pleased to announce that the city of Tangier, Morocco will serve as the Global Host and will anchor the International Jazz Day programs around the world.
Watch the live broadcast of the International Jazz Day 2024
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barbielore · 5 months
Hey this is really random but did you know that today (the day this post will be coming out of my queue, in Australia time - January 14) is World Logic Day?
According to the director-general of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay:
In the twenty-first century—indeed, now more than ever—the discipline of logic is a particularly timely one, utterly vital to our societies and economies. Computer science and information and communications technology, for example, are rooted in logical and algorithmic reasoning.
So I thought this might be a fun day to talk about a few STEM Barbies - or specifically, STEM Barbies that would link in thematically with World Logic Day.
For example, Mattel released a Barbie Role Models doll for Katya Echazarreta, an electrical engineer who at age 27 was the first Mexican-born woman to go into space.
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She is now 28 and was also the co-host of the Netflix YouTube series "Netflix IRL".
As a part of the line-up for the 2018 Career of the Year, Barbie was also a Robotics Engineer.
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Barbie has also been a Computer Engineer, though given the way Mattel bungled the storyline that went along with this, perhaps the less said the better.
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Brazilian President supports regulation of digital platforms
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In a letter to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva called for an end to hate speech and stressed that “what happened on January 8 in Brasilia was the culmination of an operation that used lies as ammunition.” Hence, he advocated the regulation of digital platforms to address the dissemination of lies and misinformation in the virtual environment.
The Workers' Party leader also said that it was necessary to combat the concentration of the digital market by democratizing the Internet and promoting the autonomy of developing countries in this area.
In response to an invitation from the Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, Lula sent the letter, which was read on Wednesday (22), in Paris, at the opening of the Internet for Trust conference. With the event, Unesco proposes the discussion of global guidelines to regulate digital platforms, improve the reliability of information and protect freedom of expression and human rights.
“We need a balance. On the one hand, we need to ensure the exercise of individual freedom of expression, which is a fundamental human right. On the other hand, we need to ensure a collective right: the right of society to receive reliable information, not lies and misinformation. We also cannot allow the integrity of our democracies to be affected by the decisions of a few actors who currently control the platforms,” wrote Lula.
Continue reading.
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felipeandletizia · 5 months
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Felipe and Letizia retrospective: January 15th
2005: Send off the Navy ship ‘Galicia’ on its voyage to Sumatra, Indonesia, carrying 60 tons of humanitarian aid to Asia’s devastated areas after the tsunami waves. (1, 2)
2007: Investiture of the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa
2008: Visited a Special Education Center in Alcorcon, near Madrid
2009: Diplomatic Corps Gala
2013: Audience at la Zarzuela & Inaugurated the 3rd Spain Investors Day
2015: Investigation National Awards 2014 .
2018: Terrorism Victims Foundation Awards.
2019: Inaugurated the International Airport in Murcia; Audience with the  Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tunisia, Khemaies Jhinaoui & Audience with the Director-General of the UNESCO Audrey Azoulay
2023: Funeral of King Constantine of Greece in Athens
F&L Through the Years: 1114/??
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wamerica · 27 days
Message from Ms Audrey Azoulay Director-General of UNESCO for African World Heritage Day 5 May 2024
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justforbooks · 1 year
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La baguette de pain française inscrite au patrimoine immatériel de l’humanité par l’Unesco
Tous les jours, quelque 12 millions de consommateurs français poussent la porte d’une boulangerie, et plus de 6 milliards de baguettes sortent des fournils chaque année.
Elle est un emblème dans le monde, désormais reconnu, de la vie quotidienne des Français. La baguette de pain a été inscrite mercredi 30 novembre au patrimoine immatériel de l’humanité par l’Unesco. L’organisation, qui honore avant tout les traditions à sauvegarder plus que les produits eux-mêmes, a distingué les savoir-faire artisanaux et la culture entourant cet élément incontournable des tables françaises.
Avec sa croûte croustillante et sa mie moelleuse, la baguette, apparue au début du XXe siècle à Paris, est aujourd’hui le premier pain consommé dans le pays. Tous les jours, 12 millions de consommateurs français poussent la porte d’une boulangerie et plus de 6 milliards de baguettes sortent des fournils chaque année. Acheter du pain est ainsi une véritable habitude sociale et conviviale qui rythme la vie des Français.
Sur Twitter, le président Emmanuel Macron a salué « 250 grammes de magie et de perfection dans nos quotidiens. Un art de vivre à la française », ajoutant : « Nous nous battions depuis des années avec les boulangers et le monde de la gastronomie pour sa reconnaissance. La baguette est désormais au patrimoine immatériel de l’Unesco ! »
« C’est une reconnaissance pour la communauté des artisans boulangers-pâtissiers. (…) La baguette, c’est de la farine, de l’eau, du sel, de la levure et le savoir-faire de l’artisan », s’est félicité le président de la Confédération nationale de la boulangerie-pâtisserie française, Dominique Anract, dans un communiqué.
« C’est effectivement une sorte de consécration », se réjouit Priscilla Hayertz, boulangère à Paris. « C’est un produit de base qui touche toutes les catégories socioculturelles, que l’on soit riche, pauvre… peu importe, tout le monde mange de la baguette. »
« Belle reconnaissance pour nos artisans et ces lieux fédérateurs que sont nos boulangeries ! », a abondé la ministre de la culture, Rima Abdul Malak. Avec cette inscription, « l’Unesco souligne qu’une pratique alimentaire peut constituer un patrimoine à part entière, qui nous aide à faire société », a déclaré Audrey Azoulay, directrice générale de cette agence de l’ONU.
La baguette « tradition » encadrée par décret depuis 1993
Le choix de présenter la candidature de la baguette de pain avait été effectué au début de 2021 par la France, qui l’avait préférée aux toits de zinc de Paris et à une fête vinicole jurassienne.
Cette reconnaissance est particulièrement importante compte tenu des menaces qui pèsent sur ce savoir-faire, comme l’industrialisation et la baisse du nombre de boulangeries-pâtisseries, surtout dans les communes rurales. En 1970, on comptait quelque 55 000 boulangeries artisanales (une boulangerie pour 790 habitants) contre 35 000 aujourd’hui (une pour 2 000 habitants), soit une disparition de quatre cents boulangeries par an en moyenne depuis une cinquantaine d’années.
En constante évolution, la baguette « de tradition » est strictement encadrée par un décret de 1993, qui vise à protéger les artisans boulangers et leur impose en même temps des exigences très strictes, comme l’interdiction des additifs. Elle fait aussi l’objet de concours nationaux, lors desquels les candidates sont tranchées en longueur pour permettre au jury d’évaluer l’alvéolage et la couleur de la mie, « crème » dans l’idéal.
Il peut y avoir un alvéolage régulier, dit « nid d’abeilles », avec des petits trous identiques, ou des trous moyens, plus gros, plus petits, selon le choix de chaque boulanger. S’il n’y a pas d’alvéoles « partout », le jury est formel : le pain a été mal façonné. Les compétiteurs travaillent à partir des mêmes produits, mais les baguettes sont toutes différentes. Chacun a sa petite touche particulière, par exemple sur le coup de lame, signature du boulanger.
La consommation de la baguette en déclin
Il est facile de rater une baguette, même pour les plus aguerris. « On est très dépendant de la météo. On doit prendre [en compte] la température des pâtes, de l’eau, du fournil », expliquait en 2019 à l’Agence France-Presse (AFP) le boulanger parisien Jean-Yves Boullier. « Idéalement, il faudrait qu’il fasse chaud, mais pas plus de 22 °C, humide mais pas trop. Sinon, les pâtes relâchent et le pain se ramollit », ajoutait-il. Outre les gestes indispensables comme un pétrissage lent, une longue fermentation, un façonnage à la main et une cuisson dans un four à sole, tout repose sur un savoir-faire, expliquent les professionnels.
Le mot baguette apparaît au début du XXe siècle et ce n’est qu’entre les deux guerres qu’il se banalise, souligne Loïc Bienassis, de l’Institut européen de l’histoire et des cultures de l’alimentation, qui a fait partie du comité scientifique ayant préparé le dossier pour l’Unesco. « Au départ, la baguette est considérée comme un produit de luxe. Les classes populaires mangent des pains rustiques qui se conservent mieux. Puis la consommation se généralise, les campagnes sont gagnées par la baguette dans les années 1960-1970 », explique-t-il
Désormais, la consommation de la baguette décline, surtout dans les classes aisées urbaines qui optent pour les pains au levain, plus intéressants du point de vue nutritionnel, selon M. Bienassis. De plus, « les céréales ont remplacé les tartines, les hamburgers supplantent le jambon-beurre », conclut-il.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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Paris is always a good idea 💕🇫🇷
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John Lennon📸Paul McCartney, 1961 The Supremes📸Berry Gordy, 1960 Sharon Tate📸Jean-Claude Deutsch,68 Bob Dylan📸Daniel Kramer, 1964 Alain Delon and Romy schneider 50’s David Bowie📸Andrew Kent, 1976 Audrey Hepburn, William Holden 50’s Jimi Hendrix, 1967 Natalie Wood, 1950’s Jane Seberg📸Claude Azoulay, 1962
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
International Women’s Day 2023: Accelerating Equality and Empowerment
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International Women’s Day is marked annually on March 8 in an effort to promote gender equality and build a more equitable society. The day honors Women and raises awareness of topics including equal rights for women, violence and abuse against women, and reproductive freedom. How did international Women’s Day start? The seeds were planted when 15,000 women marched through New York City in 1908 demanding less work, better pay, and the right to vote. The Socialist Party of America declared the first National Woman’s Day a year later. Making the day a global holiday was the idea of Clara Zethkin, a communist activist and defender of women’s rights. She floated the idea during a gathering of working women in Copenhagen in 1910. There were 100 women, from 17 different countries, and they all agreed to support her idea. International Women’s Day’s purpose: The goals of International Women’s Day are to celebrate women’s accomplishments and advance gender equality. This day also strives to promote gender equality by encouraging equal participation in social, economic, cultural, and political activities in order to guarantee that the most vulnerable people of our society have equal rights in all areas. How is Women’s Day celebrated? International Women’s Day is observed as a national holiday in a number of countries, including Russia, where flower sales increase in the three to four day leading up to March 8. A large number of Chinese women will have a half day off from work on March 8 in accordance with the State Council’s recommendation. Italy celebrates the Festa della Donna, or International Women’s Day, by exchanging mimosa blooms. This habit is said to have started in Rome after World War Two, however its exact origins are uncertain. In the US, March is observed as Women’s History Month. A presidential proclamation recognizes American Women’s achievements each year. Theme for IWD 2023 The United Nations Designated “DigitalALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality” as the year’s theme in order to highlight the significance of technology in bringing gender concerns to light. The website for International Women’s Day states, Equity is a necessity, not simply a pleasant to have. Every society needs to have a strong emphasis on gender equity. Understanding the distinction between equity and equality is also crucial. The IWD 2023 #EmbraceEquity campaign theme is to spread awareness about why equal opportunities are insufficient. According to the IWD website, equity takes into account that each person has unique circumstances and distributes the precise resources and opportunities required to produce an equal result, as opposed to equality, which refers to providing each person or group of people with the same resources or opportunities. Some facts about women in digital technology In 2022, only 63% of women would be internet users, compared to 69% of men, according to a forecast by International Telecommunication Union (ITU). According to a survey by the World Economic Forum (WEF), 75% of occupations by 2050 will be in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. Yet, women only hold 22% of the role in the workforce today, to name just one industry. According to the Gender Snapshot report from 2022, a study of 51 nations found that 38% of women have personally encountered online assault. The potential for innovations that meet women’s needs and advance gender equality is increased when women are involved in technology. UNESCO’s message for this year In her message for this year’s International Women’s Day, UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay noted the importance of guaranteeing equal opportunity for women and girls while also ensuring that they benefit from the opportunities presented by technological change. She said that the theme for this year will be “Innovation and technology for gender equality”, noting that women are four times less likely to possess advanced ICT skills, make up less than 20% of the IT workforce, and just 12% of AI research is conducted. Read the full article
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Tangier as city host of the 2024 All-Star Global Concert.
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Presented in partnership with the Ministry of Culture of Morocco and the City of Tangier, the four-day celebration (27-30 April) will emphasize the city’s jazz heritage and highlight cultural and artistic ties between people in Morocco, Europe and Africa. A series of education programmes will include events for students of all ages, a special presentation showcasing the significance of Morocco’s Gnawa music and its connection with jazz, and conversations about the history of jazz and its impact on Tangier, among others. A culminating All-Star Global Concert at the beautiful, new Palace of Arts and Culture of Tangier – an architectural masterpiece – will be broadcast during 4 days.
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Music enthusiasts can look forward to legendary figures of jazz, blues and beyond electrifying the city of Tangier – and screens throughout the world. Led by iconic pianist Herbie Hancock and Musical Director John Beasley (USA), the All-Star Global Concert will feature performances by an international roster of artists from all corners of the globe, including master Gnawa musician Abdellah El Gourd (Morocco). Other confirmed artists include: Claudia Acuña (Chile), Ambrose Akinmusire (USA), Lakecia Benjamin (USA), Richard Bona (Cameroon), Dee Dee Bridgewater (USA), Moreira Chonguiça (Mozambique), Shemekia Copeland (USA), Kurt Elling (USA), Antonio Faraò (Italy), Melody Gardot (USA), Jazzmeia Horn (USA), JK Kim (Republic of Korea), Magnus Lindgren (Sweden), Romero Lubambo (Brazil), Marcus Miller (USA), Yasushi Nakamura (Japan), Tarek Yamani (Lebanon), and many more to be announced. 
Located at the crossroads of Europe and Africa, Tangier is known as a melting pot of cultural expressions. Tangier boasts a long, rich history of jazz. Among the world-renowned jazz artists who performed and spent time in Tangier were Josephine Baker, Ornette Coleman, Herbie Mann and Archie Shepp. For many years, jazz master Randy Weston lived in Tangier, where he collaborated with Gnawa master Abdellah El Gourd to explore the roots of jazz and African music.
Gnawa-jazz, a fusion of Morocco’s traditional musical style and jazz, is appreciated across Morocco and far beyond. In the 1970s, Weston founded the African Jazz Festival, which became the inspiration for multiple jazz festivals throughout Morocco, including Tanjazz and Jazzablanca.
In addition to the Global Concert, UNESCO encourages schools, universities and non-governmental organizations around the world to celebrate International Jazz Day. Performing arts venues, community centres, town squares, parks, libraries, museums, restaurants, clubs and festivals organize thousands of activities, while public radio and television feature jazz on and around International Jazz Day.
Established by the General Conference of UNESCO in 2011 and recognized by the United Nations General Assembly, International Jazz Day brings together countries and communities worldwide every 30 April. The annual International Jazz Day celebration highlights the power of jazz and its role in promoting peace, dialogue among cultures, diversity and respect for human dignity.
International Jazz Day has become a global movement reaching more than 2 billion people annually on all continents through education programmes, performances, community outreach, radio, television and streaming, along with electronic, print and social media. The Herbie Hancock Institute of Jazz is the lead nonprofit organization charged with planning, promoting and producing International Jazz Day each year.
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El 27 de enero se celebra el Día Internacional de Conmemoración de las Víctimas del Holocausto, una fecha que busca no solo rendir homenaje a los cientos de personas que murieron en los campos de concentración nazi, sino también tomar medidas para ayudar a los más jóvenes a crear resiliencia en cuanto a las ideologías de odio.
¿Por qué se recuerda a las víctimas del holocausto el 27 de enero?
La Asamblea General de la ONU decidió en 2005 declarar este día teniendo en cuenta que fue el 27 de enero de 1945 cuando las tropas soviéticas liberaron el campo de concentración y exterminio nazi de Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Seis millones de hombres, mujeres y niños judíos perecieron en el Holocausto. Y este evento no solo afectó a los países donde se cometieron crímenes nazis sino también en otros muchos lugares del mundo, donde muchas personas también perdieron la vida.
Más de setenta y cinco años después, los Estados comparten la responsabilidad colectiva de abordar los traumas aún vivos, conmemorar los hechos, cuidar de los lugares históricos para guardar la memoria y promover la educación, documentación y la investigación.
Conmemoración 2023
En 2023, la UNESCO organiza algunos eventos en su sede y en las oficinas alrededor del mundo. Concretamente se producirán los siguientes actos:
Ceremonia de Conmemoración el 26 de enero de 2023 que incluye declaraciones de alto nivel de la Directora General de la UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, y del Presidente del Shoah Memorial, Eric de Rothschild. El evento también contará con la interpretación de Shoah de Jorge Grundman, para violín solo y Templo Sagrado del violinista Robert Davidovici, y Kaddish y El Male Rachamim de la cantora y mezzosoprano Sofia Falkovitch.
Exposición de la Biblioteca del Holocausto de Viena "Hubo un tiempo... Fotografías de familias judías antes de 1939" del 17 de enero al 10 de febrero, con el apoyo de la Delegación Permanente de Alemania ante la UNESCO.
Proyección mundial de ¿Dónde está Ana Frank? de Ari Foleman, por las Oficinas fuera de la Sede de la UNESCO.
Campaña para 2022: Memoria, dignidad y justicia
Fue el lema de las Naciones Unidas para la Semana de Conmemoración del Holocausto en 2022. La campaña se centró en recordar y escribir la historia para aportar dignidad y justicia a quiénes vivieron aquella barbarie y a quiénes murieron. Las acciones conmemorativas y educativas que se van a desarrollar se centran en destacar las acciones emprendidas por los supervivientes en los años posteriores a la devastación, para así reclamar sus derechos, su patrimonio cultural y su historia, además de su dignidad.
Se desarrollaron actos y eventos relacionados:
Exposición "Después del fin del mundo: desplazados y campos de desplazados". Del 20 de enero al 20 de febrero 2022.
Ceremonia de las Naciones Unidas en el Día Internacional de Conmemoración en memoria de las víctimas del Holocausto. 27 de enero 2022, de 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (UTC -5).Se retransmitirá en directo en todo el mundo a través de la Web TV de la ONU.
3 de febrero de 2022.Sesión informativa para la sociedad civil "El futuro de la memoria: memoria del Holocausto, historia y nuevos medios de comunicación". De 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (UTC -5).
10 de febrero de 2022.Debate virtual sobre la película "Los últimos supervivientes".
Gérmenes del odio: xenofobia, antisemitismo y discriminación de género
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Actualmente, se han propagado en la sociedad otros tipos de discriminación, más allá de aquellas promovidas por grupos neonazis o de supremacistas blancos. Hoy el mundo tiene que lidiar con problemas como la xenofobia, la discriminación de género u orientación sexual.
¿Qué es la xenofobia?
La xenofobia es un temor irracional hacia los extranjeros, lo cual provoca rechazos e incluso puede conducir a actos violentos como maltrato, violación de los derechos básicos de la persona e incluso la muerte del individuo.
Se dice que es irracional, puesto que no necesariamente existen bases que justifiquen el odio o rechazo hacia la persona diferente, más allá de su idioma, color de piel o condición de extranjero.
La xenofobia es uno de los problemas de la actualidad que puede desencadenar crímenes de odio, debido al alto número de inmigrantes que se han visto en la necesidad de abandonar su país bien sea por situaciones bélicas, problemas políticos o falta de oportunidades en el lugar de donde provienen.
El antisemitismo: otro problema de discriminación
El antisemitismo fue el eje fundamental que desató el holocausto nazi. Se conoce como antisemitismo al rechazo hacia la comunidad judía y su discriminación social, económica y política.
Aún hoy en día perviven ideales antisemitas, lo que ha llevado a muchos movimientos en pro de los derechos humanos y ONGs a ponerse manos a la obra para garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades para los judíos en varias áreas de trabajo y países del mundo.
Películas sobre el Holocausto que no te puedes perder
Hay mucha literatura y filmografía basada en el Holocausto, y sería imposible resumir todas las obras literarias, películas, series y documentales sobre ello, aunque te damos algunos títulos que seguro que has visto más de una vez:
La Lista de Schindler (EEUU. Director: Steven Spielberg. Año 1993): Un empresario alemán que contrata a judíos provenientes del campo de concentración de Plaszow se da cuenta de que puede hacer algo más por salvar a estas personas de una muerte segura. Una obra maestra de Steven Spielberg que no deja a nadie indiferente.
El pianista (Reino Unido. Director: Roman Polanski. Año: 2002): un brillante pianista polaco de origen judío vive con su familia en el ghetto de Varsovia, pero cuando los alemanes invaden Polonia consigue huir y esconderse gracias a algunos amigos, pero tendrá que superar vivir en el aislamiento durante mucho tiempo y lidiar con peligros constantes. Cuenta con escenas que cortan el aliento a cualquiera.
El niño con el pijama de rayas (Reino Unido. Director: Mark Herman. Año: 2008): en Berlín, un niño alemán hijo del comandante de un campo de concentración entabla una tierna amistad con un niño judío que vive al otro lado de la alambrada.
El Diario de Ana Frank (Reino Unido. Director: Jon Jones. Año: 2009): Miniserie de TV basada en la novela del mismo nombre, escrita por una niña holandesa que narra día a día el estallido de la guerra y la invasión de su país por los alemanes.
La vida es bella (Italia. Director: Roberto Benigni. Año: 1999): una familia judía es internada en un campo de concentración donde el padre hace lo imposible por hacer creer a su pequeño hijo que todo se trata de un juego, logrando esconderlo y protegerlo de las atrocidades del campo de exterminio.
Conmemorar el Día de las Víctimas del Holocausto
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Para conmemorar este día lo mejor es compartir frases de aceptación y tolerancia hacia aquellos que son diferentes. Todos los seres humanos padecemos los mismos miedos, soñamos con cosas similares. Buscamos ser felices de formas distintas, así que no rechacemos a nadie por su color de piel, creencias religiosas, nacionalidad, género o condición social.
Comparte tus ideas sobre cómo evitar un nuevo holocausto a través de las redes sociales utilizando el hashtag #DíaInternacionaldeConmemoracióndelasVíctimasdelHolocausto
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Más de un millón de personas fueron asesinadas en Auschwitz. Además de judíos, a Auschwitz eran enviados miembros de la resistencia, intelectuales, homosexuales, gitanos y prisioneros políticos. La Unesco declaró en 1979 a Auschwitz como Patrimonio de la Humanidad.
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artesostenible · 1 year
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¿Sabías que el primer cuadro creado por una inteligencia artificial fue subastado en marzo de 2018? Se trata de una obra llamada "Portrait of Edmond Belamy", creada por el colectivo parisino Obvious que trabaja con los últimos modelos de aprendizaje profundo explorando su potencial creativo. La subasta marcó un hito en el mundo de la inteligencia artificial y las artes, ya que una máquina había creado una obra de arte que por primera vez fue aceptada por los coleccionistas. Esta obra ha servido como catalizador para que la IA sea vista como una forma de creación artística, generando un gran interés en el campo de la tecnología y el arte. 🤔 "La inteligencia artificial, cuyos avances sin precedentes constituyen una revolución tecnológica e incluso antropológica, se basa en el razonamiento lógico. Mediante la definición del primer instrumento normativo mundial sobre la ética de la inteligencia artificial, la UNESCO se ha comprometido a proporcionar un marco ético para esta innovación de la lógica." Audrey Azoulay Directora General de la UNESCO 🧐 La Inteligencia Artificial está cambiando el mundo del arte y la forma en que lo vemos a un ritmo vertiginoso. Está permitiendo que los artistas y creadores exploren nuevas maneras de expresión y alcancen nuevas fronteras, que a su vez nos permitirán ver el mundo de una manera diferente. En el día de la lógica aún nos preguntamos si la inteligencia artificial se convertirá en el próximo fenómeno artístico… 🤖 🆚 🧑🏻‍🎨 ¿qué opináis? En la image: Portrait of Edmond de Belamy del colectivo @obvious_art #Ai #InteligenciaArtificial #Logica #Innovacion #artesostenible #formacion #cursosonline #recursosparaartistas #Edmond_Belamy #*Obvious*
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xtruss · 27 days
Palestinian Journalists Win World Press Freedom Prize For Gaza War, Forever Palestine 🇵🇸, Coverage
UNESCO Pays Tribute To "Courage" Of Journalists Facing "Dangerous Circumstances" In Besieged Gaza Where “The Terroris, Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, The Bastard Child of The US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Australia And The Rest of The Puppet West, The Illegal Regime of The Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗: Isra-hell” Has Killed More Than 140 Journalists Since October Last Year.
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UNESCO - the UN body that promotes world peace and security - has awarded its World Press Freedom Prize to all Palestinian journalists covering the war in Gaza, where Israel has launched a brutal invasion for more than six months, killing tens of thousands of civilians and turning the tiny enclave into the "deadliest" place for journalists in recent history.
"In these times of darkness and hopelessness, we wish to share a strong message of solidarity and recognition to those Palestinian journalists who are covering this crisis in such dramatic circumstances," Mauricio Weibel, chair of the international jury of media professionals announced on Thursday.
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Israel's war on besieged Gaza has become the deadliest, most dangerous conflict for journalists in recent history, UN experts say. Photo: AA
"As humanity, we have a huge debt to their courage and commitment to freedom of expression," he added. Audrey Azoulay, director general at UNESCO, said the prize paid "tribute to the courage of journalists facing difficult and dangerous circumstances."
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Last week a Palestinian journalist was killed in an Israeli air strike in Gaza, taking the death toll to 142 media personnel since October 7, 2023, according to Anadolu Agency.
Salem Abu Toyor, a reporter for Al-Quds TV, and his son lost their lives when Israeli fighter jets struck their home in the Nuseirat camp in central Gaza, the TV station said.
The pair were buried in the central city of Deir al Balah.
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'No Journalist In Gaza Is Spared'
The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) - a global body that promotes press freedom worldwide - says journalists in Gaza face particularly high risks as they try to cover the conflict during the Israeli assault, including devastating Israeli airstrikes.
Christophe Deloire, the secretary general of Reporters Without Borders, Paris-based non-governmental organisation focused on safeguarding the right to freedom of information, said, "If the numbers show anything, it is that since October 7, no place in Gaza is safe, no journalist in Gaza is spared, and the massacre has not stopped. We reiterate our urgent appeal to protect journalists in Gaza."
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Only UN Prize For Journalists
World Press Freedom Prize honours an outstanding contribution to the defence and/or promotion of press freedom anywhere in the world, especially when this has been achieved in the face of danger.
It is the only such prize awarded to journalists by the UN.
The ongoing Israeli war on Gaza has resulted in devastating casualties.
Israeli military has killed at least 34,596 Palestinians, with a staggering 70 percent being babies, children, and women, Palestinian officials say.
Additionally, more than 77,816 individuals have been wounded, while over10,000 people are feared buried under the debris of bombed structures.
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pressfreedomday · 28 days
 Environmental crisis: the role of the judicial system to ensure the safety of the critical voice.
The aim of the workshop is to analyze the role of the judiciary – both judges and prosecutors – to promote freedom of expression and ensure the safety of journalists, environmental and human rights defenders investigating and reporting on environmental crimes, and exposing human rights-related violations. 
The theme would be in line with 2024 World Press Freedom Day, that will be dedicated to the importance of journalism and freedom of expression in the context of the current global environmental crisis. The aim is to highlight the significant role that the press, journalism, access and dissemination of information play to ensure and secure a sustainable future that respects the rights of individuals and their diversity of voices, as well as gender equality. Independent journalists as well as environmental defenders, human rights defenders and scientists are crucial actors in helping our societies to separate facts from lies and manipulation in order to take informed decisions, including about environmental policies. 
14h00-14h15: Opening session
Ricardo Luis Hernán Blanco Herrera, President of the Supreme Court of Chile
Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO
14:15-15h45: Session 1: Freedom of Expression and Environment – a necessary debate. 
Guilherme Canela, Chief of the FEJ/CI Section at UNESCO - Moderator
Sergio Muñoz Gajardo, Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of Chile
Suntariya Muanpawong, Dr.Jur., Judge of the Appeal Court Region 2 of Thailand - The role of the judiciary in shaping Environmental Law and jurisprudence: the experience of Thailand
Juan Bautista Mahiques, President of the International Association of Prosecutors and Attorney General of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires: Investigating and prosecuting environmental crimes: the Latin American experience 
15h45-16h Coffee Break
16h00-17h30 Session 2: The role of the judiciary to ensure safety of critical voices.
Karen Kaiser, Senior Vice President and General Counsel of The Associated Press - Moderator
Giovanni Salvi, former Attorney General of the Supreme Court of Italy – Organized crime and environmental crimes. The protection of journalists: the Italian experience
Ricardo Perez Manrique, Justice of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights – Consultative opinion of the IACHR on climate change and human rights
Karla Mendes, Investigative reporter at Mongabay (Brazil-based), Fellow of the Pulitzer Center’s Rainforest Investigations Network and Second Vice President and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chair of Society of Environmental Journalists – Sharing of a specific case of investigative journalism on environmental crisis in the Latin American region 
17h30-17h40 Conclusion and recommendations
Tawfik Jelassi, UNESCO Assistant Director General for Communication and Information
Representative of the Supreme Court of Justice of Chile (TBC) 
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Organized by UNESCO | Supreme Court of Chile
14:00 – 17:30 - Environmental crisis: the role of the judicial system to ensure the safety of the critical voice. 
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