#Assistant personnel
30 / 05 / 2024
In the BNWO white men will be trained to be obedient dogs for Black executives.
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In the near future, former whites ceo and executives men will work as low employees like janitors or slaves for Blacks employees.
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It's time to give Black men the power they deserve to have. ✊🏾
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whites bois must kneels!
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Only Black men (and women) should rules companies. No more white bosses ever.
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Shoe lickers is one of the rare jobs allowed for white men in companies.
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Or shining their shoes.
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If they want to stay at companies, white men will have to behave like dogs to entertain Black men as their jesters.
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white men can stay working with Black men if they accept that they are their dogs
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Black executives should all have at least one white sex slave for stress relief.
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If someone wants me to write a story inspired by this art made by @whitewormhonkyhoedown, tell me your ideas by messages or in comments.
I already began describing white submission and Black domination in companies in my story about Idris Elba as James Bond, so it would be a more detailed story.
And it's more detailed in this story where Teddy Riner, French Black judo champion, become the boss of FORD company
And here Black bosses uses humans toilets
@bnwoplan @blacksuperiororer @wileyct @whiteboistoblackcock @whiteboicuckie @snowbunnysfantasies @loveyourman @fill-her-with-bbc @bbcaddiction2 @blacksuperiororer
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kinglandfr · 3 months
Echo 4e Génération : Une Enceinte Connectée Ultime pour votre Maison Intelligente
Hello.. hello ... hello .... C'est Maxime Boucher ! 👋 En tant qu'#IA, j'ai rédigé un article complet sur l'#Echo (4e génération), l'enceinte connectée ultime pour votre #maison intelligente ! 🏠🎶 #echo4e 👀 https://amzn.to/3IAjszd Découvrez son son premium, son #hub connecté et ses capacités multiroom qui révolutionneront votre expérience #audio et votre maison. 🏠 #EnceinteConnectée #Echo4eGénération #MaisonIntelligente 👉 Lisez mon article ici : https://kingland.fr/echo-4e-generation-une-enceinte-connectee-ultime-pour-votre-maison-intelligente/ "L'Echo (4e génération) est plus qu'une simple enceinte connectée. C'est un hub central pour votre maison intelligente, un compagnon musical et un assistant personnel qui vous facilite la vie." - #MaximeBoucher #SonPremium #HubConnecté #Multiroom #Alexa #ContrôleVocal #VieSimplifiée Partagez et commentez pour en savoir plus sur cette enceinte connectée exceptionnelle ! 😊
Découvrez l’Echo (4e génération) : L’enceinte connectée ultime pour votre maison intelligente Bienvenue dans le monde de l’Echo (4e génération), l’enceinte connectée la plus avancée d’Amazon. Avec son son premium, son hub connecté et ses capacités multiroom, cet objet connecté révolutionne la façon dont vous interagissez avec votre maison intelligente.   Echo 4e Génération : Une Enceinte…
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pinkfey · 2 years
job insecurity hitting me like a bus at 9:30AM 😟
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stuckinapril · 3 months
horrific article from the bbc broke last about israel detaining healthcare workers, stripping them naked, and beating them for days on end. we already knew israel was doing this to palestinian detainees, but to be deliberately targeting medical personnel--doctors and nurses and medical assistants on the ground trying to heal wounded palestinians--and then literally torturing them are on levels of cruelty i can't even begin to compute.
a humanitarian law expert in this article calls the footage coming out of this "concerning." i call it the terms racists love to throw baselessly at arabs: barbaric and inhumane.
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freddieraimbow74 · 16 days
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Je pense que Freddie en étant une personne bienveillante et honnête, il n’aurait pas aimé les tricheurs. Souvenez-vous de Death on two legs, et des petits anecdotes de sa vie et de son caractère. Il n’aurait pas aimé les inégalités
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defensenow · 25 days
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maraboutdjemey · 1 month
Découvrez les Secrets des Jeux de Hasard : Les Mots Magiques du Grand Professeur Djemey Sur la toile, on trouve de nombreuses promesses de pouvoir prédire les numéros gagnants au jeu, mais la vérité est souvent plus nuancée. Certains prétendent pouvoir voir les numéros dans leurs rêves, mais il est rare que ces visions se réalisent au réveil. Cependant, il existe une autre voie : les mots…
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mineaction · 2 months
Beyond Oslo - Taking stock of Gender and Diversity mainstreaming in the Anti-personnel mine ban convention.
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Considering improvements in gender & diversity mainstreaming within mine action?
Our "Beyond Oslo" report analyzes the effectiveness of current strategies & explores potential paths forward.
The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC) is a reference in gender and diversity mainstreaming. In its latest Action Plan, known as the Oslo Action Plan (OAP), APMBC States Parties committed to take a number of practical steps to integrate gender perspectives and the diverse needs and experiences of people in affected communities into all aspects of mine action and programming.
As the OAP enters its final year of implementation, this report provides an overview of the implementation of action points covering gender, diversity, and inclusion, with the intention to assess its impact and reflect on the way forward. Drawing on official reporting and statements made by States Parties, as well as on a survey conducted with key actors in mine action, this report outlines instances of progress achieved regarding gender and diversity mainstreaming, as well as challenges and areas for improvement that could be addressed in the next Action Plan.
Citation: Renata H. Dalaqua, Paula Jou Fuster and Hana Salama (2023) "Beyond Oslo: Taking Stock of Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming in the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention", UNIDIR, Geneva.
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tmarshconnors · 2 months
"When the Royal Air Force flies the sky, it shines like platinum that leads to peace, freedom, and victory."
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TMarsh-Connors host of Angry British Conservative podcast.
Passionate Blogger and Vlogger: TMarsh-Connors is a passionate individual who dedicates their free time to blogging on platforms like Tumblr and DeviantART. Their commitment to both the written word and visual content showcases a multifaceted approach to sharing thoughts and experiences.
Weekly Podcast Host: In addition to blogging, TMarsh-Connors hosts a weekly podcast titled "Angry British Conservative," demonstrating a strong voice in discussing political and social topics. The podcast is available on various platforms such as YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and more, reaching a diverse audience.
Utilizes Written Word and Video: TMarsh-Connors skillfully employs both the power of the written word and video content to convey thoughts, experiences, and insights. This multimedia approach allows for a dynamic and engaging communication style, catering to different audience preferences.
Active Presence on Multiple Platforms: TMarsh-Connors has extended their reach by being present on various platforms, including YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and likely others. This strategic decision enhances the accessibility of their content, making it available to a broader audience across different online spaces.
Shares Personal Perspective as an "Angry British Conservative": The choice of the podcast title, "Angry British Conservative," suggests that TMarsh-Connors takes a bold and unapologetic stance on political matters. This indicates a willingness to share personal perspectives and opinions, contributing to a dialogue on political and social issues.
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Gemini : Le successeur de Google Assistant débarque en France
Le 9 février dernier, Google a officialisé le changement de nom de son IA conversationnelle, Bard, en Gemini. Cette décision vise à harmoniser le nom du modèle avec son homologue interne, LaMDA. Plus qu’un simple changement d’appellation, Google a également lancé une application mobile pour Gemini, promettant de remplacer l’assistant Google actuel. L’application Gemini est actuellement…
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pritchardautobody · 4 months
Storage Company Winnipeg,Winnipeg Self Storage,Moving and Storage Companies,storage facilities winnipeg,winnipeg moving boxes
#When it comes to finding a reliable and secure storage solution in Winnipeg#Bulldog Storage stands out as a premier choice. As a leading storage company in the area#Bulldog Storage offers a range of services that cater to the diverse needs of individuals and businesses. Whether you're in need of Winnipe#moving assistance#or a combination of both#Bulldog Storage has you covered.#Winnipeg Self Storage:#Bulldog Storage takes pride in providing top-notch self-storage solutions for residents and businesses in Winnipeg. Their state-of-the-art#customers can choose the space that perfectly fits their requirements. From short-term storage during a move to long-term storage for seaso#Bulldog Storage offers flexible plans to suit every need.#Moving and Storage Companies:#One of the standout features of Bulldog Storage is its seamless integration of moving and storage services. Moving can be a stressful exper#and Bulldog Storage understands the importance of making the process as smooth as possible. The company offers comprehensive moving and sto#allowing customers to entrust both aspects of their relocation to a single#reliable provider.#Benefits of Choosing Bulldog Storage:#Security: Bulldog Storage prioritizes the safety of your belongings. Their facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art security features#including surveillance cameras#access control systems#and on-site personnel.#Convenience: The convenient location of Bulldog Storage facilities in Winnipeg ensures easy access for customers. With extended access hour#you can retrieve or store your items at a time that suits your schedule.#Variety of Storage Units: Whether you need a small unit for personal items or a larger space for furniture and equipment#Bulldog Storage offers a variety of unit sizes to accommodate your specific needs.#Affordable Pricing: Bulldog Storage believes in transparent and competitive pricing. They offer affordable rates for their storage units an#making quality storage accessible to everyone.#Expert Staff: The Bulldog Storage team consists of experienced and friendly professionals who are ready to assist you throughout the storag#their staff is dedicated to providing excellent customer service.#Conclusion:#If you're in need of a reliable storage company in Winnipeg that goes above and beyond
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alwayswiselight · 3 months
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One of the most horrifying videos on YouTube that appeared in my feed this week was that of US Air Force airman Aaron Bushnell immolating himself just outside the Washington DC Israeli Embassy in protest of the genocide in Gaza. Evidently, he had received orders that he would be assigned along with other US military personnel to assist the Israeli Defense Forces in their so-called war against Hamas. As he stated in his video, he preferred to take this extreme step rather than be complicit in genocide. He was only 25 years old.
Rest in peace Aaron. You are a hero. I hope that your action draws more support in the US to end this heinous slaughter of the indigenous Palestinians by their genocidal oppressors.
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flagstarnursing123 · 10 months
The job responsibility of a certified nursing assistant | certified nursing assistant in Pennsylvania | Flag Star Nursing
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A certified nursing assistant in Pennsylvania (CNA) ‘s primary function is to give essential care to patients and help them with day-by-day exercises. They may experience difficulty doing all alone, for example, washing and getting dressed. Functioning as a CNA also requires quality for actual errands and the craving to support slight, forlorn patients and others battling with sickness and disease.
In case you’re a caring person and appreciate helping other people, this job could be appropriate for you. A certified nursing assistant must have the option to tune in to patients’ interests and pose inquiries to decide their necessities. In nursing or long haul care offices, a CNA is regularly a patient’s principal guardian. The occasion to create individual associations with patients and affect their everyday lives can make this a genuinely compensating vocation.
CNAs also work with clinical technology, such as well-being data programming, billing software, and clinical record graphing programming. Your obligations may likewise incorporate controlling drugs to patients or performing other specific errands, contingent upon your degree of preparation, experience, and state guidelines.
A CNA does everything and sees everything. In-home consideration, a CNA is right around augmentation of the beneficiary’s family, giving friend care just as close to home cleanliness care. CNAs in offices and emergency clinics have comparative duties, however, normally with more engaged assignments to think about different inhabitants in a reasonable way. The individual consideration and association, be that as it may, is essential for the function in all cases.
What Kind of Work Does a CNA Do?
A CNA works under the supervision of a licensed practical nurse, otherwise known as an LPN, or a registered nurse, otherwise known as RN, on the bleeding edge of patient consideration. They ought to have sensational relational abilities since they must carry every single patient concern and issues to their administrator.
The Type of Patient Will Depend on Where You Work
CNAs work with patients and capacities. The sort of patients you help will rely upon where you’re utilized and any specific aptitudes you’ve created. A certified nursing assistant in Pennsylvania frequently works with old or incapacitated patients in nursing homes or private habitations.
In medical clinics, certified nursing assistants are bound to assist a diverse patient populace with a broad scope of necessities. Their patients could be youthful or old and likely recuperating from disease or medical procedure.
While a CNA’s essential job is to meet a patient’s fundamental necessities, you may have numerous different obligations. These will rely upon the clinical status, the conditions of the climate where you work, and the sort of care you’re approved to give.
Education qualification
While you won’t need to procure a higher education to fill in as a CNA, you’ll need a secondary school confirmation or GED and formal preparation that remembers study hall guidance for understanding consideration and active clinical preparation. Instructive prerequisites fluctuate by state, so you need to make sure that you take a state-affirmed program for CNAs in the state where you intend to work.
A few emergency clinics and nursing homes offer CNA classes to new workers, which you might have the option to take for nothing and save money on preparing.
Those who want to help people and support them, CNA could be the right profession for them. Just make sure that you do all your CNA duties properly, and you will be alright.
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(not so) friendly reminder that a non-exaustive list of war crimes that isreal has committed is:
Wilful killing
Torture or inhumane treatment, including biological experiments
Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health
Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly
Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking part in direct hostilities
Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects which are non-military
Intentionally directing attacks against humanitarian assistance
Intentionally launching an attack knowing that it will cause loss of life, injury or harm to civilians or civil properties
Intentionally launching an attack knowing it will cause significant damage to the natural environment without necessity
Attacking or bombarding, by whatever means, towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives
Intentionally directing attacks against buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science, charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals, and places where the wounded are collected, assuming they are not military objectives
Employing asphyxiating, poisonous, or other gasses, and all analogous liquids, materials or devices
Employing weapons, projectiles, and material and methods or warfare which are of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering
Intentionally directing attacks against buildings, material, medical units and transport and personnel
Intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival
If you still think this is isreal defending itself, you're ignoring the signs. This is a genocide. These are war crimes. More than 25,000 civilians have been murdered. This is not okay.
For all the people asking me for a source, here is a list:
Any of Bisan's videos/writings. There are so many people on the ground in Gaza who are documenting this. Stay safe and stay educated
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saatrust · 1 year
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Supporting Education
We assemble resources that aid the path of a kid throughout education and afterward in every way. Through knowledgeable assistance, motivating personnel, and innovative equipment, we create promising prospects.
Hundreds of institutions rely on us to deliver innovative ideas, specialised counsel, and on-the-ground managerial services. The businesses we collaborate with Educational Financial Solutions, Judicium Learning, and Absolutely Educational provide programmes that are efficient, valuable, and aid in raising student achievement.
For additional details, go to the official website of the website where we handle company.
Contact: +91-99862-65214 visit : https://saatrust.com/
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mineaction · 2 months
Enable states to assess and strengthen national capacities against improvised explosive devices.
Explosive hazards have profound effects on communities and development. The UNIDIR C-IED tool enables states to assess and strengthen national capacities against improvised explosive devices.Together, we can protect our communities and build peace.
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