#Anti Finn Hudson
sapphic-agent · 4 months
Finn Hudson's cover of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
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Violates my eardrums✔️
Used to justify outing his lesbian classmate✔️
Branch's cover of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
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Voice like an angel's✅
Used to convey pure love✅
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cryscendo · 5 months
not to be controversial but i got something to say!!!
i don’t think it was wrong for kurt to have had crushes on sam and finn (aka crushes in straight guys). there’s this weird thing that people (mostly on other social media spaces) that criminalize kurt for having a crush. and i could go into how people don’t have the same sentiment when blaine had a crush on sam, but that’s not what this is about so i won’t discuss it here.
kurt was a teenager who wanted to be desired the way that everyone else at his school was. him having a crush on a straight guy who was kinda nice to him is no different than if a girl had done the same thing.
i think this goes especially so in the case for finn. yeah, we can discuss all day about how he was “going way too far” with it, sure. but in a universe when every single main character has done something kinda egregious, i feel like that point loses its weight. the show shined a light heavily on how finn was uncomfortable with it, which is honestly more of a problem with finn than kurt in that regard (s1 and s2 finn had a homophobia streak like lets be kinda honest here). but bc finn was our main character, we were sort of supposed to sympathize with his discomfort. but in doing so, it causes a less media literate viewer to villainize kurt in the process
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"Rachel Berry was the worst character on Glee!!" really?? really and truly?? I need you to be more sensitive, here. Finn Hudson was there too. don't take that away from him. he has nothing else.
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snixx · 7 months
finn hudson is such a piece of shit. it's really not that hard to just. not say slurs. not be homophobic. not be a hypocrite and a cheater. not hate every dude who threatens your masculinity by *checks notes* existing. not out people. not be misogynistic. not center all your life decisions around popularity and being horny with no respect for other people's autonomy. not be ableist. not be a condescending little ass prick -
finn is the embodiment of everything wrong with today's men fight me. my expectations for this man are literally the bare minimum and he somehow can't even meet those...sounds familiar...
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tophsazulas · 1 month
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Like I lost my twin
Fuck it if I can't have him
Finchel - Down Bad (Taylor Swift)
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gleekidshooray · 1 year
The way Puck noticed that Rachel would lick her lips before cleaning up if she was slushied with grape, but her literal boyfriend (supposed soulmate) didn’t remember she was vegan. And fed her meat. 😐
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angelhummel · 2 years
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Glee + Reductress Headlines (81/?)
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inlovewith-icecream · 2 years
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PSA; apparently Finn wasn’t being a homophobic jerk when he outed Santana to all of Ohio he was just being helpful.
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Update; They blocked me. Because of course they did. They’d rather believe I’m the problem instead of admitting they were being ignorant.
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sapphic-agent · 3 months
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In case you were wondering where I stood with any of these characters.
(Yes, Catra is in the middle. She gets her own category because I have complicated feelings about her)
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cryscendo · 3 months
#yall are delusional#i have SO much beef with duets idcccccc#i’m not about to pretend that i don’t#one of the homophobia eps of all time and i’ll say that!!!
literally literally literallyyyy. let me second that with my whole heart. once upon a time about 3 years ago i decided to put on a random lil fun glee episode and picked duets and i ended up with so much hate in my heart lmao. mostly for finn. it fucking sucks and made me mad and also just sad for kurt
also river deep mountain high is overrated, just to keep being controversial lol. but its my truth
im looking up "anti finn hudson" on my blog archive and the whole month of october 2020 is just about 2x04 alksjfsdlkfs
i feel youuuuuuuuu!!!
and i think that i realize now that people think fondly of finn bc of cory. but i feel like its important to separate cory from finn when it comes to perception of the two of them. we as a society should be smart enough to know that cory and finn are NOT the same people
also i just hate that they basically put exactly ONE banger in the ep (le jazz hot) and expect us to forgive for every other atrocity that happened in the ep
like how can people TRULY watch finn be homophobic on sam’s behalf towards his own brother and be okay with it???? “No means no” but finn is the only one actually saying no in this equation. like how did they frame an entire ep around making kurt feel bad about liking a boy. (though i shouldn’t be surprised they love doing that)
it feels honestly like sometimes, finn wants to erase every kindness that anyone ever shows kurt
i’m with you on the duets beef foreverrrrrr
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hevanderson · 5 months
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1) finn you are not the nice guy you think you are and you oftentimes do not just do nice things, and 2) carole mom of the century
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what I find fascinating about Finn's, "overcoming homophobia," arc is that at no point in the story does he actually show that he's changed in any real way. in season one, when he's in the basement angrily shouting homophobic slurs at Kurt, we're meant to see this as a moment of growth for him. we're meant to see Burt's, "don't say slurs," speech to him immediately after this as a lesson well paid. we're meant to see him standing up to Kurt's bully the next day as our ultimate proof that Finn Hudson, while incredibly flawed, is an ultimately good person who wants to put in the work to be better. except... that's not what we're actually shown. we're shown Finn beginning that journey, sure, but he never does more than that.
in season two, Sam Evans joins the Glee Club. when Kurt asks Sam to be his duet partner, Finn takes great issue with this. Sam, notably, does not. he's a bit taken aback by Kurt's forwardness, but he's willing and ready to sing with him, because Kurt is talented, and Sam likes him. Finn, however, takes this unconventional duet pairing to mean that Kurt must've forced Sam into a situation that he didn't really want to be in. Kurt doesn't know how to take no for an answer, and yes, Finn was wrong to call him that slur back in season one, but Kurt had a crush on him and he went about it inappropriately at times, so can you really say that Finn was in the wrong? he goes behind Kurt's back to Sam and says, "you can't sing with him; you're both guys." Sam says, "I didn't realize you had a problem with gay dudes." Finn flounders. ultimately, this attempt to break up the duo works. Kurt, worried that maybe he is taking advantage of a sweet, unsuspecting straight boy, backs out of the duet, and Finn leaves the situation not only being proven right, but having further pushed an already bullied and othered kid deeper into ostracization. talk Valentina, I guess.
in season three, Finn stops whipping out his sexy little bag of slurs (for a moment, at least) and trades it in for a savior complex, because guess who comes to the rescue when our favorite lesbian, Santana Lopez, is cruelly outed by one of her supposed friends!
oh, wait? what was that? you said- you said that Finn was the one to out her in the first place? oh, okay, hold on-
Finn was the one to out her in first place! after screaming that she was a coward that needed to come out of the closet in the middle of a crowded hallway during passing period, she's outed to the state of Ohio in a conservative campaign commercial (with a lovely little picture of her attached, in case we accidentally mistook her for a different head cheerleader on Sue Sylvester's cheer squad). this incident is of course treated with the incredible care that it deserves, and Finn immediately apologizes and takes accountability for what he did-
sorry, what was that? oh, he- he didn't do that? okay, give me a second-
actually, no he doesn't! he doesn't do any of that! our favorite queer ally just blackmails Santana into temporarily joining the Glee Club because he thinks that she might kill herself, and he doesn't want her to do that because he lost his virginity to her, and then him and the rest of the Glee Club sing at her about being queer (kind of, they couldn't even do that part right) for a week.
anyway. not to, "the narrative," my way through the rest of this post, but the narrative always tried to frame the events leading up to Finn's actions in a way that allowed him to seem justified when he inevitably did something bigoted. yes, he shouted slurs at a gay kid, but come on, he wasn't solely in the wrong; Kurt was being creepy, and he was coming on to Finn too strongly! yes, he manipulated Kurt into dissolving his partnership with Sam, but he only did it because he wanted to protect Sam from the school's ridicule; and really, Kurt is quite forward. yes, he outed a lesbian in small town, conservative Ohio before she was ready to come out, but she was constantly insulting him and making horrible comments about his appearance and his weight. Finn was consistently allowed to get away with the horrible things that he did to others, specifically queer people, because it could all reasonably be held under the umbrella of, "well, he's still a good person; he's just flawed!" that's the funny thing about being a good person, though; you have to actually be good. Finn was never too great at that part.
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tuiyla · 2 years
What disgusts me even more than Finn’s framing when he’s cruel to people is how certain viewers eat it up wholesale and accept the show’s excuses, even justifications.
He yells a slur at Kurt and is overall homophobic even in season 2 but Kurt was kind of “predatory” towards him so it’s not like he was innocent, either.
He reveals Quinn’s pregnancy to her extreme Christian conservative parents who promptly disown her but it’s okay because she was lying about him being the father, anyway.
He outs Santana is a cold and calculated speech but she was being a huge bitch to him so she kind of had it coming, no?
He takes Quinn’s agency away again when he throws a hissy fit about her “being able to walk and faking using a wheelchair” (read: she can sort of stand now, shortly after her near fatal accident) and he even goes to physically drag a wheelchair user out of her chair, but don’t you think Quinn was being duplicitous and shallow, anyway? She dragged poor Finnie away from his one true love to pursue Prom Queen, surely that’s vile on the same level as assaulting a disabled person.
Time and time again he fucks up really bad but the other person dared to be flawed on a much less serious level so Finn wasn’t all that bad after all. All because he always has some sort of privilege against the other person and he uses that to his advantage mercilessly. Homophobia towards Kurt, first his male privilege then his abled privilege against Quinn, using knowledge about Santana’s sexuality against her because he knows she can’t possibly have a comeback to that. It’s frankly vile, much more so than anything those other three have done. More than that, it’s a pattern. It’s not a one-off fault in the writing; not a bug but a feature.
And like I said, it’s the fans who buy this no questions asked that disgust me. You can like Finn; I honestly love that for you. But for the love of god think critically bout what we’re being fed about this white hero boy and the people whom he’d tangibly hurt.
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brittanagirlcrush · 1 year
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Brittany is beyond pissed at Finn. Her face says it all. (IKAG as Finn is justifying "Lady Music Week"). If she wasn't anti-violence she'd be going all Lima Heights on his dumbass.
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tophsazulas · 2 years
I did a thing
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