#Another fun and chill year at San Diego Comic Con
tio-trile · 11 months
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Some AWESOME TLT cosplay I saw at SDCC -- Ft. me as Nona
(I didn't get any of these cosplayers' handles so if you recognize any of them lmk and I'll be glad to update with credit!)
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backtothestart02 · 3 years
A Weekend of Firsts - 1/? | grandice fanfiction
A/N: Part 1 of my On Set Attraction series (for now). This one will be 2-3 chaps. Not sure yet. For the anon that requested an sdcc hook-up. I hope you enjoy this first part.
Synopsis: Grant and Candice get together.
Chapter 1 -
SDCC 2014.
The first real large-scale event that The Flash cast attended in preparation for the upcoming season one of their show.
San Diego Comic Con.
Candice was starry-eyed. It had been her first time attending SDCC as someone featured and not just an audience member. She’d secretly attended just for enjoyment’s sake once years earlier, but she wasn’t about to spill that. She was a little embarrassed about how nerdy she’d been, dressing up in cosplay and everything. She was putting that behind her. Now she was a real celebrity – or she was about to be.
Glancing back at Grant on the bus, she felt her cheeks grow hot and quickly turned around. She’d thought to look over to him because he, too, had never attended SDCC as part of a featured cast, but his eyes and his smile had gotten the best of her, and she hadn’t been able to maintain eye contact.
What was the matter with her? She wondered, but it was no secret to herself why her heart started racing and heat filled her cheeks whenever she caught that sexy grin of his.
She had a crush. A big one.
He was single, so it’s not like if she acted on it there would be bad fallout. But it might affect their chemistry onset, which to hear it, was some of the best the casting director had ever seen.
Electric. Show-stopping. Edge-of-your seat. Magical.
She couldn’t risk losing that by confessing her feelings. And besides, she didn’t even know if he felt the same way. His rejection of her alone might affect their chemistry if they couldn’t get past that awkward moment.
No, she was better off keeping this little crush to herself and hopefully getting over it, sooner rather than later hopefully.
She tried to find reasons not to fantasize about what the two of them together romantically might look like. She honestly did. She tried to find flaws in him. Real, honest-to-God flaws that could make her see him more as a friend than a crush.
But it was just so God damn hard.
He was such a flirt, and he focused most of his efforts of her. He’d deliberately run into things to gauge her reaction, and he’d tease her relentlessly. He was funny too, so funny that she found herself laughing long after everyone else had stopped. She’d thought he would think oddly of her for that, but when their eyes met after she’d stopped, he was only ever smiling at her, as if nothing existed for him outside of her.
They shared similar interests too – well, except for the ongoing Superman vs. Batman debate. That would probably never end. But they both loved dogs and video games. She had a few potted plants in her trailer that sometimes she’d come back to see him watering. And his two dogs, Jett and Nora, took to her right away.
They gravitated to each other easily when alone, and his first instinct was to slow dance with her in between takes. She never led him on or tried to get his attention one way or the other. He always came looking for it.
And sometimes, occasionally, she’d catch him checking out her cleavage or her ass when she knew he thought she was unaware. It made her wonder if maybe, just maybe, he had a thing for her too?
But she never brought it up and neither did he. The cast couldn’t be completely oblivious to their connection though. She hoped they never brought it up to anybody. The last thing she needed was for people to think she was getting attention simply because the leading man was giving it to her.
She was the leading lady though, so was it that hard to believe?
She kept herself in check as best as she could, however. And when the bus finally arrived and they filed out, she made herself focus on what the itinerary of the day was. Well, for the first day it was pretty low key. They just needed to check into the hotel and attend a couple low key events. The real slew of interviews and panels and photoshoots, autographs and more would take place over the next couple days.
Paparazzi lined the walkway, as did some fans who had heard about the show. If they got renewed for another season, she imagined the fans would multiply at events like this. Not that she was hoping for that or even needed it. She was just amazed – still – that she had gotten the part. Her talent and her chemistry with Grant had sealed the deal. She couldn’t be happier.
Once inside the hotel, they got their keys and made their way to their floor. Candice stopped at her door and was about to slide her key in when she heard Grant call out to her.
“Hey, we’re neighbors?”
She smiled tremulously and called back, “Yeah, cool!”
She rolled her eyes at herself and got into her suite. She lay on the bed for a while, then peeked outside at the view she had. A busy street. Not the best, but they were in busy San Diego. What did she expect?
She stepped into her bathroom and turned on the shower. Setting out her clothes for the first event, she stripped down, went under the glorious hot water and soaked herself. After she was thoroughly wrinkled, she washed up, then shut off the water, dried herself off, and proceeded to get ready for their night of events.
She hadn’t thought twice when champagne was offered to her at the first event or the second. She didn’t think she was anywhere near tipsy by the time the after party came around, but she did notice one thing.
Grant was flirting more than usual, and she was flirting back.
Her heated cheeks a faint memory, and her heart racing nothing to the sound of glasses clinking and toasts being made at their first day of SDCC being completed successfully.
Candice couldn’t stop smiling.
She didn’t know where the rest of the cast had gone. They’d all arrived together at the party. But now it was just her and Grant and other people they didn’t know who probably didn’t really know them, what with their show not having aired yet. It was nice to be somewhat anonymous and just having fun without a care.
Minutes ticked away into hours though, and when she looked around she noticed that the place was starting to empty.
She tugged on Grant’s arm and pulled him down to her to whisper into his ear.
“Think we should go?” she giggled helplessly, and he grinned, that sexy smile of his so close to her cheek.
Was it just her or she was getting more drunk and he was getting more sober?
“Yeah, good idea!” he declared, smiling brilliantly.
He leaned across the bar to ask the bartender to call them a cab, even though he had his phone in his pocket. Candice giggled at that but decided not to inform him of his slip-up.
“Do you have money?” she teased, yanking on his arm again and pulling him close.
Grant grinned shamelessly.
“Should I ask him for that too?” He turned toward the bartender. “Hey, dude!”
“No, no, no, shhhh!” She couldn’t stop laughing. “He didn’t mean it! He didn’t mean it!”
The bartender continued his call and then gestured towards the door when he was finished. Looping arms, Grant and Candice stumbled slightly on their way out and promptly informed the driver where they were headed. They couldn’t remember the address, but the guy knew his way around the city and was aware of where they were staying.
Candice decided then and there that she wasn’t the only one bordering on drunk instead of tipsy. Grant just did a better job of looking like he was sober. But she was too far from sober to care what he thought about her behavior. Her insecurities were gone.
After paying the driver – miraculously – Grant helped her out of the cab and they fumbled some more getting into the hotel lobby, the elevator, and finally falling out of it when they got to their floor.
“Want to come to my room?” he asked teasingly, raising his eyebrows suggestively. She couldn’t tell if he was joking.
“Sure!” she burst, and skipped down the hall with him, her arm still looped through his when he got his hotel room opened and they struggled to walk inside at the same time.
Finally they unlooped from each other and burst into the room.
“Ooo, this room looks nice,” she commented, taking a gigantic breath. “Looks just like my room!” She giggled profusely again.
He snickered.
“We can go to your room tomorrow!” he declared, and she nodded enthusiastically.
“Yes! Yes! Aaaand…yes!”
She fell back on the large king-sized bed in the room and stared up at the ceiling. She was shocked to find her reflection staring back at her.
“You have a mirror on your ceiling.” She pouted.
He came to lie next to her after nearly tripping out of his shoes.
“You don’t have one in yours?” he asked, turning to face her.
She turned her head to face him and shook it.
“Uh-uh,” she said, and then made the mistake of dropping her gaze to his lips for a little too long.
“Candice,” he said, and he sounded really sober then it nearly sobered her up.
“Uh-oh.” She sat up quickly. Too quickly. Her head hurt. “Need more alcohol.”
She curled up and off the bed and opened the minifridge in his room where some chilled beers were located.
“Want one?” She held one out to him.
“Okay,” he said.
She grabbed another one for her and handed both to him.
“Can’t open. Too hard.”
She plopped back down on the bed.
He definitely had to be sobering up, because he easily opened both.
“Think we’ll get alcohol poisoning?” she wondered aloud.
He held the beer out to her and hesitated to drink his own. She didn’t though and so he just shook his head and laughed.
“You are the best person I’ve ever met,” he said, setting both their beers on the table.
“Oh, wow. That is really great!” She placed her hands on either side of his head. “I’ve got a crush on you,” she informed him.
“Yeah?” He sounded breathless.
She nodded enthusiastically.
“Biggest crush ever!”
“Me too,” he said back, and it really didn’t register until he leaned in and kissed her without warning.
When he pulled back slowly after she’d responded just a little, he looked deep into her eyes.
“You’re not as drunk as I am,” she accused.
He winced. “I just hold my liquor better.”
She pouted, then got a little angry.
“Were you pretending to be drunk so I’d feel better?”
She felt her insecurities rising and wondered if this was a different kind of drunk.
“No!” he insisted. “I was just being silly, having fun. Sometimes it looks like I’m drunk when I’m just having fun.”
She leaned back on the bed till her head was nestled nicely on top of two pillows.
“Do you regret coming to my room?” he asked, lightly brushing some of her locks out of her face, dipping his fingers down across her collar bone and along the column of her neck.
He slipped one strap of her dress down her arm to reveal more of her cleavage and then stopped, looking at her looking at him.
“Do you want me to stop?” he asked, his voice raspy, and she shook her head.
She reached up for him and pulled his face down to hers. Then she kissed him passionately and arched up against him as he climbed on top of her. She allowed his tongue entrance into her mouth and wound her fingers into his spiked, messy hair. His body felt incredible on top of hers, and she wound her legs around his, letting the skirt of her dress hike itself up.
When his hand landed on her bare thigh, she moaned into his mouth, then tipped back her head to give him access to her neck.
“Fuck, Candice, you’re gorgeous.”
She moaned louder when he found the sweet spot on her neck and sucked.
“That feels so good. Keep doing that.”
She bit her bottom lip, feeling her core soak itself through her barely-there panties.
She reached around his back, sunk her fingers into his covered ass, and pressed her body up against his, seeking more.
Then, as if he’d never been there at all, Grant lifted himself off of her and got off the bed. He retrieved a water from the mini fridge and drank half of it.
Candice propped herself up on her elbows.
“What’s wrong?”
He laughed to himself, then turned around.
“You’re drunk.”
“I’m sobering up.” She hiccuped.
He came to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Yeah, but I’m not drunk at all. Not really. And I’m not going to take advantage of you.”
Her eyes widened.
“But I may not want this in the morning! I mean, I may not let myself want it.”
He wrapped a hand around the back of his neck.
“That’s just a risk I’m going to have to take.”
He got up and held out his hand to her.
“Come on, I’ll take you back to your room.”
She was annoyed, more than annoyed. She was intensely irritated.
But more than both of those things, another feeling rose up inside of her.
“Oh, God.”
She quick ran off the bed and went into Grant’s bathroom to vomit into his toilet. When she was done, she could barely stand up.
Grant wet a washcloth and wiped her mouth before gathering her into his arms and taking her down the hall to her room. He tucked her into bed, went to leave and then stopped when he heard her sigh loudly. He turned back to look at the sad expression on her face and braced himself for the words that would follow.
“I suck.” She huffed. “Don’t I?”
“No,” he said. “You don’t suck.” He managed the tiniest smile. “Goodnight, Candice. I’ll see you in the morning.”
He shut the door behind him before she could answer, and she spoke her reply to the darkness.
She paused.
“I suck.”
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subtlehysteria · 6 years
I’m busy watching the Jeremy stream so here’s a “basic” summary as I go along
Question 1: What would each of the paladins get Lance for his birthday?
Pidge - a new video game
Shiro - something practical like a new weapon
Allura - handmade Altean necklace
Hunk - he’s birthday cake duty because he’s the best chef in the universe
Coran - some weird disgusting Altean treat
Keith - “not really affectionate” so his presence would probably be enough
Question 2: What would Lance and the paladins do for his birthday? 
Lance is “all about himself” so probably throw a big-ass birthday bash, maybe go back to the mermaid planet and hang out there, or any water-related planet because Lance is a surfer/beach boy. Overall just have a beach party
Question 3: Do the paladins ever wash their clothes seeing as they only have one outfit each?
Yeah, they have to have had some kinda washer/dryer on the castle or maybe they just have seven copies of the same outfit, or maybe Altean tech is so advanced your clothes are washed and dried in 2 seconds. But yeah, they don’t have a change of clothes
Question 4: If Finn (Jeremy’s other character from Adventure Time) and Lance had to switch places what would their reactions be?
Finn would kinda be like woah, what is happening but then pick up a sword and go for it because there’s evil that needs to be dealt with. Lance would probably deal with it worse because he wouldn’t like things changing suddenly and things being out of hand for no reason. He’s comfortable with his life and the people he’s around so he’d probably be a little more freaked out.
Question 5: Which character would Lance play as in SuperSmash Bros and Mario Kart?
For SuperSmash: Link (that’s also who Jeremy plays as) and for Mario Kart: maybe Mario. (Jeremy likes playing as Toad)
Question 6: (this is a long one so gonna try to condense it) What’s the sitch with Lance’s dad and did Lance try and step up as a role model for his younger siblings? How did this affect his interactions with the rest of the team?
Jeremy is “pretty sure” Lance’s dad is still in the picture (welp) and that he probably has a lot of little siblings/nieces/nephews who looked up to him. He’s always wanted to try to be responsible and seen as a role model. This also affects how he treats everyone else as well as his personality, how he's always like “Hey, look I can do it!”.
His definite character arc is him starting out as a little immature and wanting to be The GuyTM but throughout the show, we see that Lance is capable and does have a sense of responsibility. He ends up being very loyal and realises that other people are better leaders at times. He’s learning to know when to follow and when to lead.
We’ll get to see how Lance interacts with his family in season 7 and 8 (!!!). We’re gonna see another side to him. We’ll get to see another side to a lot of characters, their more fun, sensitive and casual sides around their families and loves ones.
Question 7: What was your favourite thing to do at comic con?
The Adventure Time and Voltron panels were scheduled at the same time so Jeremy pretty much Naratu ran to the Voltron panel halfway through. He enjoyed seeing the Star Wars stuff and also riding around San Diego on a moped (whilst trying not to knock people off the sidewalk. Jeremy please honey, wear a helmet)
Question 8: How would each Paladin react to Lance’s birthday. Would he even mention it?
The team takes the small moments to chill. Off-screen there’s probably been a lot of downtime being spent in boredom. They’d probably have a party, cake the whole shebang. It also depends on whether they have a mission. Keith would probably say happy birthday. They don’t have a bad relationship, they’re all friends, practically family. “Probably get a little Keith nod like hey, happy birthday” (imagine Jeremy attempting a Keith impression its adorable). That’s all that Keith would say. He’s “a man of few words”.
Question 9: Lance has always kinda been the second choice, starting with only bumping up to fighter class when Keith got expelled. Will he ever get the chance to be someone’s first choice and not a rebound?
In some areas, Lance has been the first choice e.g. the first paladin of new to pilot the Blue Lion. As he grows as a person he’s become more dependable. Going forward, people would choose him for different types of missions. “I think he’s gonna be somebody’s first choice, not just a rebound. He’s a funny guy, a good-looking funny dude, he’s got lots of skills so yeah, he’d be someone’s first choice. Heck yeah!” (insert adorable smile)
Question 10: if the members from Make Out Monday (Jeremy’s band) were paladins which lions would they pilot and why?
Zack - Black Lion, he has a good vision for everything, the backbone, creative and smart, “the leader”
Jeremy would still pilot red. He’s the right-hand man kinda guy
Seth - probably pilot yellow, he’s the drummer, he holds everything together
John - maybe the green lion. He’s smart, has to be precise with his guitar solos
Question 11: We’ve seen Lance isolating himself a lot by playing video games and training alone. Will he have some time to bond with any of his teammates like Keith or the Real Shiro? And will there be any Garrison flashbacks for Lance like there was for Keith in season 6?
This season as they’re travelling back, there’s gonna have to stick together. They’re gonna be cramped and having to spend a loooot of time with each other whether they want to or not, so some of the comedy will come from that. There’s a lack of resources since they no longer have the caslte, so they need to bond with each other and become a tight-knit group again. There’s gonna be interactions “with Real Shiro, Keith (now that he’s back), Allura, pretty much everybody.”
As far as flashback go, there are a lot of flashbacks with Shiro and Keith. There are flashbacks with a few of the characters, whether they feature a lot or a little Jeremy can’t say. Jeremy can’t really remember off the top of his head. You will at least get to see Lance with his family a lot when they get back to Earth.
Question 12: Out of everyone on the team, who takes Lance the most seriously? Who would give him the strength and room to grow into who he truly is? Who do you think is the best person to help him realise his full potential?
Shiro is a good leader and can see potential in all of his teammates, even if they and others don’t see that themselves. He would be a good candidate to help Lance see his strengths and hidden abilities and help him grow. And as Keith becomes more of a leader, he’ll start getting some of those leaderly qualities as well. Allura as well will also be a really close friend to help Lance reach his full potential and visa versa.
Question 13: Have you learnt more about Cuba since voicing Lance?
Jeremy’s tried to expand his knowledge on Cuba. He thinks their food is awesome and loves the culture.
Question 14: What drew you to Lance as a character and made you want to be his voice?
He’s a very fun character, to have funny one-liner’s and be the comic relief somtimes is great and its a blast to make the rest of the cast/crew laugh. He was attracted to the project because it was Dreamworks, Netflix and also the makers of ATLA and LoK which he loved watching. He looked at the profile and was like “Yeah, I can do this. He’s basically Space Sokka soooo”
Question 15: What would Lance’s favourite meme be?
“Lance is like a living meme.” “Probably anything that has stupid flirty cheesy humour”, or the Drake meme (that’s Jeremy’s favourite as well)
Question 16: What song would Lance sing to impress a significant other?
One of his favourite songs is Sexy Back by Justin Timblerlake (Jeremy why), but he would probably sing something more like a serenade song. All Of Me by John Legend is a great song, so if he tried to impress someone that would be it.
Question 18: Seeing as the paladins have been in space for at least a year, do you think Lance’s family have stopped looking for him/think he is dead? How did Lance and Hunk’s family find out they were missing? Did the Garrison send them a message or was it through a newscast?
People have definitnely noticed they’re gone. Both Hunk and Lance’s families are very loving and caring, so they’d continue to search for Lance and Hunk until they got a definite answer, they probably don’t assume they’re dead.
They probably would have gotten a message from the Garrison.
Question 19: What was your favourite song you wrote for Make Out Monday (Jeremy’s band)?
His favourite to write was Bullet For Your Sweetheart and Kissaphobic (both are really awesome, they’re definintely worth a listen!)
Question 20: Have you watched Voltron in any other langauge? Seeing as every voice actor for the different dubs has their own version of Lance, if you had to meet any of the other Lances, what would you ask them?
Voicing the character, you have to have a good understanding of them and what they would like/think of things so that when you peform the lines they feel more natural. You also work with the writing team and creators because they also have their own ideas of who the character is, its very much a collaboration.
Jeremy’s never met anyone who’s played the dubbed versions of his characters. He heard a Finn dub the one time and its interesting to hear how they interepted his voice.
He thinks the most interesting question to ask would be what their first impression was when they heard his performance.
Question 21: Would you associate any Singing At Last songs with Lance? What songs would you attribute to Lance?
Jeremy’s favourite song is Turning Page. He doesn’t really know any other songs so he asked the questioner what she would reccomend. She answered Venus and Mercury (she was really sweet). 
Question 22: If you were stuck out in space without a fast way back to Earth, what would you do on your trip back?
First off he’d panic, but hopefully try get some communications device to let people know he’s alive like, “Houstin there’s a problem, I’m stuck in space.” If he couldn’t figure out a way to get home, he’d make the best of it, settle down on a nice planet, enjoy the local delicacies. He reccomends trying to crash down on a beach planet and hand out with the locals. 
FINALE - everyone from the livestream sang happy birthday to Lance (there was a bit of a time delay but its the thought that counts!)
Jeremy’s parting words: I never cease to be amazed by the passion and love you have for all the shows I get to be a part of, the characters and me as a person. I’m really thankful to have such great fans and that you love the work that I do. If it was not for you guys I wouldn’t be able to do the work that I do. So I’m very thankful for you guys and I think you guys are just awesome. You guys make me happy and put a smile on my face and you guys are just a great bunch so thank you.”
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comicsbeat · 6 years
  There may be fewer lines and parties but there will still be big giant WB-themed bags at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con. And collectible pins as well. Which one will YOU get? The official SDCC illo is pretty handsome all on its own:
Details of the WB both – with Constantine, Lego, rabbits, horror and other exciting thing you will wait in line for announced. Details below.
  Warner Bros. and Comic-Con® have teamed up once again, with the Studio to provide the official bags of SDCC for the ninth year in a row. For 2018, Warner Bros. brings fans 18 different bag designs featuring fan-favorite returning series plus the highly anticipated upcoming Castle Rock and Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, as well as four feature films and two bags dedicated to DC Entertainment. And for the second year in a row, each bag will come with a unique collector’s pin, with 12 DC character designs for 2018.
Fans donning their cool carriers at the convention center can also make their way to the Warner Bros. booth on the convention floor (#4545), which boasts interactive elements perfect for photo-ops, including the wings of the fallen angel Lucifer as a nod of appreciation to the show’s passionate fans (#LuciferSaved); the mouth of aMegalodon shark to stand inside; a life-sized rabbit inspired by San Diego’s historic Rabbitville district; and LEGO® gaming kiosks for everyone’s inner child.
Fans can grab their bags when checking in at the show. The have-to-have-it hold-all is the perfect size for all their Con swag.
The SDCC bags, produced for the studio by I.D. Me Promotions, will feature the following series and movies:
  Warner Bros. Television series Arrow, Black Lightning, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Krypton, Supergirl, Supernatural, and the highly anticipated upcoming Chilling Adventures of Sabrina for Netflix and Castle Rock for Hulu
 Warner Bros. Animation’s DC Super Hero Girls and Young Justice: Outsiders, along with Warner Bros. Animation/Blue Ribbon Content’s Constantine: City of Demons
Upcoming feature films include Aquaman, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, The Meg and Teen Titans GO! to the Movies.
Additionally, DC Entertainment will be featured on two bags, with one bag celebrating 80 years of Superman in DC’s comic pages and another devoted to the upcoming DC UNIVERSE digital service.
The exclusive collector’s pins are manufactured by FanSets for the second year in a row, and they will feature both DC Super Heroes and Super-Villains.
This year’s pins from both film and television include Arrow, Aquaman, Batman, Black Lightning, Catwoman, The Flash, Harley Quinn, Joker, Martian Manhunter, Nightwing, Superman and Wonder Woman.
Fans can get a larger-than life experience at the Warner Bros. booth (#4545), which provides a fun, immersive environment inspired by celebrated series, upcoming films and more. Warner Bros. autograph signings will also take place in the booth.
Lucifer fans will have a heavenly — and devilish — time with life-sized, photo-friendly wings flown in from the City of Angels as a divine treat for the devoted fans who helped keep Lucifer alive. #LuciferSaved
It’s game time, as parents and kids alike can enjoy LEGO® gaming kiosks.
Brave fans can step inside the virtual mouth of the ferocious megalodon ahead of the premiere of The Meg, the upcoming action-horror film featuring the 75-foot-long prehistoric shark that’s been missing for 2.5 million years.
Fans having a good hare day can snap a picture with Warner Bros. Television’s “Hop, Hop, and Away!” rabbit statue, which is part of the Rabbitville public art installation which combines the history of San Diego’s Rabbitville district (now the Gaslamp Quarter) with some of the most recognizable heroes from the DC Universe.
Con-goers who hope to participate in autograph signings must visit Comic-Con.org/CCI to submit their interest via the Exclusive Signings Portal. WBTVG follows Comic-Con’s ticket drawing/wristband distribution procedure.
SDCC ’18: Warner Bros. reveals the big bags we ‘ll be lugging around There may be fewer lines and parties but there will still be big giant WB-themed bags at this year's San Diego Comic-Con.
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
San Diego Parties → Granielle
TITLE: San Diego Parties CHARACTER(S): Danielle Panabaker and Grant Gustin @theflashgrant SETTING: San Diego, California on July 22nd, 2017 CONTENT RATING: PGSUMMARY: Grant and Danielle spend a little time together at an after party during San Diego Comic Con.
Danielle breathed out a sigh of relief. The whole day had been a hit with just running around rampantly from one interview to the next and she felt like she couldn't breathe at times. That was the nature of Comic-Con. There was so much to do at once and so little time to appreciate all of it. Right afterwards would be even more stressful. It was just enough time for her to get out of her dress that she wore that morning and change into the party that would be happening that night. However, right now she was more inclined to just take a breather backstage. There was still a mess and chaos about switching from one show to the next, but at least she would be able to take that small break and collect herself. In the meantime, she went straight to their handler who were offering bottles of water and maneuvered her way right towards her husband, instantly feeling the stress of the day releasing from her frame after wrapping both arms around his waist. She was still holding onto water, which made it awkward with the angle, but the relief that she was feeling couldn't tear her away from Grant. "Hi", she whispered out to him and rubbed her nose against his shirt. "I feel like we haven't been together all day today. So weird."
Grant had always felt overwhelmed dealing with Comic Con, having to do so many interviews and going from place to place. He felt so disconnected from his wife and of course his daughter who was with his mother all day so once it was finally over, he was happy to head back to the hotel to just chill. They had wrapped up their panel and everyone was starting to make their way out and back to the bus to head back to their hotel rooms, something Grant was grateful for. He didn't know if they would be going back out to a party or not but right now Grant was just trying to catch his breath, sipping on some water when he felt someone wrap their arms around his waist. "Hi," he smiled, placing his hands on top of Danielle's. "I know, we were really only next to each other for like two things," he sighed. "Sucks when it's like this but it is what it is, right?"
Danielle still had her nose buried into Grant's shirt as time went on, listening to him talk and nodding when appropriate. She usually didn't mind work functions like this, knowing it was difficult to navigate and she'd never have the time or the luck to sit next to him all the time; but it was just tedious and tiring on her emotionally more so that she couldn't be there for him or rely on him when things got too overwhelming. Even now, as they heard that they did have to go through and go to the after party together, she knew they'd somewhat be separated for work. "It is", she groaned out and tilted her head up to look at him. Her pony tail was a mess and there was a bit of make up that was running down her eye, but the only thing left for them to do would be to go back to the hotel room for dinner and then getting ready for the night out. "I can't believe I wore heels today too with all of this walking. Why didn't you talk me out of it?"
Grant smiled and ran his fingers through Danielle's ponytail once turning around in her arms. "You should've went braid but I like that it's up," he told his wife, kissing her forehead gently. "Hey I don't control what you wear, you shouldn't have chosen heals when you know this day is long to begin with," he said. "It's a lot of walking and standing, my legs definitely hurt," he said. "I wonder how my mom is doing with Ali. I miss her," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Lets get this show on the road and make everyone get back to the bus so we can go to the hotel room and see her," he said to his wife. He started walking out with her hand and hand and eventually they were on their way back to their hotel room. Once they got there, Grant used his room key and smiled as he saw his mom sitting with Ali in her lap. "Hi," he cooed at Ali who was reaching for him. "Dada," she said happily and Grant started kissing her face all over.
Danielle gave Grant a pout when he started teasing her about her choice in footwear, but in all honesty, it went with the outfit and she didn't think nothing of the functionality until now. She didn't get to say much until they left, lacing their fingers together and walking out of the area. It was great to be able have that downtime accordingly, walking hand in hand towards the bus and up the lobby towards their hotel room. It was a quick trek, but a trek nonetheless, and nothing else mattered when she heard the familiar voice of her daughter upon greeting them. "Hi there", she said as she broke away from Grant to be able to sit next to his mother, kicking off her heels gently and wiggling her toes. "I hope she wasn't any trouble", she said to her mother in law before reaching for her husband and daughter. It was as if seeing the little girl gave her a renewed sense of energy and all she wanted at this point was her family closer towards her.
Grant held onto Ali tightly, missing her so much all day and now keeping her close to make up for it. She seemed to be loving it, latching onto him which made him smile. "I can't believe you're going to be one in a few days," he said to his daughter. "I can't believe it either, time flew by," His mom said which made him smile and nod. "How did everything go today?" She asked and Grant shrugged. "Hectic as always but it was a good time," he answered while shrugging. Grant handed Ali to Danielle knowing she missed her just as much as he did before running a hand through his hair. "She wasn't any trouble. We had a great day, even went in the pool a little bit," Tina said which made Grant smile. "Sounds nice," he said before letting out a yawn. "I'm already exhausted and yet we're expected to show up at a party soon," he chuckled. "I'm hungry. What should we get for dinner?"
Danielle sighed once Ali was placed into her arms and gave her daughter a grin while Grant and his mother spoke. She would be bouncing Ali in her lap in order to play with her for a moment or so before getting a chance to speak on their day as well. "We saw Tyler. He's working hard on the yacht and should be done soon", she mentioned out to Tina before shifting her seat a bit in order to give Grant room to sit if he wanted. The yawn was contagious and soon she was letting one out of her own, giving her husband a look before, laying her head onto his shoulder in the process. "Did you have fun at the pool with Grandma", she whispered asked to her daughter and got a nod in return, which was great and brought a soft smile to Danielle's face. "Should we call room service to see what they have or should we go down to one of the restaurants in the hotel? I'd rather we just get a couple of burgers and some fries up here, that way we can rest up. Mom? What do you think? Are you hungry?" Her head whipped to turn to Tina now, the pony tail flying with her as well just in time to get an answer from the older woman before handing Ali back and reaching for the phone.
Grant smiled softly and nodded when Danielle mentioned Tyler working there and being done soon. "Yeah, we should probably wait for him to decide on what we're doing. I'm sure he wants to see you since he hasn't yet," he said to his mom. It was crazy to think that the three of them were here and the only one missing was Gracie. He sat down on the bed and sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. "I think room service is the best option. I'll just text Tyler and tell him to meet us up here," he said, taking out his phone to do just that. "I can eat, it's around dinner time so I'm good with whatever you guys decide," Grant heard his mom say. "Burgers and fries sounds amazing, I'm sure Tyler will be down for that. Lets just order it so that it'll be done soon because I'm starving," he said, not wanting to wait until Tyler got there to order.
Danielle nodded her head and placed Ali on Grant's lap so that she'd be able to order for all of them. It was great to have family here to help them out in times like this, with Grant's mom being here to watch Ali and Tyler here working for the CW, and the thought put a smile on her face of them all enjoying dinner together. After ordering room service, she let out a small stretch and walking into the bedroom portion of the hotel room to change out of the dress she was wearing quickly, not wanting to dirty it and came back out of the room to check on her family. "I know we have to leave in a little bit for another event after dinner", she spoke out. "Is it alright if Ali stays with Mom tonight? We can get her in the morning to get ready to fly out." They had a full weekend ahead of them, but all Danielle could register was her little family. As she stood and waited for answers and food, the brunette brushed her fingers against her husband's hair gently, humming when her daughter started mumbling more nonsensical words.
Grant waited while Danielle ordered the room service, talking to his mom and holding Ali again while they also waited for Tyler to join them. He came up a little while later and he handed Ali to Tyler so that he could bond with his niece for a little bit, smiling at the sight. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan. You don't mind keeping her right?" He asked his mom who shook her head. "Don't mind at all, we can all meet up in the morning," she said. They would have to go right back to Vancouver and he was bummed his mom would be going back to Virginia but he was glad she was able to come to Comic Con since he wasn't used to seeing her around this time of year anyway. Their food came a little while later and Grant ate rather quickly, barely eating all day with the exception of a little bit of lunch. "That hit the spot," he said once he was finished, knowing they didn't have much time since they had to go out. "Guess I got to figure out what to wear to this thing."
Danielle stretched and maneuvered to give the rest of everyone in the room a bit of space as well as get some of her own. Usually, she'd be all for it and in the moment, but with the day like today, she was more inclined to be quiet and let everything happen in its own accord. It was great for a little while until it came time to have dinner and room service came, bringing with them a large table and their orders. Immediately, she was engrossed on her own food, handing Alison a few fries here and there to see if she'd take it and eat it herself, which was amazing to see. She ate in silence, listening to all of the conversation that happened until she was done, and smiled softly once her husband had finished eating. She was still chewing on half of her burger, bringing her finger to her mouth to finish her bite quickly, and hummed her approval. "It's nothing too fancy. You don't have to worry about anything else", she told her husband. "Maybe just change your shirt and you'll be okay."
Grant nodded when Danielle said it wasn't too fancy. He was going to keep his jeans on and just put on a nicer shirt. He decided on a black v-neck shirt, smoothing it down and running a hand through his hair. "Okay I'm good," he said, making his way to Ali so that he could say goodbye to her. "Goodnight sweetheart. Daddy loves you and he'll see you in the morning," he said, tickling her stomach gently before giving her a kiss. "Thanks for watching her, Mom. We'll see you in the morning," he said, giving her a big hug. "See ya man, unless you're coming around to take more pictures," he said to Tyler, fist bumping him and waiting for Danielle to be ready. Once she was, they made their way down to the lobby and into the room where they would be having a mixer. "So many people," he muttered to his wife.
Danielle finished up her meal and made her way to get ready for the party that she and Grant had to attend. After saying her goodbyes to her daughter and extended family, she laced her fingers with her husband's and walked as slow as she could. Again, it was to savor the downtime that they both hadn't had together in a while and in a sense, made it take longer just so she could have the most time with her husband as she possibly could. Once they got to the mixer, there was so much already happening and Grant's whispered mutters brought her head up to face him properly. "You have me", she told him, giving him a soft smile. "I'll never let you fall." It was meant to be a pep talk, but it was the truth. Danielle vowed that she'd stand by Grant's side, through thick and thin, and be the support that he needed and this was no exception. She stood on her toes this time to give him a quick peck on his cheek, using their connected hands to wrap his arm around her waist so that she would be able to wrap her closest arm around him, and she took one step forward. "We'll head to the bar and get a drink. How does that sound?"
Grant took a deep breath and nodded, knowing Danielle would make him feel better and that he'd be able to relax with her by his side. He looked around and smiled softly when she kissed his cheek. "I know, thank you," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder and squeezing it gently. When she suggested going to the bar and getting a drink, Grant nodded, knowing it would calm him down and be the best way to stay away from the crowds. Everyone seemed to be crowding the main dancefloor so if they were up by the bar on a stool, they'd be around just a few people, hopefully some friends they would find and that's it. Grant ordered a cranberry and vodka and started swinging around on the stool anxiously as he waited for his drink.
Danielle arrived at the bar and ordered a glass of champagne while Grant ordered his drink. There were soft giggles that escaped her when he started spinning in his stool and she shook her head. "You're so silly", she told him before stopping him by holding onto his knees and getting in between them. The brunette stood in front of her husband, tilting her head at him. Of course that meant she stood in his line of vision, and maybe she wanted that to happen so at least she would be able to calm him down. "We don't have to stay long", she murmured out now. She knew it was an obligation that they had, but it wasn't as if they had to stay the whole time at the party anyway--not when she was worried about her husband and the crowd that that was there. "We can just make our appearances and go home if you'd prefer. All I want is for you to be comfortable. Everyone else can understand."
Grant grinned when Danielle called him silly, still swinging around until she stood in between his legs, something he was grateful for. "You're a much better distraction," he said, leaning up to kiss her sweetly. When she said they didn't have to stay long, Grant nodded, appreciating that Danielle was looking out for him. He really didn't feel comfortable at these things yet and wasn't sure he ever would, always feeling anxious and even more so ever since his attack. "I think we can stay long enough that's acceptable and then head back to the hotel room. We're both exhausted anyways so no one is gonna question it," he said while shrugging. Once their drinks came, Grant clinked his glass to his wife's before taking a long sip of it. "Such a long day," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Sit down, we've been standing a lot today."
Danielle smiled as Grant started agreeing with her, clinking her glass with his and taking a sip of her champagne. Her eyes stayed glued to him when he was talking next, watching him run his hands through his hair, and shook her head afterwards when he told her to sit down. "No", she whined out childishly. Her hands were now free of her drink, setting it down right next to his before she placed them on his chest. "I like being a better distraction for you here. I have plenty of time to sit down when we get back to our room tonight." And maybe she was being stubborn, but she did bring up her hand to brush her fingers against the strands of his hair, letting out a soft hum in the process. "It's so nice seeing you with your hair cut, but I know you dread it when the time comes. You look so handsome right now." Her words were truth and her fingers continued the process of adoring his hair, but they lingered on behind his ear and laid back down on his chest once again.
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