#Angelus Mortis
loveless-scribes · 7 months
Angelus Mortis: Chapter 44 UPDATE ALERT
UPDATE ALERT Chapter 44: Reconciling with Death
Hello lovelies! A new chapter is out! Enjoy <3
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scribe-of-elysium · 1 year
Hey Seraphina! Hope you’re doing well. Love your stories. How does it feel being so talented? There is not a single story you’ve written where you didn’t devour. I just read the new Levi and Slayte story in Ao3 and was wondering if you can repost your oneshots of Thanatos, Hypnos, Cronus and Nyx which I remember reading in your Ao3. They were so good, I don’t understand why you deleted them in the first place😭😭😭Or do you have any other random oneshots sitting in your computer?Im so starved for Angelus Mortis, I’ll take anything😭😂
Hi, Anon. Thank you for your kind words of support, and for enjoying my writing.
I removed those stories because I thought they weren't well written, to be honest. I'm very critical of myself, and dislike my writing most of the time. When stories have more hits/views than actual comments feeding back, you're left not knowing what readers think of it. With a writer's brain, that can convince you the writing quality probably sucks.
I'm surprised to still be getting Asks and interest about Angelus Mortis though, considering it was discontinued ages ago. I thought only people from the Discord server ever read it, lol. But that's also me assuming the Anons asking about it lately aren't from there, and that you aren't one of the people who already reviewed the works before. Apologies if you are - hard to tell without a name.
Any non-Quietus content going forward will be posted under my new Pseud on Ao3, though, including AM once I'm added back as co-writer. I may re-upload the gift oneshots under there at some point (minus the Thanatos one), if people really want them back. It's a shock to me that anyone even noticed they're missing to begin with😅
Thanks for messaging.
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luiscdesign · 2 years
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Custom #rickandmorty - @wearstoreve - - #nikeairforce1 #sneakers #custom #customshoes #morty #rick #pimtadoamano #serie #netflix #islademargarita #artemargariteño #zapatospersonalizados #zapatosintervenidos #arte #angeluspaint #angelus (en Venezuela Isla De Margarita) https://www.instagram.com/p/CitV9G2pN5A/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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myboyknows · 5 months
Blood Vengeance
So today in the Fanged Four Discord server, we were talking about ship/group names, and I had a realization that I've never had before in the twenty years that I've been writing Spangel fanfic.
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Spike: What do you have in mind?
Angel: I think it's time the Immortal found out exactly who he's dealing with. I think it's time for blood vengeance.
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Angel: Blood vengeance. Look, I'm sure we're on the list. Is there anything under blood vengeance?
I love everything about this scene, of course, but the more I thought about it this morning, the more I was like... Angel is referring to himself and Spike here, together, by the name Blood Vengeance. As if that's how they're collectively known, the two of them. As if that's what people call them (or maybe what people call them specifically when they're out for revenge). Like some kind of super group made up of just Angel and Spike: you've got the X-Men, the Avengers, the Justice League, the Power Rangers, the Suicide Squad, and Blood Vengeance.
And it's not just that he refers to them this way, but that he's literally asking if they're on Morty's invitation list this way. This is a list of real people's names! And he's checking to see if they're on it together under the single title of Blood Vengeance!
I know that none of the ship names we use in this fandom are actually mentioned in canon; we do the common smooshname thing for our ships, which is fine. But it's really interesting to me that aside from names like The Oracles, The Furies, and The Gorch Brothers - who are all siblings - Blood Vengeance is the only (???) group of two characters who canonically seem to have a name that means both of them together, that they actually use to refer to themselves in the specific context of names, as on an invitation list. Literally a ship name built right into the show. It's kind of a shame that the scene occurs right near the end of canon, after the name Spangel was already established for the ship. Because I think it would be so fun for their ship name to be a thing they actually - at least sometimes - call themselves.
But also, after Angel has them check the list for Blood Vengeance, there's the best part:
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Spike: Maybe it's under Angelus.
I'm constantly finding new things about AtS to love, but I think this is going to be my favorite thing for a little while. It just makes me happy.
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shiverandqueeef · 1 year
gay xander and what could have been
allegedly, whedon had planed from the very beginning to eventually have one of the scoobies come out as gay, they just hadn't decided right up until the writing of season four whether it would be xander or willow. So what happened is we ended up with three seasons of gay subtext popping up around both of them. and obviously, with willow, we get the follow through. But with xander, all of those little moments and hints just...fizzle out.* It adds such a frustrating element to his characterization. I can't help but wonder what kind of character he would have ended up being if they had decided to make him the gay one rather than willow.**
the main issues with xander that a lot of fans have pointed out over the years and which now dominates the narrative around his character analysis is a) jealousy over any man who receives attention from buffy and/or willow b) entitlement to the bodies and sex lives of the women around him c) continually unchecked slut shaming of women, both his friends and love interests and of course d) the show not only excusing all of this but actively framing him as being right
so if they had landed on making him gay...how would that have effected the way they wrote him? Gay men can absolutely be misogynistic, but the particular flavour of xander's misogyny is so fuelled by his sexual attraction to, resentment of, and entitlement towards the sex lives of the women around him.
The first three seasons as they are would still be the same, and there is a lot of xander being utterly unbearable while the show insists his behavouir is perfectly acceptable and understandable and even noble at times. from The Pack to Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered, to just his entire attitude towards angel and later angelus and even later towards buffy in relation to angelus...oof.
i wonder then, if there would have been a shift from young, insecure and closeted xander who covets women as objects, into a self actualized out xander who realizes the way he treated willow, buffy, cordelia, anya ect. was the result of his own sexual repression and desperate need to be validated as a Successful Heterosexual Man.
I mean. we almost certainly wouldn't have. I guess it depends on whether of not whedon continued to identify with xander and use him as a self insert/mouthpiece even after the character was made gay, and if xander no longer being the lense through which whedon could project his own issues would have made him let go of the character a little , and if that would have allowed the writers room to re-evaluate their approach to the character and maybe gain some insight into the ways in which they had been perpetuating misogyny through him. and okay i kind of doubt it...but if that had happened, maybe we would have gotten a less misogynistic xander...or perhaps he would have been just as entitled and judgmental as ever and it all would have been a confused muddled mess because while the doyalist reality of whedon's own misogyny would have continued to dictate the character there would no longer have been any watsonian explanation for xander's attitude/behavouir.
anyways, this is a far from a well put together string of paragraphs but im just pondering the celluloids ya know? And oh man, as a side note, gay xander would have at the very least saved us all from 1) having to watch him thirst after the teenage potentials and 2) dating dawn in season 8.
*okay there was that one time in s5 where he goes on in detail about what makes spike so alluring but other than that
**ofc you can pry lesbian willow from my cold dead hands and even then i'm counting on rigor mortis to keep my claws in it
TLDR: the writers at one time considered making xander gay and i'm curious how that would have affected his characterization
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somekindofadeviant · 7 days
WIP Title Ask Game: tell me about #5!
In Hora Mortis Nostrae is a psychological horror that explores Drusilla's mortal life and Angelus's torment of her from the confession scene until the convent massacre, and delves deep into her mental deterioration and her fracturing mind as it fractures, and the effects of ongoing complex trauma and extended terror.
Early stages though because, ah, it requires a lot of research and is very heavy subject matter. Also, I kinda got waylaid by some of the other things on the list >.> But talking about it now makes me wanna get back to it XD Here is a banner:
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farsight-the-char · 1 year
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Angelus Mortis
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the-ham-juice · 1 year
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Wip! Angelus Mortis
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do u have anynmore.... pretty originals.... plz angelus has left me starving
I HAVE MORE IDK IF THEY'RE PRETTY THOUGH??? Except Sitri for sure she's very pretty.
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Top row:
-Rosaire Chastain [Frankenstein-style zombie] -Marius Mortis [Incubus] -Sitri Mortis [Succubus]
Second row:
-Caspia Pike [kraken mermaid] -Anna Stein [Drac/dragon trying to pretend to be human. She's usually good at it but this was mid wing-stretch I imagine]
Third row:
-Bernadette Araceli [seraphim angel] -Kailani Kekoa [human and one of the only normal people here] -Hella King [ghost, died 2018]
Bottom row:
-Atlas Marinos [harpy] -Daiki Asanuma [ghost, died 1990]
-Try not to catch Bernadette's eye, she's a yandere
-Caspia is chill but an actual celebrity so beware of that part if you dislike attention
-Hella is a fucking yandere crazy woman x1000
-Kailani is best girl and sweetie
-Daiki is also a sweetie and the not-crazy ghost <3333
I have more characters I plan on drawing but I'm sick right now an injured my leg, so I don't have a ton of energy atm ^^; but I'm trying!
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loveless-scribes · 4 months
Chapter Update!
Angelus Mortis, Part XLVI: The Lost Night is now live! I hope you enjoy it and that I can keep this momentum going <3 As always, comments are appreciated so much more than you know! Find the latest update on your platform of choice!
Part XLVI on AO3 or on Fanfiction. net!
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scribe-of-elysium · 1 year
Hi! So I was rereading Angelus Mortis and I was wondering if there was any reference photos for Itachi's earrings? The ones he originally had and the ones Elissa gifted to him?
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I had to do some serious digging to find these again.
The ones on the right were his original earrings. If I recall correctly, they had amber stones instead, and ancient Greek rune engravings. The ones on the left were gifted to him. They're more similar to part of the earring set he wears in Quietus.
Thanks for re-reading. If you hadn't already, please kindly consider leaving a review. My former co-writer wrote the earrings scene and she receives the comments. I'm sure it'd brighten up her day.
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listeningto · 2 months
Angelus Mortis. Scary/Horror stories.
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flowerboypoet · 2 months
angelus malus (angel of evil)
angelus malus, tu me clamare
timeo te devotus sum
angelus malus, de me tibi curae?
desidero te mortis osculum
sed volo te mortuum
Tuum dolorem vertit me
tua est culpa
ego timor vitae
angelus malus, tu me prodiderat
pudet esse tuum
angelus malus, Spero te uri
Non possum tibi ignoscere
angel of evil, you make me cry
i fear i am devoted to you
angel of evil, do you care about me?
i long for your kiss of death
but i want you dead
your pain turns me on
it’s your fault
i am afraid of life
angel of evil, you have betrayed me
i am ashamed to be yours
angel of evil, i hope you burn
i cannot forgive you
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valeria-manzella · 3 months
\Cari fratelli e sorelle\Porto quotidianamente nel cuore, con dolore, la sofferenza delle popolazioni in Palestina e in Israele, dovuta alle ostilità in corso\Le migliaia di morti, di feriti, di sfollati, le immani distruzioni causano dolore, e questo con conseguenze tremende sui piccoli e gli indifesi, che vedono compromesso il loro futuro\Mi domando\davvero si pensa di costruire un mondo migliore in questo modo, davvero si pensa di raggiungere la pace?\Papa Francesco\Angelus\
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crazy-so-na-sega · 8 months
"C'è un quadro di Klee che s'intitola Angelus Novus. Vi si trova un angelo che sembra in atto di allontanarsi da qualche cosa su cui fissa lo sguardo. Ha gli occhi spalancati, la bocca aperta, le ali distese. L'Angelo della Storia deve avere questo aspetto. Ha il viso rivolto
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al passato dove ci appare una catena di eventi egli vede una sola catastrofe che accumula senza tregua e la rovescia ai suoi piedi. Egli vorrebbe ben trattenersi, destare i morti e ricomporre l'infranto. Ma una tempesta spira dal Paradiso che si è impigliata nelle sue ali, ed è così forte che egli non può chiuderle. Questa tempesta lo spinge irresistibilmente nel futuro, a cui volge le spalle, mentre il cumulo delle rovine sale davanti a lui al cielo. Ciò che chiamiamo Progresso è questa tempesta".
Walter Benjamin, "Tesi di filosofia della storia"
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shree3redranger · 11 months
Vandal Savage, King Kull, Ra’s al Ghul Lex Luthor, Alexander Luthor Sr/Jr./Mazahs/Alexis/Alexandra Megistus Aqua-Mariner, Amalgam Namor, Aquaman 1,000,000 and Dead KingAtlan/Sea King/Arion/Thanatos/Kordax/The Thirst; Ocean Master Black Manta Astarte/Veronica Cale Theana, Paula/Gerta von Gunther, Bruna-Brunhilde, Gudra/Gundra, Deva, Dark Angel, Grail (Barda/Bekka/Maxima), Queen of Fables, Crow Children Gargareans, Mythlands-Cosmopolitan, Multiethnic/Omniethnic Black Adam/Sivana (scientifically copy Shazam's magic lightning), Osiris, Neron, Despero Red King Berceuse Armies of Sand(wo)men/Dr. Destinies/Red Kings Insect Queen Bee Symbeasts Wonder Woman kicks Batman's butt every time they fight because that's what happens when a normal person goes against a super of that caliber with no kryptonite factor, of course they also have similar tactical mindsets or at least fighting skills and with her superior abilities she obviously has the advantage, she will use diplomacy before resulting to violence and even lethal force if absolutely necessary, she is more powerful than Superman and has better gadgets than Batman Supes has a job and a boss, Bats has a butler and is the boss of one of the world's largest corporations, Supes may have his fortress of alien tech, Bats has even more cool stuff, Supes pines for one woman, Bats has a harem of fetish femmefatales who pine for him You can only call Waller a villain in that she'll sacrifice the one for the many, she has a moral line and whether you agree with her or not it does not move, she's made Bats back down and acknowledge she has a point the CSA the Justice Lords Antimatter Earth-3 Pocket Dimension Alexander Luthor/Mazahs/Doc Savage/Edison Rex/Axel Brass (Century Babies)/Xanatos (copy Ultimate Archmage familiar Stee/Iron Clan/Thailog shock troops)/Hank Scorpio/Oliver Warbucks-self-made man, never lost the common touch and never forgot where he came from, felt strongly that business owners had a responsibility to treat their employees fairly and had an equally great hatred of corruption I always imagined nanotech like Spawn or the Darklings, Matrix, Satin Satan Girl, Nighflame, Scorch/Fernus (succubi/nymphs) , Belinda Zee, Supra/Ultra/Ubergirl, Superior Girl, Divine, Nuclear Men, Bizarros-stronger, Smarter, faster, tougher, better looking than Supes, Ms. Gsptlsnz, OMACS, Warsuits Luthor's power armor, Havokoids, Warmaker 1s, Alphina Brainiacs Indigo, enhanced Doomsday clones (Steel/Cyborg Superman/Eradicator, Tactile TK), Doomslayer, Superdoom, World Killers, Paragon, Vartox, Amazo Rao's familiars- Flamebird and Nightwing Angelus Warriors: combined Shadowflamewing/Imperium of Mankind Double psyber Eagle egg/sunstone; Rao (god of the sun), Cythonna (goddess of ice) Yuda (goddess of the moon), Telle (god of wisdom), Mordo (god of strength), and Lorra (goddess of beauty) Familiars- Wolves, Scratch-9-Gyrinx-Sabretooth/Witch familiar/pharaoh-Alley-Kat-Abra (Sleen),Ravens (American Eagle), Monkey, Winged Unicorn, Gryphon, (Black, White, Gray, Rainbow) Phoenix, Phaethon and Savitar, the sun dogs (dragons-insect to cat to Kaiju sized)- born out of Solaris' own nuclear furnace, and heir to his hydrogen-fueled power and fury Octus, the eight-dimensional cephalopod - from the bottom of the seas of neptune. While it is impossible for creatures limited to a three-dimensional perception of the universe to fully understand his powers, his weird limpet grenades have proven to be most effective weapons. Wormhole - unfathomable denizens of the black gulfs between stars, with the ability to bend space and time to his command Flashpoint/Epsilon: Magog, Tokyo Rose- Mystic martial arts (Darklings from Darkness (as well as symbiote/Super-Adaptoid/Demogoglin) like giant robots and monsters like Kaiju as well as cyborg demonic ninjas and Samurais/Huntsclan/Snake Eyes, Mirabai, Manotaur, XXX like 666-Judge Dread-Judge Dredd and Death/Mortis, NIL-8, Americommando-Major Glory Stormwatch/Meritocracy/Protectorate: Mr. Majestic, Midnighter, Century Babies amalgam-Doc Savage, Jenny Quarx-Mystechnician, King of Cities/Wyld, John Lynch/TAO Prime/Elven Manchester Black-Telekinesis telepathy, symbiote/symbeast(s)-(Darkness/Angelus/Witchblade/Spawn), magic club, magic hat from which can pull anything; Manchester Black Americanitis John Smith- shirt with American flag and baseball bat-Shine/Bright Knight-Shade, Angelus etc Billy Butcher; Good Homelander/Major Glory-The Boys coat etc., Becky Butcher, Greg D. Mallory, Tommy Monaghan- Ace of Winchesters, Jesse Custer-Preacher, Max Damage Buck “Buffaloman” Storm- modern/future mystic Pecos Bill lasers/Super Chief/Black Bison/Flying Fox/Manitou Raven/Silver Deer/(Winged Bison belt like winged golden ram fleece-Olympian-flocks/herds of buffalotaurs)Forge/Black Condor/Nightwolf/Chief Thunder/Turok/Bravestarr/Blackstar Rodeo Paladin alternative Batman cowboy Punisher/spliced with Terraman/Deadshot/Jonah Hex/King Faraday/Slam Bradley/Tommy Monaghan/Terry Sloan/Matches Malone/Lefty Knox Thrax Von Brighthammer- Brighthammer Living Saint/Sage Illuminatus Inquisitor/Rogue Trader Dirk Torch-Axel Brass (Century Babies/Mystechnician)/Oliver Warbucks/Richard Henry Benson Dollarmation Starcloak Bruno Godkiller- Thundragoria, Neo-Primordia-life began on Earth avoid White Martians' ancient experiments so like Kryptonians plus inherit white plasma on par with Starheart/Shazam's magic lightning, Vartox/Amazo/Paragon I ship Tim and Steph, Cassandra Cain with Connor Hawke Damian with Lian Sin or age appropriate Carrie Kelly David gave Cass plenty of emotional support and positive reinforcement however shooting her until she learned to get out of the way and preventing her from learning language so that segment of her brain would read bodies instead qualify as abuse under any definition imaginable Of course Bruce can go from paternal figure second only to Jonathan Kent himself to a monster who does things like lock Dick in the Batcave and force him catch and eat rats to survive in three issues depending on who's writing him On the other hand men like him don't define the world in terms of right and wrong but strong and weak he made Cassandra strong thus to some extent he's a decent human being Slade's wife Adeline Kane may be Bruce's cousin, Kathy Kane of Spyral, Kate Kane new Batwoman wealthy military family one of Gotham's founding families along with Waynes, Elliots, and Cobblepots, Powers Thorne/Falcone/Maroni/Blockbuster/Cobblepot/Manheim I imagine Jonathan Kent like Hub McCann from Secondhand Lions can take on four guys a quarter of his age, unarmed and still beat them "I'm Hub McCann. I've fought in two World Wars and countless smaller ones on three continents. I led thousands of men into battle with everything from horses and swords to artillery and tanks. I've seen the headwaters of the Nile, and tribes of natives no white man had ever seen before. I've won and lost a dozen fortunes, KILLED MANY MEN and loved only one woman with a passion a FLEA like you could never begin to understand. That's who I am. NOW, GO HOME, BOY!" Lori Luthor Simon Valentine Darklings-symbiotes/Super-Adaptoids/Demogoblin Asteroid M(s)-Krakoa mysterium- Savageland(s) Danger (Zero-Techno-organic-Technoarchy Phalanx Barbuda Builders Most of the heroes consider Fury a good guy because the thought of him being a villain is too terrifying you will never be as bada$$ as this World War II vet from New York's Hell's Kitchen Fury started fighting the Nazis with his band of brothers the Howling Commandos first before moving onto more esoteric foes of humanity It was sometime between moving to work for the CIA and fighting a hate-ray powered clone of Adolf Hitler alongside a walking pile of rocks that Fury realized that when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. And thus has followed a several decade long Crowning Moment Of Awesome Why he is cooler than you will ever be: He has a Flying Car, he parks this Flying Car in his Flying Base filled with Life Model Decoys and psychic spies, he's fought radioactive robots in space, he's chased a warlord to another dimension to fight psychic duels with his literal Eyepatch of Power, he's hunted Godzilla he is a Badass Normal feared by Nigh Invulnerable beings, he is feared by Nigh Invulnerable beings because he has demonstrated the "nigh" portion by killing several, he never looks at explosions, he does, however ride motorcycles through explosions while shirtless and Dual Wielding Laser Pistols, he is literally ageless, he once willingly turned himself into an Eldritch Abomination to save reality, he's beaten up Adolf Hitler on more than one occasion Captain America Cyclops and Black Panther are Marvel's Batmen Bats even says Cap would be beat him though it would take a long time Master of the World, Leader/Maestro, Kang Doctor Doom White Wolf/Man-Ape/Killmonger (K'Liluna), Mandarin Baron Mordo Demonicus, Tomi Shishido-The Hand, Apocalypse- Weapon Infinity/Super Skrulls all cool X-Men villains, Azazel Selene Sebastian Shaw Sinister,clones of Madelyn Pryor (Goblyn Queen) (Karasu and Sojobo-Tengu) Margali Szardos Amanda Sefton (Scarlet Witch Storm and Agatha Harkness are Earth's High Priestess together,Homo novissima Sublime/Arkea, Cassandra Nova Neo, Children of the Vault, Romulus Onslaught Pandemic Vargas High Evolutionary Kingpin- The Owl/Count Nefaria/Mr. Negative/The Hood HydraCap- Wolfgang von Strucker/Zemo/Viper, Hive/Kraken/Scorpio- Nick Fury's clones Master Man/Warrior Woman/Baron Blood Bricklemoore twins Maybe Dracula Vampire Kingdom on the Moon Drakulon Arkon Foreigner Sentry/Taskmaster super soldier serum The Celestials are why we have mutants and other things don't just kill humans but sometimes give them powers, they made the Eternals also Namor- He's a mutant as well why he has wings on his ankles Atlantis Pietro-Crystal-Attilan-Inhumans- take command of Kree Intergalactic Empire Charles Xavier-Lilandra- Command of Shi'ar Intergalactic Empire (Kid Omega/Zen Gunnery) Storm-Black Panther-Wakanda (Techno Organic Jungle Intergalactic Empire) Monster Island- Archipelagos off Japan and Bermuda Triangle connect through vast passageways all across the earth through the Earth hordes of giant monsters commanded by Mole Man
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