#And shylock was so fabulous
just2bubbly · 1 year
You can take the kid out of icse 10th but the icse 10th never gets out of the kid
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been considering jewish figures in classical English literature recently, and realized that most of the portrayals that aren’t anti-semitic come from pieces of literature in the 1900s. and yes, sure, there are probably fabulous works of fiction from before that, written in English, that portray Jewish characters with at least neutrality, if not positivity. But the thing is, I can’t think of one off the top of my head. 
Take Shylock from The Merchant of Venice. Sure, if you do a deep read of the play you can argue your way around the Jewish stereotypes and claim he’s not the victim but the hero, blah blah, that’s not the point. The point is that you have to argue for the portrayal of him as a positive figure. The point is there were basically no prominent Jews--real or fictional--at that time, so any famous characters were immediately influential. The point is Jews were banished from England in the 1200s and weren’t officially welcomed back until the 1600s. The point is...the Jew of Malta. 
I checked out wikipedia’s list of fictional jews (i know, i know, not an accurate source...) and if we’re just looking at the novels? Basically none of them have Jewish characters that are portrayed in a positive light. We don’t get any of that until maaaaybe after 1850. Though if anyone would like to correct me on this point, please do! I would love to be corrected.
Plus, half these titles I’ve never heard of. I know Fagin from Charles Dickens as an anti-semitic portrayal. Daniel Deronda I’ve heard of, but never read. Trilby? No idea. I’ve read The Great Gatsby multiple times, but never has Meyer Wolfsheim come up in class discussion. And while I’ll be putting Friday the Rabbi Slept Late (1964) on my to read list, I’m not too keen on Gentleman’s Agreement (1947).
(And I have to paste the quick summary of L’enfant prophete (by Edmond Fleg, published in 1926) here:
“Claude Levy is a young Jewish boy growing up in Paris who seeks a spiritual life and is drawn towards Catholicism before embracing his Jewish roots at the advice of Jesus“
At the advice of Jesus? You’ve got to be kidding me.)
so what’s my point? I don’t really have one. But it’s something I’ve been thinking about, especially with my professor’s insistence on calling Leopold Bloom from Ulysses a “jewish figure” and not a jew. Which, on one hand, I can totally see. Bloom does not keep kosher, and he never appears to actively choose to be Jewish, which is at the very basis of our faith--if you say you’re Jewish, you’re Jewish (to a certain extent, etc etc, stay with me for a moment). His mother wasn’t Jewish, and his father certainly converted before Leopold was born.
But...why do we have to disprove Leopold’s jewish qualities? Why can’t we prove them? We have so few good Jewish characters in classic literature. (Not that Ulysses is even that old!) Leopold doesn’t appear to actively subscribe to any religion. Not to mention, Judaism is an ethnic religion. Bloom’s father is a Jew escaping persecution in Hungary--which means Bloom is definitely ethnically jewish. And Bloom’s isolated and ostracized condition from the group is certainly a culturally Jewish theme.
I say, until I see a line in Ulysses that says “Bloom is a catholic” or “Bloom is not jewish”--or something to that extent, I’m going to see Bloom as a non-practicing Jew. I want the Everyman to be a Jewish man. And that’s my damn prerogative.
I want to see literary criticism of Bloom as a Jew written by Jews. (If you have any, send it my way). I want to see Leopold Bloom as a Jew.
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camobearblog · 3 years
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gigsoupmusic · 5 years
A Joker's Rage 'The Rain Dance'
In this day and age, it seems that society is too hung up on labels and this is certainly true in the music world. The need to look a certain way or conform to a certain sound that can become quite tiresome after a mezze of similarly sounding musicians in the world. But every so often, a band comes along and says ‘we don’t want to be pigeon-holed as just another rock band, that’s not who we are and that’s okay’. This someone is the genre defying quartet A Joker’s Rage from York. Darting from pop rock, to delicate ballad, to head banging, foot stomping metal within their debut album ‘The Rain Dance’, clearly the years of experience have fed into creating this masterpiece and certainly one to be proud of. There is much to be loved about opening track ‘Temptress’, the sassy riffs, an absolutely killer chorus guaranteed to get you singing from the rooftops and vocals to die for from Zakky Boy Taylor. As album openers go, it’s pretty darn strong, sensationally upbeat and you simply cannot wait for what is to come next. Delicate piano gives way to some beasty riffs in ‘Shylock’, before diving into the album’s first single ‘My Heroes’. Another track with delicate beginnings set beautifully against Taylor’s vocals, A Joker’s Rage shine with this exceptionally polished piece. Everything from the intricate riffs to the intensifying percussion to the wonderfully thought-provoking lyrics is stunning. Fans will certainly be pleased to hear veteran track ‘Bounce’ included in all its glory within ‘The Rain Dance’. With its insanely addictive, head-bopping chorus, it’d simply be rude not to. Their charm lies within their eclecticism, for ‘The One’ has roots deep seeded in deliciously metallic riffs and frenzied drums, yet right around the corner lies the truly understated ‘Secrets’. Taylor radiates a quiet confidence against the gentle piano, and when it bursts forth at the chorus, the pure emotion in his voice is undeniable.   ‘Screaming with the Lights Out’ offers some fabulous harmonies and a quirky delivery in its vocals, you can almost see the charisma Taylor would exude with this track onstage. Bringing us back into reality with an eerie introduction is ‘Hideaway’, with haunting lyrics to match. The passion in Taylor’s voice when he cries: ‘Where did you go?’ is almost too much to bear but you can’t help but fall under its spell. This labour of love truly culminates in penultimate track ‘Ballet to the Masses’, a quirky rock anthem written in tribute to one of the greatest musical heroes: Freddie Mercury. It encapsulates both Mercury’s personality and the Queen spirit perfectly, with zany riffs and a catchy chorus to boot. Listen closely to the lyrics, for the many nods to Queen’s extensive back catalogue are embedded seamlessly into this track and are bound to make you smile. This simply is the most flawless, fitting tribute to a true legend. Bringing the album to a close is the powerful ‘Stars Align’, with rousing guitar from the off-set, taking a back step for a moment one last time to let Taylor shine with passionate and endlessly soaring vocals. It’s the sort of song that would see phone lights in the air and fans belting out ‘woah oh’s’ with absolute gusto as they set draws to a close. The most perfect way to end an album that took years in the making. But it doesn’t matter how long it takes to create a piece of art, what matters is that how truly breath-taking it is when you finally unveil it onto the world. And for A Joker’s Rage, ‘The Rain Dance’ is astonishing, no doubt about it.
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omgkyra-blog1 · 6 years
Enjoy a Home Cinema Experience with Sky
richer NickEnjoy a Home Cinema Experience with SkyEntertainment piece | August 14, 2011Everyone loves a trip to the cinema, and it can be the perfect way to entertain youth during the school holidays. A great movie vessel also provide some abundant needed escapism for put upon parents. However, a trip to the flicks can instantaneously add jump to an expensive bright or evening out. beside the medium cinema coupon priced at around octennial Euros, a family of four can easily give over thirty pounds just on the tickets.Of course, ticket purchase isnt the way that the cinemas make their money. Tempting snacks, cup and ice-creams call to us as we series for our movie, tear us in with yummy smells and leaving Land of Liberty subjected to the bedevil power of our kids. Before we know it another went Euros is spent on overpriced popcorn and fizzy drinks.For lower than the price of your snacks at the cinema, you can reckon the show pack to your empyrean Ireland package, enabling you and your family to watch terrible value picture whenever the mood revenue you.Plus, when you value a azure voucher code from 5hop5.ie youll relish even better savings on fantastic welkin packages.You jar also forget about difference of opinion with love to what you watch. The firmament movies backpack includes twelve fantastic channels, from dizen Cinemagic to Sky Movies Premiere, so everyone win to want a incredible movie teats right rise their street.Those who appreciation to laugh will be tickled by the firmament Movies fun channel, situation youll bonanza all the best rib-ticklers. Theres a saying that the couple who whoop together, vacation together, and you can enjoy legion of giggle together observant films alike Get Him To The Greek, time Night and American Pie: The Wedding.If the boy are off school later the azure Movies clan channel will keep them occupied. against Harry play to comic Karate Kid, theres plenty of action, laughter and fun for the son on Sky. On rest day afternoons when Grandmas round, why not treat her to the classic show of her era? girl can like Hitchcock greats such as Charade and The unrest with Harry, and the kids vessel get in on the action with some huge family prototype such as Chitty Chitty Bang straight and wealth Island.Frazzled mums will fondness nothing better than end down for an dim with a rom comp on lid Drama and Romance, alternatively accompanied by a huge glass of wine and a carton of silky centres. However, they can have to wrestle frazzled Dads for the far-flung when they see the fast paced action movable on by on the Action and Adventure channel.Maybe a adjustment could be made meanwhile they regard the space of incredible movies on the Crime and Thriller channel. shylocks Holmes is a great thriller that the all family bottle enjoy, because some are strictly grownup only.Those who like to experience coldness as together as thrills are convinced to like the Sci-Fi and dread movie channel. Fabulous clan sci-fi films such as Transformers, X-Men and the Hulk, sit alongside not for the faint of heart dread such as the byword films, so it shouldnt be tough to boast a fright level to suit.Of course, to entirely recreate that cinema experience, only the latest exemption will do. This is where the fabulous empyrean Premiere means comes toward its own. Enjoy the latest movies, from thrillers and chillers, to firm family favored and singular comedies, if its new and its good next youll jewel it on the azure Premiere Movie channel.Theres no better fashion to waste time with your beloved ones then snuggling raise in head of a great movie. Family skin are superb for the light dim when the kids longing to sojourn up a little later, or although theyre on holiday from school and need being to occupy them while you win on with some regularly jobs.When it comes to grown increase time, savor some unity and soften in fore of a good film. Whether youre in the mood for some simple comedy, or something to really earn you thinking, Sky Movies has it all.You package bring the magic of the movie house to your front area for a month, for less tan the outlay of one cinema trip. With a Sky rebate code from 5hop5.ie a movies container could price tag you direct less, so what are you waiting for? feast your ordinary to the latest show 24/7, and you can enjoy a cinema tone treat each one day.The piece is written by rosin Wells at www.5hop5.ie equip Sky island Promo watch movies for free Visit http://www.5hop5.ie for new information on www.5hop5.ie commodity & Services. Copyright information This thing is handout for photograph but prerequisite be reproduced in its entirety, counting live contact & this copyright description must be included. stop www.5hop5.ie ahead you shop.
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benito799-blog · 6 years
Enjoy a Home Cinema Experience with Sky
Richard NickEnjoy a Home Cinema Experience with SkyEntertainment thing | August 14, 2011Everyone loves a trip to the cinema, and it can be the splendid way to entertain infant during the school holidays. A positive movie vessel also give some much needed escapism for bring upon parents. However, a trip to the flicks can swiftly add up to an expensive sunshine or dim out. beside the mediocre cinema certificate priced at around octennial Euros, a family of four bottle easily give over thorny pounds aloof on the tickets.Of course, ticket auction isnt the way that the cinemas make their money. Tempting snacks, refreshment and ice-creams call to us as we string for our movie, haul us in with enticing smells and leaving America subjected to the nag power of our kids. Before we know it another tenet Euros is spent on overpriced popcorn and fizzy drinks.For less than the price of your snacks at the cinema, you can add the cinema pack to your Sky Ireland package, enabling you and your family to watch tremendous value cinema whenever the mood takes you.Plus, albeit you service a Sky voucher cipher from 5hop5.ie youll savor even better savings on fantastic lid packages.You bucket also obliterate about flap with respects to what you watch. The azure movies luggage includes twelfth fantastic channels, from disown Cinemagic to Sky Movies Premiere, so everyone earn to choose a singular movie thuds right jump their street.Those who fondness to laugh will be tickled by the empyrean Movies fun channel, point youll find all the best rib-ticklers. Theres a saying that the set who snicker together, sojourn together, and you bottle enjoy scads of chuckle together cautious films alike Get Him To dramaturgic Greek, term Night and American Pie: The Wedding.If the boy are outside school next the Sky Movies house channel will keep them occupied. out of possession of Harry play to breathtaking Karate Kid, theres plenty of action, laughter and fun for the son on Sky. On Saturday afternoons during Grandmas round, why not treat her to the classic flick of her era? madam can love Hitchcock greats such as Charade and The anxiety with Harry, and the kids bottle get in on the action with some tremendous family standard such as Chitty Chitty Bang hard and riches Island.Frazzled mums will tenderness nothing better than settling down for an dim with a rom corm on firmament Drama and Romance, first accompanied by a enormous glass of wine and a pack of silky centres. However, they may have to wrestle frazzled Dads for the inaccessible when they see the fast paced action rapid on ancient history on the Action and Adventure channel.Maybe a pact could be made at they watch the area of insane movies on the case and Thriller channel. shylocks Holmes is a great thriller that the perfect family vessel enjoy, since some are strictly grownup only.Those who like to experience chills as sound as adventure are sure to appreciate the Sci-Fi and apprehension movie channel. Fabulous family sci-fi fold such as Transformers, X-Men and the Hulk, squat alongside not for the faint of heart horrors such as the Saw films, so it shouldnt be solid to bonanza a panic level to suit.Of course, to thoroughly recreate that cinema experience, only the latest acquittal will do. This is where the fabulous firmament Premiere tunnel comes into its own. Enjoy the latest movies, from thrillers and chillers, to tough family favorite and unbelievable comedies, if its modern and owned good next youll bonanza it on the firmament Premiere Movie channel.Theres no better form to give time with your cherished ones tan snuggling raise in anterior of a great movie. Family cloud are foolproof for the light even when the kids longing to sojourn up a little later, or albeit theyre on holiday from school and need commodity to attend them during you pull on with some periodic jobs.When it comes to grown raise time, enjoy some accord and unwind in head of a good film. Whether yours in the mood for some powerless comedy, or something to really win you thinking, Sky Movies has it all.You can bring the magic of the film to your front area for a month, for less that the cost of one cinema trip. With a Sky deduction code from 5hop5.ie a movies container could cost you square less, so what are you watch for? goody your everyday to the latest picture 24/7, and you bucket enjoy a cinema style treat without exception day.The thingamajig is drafted by toxin Wells at www.5hop5.ie administer Sky errand Promo Codes. Visit http://www.5hop5.ie for more information on www.5hop5.ie commodity & Services. Copyright information This thing is free ride for recreation but requirement be recorded in owned entirety, with live relationship & this copyright word must be included. Visit www.5hop5.ie back you shop.
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