#And right now i feel like a girl from revolutionary girl utena laying down in that split semicircles bed
Omg genderfluid person who indicates current gender with those cequin mermaid whatever theyre called on their shirt
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may the best bait win! propaganda under the cut
sosuke and miu:
Had very clear set-up with multiple moments showing Miu be into Sousuke (for example, someone says "when you think of someone you like, you get more power!" and Miu immediately thinks back to a time she was concerned for Sousuke in battle, and the goes "Why did I remember that!?"). However, they never actually get together despite all the build up. Miu is explicitly shown to have romantic feelings for Sosuke and Sosuke is oblivious. However it never really goes anywhere beyond hints.
norea and el5n:
One of them (Norea) was killed just after accepting a proposal to travel the world with Elan. Spoilers! Norea gets killed right as she is agreeing to El5n's plea for them to escape the war* and run away together instead of laying down their lives as replaceable tools. *(referring to it as "the war" is a oversimplification of the political conflict they're involved in, done on purpose to save time/space for this submission)  (Side note that I think should be taken into consideration in classifying the ship as straight bait: The actual main couple of the show is an f/f couple. They are engaged to be married [Update because the finale just aired today: epilogue shows them now married with their wedding rings on], they both live, & their developing relationship is a main driving force for the plot, in-part because said engagement is a very purposeful Revolutionary Girl Utena reference, because the show's head writer also wrote the novel adaptation of Utena) [END OF SPOILERS] So El5n was actually really annoying to watch for most people when he was introduced, but watching El5n and Norea annoy each other was very enjoyable, especially while they were locked in a room together (along with Nika) because any of them being out and about would be inconvenient for the faction each of them had gotten tangled up with. but then this stuff happened: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxPTQR3WcAYTFpN?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxPTWITWwAMfTmv?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxPTzvgWYAAmRZR?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxPT5C4WcAAREsC?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxPUvdrWAAAnvVO?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxPU_NdXoAABias?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxPVDdCWAAAWAl7?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxPVH_oWAAIX3eC?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxPVeJdXwAQEqWD?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxPVh_5WcAIQ3R7?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxPVnDwWcAAVwWy?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxPV27AXgAEEDn_?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxPWE6RXoAIsTrv?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxPWPzSWIAIvgMz?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fx5BqufXoAEiIvL?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fx5BtiuXoAgKGfE?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fx5CsN-WYAM-_Qa?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fx5C626XoAAc5zl?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fx5DE55XgBgBdu4?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fx5DJS2XgAA4RkC?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fx5FUsSWwAcj0mI?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fx5NryzXsAAw3QG?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fx5NqLnXwAAFpr-?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fx5N9RUWcAEZWOZ?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fx5OxnvWwAMSSiQ?format=jpg&name=medium [BUDDY I DONT EVEN KNOW BUT OPEN THOSE IMAGES AT YOUR PERIL]
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ryounyan · 9 months
Last week I had a Dream about Aziraphale and Crowley having sex. Let me describe it. Where can I begin?? Well, they ware actual Aziraphale and Crowley, but more similar to Michael Sheen and David Tennant. They both were switches. And that was like feeling about "Summer Wars" and "Kemono no ko"... maybe more like "Paprika"... and like "Utena - the revolutionary girl". Yes, I am anime lover. So, what am I trying to tell?? There was not actual sex. That was more like total synchronicity and aether. It's like meditative orgasm that actually not about physical but it feels like also physical.
Aziraphale and Crowley were not naked. They were out of physical bodies. And it feels like so overwhelming happiness and weightless.
Example from "Utena". During the duel the swords were taken from chests of companions. Only companions can donate the swords for duelling characters and only dueling groups can step in the arena. Actually arena can be seeing only by people that were there. The "pure" and "naive" can't see it. I definitely love this metaphor of sex. Because everything feels like duel on the arena first finding right people. Also there is description of Love in "Utena" - loneliness and hundreds of Swords in total silence. But when Love is consensual - everything is changing and makes characters being free.
Okay, okay, watch it. Just do it. Manga is also awesome. Oh, my... I am supposed to talk about the Dream.
Let's take it from the cut off scene. Literally exists image of floating island with only bookshop (aka "Castle in the Sky"). And Crowley (I confess here, I never watched "Doctor Who", but I watched "Quantum Jump") appearing on the entrance of the bookshop from some kind of lightning door. Aziraphale is too emotional and trying to explain something. Crowley literally in pain and roaring to the wall.
Aziraphale: F@€k me!! You never listening!! The last time also.
Crowley: I am all ears now.
Aziraphale: "You are going too fast" and "What can I do for you in return"??
Crowley looks clueless.
Aziraphale: Really?? Oh my goodness!! Let me be straight... as much as I could be...
Crowley: You couldn't be straight. 'cause you aren't. I kissed you and your tongue "accidentally" fell in my mouth.
Aziraphale [the Marvelous mode]: That's why I am called Mr. Fell.
Crowley, taking off sunglasses, giggling: Wh??
Aziraphale, definitely happy: At least that makes you laugh.
Crowley smiling in Pain: Angel, you are my everything. Literally. I can't... I can't be... I can't... I won't be without you. Because it's barely existence. It's nothing. I can't feel. I can't see. I want nothing... [Sliding on the floor.] Angel, tell me, what I must do?? I want to finish it. I tried to finished myself. But every time I see your sad eyes. I... I can't...
Aziraphale [gently touching Crowley's face and drinking the tiers, whispering]: I'll be much direct as I can. Because I am on my limits. [Watching in the eyes.] F@€k me now.
Crowley looks like small monkey, pretty much confused and disconnected.
Aziraphale [already laying over Crowley and violently kissing]: "Now" means NOW!!
From this point the Dream becomes less physical. Probably because Aziraphale and Crowley are not humans. Because I remember to feel them both as the Energies. So limitless and out of comprehension. They were there, on that small floating island, and in the same Time they were the actual Beginning. Not alpha and omega. They were ALL possible Knowledge.
Crowley was crying at the end. Crying hysterically. Overloud of Emotions. Aziraphale was less loud, probably because their face was on the Crowley's chest.
Then everything was falling down. I was (probably) in another Dream.
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raguna-blade · 4 years
Revolutionary Girl Utena 25-29
Hey we’re 10 eps away from the endgame and me actually properly compiling this into something comprehensible because ohgodi’mtryingnottothinkaboutcreepyfuckakio. Sick flips on him though shit i’ll give him that.
Episode 25
So in light of the next episode preview, the opening is 100% more ominous.
Uh...Uh..Cars? Driving?Is...That Akio in the car?
WHO THE FUCK IS THAT. Akio?Uh...Uh...Am I reading too deep? That whole driving sequence felt...uh.
Goddamnit akio.
Holy shit the room is nice though. Like damn.
Wakaba...Ok, I get it.
Akio just god.
….Roses cutting between utena and anthy and family. Uh...hm.
Oh...Uh...Akio looked furious.
WHO THE FUCK IS THAT? Who are these people in the bck?
Rose duel place got...a gondola? Changed up?
The baseball metaphor suggests Saonji about to get blown the fuck out?
Anthy Framing is...uh...metaphro. Terrifying.
Is...Is anthy Jealous?
The Evil Laugh cinches any chance of this being ok.
….the Yin Yang thing? Again...
you seem familiar to me too? Uh...Anthy?
...Is that Dios?
Saionji played himself.
….Is...The car thing...What the hell? Why did his shirt fly open. And the Car...?
….What's with the horn...?
Akio, why do you look like a knock off dios...?
Is this a Touga Saionji centric ep...? Is this a bro moment?  I mean fuck touga, he ain't trustworthy, saionji had it right.
Akio saved the Girl who is implied to be utena. But...He's been in the castle for years.
Akio where the FUCK is your shirt.
Ok, that was actually cool as hell, I just wish he wasn't you know...Him.
...Saionji feelin himself again after the ride with Akio. Which...God, i'm hoping it's just me reading too much into shit and not that what I think happened happened.
Saionji, what the actual shit. Why is it every time you drop further down?
Shadow girls old schoolll?
Half the suffering twice the pleasure...?
Oh shit is this a new Apocalypse? Yeah man. YEAH MAN SHIT LOOKS DOPE ABSOLUTE
What's with the tree?...Is the lipstick new?
But the flower bush through anthy's clothes...?
That car...?
….He's not wrong at the moment about the lack of will.
What the fuck is going on with these cars...?
Oh...Oh boy saionji that face. I just realized he shows up almost without fail when shits about to go wrong.
...The Sword...? What the fuck? Did Anthy...?
Is this a remix?
….Uh...Huh. That's...Utena's Sword? That 's utena's sword. I guess...Drawn from her by Anthy. For the first time really clearly showing volition.
….Oh god damnit. Akio. Fucking.
The Sword of Dios did not appear..?Huh.
Anthy hesitated and...Akio hm. Yeah, I mean no surprise but.
And Akios made of stars now.
On the elevator...And stars? Something BIG changed I think. That's what it feels like but fucking what? ABSOLUTELY NO DIOS here, no akio like, none of it. Just anthy and utena.
Huh. So is everyone fighting Utean again?
Episode 26
Oh hey, I guess the uncomfortable car ride is the new thing.
And now Akio want's Anthy engaged to someone else huh. WONDER WHY.
And Touga. Touga you being played. You don't even realize. Or do you?
...Kozue how did you...?
Also, jessu you two please.
Chuchu what the hell are you doing.
Kozue. Uh...?
That person. What's the beef with their parents.
Also, why does Anthy know so much about birds?
The voice thing was....?
Akio, what do you think of her. Yee. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Also, is the sleeping thing a new repeat scene?
Harsh as hell indeed. Typical Anthy.
Defeat Utean for the good of the duelists.
Adults saying it's for their own good, not trustworthy huh.
Also that chair.
What the fuck is anthy doing at Miki's dads place...?
Is...Is that ACTUALLY anthy?I don't think so...Anthy as a symbol?????
What? WHAT THAT...can't be right.
GOD DAMNIT AKIO. Wait, isn't this the same shit Touga pulled?
Touga....Goddamnit. Wait. This is person 2 saying I reject being a duelist, and Touga shows up like some weird fucking devil.
New Hellavator confirmed.
...Yeah the...disheveledness. This uh...Hm.
Become impure as well. Lose your purity. uh. Uhhhhhh....
The fucking rose? AGAIN?
Seduced Touga. Yeah, ok, the implication is uh...yeah.
Utena standing on the landmine. Utena's oh no is yeah.
Ufo Crash? Again? Gambling Shadow Girls...? This is clearly about Miki getting suckered.
So Absolute destiny time and...Yeah, some weird shit is going down here. And it seems like Utena is ABSOLUTELY fucking shit up for someone.
Oh wait, anthy's outfit full of pink roses. Filled up with thoughts of Utena? Huh.
BLUE ROSEBRIDEOUTFIT?...wait what? But it's Kozue. And no longer trying to draw anthy's sword huh.
Kozue...What the fuck?
And Miki, I thought you were over this shit.
Why are they...both in the car. oh..Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. And Anthy is just kinda dead.
Um. Uh...Kozue....? what the Actual fuck are you doing? I mean I know what it looks like so. But Uh...And Anthy, you wain't doing nothing?
Straight up called Miki a coward...Which..ok. I think I get why...? I don't get why.
Do you have any problems you can't tell people about...?
Episode 27
...Wait is this Nanami's Duel time? Oh boy...
What's with eggs though...?
Did...did she lay an egg....? Is...Is this a menstration thing....?
I can't tell if this is literal or a symbol because this series is just like that.
Full on ATE that ball to the face. God.
I'm not even sure if this is filler episode nonsense because it's just...
I mean we got the boy, so probably “filler” but...
...So it was actually laid. And it looks like a easter egg.
...Rose again.
THIS 100% reads like some kind of discovering new things about your body thing. Like I ain't familiar with young girls fiction so...
oh hey it's juri.
Making fun of me for being so late its...
this bowling ball thing is...what.
What the fuck I can't even.
Juri looking FRESH on the blowing alley.
So...What's even going on here. What's the...
These fucking Songs for nanami though.
I'm half waiting for the episode to reveal yeah laying eggs it's the thing that happens you know how it is.
JESUS. The Boy Hey if there's a problem I want you to talk to me. Which is Utena and anthy ALL over again. So...Nanami's reaction is...Anthy's...?
….Anthy. Anthy do you know what happened? With whatever weird bullshit I 100% believe you had something to do with it.
…............I prefer girls. I too prefer Girls
Also, going against gods plan huh...?
is...what...is the what is the egg metaphor even DOING here. Like, pitty the family who's daugther lays eggs and...what.
Shadow Girls....wha...what the fu
treating this like an actual child which...ok...uh...what is...
Is the egg laying thing a saying that didn't translate?
Another song...?
Saionji what the fuck are you...doing.
Eggs are something you normally eat.
Jessu nanami got the blows.
Saionji, Hey you want some eggs I got eggs. Midnight Egg Frying. Respect for that.
...now utena and Anthy...wha...what?
Do you believe in reincarnation...? Elephants dying by themselves.
Yes utena, why are we talking about this.
...Wait, if Nanami is Anthy....did...wait...I...do not
what the christ is happening with this egg.
Oh hey, the chick broke the shell.
Was that a dream ANOTHER EGG?
Also, why are we getting a filler episode. We usually only get those after some hardcore nonsense.
….Why does anthy look so fucking sad.
Episode 28
Oh hey, it's a rose. ...Also, prefers girls, next episode is about Juri. uh...hm.
Who's this douchebag.
Why is this music so fucking ominous. Did Akio bring in a ringer.
...Did they draw? He won.
Ex Captain. Is this the dude Shiori was into.
Luka Suchi(spelling?). The Actual Captain. Ruka. Ruka.
He a duelist. And Juri doesn't sound happy about it.
Who is this douchebag. Touga 2.0 Better. Smoother(?) Bluer?
Is...Is he the only male fencer there...? Wait, are the fencers mostly women?
Tsuchiya. So it was the captain then who Shiori was into and did that whole thing. No wonder she doesn't like him.
Uh hold up, I mean you do you. Oh the two seem happy. Well...that's..fine...?
Oh here's Juri, lookin fucking pissed.
Keep your hands off Shiori.
Ruka is...suspect as fuck I mean that's a given but.
Hey it's the bed again.
I mean it sucks for Juri, but Oh nope there he's doing it to piss off juri for some reason. What a douche. Damn.
Deffo Touga 2.0 Less overtly sexual though so...Improvement...?
What the...What the hell did Ruka do that she doesn't trust him so much?
….Is...the Car? Juri? It's gotta be right?
Finally someone looking at him with sufficient what the fuck
…..You're an adult now...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Where did your...shirt go..
Car is 10000000% something about sex, but like...
Shiori feels...odd. Here.
Shadow girls. What...? god what? um...the...ok. That felt...weirdly uncomfortable.
The gap between these shadow girl duel car sections is getting smaller I swear.
Another Rose Bride huh.
That was oddly humble of a duelist admitting he might lose.
Homie is WEIRDLY humble and it is throwing me no lie.
So wait, the car is I guess sex or something so...wait, does that mean that Kozue and Anthy had sex at some point.?
And I suppose them crashing is the things didn't work out kinda thing. Kozue looks fucked UP.
Ruka failed because of his rose bride? Huh. And then we cut to Juri...? hooooooooooboy. Nope don't like the implications at all there.
Episode 29
Believe in Miracles huh...Yeah it's...Juri time.
Oh she wasn't polishing Ruka's sword huh...
Oh damn this looks bad. Shiori you got attatched FAST. What the fuck...happened.
And she's just devastated so that's uh...not...greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.
Juri is PISSED.
Shiori. Kinda...Kinda stalkery there.
Uuuuuuuugh. Another schemer. But Blue. With I guess Akio inbetween.
Shiori does not look...well. Her reaction to Juri seems...Uh..Hm.
Juri. Fuck him upppppppppp.
Is...that why she...hm. Ruka is A DOUCHE. Full on. Goddamn.
...You challenged him to a duel? Juri. JURI NOOOOOOOO.
Goddamnit. Can't you hear it. Fucking hell akio again.
Is...ruka driving? No. that is not the case.
Ruka: I make you better.
Hoboy. Believe in miracles and they'll know your feelings. JURI said this?
Juri..Actually seems pretty in control here. Ok. Not happy about it but...Objectives.
Does nobody question these cars though?
God, can we get Ruka punched in the jaw? Just...Rocked right across the jaw a couple of times?
Juri is 1000000% not feeling this. Like...not at all
Juri losing when she's off her game don't count. She got played. That was that touga anthy bullshit all over again.
Actually...yeah it is isn't it. Hm
The Super Move Failed. And Juri is uh...not  handling it. At all. There goes that brooch and...hoo. This is painful to watch.
Took the rose off. Fuck this shit.
Its...raining. That's...weird. Just on the dueling arena.
Hit him. HIT HIM.
I swear i'll make it right? Fucking how? HIT HIM.
Juri don't believe it.
And Ruka...fucked off? Huh?
Did...did Ruka die. So he...did that for...Juri? And...
And her unreaction to the shadow girls....hm
wish as hard as you can and they will know your feelings huh.
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
“Please don’t leave me here.” (Fem!yandere Kurt, per our messaging)
N/A: This is sort based in the anime/manga Revolutionary Girl Utena.
In Xavier´s school there a rumour that flies around among the students. If you, according to the said rumour, find the rare gem in this world you can do anything and any wish and desire are in your reach.
Kitty wasn´t the one to believe in such tales(a hypocrisy on her part since she vows to be a prince as gallant and amazing as Prince Quill, who once saved Kitty when she a merely child) but once she did found Cassandra Wagner, a woman who carries as much mystery as pet animals with her, Kitty´s life change.
“Finally, I won” Shaw Sebastian´s voice is echoing through the ballroom such is his victory and his own ecstasy that he doesn´t mind the fact the mirrors are showing a distorted image of his own reflection or that Kitty´s body lays dead on the floor.
“Finally, I´ll have my wish, right, my dear Cassandra” Shaw spot the blue woman with a sadistic gleam in his eyes. Cassandra for her part, just look at the scene in front of her with vibrated golden eyes.
Cassandra´s reaction wasn´t what Shaw was hoping for.
“Is the rules of the game, who kill the knight can get the princess, Kity knew this since the begin …but the fool was too caught up in saving you to realize her chance…now, I want you to grant my wish”
Cassandra ignores him and goes to where Kitty is. Her outfit is a rattle from the battle and the blood is still fresh and warm. Is not a pretty sight.
“Cassandra, forget about the past, let´s focus on a future together” Cassandra looks at Kitty´s lifeless form and back to Shaw.
“Yes, you are right, let´s focus on the future together, you did win the battle” this pleased Shaw greatly, but it was a momentarily as the mirrors are broken and each piece of glass are now piercing his body (with extreme violence, ironic enough, it was in the same violence he did with Kitty)
Cassandra´s mishappen hands open and the pieces who are in Shaw’s body are now on her control and are levitating the man as he was a mere ragdoll. The blue woman looks at Kitty one last time.
“I´m so sorry, I thought he was weak, I thought you could defeat him…I´m so sorry” Cassandra looks penitent “ but I´ll fix that, I promise” there´s a crestfallen expression direct to Kitty, and only her.
Now looking at Shaw and his utter confusion with irksome.
“Your wish is as pathetic as the others, you humans are disgusting, force me to be in this plane to satisfy our selfish needs” her eyes are red and blood is dropping from Shaw´s body as his screams echoes in the room. “Shut UP, the only joy I have in this pathetic world is her…and according to the game, you win and I can grant a wish to you and I can also grant a wish to me”
Her smile is really sadistic and cruel.
“You want to a place where your talents will be appreciated? How about Limbo? The dire wrath is always needing food and you, Shaw, would make an excellent appetizer” Shaw start screaming that this wasn´t what he wanted, but Cassandra is not in the right mind to negotiate.
“Shaw…I don´t play fair, I´m a demon…you should know that, but rest assured, in exchange of your pathetic life…I´ll use your energy to bring Kitty back to life”
“But…that isn´t part of the game,” Shaw said in desperate tone trying to escape his doom, only in vain.
“Shaw, if your pathetic energy isn´t enough to bring her back…I´ll kill every single student of this school until I can have her back” Her smile is anything but sweet or kind(revealing her fangs) as Shaw finally face his damnation.
Kitty Pryde never believes in magic or anything of sorts, however, she firmly believes in justice and to be kind to others so when she saw Shaw abusing Cassandra, her body acts on its own.
Kitty Pryde wants to be a prince and save someone. Did she save someone? Is she the real prince in the story?
As her doe-brown eyes slowly open revealing that she is in her room, Lockheed is by her side sleeping as well. As she sits down on her bed a blue figure is easily spotted.
Cassandra Wagner´s head is resting on the bed and by the look of it, the woman didn´t have a calm night. Kitty´s fingers did caress Cassandra´s hair (short and fluffy) tenderly until Cassandra wakes up.
“Guten Tag, Cassie” Kitty respond to the blue lady with her golden eyes fixed on Kitty.
“Guten Tag, did you sleep well?”
“I …sort of, I have a dream where I was fighting someone for your hand and you go all berserk on school´s staff and it was mindblowing, there are incest and lots of strange and fuck up things” Kitty explained not understanding the things she is talking about either.
Cassandra just chuckles amused and lift Kitty´s chin. Their eyes met and Kitty can get used to gaze at such golden eyes. They kiss in a sweet and tenderly way.
“You know what I think? I think you are playing too much video games” Cassandra explained teasing Kitty a little. The other woman scratch her neck and murmurs something in the lines “but I like video games” and “it feels so real”
“Oh, why you were sleeping like that? ”
Cassandra yawns and lifts up. Kitty did the same, for a moment, Kitty´s hand touch her own stomach the memory of swords piercing her stomach was too real, what a lucid dream indeed.
“I was busy doing homework and when I get here you are already sleeping like a Katzchen…I didn´t want to wake you…and I didn´t want to leave”
“Cassie, next time, we can share the bed” Kitty blushes “ we can sleep, play video games or something else”
Cassandra just chuckles at the implication in good humour. Kitty decided to do the breakfast and as she is about to leave Kitty asked something.
“That dream…it wasn´t real, right?”
“Silly Katzchen, it was just a dream, we are normal students in this school and nothing more” and goes to kiss Kitty for the second time, suddenly, Kitty realizes how stupid her question was, of course, that was a strange dream.
Cassandra and Kitty are normal students.
Cassandra and Kitty are a couple and there´s nothing else that matter.
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