#And believe me when I say something with Minecraft is serious because I've seen it all!
edwardos · 11 months
We got some early-Act-3 shit going on with Minecraft right now...
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hawksugarbaby · 2 years
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Kaminari x reader- Please stop talking!
This was a disaster. Tinder had set you up with another trainwreck and you were starting to believe the tracks were broken at this point. They should have a "no crypto dudes" option for times like this because no, you do not care about dogecoin you just wanted to know what he did for work. 
You felt bad for the waiter who'd seen you in this cafe 4 times this week dragging your hands down your face while you politely requested a hot chocolate and slice of (cake of choice) even though seconds before your date number 2 said "and for my date a low carb flapjack" which in turn prompted the waiter to ask what YOU wanted. 
"Girl please save yourself the hassle" your golden haired waiter picked up your crumb coated plate and it clattered on top of the other dishes balancing on his tray. Your date stopped talking and looked at the waiter curiously. 
"Sorry we were talking? You just interrupted us?" The guy across from you, Jack you think his name was, looks baffled and your waiter gently lets down the tray on an empty table and clasps his hands together.
"No sir, you're talking, she is not listening, and I'm just doing my job." He says and blinks slowly at your date. 
"Well you will be getting a 1 star review for your rude customer service and no tip. Come on, we can go back to my place" 
You shook your head realising they were waiting on an answer but you'd been staring out the window for 10 minutes. When did your waiter get here? "Hm?" You look between the two and your date stands up and rolls his eyes slapping his half of the bill on the table and walking past you to leave. 
"IT'S FINE WE DON'T CARE ABOUT REVIEWS FROM INCELS" your waiter shouts back and counts up his half. 
"Wait what did I say?" You ask confused because you had been staring into space for so long that you'd convinced yourself it was a successful date. Maybe you had only heard what he was talking about an hour into it, but that first hour was mediocre. 
"Nothing, that was his fault. Even other guests had began complaining about him" 
"Oh I just tuned him out. I thought it was pretty successful compared to the other 3 though?" You counted out the rest of the bill and the tip for your wonderful as always waiter and handed it to him directly instead of rudely slamming it on the table. "Guess that's what I get for going on all these tinder dates huh" you sigh and start gathering up your bag. 
"Sit down a minute will you" he pushes you back into the chair and sighs telling you he'd be back in 2 minutes. He piled the dishes into the sink and clocked out for his break unbuttoning the top 2 buttons of his shirt so he could breathe again. "I don't know what she sees in guys like that. Can't just tune people out forever" he sighs and sits across from you. 
"What are you doing?" You tilt your head in confusion and he smiles sweetly. 
"Going on a date with you. But I've only got half an hour so this has to be quick" 
He leaned on his hands on the table and waited for you to ask a question. Was he being serious? He was handsome and sweet, you couldn't deny that. And you would love to fluff up his canary hair every morning before he went to work and learn how to make the cake from the bakery you were sitting in. 
"O-okay? Um, what do you like to do in your spare time?" 
"Well when I'm not working me and the boys play minecraft. We're currently building the largest minecraft penis in the world. We're hoping it'll get into the book of world records. But I also like going swimming, its a good sport" 
You snickered at the comment about the minecraft penis but at least he wasn’t saying it to be inappropriate, it was just genuinely what he was doing. 
"Swimming is good, I like (favourite sport) but honestly I'd rather lie in and cuddle in bed" 
"You wanna cuddle already! My you're moving so fast but i could hardly decline" 
He was so energetic and flirty. It was honestly soothing. Something about the change from boring men to genuine enjoyment was thrilling. 
You tapped your chin and leaned in "we can cuddle if I get your phone number" pulling a pen out of your bag you slid it and a napkin across the table ignoring the hot chocolate stains on the edges because they weren't big enough to be in the way or to question why you kept the napkin anyway. 
Your waiter smiled and scribbled down his phone number and finally you learned the rest of his name. "Denki huh? Great, I don't need to call you waiter kaminari for the rest of my life!" You giggled and wrote your name and number on the other end, ripping it off so he could take it home. 
"And now the 'suffering romantic who visits work every week' has a name. (Y/n) (y/ln). A pretty name for a pretty face" he flirts making your face flush pink. 
"Thanks." You checked the time and somehow half an hour had passed. "I better go. And you need to go back to work but uh, I'll text you! And maybe we can go out or something"
Kaminari smiles and stands up from the table to help you put your jacket on. You're both grinning ear to ear. It's ridiculous how half an hour already had you blushing and giggling. "Sure, I'll text you back. And I promise I won't talk about crypto" 
You nod and walk to the frosted glass door giving a small wave goodbye. 
But as soon as you had hopped on a bus your phone was out of your pocket and your thumbs danced across the keyboard forming a message hinting at a meal, somewhere different, maybe even a Mcdonalds? 
And the video he sent back of doing the dishes singing to "we don't talk about bruno" but replacing bruno with crypto kept you smiling the entire bus ride home.
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