#And God I Hope He'll Be Playable
awakeskydoesntdraw · 2 months
Posting in this blog after an eternity because I feel like I'm going insane here and my friends are asleep so I need to dump my brainstorm SOMEWHERE (SPOILERS FOR ARLECCHINO'S BACKSTORY/SHORT ANIMATION!!)
The TLDR is basically I think that the whole story with Arlecchino and Clervie is foreshadowing for whatever is about to happen with Lyney and Lynette
I think the parallels between Lyney and Arle don't need to be too explained for the most part. Pyro Visions, Arle wants him to be the next "king" while he doesn't seem to be too into that idea just like her younger self didn't want it, both are associated with Rainbow Roses (they both use them as ascension materials)
Plus, I'd argue they look kinda similar here. I'm not sure exactly what is that makes the resemblance, maybe a bit of the hair, bowtie and shorts and you could say it's something she has with the others too (her kid design resembles Freminet, current one Lynette) but I thought it was good to mention anyways
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Meanwhile, Lynette and Clervie are the two closest companions to their respective pair
Lynette's has Lumidouce Bells as an ascension material. Clervie is very clearly represented with the same flower (if her necklace wasn't enough, there's this)
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Plus, a bit of a smaller connection, but they both have clear sweet tooths
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(Lyney saying "we talked about this" implies this is a frequent event. The animation showing Clervie with cake twice while it only had 7 minutes to tell the whole story has a similar effect)
So, if Lyney is a parallel to Arle while Lynette is a parallel to Clervie, where does this leave us?
Well... Not exactly in a good spot-
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To be fair, I don't think Genshin would actually kill a playable character (or at least, so I hope), but it's very possible Lynette gets really hurt, either directly by Lyney or by being close to him
Arlecchino swore to be nothing like her mother, but in the end, the way she's acting towards Lyney by wanting to make him the next king may be very similar to it
Once upon a story quest, Lyney said similar words to a woman who claimed he'd end up all alone. I can only pray that the writers will have mercy at my soul and that they wouldn't go that low with a playable character
If I were to make a mildly self indulgent guess, as the Freminet main I am, I'd say that he may be the key that's going to make things turn out different for the twins. His presence is the biggest difference between the twins vs Arle and Clervie, who seemed to have no one else that was even mildly close to them. From the 4.6 trailer we know that he's the one that has been hiding stuff and we do see him blocking out Arle's attack, so I don't think it's a stretch to say he'll have a really important role in this whole thing
So yeah! If you read all my rambling, thanks I guess, hope you enjoyed it. In the end, all I can hope is that the Fontaine siblings all turn out fine for the sake of my own mental wellness because God knows these 3 stay all day spinning in my head as if it was a microwave
Also, for the record: No, I don't have a clue about what the hell is going on with Freminet apparently finding "Clervie" (ghost?? Illusion??) and hiding her from Arle. Until this short my best shot was that she was some sort of mermaid creature, but that idea is out the window so it could be anything really
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
Same Xiao anon here: this is revenge.
Someone mentioned Scaramouche sibling ideas and you know what? I’m here for it.
Another prototype created after Scaramouche’s inception, once again another failure but for different reasons. This prototype was much to hopeful, much too ambitious, much too mortal to withstand the station of eternity. Before it was abandoned, in its hazed yet dreamy state it learned of their long lost predecessor - they would come to call him brother rather than “puppet” in the eyes of their mother.
With just that misty dream, they pressed on into the world in search of their brother. Unlike Scaramouche’s experience, with each obstacle and heartbreak they continued on forever hopeful and naive - the very flaw that casted them out.
Only… when they do find him, he has no room in his heart (or lack thereof) for his so called kin. At least he still has a use for them: a worthy sacrifice for the birth of a god. Yes, nothing more.
scaramouche sibling brainrot
Another puppet was made after Scaramouche, it's maybe even more of a failure than its "big brother". Too hopeful, too loving, it could never handle the duties of an Archon.
To Yae Miko, she believed that destroying it would be merciful— but to Ei -who couldn't raise a hand against her own creation- thought that abandonment would be a less cruel fate.
Your "mother" tells you of another puppet, she isn't sure why. Maybe she hopes you'll find each other, maybe deep down she's aware of her flaws as the "creator".
You didn't understand why you couldn't meet her after that. Thrown out into a world you had little knowledge of. Perhaps mother was too busy? Perhaps she wanted you to stand on your own two feet? You roamed Inazuma, learning new things each day.
One day, you learned that the village kids you frequently played with had siblings. Born of the same womb— of the same mother. Is that what a sibling is? Was the puppet your mother created before you your sibling?
Did mother tell you so that you may find your brother?
Scaramouche hears of you. From both rumors and his own intel, he thinks you're a little pathetic. You've been thrown out like him, no better than trash and another sour stain in the world— but your activities pique his curiosity.
What is with you making friends? You strike conversations with the Fatui, you help lost travelers, you share food— have you not learned the first time? As if there's a severe flaw in your system.
He doesn't try to avoid you. He doesn't try to meet you either. To him, you're simply strangers... until the day you find him, happily calling him your older brother as if the long search was over.
He stares at you with dumbfounded disgust. What?
"Ha? Brother? Listen here, you are no different from a toy thrown away. She is not your mother, and I am not your brother."
Scaramouche doesn't understand why you continued to follow him. Loudly, at first, then quietly the next. Pacing yourself just a little behind him, not in a way that would bother him but he knows you're there by the sound of your footsteps.
He tries to shake you off. Lose you in crowds and his random missions, but you'd always somehow find him (sometimes, it takes only days. Other times, it takes years).
Eventually, he settles for a life where you're always nearby— constantly within reach. He doesn't bother to knock some sense in you about the complicated nature of your existence (to him, you're too dumb to understand anyway. a head full of flowers, he says, even when you're actually quite smart).
He doesn't correct you when you call him brother anymore either, and you settle for a life that's almost peaceful (he never truly tells you what he does with the Fatui. you don't follow him either, knowing he'll get angry, and you wouldn't want your brother to get angry at you!)
// makes me wonder how his story quest would progress once hes playable
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hematomes · 2 years
so apparently they're changing scara's name to "wanderer" when he becomes playable, and he'll most likely have a boss fight. i hope to god they won't redeem him by wiping his memory, bc that would literally break my heart and royally piss me off
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reginrokkr · 1 year
[ 3, 11, and 12 for the Munday meme ^^ I hope you're having a good Munday so far! ]
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3. Whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
There are many wonderful writers that I crossed paths with since I started this RP journey in 2016 and unfortunately many left, but there are three that deserve a special mention because they never fail to amaze me not only writing wise, but also due to the love they put to their muses all these years I've known them. They are: @ereipiia, @samyavastha and @scarletooyoroi!
11. Describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
Focusing strictly what's on canon, there is a really telling quote that is part of the Traveler's in-game profile text that goes like:
The keeper is fading away; the creator has not yet come. But the world shall burn no more, for you shall ascend.
Considering Dain's title alone, the fact that he lets on that his memory is fading, the curse of the gods he has, all the years he lived and his overall current situation, it fits that the keeper part refers to him and fading away might have various meanings. I wouldn't be surprised if his death could be one of them, but I have hope that he'll make it since he was announced as a future playable character. This is where my answer comes: whatever will happen to him, I seriously hope that at least it'll make him feel at peace after everything he's been carrying.
12. What roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends?
Oof, I'd lie if I said that I remember the existing trends at the time even though it's one of my favorite from all times. But back then people used to be more direct when they talked and there were definitely less worries about callouts than these days. I wouldn't necessarily call this a trend, but yes. I also remember that smut and shipping wasn't taken as lightly and everything was enjoyable to me at the time, or maybe nearly everything, as you knew that if you saw someone shipping or smutting that was a sign of big development behind.
@divitaclara ✦
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faulix · 2 months
Mhm! I am also rooting for Meteor Impact to get animated bc G O D, but right now the signs are not pointing towards that one right now. Tbh Meteor Impact would be a good one to end on. And yeah, Marionette was in the original anime, but so was Rocket Start. And they also animated a part of RS (conversation between Wataru and Natsume) in the Element anime which is why I was (and still am tbh) leaning to Rocket Start potentially not getting animated. BUT I MUST BELIEVE.
Their climax story is literally an apology for sidelining Trickstar as protagonists so much in !! era, so they could start fixing that problem with RS anime and event ^_^
And yeah they absolutely get a bit sidelined and overshadowed by other units, though sometimes they do give them the favorite child treatment, emphasis on SOMETIMES. Xday, their climax story, for example was AMAZING especially when compared to other unit climax stories. But the rest of !! Trickstar? Ayayaya man... they fell off. Their entire problem throughout the !! era is about how much they fell off, how they're broke and how much ES hates them bc of their troublemaker reputation. They did basically nothing with that at all except for in their climax story (I mean Satellite is also like that but sssshh) where they teases that Trickstar's next arc is gonna be about them once again rebelling and potentially going independent! So I'm excited to see where they're headed in the future and what the actual arc is going to be like.
So imagine getting hit in the face by potential new idols. Goodbye😭
I didn't want new idols in the first place because it'll fuck with the rotation and HappyEle already does pretty poorly with balancing their characters already with focus and such.
But if these new idols end up taking up all the focus again when it looked like Xday was trying to lead to Trickstar making a comeback as the true protagonists, it just makes me sad. I'll stay hopeful until we got more info though, but it's looking bleak out here. Especially the rotation is looking bleak if these new characters are actually playable idols oml.
It really feels like it's gonna be like "hey so Subaru is our posterboy, but do we actually have any plans for him?"
"We do, but we're not gonna do any of that. He'll just stay our posterboy"
Like dude the papahoshi storyline is found dead in Miami, god help me out of here. First they tease he might be alive in Sanctuary which is like 2.5 years ago and then Xday was about gifting Subaru the gift of seeing his dad again through an old video showcasing what papahoshi was like as a dad and now... I can see myself waiting another 5 years. But that's typical for enstars. It's not like papahoshi is the whole reason anything happens here anyways. Not at all. Why would he. And why would his son be important to anything in the plot. Protagonist? No. Just my househusband.
possible rocket start anime announcement 🤝 possible meteor impact anime announcement
one of my friends passing out instantly at the announcement
ok i have not been keeping up with enstars at all but god the rotation would be so fucked. i like that they got some good content in their climax though!!!! honestly it does suck that the revolutionary group got sidelined a lot in !! and now we need !!! for more. and now we have a new idol group for it as well. the story is gonna take 8 years for 1 normal year at this rate
i had no idea any of this was happening. subaru's dad. i genuinely forget about him half the time because no development ever comes from it (that i've seen it's been a while) but do not worry. we have your new househusband/crush to draw more lore from. and another idol group. god help us
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gojoidyll · 2 months
i'm the anon who got spooked by jingyuan by building up my pity (for sunday) then im doing it again on luocha's banner 😎 i hope luocha don't suddenly show up tho cus i really want sundayyyyyyy my husband. me building up my pity is just for sundayyyyyyyyyyy everyone's trying to separate me and him 😔😔😔 LMAO
i stopped at 50 pity and i think that's enough ig?? i dont have much resources anyway and ill save up more since hsr's anniversary is coming up that means more jades and tickets 🤩
i'll skip aven's banner (sorry pookie) & im sure he'll rerun in the future so no worries 😎
i also pray everyday that playable sunday will be much mooooooooore later so us sunday stans can be more prepared <333
Hi hi! You better be careful with that luocha banner cause I did the same thing after I got acheron and I won his 50/50 😭😂 (but it's ok because I actually needed a healer anyway for Blade and stuff) but good luck to you if you continue building pity!!!
Oh yeah! I'm definitely looking forward to the anniversary! Hoyo gacha gods know that I need the jades lmao XD
And yes!! I'm hoping Sunday is super far too! I'm hoping he at least comes in 2.4 or 2.5 because I really want to go for aventurine and robin. if i don't get robin I won't be too sad because then I'll at least be guaranteed for sunday 😎
Though worst case scenario is that he comes in 2.3 right after his sister 💀 I know i won't be ready by then lol
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af1899 · 3 years
So, about the New Heroes of Oct/2021
Pretty sure they've been posted around here by now but I wanted to share some thoughts and plans on what I'll do, first of, le trailer:
As for my thoughts (as well as some insight and results when pulling for Erinys and Jill), since they usually get quite lengthy, I'll just hide them below, feel free to read on if you like, and I hope there's anything you could find useful!
As a bonus, there's an analysis on how I understood [Hardy Fighter 3]!
About the banner
This update will add the guys that once served Hardin (a.k.a.: Coyote) in the Akaneia sub-series (the Wolfguard), you first see them as a playable squad in the very first installment of the series, which would later be remade for the SNES as the first book of Mystery of the Emblem, then in book 2, they make a comeback as enemies, when Marth is leading his army to defeat Hardin, the Wolfguard surprises him and tries to defend Hardin, but they're eventually swayed to join Marth once again.
Malice is kind of random since she doesn't have anything to do with the Wolfguard, but it's good to see her here and someone had to fill the fifth spot if not Turbant Hardin (but this banner is based on New Mystery of the Emblem, so it makes sense he's not here), regardless, I do hope Malice's quotes will feel in character, you can read more about her here, there's no need to worry about spoilers since there's hardly any information about her.
And yes, I generalized this as "the update" because Sedgar (the remaining member of the Wolfguard not in the banner) will also be added but as a [Grand Hero Battle] unit, he'll be available in two days.
Then, there's Vyland, he's not in the banner but his sprite appears at 2:01 in the trailer, revealing he's an axe cavalry unit, pretty weird if you ask me since he's not even able to use axes originally, unless reclassed to certain clases (but none is mounted), but that's I.S. for you: "InconSistency", anyway...
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Fjorm introduces herself as an "Ascended Hero"... well, I didn't see that categorization coming, but interesting I guess.
I'm suppossing we'll see those in limited amounts, as they seem to be upgraded versions of existing characters (probably only the OCs of the game for now, next would likely be Laegjarn) that were granted power from the Gods (Nifl granted power to Fjorm so that she fights Múspell and his champion warrior (Laegjarn) as we could see in the [Ice & Flame] series of events).
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I wouldn't blame you if you're confused on what her B-skill does, I'm not fan of long paragraphs of text either.
Anyway, a breakdown of what this does:
It'll always ensure your foe can't make the guaranteed follow-up attacks from skills that grant those under a certain condition.
On turn 1, if the user is hit with an special skill then the user gets a cooldown reductions to theirs by -2.
On any turn, if the foe hits the user and this makes the user trigger their defensive special skill (i.e. [Escutcheon] and any that reduces damage by a set percentage) its damage reduction effect will be improved.
For example, Ascendant Fjorm has [Ice Mirror] which reduces damage taken from foe's next ranged strike by 30% when activated, then the remaining potential damage (the other 70%) would be reduced by another 30% as [Ice Mirror] would activate twice on a foe's ranged strike, when it's ready, this makes up for a reduction of 50%.
Let's take a look at a simulated attack from some random {Blade} weapon user, let's pretend they would normally deal 40 damage in an attack and Ascendant Fjorm will activate [Ice Mirror]:
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Even if the numbers aren't accurrate, I'm fairly certain this is how [Hardy Fighter 3] is going to work more or less.
Would this affect the damage boost for the retaliation attack? I think so, but they said that the special skill activations are calculated separately, so chances are the special skill will only take the base 30% it reduces or the whole damage reduction [Hardy Fighter 3] adds, we'll see after some testing tomorrow, if I can do it, or thanks to someone else testing it for us.
Anyway, holy crap... this is a long paragraph and such a gimmicky effect, it's probably going to be quite useful but I'm probably going to prefer good ol' [Special Fighter 3] or one of the older skills in the family, [Hardy Fighter 3] is great to make your unit even beefier, but it might be slightly hard to use, and requires your unit uses a defensive special, which can come at cost of using others like [Aether] or [Sol].
The new upgrade material
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Right... we're talking about the [Ascendant Florets], these will allow your unit to have up to two stat boons (meaning you can only use them once per unit), every player will get a free one plus the second one will come through if you can secure one Ascendant Fjorm (we can get one [Ascendant Floret] the first time we get a new Ascended Hero, and no more are given if you get more copies of that Ascended Hero).
As you can already infer, this resource is going to be extremely scarce and valuable, so exercise additional caution and tought when using those, give it to the unit you're sure use often and think could use two stat boons. Personally, I'm torn between Idoun and Legendary Julia getting an speed boon, both could use it somehow, or I could give it to someone else, but I'm completely uncertain myself, so it'll take me some time to come up with who will receive it, we'll see.
Also, it's worth noting that Ascended Heroes can get a second boon for free, so you won't need to spent [Ascendant Florets] on them.
After knowing this, what we can infer about Ascended Heroes?
They're likely going to be based on characters originary to Fire Emblem Heroes (OC = original character).
Whether or not this is true, they'd be versions of Heroes who were granted great power, most likely from a deity.
They can get a second stat boon for free.
They're going to be part of the regular pool.
This status is moreso related to lore than anything, the only benefit in a gameplay standpoint is the free second stat boon and that they're not going to be summonable only when they're focus units.
So, what do I think of all this?
Well... this sure is all a welcome surprise, for once, I'm glad I.S. remembered the Wolfguard, I'm not attached to any of them, so I could skip them easily if I wanted to.
Malice, however, could be interesting, I love purple in general and she's pretty, but I'm not sure how to feel about her, since she doesn't get much interaction in New Mystery of the Emblem, but I do hope the quotes will give me a good idea of what's she like, either way, I feel hopeful she'll be a project of mine.
I'm also relieved that Ascendant Heroes will have their own classification, we can expect them to not to hog the spot of a Legendary/Mythic Hero.
With how the story on [Ice & Flame 4] went by, and the fact we're again getting first Special Heroes then New Heroes the next month, it's most safe to assume the next episode will focus on Laegjarn, and have her become an Ascendant Hero that'll be advertised the same way and made playable around mid-November.
However, my brain can never accept how I.S. chooses to name banners even if that will not change, I simply can't stand how they name those like... "New Heroes & Ascended Fjorm", but it's well-known to me they want to advertise the OCs and disregard the rest of the newly added characters, and it's no news to me this practice still goes on for at least a year and a half. Oh well... just a little molested about this but I eventually forget it and move on.
Onto a positive point, we're getting some celebrational stuff for the addition of the new hero type, including two free 5★ copies of Vyland with [Unbound Axe+], double [SP] and [EXP] multipliers, rewards from quests (3 [Orbs] and 300 of each {Dragonflower} kind, plus some more other unnamed rewards that'll be known later) and twelve reruns for banners and some of the more recent [Grand Hero Battles] (twelve of them too), you can find every detail about the celebrational events in this archived notification. Anyway, these are all appreciated rewards, nice!
And overall, this banner doesn't feel like the units will be really broken, some are strong, but not gamebreaking, Fjorm is still an armored axe user with some interesting skills to take on all sorts of magical units and some other ranged threats, but ultimately, she falls prey to melee red units, I know Idoun will be an example of an easy counter (high DEF and effectiveness).
And I liked the choices for sure! Even though I'm not personally attached to anyone at the Wolfguard.
Also, it's worth nothing Roshea has a reskinned version of [Courtly Candle+].
I rate this update: 9/10
Plans and summoning results
First of, I almost recklessly throw everything at the {Rein} skills banner, I really adore Erinys and Jill and was hoping I could get merges on both, but things didn't go too well for the cost:
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Prior to the trailer, I pulled on three blue stones, totalling 8 [Orbs], when it dropped, I had thought (after some time) that I'd divide my [Orb] savings between this banner and the New Heroes one if I end up sparking for Ascendant Fjorm or Malice since I'd pull on every color, this was a good plan and would probably give me some great fodder along the way.
So, I went with pulling for Jill and Erinys, the former came in the sole green stone when I started to pull after I saw the trailer, this means she came after 13 [Orbs], and with okay IVs too. I got quite some appreciation for Jill and love her design, so I want to make of her a project.
Then, my rate was going up to 4.5%, but before it got to raise again, a Lugh appeared and lowered it to 3.5%, so I bailed out and thought who could get his fodder, eventually I decided that my favorite tactician would use it better:
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And besides, I never could get much fodder for her, so it makes me happy to be able to revamp her kit with new stuff, even if she won't use everything she gets, I just want to treat her to something nice.
But I've come to regret deeply pulling past getting Jill, since I saw the news about the celebrational stuff on a random visit to Reddit to look for fanart after I pulled (including the schedule of banners here), and this came to attention:
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This is really a bummer, since I have 133 [Orbs] as of this post, with most of the ones I had previously used on the {Rein} skills banner now gone, but since this banner is only going to be live for 24 hours and considering what I have left, I'll just summon in all available red stones in the first round (otherwise just free summon on whatever color), then back to saving it'd be.
The short duration kind of mitigates the damage since pulling at a banner lasting this little unprepared is most unwise ― it still hurts to skip a rerun of my best girl, but I can move on with ease.
So, if I end up feeling interested for Malice, I'll proceed to spark on the Wolfguard banner for either her or Ascendant Fjorm, otherwise I'll just keep saving for later!
And my free summon today was on red, didn't get anything but Idc.
This turned out to be longer than initially expected
However, there has been a lot of content to put into the table I wanted to talk about, I really like writing about the topics I like and I feel like I don't always have what it takes to convey a message in fewer words, so I apologize if you find this all too much to read, even though some parts are of course optional.
Still, if you took some time to read even some parts of this post, I'm definitely grateful for it, thanks so much! And regardless, I hope you'll get lucky in the coming banners.
Also, as a side note, I've reached 100 posts! (But some of them are reblogs)
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dourpeep · 2 years
I'm close to pity(70) and i don't know if I should continue to pull for itto or save for Xiao 😩
I can't wait for scara to become a playable character so I can put him on the same team with baal, kazuha, hu tao
Baal:- for obvious reasons
Kazuha:- emotional support
Hu tao:- emotional support (2) and to lighten the mood
I heard that ningguang might be getting a new skin but i still don't have her 😭😭
I've also wanted Bennett for the longest time and now that I've finally got him I don't feel like building him anymore
-no primogems
PRIMOSSSSS HELLO I'VE MISSED YOU also I'm answering this first because I forgot you sent a few other asks and instead answered the most recent one isdhfoiehf
aoiefheih it really depends!!! If you want Itto + have a team comp ready then by all means--same for Xiao. Who do you want more? When you think about not pulling for one of them, how does that make you feel??
Ehe that's usually what thought process I go through when deciding to roll or not to roll.
But ah!! Yes me too!!! I can't wait for him to be a playable character! I hope that we'll be seeing him soon (though since there was a lot of hinting towards him going awol last update, I assume that we will >>). Also I'm wondering just what he'll be. The most popular is electro catalyst, and I agree that it'd be fitting. It'd also be interesting considering his relationship to Yae Miko and how she's also theorized to be an electro catalyst.
Clearly, she cares about him, whether or not that has diminished and regardless of her stance when he initially began to wander alone. So it'd be cool to think that he might've been trained by her.
Especially with the possibility that (though his god-like powers were repressed) Scaramouche could have had innate electro powers like the Archons do.
I gotta say- overcharged is fun to play with hehehe everything just gets blown away-
AH Ningguang getting a new skin...I wonder what it'll be like! I guess we'll see if the rumors are true as well as what it'll look like tomorrow :DDD
I hope that you're able to get her as well--I still am not very keen on playing catalyst, but she def can be real strong >>
OIDHFOIEH BENNET LUCK IT'S OKAY THOUGH now he'll be ready and waiting when you decide to build him!!
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