#Amanda Sefton
artofthero · 13 days
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i always thought these two were rly cute (; w ; )
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flamingwordsinthesky · 6 months
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I can't believe Nightcrawler was doing the upside down kiss way before Spider-Man. Is Spider-Man a plagiarist?
Marvel Team Up#89
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pageofqueens · 20 days
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illyanarasputinfan · 2 months
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Uncanny X-Men #188 (1984) MARVEL
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tonkysexist · 1 year
Do you guys think it’s controversial in the Marvel universe to call people dating non-human looking mutants furries?? Like people saying it’s bad because that implies the those mutants are animals?? Are there callout posts saying things like “unfollow this person they called Amanda Sefton a furry”??
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mjjmayor · 1 year
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Kurt Wagner is a smooth operator. // Saga of Crystar (1983) #6, Mar 1984
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X-Men #169
Chris Claremont/Paul Smith
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why-i-love-comics · 2 years
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Nightcrawler #1 (2014)
written by Chris Claremont art by Todd Nauck & Rachelle Rosenberg
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cocoabubbelle · 1 year
Kurt: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Amanda: Aww-
Kurt: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Amanda: 😆😆😆
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x-mencomics · 3 months
The Uncanny X-Men #177 - Sanction
In an empty amusement park, Mystique fights against the X-Men. She slices Wolverine's throat with a knife and he dies. She stabs Kitty and she dies. In the amusement park's house of mirrors, she uses the mirrors to amplify Cyclops's optic blasts and aim them at Colossus, killing him. Then she strangles Cyclops to death. She changes her costume to one that can absorb Storm's lightning and when Storm predictably strikes Mystique, Mystique absorbs it and redirects it to a nearby fuel truck which explodes, killing Storm. She shoots Rogue with a very powerful gun. Then Nightcrawler shows up. Mystique tries to kill him with that knife, but he teleports away, then punches her, knocking her out cold.
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Mystique wakes up. Seems like it was all a dream. Arcade and Miss Locke burst into the room and congratulate Mystique on a job well done against his X-Men robots in Murderworld (see issue #146). Mystique had previously asked Arcade to set up Murderworld as a training ground for her and her Brotherhood to practice fighting against the X-Men. Mystique wants to fight and kill the REAL X-Men and get Rogue back from them.
Meanwhile, at Stevie Hunter's dance studio, Kitty asks Stevie about Storm's new look and attitude. She says Storm has become a total stranger to her. Storm walks in and overhears Kitty, asking if Kitty thinks she's some kind of monster now. Kitty says that compared to what Storm was, maybe so. Kitty walks out of the room. Storm confides in Stevie that she thinks Kitty may be right about her...
In space, on board the Starjammer, Lilandra says goodbye to Charles. He tells her to come back for him some day, and she says she will. In another room on the ship, Alex and Scott say goodbye to their father, Christopher. Charles, Alex, and Scott are beamed back to earth, and Christopher and Lilandra begin their long journey back to the Shi'ar Empire.
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Kurt and Amanda, and Kitty and Peter go on a double date to the ballet. While Peter and Kitty go park the car, Kurt and Amanda walk inside. Kurt talks to Amanda about how he wishes he could meet his father like Scott and Alex have. He also recalls meeting Mystique and asking her about a possible connection between himself and her because of how similar they look (see issue #142). Mystique responded that he should ask his mother. Margali Szardos is Amanda's real mother and the woman who raised Kurt. Amanda says all she knows about Kurt's past is that Margali found Kurt on the side of the road when he was just a baby. Amanda suggests they call Margali tomorrow to talk more about it.
Suddenly, there's a huge explosion in a nearby building. Peter transforms into Colossus, yells for Kitty to call the Fire Dept, and rushes into the building. He wants to save anyone who's inside. But the building seems completely abandoned. Until the Blob shows up.
The Blob says the explosion was a trap to get the X-Men to come inside the building. The Blob punches Colossus and he goes flying. Then Pyro appears and starts burning Colossus with his fire powers. At first Colossus seems fine, but then the flames get hotter and hotter. Colossus turns red; then white-hot. Pyro makes a giant bird out of flames which carries Colossus out of the building and into a nearby construction zone. The flame-bird disappears, but Avalanche is waiting there in the construction zone. Avalanche uses his powers to make a liquid nitrogen trucks explode, and Colossus is covered with the liquid nitrogen. Kitty rushes to the construction zone and finds Colossus. The liquid nitrogen has turned him to stone!
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nthflower · 1 year
One he is teenage girl here
Two stay away from Amanda. Both stay away from each other. I am begging please.
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mister-faltine · 2 years
Magik (Amanda Sefton) and Dormammu uniting their powers:
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Magik (2000) #2.
Writers - Andy Lanning, Dan Abnett.
Artist - Liam Sharp.
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flamingwordsinthesky · 6 months
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Spider-Man: Hey thanks for the save. Wanna hang out some more?
Nightcrawler: Nope. I'm gonna go get laid.
Spider-Man: O-Oh okay...yeah...have fun?
Marvel Team Up #89
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sugarlow23 · 1 year
Amanda Sefton is my favorite dumb c-list comic book character. Any writer who chooses to use her is insane but I love them.
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illyanarasputinfan · 1 month
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Magik vs. Magik
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basicbard · 2 years
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remember when Kurt was dead for like a year? good times. have some angsty art from when I was really in my feels about it
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