#Alycia Leveau
auraravenora77 · 1 year
✨ Main Masterlist ✨
Updated on May 30th, 2024
Ana || around my 20s || She/Her || Pisces || Original Writing Works 
Note: I do not consent having my work copied, reposted on other sites outside of Tumblr or translated. Reblogging here on Tumblr is perfectly fine with me, but I don't give any permission to be reposted here and anywhere else. These are my original works so please do NOT claim ownership of them. I will also update this masterlist from time to time soon. Thank you!
My Original Characters
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Teersa Prisvielle - Xelhua (Fae Hybrid)
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Series 1 - Beginning to Dream
Series 2 - Heart and Dedication (Coming Soon)
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Lissa Lunaris - Wolf Berserker Hybrid
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Series 1 - Early Beginnings
Series 2 - Tragedies (Coming Soon)
Series 3 - Humanity Lost (Coming Soon)
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Lilithia "Alycia Leveau" - Nightmare Demonness
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Series 1 - Nothing but an Illusion
Series 2 - A Hell's Darkness (Coming Soon)
Current series - Demon in Disguise
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Avarena Ashe "Raven" - Banshee
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Series 1 - Where Death Follows
Series 2 - A Witch's Downfall (Coming Soon)
Series 3 - Nothing but a Scream (Coming Soon)
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Caritina Morana - Necromancer 
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Series 1 - A Sorceress of Light (Coming Soon)
Series 2 - Crashing and Falling (Coming Soon)
Series 3 - Enlightening Death (Coming Soon)
Reign in Chaos - Apocalypse AU
Links (there will be more soon when updated)
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6 notes · View notes
auraravenora77 · 8 months
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Prologue | Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six
Alycia Leveau "Lilithia"
Summary: In the day of her 19th birthday, Alycia received the important letter that'll either changed her life for the better or worse. Also, her parents prepare themselves to say something to her.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,703
Author's Note: Hello! It's the recent chapter for the ongoing series before Alycia's transformation into Lilithia reincarnate. I like to sincerely apologize if this is too long, messy or all over the place. Please let me know if you want to be in the taglist. I want to know what are your thoughts on it and enjoy reading this while you can!
Chapter Three
"Good morning, Alycia!"
A deep, cheery voice interrupted my train of thought and daydreams. I turned slowly and craned my neck to look at the source of the voice. It turned out to be the neighborhood friendly mailman, who was willing to talk to the sluggish college student. At most times, I reply with a generous greeting in return and strike a quick conversation with him. Today was not one of these times to be bright and talkative.
Noting the moodiness and tone of my response, his lips tumbled into a frown as he moved along to deliver mail for the neighborhood. A shadow of guilt trickled through me as she thought of the gloomy mood towards a family friend. He didn't deserve such rudeness and attitude coming from me. An apology was most needed when we cross paths tomorrow or some other day.
After opening the mailbox to reach for the large stack of mail, I hurried over to the direction of my home. It didn't take long for me to step foot in the place and close the door behind me. It can be relieving that no one heard the ruckus downstairs due to my parents working at their workplace. That ought to be a good thing because I needed a little moment of time by myself from time to time.
Striding towards the kitchen island to sit on the stool, I placed the stack of mail onto the island before me. The paused moment was supposed to calm myself with empty thoughts, but my hands shook with anticipation and excitement. I let out a shaky breath, preparing myself to check every letter to see anything important to me. At this moment, it gives me the remaining strength to do that. Let it all begin!
I began observing the details of each letter and envelope without missing a beat. As I expected for this week, there was plainly regular mail for my parents to deal with and nothing more. A frustrated sigh escaped my lips as almost none of the letters were for me. I was beginning to lose some hope for the letter, but a certain last letter froze me in shock.
Internship for Peccatum Luxuries
I stood alone for several long minutes, composing my thoughts, processing what had occured. My trembling hands held the most important letter I had been waiting for the past three weeks. The entire wait has put me on an impatient edge until now. My irritated mood rapidly changed into a brighter one.
Peccatum Luxuries was one of the largest international businesses in the world. One of their buildings was located in the busy industrial district here in Colorado, which was not far from here. It has been a dream of mine to intern and work there if they accept me. I couldn't hardly contain my excitement and realization over this moment.
This letter reveals my future for the better or the worst.
With the thought that made my head swim, life flashed before my eyes. Deciding whether to open the letter now or later, I bit the inside of my cheek. On one hand, it gives me a good chance to read it and prepare for the future. On second thought, It would stress me out if I had opened the letter and affected my sleep even more. The decision has been made for this tiring moment. I placed it on the bureau, deciding to read it right after taking a quick birthday nap.
I caught the sight of my bed, which started to call my name to lay down and fall asleep on. Sheer exhaustion invaded my body and mind as I stepped closer and closer to the bed. My eyelids felt heavier and droopier in each second as soon as my head hit the softness of the pillow. Several minutes later, I drifted to some sleep until the morning hours came around once again.
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Flashes of images repeatedly haunt me in the same dream as before. It sounds more like an animalistic growl, along with eerie laughter in the background. What caught my attention the most was the burgundy engraved emblem on a suit. The mysterious person pushed me into a large pit of black blood, making it impossible for me to escape. Fortunately, the buzzing sound of my alarm clock prevented me from being dragged into it, knowing it was just a nightmare.
My eyes snapped open, pulled from the horrifying dream that was already fading from my memory. Frantically glancing around to observe my surroundings, I drink in this familiar place known as my bedroom. Breathing a sigh of relief, I rubbed the remnants of sleep from my eyes before a series of calculations ran through my head. I need to put a stop to these nightmares before they shatter my fragile mind, worse my health and many more.
I pushed myself to sit upright, glanced across the room toward the clock to my left, and displayed the time as five in the evening, it read. It left me stunned over the actual time. I have been sleeping for five hours straight? It felt like a few minutes or so. Reaching for the alarm clock to shut it off, I rolled out of bed and went to my bathroom.
A quick shower made me more refreshed than before. Stepping out to dry myself, I wrapped my favorite blue towel around my naked body. Something shocking undoubtedly drew my attention. I gripped the edges of the sink as the reflection stared back at me. It wasn't quite pleasant for what I'm seeing.
Dark circles had settled beneath my eyes, heavy exhaustion had taken its toll on me. My own appearance brought me to step back and think it through. I am feeling gradually worse by the day with the same nightmare that has been plaguing me since last week. It all has to mean something important. Anything really! A sigh left my lips before I moved along for a special clothing change.
I strode towards my walk-in closet, searching for the most perfect birthday attire. There were many options for the most eye-opening birthday outfit to pick out and wear, but a certain outfit caught my eyes and kept returning to it. I promised myself to wear it for special occasions this year. A quick clothing change brings me over to the closet wall mirror, where my eyes roam over the reflection.
Almost everything about my appearance made me look presentable. I smooth down my braid, adjusting my party outfit. A nod of approval brought me to move on with some makeup. Light touches of makeup can do wonders on a ghostly pale face and sleepy eyes. A simple glance in the mirror and the corners of my mouth lifted into a bright smile. It filled me with joy to see my healthy visage again.
Then, I heard a light knock on the door. The sound took me to a pause and glance toward it. Instead of playing the guessing game, I simply let out a clear shout, "Come in!"
The door opened and my mom came in. The sound of her footsteps came closer to my direction. I turned to find her face brightened over the outfit I'm wearing. She finally spoke, "I can see you are getting dolled up, sweetheart!"
"Dolled up as I ever will be!" I answered in a playful tone. The gap between them closes as my mom joins to observe the outfit on the reflection. I resume speaking to voice my thoughts on another topic, "This outfit suits me pretty well! Thank you so much, mom."
"Well, that's good to hear!" My mother rejoiced greatly at the tremendous approval of the dress. Many months ago, she had purchased it after exploring clothing shops downtown.
"When you finish, meet me downstairs with your dad.."
"Alright I will be there in a second.."
Then, she leaves the bedroom with the door closing behind her. Silence returned in the room, leaving me filled with relaxing thoughts. Everything seemed perfect for me to smoothen my outfit one last time. I gave myself a final look in the mirror and nodded in approval before leaving the bedroom altogether to see something that left me with mixed emotions.
Something surprising greets me outside the bedroom. A fancy red carpet spread outside my door, leading me downstairs. Every year, my parents had this tradition to do something special for a special occasion, especially birthdays. This year was theatrical and unpredictable, which impressed me well. Pretending to feel unaware with everything, I began to follow it with slow paces forward. The carpet leads to the stairs, which causes me to notice something mesmerizing.
What I came to notice was my parents waiting for me at the bottom row of the stairs. They were holding a red velvet birthday cake that had the greatest intricate design with some major piping detail. It had 'Happy Birthday Alycia' written on top of the cake. Amazement filled my features as I appreciated how everything my parents do for me as I do for them.
It was definitely a great surprise, indeed! It made me forever grateful for what they had done. With the brightest smile on my face, I reached the first step of the stairs to meet them. For a brief moment, I closed my eyes to make an unspoken wish before blowing out the candles on my cake. My eyes pried open and flicker towards my parents.
"Happy birthday, sweetie!" My parents rejoiced in unison. I gazed at them, glowing with happiness. Their faces brightened underneath the candle-lit room. It pleased me to see them like this. We moved along towards the kitchen to cut three pieces of the cake.
I took one small bite of the piece of the birthday cake and it felt like my life changed completely. Everything about this cake tastes better with each bite. The rich flavor brings a satisfying smile evidently on my face. I wished to devour the rest of the cake, but more celebratory birthday plans were waiting for me.
A quick glimpse of my parents' direction causes me to remain confused and concerned. Their mood somehow changed from content to concerned. They weren't acting their usual selves as of late. It all started earlier this week since I overheard their conversation about me. It pains me to see them like this! I wished to question and solve their problems, but a moment of hesitation kept me quiet and thoughtful.
The rest of the hour almost brings nothing but silence between me and my parents. The silence dragged on until my phone repeatedly pinged, drawing our attention to it. With some relief that lifted a smile to my lips, I remind myself to thank them later. I shot my parents an apologetic gaze, then picked up my phone to take a quick glimpse of the message.
What's taking you so long, Aly? We are waiting for you..
My eyes went wide over the shocking text my best friends sent me. I didn't expect that they would prepare the birthday party earlier than I thought. A new panic settled on my chest for the past five seconds until an idea formed in my head. Thinking it would work, I rushed my fingers to text message them and sent them.
I will be there in less than an hour! Please distract anyone if they ask for me..
There was always one outrageous thing to another, especially on a special day like this. Patiently waiting for the text back, I managed to calm myself and feel joyous. I sneaked a peek over my parents, who were unaware of my panic. My phone pinged once more as my eyes returned to focus on it. They didn't take long for them to text back.
I will do that but please hurry! It would be unnecessary to start this birthday without you here..
I guess it was time to excuse myself to begin my sweet farewells to them and leave. I hopped out of my seat and stride toward the coat rack, taking the leather jack to cover myself from the cold.
My sudden movement brought the attention from my parents, who finished their pieces of cake. It led me to return to them and begin speaking to them.
"Mom? Dad? This was the best birthday ever and I -"
My father raised his hand up and cut me off from speaking, "Sweetheart? There is something we need to discuss."
The urgency in his tone caught my attention. There was no chance for me to brush them off this time. Striding back towards them, I joined my concerned parents at the dining room table, sitting across from them. I hope they won't take this discussion too long.
"This will be difficult to express our feelings, but we will manage to make it through it for you.."
Remaining thoughtfully silent, my face was filled with complete understanding. There was a feeling when they would confess their weeklong secret to me. I squirm against my seat, preparing myself to lend an ear out to them. A simple nod led them to begin speaking.
"It was the day you're coming to this world early. Your father rushed me to the hospital and arrived there just in time..." Mother explained to me, fighting back raw emotions. It took my father to console and reassure her, but she refused to need any of it. "Something was very wrong during the premature birth. You had a severe illness, and it causes you to barely breathe.."
With a puzzled expression on my face, I darted my gaze between them. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion over their peculiar behavior. Everything doesn't feel right with them ever since earlier this week. Why were they telling this story to me again?
There was a pause between my parents, who thought more to say. A sense of calm returns to her before she resumes speaking, "Those amazing doctors did everything to bring you back to life multiple times. You were barely alive, but not for long. We were praying hard for you to make it through the night and then.."
"A miracle happened.." My father explained, finishing the sentence my mother hesitated to. "You made it throughout the entire night and the doctors called you a miracle.."
"Our miracle baby! You were our last hope for our lives to make it better after trying again and again.." My mother shakily answered, her eyes shining with unshed tears that threatened to fall. With her hands trembling, she blinked them back many times to prevent herself from crying.
Deep down, it wounds me to see them emotional like this. Something serious has been bothering them. It was that obvious! I couldn't help but ask them a question, "Is there something important you're not telling me?"
My parents flinched, surprised by that question. My guesses were correct when that tells me something seriously bothered them. It was something deep, much more serious than I thought. It felt as if they're trying to protect me from something heartbreaking or similar to that thought. It sent a fresh hurting ache through my chest.
Fleeting emotion faded quickly from their features as they gave me a blank look. My father stepped forward to answer the question. "We're just proud of you and your future, that's all. You are making the right choices…just like us!"
Returning the long comforting hug, I melt in their sweet embrace. With words died out of my lips, I didn't push myself to question further about anything personal. It was just swept under the rug as usual. The question will be asked later when the time is right. As for right now, I need to celebrate this special day of my life.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of the sweet but long embrace, I stood up from my seat, preparing myself to leave the door. A simple goodbye led me outside where I took my convertible to drive away and head to the lake house. In the back of my mind, there was a small hope bubbling inside me.
Let's just hope my birthday party ends up memorable and magnificent.
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auraravenora77 · 1 year
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Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six
Alycia Leveau
Summary: A horrible nightmare has led Alycia waking up late to the first day of college. In the upcoming days of her birthday, there was something serious her parents has to say.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,935
AN: First chapter of the ongoing series of The Lilithia Chronicles before Alycia's transformation into Lilithia reincarnate. I like to sincerely apologize if this is short, messy or all over the place. Please let me know if you want to be in the taglist. I want to know what are your thoughts on it and enjoy reading this while you can!
Chapter One
19 years later
"What a crappy day.."
Everything has all started off horribly for me. A major cafeteria food accident brought me to become late in my first hour of class. The teacher pursed his lips in displeasure as I walked in the classroom and accidentally disrupted the lesson. Without giving a perfect explanation of my tardiness, the teacher took the decision to place me in detention for two weeks. Two hours of detention felt like an extreme torture. I couldn't believe myself dealing with that for two weeks! As the school rang to signify detention ended, I shot up from my seat and ran toward the door.
Pushing the doors open, melancholy descended over me with the heavy rain that greeted me outside. A clap of thunder distantly growled a deep rumbling warning. The sound almost caused me to take a step back, but displayed utmost bravery. I stepped out of the building entrance doors, utilizing my own backpack as an umbrella. There was no use calling my parents for a car ride because they confiscated my phone due to excessive home phone calls from the principal himself.
Unusual activity was set up ahead of me. Yellow crime scene tape blocked the short path where it leads me home. Police officers stood guard near the tape, halting the onlooking spectators from coming any further. It leads me to turn around and choose to walk the alternative longer route. That would make me even more late! I thought things could get any worse until something crossed my path.
A mystifying creature jumped out of the bush ahead, large enough to startle me. I couldn't figure out what kind of creature, either rare or normal, it was. Noticing my presence, it began to flee with immense speed. Unable to control my own curiosity, I made a major decision to follow the mystifying creature to catch it. It fascinated me how agile it tended to be. It successfully ran toward the large area of the darkest woodlands. I couldn't get to see where it ran off to because of how land remains pitch black. Stopping myself to go even further, It took me a chance to catch my breath before continuing to set forward.
That strange yet unusual occurrence creeps up on me. Air rushed out of my lungs as my surroundings transformed before me. That ought to be the weirdest feeling I ever felt in my life. There was something about this place that made me feel uneasy. Readying myself to depart out of here, my eyes widened over the nothingness behind me. Thinking my own eyes were deceiving me, I blinked many times before starting to believe the nightmarish environment was real. Letting that creature lured me in this endless deep forest set an immediate deep regret on my part. It was nothing but the most foolish decision I ever made in my life.
Cautiously looking around, I went past the thick growth of trees, the forest was full of them, everywhere I looked there was always a tree in sight, not a rock nor a bush. The temperature begins to slowly and dramatically drop. It feels like eyes watching me and my every move. Anything can roam in these parts, even that creature.
My peripheral vision caught the blurred mass of darkness, punctuated only by a flash of silver and black. My first instinct was to hide and crouch behind the nearest thick tree. Keeping myself quiet to not get myself caught, my hand gradually crept up to cup my mouth. The visible shadow-like tendrils slinked towards the creature and clung to it like a second skin. The size and shape of the mass grew into a massive beast. I sucked in a breath, alerting this monster of my presence. Its striking eyes pierced through me like it already knew me. My heart struck my chest with a rapid force. Emotions of panic and fear had left me running away from the mysterious creature. Unfortunately, it already has me in its sights in order to track me.
The chase begins between me and this monstrous and sinister creature who wants something from me. This forest maze can be difficult and complex to get out of. I batted the branches in my face out of the way. Tension begins to build up in the atmosphere. It led me straight to an open area where heavy fog formed to fill the surrounding air. As a quell of regret sat heavily on my stomach, I waited breathlessly in the stillness. The silence lasted for what seemed an eternity until, at last, it appeared.
From the shadows of the cloud, an enormous beast sprang out upon me. It was a hound, but not such a hound as I had ever seen. Its eyes glowed with a smoldering glare. Its rumbling pants and hideous growl. I gaze upon the grotesque and feral beast, fear clutching at my heart. My instincts were telling me to run, but my feet remained rooted to the ground. The ravaged dog creature bared its teeth in a beastly snarl. Red-tinged froth dribbled from its mouth. A sound broke the intense silence between us, causing my heels to accidentally crunched over dead leaves nearby. It decided to take the perfect time to lunge violently at me.
The sudden attack has left me badly wounded on my right arm. I tried to stop the flow of gushing blood from the wound, but it hasn't slowed down in the slightest. It clearly punctured directly near the artery. My eyes frantically returned to the area where the creature stood who mysteriously vanished. Did the creature retreat somewhere to hide back in the shadows? There was no time for me to stand here and ask ridiculous questions. I bolted as fast as possible through the returning maze. Rapid blood loss has left me feeling lightheaded and breathing ragged.
I tripped over something, caught myself from falling, and continued running. My heart was hammering against my ribcage as it pumped adrenaline through my veins. The path led me to another open area of the deep forest. Dark shadows prowled through the night, surrounding me. There was nowhere to be safe from them. Whoever they are!
"Help me!" I cried out in a desperate need for help, no one seemed to either hear or answer my calls. Silence, unfortunately, answers back to me like an old friend.
Maniacal, bone-chilling laughter echoes throughout the area. An icy feeling starts to creep into my heart. I felt a hint of movement to my left, the intensity of a pair of glowing white eyes observing me. The hypnotizing stare has left me paralyzed and thunderstruck. I expected the creature to devour and accept my own death at the moment. Nothing ghastly occurred to me until icy fingers grabbed my arm as I inch through the darkness. A scream erupted in my throat before I was being dragged down by the sinister presence.
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The alarm clock woke me up in an alarming but life-saving manner. I shot out of bed - my skin was glazed with a thin layer of sweat and my heart raced at what felt like a million miles per second. My eyes darted around the room as the lingering images of my nightmare dissipated. A quick glimpse of my own bedroom made me feel at ease. My breathing was beginning to normalize as my heart rate slowly evened out. A series of calculations run through my head. Everything about the dream felt so real to me. It made me silently pray it would end!
A repetitive annoyance pushes me back to reality. The alarm clock lies on the bedside table as it continuously buzzes until I hit the button. A moment of silence calmed me for the moment until my eyes went wide over the time displayed on the silent alarm clock. I am clearly an hour late from attending the first day of college. A few minutes of a quick hygiene and clothing change has me stepping out of the bedroom and into the hallway in an unrelenting crabby mood.
I silently bound down the stairs to be usually greeted by my parents eating breakfast in the dining room area. This time, it was pretty much different! Within an ears reach of a distance, their voices were heard clearly for me to pry. I couldn't help myself but to overhear most of their conversation without being noticed.
"It feels this is the perfect time to inform her about everything before her nineteenth birthday, sweetheart.."
"I agree with you! We don't want anything happening with her.."
Anything to do with me? What do they mean by that? It does sound seriously concerning for the moment between the three of us to confront the issue. It has been quite a long time since they started the routine with me again. Instead, I remain focused on hurrying myself for school. They turn toward my direction after hearing me approaching them.
"Good morning, sweetheart!" was what my parents usually say whenever I made a direct beeline towards the kitchen. At most times, they usually sound rather chipper and jubilant in the mornings. This time? They look completely distant and guarded of their surroundings. That was definitely an eye-raising moment. Something serious must be bothering them.
"Morning.." I grumbled, sounding grumpy as ever. My stomach soundly grumbled over the delicious sight of breakfast waiting for it to be eaten.
Deep down, I had a wild urge to devour everything just to satisfy my stomach but that would make me even more late than usual. Taking a red Fuji apple out of the fruit bowl, I took a small bite and began munching on the fruit. It doesn't simplify my hunger like an actual breakfast meal does. No matter! It will please my stomach for now.
Finding where my phone was last being seen, I scrolled through my phone, my face illuminated with an eerie blue glow. Many missed calls and unread text messages blinked on the screen. My fingers hovered over the screen, debating whether to reply to them or not. Since I simply chose not to, the phone tucked in the hidden side compartment of my backpack.
As I hastily gathered all my other school essentials and almost went out the door, my parents stopped my tracks so they would be able to speak to me. "Sweetheart?"
I raised my head to briefly glance toward them with a simple,"Yes?"
"We need to discuss an important conversation with you, sweetie!" My dad said while patting against the chair next to his. I opened my mouth to respond, but my phone was pinging so many times.
"Now isn't the right time. I am late for the first day of school.." I dismissed them while shooting an apologetic gaze. The text messages drastically changed into phone calls. It left me leaving in a rush of urgency. Sprinting out the door, they heard me yell, "Talk later!"
Then, I went out the door to sprint my way onto school. The constant phone pinging came to a stop which can be relieving for me. However, my thoughts remain on my parents and what they wanted to tell me. Somehow, a sense of quiet regret sat in my stomach. Simply ignoring them made me feel like a horrible daughter sometimes. I wish to turn back and listen to what they had to say to me, but that'll unfortunately make me even more late to school. There's a strong possibility they will inform me later on. Hopefully, that will happen!
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auraravenora77 · 16 days
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Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six
Alycia Flynn/Lilithia Infernum
Summary: The aftermath of Alycia's birthday hasn't been better for her. With her friend in coma and everyone put the blame on her lead to something dark.
Warning: None
Word Count: 4,237
AN: Another chapter finished to post here and I am happy for it!
Chapter Six
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Amusement dawned upon her features as the wet sound echoed through the thin walls. Standing under the ceiling light, Lilithia busied herself with some tasks for a moment. After wiping the sharp utensil dry with a towel, she placed it on the table with care. A sharper utensil seems a perfect fit at this moment of intense dread for the mortal. Since they waited for the longest, she paid them a deadly visit. With her silent but menacing approaching footsteps, she paused several feet from the source of the sound before opening the door further to see the masterpiece.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Heavy chains clasped tight around the victim's legs when he hung upside down in the air. Deep cuts and slashes covered everywhere on his naked torso, blood dripping down on a large bucket. It will be fed later to her ravenous, bloodthirsty animals. His nightmare set into place when Lilithia slipped through his consciousness for a traumatic experience of her own entertainment.
Her nearing presence drew attention to the mortal, who wildly thrashed his body in an attempt to escape. On the other hand, there was nowhere to flee. Blood splatters everywhere across the room, causing a disastrous mess. She gritted her teeth, approaching the victim with a sharp blade in her hand. An ear-splitting scream was the last thing she heard before the dream itself concluded with a dark wall of nothingness.
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I blinked into consciousness blearily, seized by exhaustion and weariness like I never experienced before. I couldn't muster the energy to get out of bed yet. The nightmare left me shaking in fear as it plagued my mind for the past five minutes. At least, it didn't traumatize me for a while like the demon did. Pushing the notion aside, it gave me a moment to observe outside through the window.
The gap in the curtains revealed a peek of a faint red hue, lightening the indigo inks into the early morning sky. It almost feels like a bewitching sight to be fixated on. However, there were more important things to attend to than to stop and stare. Letting out a deep sigh, I bolted upright and flung the sheets out of my legs. A simple chill brought goosebumps that can be easily ignored. Only something warm can be fixed for that.
A twenty-minute hot, steaming shower regains the strength and energy of my composed self. It only persisted long enough for me to feel more relieved. Stepping out of the shower to dry, the mirror reflected nothing but a young, puzzled teenager who felt uncertain about being human or something much more. Bruises and cuts were no longer bare, as most of the color had returned to my face. Regarding the black veins, they remained visible before they mysteriously disappeared. That can be a horrifying sight to witness on my body. I took a quick clothing change that brought me moving onward for the day.
Descending the stairs with utter silence, a small set of keys and a backpack were the focus before heading out to drive the car. Ever since that fateful night, I wasn't clearly in speaking terms with my parents. It would've been best for me to simply avoid everything that involved that fateful day. Or at least try to!
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My arrival caught the attention of a familiar face, who waited for me at the bottom step of the school entrance. Ezra's face lit up over my presence, which led him to deflate with my simple avoidance when I walked past him. He simply shows genuine concern for my well-being, which can't be perfect for his own. It's best to push him away from the danger I bring to myself. I walked past him, acting as though nothing terrible had occurred between us.
"I want to talk to you about that morning.." He spoke with sudden urgency plastered on his features. It took him to catch up to me when I strode away at an increasing pace.
"There is nothing to talk about.." I responded with a blank expression, preventing my true feelings from being put forth. Many voices reach our ears when we stroll around the campus.
"Yes, there is! Stop trying to deny it. I saw what happened that morning. Mae, the blood and that horrifying look on your face," he argued back as he babbled on and on, "I need to discuss this with your parents if something like that happens again. You are making me worried.."
"I did nothing harmful to Mae, if that's what you're thinking..” I hissed through my teeth, my eyes burning with fury. "You know this! You know me.."
"Why yes, I have known you for many years, and we have always told each other everything until now. You seriously need to fill me in on everything that transpired that night.”
Soon, inevitably, irritation bubbled up inside me. My ears voice out the noises surrounding the area, as it feels muffled and distant. I can hear the sounds of my heartbeat and breathing amplifying with every single minute. My eyes were lit up with a surge of rage, and my hair seemed electrified in the dense air. When he laid a hand on my shoulder, I whirled around to interrupt him and finish the heated conversation with an excuse. Instead, I accomplished much worse than that.
"Stop!" I snapped, voicing out such power in my voice.
Everything was going on at once, and it took me a second to comprehend what was going on. A dent in the double set of closed doors across from me. A chorus of shouts and screams is everywhere, reaching to my ears enough to snap out of me before it is too late. The loud impact left Ezra unconscious on the school lobby floor. My heart pounded in fear, and my pulse screamed just behind my ears. It was nothing but heartbreaking.
Everyone slowly turned their heads in my direction, staring wide-eyed at me with deep horror as if I were some sort of monster. Maybe I turned out to be one. It was the last thing for me to call that one of them. I approached my best friend, who miraculously returned to consciousness, leading everyone to immediately step back away from me. My tearful gaze was remotely fixed on nothing but him.
"I'm so sorry.." I apologized, choking out with deep emotion. This particular moment left me running out of the school building. Eyes were watching my every move as the exit sign was viewed closely with each step. The simple escape led to driving the vehicle somewhere to a place where no one could find me for hours.
The image of my best friend's shocked face has plagued my mind. A sick, twisted feeling festered at the base of my stomach. I was actually the blame for physically hurting my best friends in the world, avoiding my parents, and so much more. Everything has grown worse by the second.
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Some believe the sound of the sea can be calming for the soul. For my sake, it can be the opposite of soothing. The scenery of the pier usually brings me a sense of tranquility, whereas it doesn't at this moment. The soft whisperings of the wind ruffled my hair and raised goosebumps on my arms. A relaxed feeling shortly returned to my senses from the earlier panic and many unresolved problems I faced. It might be overwhelming for me to bear.
The abilities I possess were one of the problems I needed to focus on more. They only create nothing but troubling outcomes and distance my closest peers I've known for many years. Looking at my own hands, I need to learn to control this power before it controls me. The idea of controlling it by myself seemed too good to be possible. Alone with no one to seek help to, I wish everything would return to the ordinary as my life once was.
Guilt has been eating me away ever since I began thinking deeply about Mae, who has been in a sleep-induced coma. I wish to visit her in the hospital, but there would be many possibilities that would place me in handcuffs. When my mind goes further to a darker turn, I encounter the ideas that everything is all my fault. There was more than just a possibility I was at fault for everything in my life, but I fought the chance it wasn't.
"This isn't my fault.." I mutter to myself repeatedly, starting to believe it somehow. “This isn't my fault..”
A chorus of noise snapped out of my mind as I turned toward the source of the sound. A large flock of seagulls landed together toward fresh bread crumbs on the ground. I could've sworn people were feeding them earlier. It led me to glance at the wristwatch, which indicated a quarter to two in the afternoon. The concept of time definitely flew within hours when deep thoughts and unresolved problems remained in my mind.
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The car ride leads to returning home after a frantic, long day filled with an uncontrolled mess. The trip to the pier didn't help me in the slightest. I let out a soft yawn of exhaustion, deeply thinking about the sleep that has been calling me after a new period of stress sticks on me like a clingy pet.
The familiar view of my house was nothing but a relieving sight to see. It only brings a beam of glowing happiness to my face. After safely parking the car in the driveway, I took a moment to ease my own thoughts. Moments feel like an eternity for most people. As for myself, it truly doesn't! With everything seemingly forgotten, I cut the ignition of my vehicle and slowly stepped out.
Unlocking the front door with my copy of the house key, I open the door further to slip inside. Thankfully, there was no sign of my parents anywhere in the house. Work has been keeping them overtime on certain days, like today. Everything in each room looked bare, especially the kitchen. The aromatic smell of dinner usually lingered around the front door when I returned home from school. A deep sense of sadness tugged at my heartstrings before I moved upstairs to mope in my bedroom.
The uneasy feeling returned to me when I opened the bedroom door without making a sound. A chill shot up through my spine when something was definitely off about the area. That feeling usually gives a sense of danger afoot. I thought it was fitting to be paranoid until my stomach started to twist with knots, as I felt something remained in this room other than myself. It led me to dare myself; a slow glance over my shoulder proved my nerves were exactly right.
A humanlike figure stood in the bedroom, illuminated only by the faint moonlight. A small candle stood on the study desk beside the figure. It projected his shadow onto the wall, looming large like a demonic monster. Shadows pulsed off of him in wisps and tendrils. A pair of crimson-red eyes gleamed in the darkness.
"Well, well, well! I wasn't really expecting you to be here.."
With my shoulders tensed by the unwanted presence lurking in my bedroom, I raised my hands to manifest some dark magic to defend myself. Ever since meeting that demon, there has been no one I could trust or rely on. Even my mind wasn't completely trusted for anyone to manipulate. A sense of peace and loneliness remained beside me like a dear old friend. On the other hand, it only lasted for a while until now.
The unnamed figure gave a quick reaction to his remarkable immortal speed, and my eyes could not keep up with his movements as he drew closer to me than I could have impossibly imagined. I stopped in place, as if I had stepped into the quicksand of their making. It gave me quite the reaction to that close contact.
The tension in the room ratcheted up a notch between them. I expected him to end my life or something far worse than that. Instead, it was rather the opposite. The intense moment broke when he brushed the loose strands of hair and tucked them behind my ear. Taken aback by that shocking action, they stared at one another for too long, the silence affecting them in different ways.
"Relax! I'm not going to hurt you.." were the reassuring words he whispered in my ear.
My eyes widened over the dark demonic power he manifested upon my aura, as he tended to completely absorb it. Shadowy creatures slinked in the dark around them, murmuring incoherent things I couldn't quite hear. I was too weak to move, too weak to fight back, and too weak to struggle out of it. This man ought to be so much stronger than the worthless demon I previously encountered. His power held onto me like a bloodsucking leach.
This moment allowed me to glimpse his physical appearance in a certain light. He was very tall and broad-shouldered, with a pale complexion. His face has an eerily bewitching feature to notice, similar to a spider approaching its prey. The bone structure in his face was too sharp to resemble anything human. His silky jet-black hair was of an even length; the longest strands of hair reaching his shoulders styled it loose. Everything about him sends shivers down my spine.
My eyes trailed over toward his outfit, which consists of an expensive dark suit and shoes. A gold bracelet and a Rolex watch dangled from his wrist, along with silver rings on each of his fingers. It seemed they were all authentic designer brands of some sort. It amazes me to see a demon like him who can dress fashionably well at such a casual moment.
It gave me the perfect opportunity to move across the room, which created some distance between the demon and myself. Slowly, the tingling and numbing effects wore off, and the physical feeling of movement returned to my body. He physically affects the ones he touches, which almost left me impressed. What an extraordinary ability to possess! With my close focus remaining on nothing but him, it leads to a suspicion of the main reason for his visit here. It feels as if the reason was more than just herself somehow.
"Who are you, and why are you in my house?" I asked the two important questions with a flare of natural curiosity in my eyes. There were other questions for me to ask, but they remained in my thoughts.
"So many questions.." The man finally spoke in a strong multicultural mix of combined accents that rolled off his deep voice. A chuckle escaped his lips before he properly introduced himself, "I have been called many names and aliases for centuries. In this century, you can call me Bael, the Demon Prince of Hell."
All I gave was a blank stare at the unfamiliar name or the face, but a maternal feeling bloomed in my chest. It surprises me at how I never felt this way through the years until now. Something had gradually awakened her, but only for a mere moment. It appears this wouldn't be the right time for her to come forth, but at least she was present in a certain sense. When that feeling faded away, I resumed paying attention to Bael and allowed myself to lend an ear.
"As for the second question, I was ordered to drag your parents to Hell, but you are here remaining in their absence instead of immersing yourself in your education. Care to explain the reason for it?”
I almost went jaw-slack by how It stunned me at how he knew about my daily schedule and so much more. It took a moment to recover and prepare myself to answer, distracting myself from the pained image of my parents being taken away from me.
“Well, it all started with my birthday being disrupted by a demon who wanted to take my life, but I blacked out before that happened..” I trailed off, and the images replayed in my mind. I resist visibly shuddering right before the demon. Then, I explained the details throughout the rest of the events from last night until now.
The explanation ended as a quick rush on my lips, where I stood breathlessly watching his reaction to the details of my disastrous birthday party. A myriad of emotions formed in his features, but I recognized the shock and seething anger that burned his gaze. That certainly tells me that he or his father didn't send that demon after me. That enough relieved me from the ridiculous thoughts of angering anyone residing in Hell, which dispelled my mind.
"Can you offer me the best description of this demon you encountered last night?" He asked me further about this supposed investigation, manifesting a paper and pen to record it.
When it comes to describing things, it wouldn't be difficult for me at all. When giving out my best time to describe the demon from last night, much to my relief, I could simply tell he recognized the perfect description I put out. As he wrote down everything I said to the very end, he paused for a moment, where an emotion flicked in his hooded eyes before reverting to his usual guarded expression. My eyes searched to recognize the emotion, as it came to my suspicion that it could be either alarm or seething anger.
Something was telling me it didn't look better than I thought it would. By the look of his peculiar body language around me, I could tell he was merely protecting me as a vessel for the truth. There was someone tugging the strings to get rid of me, or rather the essence of Lilithia, behind the scenes, and no one had knowledge about it until now. I did not like the sound of that at all.
“I shall further report this piece of information to the Houses of Pride and Wrath. They're in need of tightening their security, and my father will investigate who requested this kill.”
When he began to open further in the world of Hell, I was becoming more involved in their lives. It appears that Lilithia gained more enemies than I thought. It felt sickening to even think of having a target on my back, and I ought to be cautious when we travel to Hell at some point. Before Lilithia awakens at a certain time, I'm in need of catching this clever individual out in the act before it is too late for me and the essence of Lilithia.
It made me change the subject to distract myself from it. I prepared myself to ask him a question, but he was a few steps ahead of me. It felt as if he read my thoughts or something. There was a possibility he could have much more than that.
"You are temporarily a Mare," Bael answered instantly, focusing on some item other than my direction. He raised his head to reveal a humorous gaze before correcting himself with a detailed yet serious answer, "Well, a living personification of a nightmare, to be exact.."
I now completely understand why those dreams felt so real. They weren't completely dreams in my subconscious. It ought to be a mortal's deepest, darkest fear reliving as a nightmare caused by my power. It feels awfully wrong to mentally and physically hurt someone; that'll make them into a mindless zombie or worse. Seeing the dilemma in my expression, he managed to provide me with more outrageous but truthfully honest information that made my world spin.
"The essence, who's inside you, belongs to one of the most powerful demons in Hell. Her name was Lilithia, the crowned demonic Queen of Seven Hells."
My mind was whirring in deep thought, digesting more information that was gradually sinking in. It was too much for me to bear. Although the more the Nightmare Demon learned everything, the more I took one step into their world. It makes painful sense of the strong connection between this power and the essence inside me. There is something else that has been bothering me. Who captured the essence of a Nightmare demon Queen after her vessel's untimely death? That question will be asked at a later time. In a moment like this, it can be relieving to leave some questions directly answered.
"My father has been needing someone to carry the essence and heart of my mother," Bael said with sudden interest, interrupting my thoughts to speak out his own. “So that was what he did with your atheist mother who almost failed to conceive you.”
The piece of information gave me enough thought to ponder. I wasn't meant to be born, but the demons waited for that moment to come, allowing me to be the perfect candidate for being used as a vessel. That sounds downright awful for me and my parents, who clearly wanted children for years. Even if it didn't occur to them, my parents would be childless, and I wouldn't end up in heaven as an angel for the Lord himself or just simply nothing.
Breaking out of my reverie, I watched Bael do the impossible—many humans wouldn't have this opportunity.
Taking a step forward, he manifested a neatly folded piece of contract in his hands and ripped it into many pieces. An emotion of relief flooded my senses when I came to the realization that I had saved my parents from absolute peril. However, another realization dawned upon me when I noticed something in exchange. Noticing my expression, he extended his hand towards me and offered something I couldn't refuse.
“I shall take you to Hell and let your statement be heard from my father. You are lucky this problem derailed his plans for you..”
Everything has turned even more grave than I anticipated for each moment between us. It almost hit me like a train, but I remained prepared for the request. The saddest part was that I would leave everyone behind, and it was for the best. The minute furthers between us when he continues to observe every little thing in the bedroom, but his focus is only on me.
When he provided his utmost attention, I took advantage by asking another ultimate question.
"If his plans weren't derailed, what would happen if I remained here on Earth with my growing, uncontrolled powers?"
Rather than being annoyed by another question, he stood there thoughtfully for a moment, then spoke a word from a dead language. "Speculum."
As shadows pulsed off of him in wisps and tendrils, they followed his command to form a large mirror. It revealed a graphic image of blood splattered on the streets as the city burned, fire lighting up the night sky. It unhurriedly pans to piles of bodies, either burned or missing limbs. Some show some familiar faces, including my parents and best friend who were joined in the pile of corpses. What caused the total destruction over the deaths of people can be truly shocking, even for myself.
The twisted demonic version of me.
My eyes widened in an expression of panic, and the sound of my heart beating pounded against my ears like drums. The room swam around me, the image swirling in my vision as a single tear escaped and coursed down my cheek. Soon, more followed. The answer physically hurts to avert my own eyes. As the lingering image of the mirror dissipated, it seemed to disappear within the center of his palms.
I brushed away the tears streaming down my cheeks, leaving myself in an impotent state. I clearly don't want that horrifying image to occur to anyone, including my parents and best friends. I would rather keep them safe and sound than place them further in harm's way. It seemed this world would be a peaceful place without a Nightmare Demon living amongst it.
Just then, Bael unexpectedly laid a cold hand on my shoulder. As it gave me a startle, I whirled around to see him right in my face. His eyes held control over me as he repeated to ask once more," So will you accept to be in Hell, mother?"
"I accept.." was my only expected answer with a resignation of defeat.
The slow smirk that spread across Bael's mouth was sinister. This was what he wanted in the first place. He most likely concocted the most detailed and sickening plan in the making. My powers were clearly tested for the Demon of Destruction to either recruit me to reign in Hell or simply dispose of me. It was my destiny ever since he tricked my parents with a contracted deal. That horrifying thought left a disgusting taste in my mouth.
A few heartbeats later, and his footsteps kicked up again. Menacingly stepping forward, he embraced me and whispered a foreign language. The voices returned to the vicinity between them as they became louder and clearer. He conjured flames to engulf me, and before long, their shapes became one. The flames transported them to a place my eyes imagined it to be.
Because of that demon's persuasive offer, I embarked on a new journey. A new chapter in Hell.
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0 notes
auraravenora77 · 29 days
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Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six
Alycia Leveau/Lilithia Infernum
Summary: After a disastrous birthday from one severe predicament to another, something has changed Alycia. The change affects her mood and she has becoming to notice it, along with something horrible has occurred with her friend Mae.
Warning: mention of blood
Word Count: 4,093
AN: It has been awhile since writing here and I am happy posting here once again. Enjoy!
Chapter Five
Sunlight filters into the room, and thin rays of warmth prompt me to wake, my eyes shifting behind the eyelids before fluttering open. The sun streams into the window, but it doesn't hurt my eyes. It didn't appear to obstruct my view, either. One serious issue leads to another, where I can't even control or move my body except for the two senses of seeing and hearing. There was only one possible interpretation for it: sleep paralysis. For the first time, experiencing a temporary inability to move ought to be an unusual feeling.
It took me a while to study my surroundings in this room. The first object I spotted was a small wooden vanity bureau dresser on the opposite side of the room, where it had nothing particular on the top panel. With rustic and worn furniture standing near the window, the arrangements of the furniture formed a strikingly satisfying ensemble, with eerie picture frames hanging on both sides of the walls and a soft mattress underneath my body. It was a clear giveaway that I was lying on a bed.
Everything fits together to form what turns out to be a bedroom. My eyes continued to search for anything placed in this room, but then I heard a specific sound.
Classical music begins to play somewhere in the background. I recognize the music piece in the C-sharp minor of the piano. Moonlight Sonata blessed my ears and eased my mood even brighter. Whoever's listening to the melancholic song obviously has exquisite taste in music. Moving along to another thought, it occurred to me that I was no longer physically myself in this place. It left me puzzled, with many questions burning in my mind, but something else caught my attention.
The sounds of footsteps grew closer and clearer until, for whatever reason, they stopped. A person emerged in the room and arrived to shut the curtains to block out the light before coming over.
Everything was blurred out except for the young woman. She plaited and adorned long, light-brown hair with a large pink bow, along with the segmented bangs, which framed her face very well. Large, emerald-green eyes stare back at me with curiosity. My gaze dipped to her outfit, where she wears a pink dress with a magenta lining and buttons going down the front, except for the last two of which are fastened. She exuded an air of innocence and purity.
I was beginning to feel comfortable and safe here until she uttered deeply, puzzling me into deep thought.
“Lily, wake up.”
Who is this Lily she was speaking of? To me? She sadly mistook me for someone else. Although the name sounds familiar, like an old friend, the mysterious woman came into full view, standing close at the foot of the bed as her hand rested on my shoulder. A comforting feeling swelled in my chest with the soft touch, but only for a moment.
Something has shifted her mood and appearance completely.
She horrendously transformed into a demonic beast, where her swirling red-golden eyes were captivating but eerie. My eyes settled on the fangs resting on her lips, and the short nails extended into sharp talons three times the size of my hand. The resemblance between her and that beast from my dreams was incredibly uncanny. Fear rattled down my spine when I could feel her hot breath blowing against my face. She growled low and menacingly before yelling out words telepathically.
“Wake up now!”
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I pried open my heavy eyelids, seeing nothing but dancing lines of white. My vision cleared by the minute, acclimating to the pitch-black forest that greeted me with an oddly soothing silence. I could feel the rough ground beneath me as my dull senses gradually returned to normal. My body as a whole has recovered more slowly than my mind.
Slowly pushing myself to stand upright, deep confusion crossed my face as I turned my head and scanned around the forest area filled with distant sounds of wild animals. By the mere looks of this place, it feels unfamiliar for me to recognize until moments later.
Then, as my mind slowly recovered, I was able to recall everything from the fragments of images from the birthday party. At Ezra's family lake house, I was celebrating my birthday with my closest friends before the awkward celebration with me and my parents. Everything went splendidly well for me until…until..
Triggered memories finally return to me of the earlier violent demon confrontation. Many unanswered questions lingered in my mind, which led me to question myself. What took place when I was unconscious? To what hidden location does the demon flee? Surprise, then disbelief, crossed my features at the absurd notion of surviving that ordeal. Despite no longer sensing his presence around here, I had a persistent suspicion that he wasn't the only creature here.
The world spun around me uncontrollably as I struggled to stand upright, as if it would never end. A few minutes of simple number counting and meditation stop the dizziness altogether. It gave me the perfect chance to stand up and gawk at my hands that were covered in black blood, the stickiness oozing between my fingers and dripping on the shirt. It had already smeared all over the leather of my jacket.
I was overcome by the shock of seeing the black blood staining my clothes. I assume it was not actually mine, but perhaps the demon who mysteriously vanished. Utter disgust was written on my face at the thought of splattered demon blood all over me, but I immediately dismissed the horrid thought of it. Moving along to walk forward, fog curls and uncurls at my boots, leaving no noise beneath my practiced dragging feet.
There are dangers that could lurk anywhere and materialize at any time, leaving me to keep a watchful eye on anything alarming or suspicious. Other than that, the thought of returning home remains in my mind, where there was a slight chance to return there. My breathing came out fast and unfulfilling as I tore my gaze around this shattering world, desperately looking for a way out.
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Walking around the depths of these woodland areas seemed like a maze with no end. I was uncertain about my potential escape from this hellish nightmare here. It filled me with dread and exhaustion, causing me to rest on a decaying tree. I could feel the effects of shock setting in, but I refused to allow it to happen. There is only a small amount of strength left in me now.
Hopelessness filled my dreadful mind until a murder of crows flapped their wings and flew overhead somewhere. The sound of their calls faded away as they soured far away from here. Wondering where they headed, I followed their movement to find a remarkable indication for an escape.
A flicker of light manifested from the forest entryway. It filled my heart with hope and joy over the path leading home from this wretched place. A joyous bloomed with me as I stood up straight and attempted to stride forward, but immediately stopped myself. Before coming across additional nightly outworldly beings, I considered a quicker option that caused me to decide for myself to approach and enter the light without any harm.
Ignoring the aching protests of my legs, the view of flickering light becomes increasingly within my grasp. Somehow, I increased my pace the moment a clear but strange animalistic sound could be heard somewhere near me. It accelerated the already rampant pounding in my heart. I successfully stumbled upon the entryway before the unknown creature grasped me within its reach. Everything has changed unexplainably differently from one place to another.
The morning sunlight shines right in my direction. I squinted over the brightness hitting my face, raising my bare arms to the bright sun overhead. The earliest morning peach-colored skies truly shocked me to the core, also leaving me perplexed.
Many unanswered questions burned in my mind. How did it come to be in the morning already? Wasn't it supposed to be in the evening? How particularly odd by the shock, but it is even odder than the atmosphere of the forest behind me. It looks far more peaceful than last night. Is the demon telepathically controlling the environment as an illusion? Mind manipulation?
It felt as if the entire intense encounter took place within hours rather than a single night. Ever since last night, the massive amount of energy has left me excruciatingly exhausted. All I wanted to do was go home and feel at peace with myself. My body begged for the extreme comfort of a soft bed to sleep in, as the actual thought sounded quite lovely at the time.
Reaching the perfect view of the lake house, I hurried past an abundance of discarded red drinking cups, among other garbage, scattered everywhere on the concrete. It causes me to not attempt to hide the disgust in my eyes. Humans and the supernatural were alike: monstrous creatures who loved to destroy without a care in the world. I wish they could disappear to make the world brighter and cleaner.
Dark thoughts remained to plague my mind as I weaved through silence and caution through the shades of the trees, in order not to be seen by policemen patrolling the vicinity.
The path leads me past the parking lot and toward the driveway, where my parked convertible remains intact like it was before. At least a minor stroke of luck stood by my side at the moment. My parents would've ground me for life if any part of the vehicle was left badly damaged. However, there were more severe problems to deal with.
As I took a few rapid steps forward to expose myself, it led me to disregard the surveying eyes of anyone who detected me and focus on driving away from the scene. It took me a heart-stopping moment to be unaware of something behind me.
A familiar voice broke me out of my thoughts, bringing me relief from the difficult and complicated dilemma I put myself in. Turning around to find him approaching me, it made me simply remain still in the shade instead of exposing myself to the light. With so much gas going on, I simply wish to embrace him and listen to the reassuring words from his own lips, but I highly doubt it would happen.
"Where have you been? Mae and I were looking everywhere for you all night. You made me extremely worried! It looks like you just disappeared," Ezra called out to me, a voice laced with knowing concern. There was a gap between us, which filled me with relief.
My eyes cast downward onto the ground to avoid him and his responses. Although it wasn't clear enough avoidance for him to notice something, he glimpsed over my partially disheveled appearance before asking me, "Did something happen out there in the woods?"
Not offering a response, I continued walking toward my parked car in the empty parking lot. My expression of apathy revealed nothing. My eyes focused downward on the concrete ground, so it would be best for me to disregard him and his concerns. He caught up to me since I increased my pace. Resting his hands on my shoulders, he stopped me from going any further. The sudden physical contact makes me feel uneasy. A flash of irritation crossed my gaze.
"Alecia?! Are you even listening to me? I need to tell you something horrible happened with Mae.."
Gasps aloud in shock, I held eye contact with him after a few quick seconds of silence passed. It took me a moment to process before giving me a whole minute to recover. I looked directly at him and asked the ultimate questions, following what he said. "What happened to Mae? Is she alright?"
"Mae is in the hospital, Aly! I found her unresponsive in the forest, and the ambulance transported her to the hospital. Her parents called me, and she is in a coma! They are uncertain when she will be out of the coma.."
Oh no.
This can not be happening.
These thoughts and more rushed through my mind as I remained stiff, and the color drained from my face. Everything had seriously shifted within a second, making it thrown at me. Many things occurred in the span of a night, which all led to me. It feels as if I am the actual blame for the dire situation happening to Mae.
It felt as if I obviously did by the mere looks of the situation I'm in.
The fear in his voice shook me from my thoughts, which caused me to look at the paleness of his face. His eyes trailed down to the fresh blood on my outfit, where the clear sight of blood gave him quite a shock. With a simple glance at my weakened body language, his stance fiercely shifted into protective mode.
As the muscle ticked in his jaw, he asked me a question in a low tone, "Did you do this to her?"
The question brings an uncertainty between us, which leaves me hanging in the air unanswered. Normally, I would've reacted by standing my ground and defending myself from hearing that wild accusation. There was a possibility that I could have done it. My response was an icy stare and continuous silence.
"Say something to me, please!" He entreated, a tinge of frustration in his voice. With the silence resumed between us, I wouldn't allow him to get involved with this confusing mess. Let alone, my parents took themselves to be involved anyway.
There was so much for me to say, but nothing has been coming out of my mouth. I was utterly appalled and devastated by many things, especially the reaction if I ever revealed everything to him. They wouldn't believe me, regardless of anything I say or do. Noting my hesitation, he let out a frustrated exhale and prepared to say something, worsening the situation.
"Come with me so we can talk to the police with our statements for what happened last night..”
There was a moment of hesitation in dealing with this severe predicament I was certainly facing. If I were able to make a statement, suspicion would lead the police to put the actual blame on me for Mae. The university would expel me if they ever found out about my time in jail. I couldn't even let that happen to me since I have a future to depend on.
Noting my fear and hesitation, a look of reassurement filled his gaze, along with another emotion masked by it. That led me to step back, which he assumed was the wrong thing. What he actually did was catch me off guard by grabbing my hand, stopping me from my tracks. The look says enough for me to feel panicked, making the situation worse by the second. He was preparing for something that infuriated me, allowing me to do something rash.
"Don't.." I hissed in a low, exasperated tone. It took me a few seconds to notice my firm hand enclosed around his wrist to stop him from calling them. Something within me snapped, and I didn't even sound like myself at all.
Something ominous has been happening to me, and it affects me in every way possible. The sudden changes had been noticeable not only by me but by my friends as well. They do not deserve to be treated like this. Briefly shooting an apologetic gaze, I walked away like nothing had happened between us.
A stunned and motionless Ezra watched me get into my car, which needed to be started. It tears me apart to leave him like this, but I had to do it this way, with any choice possible. As if on cue, the sound of the vehicle started to break eye contact between me and him. I backed up the vehicle to start driving forward.
The rental home was no longer out of my view when I drove off, where my hands gripped tightly on the steering wheel, and my eyes focused forward. When the distinct image of Ezra's shocked expression played in my thoughts, tears welled up in my eyes and threatened to spill, but I blinked them back. It made me feel ashamed of my recent actions. I owe him a sincere apology and an explanation, which will occur tomorrow.
Relief filled my features when I took a sharp left off the street and the building of my home came into view. I safely pulled up in my driveway, shutting off the engine. This was supposed to be the moment when I climbed out of the car and headed toward my house. However, my whole body remains rooted in the front passenger seat.
Choking a barrage of emotions, I squeezed my eyes shut, but that didn't keep the tears from brimming in the corner of my eyes. My bottom lip quivers as a tear slowly rolls down my cheek. Later, more followed along with it. With the back of my hand, I brushed away the tears streaming down my cheeks. Crying it out made me feel a bit better. My fingers gripped the door handle, and I opened the car door, the morning air caressing my face with the breath of freedom. Slamming the door behind me, my legs walked me there on their own accord.
My key slips into the lock, and as I turn it, I can hear the mechanical click and the promise of the entrance. I twisted the knob, flinging the door open without the intention of being sly. As I closed the door behind me, silence strangely filled the house. My parents usually welcome me by coming through the door. This time, everything seemed different here, more morose in the feeling of the atmosphere.
Without making a single noise, I slid the car keys onto the hanger near the door and almost headed upstairs, but something caught my eye in the living room area.
An advertised commercial inaudibly plays on the television screen. A bowl of uneaten food remains untouched on the modern glass coffee table. What occupies the couch reveals itself to be my parents, who're peacefully sprawling their limbs out. It brings so many emotions at the sight of them, including anger that burned in my chest as the demon's words echoed in my thoughts.
It occurs to me that they made a contract to deal with a demon over my life or something in between the lines. There were bits and pieces that didn't make any sense to me. They only had the answers for me to understand them all. I need to have a serious conversation first thing in the morning.
There was a mere thought in my mind that somehow stopped me, which kept me pondering through it. Who knows what would happen if I decided to remain in the house instead of at that party? Goosebumps pebbled on my skin after that question remained in my thoughts. It causes me to shake off that negative thought and distract myself from something else.
An overdue soft sigh slipped from my lips, and I kicked my torn shoes in different directions, letting my toes wiggle and bask in the newfound freedom, even as my arches ache and my heels feel paper thin and bone. The carpeted floor can be pretty rough and scratchy under my bare feet as I swing my heels from my fingers and silently bound up the stairs. Upon reaching the top step, I darted for the bathroom instead of the bedroom. I locked the bathroom door behind me, refusing anyone to come inside.
My parents shouldn't even see me in a gruesome, disheveled state like this. With this situation alone, I wouldn't let them be concerned even more. They had enough problems to deal with. I would rather keep it a secret until the right time comes.
After I stripped my clothes off my body after a moment of struggling, an enormous pile of blood-stained clothes dropped to the tiled floor. The blood holds off a putrid smell that's already taking over the air. I scrunched up my nose in disgust, thinking whether to be either completely washed or better off burned.
That could be arranged in some way.
I shook off to dispel the dark thought and began showering the sins away from my body.
I turned the handle to the left, adjusting it to the perfect temperature, for I had perfected this unsung art form. The sound of rushing water well enough pleased me; the first drops were warm enough to the touch, and soon steam filled the room. The warmth tried to fulfill my cold heart, but it left me empty to the touch.
I stepped in, the water cascading down, adsorbing my body in a satisfying sensation. My mind became clear of concerning thoughts as the sticky, foul-smelling blood finally washed off my body after a few rough rubs. The warm shower soothed my dull, aching muscles.
I felt refreshed as ever, with minor tension leaving my shoulders as I rubbed the back of my neck. An earthy scent of body wash replaces the overpowering stench of the demon blood that lingered on me. It took me a few more minutes before I finished this refreshing moment in the shower. It makes me wish to stay here a bit longer. I turn the handle to the right, and the satisfying sound of rushing water abruptly stops.
I stepped out of the shower with one towel wrapped around my body and the other around my wet hair. With my features etched with deep serenity and peace, I moved along by searching for my blow dryer, which was more simple than I anticipated. My eyes landed on the bathroom compartment organizer as I reached out to snatch it, plugging the device to turn it on. Unwrapping the towel to let my wet hair fall upon my shoulder, it felt nothing but freeing to me, which it always has been. As I reached for my clothes, a painful feeling began to hit every part of my body.
A blinding flash of agony snaked down my arm and exploded at my wrist, burning and smoldering with uncontrollable fury. A mental image flashed through my mind, as if I could feel the flames from the damnation of Hell. The sudden urge to scream welled up in my chest, to somehow voice the utter despair in her heart. It was obvious that I clearly didn't want to alert anyone, particularly my parents. I felt like there were nails lodged in my throat every time I inhaled.
After a passing moment, the pain ultimately subsided, but it still lingers on her forearm. It left me visibly shaken, and I finally caught my breath. At first, it was nauseating, and a sudden fit of dizziness overcame me, completely obscuring my vision. I squeezed my eyes shut until the lightheadedness gradually ceased.
Regaining most of my strength and vision, I hoisted myself to stand up on my own. Although it was more difficult to breathe and move, I managed through it all. I never wanted to feel this way before and never will again. It felt as if the demon left its permanent mark on me, leaving me with tormenting pain, both physically and mentally.
A strange feeling left me desperately searching for anything, and my gaze fell on the bathroom mirror that had steamed up during my shower. Wiping off the steam with my right arm, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. A subtle shock spreads across my unsettling appearance.
I noticed the drastic change in my hair color, which considerably darkened from the usual light brunette. My eye color became a smoldering dark amber iris with black pupils, gleaming into a brighter shade under the lit bathroom as it rendered me speechless. Pulsating black veins crept up my neck and onto my fairly pale face. Small red horns were attached to my forehead, along with the black tips. My discovery deepens where my mouth bears sharp, fang-like teeth.
Everything felt so surreal, especially the overwhelming demonic power coursing through my veins. From the looks of it, I almost resembled the demon from earlier. It sounded highly unlikely for a mortal, like myself, to look identical to them. I felt no longer just an ordinary human, but something more..
Something more paranormal..
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0 notes
auraravenora77 · 2 months
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Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six
Alycia Leveau "Lilithia"
Summary: Alycia was celebrating her birthday with her friends, where something has gone wrong with the involvement of supernatural and darkness.
Warning: A hint of violence and a serious health issue
Word Count: 3,559
AN: I have finally posted the recent chapter and enjoy reading it.
Chapter Four
"I hope I'm not too late.."
It seemed as if today, of all days, had put me in a hurry for an important event to participate in. I remained remotely careful while focusing on the road. Luckily, nothing horrible occurred to me on the way there. The exact location of the text message leads me to this vacation lake home. I pulled into the driveway and then cut off the engine, leaving me in such relief.
Before being able to get out of the vehicle, it took me a moment to observe the exterior of the lovely home.
It gives a modern style with a natural and peaceful environment to every minor detail. The yard was beautifully landscaped with trees, gerbera daisies, and shrubs. As for the front porch, it has a rustic feel to its appearance. As my eyes trailed onto something else, I spotted a peculiar sight through the open curtain windows from inside the home. The lights weren't even on! It was eye-raising for me to notice that. This gave me a perfect chance to investigate it!
As soon as I got out of the convertible and slammed the door behind me, a nauseating feeling came over me along with an alarming issue. The asthma returns at a horrible timing, like tonight, and this time it has gotten worse than I expected it to be.
Unlike last time, I was a bit quicker at grabbing my inhaler from my jacket pocket and uncovering the cap. Placing it on my mouth, I took two puffs to manage everything under control. The pained expression on my face eased into relief, and it remained to make my breathing return to normal. It took me a moment to take notice of my surroundings and remember why I came here.
The gravel crunched underneath my feet as I headed towards the house, every sound amplified when nothing was around to compete. No other vehicles were in sight other than mine. It took me a while to notice that the front entrance door was left ajar, which was odd for someone to intentionally or unintentionally do that! My hand reached the door to open it even further as I let myself set foot inside the home.
The lights flickered on as a large group of my friends shouted 'Happy birthday' to me. With a bright smile tugging on the corners of my lips, I stared at them in silent wonderment as happiness returned to me. It feels amazing for them to plan all this for me.
"Hello there, birthday girl!" Mae spoke enthusiastically, moving forward to present me with a rich, dark chocolate birthday cake. A bright smile of overfilled joy and satisfaction lit under her delicate features. Her eyes lit up with an amused twinkle.
"Thanks!" I rejoiced, trailing my eyes over to the candlelit birthday cake she's holding and its deliciousness.
The sight of the delicacy makes my stomach grumble. For the second time in the evening, I leaned forward and blew out all the lit candles before thinking over an unspoken wish. It led everyone to celebrate by clapping their hands and cheering. It was definitely a moment to cherish!
Familiar arms wrapped around me from behind, squeezing me affectionately. I spun around, already knowing who it was that held me. My smile widened over the sight and presence of Ezra. With a simple observation, I was highly impressed by his red and black outfit, which seemed fitting for the occasion.
My smile grew even brighter when we released ourselves out of our reuniting embrace. Whirling around to face my awaiting best friends, they roared with excitement for the birthday celebration to begin with an enormous bang! Devouring the entire birthday cake and dancing along with my friends, this whole entertaining moment washed away my worrying thoughts. I wish my life to remain lighthearted as it occurs at this moment.
Even on the best nights like this, there is always something concerning that comes to someone, most likely a best friend. I came to notice Mae’s bright expression, even her sweet smile, seemed forced. She was the positive one in the group and offered the best advice to anyone in need of one. This time around, it made me feel like I would do the same thing for her, so I did.
"Are you okay, Mae?"
“Not really! Ever since this morning, I had a sickening feeling gnawing at my stomach. It hasn't stopped since..”
“You should have stayed home tonight! I would have understood.”
“And I would miss the best night of your life? I would rather not..” Mae paused mid sentence, looking at me directly. The corner of her lips lifted into a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "I think your stubbornness is rubbing off me!"
"I guess it did!”
We both broke into laughter, easing the moment when every problem was completely forgotten. Sooner or later, my smile faded, slowly bit by bit, replaced by a look of solemnity.
Sudden chills wash over me when I wander past the spacious hallway. The wind caresses the exposed parts of my neck. I found it pretty peculiar because there wasn't an open window in sight. It grew even more evident how I caught a complete glimpse of the mirror but did not see myself in the reflection. What did replace the beholder of it was more than shocking.
A gangling figure stood in its place in the reflection. His outfit consisted of a leather trench coat and an austere, wide-brim hat covering the unexpected visitor's face. It reminded me of something similar to an actual undertaker. It's frightening, to say the least. Remaining frozen in place, I cannot avert my eyes from it. What does he truly want from me? My ears picked up something coming from them. They were repeating a chant in a foreign language, even though I somehow understood it.
My sweet Lilithia
My eyes questioned that silently from under the furrowed brows. Who is this Lilithia he is speaking of? That name sounds pretty foreign, but familiar at the same time.
Trying to figure out where that name originally came from, a skeletal hand reached out through the mirror and in my direction. I thought I was bracing myself for the worst, but I proved myself wrong. A crimson-red and obsidian-black letter manifested itself on the palm of their hand. Suspiciously darting between the letter and the ominous-looking person, I felt uncertain what kind of tricks he was going to pull.
Trust me. I am not your foe.. The visitor's clear voice sounded through my head. It sounded convincing enough to make me trust them. I reached for the card to pick it up with my own hands and inspect it. A simple yet haunting message written in white cursive on both sides.
He will come for you
Leave this place before he finds you
— Luxuria
The feeling of dread in my stomach intensifies. It sounded more of a warning than a threat. It left me with my thoughts, thinking everything through it all. How should I leave this place without alerting my friends and harming them in the process? I just stood there to think through many options, leaving me numb. The card seems to mysteriously vanish into thin air.
"Thank you for the warning, Luxuria.." I awkwardly spoke, dropping my hand to the side. I raised my gaze at the messenger, now wide-eyed. Frightened over witnessing something shocking, I find myself with my back against the wall.
What took the messenger's place turned out to be a sinister presence haunting me in my nightmares. His hands were outstretched with his palms up, a violent display of mismatched eyes glaring in my direction. He smiles grotesquely, bearing rows of blood-stained teeth. My heart was pounding in my ears as my mind pictured myself running away fast, yet this wasn't happening. He crawled out of the mirror and lunged forward at me with extreme rapidity. Extreme terror overtook my face before a short, startled scream ripped from my throat.
It was then that a hand landed and rested on my arm, which snapped me out of my trance enough that I looked away. A minor sense of ease returned to me when I saw the momentary concern flash across Ezra's visage. While consoling me, he worriedly asks me, "Are you alright, Aly? It looks like you have seen a ghost!"
As the haunting image left me visibly shaken, I craned my neck to find no one shown in the mirror's reflection except for me and my best friends. It almost left me confused over the nothingness. In my belief, everything has been deceiving me as of late. Lack of sleep and other sorts of issues could be the actual blame for that.
"I'm fine.." They were the first words I'd uttered in what seemed like a while. It led me to clear my throat and repeat myself. A small and gentle smile formed on my light red lips, making it more believable. "I'm fine!"
"Let's go get you some fresh air. You need it more than we do!" Mae responded, disbelief crossing her soft features.
The written message remained in my thoughts, as I should allow myself to head out the door. I avoided glancing in their direction, and decided to mask my fear with another emotion. "I should leave.."
"Why do you want to leave on your own birthday party? You should stay here a little longer.."
The change in her strange behavior caught me off guard. All I could do was face and stare at them with a shocked expression. Avoiding my widened gaze, she cranes her neck to glance over at Ezra, who agrees with her. It seemed unlikely for them to do that, but I didn't question it.
A pang of guilt was deeply embedded in my conscience as I was hung in indecision for a long moment. The thought of leaving and staying almost remains in balance, but one convinced me the most. Many minutes have passed, and I finally caved in, making my decision.
“Yeah I should stay..”
People gave me worried looks in my passing direction when I did my best to ignore them. They were probably thinking something bad about me, which I care less about. Before heading outside for some fresh air, I had a chance to glance back at the wall mirror before moving along. There was nothing ominous except for my reflection. The tension of fear in the air lessened. We shouldered our way toward the door, taking us outside.
I guessed wrongly that the outside was much more peaceful than the inside of the house. My eyes widened over the massively increasing number of partygoers who brought bottles of heavy alcohol. The intoxicating smell left me nauseated and bothered me the most. It led me astray from the intoxicated crowd alone. Most of these partygoers were unfamiliar faces who were clearly unaware of the reason for this celebration.
Who even invited this bunch of random people to party out here? I wonder to myself. The question itself remained a mystery, and my mind switched from one concerned thought to the next.
I was lost in the sight of my best friends in the sea of unfamiliar faces. A lonesome feeling greeted me like an old friend. Almost in a sheer state of panic, I searched for them, trying to call for their names. Unfortunately, booming music drowns out my useless shouting. Managing to stop myself from calling out for them even more, I stood and glanced around to find them. Hope bubbled inside my chest when there was something that kept me from giving up altogether.
Relief brought a smile to my face when my friends were spotted from afar. They dissolved from the crowd and headed out somewhere far away. A strange feeling crept up on me as I knew exactly where they were heading out to. Why were they heading out into the forest? Fresh air, maybe? I gave myself a choice to follow them, leaving me farther away from the intoxicated crowd.
Conversations rapidly quieten in the distance until a heavy silence blankets the air. Night had oddly fallen fast upon the deep woods. Nocturnal creatures emerged from their homes, awakened to hunt and explore in certain places. They were watching my every move as I walked past the naked trees. My eyes searched for the two people I cared about, but there was no luck.
"Ezra! Mae!"
All I could hear was my own heart thumping against my chest. The environment created an unsettling feeling of somersaults set in my stomach. Strangely, my ears picked up on a faint noise somewhere in the ominous area. It felt as if I was not alone. I thought it could be my friends playing a trick on me, but the presence was something more sinister.
"Happy birthday, my sweet Alycia.."
Turning my head toward them, I gasp over that deep, disembodied voice. It sounded familiar for me to know, but I didn't know where. It sent a visible chill down my spine. The hairs on the back of my neck rise. There was a sudden movement between the trees, rustling around for this powerful being lurking somewhere in the shadows. I caught movement from a figure moving quickly before they disappeared into the darkness.
False bravery has led me to blurt out, "Who goes there? Show yourself!"
And they did it with a few footsteps forward!
A well-dressed man emerged out of the shadows, moving toward me menacingly. The moonlight gleamed in our direction, revealing his true yet disturbing appearance. He has a lean and muscular build and fairly pale skin. His long silver hair has parted bangs on either side of his face. A healed scar runs along the right side of his face. His onyx-colored eyes were as black as the night.
"It's finally nice to physically meet you again.." said the unnamed, louring demonic man. He waited to see my reaction, but only got a blank stare in return.
I hadn't ever set an eye on him before however, he somehow looked quite familiar to me. He noted my confused expression by following up with a question, "You don't remember me, do you?"
At this moment, it didn't jog my memory until my eyes trailed over the insignia that was placed on the breast pocket of the black velvet suit he wore. It made me freeze in surprise as a realization began to dawn upon me. That sinister presence plaguing my dreams is haunting me in the shadows. We met at an unfortunate time like this. How doltish of me to fall into his trap!
With Luxuria's warning flashing in my mind, I regretted staying here much longer instead of leaving the premises. The dire situation worsened when his own presence prevented me from fleeing and escaping this place. Strong emotions burned my chest, and with my feet remaining rooted against the ground, I forced myself to listen to what he had to say.
"No matter! You don't need to know my name at all.." The demon muttered under his breath, shaking his head as if he felt sorry for me. "I'm just quite shocked how your parents didn't even mention me. How hurtful!"
He grew closer in my direction, and I kept my distance from him. What took me to stop moving was him saying something even more befuddling. "On the other hand, it's in the contract not to mention me.."
Everything grew more confusing than the next, almost leaving me distracted by it. I managed myself to keep rooted and questioning him. "I am not following here! What are you talking about a contract? What does this have to do with me and my parents?"
"Absolutely everything!"
Finally zeroing in on me, he gripped both of my arms before I had the chance to flee and hide somewhere safe from him. One false move, and my arms will snap in half. The pain in my arms became more and more excruciatingly intense. I released a high-pitched wail of pain that echoed off the forest. A sudden burning sensation begins to rise and swell in the palm of my hands. What occurred next didn't seem to be human at all!
Dark shadow-like energy fired out from the palm of my hands, sending the demon flying farther and crashing against a hardwood tree. That crash had a hard impact on the now-damaged tree. As my lips failed to produce words, I glanced at my own hands in disbelief.
This power saved me from physical harm, which almost made me feel grateful. A voice in the back of my head interrupted my thoughts, alerting me to the menacing demon who had recovered from that impact. He was coming back from more than just conversing with me.
"Of course! Lilithia doesn't recognize me like she used to be. What an absolute shame she is protecting that fragile human body like yours..”
The dripping disgust and distaste ought to be avoided by me. Despite how tense our interaction remained, I took offense to that statement of his. For years, I've been reminded of my poor health and body by everyone. It came to me to ignore them, but I felt bothered by that. The thought remained forgotten, and I came to notice something was highly alarming from him.
The demon slipped off his suit to remove it, violently throwing it on the ground. Multiple deep scars run across his chest, possibly the product of an unexplained tragic accident he endured during his past or current life. My eyes trailed back to his hardened face. This monster was on the brink of madness.
A mildly sadistic glint in his eyes as he continued to speak in a low but threatening tone, "No matter! Let me show you what actual power looks like."
What he did next was unthinkable!
The demon's transformation has processed into something between sickening and vile. His skin takes on a sickly, almost gray pallor, with black, pulsating veins running across his face. Curved horns visibly appeared as they were attached to his forehead. Large wings sprouted out of his back as they extended noisily with a wingspan up to eleven feet. As I stood there, shocked at what my eyes were trying to get me to believe, what I'm witnessing turned my stomach into knots.
A sudden demonic howl pierced the silence as the demon unveiled his grotesque form, replacing the previous normal one that no longer took place. A true horror was the perfect description of this moment. My true horror, exactly! The tips of his sharp talons illuminated as he moved his clawed hand and pressed against my chest. Immense pressure builds up and creeps up on me. My eyes popped open, my mouth gaping. A scream left me as a pain shot up my body, strongly feeling as if my soul was leaving me.
The wild glow in his eyes sparkled with dark amusement from the mass of black hair that covered his face. A faint glow illuminated my hands, and I used my remaining strength to reach over and tightly press the light against the demon. He loosened the grip and reared back, clutching his face where the outline of my hand was engraved like a branding iron mark.
I landed and hit the ground with a loud thud, letting out an audible gasp and a painful groan. Sitting upright at a perfect angle, relief filled my features when the soul returned inside me. It frightfully felt like a near-death experience, which I desperately did not want to face ever again.
My attention shifted to the energetic light fading from my hands. Another intriguing power for me to recently discover. It made me wonder what other powers I possess. The thought subsided when my focus returned to the enraged demon, who immediately recovered from the permanent burn. It doesn't seem like he'll give up on me anytime soon.
Rage twisted and contorted his facial features into something recognizable. His booming, commanding voice, tinged with seething rage, echoes throughout the forest,"I will not be defeated by a worthless, pitiful little mortal like you!"
It feels like the whole earth shook underneath my feet. That impact almost set me off balance until it stopped. My heart raced as I desperately searched for another safe place to hide. However, the demon had already planned ahead and trapped me as his wings wrapped around us. His hands gripped my throat into a chokehold.
This dire situation has put me in a complete panic. I tried everything to break free from the chokehold, but failed to do so. Black spots started to appear in my vision as a state of consciousness prepared me to plunge into it. There were no options left for me, leaving me to accept and submit it.
"You can't run from me, little girl! You are in my domain, after all." His words rang through my head as I was about to lose myself in and out of consciousness. His mouth twisted into a sardonic smile as he raised his sharp claws to drain my soul the second time around.
That was the last image I saw before succumbing to the darkness.
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auraravenora77 · 3 months
Demon In Disguise
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Alycia Leveau "Lilithia"
Summary: Lilithia disguises herself as her former human form, Alycia, from demon hunters and enemies alike. Working as a bartender, she could the raging darkness inside her and she must feed.
Warnings: Hint of dark/Nightmarish themes
Word Count: 1, 435
Author's Note: I just want to say thank you for reading and enjoy stuff like this. ❤️
The nightclub scene brought an electric feel tonight. Sound vibrations of the club energized intoxicated humans into their happier planes. The light, in each and every angle, launches every shade of many colors into the darkness. Everything feels like a shot of adrenaline drowns on the clubgoers, except for one at least.
Lilithia, formerly known as Alycia, wished she had the fun that those disgusting mortals were having. Alas, she remains stuck on bartending duty for the last remaining hours until the shift ends.
The patrons keep distracting her from those dark thoughts swimming in her mind. She poured them many drinks so they could remain satisfied for the night. It frothed over the brim of the glass, dripping toward the floor. It disgusted her how satisfied they were over the order that arrived for them, but she managed to keep a tight smile painted on her features.
Not one innocent soul here even knows about the Nightmare in their midst. Besides, she disguised herself as a human, just mimicking a simple life like Alycia would have truly wanted.
This disguise fooled many demon hunters and other enemies over the past decade. There were some occurrences where they found faint traces of her power left in the scene, but it always led them to a big pile of disappointment. She laughed in the end, silently celebrating her clever ways. They might as well give up on catching her in order to finish her off. The thought of it sounded more pleasant than before.
When the night progresses further, so does the unquenchable thirst of bloodlust and souls. The Nightmare herself felt hungrier than before, wanting the humans to be tortured and their souls to be consumed. The lively sight of human souls brought an urge to her deadly desires to push through, but she prevented herself from doing that. Not right now, at least.
There was one individual who caught her eye from the moment he walked into the nightclub. This young human arrives every weekend at approximately seven thirty sharp, spending time with friends. He always has the best time of his life, from his favorite drink of choice to the kind of conversations he gossips over.
She could change all that with the shrouded dark power that has been itching to fall upon someone.
Before offering him a special drink of choice, she marked him to track his every move the entire night. The same routine he usually does every weekend, from the time he arrives to the time he leaves. When the larger hand on the clock hit two, she took a quick glimpse of him striding toward the exit. It was when she knew her cue to leave the place and begin her duties as a Nightmare.
“I have finished my shift here..”
The sudden announcement fell on deaf ears, where she came to find the other bartenders impressing the intoxicated patrons with some tricks. Not a single glance in her direction or response from them. Not bothering to repeat herself, she left the scene before they took notice of her “neglectful” bartender responsibilities.
As she walked down the bustling streets, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Streets flickered erratically from her presence, causing the humans to remain cautious over it. As for the nightmare herself, she remained distant and calm, only focusing on the intoxicated human who stumbled on his home. It impressed her how he remembered the whereabouts of his place, despite being in this drunken state and all.
The home seemed too simplistic for her own rich taste in style. Not that she truly cared for the place at all, but focusing on one thing only. She hid herself in the shadows, watching him dream in a peaceful sleep. It took her a while to quickly process everything she was seeing in his dreaming state.
Dark energy runs through her veins as she releases it on the slumbering mortal. With the flick of a switch, the atmosphere changes in an instant, where she weaves into his dream.
The human didn't seem to notice the sudden change at first. All he could focus on was a beautiful woman he had been fantasizing about, which Lilithia took the woman’s place. His kind of entertainment was deemed dull to watch, finding it as torturous in her own eyes. She could perhaps alter all that for her own kind of fun. Everything seemed quite peaceful at first, but she somehow changed the mood into something more dark and horrifying.
Lilithia transformed into a monstrous creature, with tendrils of black smoke trailing behind her like slithering snakes. Curved horns grew from her forehead, showing the true nature of an actual nightmare coming to life. Her mouth grew large, rimming of long, pointy canines. Her eyes shifted to a darker color of black as it dropped tears of blood.
It was deemed a horrid sight that a mother could love!
Even their surroundings changed into a frightening sight to behold. The peaceful room transfigured into something gruesome, as if it belonged to a monster’s stomach. The air reeks of death and decay, leaving her content with the lingering aroma. He no longer remained in control of this ‘dream’ of his and shifted into her own horror.
How he reacted generally stunned her the most. Most humans froze in fear upon witnessing such a horrid sight. This mortal was somehow different from the rest. He sprinted, leaving the scene, escaping from this place. She ignored his worthless screams that filled the area, rather focusing on his attempted escape.
“Ohh I love it when they fight back..”
The chase begins between cat and mouse, the predator and the prey. Building tension radiated between them as she stride maniacally toward him. With hunger clouding her mind, she allowed the consuming darkness within to eclipse her sanity. Sooner or later, there was a large possibility that he would tire himself out and manage to hide from her wrath. Eventually, it occurred minutes after the assumption that she found every little detail predictable.
One of her tendrils grabbed hold of his ankle and forcefully yanked closer to Lilithia, refusing for him to run even further. It pinned him against the wall, where she refused to set him free from her raging hunger for his soul. Despite his wild thrashing, he failed to escape from the tight clutches of the tendrils.
Sudden terror overtook his features when she made a slow stride toward the worthless mortal, closing the gap between her and him. A dreamlike expression crossed his face with one simple touch of skin. She was completely in full control over him and his conscience, and his mental state remained aware of it.
“Would you kindly give me a part of your soul for me to consume?”
In a trancelike state, the human nodded robotically, like a puppet, with their strings pulled by the puppeteer. She felt amused at how easily he obliged instead of refusing to do it. Everything about him, including the hold of his humanity, remained weak. He would definitely remember this part of his ‘dream’ more than other parts.
She allowed the tendrils to consume his essence, but not most of it. It wounds and drains him mentally rather than physically. She managed to stop herself from going any further. It seemed too easy for her to cut his life away, especially in a dream state. She rather spared him for later, toying with him like she did with the other fools who died within her grasp.
She leaned forward to the defenseless human, teeth near their ears, breath on their neck. She hissed its reply, “Wake up..”
The whispered demand allowed him to wake from his endless nightmare. It gave her a chance to escape and watch him awake, driving himself hysterically mad. He pushed himself to sit upright on the bed, thrashing around the crumpled blankets. She could even hear his heart beating quickly from the sudden bad dream plaguing his mind. Once he realized his surroundings, he felt relieved that it was over for him. As if the nightmares would ever end for
After such a long time of waiting and watching, it finally pleased the Nightmare that she gave him quite a scare.
Once the deed was finished, she slipped through the shadows and went on her way home. Hunting has brought amusement back into her life once again. She will make her return to drive him insane until there is nothing left of him. That promise sealed itself in mortal blood that no one would ever give back.
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auraravenora77 · 4 months
Good morning everyone! I made some edits for two of my OCs, Raven and Alycia.
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auraravenora77 · 10 months
I made some edits for Lissa, Caritina, Alycia and Teersa because of boredom!
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auraravenora77 · 10 months
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Prologue | Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six
Alycia Leveau "Lilithia"
Summary: Alycia adjusts her life as a University student pretty well until health issues, including a mysterious one, and a peculiar figure refrained her from doing so.
Warnings: Health issues such as asthma and nosebleed
Word Count: 3,936
Author's Note: Hello! It's the recent chapter for the ongoing series before Alycia's transformation into Lilithia reincarnate. I like to sincerely apologize if this is too long, messy or all over the place. Please let me know if you want to be in the taglist. I want to know what are your thoughts on it and enjoy reading this while you can!
Chapter Two
"Alycia! What did I say about running to school with a poor set of lungs?"
Here I am trying to catch my breath, but my asthma refrains me from doing so. One abnormal thing led to another for me. My loveable parents keep some unknown secret from me. Now, I was horribly scolded by my best friend, Ezra, who scrutinized my decision to run here at the University. Does he really need to publicly cause a scene on the first day of college?
"You…said…not…to.." I spoke between jagged breaths, "I…will be…ending up…in a hospital.."
"Yeah that's right and look what happens now!"
There was only one thing that controlled my breathing from making it even worse. With some assistance from my friend, I stood and started to rummage through the belongings of my bag. Immense relief filled my soft features when I desperately searched and found the inhaler in my bag. My trembling hands reached for the cap to uncover it, but Ezra did it for me. There was no time to waste, especially for the sake of my health!
Placing it on my mouth, I used it to take two puffs to successfully manage my breathing a little calmer. The pained expression on my face eased into one of tired relief, and my breathing began to return to normal. It took a moment for me to blink many times before focusing on the eyes of a relieved Ezra, who embraced me tightly. He deserves everything, mostly an apology to put up with my problems.
"Thank you and I'm sorry.." I spoke in a shaky and raspy voice. The bitterness almost left me in a grimace. I placed the cap back on the inhaler and jammed it in my jacket pocket.
"There's no need to apologize.." He replied shortly, nonchalantly brushing it off. The emotions in his eyes betrayed the tone of his voice. "Don't you ever do that again.."
Ever since I was born, the doctors diagnosed me with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Most newborns recovered from the chronic lung disease. Unluckily for me, I surely didn't recover from it at all. It affected me throughout my entire life from my childhood to now. I was taken to many asthma specialists who clearly helped me with my breathing issues. It clearly didn't get any worse or better for the most part, but I wouldn't even give up on the healthy journey.
Now that the asthma issue was out of the way, I shove my essentials back into my bag. How idiotic of me to turn everything into a disastrous mess on the ground. However, I wasn't at fault here! It was my hopeful search for an inhaler and to keep my breathing in place. Good thing I kept a spare one for safekeeping!
Familiar hands came into my downward view onto the ground. My mood lifted over everything he helped and cared about anyone's needs, especially mine. I couldn't help but sneak a glimpse over my distracted best friend's face for the moment. He looked the exact same as freshman year of high school, but more mature and manlier in looks.
Appearing to be the same age as mine, Ezra had a tall and slightly slim build with his eye color that reminded me of mixed ashes, while his jet-black hair was tied back in a thick knot at his nape. His nose slender and rounded, along with his skin complexion as pale as porcelain. His outfit was closely similar to mine, with a white button-up dress shirt and pants, along with a pair of dress shoes.
Ezra and I have been friends for ten years now. We've become inseparable ever since he welcomed me and my family in the midst of moving in. Most of our closest friends joked around to consider us as soulmates or something similar to that. Even my parents tease me about how extremely close we are. During those four years of grade school, there have been some moments when we develop a crush on each other. Unfortunately, we only remain as close friends. I needed it to leave as that!
Someone clears their throat, pulling me from my daze. Blinking my eyes, I found him catching me staring, which led me to quickly turn away with my face flushed with redness. Shit
"What are you looking at?"
I gulped, ransacking my mind for some kind of excuse that would come near to the truth. My mind filled with a blank somehow to search for a response to his question. Letting out an internal sigh, I thought aloud to curse over my useless self. Might as well tell the truth to him. As soon as I was about to open my mouth to utter the words out, a familiar face saved me from total embarrassment.
"Hello there, birthday girl!" Mae marveled, snaking her arm around my shoulders. She wore an infectious smile that brightened up the world.
Mae, one of my closest friends, bears a striking and youthful appearance with a similar height as mine. She was ineffably vibrant with light brunette hair and a cerulean blue sundress that fit her petite figure well, a light skin tan from summer escapes from the beach. Her complete heterochromia darker hazel-blue eyes stand out better than the other physical features.
"It's not my birthday yet.." I corrected her. In the upcoming few days, my nineteenth birthday slowly reaches toward me to celebrate. It has been promised that they will plan out a celebration or some sort.
"Speaking of birthdays, we came up with a plan for your party this weekend. I will give you a text of the location. It will be the most amazing one yet!"
It caught the interest of me and Mae whenever Ezra mentions the lake house his family owns not far from here. His parents wouldn't seem to mind since it's my birthday weekend. We definitely need somewhere to enjoy ourselves, simply far away from problems of any kind in our lives. Far away from anything really!
"I am definitely looking forward to it!"
The rest of our brief conversation died out as we went our separate ways, walking toward our next course for us to attend. A sense of guilt slowly ate me away when I missed a course on the first day. On the bright side, tomorrow will be another day of attending the classes I had missed. That won't ever happen again ever. I made sure of it!
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Everything has settled down by this time of the morning. As the scheduled paper says to be true, the location happens to be in the left wing of this building. The hallway had gradually emptied out for the other college students walking to and from class. Alone with my thoughts, I rushed to find the classroom with observing eyes on every detail around me. It feels similar to a maze in a cornfield on Halloween or something. Taking my attention toward the students around me, I thought of a good idea for the time being. It wouldn't hurt anyone to simply ask!
"Excuse me! Do you know where Professor Ashton's classroom is?"
Receiving nothing but a simple silence, I began to realize how hopeless to ask anyone a question since they were doing the same thing as I did. There wasn't even a Professor in sight around these parts. I am on my own for now. It led me to miss my closest friends who were always by my side. We went our separate ways for our classes until later on. Instead of being a deer in headlights, I moved along in the direction of the classroom.
Taking a sharp left corner of reaching closer to the classroom, it came for me to notice the door was left ajar. I was clinging to high hopes that class would not start before my arrival. I wouldn't want another course to be missed on the first day. That would ruin my week even more!
Humming to myself with a soft tune, I walked into the hushed, conversation-filled classroom, carrying an organized binder with my left arm. An uncertain feeling sent a chill down on my spine. It only occurred when someone laid upon their eyes in my direction. That led me to glance around the area in the classroom. It genuinely surprised me at the Professor’s early presence in the classroom.
There were a few seats unavailable in the middle and right areas of the classroom so I decided to settle for the middle seat in the second row. Most of my University classmates brought welcoming smiles here and there, which I returned with a pearly white smile. Everyone seemed very generous here, especially the faculty and staff members.
With the binder and pens laid flat on the desk, relief filled my features when I felt organized once in my life. The only thing left was the introduction for a lecture from the Professor, who swept over the student-filled classroom. I could tell he felt nothing but satisfied over the full roster. Simply, I wouldn't blame him for feeling that way.
A feeling crept up on me as it made me wonder about the actual time. I sneaked a glance at my phone screen, which indicated two minutes before ten o'clock. My mood brightened over my early arrival to learn everything in this classroom. It was nothing but a good achievement for me to hold it onto. Everything turned out pretty well until something occurred at the last minute.
A murder of crows caws loudly outside the window, disrupting the quietness in the room. During this time of year, those black birds cause nothing but a chaotic ruckus in the towns. Weirdly enough, they were completely everywhere whenever I went somewhere. It felt as if their eyes were watching my every move or something. It's oddly peculiar and irritating for me, to say the least.
"Shoo!" The Professor hissed through clenched teeth. He waved his hands in their direction, disturbing their restful perching upon the windows."This happens every year to these rats with wings.."
Birds flew away in different directions, flickered across the sky, and filled the world with their messy chorus. A moment of comfortable silence returned in the room, which led to my relief. It had enveloped everyone, including myself, inside the classroom. We only have one thing on our mind: Acing this semester and gaining credits to require a degree for a few years from now.
Just in perfect timing, the second ringing bell chimed through the loudspeakers as the class got off to somewhat of a pleasant start. I raised my gaze to the front of the podium, where the Professor prepared everything on his laptop and the projection screen. He pushed up his glasses to the bridge of his nose before addressing them about the first day.
"Welcome to the first day that'll change your life in the future. You can call me Professor Ashton! I will be the one who will lecture this semester," He kindly introduced himself, spreading his hands wide in welcome. "There is so much to discuss with every one of you."
With a comfortable feeling settled onto me, I simply listen and jot down everything for me to expect everything, with lectures and exams later in a few months. It intrigues me, grateful for the perfect major I had chosen for myself. When he provided an overview of the latest important lesson for the upcoming two weeks, a sense of confidence and ease hit me in the gut. The flow of information never ceased to satisfy me.
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Right on cue, the bell rang. Students poured out of the rooms like water through floodgates, quickly filling the halls. I shoulder my way through the sea of students, who either greet their peers or mind their own business and direct their way somewhere important. My eyes scan to search for any of my friends, but they weren't among them. Something must've caught up to them or they simply came in my direction.
A feeling bloomed inside my chest as I felt light wind brushing against my face. Not even the doors or windows were even open in these halls. Weirdly enough, it causes a stir in the atmosphere around me. I stood still, thinking it could be another asthma attack or something else. It turned out to be anything more than just that.
Everything felt mysteriously different around me as if the world shifted to another realm. It might as well ought to be closely accurate. I glanced around to find the lobby was completely empty, to the point my footsteps were the loudest sounds in the hallway. A sense of loneliness almost returned to me, but it remained a peculiar feeling. Suddenly, the sound of the wind intensifies.
A disembodied voice called out, breaking me out of my deep thoughts. It called to me like a shadowed whisper in the night. It lured me closer to searching for them. I looked out over the hallway, squinting into the darkness. My eyes were difficult to adjust to the surroundings, which led me to step forward one at a time.
I felt a hint of movement to my left, the intensity of a pair of eyes observing me. The sensation of someone standing behind me forced me to turn around, hoping to seek the figure somehow. Instead, I only found nothing remained in the corner. Only a decaying stench filled the air around the area, attacking my nostrils, which led me to ignore it. There were more important things that caught my attention other than an overbearing aroma. 
"Lilithia, come closer to me.."
Everything came up at me all at once! A blank stare drew upon my face as I walked mechanically toward the voice. A sense of darkness crept closer with each breath and I was beginning to welcome it. I continued forward, cocking my head to listen. The voice has become closer and clearer. Hoping it would lead me to a familiar face, but what I've seen, witnessed most likely, truly stunned me! 
A dark shadow loomed in the mist, shapeless and vague but as big as a boulder. Crimson red eyes regarded me with curious mischief, some sort of hunger, or eagerness peeking through. My face grew serious as the fear of what lay ahead settled in. I quickly looked away from them, shivers going down my back at the sight. My instincts screamed at me to flee and hide from a hidden place, but this thing had me cornered. I expect this monstrosity to –
I felt a hand curl around my shoulder, warm and comforting. The lonely feeling ceased as soon as many voices of students murmuring returned to fill my ears. It brought me back to the present and planet Earth. The presence has been long gone. As for the hand on my shoulder, I opened my eyes to notice how dainty and small it was. It turned out to be Mae's hand after I recognized those beautiful bicolored nails and rings.
"Aly?" It was Ezra's turn to speak and voice his concerns for me. "We have been calling you for the past minutes!"
"Did you see that?" I asked them curiously, ignoring their words. My eyes cast downward to avoid eye contact with anyone. The presence may have departed the premises, but it left me frozen in fear.
"See what?" He asked, peeking over my shoulder for a glimpse. A confused tone settled in his voice, "There is nothing to see except for the outside where everyone's dorm buildings are located.."
I craned my neck to glimpse toward the same area, finding the mysterious phenomenon had somehow disappeared. As a puzzled look came across my face, I could've sworn something was beyond the halls. Many questions began to form, uncontrollably, in my mind. It led me to begin to question my sanity for the most part. There has been a possibility it could be a figment of my imagination.
"Never mind about that! It's just nothing.."
As soon as I turned around to face them, they gaped at me, a horrified expression on their faces. My smile slipped from my lips as I looked at them with a puzzled gaze. "What's wrong?"
"Aly, you're bleeding!" They answered in unison, rushing to my side.
"Wait what?" I asked them, stunned. My trembling fingers lifted, and something red glistened on my palm. Blood.
I found this moment quite odd because it never happened before. Respiratory issues were always the main cause of all things for me, but it never brings any nosebleeds at all. Stress and nerves may have been the reason for it. I had been overthinking about everything revolving around University and courses. My doctors need to be well informed about this recent symptom I am now dealing with.
Raising my gaze to see the shocked expressions on my friends' faces, I tried my best to keep my easygoing attitude up, but I grew progressively exhausted from doing so. So many things drained me and my energy as of late. It would be best for me to rest for a moment and grab a delicious meal, but I need to attend my classes first.
"You're a nurse! Can you do something for her?" Ezra asked Mae, concern was written plain on his face.
"Just because I'm studying a nursing major, it doesn't truly mean I already am one!" She retorted sharply in response. There was a pause for a few seconds before she resumed speaking softly, "Well not yet at least.."
Ever since we met her in freshman year in high school, she really wanted to chase the dream to become a nurse practitioner. It truly fascinates me over the confidence reign in her voice whenever she speaks about it. Ezra and I were chasing our own dreams in a different department of the business industry. His main interests were economics and finance, bringing him many doors of opportunities in many occupations. The same goes for my own choice of International business as a major.
She beckoned me to follow her, which I was able to do. Their bags shield my face, especially the nosebleed. It catches less attention from the University students who rush around to either attend courses or grab something to eat. I gave myself a little reminder to do that for later on. As for now, an issue needs to be adjusted and done with.
We reach toward the restroom door to usher inside, leaving poor Ezra behind. He decided to remain outside to wait for us instead of joining us in the bathroom. We were lucky to find not a single soul seemed to occupy themselves in or outside the stalls, leaving us alone and concentrating on this recent issue.
"Follow my instructions, okay?" She asked in a soft, helpful tone. Most nurses use that voice for assisting patients in need. As for this moment, I am a patient desperately in need. I nodded my head, preparing for the first instruction to be followed through.
"First, do not tilt your head back like that. Instead, you lean slightly forward with your fingers pinching the soft part of your nose. You don't want to cause blood clots or anything worse than that."
Carefully listening to the detailed instructions she put out, I adjusted my posture to a calmer position and pinched my nose with my hand. The thought of blood clots sounded frightening enough, but I remained to push it away. My main focus was to cease the minor problem that has been bothering me. There were more careful instructions to be heard and followed by me.
"Breathe through your mouth like that. Wait for five minutes to stop the bleeding and spit out any blood that collects in your throat. You don't want any stomach issues because of that!"
More of her instructions were clearly simple to follow. I breathe softly through my mouth, waiting for the nosebleed to cease. It didn't last very long because five minutes had passed and my nosebleed had miraculously stopped. My anxiety started to fade, overtaken by an entirely different sensation. Contentment and cheerfulness instantly took over me.
"Wow, it works!" I marveled, smiling gently that reached my eyes. My eyes darted over my friend as I praised her with a few simple words, "You are the greatest.."
"There's no need to thank me, Aly! I'll do anything for a friend in need." She flashed me a sweet grin as a simple response. I playfully rolled my eyes over the smugness she was pulling off.
"Now that is finished! I need to use the bathroom before we go to class," she told me while quickly washing her hands clean. It led her to walk toward the bathroom stalls with the door closing shut.
"Okay! I'll wait for you here," was all I could say. It was my turn to wash the blood away from my hands and nose. My eyes darted toward the door, where Ezra still remained outside. He wouldn't seem to mind waiting for us more because he has the patience of a therapist conversing with their patient.
I took the moment to let my eyes roam over my reflection in the bathroom mirror. With my olive complexion and petite build, my light brown hair was in a bun, loose strands dangling around my face. My eyes were dark brown with flecks of gold. The color has slowly returned to my face after a draining day with an asthma attack and a surprising nosebleed. Even my dainty hands don't uncontrollably tremble anymore!
Smoothening the wrinkles from my clothes and fixing my hair perfectly, I broke eye contact with my own reflection. My eyes fell upon the bathroom stall door opening to find Mae finishing her business and washing her hands. I prepared myself to leave alongside my best friend, who brings a sense of pride and honor surrounding her. With a minor but excellent achievement for her to be done, she would make a good nurse someday!
When we went outside, Ezra greeted us with grim lines on his mouth. He instantly stopped me from walking any further and asked, "Are you certain about going back to your courses?"
"I agree with Ezra on this one! You should rest and go home.." Mae chimed in, voicing her worries so motherly.
"Yes I am completely certain everything will be fine with me," I answered confidently with a reassuring smile, "Let's go before I miss more of my courses.."
My soft words of reassurance didn't really convince them until a heartbeat later. Unfazed as if nothing had happened to me, I led the way someplace else when they caught up to me. They sneaked many glances at me while we walked around the campus, hoping it wouldn't become late to attend our classes. I didn't blame them for their concern for me and my sickly immune system. This day has been quite rough from the start. Here's hoping the rest of the day treats me well!
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 The entire day of courses went pretty well for my friends and me. As for the rest of the day, my mind remained someplace else other than conversing with my closest friends. There has been so much in my jumbled thoughts. Before attending my own birthday party, I would visit a quick stop at my parent's house. There has been something important they needed to inform me of. Hopefully, it won't become a full conversation like the last time they wanted to discuss something with me.
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auraravenora77 · 1 year
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Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six
Alycia Leveau "Lilithia"
Summary: A pregnant Verena has been dreaming and dealing with nerves about the upcoming weeks of the baby's arrival. The early arrival has gone awry as well as a new chapter of her life as a mom.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1, 982
AN: Hello! It's my first prologue for the ongoing series before Alycia's transformation into Lilithia reincarnate. I like to sincerely apologize if this is short, messy or all over the place. Please let me know if you want to be in the taglist. I want to know what are your thoughts on it and enjoy reading this while you can!
Verena's POV
19 years ago
A clawed hand was the last thing Verena had witnessed before she woke up alert and shook from the nightmares. Sitting upright, she took the moment by noticing the familiarity of her surroundings. The tension slowly leaves her shoulders as she rubs the back of her neck. Walking around the house seemed like a perfect idea for her. It would clear her mind and brighten the mood! Without alerting her husband, she moved silently out of the bed and went downstairs to grab a drink of water.
The kitchen usually eases her sour mood than most rooms in the house. She sat there with a drink in hand, her thoughts jumbled over the nightmares that repeat itself every night. Lost in thought and haunted by the nightmares, the image replayed in her head about the older demonic woman that had the same features of Verena and her husband. The eye color of pitch darkness was the only difference of the features. It seemed so real, but there was a possibility it could be the stress threatening to take over.
She shook off the horrifying nightmarish thoughts and focused on the now. In the early early trimester of discovering the pregnancy, the doctor did advise her about everything throughout the late stages of pregnancy, including one reason.
Nerves could be the main reason for her nightmares that plagued her mind. Ever since finding out about this new chapter of their lives, she has had the most horrifying fear of an early premature birth or a miscarriage. As the day of delivery nears in the upcoming few weeks, so did the whirlwind of emotions. Maybe it would be a perfect time to visit –
"Are you having nightmares again?"
A familiar voice abruptly interrupted Verena's thoughts as she almost jumped out of her seat. Turning around to see an apologetic expression from her endearing husband, it led him rushing to her side and console her with an embrace. Sweet words whispered in her ear as she felt immense relief washing over her. His hand rested on her swollen baby bump for some assurance. 
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you and the baby," Sebastian spoke softly and calmly. He raised his eyes to exchange contact with hers. "Are you alright?"
"Yes I'm fine! You just startled me, that's all.." She honestly answered, chuckled softly. Her hand reached to caress his face so she could put him at ease. "As for your question earlier, yes I'm having those nightmares again.."
"We can make a phone call first thing in the morning tomorrow. Your doctor wouldn't mind helping –"
"No!" Verena interrupted him without even thinking. She exhaled and gave him a much calmer response, "It's alright! Everything will be fine with me and our baby. The nightmares will go away in no time.."
"Are you sure?" A curious Sebastian questioned her with his voice resonated with deep concern and wonder. "I could still do that if you change your mind.."
"Yes I am certain!" Verena reassured with a confirmation, her face broke out into a full smile as best as she could. It could manage to convince him even further. She resumed speaking in a lighthearted tone, "You should head upstairs to bed. I will be there with you after finishing this water.."
He hesitated for a moment to think things through. In the back of her mind, she hoped it would convince him enough to leave. It wasn't until his concerned demeanor changed to a much calmer one. The only response was a simple, "Alright.."
After a few moments later, it convinced him well enough to head upstairs and return to their bedroom. As soon as soft footsteps receded, a smile slipped from her face. A sense of loneliness almost returned to her side like a great friend. However, she glanced down to return her attention to her baby bump. She makes everything ought to be perfect with her and the baby. That was nothing but a promise!
Heading upstairs to the bedroom, the sight of this soft bed and silk sheets tempt her with more sleep. Exhaustion took over as soon as her head hit the soft pillows. Several minutes later, she drifted back to some more sleep alongside her husband. Thankfully, she slept throughout the night without any horrifying nightmares coming back around.
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The Next Day
Hospitals meant many important things for people. As for the married couple Sebastian and Verena Flynn? They arrived with the baby's expected presence in the maternity ward of the hospital. It all started with a good and delicious morning breakfast. Verena offers to help out with almost everything despite being very pregnant. It extremely worries Sebastian for what she does because it might strain her but her reassurance calms him a bit. In the next hour of relaxing and movie watching, something occurred to her.
Hearing an unusual sound coming from her, he craned his neck to check up on his wife. A haunted look crossed her face. His eyes trailed down onto something more noticeable. A large puddle of water spilled out onto the water. As the growing realization dawned, he went pale. The look of immense surprise means one and one thing only: the early arrival of their newborn daughter. Her expected arrival was supposed to come late next month. In an urgent state of concern, he rushed her to the nearest hospital without any delays.
"Help! I need a doctor for my pregnant wife. She's currently in early labor.." Sebastian announced in a state of calmness despite the urgent situation involving the baby. That shout alerted a team of doctors who were obliged to assist a distressed Verena. Everything else was nothing but a chaotic blur.
Being in labor became more and more traumatic for them. After observing everything with her, It took the team of doctors to announce an emergency C-section. A nervous feeling came over her when the risks and outcomes might occur during that procedure. Doctors instantly took time and patience to bring the baby out. Simply how momentarily weak and drained Verena was, she seemed unaware of the chaos ensuing in the room between the doctors and a frantic Sebastian. Everything became blurry before she faded out of consciousness.
Verena woke up to the feeling of his fingers skimming along her skin, carefully checking my bandages as she lay in the familiar hospital room bed, full of tubes and heavy medicine that kept the pain away. A surprised expression formed on her face when she felt a sleepy Sebastian pressed against her in the spacious bed, one long arm draped closely over her waist as he rested his head on the crook of her neck. The stiff stir woke him up as it took him a few minutes to begin explaining everything about the events during the chaotic childbirth.
Worry etch on their faces as they await for the doctors to return with their baby. The amount of waiting felt like hours instead of minutes. It wasn't until doctors finally arrived in the room as they rolled down a familiar machine. The bright smile slowly fell from Verena's face. Their newborn was safely inside the Respirator ventilator, being hooked up to many devices including an Endotracheal Tube. A certain machine sounded weak beeps each and every second. It left them more than highly concerned.
"I want to say congratulations to you both on the birth of your child but I'm afraid to tell you some bad news. She has developed a rare but severe illness called Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia," said the doctor who informed them with the most horrible news. "She might not make it through the night if the lungs are extremely damaged and left untreated. We will place her in the NICU for safety measures later. If she does live, oxygen therapy is the greatest option before the lungs get damaged. For now, I can give you privacy to accompany the newborn to pray for her. I'll be right back to fetch the paperwork and medication!"
As the doctor leaves the room, an extremely shocked Verena and Sebastian recover quickly by clasping their hands and beginning to pray for the newborn. Positive thoughts remained in her head in the midst of the prayers. All she ever wanted was a healthy child held in her arms. She had dreamt it for the longest. Everything will get better for the married couple when this huge bump in the road passes miraculously. A sudden sound disrupted the silence in the midst of their prayers. The downhearted married couple heard shoes clack against the marble floor outside the room. It grew closer and closer until the sound stopped. Believing it was nothing but a nurse walking past, they continued to pray. A silent moment passed before her husband took immediate realization of the doctor's unexpected yet quick return.
"I thought you said we need some time alone.." Sebastian said, his voice was husky with sadness.
"I apologize for the early disruption, but I have returned with the paperwork and medication. It is nothing too painful for your baby, I assure you. It is just a simple procedure that will make her lungs healthier and stronger," The doctor informed them while managing to check the vitals. A look of satisfaction filled his features before he faced them with a question. "Do you accept this life-changing offer?"
"We accept.." Verena and Sebastian answered in unison as hope bubbled within them. They had to make that quick decision in order for their daughter to be completely healthy for the future.
"Very well! Let's get this started so my team and I will handle the rest." The doctor handed Sebastian an ordinary clipboard of a singular paper form and pen that was strangely shaped like a small scythe. Verena leaned forward to join him in assisting her husband. Within minutes, they thoroughly read the entire paperwork and scribble their signature on it.
Now that decision was successfully done, the doctor made the move to inject medication into the IV tube. In the next few minutes, the heart rate machine normally beeps. The sudden sound of the baby cries blessed their ears. She gasped in a stunning surprise at the sight. They gathered round with tears of joy and gratitude, scarcely daring to believe their eyes. What in the heavens was even in that medicine?
"Thank you so much! I don't know how you did it but I appreciate –" She cut herself off, returning her attention back to the doctor as jaw went slack. Her heart leapt to her throat. As a puzzled Sebastian followed her gaze, when he displayed a similar reaction as she did.
What stood on the doctor's place wasn't actually himself anymore. He was wearing a black hooded robe, covering everything except his face. This demonic man creature grew immensely larger than a regular man's actual size. He lowered himself to their level and gazed into her eyes. A cold demeanor retained upon him as everything about him didn't even look human, from the eye color to the sharp bone structure.
"I'll be seeing you in eighteen years from now. Spend precious time with her before I claim yours as an exchange.." threatened the ruthless stranger. His voice sounded guttural, the rasp of a demonic creature while drenched in a velvety undertone.
"Wait!" Verena weakly shouted, attempting to reach forward to stop him. What's holding her back was the exhaustion from the pushing of childbirth.
Sebastian springs into action just by spreading his arms to guard her. The stranger eyed the crying baby with an expression of annoyance before disappearing in an explosion of obsidian. It vanished within minutes before the actual doctor came in. Confused, then alarmed, crossed his face as he called for his team to assist with the newborn child. What in the world has Verena done?
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auraravenora77 · 1 year
Introduction to the Nightmare
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Note: Here is the part four of my OC introduction series! Please enjoy reading and reblog them if you want to or not. It will be on my masterlist here.
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Nickname: Aly
Human name: Alycia Leveau
Demon name: Lilithia
Also known as: The One Who Haunts, Eater of Dreams/Dream Eater
Species: Human(formerly), Nightmare Demonness
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: September 15th
Age: 20
Birthplace: Earth
Current Residence: Hell
Occupation: Student (formerly)
Companian: Embre (Hellhound)
• Devious
• Cunning
• Manipulative
• Cruel
• Pursuasive
• Boastful
Powers and Abilities
• Healing Factor
• Invisibility
• Shapeshifting
• Immortality
• Walking through dreams (Dream and Nightmare manipulation)
• Electromagnetic Interference
• Soul Reading
• Voice Mimicry
• Memory Manipulation
• Memory Extraction
"I like a little chaos."
As a newborn, Alecia wasn't supposed to live upon Earth. She was in a brink of death, but a demon (who disguised himself into a doctor) tricked her parents that made a deal to give her a second chance to live. They wanted something in return in a matter of nineteen years: a soul for a soul.
Nineteen years later, Alycia lived in an ordinary life as a University student until she has discovered of her true origin as a living personification of a Nightmare demon spirit inside her known as Lilithia. Instead of allowing the demon to consume her parents' souls, she persuaded them a better convincing deal.
Surprisingly, it successfully worked! She chose to leave everything and everyone behind, including her humanity, to accept her life in Hell. The demon lord and his cohorts took an interest of her when she step foot there.
In order to permanently reside in Hell, she has to participate and succeed the seven trials in order to become the Queen of Hell. It was a major struggle to maintain residing in Hell, but some demons were willing to assist Alycia for control her dark powers. However, there was no one to trust for those around her. Many unkept secrets and betrayals blinded her with hatred towards everything.
Allies and Enemies revolve around her. Will she ever trust anyone here in Hell? Will the enemies ever reveal themselves to either battle her for the throne or destroy her existence? The darkest adventures awaits for the Hell's Demonness Queen!
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