#Allsorts' Rambles
kakumeinoyuuki · 3 months
Post race thoughts before I fall asleep and forget about it all....
- Good thing I'm watching this before bed as I could have slept during that. Congratulations to Max, he's winning this whole thing easy.
- What a drive from Ollie Bearman, less than an hour practice in the step up to an F1 car, missing out on Q3 by 0.036 and making some moves in the race. Well deserved DOTD.
- Lewis Hamilton defended for his life. His battles with Oscar were some of the highlights for me personally. And I think it'll be underrated by a lot of people.
- That Haas is better than any of us thought it was gonna be. Magnussen's 20 seconds of penalties saved face for a few of the back marker teams (that look way worse in race trim) shame for Zhou with the slow pit stop late on though, he's driven pretty well so far this season, despite the issues on track.
- In my opinion, Lando should have had a penalty for a jump start. Especially if any movement before Lights Out should be penalised according to the rules. George's onboard had a clearer view and possibly the lack of angles saved Lando.
Anyway, that's enough of that, time for bed.
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dougielombax · 1 year
Liquorice allsorts taste like fucking POISON!
Me no likey!
Liquorice in general tastes like fucking poison!
I want to like it but every time I try I’m met with disappointment and dejection.
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psychewritesbs · 2 years
I really liked this post! I LOVE the mentor-mentee relationship between Suga and Tobio! Your words "Suga is the mentor that Kageyama needed to become the elite setter that he is meant to become" I totally agree! Suga is the mentor that Tobio needed to learn to work with his teammates, and of course with the help of all Karasuno as well.
Oikawa's situation is totally understandable, but I don't share the way he behaved with Tobio. He didn't want to teach his service and that's fine, he wasn't obligated to do it either, but there was no need to to antagonize him. Tobio didn't antagonize Oikawa, he admired Oikawa. Tobio may be a "genius", but he trains and works hard to be where he is too. Oikawa has strengths that Tobio doesn't, and Tobio has strengths that Oikawa doesn't, and they both work hard.
OK! I have 15 minutes to answer this before I have to go adult.
HOLA anon! First, thank you for the kind comments!
Second, yaaaaaaas... This is one of the things that makes hq so amazing--this whole idea of how together we are better than the sum of our parts... I think that’s how the saying goes.
Oikawa is actually one of my favorite characters in hq--I like “problematic” characters that capture the messiness that is being a human, and Oikawa is that for me because envy and jealousy are very real states that stem from our insecurities.
Like you, however, I agree that, while his behavior is understandable, it was still uncalled for just how much of a total jerk he was to Tobio-chan. That said, I particularly love how Iwa-Chan plays an important role in helping Oikawa stay level-headed when it comes to Tobio, even while acknowledging the icky feelings Oikawa harbors towards Tobio.
I also loved what you said so much tho: “Tobio may be a "genius", but he trains and works hard to be where he is too”. SO true. 
I also loved this ramble in the tags by one of the reblogs the post got by @licorice-allsort (I am user-tagging challenged, hope this worked):
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Fifteen minutes are up! Thanks for stopping by and nerding out with me about hq! Hope to see you again :)
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skamamoroma · 4 years
i noticed that you said that elu might be the most different couple! i was just wondering about your thoughts on sobbe as compared to elu about different people in couples?
What I meant with Eliott and Lucas is that it would be VERY easy to look, from the outside, and expect Eliott to be with someone very outwardly different. Just like that post said, you’d maybe expect him to go for someone really artsy and effortlessly cool and someone who he’d have tons in common in terms of art with. People would expect that but Eliott is also not what people expect and they may look and not know he’s a total dork, a sensitive soul etc. They may see the facade and I guess the same can be said for Lucas because he IS artsy but in a quiet way with his piano playing. He is, as Eliott said, surprising! They match VERY well but they aren’t a likely pairing and I like that they aren’t.
As with Sander and Robbe, I think they’d be next in line in terms of unlikely pairings as you could say that Sander is a little like Eliott in how he presents himself to the world but I think Robbe is DIFFERENT but he also has his own type of cool going on. Whereas Eliott appears insanely cool and hipstery and artsy with his grunge hobbies and urbex... Lucas is goofy and kinda sporty and wears the same clothes/trainers all the time so outwardly they look like they wouldn’t fit but that’s the beauty of the storyline I guess - they find each other and fit in every universe.
With Sander, he isn’t what he seems. We know he’s anything but the kinda aloof, artsy cool guy he portrays. The difference in Sander from that supermarket scene to who we know him to be now is overwhelming. He projects a little but is also someone who lives his life through art and music and a lot of that informs who he is... Robbe doesn’t.
Robbe projects an entirely different image but he still has this cool way about him. He’s softer but he’s also into skating and surfing and music... he’s a total old school skater boy so he’s also outwardly cool in his own way... I think he and Sander are a funny mixture of allsorts, they also match in terms of their love of urban places, being outside and music. They both seem to have a few things in common whilst still having very different ways of projecting themselves
This is a whole ramble but I hope you get what I mean! Out of all of the remakes, I think Eliott and Lucas are the most outwardly unlikely but Sander and Robbe so come second although still worlds away from Elu!
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rcmanos · 6 years
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hi welcome to my much less extra ooc intro ! before we get started with my rambling i wanted to say that if anyone had plots with previous scarlett(s) i’m more than happy to carry them on ! let’s get on with it now: i’m mary i’m 18 and from the pst. im heckin nice i promise so feel free to message me to chat and allsorts. also, i’m just a just a trash can filled with memes and angst plots wearing a trench coat so pls help me out. i am really excited for this rp as well as getting to meet and fall in love with y’all and your lovely muses. click the read more for the 4-1-1 on my troubled religious bby and smash that lil heart for plotting purposes. here we go. religion tw ahead. just in case. 
ok so my bio page is not even up so this will give you the basics of scar while i take up my lazy ass and type some things up. 
scarlett was born into a somewhat healthy family, it had it’s problems but overall it was a good environment to be in. she was an only child so she was a little spoiled and while her parents weren’t rich af they did try their best to give her everything she needed and she never once struggled with money. in her childhood. 
all of this led to a normal teenager, her angry outburst and her rebel years where there but nothing out of the ordinary. 
during all this time scarlett wasn’t very religious. her parents where catholic and she was too but they rarely went to church and while they practiced in the big events, like christmas and easter, she never really felt any pull to her religion. until...
her mother died when she was around fifteen years old, from a car crash and her father blamed himself due to her mother going out after a fight she had with him. things went a little downhill from there. 
scarlett felt so lost and alone, her father would drink almost everyday. he never once hit her or yelled at her or abused her in any way but he was distant. nothing like the man he got to know. 
she desperately needed advice or someone to rely on and she found something close to that in her aunt georgia, whom is a very religious person. her aunt became like her second mother to her and she was the one who got her super interested in her religion and boosted her faith. 
she believes now that the only person who will always be there for you (friends? anyone?) is god and that he is her closest connection to her mother. she also developed a slight fear of death after her mother passed away and that’s one of the reasons she is a hardcore church goer and does everything perfectly, she likes to believe heaven exists and wants to go to the good place (the good place? anyone?). 
but that is getting a little hard because... she’s starting to develop feelings for girls. dear lord help us all. she constantly prays and tries to get them to go away but she knows it’s not going to happen so she just like pushes her feelings deep, deep down. it’s easy to pretend since she knows she is attracted to boys but she looks at a girl and goes all like ‘i’m such a sinner’ and such. someone help this girl out. 
that’s about it for the basics, i think. lmao, hopefully. i come up with new things everyday so like it’s never over but i think this is enough. 
PLOTS: ( not at all set in stone, if you guys have any idea on how to improve them / want to change something, just tell me and i’ll bE GLAD BECAUSE I LOVE PLOTS )
i would really love a childhood friend, like someone who has known scarlett since the whole ordeal with her mom happened, someone who has seen her through it all. maybe they distanced after something happened or maybe they are still in contact, either is fine. 
i’d love someone which scarlett could tell her problems to, like her bisexuality shining through and her trying to repress it and all of that good stuff, someone she can confide in? i’d love that. 
i’d also love some friends that just remained friends, like with no hidden romantic undertones or anything, just pure raw friendship. gimme the brother/sister type. like the overprotective, i’m so happy to see you everyday type. 
fwb but not friends with benefits? because scarlett is very against that but give me those almost and maybe she kisses them and she’s all like, ‘god what am i doing give me strength’ and then like the cycle repeating because that’s as far as her benefits would go.... for now. 
hit me up w them angsty romance plots lmao the angst is necessary af because my gal here can’t have nice things. 
maybe your muse is idk tryna ease or drag her out of her comfort zone? like sure sometimes she does it all by herself and that’s fun n messy but other times she just wants to sit at home like an old lady and watch the real housewives ( me aF ).
maybe they just HATE each other for no/many reasons and fight at every chance they get because your muse knows how to get under her skin and push her buttons. give me that & i will give u my heart
also i understand most of you already have some plots figured out and this is what happens when i’m too late but don’t worry as long as this girl has some friends she’s okay. i’m pumped to be here and i can’t wait to get started! 
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kakumeinoyuuki · 1 year
Picking up my brother as he's coming home for dinner tonight and felt like I was having a panic attack parking up.
I hate tight parking spaces on hilly streets 😭😭
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kakumeinoyuuki · 1 year
Handed in my four week notice at work today as I have a new job lined up in the new year.
Not had to deal with the boss yet, but it's a matter of time!!!
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kakumeinoyuuki · 2 years
When I told my boss tonight - who is also an F1 fan and gave me Sunday off this week - that Albon was 6th on the grid for tomorrow's race: he gave me the shocked Pikachu face
He knew about the grid penalties but I don't think either of us expected a Williams to get to Q3
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kakumeinoyuuki · 2 years
At least there is some sport today, compared to when it was all cancelled 2 years ago.
England Cricket are killing it this morning: 5 wickets in 50 minutes of play. I want one more before I put on FP3 please.
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kakumeinoyuuki · 1 month
Today my diet has been an apple, a milky coffee and a beer. What a way to deal with an extra few hours of work.
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kakumeinoyuuki · 3 months
Time for me to watch the Saudi Arabia Grand Prix.
Somehow managed to avoid most of the results and action until now.
Similarly to last week, I was working until after it started and the rugby felt more appropriate to listen to on my drive home.
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kakumeinoyuuki · 4 months
Today at work = chaos....
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kakumeinoyuuki · 5 months
I like Madrid as a city, it's stunning. But I'm unsure about how it's gonna work as a street circuit. It's very tight.
I don't know if I'm the only one, but I am tired of street circuits being added and would rather have a few older tracks reinstated to the calendar (i.e. Hockenheim or Sepang)
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kakumeinoyuuki · 5 months
What I want to know is why people find it necessary to ask if a place is open AFTER they've walked through the front door??
One) You have a computer in your pocket to search if things are open.
And two) the door would be locked if it was closed.
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kakumeinoyuuki · 6 months
There are two things I'm hoping for on this day I call a birthday.
1) A stress free day at work and
2) A Spurs win against one of the enemies
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kakumeinoyuuki · 7 months
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The second of a necessary evil after 5 and a half hours of travel, plus meeting up with a depressed older member of the family for the first time in 6 months .
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