#Alfred Werker
tina-aumont · 4 months
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Consuelo Gracia Vidal - aka Julia Andre - in "Pirates of Monterey" film with co-star Rod Cameron (film directed by Alfred L. Werker, 1947).
This is the only film she took part in as it was difficult for her speak in English although she went to classes. At the time of filming she was at the first stages of her pregnancy from her first child Ken Carter Gracia by Universal publicist Kenneth Carter of whom she married in August 1946.
Here you can watch full film in English with great quality (Maria Montez screencaps will come too).
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classicfilmblr · 6 months
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Repeat Performance (1947) dir. Alfred L. Werker
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moviesteve · 2 years
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He Walked by Night https://bit.ly/3CnUgsd There were two big “ripped from the headlines” movies in 1948, one from the East Coast of the USA, the other from the West. Both The Naked City and He Walked by Night made big claims to authenticity. The Naked City made much of the fact that a lot of its footage was shot out on the streets of New York. He Walked by Night also makes use of real locations, most notably LA’s underground storm drain system for a finale The Third Man would borrow a year later. But its bigger pitch is that it’s a non-Hollywoodised movie about actual events. And how it asserts that. “This is a TRUE STORY”, the … Read more
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anthonysperkins · 5 months
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Richard Basehart as William Williams Repeat Performance (1947) dir. Alfred L. Werker
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Shock (Alfred L. Werker, 1946)
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weirdlookindog · 7 days
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Boris Karloff in The House of Rothschild (1934)
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every 1930s movie watched (35 - ∞)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939) dir. Alfred L. Werker
always Holmes until the end
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leatherhearted · 2 years
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NOIRVEMBER 2022 🕛 Repeat Performance (1947, dir. Alfred L. Werker)
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gatutor · 4 months
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Dorothy Burgess-Raul Roulien "It´s great to be alive" 1933, de Alfred L. Werker.
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sesiondemadrugada · 2 months
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He Walked by Night (Alfred L. Werker & Anthony Mann, 1948).
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letterboxd-loggd · 6 months
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Repeat Performance (1947) Alfred L. Werker
December 13th 2023
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classicfilmblr · 5 months
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"It's like a play. We're out of town, trying it out, and we find the third act is wrong. So it's rewritten, all different. And we play it all over again, and it's right, it's fine. That's what I'd like to do with the year I've just lived. Rewrite it, play it all over again. But I can't, it's too late."
Richard Basehart and Joan Leslie Repeat Performance (1947) dir. Alfred L. Werker
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byneddiedingo · 6 months
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Louis Hayward and Joan Leslie in Repeat Performance (Alfred L. Werker, 1947)
Cast: Joan Leslie, Louis Hayward, Virginia Field, Tom Conway, Richard Basehart, Natalie Schafer, Benay Venuta, Ilka Grüning. Screenplay: Walter Bullock, based on a novel by William O'Farrell. Cinematography: L. William O'Connell. Art direction: Edward C. Jewell. Film editing: Lewis Sackin. Music: George Antheil. 
When Repeat Performance ended, I thought, "That was different. I wish it were better." The premise is a good one: the time loop, usually the stuff of sci-fi movies and seldom of noirish melodramas. And who hasn't wished to live a year (or day or week or month) over, knowing what you know now. That happens to Broadway star Sheila Page (Joan Leslie), who shoots her husband, a blocked playwright and alcoholic philanderer named Barney Page (Louis Hayward) just before midnight on New Year's Eve in 1946. She flees into the night, wishing that she had the year that had led up to the shooting to live over again, sure that she could prevent what had just happened. Well, sure enough she can. As New Year's Day arrives, she discovers that it's not 1947 but January 1, 1946 again. And that she's not wearing the nightgown that she threw a coat over when she ran from the apartment, but instead the new party dress she bought for New Year's. Of course, she can't convince anyone else what has happened, though she does manage to interest her Gay Best Friend, the poet William Williams (Richard Basehart), with her story that he's going to meet a woman, Eloise Shaw (Natalie Schafer), who will have him committed to a mental institution. She also knows that in the first 1946 she and Barney went to London where they met a playwright, Paula Costello (Virginia Field), who wrote the play she starred in but also started an affair with Barney. So can the past be course-corrected? Would there be a movie if it could be? What Repeat Performance needs is a somewhat better script and much better actors. Leslie doesn't make Sheila into a credible figure: She's too much the suffering wife and not enough the resourceful woman who rose to the top on Broadway. And Hayward gabbles some of the soap operatic dialogue and never shows us what Sheila saw in Barney in the first place. The best performance in the movie is Basehart, who handles the coded role of the gay man well enough to let the audience glimpse his secret life. To its credit, the screenplay handles the coding well, too, although we never find out why he was committed to the asylum: Something happened in a toy store, it seems, so maybe we're supposed to infer that William was a pedophile rather than gay. (Although in 1946, the two were often regarded as synonymous.) But despite these flaws, Repeat Performance is a watchable, if frustrating, movie. 
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movie-titlecards · 1 month
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Shock (1946)
My rating: 5/10
Solid plot idea, executed rather blandly.
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Watched Today: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939)
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weirdlookindog · 11 months
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Boris Karloff as Count Ledrantz in The House of Rothschild (1934)
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