#Alfred Molinathon
elwolfen · 1 month
Alfred Molinathon Day 8
The Forger (2011)
Everly Campbell
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His Role: When I first watched this a while back, I thought Everly was going to be a more kinder man who takes Joshua under his wing... boy, was I wrong. He is so full of himself and thinks his the most hottest artist in that town, which I can't fully say, I don't fully comprehend the intricances of painted works. But I think it looks nice (when he's not copying others). He does take Joshua under his wing, but for more unsavory reasons. Watching him explain the process of art forgery and take such care with this delicate work was very enjoyable, I would like to see him paint his own work.
His lies of wanting to take in ths lost kid just for the purposes of profiting off his artistic gift? Sly and devious, then to over exert this poor, abandoned, literal child? Even more unethical than just forgery. While what he said about his mother wasn't too far off, it was still a hurtful thing to say towards a kid dealing with abandonment.
It's absolutely twisted for him to keep telling everyone (including Joshua) that it's for Joshua's own good, that this will better his life, and how Everly wishes that someone would've been so grateful as to give him that same chance at honing in on his talent and become successful. While Anne-Marie reasonably calls out his bullshit of not nurturing a child from a terrible situation and profiting off his hard work for his own gain.
For Joshua to go from a physically abusive mother to a mentally abusive, possible father figure is a horrible thing for any kid to go through and I'm happy that he's with someone who truly cares about his him.
I very much enjoyed Everly and Joshua's dynamic beginning to end. Especially how it changed when Joshua hid the artwork and Everly started to squirm at the thought of losing this big gig.
Little tidbit: If I were Joshua and suddenly a very imposing man just walks up behind me very fast and knowing he was pissed? I'd leap from fear so high I'd get stuck in a tree during their little walk and talk scene.
And how did our dear Everly fall from grace? Beautifully. Presenting the totally "untouched" work he "found" to be examined to be a true piece at his birthday party!? What could possibly go wrong? Everything. First, Anne-Marie comes up and tears it with a knife she threatens him with and her announcing his crimes that she had help with a long time ago. That's a bad look already, but oh no, the final nail on the coffin? Underneath the paint was a drawing of Dennis the Menace, a piece of masterful thinking from Joshua. He wasn't ever gonna get away with this, and Joshua has no interest of staying any longer.
The Rest of the Movie: I did think Amber and Joshua were kinda cute, but slow down was right, Amber! 30 minutes, and this is their second scene together and Joshua is already asking for a kiss? Then, forcibly kisses her anyway? Hormones be damned. It gets a lot less cute when his jealous ass can't behave during the party. Look, I get it, I wouldn't have assumed that was her cousin either by how close they were. I wasn't like that with my guy cousins but to still attack someone like that? Jeez. He didn't even hesitate. And him just lying to Anne-Marie about what happened? Goodness.
Ryan (Amber's brother) really was the true wingman in all of this. Even after all the fights.
The relationship between Joshua and Anne-Marie was sweet. It's understandable why she took him in so quickly, this kid needs proper care and comfort. Then, to find out an accidental fire caused her only surviving daughter to need life-saving surgery; which she funded from her forgeries. Only for her to die not too long after? I'm sure it was overly agonizing for Anne-Marie to go through, something that finally made her quit that art world. Her seeing more of Joshua's dark drawings of his mother's drug abuse was saddening to know that's all he saw of her. Her final reveal at Everly's birthday was a delight, she had zero fucks to give about this art world. But if I were Joshua? I'd be a little pissed that my thunder was stolen, but still, good for her. Good for them! He finally has a home.
Ms. Reese going out and searching for his mother like that, is an extra step I appreciate. Just for her to find an absolute mess of a person and to later learn she was abusing him was heartbreaking. All she wanted was to help and finds the worst in parenting.
In that gif above? I swear I have that same exact flannel that Joshua is wearing under his sweatshirt!
The Poster Situation:
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The first poster? Very obvious that whoever made this was trying to cash in the fact that Josh Hutcherson (Joshua) was in The Hunger Games and decided to use that font. Which is hilarious.
The second fits way more with the movie. I like the feeling it invokes.
And the third, I really like it. It slaps hard, but not for this movie.
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womandust · 24 days
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I fear this is closest we’ll ever get to seeing Alfred Molina as Gomez Addams
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I wanna watch through them all and ramble about them! I hope I stay consistent through it. Work can be a pain. (My Alfred Molinathon isn't going well...)
Also, this is the reason I didn't continue to ramble about the Pilot. I want save it for this!
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elwolfen · 1 month
Alfred Molinathon Day 7
Scorpion Spring (1995)
Denis (Denee) Brabant
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His Role: The motor mouth and sleaze oozing out of this guy! He was so extra it was a tad overwhelming for me at the start. He was funny to watch, but I know that I would tear this man apart for existing near me in real life. I don't care how pretty and French you are, I will bite you. I'm glad you never made it to your audition.
I also completely forgot he is married and got his wife pregnant! While explaining to his current lover that it's not a big deal... she rightfully leaves him. Which leads to a funny introduction between him and Zac.
He is such a silly scumbag. If it wasn't for him wanting to fuck every woman in site and drink gallons of booze, they would have never gotten into any of this mess of a movie. But I do find the whole "did he sleep with Nadia or not" thing quite interesting and perhaps shows a little more depth to him if Nadia was indeed telling the truth of them not sleeping together, but I don't know for sure.
I like the dynamic of complete opposites being into a situation. Zac, a recovering alcoholic and Denis, the beer-chugging king loser. And, of course, how they both view women. I especially liked the phone scene, I know it was very on the nose, but I don't care, I enjoyed it.
Near the very end, he becomes more of a side or background character, which is understandable due to the stand-off between Astor, El Rojo (randomly Matthew McConaughey) Sam, and the Mexican Judicial (no name). The end for our dear sleazy Frenchman? Poetic. Almost got of scot-free until a key point of his character comes to bite him in the ass. The cards were never in your favor for making it to that audition.
Random thing, but his name, Denis? Very fitting. It means "follower of Dionysus," who, I'm sure plenty know, is the god of wine and pleasure. So keep that in mind every time you look at him.
The Rest of the Movie: Half the plot was lost to me due to me not understanding half of what the characters are saying (no entiendo español). But from what I inferred, it was a very messy situation.
I feel terrible for both Zac and Nadia. Zac slowly spiraling from the situation at hand and starts to take up drinking again, and Nadia being used as a drug mule for a dangerous coyote. I hope both are better off after the end of the movie. Zac just wanted to help her and she desperately wanted to see her family.
Astor was a very intimidating character, I would not want to mess with him. I do like that he didn't kill Lem and Octavio, they were helpful. His bloody ties with the Mexican Judicial were interesting, but I'm glad neither of them got the chance to kill each other and instead was all Nadia's doing. Good for her.
Everyone was so damn sweaty by the end... that's all. Oh, and also lots of usage of particular slurs in this film. Mainly towards Mexican people. Heads up!
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elwolfen · 1 month
Alfred Molinathon Day 1:
Species (1995)
Dr. Stephen Arden
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His Role: His character doesn't have too much to do until near the end of the movie. During the containment lab scene, I just thought that he reminded me of some kid in the back of a classroom who sometimes chimes into the conversation or scene of the main characters. I don't know why.
Also, when the cast is waiting for Sil to arrive back to the club, him thinking it's a waste of time and decides to just opt out and sleep in the van is very relatable to me. That's what I do half the time at boring events.
When it is his time to shine, we get to see some of his personality, which is that he can be quite fun! Him hanging out with the other guys was really fun to see, I really enjoyed when him and Dan shared time together, I really wish we got more of the two! Although iffy on the whole letting Dan think long island iced tea was just tea and him not feeling good afterwards.
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(This is a funny picture)
Arden shooting his shot with those two ladies was hilarious. He tried, but he didn't even properly ask if they had dates or not.
And the final scene with him... he really just bought what Sil (not knowing it's her) said? Like even if I was very horny and lonely, I would still be really freaked out if someone broke into my room because they were interested in me. Just saying. I was also really afraid I was gonna finally see someone's dick in those movie and it was gonna be his, but thankfully not (I don't like see anyone's penis, no thank)... but there is dick, we'll get back to that.
So he successfully knocks up Sil (not intentionally on his part) and gets killed. Which I already knew was gonna happen, I haven't watched this movie before, but I knew the general plot and that he died. I didn't enjoy the fact that his death only gets brought up once by Laura asking "Did you see him?" Like that's it. Nothing from Dan, I want to see him devastated! He's an empath!!!
I also thought it would have been more interesting if he was alive (not just because I wanna see more of Molina), just him grappling with the fact that he unintentionally help Sil with her goal and the other fact that he has a alien/human hybrid son! It would have been funny if someone said, "Your son tried to kill me, Arden!" Maybe him having mixed feelings that his son had to be killed or maybe this made-up version the son wouldn't be dead. I don't know!
Anyways, this character had more potential, but I enjoyed his last few scenes. Especially his bromance time with Dan.
Last thing: I was very envious of his hair. Give it to me, please.
The Rest of the Movie: I didn't expect to really enjoy this movie, but I did and I'm glad. I heavily judged it solely on Sil's alien form... yes really.
I was really surprised that I liked both plots of the movie (Sil on the prowl and the team hunting her down), and the romance between Press and Laura? I actually love it. It was kinda cute, I don't always like romances happening quickly but this was good.
Laura: You want to dance?
Press: Who, me?
Laura: Yeah, you.
God, I love how she delivers that line! Gently mocking his voice. And her saying "cute socks" when they're about to have sex was adorable.
I really liked Dan the empath but I don't fully know if he was supposed to be kind of a joke? Like him stating his empathic yet obvious observations and how everyone reacts to that. He kind of reminded me of Padparadscha Sapphire form SU, just a bit.
Like I said earlier, since we saw plenty of scenes of Press and Laura, I wish we saw more of Arden and Dan.
Sil's journey and mission throughout the movie was interesting, but her alien design really bothered me. Like, were the tenta-tits really needed? I really got the Xenomorph and H.R. Giger vibes from the design, which I'm sure it was a huge inspiration. Actually, I looked it up, he did design her...
It was nice to see so many people being kind to who they thought was a foreign woman, even the motel guy! But that poor woman she uses to fake her death... her acting was incredible and heartbreaking.
Xavier... I didn't like anything about this character and the actor, I'm sorry, but I don't understand the direction he was given. Not his fault, but man I was happy when he died. I was also confused with the scene after Sil faked her death and she was in the other car if Sil just knew what he was gonna say or she was mind controlling him? Which doesn't show up anywhere else.
The horror aspect of this horror movie was not really there, which I didn't mind. It wasn't scary or anything, but I enjoyed the chase between the team and Sil and all the people Sil meets.
The last thing I want to add is the fact that I laughed way too hard at one scene. In the beginning, Xavier was talking about how Sil came to be and says:
"We decided to make it female so that it would be more docile and controllable."
And I hope that it would cut back to the only woman on the team, and yes, it did. I howled with laughter, probably wasn't that funny but it was to me.
Oh yeah the penis I mentioned? It was Sil and Adren's sons'... I didn't really wanna see a kids genitals. No thank you.
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elwolfen · 26 days
Alfred Molinathon Day 11
Love Is Strange (2014)
George Esteban Garea
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His Role: My goodness, the tenacity and dedication between these two makes me believe that true love really can be an amazing thing!
Even after everything. George losing his teaching job at a Catholic school for finally marrying his husband of nearly forty years. Everyone knew he was gay, but oh, the Bishop saw it on Facebook, so fired effective immediately. So that means they won't be able to afford their apartment.
Thankfully, Ben's family helps out by taking him in, but George has to stay with Ted and Roberto (friends) so they can remain in the same city instead of staying two hours away. They both have good reasons: George and his piano lessons, and Ben with his galleries.
It's still difficult for the two to be apart. They haven't done so, probably for all those forty years! Seeing George being overwhelmed and lonely during another wild night was so terrible that he left in the rain to go and see Ben. As soon as he gets there, he just weeps into Ben's arms and holds him tightly, apologizing. The rest of the night was adorable, I love this scene. Joey (Ben's great nephew) sleeps on the couch while the two are in the bunk beds, and just this part is funny:
Ben: George, why don't you come down here where I can hear you better?
George: It's a bunk bed.
Ben: So?
George: You told me Joey's losing his patience with you. Can you imagine if you broke his bed trying to shag your husband?
Ben: I have missed having your body next to mine too much to have it denied to me for reasons of bad engineering.
George: *chuckles* Well, don't blame me if the whole thing falls apart.
The conversation and snuggling after is such a sweet touch to it all.
One night, during one of these parties, George meets someone who reveals that he's soon moving out of the perfect apartment. It was a bit too convenient, but I just wanted the best for them.
Scarily, after Ben continues working on his current art project and decides to turn in for the day, he falls down the stairs and tears his arm. Nothing broken, thankfully. It was all just a bit of a scare. It happens.
After all of this, George and Ben go to a bar, and Ben tells a white lie to get some free drinks. It was a cheery scene, drinking and chatting. It's a time to just breathe and unwind. Sadly, their last time together. After their last moments, the last we see of Ben, we see him just go down the subways stairs. Innocuous. Until we cut to a much later date. George got the new place all set up, and Joey is there to talk about him not going to Ben's service. He died. It's possible that he fell down the subway stairs, but it's never confirmed. I get Joey's reasoning. It's the same reason I wasn't in the room when my grandma's cat was euthanized. I didn't want that to be my last impression of him, just like Joey with Ben. He gives Ben's unfinished painting to George, and they hang it up together.
The last we see of George is looking at the painting. The last thing he has of his dear Ben. I wish it didn't have to end that way, but accidents beyond our control happen to everyone every day. It's strange like that.
The Rest of the Movie: Elliott's (Ben's nephew) family was irritating to watch. But I understand, I have grandma that really peeves me off! She constantly repeats herself, complains most of the time, and I literally can't stand being around her. But I wouldn't be an outright jack-ass like Joey (Elliott's son), I mean, there's no way she'd sleep on my bed. She can sleep on the couch she doesn't mind. But goodness, this child. Getting upset by Ben painting his friend, do you think he held him at gun point? No, he asked, and if Vlad didn't want to, then he wouldn't.
Joey's there in the background with his friend, Vlad, secretly stealing French books... because they want to know French? That's worth getting in trouble for? Stealing books from school? I guess. It was strange to focus so heavily on him at the end, watching cry about Ben's passing. I mean, before that, he talked about a girl he had a crush on with Ben, but besides that, he was rude to him. Watching him go ride his skateboard into the sunset with the girl was weird.
Kate (Elliott's wife), as I said about my grandma, I relate to having to deal with someone who keeps wanting to talk to you while you're trying to do something, she's trying to work. But the difference is that he didn't ask to be temporarily homeless. You all offered your places. Her being mad at Elliott makes sense. He's rarely ever home, so Ben will talk to her.
And Mindy... I didn't like her one bit. Just don't speak up, please? Thank you.
Ted and Roberto's way of living would be fun at first, but it would turn into an absolute nightmare for me if I were in the same situation as George. Endless nights or partying and sometimes D&D sessions. Also points docked for the couple. Cops... ACAB.
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elwolfen · 1 month
Alfred Molinathon Day 6
When Pigs Fly (1993)
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His Role: I hope I never let myself live like this man does, I know I can be quite messy, but I make damn sure I clean enough to be comfortable! This man? Goodness. Sleeps in own clothes and shoes (all dressed up an no where to go), glasses and trash everywhere, eating cold pizza! Actually, I do that last one. That's not that weird. But man, I wouldn't want him to be my landlord, just saying. I've been around way too many people with living spaces like that, not nice people either. Unlike Marty, who seems pleasant enough. I don't know for sure if he's depressed or something along those lines, I hope after the events of this movie, he starts cleaning up a bit. Baby steps. Maybe Sheila helps out.
This man can just sleep anywhere and anytime! It's like he has narcolepsy, but it may be depression? But it was funny to see him pass out during a piano lesson and then again after Sheila finds out about the ghosts. I'm glad he feels more awake, having a gun shot at you while levitating on a rocking chait and going on a short road trip would keep you more awake to the world.
I would've like to see more of his love for Jazz and maybe see him teach more! I liked his dynamic with Tony, their little handshake was adorable. And of course, more of him and Dolphy, his big good boy!
His reaction to the ghosts was a more realistic one, I believe. He quickly accepted that this was his new reality and helped out his new dead friends. Him being terrified of a literary child was hilarious.
Also the bar scene? Him just losing his shit and laughing like a mad man at the chaos around him? Just great.
Last thing: his dreams were weird, but realistically so. Dreams are weird, man.
The Rest of the Movie: A fever dream of a movie in a good way. I mean, it literally opens with two strange dream sequences (a trend in this movie). I thought Dolphy, the dog, would have more to do, but eh, it's ok.
Lilly and Ruthie were fun, I liked their relationship! Lilly, a mother, was torn away from her daughter due to her murder by the hands of her own shitty husband and Ruthie, a child torn away from her mother due to illness. I hoped we saw more of Ruthie's background, but this is mainly Lilly's story. But I must say Rachael Bella, the actress for Ruthie, did a fantastic job, especially during the scene when she describes seeing Lilly's murder.
Randomly just bursting into singing and cussing out Marty for not joining right away and then him awkwardly starting a duet with Lilly was funny.
I'm really glad that Lilly got to semi-reunite with her daughter, I don't know if she plans on revealing herself and Ruthie to her or not. But she seems content with just rocking on their chair while watching her boat. They have a much better view now than the shed.
Sheila and Marty's chemistry wasn't as well built as, say Cliff and Kim (The Steal). Maybe it wasn't supposed to go in that direction, but that one dream? Wanting to be her lover? I don't know for sure. I still like their interactions and reactions to the ghosts. Both just going along and help the lost spirits, who are just doing whatever the hell they want, being silly and goofy together.
And to Frank, fuck you! His way of accidentally revealing to the cops that he murdered his wife was pleasing. Rot in hell!
Also, I want to add a warning. There are two slurs thrown in this movie. The N-word (not at anyone specific) and a ethnic slur for people who are Italian, Portuguese, or Spainard. Interestingly the last one being thrown at Marty. Just a heads up!
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elwolfen · 26 days
Alfred Molinathon Day 10
Nervous Energy (1993)
Ira Moss
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His Role: Supportive and undergoing inconceivable pain of having to watch his dear Tom slowly go through the trials and tribulations of AIDs. Someone you'd hope to have by your side in sickness and in health. Patient while understandably tired. The unprompted trip to Glasgow without him going or being properly discussed must have stung quite a bit, but he let Tom go, even knowing that it wouldn't go nicely. It's what Tom wanted.
His flashbacks to the past were... interesting, to say the least. There are two types: first meeting and them being much closer (if you catch me). Seeing him meet Tom, who was a biker at that point, filled me with much glee from hoping there would be a scene where Tom would take Ira for a ride, and he'd hold close to him. They do ride, but Ira doesn't cling to him sadly. And the other scenes? No full-on sex but very sexual undertones. You see plenty of naked Tom (past and present), plenty of ass and full frontal nudity. I'm sure plenty who haven't watched it but are a A.M. fans are curious about Ira's percentage of nudity (I see you)... the most you see is him laying in bed with his dear Tom and see all but his pecker. Which I'm thankful for, for me, seeing genitalia makes me uncomfortable for reasons not entirely known to me (my aro?/ace ass). So, seeing Tom's was a jumpscare.
Anyways a scene where, after going to the bar with his friends, sits and sings to himself while seeing a vision of Tom crying out in pain and begging for Ira made me tear up a bit. At the time of these reviews, I'm dealing with my cat's sickness and at times, I've thought about the idea if that if he could talk, would he be constantly begging for help and yowling about the pain? Obviously, he still could, but the thought of not being able to help with one's serious and fatal situation is heart-wrenching. I know a person going through AIDs and a cat going through Lymphoma are different, but this is how I relate. Ira has Tom, and I have my Sandy.
Seeing him go through and making a list of music for Tom's funeral was jarring. We forget what loved ones do for a dying person, getting all the arrangements, booking the funeral itself, and even the little details like the music. It just it me. Seeing him quietly work on that while Tom is in the hospital, not knowing if he's still fighting or trying to let it take him. All he knows is that Tom doesn't want him there.
He also abandons his radio hosting duties to be at the hospital with Tom. It's brought up a few times about the fact that Ira was going to interview someone that Tom was a fan of, and after all that happens, he stays with Tom. Someone else interviews him. A sacrifice, I'm sure he's willing to make time and time again.
When Ira finally gets the news that Tom is okay, it'll take weeks for him to come home, but he is still surviving. All Ira can think is that "he's coming home?" He breaks down crying at the thought of him being home with him. I'll admit I wanted to see him cry, just to see he acting chops, but it was so damn touching. Everyone at that hospital was so supportive.
In the end, it's just the two of them, in a hospital bed. Talking. Throughout the movie, we learn that Tom doesn't like kissing on the lips. But here, he wants to kiss Ira. I'm sure Ira would've loved that, but he knows his Tom. Instead, he says he wants to hold him, which is a relief to Tom. Holding each other close after a tumultuous time in Glasgow must have felt like heaven on earth. That's the last we see of them. The funeral is postponed, but we know the date will have to be made eventually. For now... all that's matters is each other.
The Rest of the Film: Tom was really going through the ringer of AIDs and everyone terrified that he's developed dementia (which I didn't know was possible). Going on shopping sprees, buying the wrong thing, and lashing out when told such and just knowing it's his expertise, brutal. Watching his sweaty spiral didn't give me much hope for the end of this movie. Yet I was surprised. He doesn't die at the end, but it is heavily implied that it will happen eventually. But it was a pleasant surprise.
Also, why does everyone keep letting him drive!? He drove into a hedge!
His family seemed kind of supportive at first. His mother really was the highlight out of all of them, she genuinely cares about her son and I'm glad. His father was hesitant about all of it, but he has been researching about his son's aliment. And Ian, his brother, was calm at first, throwing some shade until the point he snaps. This man really thinks his brother is just being a "theatrical wee shit"...
When Ira inevitably arrives and hears out Ian, Tom's brother, on what happened. While I understand his and his wife's discomfort; Tom messed up her kitchen twice, he went back to cook again while still naked (her very young daughters giggling) and he drove a rental car into their hedge. It was still crossing a line when he attacked him (one hit and brief crying but still), threatened death, and kicked him out in the morning. His brother is very clearly sick and disoriented and yet still does so. I do appreciate that he showed some care, but he needed more patience. What made Ian and his wife really snap? The fact Tom and Ira fucked in the shower? Really? That's what starts half his family bashing him for being born!? Wow.
When Ian turns up later to the hospital that Tom ends up after everything to visit. He still thinks he's being over the top. But Ira has had enough! He rightfully snaps at him, but still in a reigned in manner. He's tired of seeing everyone abandon this poor, suffering, and confused man who's been their for his friends, and his father and brother abandoned him ten years ago when he broke his leg. Why? Because they saw him with many gay men in the same room, I believe wearing leather.
I can't understand why Tom would want to forgive them. But it's not my place to do so.
Tom's seemingly fairweathered friends. Again, this is a difficult situation, I understand. Yet they still have the gull to dine and eventually dash as soon as things get too difficult and embarrassing. Ira bringing up the fact that his friends are way more reliable, a bit of a diss even before the abandonment, but he's not wrong.
Thankfully, after being rejected yet again, this time by a leather Dom, Tom begs Ira to call his ex-teacher at four a.m., and she takes them in for the night. She seems really nice and singing was lovely but little too much for my sensitive ears. A thing, though, all this moving around could have been avoided if Tom allowed Ira to book a hotel room. But for some reason, he didn't want to stay at one. Anyways, we get a conversation between Ira and Rosetta, which is really devastating. Ira hasn't been tested for AIDs. He thinks he may have it, but not knowing if that's the case or not makes him feel stronger. Strong enough for him and Tom. He doesn't want Tom to be concerned with it, he wants to deal with it on his own. Just like what's Tom has been doing throughout the film. They both don't want to be weaker, they desperately want to be strong enough. But it's ok to be overtaken by the overbearing pain and devastation of a disease. It's not your fault.
As soon as they get back home to London, who shows up? All of their London friends! As soon as they get off the train, they are swarmed by them and head straight to the hospital. It was heartwarming to see the true family they have there. Nothing but helping and patient.
Heads up! A Romani slur is dropped near the beginning of the film. Very brief yet there. Also, mentions of Antisemitism!
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elwolfen · 1 month
Alfred Molinathon Day 4:
White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf (1994)
Reverend Leland Drury
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His Role: Besides seeing good wolves and puppers on screen, his character was the only thing that roused any interest or humor from me (and my friend when we watched this for the first time). We quote this greedy American too much... but also, fuck this man and his silver tongue that fails him. I enjoyed his poetic death! His eyebrows really do deserve an Oscar.
The three quotable lines in question:
Sad, isn't it? (As he leaves straight after looking over the people, who's lives he's devastated)
Get dressed, you pig! (I've misquoted this plenty of times)
I'll pray for you. (Iconic line and scene, personally)
The Rest of the Movie: This would've definitely been a movie I'd watch over and over as a kid because simply there is a wolf(dog), but now? Not my cup of tea, especially the whole white savior thing. Lily and Henry's relationship is drab and a bit nonsensical to me personally. But Lily as a character could have been more interesting if expanded on, yet we got Henry instead. I'd rather get to know more about the tribe than this boring white wolf boy, please.
I really don't have much else to say. It doesn't help the fact that I was sleepy during it.
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elwolfen · 27 days
Alfred Molinathon Day 9
Prick Up Your Ears (1987)
Kenneth Halliwell
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His Role: Quite the perturbed man, huh? Both of them stuck in this seemingly never-ending toxic cycle. Kenneth being left to the wayside as Joe shines in the limelight must have been a terrible blow. As he said in the end, "In the way of circumstances and background I had everything an artist could possibly want. It was practically a blueprint. I was programmed to be a novelist or a playwright. But I'm not and you are!" In the beginning he had plenty of things that could go for him as he said, a novelist, a playwright even an actor. Yet overtime, he didn't continually presue them, possibly the time he spent in prison made it more difficult? His mental health took a deeper divot over the years? It could've been plenty of things. A cocktail.
While he had his extremes, I do feel deeply sympathetic towards him. I know what it's like at one point it seems everything is fine, and in order, it's all looking up and then the next something or someone could tip you off and you suddenly developed a heightened mania. You lash out, inappropriately so. A few minutes later, it's like it never happened because something else grabs your attention. Being with someone who seems unsympathetic to your mental blights, your needs, and your lack of direction can make you feel a bit deranged. To have someone excel and be successful at something you were once good at or something you taught them, while you just idle by and question what happened to that spark can be very dreary.
I do wish that he was able to have the help that he desperately needed. It would've also helped if he had more support too, but Joe wasn't that. Joe felt that this relationship was dying yet didn't feel the need to push the question of why or actually figure out what to do. What was he hoping for? For Kenneth to just up and leave? Get himself admitted? I don't know. I'm not saying Joe was the main problem. As I said, they were both toxic towards each other. Kenneth's extreme emotions and Joe's lack of empathy can make for quite a tumultuous relationship.
The beginning of their relationship was nice to watch, but knowing how it all ends... it's a little unfortunate.
Besides that, he's such dramatic and funny to watch, even though he doesn't mean to come off that way. It is a comedy, after all.
One of my favorite scenes (right after "have a wank"), it reminds me of my choir class... I will not elaborate.
Really, I could go on and on, but it's best I don't. I don't have the best writing skills and don't have a very sophisticated inner dictionary. So...
The Rest of the Movie: Joe himself. He was also quite funny himself and was oozing with charm. But as I said, his lack of care was a bit off-putting to me. Yet I still also relate to him. Trying to relate to people who experience sadness and anger always makes me quiet and unable to help quell or calm any of it. I don't feel deeply as I should. It's something I constantly struggle with and to watch a character who is always trying to charm people while unable to do much for someone he possibly cares deeply about's feelings, hits a bit close. But where we differ is that I try to understand and reason while he berates and ignores.
I mean, this man paid another guy to please Kenneth to boost him up and make him believe that the wig helped. Which, I didn't know if that was horrible of him or kind of him? And on the topic of the wig! Did he do that out of genuine kindness, or was he actually ashamed of Kenneth? Or perhaps he wanted to shut him up for a little while.
Outside of that, he charms nearly everyone he meets. I mean, look at his cheeky grin. It's hard not to be. He's can be sly when he wants to be. He can lie right through his teeth with authorities. This includes throwing Ken under the bus very hard during their time on prison.
Learning that he could write fourty words a minute and him not utilizing it and doubting his writing then to see him only write all the time was a fascinating climb to watch while Kenneth goes in the complete opposite direction.
I can't see much about his work due to the fact that we don't get to see what his shows are about in the film, just the success. Makes sense. If I wanted to, I could seek it out.
Again, I can go on and on about these two, but wording my thoughts is a difficult task. Why did I do this to myself?
Peggy isn't nearly as interesting to me personally. She just narrates sometimes, which makes sense due to the framing device of her being interviewed about her connections with the couple. She also has more insight than most thanks to her stealing Joe's diaries and claiming she lost them.
Mr and Mrs. Lahr were also uninteresting. It's not any of the actors fault at all. It's Joe and Kenneth's story, I'm more intrigued by that.
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elwolfen · 1 month
Alfred Molinathon Day 5:
The Pink Panther 2 (2009)
Chief Inspector Randall Pepperidge
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His Role: Look, we all know one thing about this man, and it is... he was vehement about wearing a tutu if Clouseau solved the case at hand and of course he pulls it off well! Hmm suspicious... did Randall pick out that tutu? From where? Do tell me, good sir!
Before that iconic outfit, he is a poor, frustrated man going through that absolute ringer that is Clouseau.
It was funny to see him and the rest of the dream team go on a what-if tangent about Sonia being the thief at the end. Solving it all on two minutes. Nicole having no chill afterward, was great until she became a brief hostage.
Not much else to say besides him being funny.
The Rest of the Movie: I knew who Il Tornado was when the dream team was formed. It really wasn't too hard to figure out, I just thought: Ok, what would be a twist on the first movie? Ah! A woman did it this time around! Yep. These films aren't really that funny to me, and were predictable, but I did enjoy the ride in both. A few chuckles here and there I suppose.
And Clouseau, my God. Just I wouldn't be able to handle this man in real life, that's for sure. Thank goodness it was a quick moving movie! Also, I liked Ponton's development throughout the films.
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elwolfen · 1 month
Alfred Molinathon Day 2:
The Steal (1995)
Cliff Williams
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His Role: I didn't expect much going in. Hell, I have never heard of this movie till I watched this for the marathon. A sculptor and clean freak roped into a hi-tech robbery with the messiest American woman to exist and it's a romance!? Excuse me? I love it. I was not expecting a romance, I just knew it was a comedy!
He was hilarious to watch in this unraveling series of events. Him playing this Tony Brummel character and Kim, as his fiance? I love her aggressive, fake New York accent and her playing dumb. Every time no one was looking, he'd just quietly snap at her. To which I was mimic but with more aggressive growling because I thought it was funny to me.
Kim being tech savvy and Cliff being a luddite (being opposed to new tech) is interesting. She'll go on about the intricacies of what she can or can't do with her laptop and him just trying to grasp any of the words she's saying. But then the reverse happens when it comes to his building planner expertise, and she gets feel the ame as hedie with her hacking. Very nice touch, simple and effective.
Every time she'd make a mess and he just stare in disbelief of her disrespect, I really felt that (even though I can also be quite messy). Her being like, hey, I made you coffee and he finds the milk and stuff spilled all around the cup of coffee was insane. I swear she had to do that on purpose!
Kidnapping Childwell was certainly a chore for the two, first getting the man in the first place! Cliff putting on a fake beard over his beard was an interesting choice, and it constantly falling off when waiting for Lord Childwell to get ready was making me squirm with anticipation of the fact he might get caught, always trying to fix while quickly switching back to his stoic and stone-faced persona as the driver. I'd probably keep questioning my eyes or sanity if I was the Lord. And the drive while Kim tries to start the gas to knock him out, my God! What was the issue? Have Cliff help you! Instead, it kept spiraling out of control till the point she just shoves the little hose into the man's mouth and held his nose. Goodness, savage. After getting him to Mrs. Fawkes and taking the poodle pictures, Cliff is constantly threatening to cut off his ears and be like: I'm not being serious, calm down, you should have Stockholm by now. And yet he gives him a coat because he's worried he'll be chilly when they drop him in the middle of nowhere... he's giving this man whiplash! Probably Kim too. To be honest, I'd be the same.
I realized when watching this that wet suits? Kind of sexy, at least on those two~
Kim pretending to be French while Childwell shows up to the house and also starts speaking French, what does she do? She just outright drops it and says she's screwing with him. Just so random and hopefully it was believable for the moment. This movie has the calmest and most quaint car chase ever between the two duos (Kim & Cliff/Childwell & Wilmot). Not super tense or funny, it was just weirdly low stakes. But after that's all said and down, the inflatable boat going off in the car and the other duo driving into the water, we get Cliff getting reasonably upset and wanting to back out but BAM! A kiss from Kim! Then straight to the sewer.
The whole sewer scene. If I had a nickle for every time there was a sewer scene on 1995 movie with Alfred Molina in it, I'd have two. Which isn't a lot but- yes I know he wasn't in the sewer in Species. Anyways, it's a great long scene building the tension, and he's so damn impatient, I understand why. Being heard and someone slowly coming down to their little hideaway and the water quickly rising? Add in the fact that it was his fault they heard him, but it was whoever put that thing he accidentally kicked down the later when having a leg cramp. Kim just waiting and waiting, almost like a gambling addict waiting for a big win. Which, oh boy do they. After they finally leave and have to dive and swim underwater, I was actually worried Kim just outright drowned when Cliff couldn't find her, I would've been devastated. But thankfully she doesn't, I needed the two just caressing each other's face in the water, thank you.
The robbery was successful and they live on a beach, a nice call back to the beginning, where she saw Cliff's very interesting sculpture. At first, it looks like a cobblestone walkway (on the wall), but if you slide the two pieces apart, there's a beach underneath. She says that she likes the beach, he explains that it's metaphoric and also he doesn't like the beach. Yet, here they are together at the end. Finally, he can just retire and follow his interests instead of being a planner for the town council, all with Kim. It just ends right after.
Overall, I enjoyed Cliff and Kim's antics and blossoming romance very much. And of course him getting angry or frustrated never get old
The Rest of the Movie: I went through most of the plot on the above section. But we have Jeremiah, the man who instigates the whole thing. At first I thought from the description it would just be for money, but no, it's to steal from a corrupt bank chairman for cheating the people of Golanda and give it back to them. A more noble act than I expected. But after appearances, he disappears halfway through the movie, which I didn't mind. But the end he tells Childwell and Wilmot what's going on and I didn't exactly know why but it all went well in the end. 28 million was sent to the people of Golanda to help heal the damage that banker cost them.
Childwell and Wilmot were an unexpected turn into the story, I really liked their shenanigans with trying to figure out what kind of car he was transported in during the kidnapping (a Morris Minor or a Moggie as some call it). He has perfect memory of his surroundings; the feeling, sounds and the not very helpful clues in the pocket of the coat that Cliff gave him. Wilmot thinking it's all political got a chuckle from me.
Wilmot himself is quite interesting, having fall out of favor after some sort of exposure of his "parties" yet many people seeing him and knowing his style of living are quite friendly towards him. I love that everyone keeps asking if this whole search and the fact they keep seeing Childwell in his trousers (helps the process, really) and Wilmot simply says: of sorts~
The comedy itself is hit or miss, got a real taste in the beginning when Kim was in America. They tried with physical humor and such, but the cuts, pacing and delivery were very hindered. But I do believe it got better later on.
It's a nice quick watch, so if you have the time, I suggest checking it out if you like these type of heist movies.
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elwolfen · 9 days
Alfred Molinathon Day 29
Law & Order: LA (2010)
Detective Ricardo Morales
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His Role: TBAdded
The Rest of the Show: TBAdded
I'm going to be leaving them blank for right now and edit to add more later! It's a bit difficult for me to watch and then write something every day! Doesn't help that I'm behind... so sorry! I wouldn't reblog these until there's something more palatable...
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elwolfen · 25 days
Alfred Molinathon Day 12
The Perez Family (1995)
Juan Raul Perez
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His Role: TBAdded
The Rest of the Film: TBAdded
I'm going to be leaving them blank for right now and edit to add more later! It's a bit difficult for me to watch and then write something every day! Doesn't help that I'm behind... so sorry! I wouldn't reblog these until there's something more palatable...
I'm really slow and bad at describing things I like! I just wanna try to catch up in my own time. I just had to make this difficult for myself, huh?
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elwolfen · 1 month
Alfred Molinathon Day 3:
Ralph Breaks The Internet (2018)
Double Dan
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His Role: So, two minutes of screen time, so not a whole lot to go off of, huh? I know they're appearance is rather interesting for a Disney film.
He's brought in as a virus provider for Ralph to ruin Slaughter Race (a game Vanellope likes), tied by the fact they're Gord's cousins. One of the few things I liked about Ralph was his reaction to the fact that Dan had a little brother. His tone sounded like: "Awww, a little brother? He must be a nice guy, letting his little brother around his business." But soon realizes that little Dan is a bit different.
Spamley has met him very briefly beforehand, trying to be pleasant during the visit, but oh, does Dan have a temper when anyone looks at his little brother even with a smidgen of discomfort (or his assumption of it). Which I understand, he's protective and so am I, but damn is he very explosive.
Yet he can be quite professional when people focus on why they're interested in the first place. Not really caring why someone would want a virus, he only cares if he thinks you can't handle them properly. And yet somehow he let's Ralph take Arthur (one of his viruses), bugs me a bit.
Double Dan: Are you stupid?
Yes, Dan. He is, but you let him take poor Arthur. You don't even get paid for this!
Sadly, after that two minutes. Nothing. They never show up again, which to me is very disappointing. But he probably went out and found Arthur. There was some cut content with them helping fight Ralph virus with Spamley and Gord, they had bazooka things and everything! Come on! Also, I wish we saw the cousins' relationship with each other. And actually, more of Little Dan!!! I wanna see the bros just hanging out and talking (if Little D talks at all)
Not much to latch on to for any normal person right? Well, these worms have ruined my life. They're the only reason I even remotely like this movie. It's become a joke with me and my bestie. I love them your honor, thank you.
Last thing: Love the voice~
The Rest of the Movie: No, I only watched his scene. You want my opinion? I hate this movie. Bad sequel to one of my favorite Disney flicks.
Ralph actually seeing the two? Low-hanging fruit with the humor here. Like come on, guys... really?
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elwolfen · 9 days
Alfred Molinathon Day 28
Roger & Val Have Just Got In (2010-2012)
Roger Stephenson
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His Role: TBAdded
The Rest of the Show: TBAdded
I'm going to be leaving them blank for right now and edit to add more later! It's a bit difficult for me to watch and then write something every day! Doesn't help that I'm behind... so sorry! I wouldn't reblog these until there's something more palatable...
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