#Al Haq
vyorei · 3 months
Live coverage of the 24th of February is now closed.
Here is a recap of today's major events.
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It is 12am in Ireland now so I have to go to bed.
I'll be back to resume live updates on Monday.
For continuous updates while I'm gone, click the link below:
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 5 months
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indizombie · 2 years
Frequent IDF raids have seen more than 1,500 Palestinians arrested since April. Aseel AlBajeh, an advocacy officer with the Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq, describes the overall impact of Israel's operation as "collective punishment on the entire region", citing further restrictions on movement, the closure of military checkpoints to Israel, denial of work permits and detentions without trial that have accompanied it.
Tom Bateman, ‘Palestinian deaths toll in West Bank hits 100 this year’, BBC
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plitnick · 4 months
Cutting Through: US Court Affirms Plausible Charge of Genocide by Israel in Gaza
A judge dismissed a suit against Biden on technical grounds, but affirmed the recent ICJ decision in strong terms. This was actually an enormous victory, even though some may have been disappointed with the outcome. I elaborate in the latest edition of the Cutting Through newsletter.
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leslieabraham-blogs · 9 months
PAK vs BAN Bowlers dismantel Bangladesh for an easy win
Imam-ul-Haq and Mohammed Rizwan guided Pakistan to a comprehensive victory as they won by 7 wickets. Early in the day, the game was set up by the fast bowlers as the Bangladesh innings lasted only for  38.4 overs the whole game ended inside 79 overs as Pakistan chased the target of 194 inside 40 overs. It’s time for Super 4 in the Asia Cup 2023 as Pakistan takes on Bangladesh in the opening…
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sbahour · 1 year
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Met up this morning with a dynamic group of future pastors from the Duke Divinity School (North Carolina). Watch out parishioners, your next generation of pastors get it and plan to do something about it!
Thanks to Al-Haq for hosting the meeting and Bruce Fisk for organizing.
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dai-ilallah · 1 year
[PDF] Quran Shareef Hindi (कुरान शरीफ हिंदी)
(220 MB)
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
Turkey has filed a case against Israel in the International Criminal Court.
For their ongoing genocide of the Palestinians.
"Today... we have filed a lawsuit with the International Criminal Court in The Hague against the Hitler of the 21st century of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who must stand trial for the genocide he committed in the Gaza Strip and all crimes against humanity."
And it's not just Turkey.
Algeria has filed a case against Israel with the International Criminal Court.
With their president Abdelmadjid Tebboune saying "Where is humanity? And where is the global conscience that has become absent regarding the genocide being committed?”
Algeria's case is being backed by Colombia.
3 Palestinian organisations Al-Haq, al-Mezan, and the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights are filing their own case against Israel in the International Criminal Court.
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
"Palestinian plaintiffs and their legal representatives on Friday [January 26, 2024] presented a powerful case in federal court accusing President Joe Biden and other top US officials of complicity in Israel's genocide in Gaza.
People around the world tuned in for the long-awaited hearing in Oakland, with plaintiffs appearing in person and over Zoom in an unprecedented effort to hold the Biden administration accountable for its actions in Gaza.
The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed the lawsuit in November 2023 on behalf of Defense for Children International–Palestine, Al-Haq, and eight Palestinians in the US and Palestine. The complaint accuses President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin of failing to live up to their legal responsibilities under the 1948 Genocide Convention and the 1988 Genocide Convention Implementation Act.
The United Nations convention classifies complicity in genocide, or the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part, as a crime under international law and requires that states take measures to prevent such atrocities.
[Note: This is a big reason why politicians almost never call it a genocide, btw. Because if a country recognizes that it's a genocide, then they actually are legally required to do a bunch of things to stop it, under international law.]
The historic lawsuit contends that the Biden administration has failed to uphold its obligations by continuing to provide diplomatic and military support for Israel's brutal campaign in Gaza. Plaintiffs are asking the court to stop Biden from sending more weapons and munitions to Israel that are being used to kill Palestinians en masse.
The hearing before the US District Court for the Northern District of California took place just hours after the International Court of Justice issued provisional measures against Israel in a landmark case brought by South Africa.
-via TAG24, January 26, 2024. Article continues below.
Court contends with questions of jurisdiction and responsibility
In evaluating the allegations, questioning in Friday's hearing revolved around the so-called political question doctrine, by which federal courts regularly refrain from ruling on political matters seen as best resolved by the president and Congress.
The Department of Justice argued that according to the doctrine, the court has no jurisdiction to rule in the case.
"If the court condemns United States foreign policy toward Israel, it could cause international embarrassment and undermine foreign policy decisions in the sensitive context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," defense counsel Jean Lin told Senior District Judge Jeffrey S. White.
Katherine Gallagher of the CCR countered that the court does, indeed, have a responsibility to step in: "Here, the question is a legal one, whether the actions undertaken by the United States failed to uphold the obligation to prevent genocide, and that is an active obligation that requires that the United States not provide the means by which a genocide is being furthered."
"There is no discretion for any state to evade its obligations, its legal obligations. These are not policy decisions," she said.
Palestinian plaintiffs share powerful testimonies before the court
After legal arguments in the case, Judge White heard two hours of gut-wrenching testimony from Palestinian plaintiffs and a renowned Holocaust and genocide expert.
Rubin Presidential Chair of Jewish History at Wake Forest University Dr. Barry Trachtenberg shared his remarks before the court in spite of vehement US government opposition.
"To have an event fall under the 1948 Convention on Genocide requires both action and intent, and here we see that very, very clearly in a way that seems really quite unique in history," he stated, noting that there is now an opportunity to stop Israel's unfolding genocide in real time to prevent further loss of lives...
Judge White said he would take the testimonies to heart as he evaluates his constitutional responsibilities, describing the case as "the most difficult judicial decision" he has ever had to make."
-via TAG24, January 26, 2024
Note: I know a lot of people are really not gonna appreciate that last line. I'm not thrilled with it either. But it is worth noting that having a federal court overrule the US president's huge foreign policy and military decisions would be an absolutely massive deal/precedent
This is a case that deserves to be ruled on with an incredible amount of seriousness, if only because if you're a federal judge who's going to make that call, your written decision/legal justification needs to be unimpeachable
That said, if the judge uses jurisdiction to pass the buck here and avoid his legal and human responsibility to do what he can to stop a genocide, I'm gonna be pissed
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opencommunion · 21 days
"On October 19, Sarah Mahamid watched helplessly from a window as Israeli security forces shot her younger brother. Taha, 15, had been playing with a friend outside their house in the occupied West Bank city of Tulkarem. The 19-year-old screamed as her brother fell to the ground. Their father, Ibrahim, ran out of the front door to get his son, but a sniper shot him too.
... Nearly 1,500 Palestinians have been unlawfully killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank in the past 16 years – 98 percent of them civilians, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Each of them, like Taha and Ibrahim, has a story and loved ones who mourn them. The frequency of the killings have spiked in recent years with Israel killing 509 Palestinians in 2023. That is more than double the number recorded by OCHA in any previous year. ... Israeli officials have for years backed a shoot-to-kill policy regardless of whether the Palestinians being shot posed a threat. Israel has even authorised its army to shoot at stone throwers and has handed out assault rifles to Israeli Jews living in illegal settlements in the West Bank.
Settlers killed 17-year-old Omar Abdel Ghani Hamid when they attacked his village in the West Bank on April 13. Omar was one of several young men who had confronted the settlers to stop them from beating up Palestinians and attacking their homes. Omar’s father, Ahmed, said his son and his friends scared the settlers away even though they were not carrying weapons. However, one of the settlers returned with a pistol and shot Omar. ... Army raids and extrajudicial killings are part of a broader attempt to keep Palestinians in the West Bank 'afraid,' said Zaid Shuabi, analyst and activist with the Palestinian rights group Al-Haq. But it has ultimately led to the formation of a new generation of armed groups, often established by young people who are fed up with the occupation’s transgressions. Israel’s response to this new wave of resistance has been to target entire communities to crush the morale of Palestinians, Shuabi said.
'They want to reshape the Palestinian mind into thinking that we shouldn’t even dare to resist. And if we do, then we will pay a high price,' he told Al Jazeera. 'This is about intimidating us. They want to put us down … and to colonise our minds.'
Sarah believes that was the purpose behind the Israeli attack on her family. She said that while her father and brother bled to death on the street, Israeli soldiers entered her house. The Israeli army then cut off the water and electricity to their home. At one point, one of the Israeli soldiers began beating Sarah’s other brother with the butt of his rifle, telling him to keep silent.
Moments before the soldiers left, Sarah mustered up the courage to ask why they terrorised her family. 'He said, ‘To scare you,’' Sarah told Al Jazeera. 'I couldn’t believe it. I wondered what was wrong with them. They killed my brother and my father just to scare me.'"
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punteuet · 2 years
Buku Pintar Tasawuf Memahami Spiritualitas Islam
Buku Pintar Tasawuf Memahami Spiritualitas Islam
Ahmadalfajri.com – Buku Pintar Tasawuf Memahami Spiritualitas Islam Selamat datang di website sederhana kami yang berisi kumpulan kitab kuning dalam berbagai bidang keilmuan secara lengkap. Pada artikel ini, kami akan membagikan Buku Pintar Tasawuf. Buku ini merupakan terjemahan dari Kitab Al Gunyah yang penyusunnya dinisbahkan kepada Syekh Abdul Qadir Al Jailani Jangan lupa tinggalkan…
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vyorei · 3 months
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lampung7com · 2 years
Jama'ah Ponpes Manba'ul Haq Gelar Ikrar Setia Kepada Pancasila Dan NKRI
Jama’ah Ponpes Manba’ul Haq Gelar Ikrar Setia Kepada Pancasila Dan NKRI
LAMPUNG7COM | Puluhan Jamaah Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) Manba’ul Haq di Desa Jati Mulyo, Kecamatan Jati Agung, Lampung Selatan, menggelar ikrar setia kepada Pancasila dan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI), pada Rabu 20 Juli 2022. Janji ikrar setia itu dilakukan dihadapan unsur pemerintahan desa dan kepolisian setempat. Serta dihadiri juga dari Ketua NII Crisis Center, MPC NU dan FKUB…
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A petition was filed, Tuesday, in federal court in Canada to force Foreign Affairs Minister, Melanie Joly, to stop issuing export permits for military goods and technology sales to Israel, Anadolu Agency reports. The suit, launched by Palestinian-Canadians and the Al-Haq Palestinian non-governmental organisation and the Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights (CLAIHR), argues the sale violates Canadian and international law. Canada’s Export and Import Permits Act states that the Foreign Minister must deny military goods and technology exports and permit applications if there is a substantial risk that would undermine peace and security. “We are seeking to hold Canada to its own standards and to its international legal obligations,” CLAIHR board member, Henry Off, told Al Jazeera in a telephone interview.
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plitnick · 1 year
Israel has quietly annexed the West Bank and Biden stays silent
Not even three years ago, when Benjamin Netanyahu was talking openly about annexing huge chunks of the West Bank, the response was sharp and swift. It came from Palestinians but also from Washington, Brussels, and Jewish communities who fretted, then as now, for the loss of the two-state solution and of Israel’s “Jewish and democratic character.” Guess what? Israel just annexed huge chunks of the…
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sayruq · 1 month
FOREIGN Secretary David Cameron approved continuing arms exports to Israel just two days after the country’s military killed three British aid workers, court documents have revealed. The news comes after the High Court reversed a previous dismissal of a case against the exports brought by the UK-based Global Legal Action Network (GLAN) and the Al-Haq human rights organisation, which is based in the Palestinian West Bank. At an appeal hearing on Tuesday, the two groups were granted a full judicial review hearing challenging the UK Government's failure to halt weapons exports to Israel, which is set for October. The groups say exported weapons and parts risk being used in violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza.According to the UK Government’s export licencing criteria, Tory ministers must block arms sales if there is “a clear risk” that weapons might be used to commit or facilitate “internal repression” or “a serious violation of international humanitarian law”. At the High Court hearing on Tuesday, the Tory government’s lawyers did not argue that the case against arms exports is inarguable, instead saying that the court hasn’t seen all the relevant documents and that they can only be shared in closed, secret proceedings due to national security.
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