#Akira ichinose
isekaiscreencaps · 8 months
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cinemajunkie70 · 2 years
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hypogryffin · 5 months
random collection of stuff from twitter
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muffinmoonn · 3 months
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precure doodle requests from twt! featuring: butch mana, butch minori, cure chocolat, emiru, butch sango, trans laura, and komugi being silly!
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azttore · 1 year
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hear me out.
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burrythebusy · 12 days
Actually this happened in ch. 23 sensei just didn't wanna turn me ravenous
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totallyexhausted · 20 days
Anyone else really REALLY wanna see the story behind Ichinose and the Dorm RA?
I mean come on!!! Ichinose obviously has a crush on the dorm manager!!! And he seems to like him too!!!!! Shou please!!!!
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kghr-8125 · 1 year
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elmasinthetree · 19 days
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You want the good life? We have a shortcut
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subnautica-reviews · 2 years
Ichinose: “Just cause life was always kind to you…”
Ryuji: “Abused”
Ann: “Sexually harassed”
Yusuke: “Learned my entire life was a lie”
Makoto: “Almost blackmailed into sex work”
Futaba: “Blamed for my mom’s death, wich i had to witness, at a young age”
Haru: “Abused and Neglected”
Morgana: “Literally only exist to fight demons, i didnt get a life in the first place”
Joker: “Falsely Accused of assault, resulting in being labelled a dangerous criminal and only being able to befriend Ryuji untill we truly started phantom thieving, not to memtion the police brutality, the betrayal by someone I considered an incredibly close friend, etc.”
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nightwalker6200 · 2 hours
Snippet from Ine the End, I'm Just a Loser...
Tiny snippet as i work on the Kagiura/ Hirano sickfic :)
... flashback thing...
“…anyway, I’m still waiting for Yuki to get back from Sendai. Her family comes back next weekend, so we’ll probably head back to University, maybe, like two days later,” His brother took a slow sip from his drink, holding up two fingers as their mother sat down at the table. Their father nodded, running a hand through his hair as he placed an arm around their mom, “We’re just really happy you and Yuki were able to come home for a few weeks.”
“Yeah, and I finally have a cool sister-in-law instead of these dorks,” His older sister pointed towards his younger sisters as both stuck their tongues out. He smirked, grabbing his chopsticks, thanking his mother for the food before passing the Agadashi towards his youngest sister. The 7-year-old grabbed a piece of tofu, beaming towards him as she continued swinging her legs under the table. Despite being across from him, Kagiura could feel her small feet kicking towards his shins each time… his knee jerking every time her cold toes touched his skin. He glared in her direction as she smirked, trying to reach her leg further so her foot could land on his thigh.
“Akkia-kun, have any plans during the break?”
            The 16-year-old glanced towards his mother, shaking his head, “Hm. Not really. Probably practice some.”
            “Ugh, Akira,” His older sister groaned, “I swear you’re more into basketball than you are girls. Go out! Live your life! I mean, at this rate, you’ll end up-”
            “Like you, Akari?” His brother cut her off as Akari directed her attention towards him, “Please, Akio, the only reason you met Yuki was because you were the dumbass who fell down a flight of stairs, and she had to help you to the nurse.”
            “A match made in Heaven,” Akio pretended to swoon, his hand over his heart.
            “For the love of everything, don’t get him started on Yuki again!” His 11-year-old sister groaned, putting her head on the table as their father laughed. Kagiura nodded towards his father as he gestured towards the curry. His sister continued, “Oh, Asami, Yuki’s so beautiful. Oh, Asami, Yuki’s the greatest. Oh, Asami, she’s the love of my life… we get it, Akio! You’re in love.”
            “Well, sorry for having a heart, Asami.”
            Under the table, Aya’s foot connected with the 16-year-old’s shin causing the teenager to slam his knee against the table. He grit his teeth, glaring towards her as she reached for another piece of Agadashi, smirking.
            “Dude, if you get any taller, we’re gunna have to stand to eat,” Akio mumbled, glancing towards Kagiura as he straightened his cup. The teenager rolled his eyes before taking a sip from his tea. He sat up straighter, pulling his legs as close as he could, hoping it’d keep them out of the danger zone. He let out a sigh, picking his chopsticks up again as Aya started taking more interest in her food versus his legs. It was his fault really; he’d been the last one to sit down, and everyone knows, loser sits across from the 7-year-old. What a nightmare.
            “Have you met anyone as freakishly huge as you?” Akari asked, pulling some green peppers from the curry, moving them towards the side of her plate. She reached for some dumplings as their father cleared his throat, “Come on, he’s not that tall.”
            “You’re kidding, right? He’s a tree.”
            The 16-year-old snorted, taking a few bites as his father tried recalling how tall his father and grandfather had been. No one in his family was particularly short, but no one quite reached Kagiura’s height either…
            “Okay, fine, Dad. Akira,” Akari cleared her throat, “How tall is your roommate?”
            The teenager thought for a second before smirking, “He’s like 175cm, I think… it’s kind of cute.”
Kagiura nodded in response, pulling his own peppers from the curry, grimacing as he did so. If Hirano was here, he’d eat them… wait, did Hirano even like peppers? He always took them from the younger’s plate because he knew Kagiura didn’t like them, but…
“Hey, Dad, do you like snow peas?”
His father glanced towards him, an amused look on his face, “Why? Did you bring some?”
Akari and Akio both broke out laughing as Kagiura shook his head, “No. I-I mean, I know Mom doesn’t like them, and you always take hers… so, I just didn’t know if you liked them too, or if you only ate them because she didn’t like them.”
His mother laughed softly, gripping his father’s shoulder as his father smirked, “Uh… I don’t particularly care for them, I guess… but, I eat them so she doesn’t have to.”
His mother poked her husband’s cheek, “I’ll start eating them then, dork.”
“As long as I’m around, my love, you’ll never have to.”
His mother huffed softly before kissing him, “My hero.”
The 16-year-old grinned as his father rolled his eyes, making a face towards his wife before reaching for the gyoza. Kagiura hummed softly to himself as he took a few more bites, and Akio stopped laughing long enough to blurt, “What kind of question was that? I mean, really, Akira?”
The teenager pouted, earning a head shake from his brother before he continued eating.
“I dunno,” Kagiura shoved Akari playfully as his older sister mocked him, “I was just thinking how my roommate eats my green peppers because he knows I don’t like them… and he uses his time to help me study and comes to my games. Sometimes, he even brings me drinks or snacks for after...”
He smirked as he took another bite. His middle sister glanced in his direction, an eyebrow raised as she rested her chin in her hand, “Really?”
“Yeah, and he… makes time to eat with me when I’m sick and wakes me up when I sleep through my alarm,” Kagiura put his chopsticks down as Aya kicked towards him. He reached under the table, grabbing her foot, holding it as the younger struggled.
“I mean, he does all these things… when he doesn’t have to. Even when I’m being a brat. He’s always encouraging me… and when I’ve had a bad day, he just makes everything… better… I guess- I guess I was just wondering if Dad ate snow peas for the same reason, you know? If he ate them because he liked doing those things for Mom...”                      
Aya yanked her foot from Kagiura’s grasp, and the teenager straightened, wiping his hand on his leg as Akari clicked her tongue. He glanced towards her as she reached for her drink, and their father shifted before grabbing a piece of Agadashi. Across from him, his brother snorted, “Pft, what are you, gay?”
Gay? No. Right? He liked Hirano; hell, he wanted to be more than friends, more than roommates with him! Every time he saw him, he wanted more. He wanted to kiss him, to touch him for longer than 10 seconds, to sleep next to him – every time, more. It was selfish. He was. And now he had a year to try to get that point across to his oblivious crush? But liking Hirano – that didn’t make him… gay, right? He’s never felt that way about any other guy, but then again, he's never felt this way about any girl either…
“Uh… I-I think so. Yeah,” The 16-year-old mumbled; his eyes cast downward as he clenched his hands in his lap. Chopsticks fell against glass as his older sister choked on her tea, quiet filling the air. A shiver ran down the teenager’s spine with each awkward tick from the clock on the wall. Kagiura shifted slightly, glancing up, letting out a slow breath as he realized everyone was staring at him. Beside him, his sister coughed several times before putting the tea down, and the 16-year-old stole a quick glance at his parents.
His father had his eyes narrowed slightly, a look Kagiura knew that meant he was thinking while his mother’s hand still hovered over the gyoza in the middle of the table, frozen. Everyone seemed… frozen, and the teenager swallowed as every second ticked by, every second making him feel more and more uneasy, sick. This was a lot easier in his head. Simpler… fuck.
“You… you’re gay?” His mother asked quietly, her hand slowly dropping down until her chopsticks met the dish’s edge. Kagiura glanced back down at his hands, still clasped in his lap. He felt sick. Like he was going to puke. Wrong. He felt messed up, and he swallowed hard as his breathing picked up. Shit, if this was a bad idea… then. Shit… he felt like crying. The 16-year-old shifted his gaze upward again, meeting his mother’s green eyes. He nodded, “Uh… yeah, maybe…”
Whether or not it was totally true, Kagiura wasn’t really sure. All he knew was he was in love with Hirano… and if that made him gay, if that labelled him… then sure. Not everything needs a label, you know – a sentiment Niibashi had made after Kagiura tried to figure out where he stood as far as romance. Love is love – if you like someone, then you like them. Not everything needs a label… If saying he was gay made it easier, then that was fine. He liked Hirano. No. He loved Hirano, and he wanted to be able to talk about him with his family the same way his brother talked about his wife. It just made sense. So, if this was his way of making that happen, then he’d take it… at least for now.
“Well,” His father cleared his throat after a few minutes, “whoever you date, you better hope he likes basketball, because it’s not like you have anything else going on in that head of yours.”
Kagiura let out a breath as laughter met his ears. He huffed, rolling his eyes as the quiet evaded; the sound of food being passed around and chopsticks against porcelain crushing any lingering panic. He relaxed his hands, taking another breath as his older sister passed him some rice, his mother pointing towards the gyoza again as her eyes wandered around the table. A silent question of who wanted some.
Conversation filled the eating area, his father and mother exchanging soft looks towards each other. To his left, his 11-year-old sister tried to steal a dumpling from his plate, shoving him when he crammed it in his mouth quickly. He made a face towards her, and she shoved him harder. He smirked before glancing down at his plate, a slow frown filling his face as he realized someone had piled peppers on it. The 16-year-old grimaced as he picked one up, glancing towards his right as his older sister avoided his gaze. Across the table his youngest sister and mother started laughing.
Kagiura put the pepper down, looking towards his brother before Akio rolled his eyes and gestured towards his plate. Out of all his family, his father, Akio, and Aya were the only ones who liked peppers… a fact that left the teenager both disturbed and grateful.
His brother pulled a majority of the peppers from the 16-year-old’s plate before glancing towards Kagiura’s right, “Hey, Akari, maybe Akira will get a boyfriend before you.”
Kagiura felt his face blush. He fixed his gaze on the plate in front of him, shoving some rice in his mouth as heat met his cheeks. His sister groaned loudly, punching him in the arm, “I swear to God, Akira – if that happens, I will destroy every single jersey you own!”
 The teenager winced, jabbing her with his chopsticks as he jerked his head towards her, “Yeah, well, maybe, if you weren’t so mean...”
A murderous look painted across his sister’s face as Kagiura trailed off. Although Akari was most likely joking, there was always an underlying threat. Unlike his little sisters, his older would follow through… but destroying jerseys… seemed a little unnecessary. After a few moments, she scoffed dramatically before smiling, grabbing several gyoza and dropping them on his plate. Somehow, the smile was more off-putting than the threat.
Asami stabbed him with her elbow, “Akira already has a boyfriend!!”
The teenager coughed harshly, choking on a dumpling as he reached for his drink. He cleared his throat before putting his hands up quickly as his brother laughed.
“What! No, I don’t!”
Akari groaned again, slumping in her chair dramatically as Kagiura shook his head, “I don’t!”
His father raised an eyebrow, his mother smirking towards him as Akari straightened her posture, flipping Akio off as he threw some rice at her. Across the table, Aya started singing loudly, “Aa-kun likes Hirano-san! Aa-kun likes Hirano-san!”
            The teenager’s face turned bright red as he tried to scowl towards his sister, throwing an abandoned pepper in her direction, “Shut up!”
            The 7-year-old pulled her eyelid down, sticking out her tongue as she continued to sing to the same melody, swinging her legs again. His mother hummed softly as Akio and Akari started arguing, “Hirano… is that the boy you brought to your grandfather’s over the summer? He seemed nice.”
            “Yeah, a lot nicer than Akira… and he definitely looked better too!”
            Kagiura groaned, covering his face with his hands, “Oh my God, Asami, shut up!”
            “Make me, snow pea!”
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necroneos · 6 months
Idk I thought it was hilarious that EMMA shares the same VA as old Siri LOL
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nonlethophobic · 1 year
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I don’t know what this is from but I like it
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dirtbra1n · 1 year
okay Okay so it’s like. putting aside the things that I will be coming back to. it’s. Memo—Your turn to wake him up! and kagi’s face of betrayal when he sees hirano smiling up at him from under the covers and kagi’s solemn determination to stay roommates at the silliest things and hirano’s fond and predictable That’s your reason? kagi’s bold goal to jump 121 ranks that most certainly stems from his confidence in hirano’s ability to help him do that. You’re so cool… I love you. and the immediate chiding Come on now… and kagi’s defense of what is and is not in-bounds and hirano laughing at his logic. kagi steeling himself to hold back a little longer if it means that hirano keeps smiling like he has been. kagi dropping another of his accidentally cool-masculine lines and niibashi having to reconcile with that. He’s trying to fit me into his sense of what romance means to him. He’s trying to understand me. I want to understand him more too. PING-PONG POSSE! C’MON DODGERS, LET’S GO! hirano and kagi running to school together in the morning when it’s damn freezing. MIYANO SEEING HIRANO WITH KAGI AND COMMENTING ON IT TO SASAKI…. AND SASAKI NATURALLY AND AFFECTIONATELY CHANGING THE SUBJECT…… hirano seeing kagi’s determination re: not skipping a day of study, likening it to a (basketball) scene from AGES ago, and keeping the comparison close to his heart. kagi dorm head candidate. kagi quickly shutting down his nomination. hirano gloating about it to hanzawa. hanzawa firing back Showing off now? and hirano replying Of course I’m not! this:
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and kagi meeting ichinose for the first time. and hirano offering to get kagi a drink refill while he’s up and kagi’s heart going badump and also telling hirano Welcome back when he was gone for a minute and a half, maybe. all of that, and the MOVIE EXTRA.
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sleeping-ruby · 6 months
THE iDOLM@STER, my kins icons
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Like/repost if used/saved pls<3
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tricksheart · 2 years
Someone: Maruki did nothing wrong. Me: 🙄
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