#anti maruki: tw
tricksheart · 2 years
Someone: Maruki did nothing wrong. Me: 🙄
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shujinroyal · 2 years
I don’ know if I have touched upon this before but I really can’t understand the hate for Kasumi / Sumire. Honestly, I think for the most part fans think she gets ‘in the way’ for certain ships but you don’t have to romance her at all. And she’s pretty okay with it too, unlike others who downright cry if you turn them down. I know a lot of people wanted a female main character but honestly, I loved what we got. And no, Kasumi / Sumire is not a Mary Sue. She isn’t all that important to the plot like Marie from Persona 4 and it’s unfair to give her this comparison. I’ve also seen where people complain that she’s too nice and wanted her to be a ‘bitch’ to the protagonist and I just stare into the camera like I am on the office and go ‘but why?’ We’ve already seen that with Marie and that didn’t go well for fans or Atlus. Some just find her annoying for calling the protagonist ‘senpai’, even though that is the honorific an upperclassman is called in Japan. Kasumi / Sumire doesn’t want to be seen as disrespectful, people!! And also, everyone is okay with Leader and Joker but not Senpai? Come on.
The point being here is Kasumi / Sumire and her backstory don’t deserve the backlash she has gotten from the Western side of fans. Don’t get me started on how everyone hates that Kasumi / Sumire is reliant on Joker for some things. Like it’s okay to rely on others sometimes. Co-dependency can be healthy to a certain point, not all of it has to be negative. Sure, her character seems forced and her outfit was a copy of Joker’s ( while in reality her thief uniform is a rebellion of her most inspiring person or fictional character which is Joker himself ) but for the most part, she’s harmless and has done nothing really wrong to inspire such a loathing to an absurd degree. I’m saying that the fandom is harsh to this young girl who went through serious trauma and psychological issues and I am tired of pretending that it’s not. Also, fuck Maruki for not helping this girl when she needed it the most and instead used her as some science project to prove his theory.
Bonus: ShuSumi is cute and wholesome and I am going to ship it until I die no matter how unpopular the ship is in the fandom.
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