#About: Ryder von Scharfenberg
chevvy-yates · 6 months
got tagged by @alphanight-vp. Thank you sm 🤍
As I got four boys I will only pick Ryder for now, as I assume he's the secret crowd favorite. If it happens I get tagged again I'll pick another as I do not have the energy to do all four atm.
Decided to let Ry answer. All in italic is what he thinks for himself as further answers as he usually doesn't like these sort of rather boring and timewasting questioning and even more so doesn't tell that to strangers. So it's not a must to let the oc speak but I felt like doing it for this one. It's just Ryder thinks a lot for himself especially with strangers. He holds back his true wants and interests very often and only gives harsh answers to them that don't tell much about him.
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"You scanned me, right? It says 'Ryder' — and that is how you are allowed to call me. No last name, Just Ryder. Is all you need to know." — I'm a fucking von Scharfenberg, some high royal German Corpo. If I would spit that into your face you would probably only laugh and your answer would be "This is a joke right?". Kein Scherz, I'm the son of the CEO of Militech. The useless boy who disappeard several years ago. I had reasons enough to leave this shitty live.
"You are a rando so for you I am still 'Ryder', ist das klar?" — My nickname is 'Ry' but I only allow my closest friends and loved ones to call me like that. Thyjs calls me 'snoep' and I think that sounds beautiful. He only says it when we are just for us. So ein Süßi.
"Cis male."
"It spans 210–240° ecliptic longitude under the constellation of Scorpius, so it's Scorpio." — Sometimes though I feel like a cancer in a leather jacket rather than a true Scorpio.
"I'm 1,88m tall. Translate it to inches, feet or whatever you count in by yourself." — Why can't this world have a consistent meassurement system? Geht mir so auf die Nüsse! Apple hat's doch auch vor gefühlt 50 Jahren geschafft Thunderbolt dem USB-C Standard anzupassen und heut' gibts das nicht mal mehr!
"Gay. Top only."
"I rarely eat fruits. They are expensive as fuck these days."
"Clearly Fall. I like the wet rainy air way more than hot sweaty summers."
There we go— the standard questions are popping up once again. Wieso jetzt Blumen? This is getting lame. — "I always forget the name. Ask Thyjs, not me. He knows it for sure. It's pretty. Dark purple is all I can remember."
"The smell of a thick dark and green German forest. Cedarwood, moss and earthy scents. That paired with rain? Beste!" — I miss that a lot. — "If you want to know a fragrance instead: Aramis. Its notes? Like the way I'm smelling for you right now minuse the cigarette smoke." — I see you start sweating. Unübersehbar. Aramis never fails.
TEE? — "Brudi, Tee kommt mir gar nicht in die Tüte! Give me a fucking beer! Faust. Astra. Or a Tannenzäpfle. Man, I even take your lousy American beer or a Heinaken if I have to but please — no fucking tea!" — Coffee in the morning is alright though and gets me going.
"Man, why always these lame questions? Fucking hell. I do not track my sleep. If I sleep, I fucking sleep! If it's 4 or 8 hours – I do not care!" — To be honest, I rarely got a good sleep – not before Thyjs came into my life as he distracts me a lot. I mean if I found sleep, i slept, but there's been a time I slept like two hours and I needed booster meds to stay awake. Beast pounds almost 24/7 in my head — try find some sleep with it. almost impossible …
-Sighs rather agressively- These questions are getting on my nerves. — "Dogs."
SEH ICH SO AUS ALS WÜRD ICH DAS NEM RANDO WIE DIR MITTEILEN WOLLEN!? -tries to stay calm- — "Just be somewhere alone with my soldier visiting several spots in Europe. Where is none of your business." — I would love to show Thyjs where I've grown up and played as a kid. Back then life was easy and carefree. I would love to see Amsterdam. Love to travel up to Sweden or Norway and see the Aurora Borealis, have a great look at the stars as Night City's massive lighting during the night blocks nearly ever star up there. I miss Berlin and the clubbing there. Want to go back and lay down onto the old tarmac at Tempelhof. Explore old ruins along the Rhein and I want to do it all with my soldier.
"None. Don't read. Not much of a tv or movie fan either." — I wasn't allowed to read or watch anything that has to do with 'fandom' as it was only distraction and nonsense. I was told TV programs are there to keep people dumb and busy from looking away from what happens in the world and from edjucating themselves. But once I met V and he did his 80s retro movie nights I liked Indiana Jones a lot.
"Next question!" — Only one blanket and Thyjs in between. At least for a bit because we separate fast as the heat, our bodies emmit, becomes too much waking us up all the time. But I love to fall asleep with him this way. He calms me and it's like he pushes Beast into a corner, silences it for a while just by his presnece. No one else is able to do that.
"What would you do if I told you I am a cyberpsycho?" — -stares at you with a steady gaze and bared teeth- Now, pack your things an go before it gets worse. I'm holding back already.
@imaginarycyberpunk2023, @elvenbeard, @morganlefaye79, @ouroboros-hideout, @aggravateddurian, @dreamskug, @wraithsoutlaws, @gloryride @cherryrockpops and @streetkid-named-desire
as always not a must and idk if u been tagged already or not, but feel free to do anytime, especially if you got more blorbos than one!
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chevvy-yates · 3 months
wip wednesday whenever
tagged by @therealnightcity <3
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Currently trying myself on a magazine for Technoise that will feature a sort of interview (I already mentioned in one of my previous text posts) taken during Chrome Chamber Rave where they picked Ryder to tell about it.
Above is a part of the cover (ofc I'll place Ryder on it, hello?). It took me a while to find a name for it. I've had a lot titles on mind, even nearly done a 'Tech Mag' sorta logo (see underneath) but I didn't vibe with the name and I had probably five different Cover versions that do all not exist anymore. I still do not know 100% where it will go and how the pages gonna look but I'll stay with '160+ BPM' for the title as this is the number where the definition of HardTech usually starts if I'm not wrong.
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Updated Thyjs wardrobe and outfits
in three evening sessions.
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It's not final-final yet but biggest part is done. I will tweak and refine him constantly as I see more and more armor stuff and militech xl mods popping up (to my luck hehe). There's no need to have it 100% updated yet as he's not going to be npv yet but I've wanted his stuff installed and sorted out older outfits that didn't match anymore since he's now also more developed than before.
I've wanted him to have more white and silver at first but his soldier concept is much stronger so he predominantly stays with green and earth tones + camo but the white/silver concept will stay for a few outfits (e.g. black and white themed with Ryder). I've added more (neon) orange to him as well. Oranje is the national color of the Dutch anyways and I saw it a lot in combination with green as well.
tomorrow I'll update Jay with some clothing mods and edit his outfits maybe a little as well. And then I'll throw in V and take Twin Pics for their upcoming Birthday (27th)!
tagging (with no pressure):
@nervouswizardcycle, @astarionhistears, @gloryride, @kdval, @elvenbeard, @fereldanwench, @wanderingaldecaldo, @breezypunk, @heywoodvirgin, @rosapexa, @cyberpunkaddict, @streetkid-named-desire, @kittenchrissy, @peaches-n-screem, @alphanight1-vp,
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chevvy-yates · 14 days
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Ryder and Garnet are old chooms. They’ve known each other since Ry was able to attend one of his first underground raves Night City had to offer: an event at Totentanz where he met Falco in the crowd and came into a chatter and a friendship resulted from it.
They used to be chooms with benefits for a bit as well whenever it was needed as both of them are used to go to sex positive events. Falco and Ryder found out fast, that NUSA technoise differs very much from the technoise in their home country. So instead of complaining about how bad most NUSA tech parties are they sat down and developed Garnet’s idea together: the concept of HELL BUNKER and the birth of Chrome Chamber Rave. Ryder is no owner as all the ideas and investment came from Garnet in the first place but he helped him a lot in the beginning working out a concept. Especially to get CCR known in Night City by creating flyers for it, therefore Ry is also featured on covers and pushed the location so much it grew quite known already by 2075. He also used to work as a bouncer in the beginning as well and still offers to do it when the club appears to be understaffed. In return he doesn’t have to pay for entering and friends of his always get in for free as well. Yet Ryder loves it more to be inside and to rave of course as CCR is his favorite weekend every month. Another headcanon is that Ryder might become co-owner once he‘s freed from Beast.
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To give you a better imagination of what HELL BUNKER might look like, here are two 3-min videos of the Berliner Techno Club 'TRESOR', that shows how Garnet's location might look like – at least the base of it.
First video is from the old club that got deconstructed in 2005 (has a long history together with techno subculture after the Berlin Wall fell; I can recommend watching this over an hour documentation if your are interested), This is literally the underground bunker style I imagine for Garnet's club. The second video seems to be of its current location (which is a big hall of a heat and power plant) that shows a part of it used in the underground for some parties.
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chevvy-yates · 5 months
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A fictive/headcanon radio station fit for Cyberpunk 2077 presenting German ebm artists. It is Ryder's overall favorite station he likes to listen to every day.
The first of two spotify playlists with a collection of songs I imagine to be one of Ryder's favorite radio stations (in my headcanon) he listens to when he e.g. drives around in the city or got it running in the background in his apartment. Had a hard time chosing the word 'Technoise" for one of them, yet I went with this one for the more ebm, industrial and dark wave focused tracks. I think it does fit better to the overall 'Technoise lore' (see further below) than the hard tech stuff on the second playlist. Some of the artists are already in business since the 80s/90s and especially Faderhead I would have loved to have in the game as he did a whole EP named '2077' dedicated to Cyberpunk when it came out. Overall these songs sound very 'tech'-like and each of them has this base of a repeating beat or melody and even words that stick to your ears. Some of them have actually lyrics, too, some are English, most in German.
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Mostly a hard techno playlist Ryder listens to, especially when he's working out. Most of these songs get played at 'Chrome Chamber Rave' a fictive/headcanon event occuring every 1st Saturday per month at the 'Hell Bunker', located in the underground of the Dark Matter Bld. Japantown.
This one is for the more hardcore ravers. When you listened to the other one first then for this one you may understand my decision why I've splitted it up. The beats are harder, there is much less to non lyrics and singing – all is focused on beats, repetition and other sounds. Wanna work out? Take this list if you like it. However, I've placed a few more 'melodic' ones in between so you can take a little break from the harder tracks. These are mostly by the artist 'Klanglos'. Also placed some with opera singing (Venezia, Hardtechno Anthem, Bella Ciao, Fortuna and Ameno) as it is the kind of techno Thyjs surprisingly will find good (because Ry will definitely listen to his music at home and even drag soldier boy to CCR).
All cover artwork done by me.
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art (the cover pics) here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Why two?
There's two of them as I wanted to separate the (hard) techno beats from the more ebm (electro body music), dark wave and industrial ones which I also minimized to German (and one Austrian) artists only. I like the idea it is a station that plays only German as I've read in one of the many lore books that 'Technoise' is a German music genre:
"Technoise and its various derivations dominate much of the German scene. If you're hip, you already know about Technoise. If not, listen up. Technoise is quite popular with the discerning young punk; it was popularized by Germany's own NetWerk actually, you've got your Overlay style from London, Jazznetic from Rotterdam and Echo from Frankfurt. In addition, there are people producing Frock (Fractal Rock) all over the place. The good thing is, Technoise is quite easy to produce. You only need a small computer, some software and you're ready to buzz. Those of you with a message might miss the political attitude, but you're missing the point. Technoise is strictly for partying, tripping and dancing. People meet and dance up to the runner's point. Maybe that's a political statement in itself, oder?" — Eurosource Plus The New Eurotheater Sourcebook for Cyberpunk
Now I do not know how exactly the 'Lore Technoise' does sound as I can imagine it very well having more rock elements (as they speak of 'overlay style from london' (like punk back then swapping over to Germany in the mid or was it late? 70s -> German punk bands formed but also the New Wave came to exist, spread into the goth genre and so on, also Industrial so both ways; rock and electronic elements etc.) so I may have my own headcanon for it, while others maybe interpret it differently?
I definitely see some political messages in some ebm and industrial songs as well but a lot also are focused on something else less political. And if we go pure (hard) techno, it's definitely just for 'partying, tripping and dancing'. I can't say if it will stay like this, if I delete some songs or add new but for now I think it's good. If you want you can follow one or even both playlists. I would be happy about it though I know it's not everyone's music taste. ;)
And yeah ofc I placed Ryder into the covers, it's playlists for him, so yeah. If I ever do it with my other boys I'll do that the same way.
I'm also working on a list for Chrome Chamber Rave that will be even longer and have more songs by the artists that are already on Hell Bunker, but it's more for personal reasons as I started to dive so deeo into it I also searched pics that help me imgine how the location looks etc. Maybe I'll make another post for it, maybe not.
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chevvy-yates · 26 days
Ticket to the Major Leagues for Ryder, Thyjs and Falco on the ask game pls!!
How did they react to their first chrome? (Not including the neurosocket, shard slot and wrist plug).
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Ryder’s first chrome were Kiroshi optics when he was still a Corpo. He used to wear contacts and/or glasses as he was born astigmatism. He wasn't allowed to get optics until he turned 18 (his family hates cyberware) When he eventually was allowed to get some they had to be in his same eye color (ice blue). The reaction to this was nothing special. He's had a headache for a few days and needed to adjust to see everything clearly now without contacts or glasses. So nothing really special But I want to add how he reacted to his first real chrome that definitely changed his body forever: his mantis blades: You have to know that he replaced his well functioning organic arms with these weapons. He decided it from 0 to 100. I mean he literally walked into a ripper doc's office and demanded "Cut off my arms and install me some with blades!" having literally no clue what Ryder was demanding there. At this point of his life he literally changed everything about himself drastically, often not thinking about whether this decision is good or not. Hate and anger mainly for Cyberpsychos drove him towards this decision. Of course the blades made it so he could protect and defend himself in the first place as he always carries them with him 24/7. and he finally had something that was added to his overall look that can be frightening plus he could fight with them. If trained right mantis blades serve you well. What he did not have in mind: learning how to live with two cybernetic forearms from now on that have sharp blades, he didn't know how to handle at first. Also the fact that he will never feel touch again like he used to hasn't been on his mind back then either. He was only to discover it afterwards because the ripper doc didn't care much to inform him about it since Ryder seemed to be bold and harsh. At the start Ryder often second-guessed himself about this decision he made. In the beginning he often sat at home having problems just to grab a beer because he had to learn that his brain and connected muscles around the elbow accept the cyberware and the given commands were set into the right motion. The ripper doc did a good job and Ryder payed all of his money left for getting the best ones the market had at this time. He didn't feel any pain and they adjusted fast once Ry found out how it works. Nonetheless he kept them and accepted his decision. He gets them checked frequently.
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Like Ryder, Thyjs first chrome have been Kiroshi optics. As albino he's had photophobia and decreased visual acuity since he was born. So he definitely was in need to get a better eyesight as soon as he started Military school. The first day of having them felt weird for him, needed some adjustment and to get used to it. He had the usual headache right after he received them but no further problems. They felt like his real eyes before just way better.
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Garnet's first cyberware is the one on his neck and the chest. He was diagnosed with lung cancer in a very early years of his life as he already started smoking "wie ein Schlot" at a very young age. So his entire lung including the trachea and the thyroid are cybernetic. Falco didn't do well in the beginning as he had been laying in bed before the operation for weeks to months already. They tried to fight the cancer off via chemotherapy before but it didn't work out so he opted in as last chance to stay alive to get that whole bunch of chrome installed inside his body. When he woke up after the operation and the meds losing their effect he felt insufferable pain in his throat and in general the weight of his body seemed very heavy (up to that he was still super weak, almost reduced to a skeleton). He needed months long rehabilitation and even today a medtech frequently has to check as everything works appropriately. He had to pay the huge bill for probably all his life if he didn't become popular in the music industry. After five years he was free from his debt. Today he's healthy, fit (trains frequently) and takes his needed medication as he should.
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
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[NC_RES]_00001331 mercs_de_wit_scharfenberg_outfits.file ///core:_black_camo.file\\\
Please do not repost any of my art.
I am completely normal about them. Normal about their outfits, normal about their looks. Normal about ther expressions. Normal about their tattoos. Completely normal. I'm fine.
Okay okay okay. Back to business.
Can I say that I am proud to actually having managed that Ry really only wears black? (ignore the bit of red on the netrunner suit xD) He rocks the all black-in-black style so much I wanna cry sometimes.
And Thyjs! I legit never thought I would be able to combine outfits for him that make him legitly look like an acutal soldier. these are not all of his outfits shown here. But thanks to a good amount of camo replacers by wonderful modders it was possible to create him like I pictured him! <3
When the day comes where these two can be together in one picture, damn this is really something! That black and white theme really is a thing I mean. Thyjs does not wear only white tho. He gave me quite a lot of outfit options: all the camo tones (green, desert, brown), the combination of green and silver rocks totally! He also rocks grey very much. Thyjs is like a model.
I thought Ryder wouldn't be easy to outfit since all I can look for is black. thankfully almost every cool clothing mod has a black variant so in the end I have a lot of outfits for him too. Thing is just to stick to his taste was a next thing. He's literally 'I wanna show my body' and 'I prefer sleeveles tops thank you' and 'I'm a coat nerd', 'don't forget I am a raver' 'I don't like kitsch' 'I'm top'.
And both in these suspenders!! asdfgh.
Another thing I've noticed: Thyjs mostly has tattoos (or cyberware) where Ryder has not and the other way around. They just fit togehter so fine. Again; I am completely normal about them.
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chevvy-yates · 11 months
hopping onto the hype train and doing this too since this is a rather chill thing to do than having to think intensely about lore. But since I'm always so bad at deciding just for two pics, I'm going to make it three — but Vijay gets the ps4 bonus since his origin is from console. So lets start this!
Vijay got the privilege to be my first V and he exists since end of 2020 but I didn't take any pics until 2021 of him. Back then I loved taking pics on my ps4 but I hated it so so so so much you weren't able to turn it into 90° — it was a pain for me to tae portait pics. Bc of the crisis back then I somehow stopped playing games (+ consuming social media for nearly 2 years) so, PS4 Vijay never made it trough the game. I started with him dark blonde but changed him to be a ginger when I picked him up again in June 2022 and found my way back to fandom so I wanted to post my boy.
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He got warmly accepted even though he was just a smudgy PS4 cinnamon roll, but I was frustrated he couldn't have clothes I wanted him to have (fishnet shirt, my beloved), so I bought myself a gaming laptop real quick and recreated him exactly as he was on PS4 but added a few things as soon as I knew how to use mods and amm (took me about two weeks bc I learn fast) that disturbed me (red nose), so I gave him better skin and all the clothes he should have. Now he's got a new hairstyle too but aside of that didn't change.
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My most precious boy had the privilege to get built with pc version already, otherwise he would have looked totally different. Like V, Ryder didn't change much afterwards. You only spot details I exchanged and these are minor. He got another skin tone, his nails are now pointy and he's got sharp teeth, thats it. When I create a character I'm not gonna change them afterwards. If they are not perfect right from the start, I won't create them. And visually Ryder was a perfect creation right from the start — he embodies my favorite style — but I'm honest, I had mixed feelings about him at first. The way he looked at me through the screen told me that he's a difficult one. Didn't know if I'd like him and if he's only to stay a side character or not, just the ex-boyfriend. But it took a journey I never thought I was able to produce for him. And somewhere along the process I fell in endless love with him — not even a full year has passed since his creation.
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Okay listen, I did take pics of him right after I created him but I was not satisfied with the 'scars' on his face, the lip make up and he also had dark grey hair and the vanilla hair (I use for Jay now) at first but it was too dark, so I changed it immediately afterwards. I know some people seeing this first on the left now might scream "ooooh but he looked badass!" — I get that, but this look was drifting off way too much into the direction where Ryder is (and like I said - my fav style) but I wanted a soldier with albinism and not a second guy who would be falsely misinterpreted as another cyber goth guy like it happened with Ryder. So I gave him the silver hair and style and changed the lips to pale rosé, took another shot saw the scars needed to be different as well and now Thyjs looks like he is now. It's funny what only hair and lip color can make for a difference. I doubt I'll ever change something on him either except for a different hairstyle maybe. I thought about trying out the new KS Atlas body on him though but if the tummy cyberware doesn't work with it this will not change.
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had the luck I was already fluent in everything vp after warming up, so there's not a single change to see except I started using raytracing shortly after I created him. He's basically a copy of Vijay and got everything I'd have wanted Vijay to be in the first place, but went a different way I didn't wanna change. I did not create Jay because of that, though, Jay came to be because of story plotting. he won't change either, except his tattoos one day (not the glowing things).
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so the result of this for me personally when I look at the quality changes is I just had to warm up with using windows things (as I'm an apple user due to my job), get fond of amm, poses, using light and push the ray tracing button to get to the level I'm now. that why my quality got so good so fast. Just needed to get into virtual photography is all. Maybe I got better at sth but I do not notice it and I honestly do not care, I just do what I like still not holding much of myself and my art. Its a hobby that keeps me busy.
But I'm also glad my oc's didn't change much, only right after their creation I changed something bc pics showed me it was not what I pictured. And the rest is only minor cosmetic changes. So I think I always go in with a preceise concept, a plan I have made before I start the cc. I remember I scanned entire nexus mods 2 days before creating Ryder, picking out everything I could imagine, even his wardrobe, then built an imagine in my head and only started once my imagination was ready.
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chevvy-yates · 7 months
I have a fragrance for men (only have fragrances for men) That I always think Ryder would wear.
The base is woody, sharp, packed with leather.
Powerful. Masculine.
Timeless. Classic.
Coated by mysticism.
Patchouli in the middle.
Myrrhe on top.
Spiced with cinnamon.
Sweetened with jasmine.
Refreshed by crisp citrus.
Enduring excellence.
Appeal and influence.
The name?
Further thoughts beyond the cut
I can't get it out of my head ever since I had the first thought on my mind and today I felt like writing it down.
It's said to have been the first men's prestige fragrance created in the 1960s to be found in local shops (if I do not talk nonsense here). I personally think that today's fragrances do not always last long enough and most of the few I own in fact do last only a bunch of hours but Aramis lasts like forever. I bought it for research reasons on an older fic of mine a few years ago.
It's not cheap and not for everyone, as it is so strong and long lasting to your nose. You have to like it. To love the base notes and fall for the little sweetness in it. (It's made for the classic man, the more sterotype one in the 60s is a good example I believe). It's the main reason why I think it is perfect for Ryder as not everyone can stand him. It underlines his mystic appearance as well as his kinky tendencies. It tells he's masculine because it's so classy and he's gonna show his male partner where he ought to be and what position he will take. But at the same time it shows he's still sort of a classy man as he's born a royal corpo (hiding it, but it comes through) with decency (we leave beast out here) who likes modernity as well, therefore he will always seem timeless as you cannot pigeon-hole him into a certain category.
He is complex. He got sharp edges you may hurt yourself on if not careful. His character is as spicy as he is sweet. If Beast would not taken influence on him, he would be just the little sweet details this fragrance brings with, so probably be one of the sweetest men you ever got to know. But Beast brought in the rest. The sharpness, the musk, the leather. Made him powerful, masculine and mystic all along.
Besides that? Ryder loves the woody base most because it reminds him of his love for the German dark, thick and mystic Blackwood forest he played in as a small boy. He's aware that other men are affected by those base notes in a certai nway but does not use it for his advantage. He really loves the scent and in the first place he associates it with a mystic forest. Wish I could attach that scent to this post so you get it too. I can only count on your imagination or, if you're lucky, maybe a store has the fragrance to test (mine hasn't) as its more popular in the USA rather than in Europre, and its old af so likely not to find in shops.
Anyhow: I got inspired by that stuff so take this (I'll take this, overwork it better and place it into my fic yes yes): —NSFW SNIPPET—
He's hovering over Thyjs, leaning in to give him a sweet but torrid kiss at first, then his mouth wanders into the crook of his neck to stroke his soldier affectionately with his lips and spiky fangs as Thyjs takes in the heavy mystic scent of Ryder's fragrance that nebulizes his thoughts and everything around him while both regain their breaths from the workout they are currently doing. Bodies flush together. Thyjs has surrendered to Ry's irresistible scent about half an hour ago, lets him do anything he wants with him. He couldn't withstand the man's aphrodisiac-like scent anymore. He has endured the middle notes during the day already long enough once the head notes made way for them. Thyjs sensed it all: first the green fresh top notes like bergamot, gardenia and artemisia, then the heart notes started distracting him — sandalwood, vetiver and the most mystic of all: patchouli. Not too much but enough to have Thyjs start to think about different things than work. Once when only the base notes were left, because it's been settled on Ryder's skin for a while, the strong leather woody ember fragrance left eventually came through, that started to fuck with Thyjs' head as he alsways had Ryder in this godverdomme hot leather harness on mind for the rest of the day. So when they got home, eventually Thyjs gave way to his restraint and got them into getting their clothes off between stormy kisses and desperate moves to get up the stairs without having to let go from each other until they reached the bed that had been waiting for them all day. When Ry gets back to look at his man, Thyjs can feel his breath on his moisty skin, the air is filled all over with Ryder's recognizable smell. Heavy masculine musk and sandal mixed with a hint of sage reach to his nose as it mixes all together with the smell of sex streaming out of both their already gleamy and sweaty skin. And when he steals another smack from his mouth de Wit still tastes light notes of hop and malt from the beer Ryder's had previously alongside the taste of menthol cigarettes that's left as finish. Ryder speeds up again, thrusts into Thyjs with a faster pace and certain anticipation and all de Wit is allowed to think is how good he smells, because the strong scent still overweighs the odor of their love making. Ryder's name rolls from his lips while both of them are continuously climbing to the top — fast, slow, fast, back and forth they go. All Thyjs is able to do is moan and watch as Ryder works them both out, smells his essence all over the place, no matter if he's close or far. It’s behind his ears, in the crook of his neck, on the insides of his elbow — everywhere and it makes Thyjs feel like he's an addict because he cannot get enough of it. Their mating gets raw — up to a certain point that all is reduced to almost animalic behavior as Beast pushes Ryder to go this way. Scharfenberg desperately hunts after his own high now while he's riding Thyjs' to the top, edges him until he allows him to release himself into the wild and watches Thy reach total bliss. Eventually Ryder transcends over his own cliff as well and comes with a last groan on his lips, letting himself fall onto the soldier beneath him in utter exhaustion and under heavy breaths. Thyjs' heartbeat eases down first and he lets his head fall back into the sheets, still totally punch-drunk from Ryder's cologne that has been surrounding him all day which resulted now to the sticky mess he finds himself in. He’s overly exhausted but manages to give his lover a kiss to the forehead and waits until Ry would rise and move to the side so they could lie in each other's arms, mumbling sweet nothings until they would fall asleep. Amen.
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
Ryder + Mantis Blades
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Is one of my biggest wishes to VP — in a way that it looks good.
I've tried it already several times — only 3x I was looking at the outcome thinking they are… okay-ish. Yet they are not worth posting like I usually do. As some of you might know, the blades do not show up right, they are always bugged in some way.
Up there are my latest tries. I cut off Ry's right hand/arm in these because it always makes a fist and the blade seems to be more bugged than the one on the left arm, so only the left arm can be made of use, though it still doesn't look great.
Below are some of the second try. The best looking ones. I could live with having these bugged blades since in certain angles they look okay-ish. If only it wouldn't be such a stressful pain to take pics!! It's like this: I spawn Ry via AMM, give him a pose and expression I want then freeze him, then set some lights if needed. All good so far, but then: hit the fight button so the blades come out. Then you need to be quick — I switch to photo mode and do a sort of speed run in setting the angle, the FOV, quickly jump into reshade for the DOF, set that fast as well and pressed a lot of times to do screenshots because the blades vanish after 2–3 min. The amount of times I restarted this is way too long and the outcome not really satisfying, tho so I won't do it again.
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There is a mod, but it's for female Vs only. There's a prop pack to use but srsly I do not want to spend more time in placing everything together bit by bit, also it would not be Ryder's arm? and there's still Ryder's arm as well. idk how this stuff should even work. Below is my first try ever. The amount of time I cursed on this is not countable.
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I will just continue to wait until the day a fix for male V with blades out in photo mode suddenly appears on the nexus page. And this is gonna be one of the happiest days in my life then. xD
Looking at his arms with blades out always has me thinking that Ry replaced his good arms for some entirely mechanical ones. Not that the thought of him walking into a ripper doc's place telling "off with those I want blades", is disturbing enough already — just the thought of never having a real feeling of touch again is disturbing also. His hands aren't real anymore either. It's probably like your hands are numb. you may notice if the surface is hard or soft, idk if he can feel if something is hot or cold, tho. Probably not. 
I experienced some numbness on my left foot not long ago. Somehow I must have damaged one of my bigger nerves there so I always felt a certain numbness (besides some prickling). Maybe feeling sth and receiving touch with and on his hands might feel similar? I’ll think about this for a bit. It is an important detail given the thematic when he’s all cuddly with Thyjs (who’s left hand is entirely cybernetic as well, but his right one is still organic so he can surely tell the difference how things feel).
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
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chevvy-yates · 11 months
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[NC_RES]-31102049-EUR-GER scharfenberg_g_portraits_015_3_KBI-DA_WA.file ///core:_ryder_von_scharfenberg.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Ryder's theme playlist.
Beware – long text passages behind the cut.
I've tried to shorten it but it's somehow gotten to a character eassy. So maybe save it for later and read it when you got time for it if Ryder really interests you. He is so dear to me and so complex I try to explain him with the help of this song collection for you to underline and understand his character better. I just lack of explaining it in a short way.
Blade Runner His main theme. It is no such wonder I chose a Blade Runner (end) title for him, because when I look at Ryder I always say to myself "You're my one true Cyberpunk 2077 character" — and Blade Runner basically is the foundation of this amazing yet dystopian future noir genre after all. I've always found the music in the original movie tremendously moving and mysterious in a way I've never experienced before. And so is Ryder to me: mysterious and evocative. A book I had and still have to read, to find out who he is. If you do not know him, you can only speculate who and what he is. He's that dark character, that looks frightening and bleak to you, stares at you until you look away. You may want to, but you can't stop looking at his drawing presence. Yet it is a mask he wears or rather is also forced to wear, because behind all this mystery is his true character savely kept for VIP only. The drums in this song represent he might be the dangerous sinister type whilst the synthesizer gives this overall beautiful and mysterious tune surrounding him, that feels somehow more chilling than dangerous. Yet there's still a hint of threat in that song because of its continuous fast paced cadence. If you could see the world through Ryder's eyes, it looks exactly like in Blade Runner, a city full of neon lights but in a mere monotone way — darker, less saturated, even at day because skyscrapers block the sunlight down in the streets. Buildings built onto buildings, lots of (acid) rain pouring down daily. Ryder knows how this world, he was born into, works. It is reigned by corrupt rich Corpos wanting nothing but power absorbing every small independent corporation, reign over people, don't tell what goes on behind the curtains because the lesser folk doesn't need to know (cloning/human meat theory, soul killer program, black wall etc.) — the rich don't care what happens to them. They are only interested in their money and consumption behaviors. At the same time Ryder knows what's going on down in the streets because he walks amongst them voluntarily. He sees the misery that is going on, people are mostly poor and barely can make a living if they don't devote their whole lives to working for the big ones. Humans become more and more synthetic, so much that the rise of cyberpsychosis is getting higher and higher and becoming more problematic than ever as they can not control it anymore while AI reigns the net, controlling an entire population (including himself) in a subtextual way. I don't want to compare Ryder exactly with Blade Runner. His job is not to hunt down bioengineered humanoids. He's a merc who hunts down those bad for this city and the entire world to make it a better place. He knows that the original vision of Night City was something entirely different and he's got hope that it can still be put on the right track. He devotes himself to this, as a merc, fighting that what he once was supposed to be too, but never felt like he belonged into: power-hungry Corpos like his father. Ryder's weapons are blades and he runs them into the flesh of his enemies — therefore: Blade Runner. If you listen closely at the end you'll also hear rain and a breath before it ends. Fits so to Ry.
Mesa Another Blade Runner (2049) song. It is calm, yet still mysterious right from the start, lingering, single piano tunes make it sound threatening but also interesting that you want to listen further. Then it gets bright, and nice, warm even, turning into a beautiful melody. Ryder’s personality is exactly like that melody. He doesn't trust anyone right from the start. But when he feels he can do that and decides to let someone in, he opens up towards you. He's not the mean guy, it is quite the contrary: he's got a heartwarming personality, a lower voice with a certain softness in itself that makes you wish he would read you a good night story. But this takes time, and you should let him decide when that time is. Because yet that song bears a threatening moment towards the end: suddenly it gets awfully loud and sounds even alerting — that is when Ryder's mood suddenly snaps. He gets mean even to a point where anger turns up from zero to hundred — it only takes a stupid commentary at the wrong time. Beware when it happens and choose your further proceeding carefully — because there is something lingering inside him that likes to have him angry.
Let Me Out is the song that represents that something inside him he started calling 'Bad Enduring (&) Aggressing Sinister Termination' (program) or in short: 'BEAST'* at a certain point in his and the teams story because it is what it forces him to do: do evil (bad) — in his eyes it definitely is because in a lot of cases he does not want to act this way. It is constantly (enduring) haunting him. It happens in a very assaulting (aggressing) way. And it is scaring (sinister) him as well. It only ends with death (termination) for his opponent while he is lucky to have survived each time. He doesn't know how it looks (it is mostly a distorted shadow with sharp teeth) and where it came from, but it is a daily and constant knock-knock that says: "Time to be angry. Now where is that hunger to kill? I know you want it. Fetch me their souls. Hey! — I'm here, don't you ignore me! Let me out! They harmed you. Kill them. Let me help. Let me out! Let me kill! Let me kill them all!" That song exactly does that: having a constant knocking-like beat. It never stops except for a few seconds accompanied by various other threatening dark and strange sounds making you slowly go crazy. Ryder is dealing with this constant pounding almost daily. It never lets him alone, since it first showed up in 2070 and took a part of control when he had his first rampage damaging his own furniture at home. He noticed that his anger grew as soon as he moved to Night City and it's gotten worse over time. First he thought it was because of the constant violation and degradation he received from his family, but he is sure this plays only a minor part now, since he cut ties with his Corpo life about seven years ago. He assumes the source must be something else or the only explanation left could be he’s close to end up becoming a cyberpsycho. Aware of that he chose to fight it even more. There are times he is able to completely ignore it, and he finds some peace when he is listening to his favorite music, passes out or is sleeping because thankfully he's got a very deep sleep at last. Carrying it always with him, he got used to living with it though, but lately (2078) it seems to have received an update that made it stronger than ever (it also makes him stronger in fights) and it frightens him more than ever. It bears one of his greatest fears: him hurting those around him he loves because he can’t remain in control over it anymore. And he knows he's a threat and a burden to his team as well once it happens. But Vijay insists that Ry stays part of it and promised to help him no matter what. *I want to underline that beast is not my idea. The overall AI idea is part of @nervouswizardcycle's (Void Jester) story, we just happened to work it out so my boys fit better in and named it beast one day. I like the thought for Ryder giving it the name BEAST, all caps, as written above because he will describe it to other people as that but he doesn't know it is an AI program controlling him. Finding out about it is gonna be mindblowing. A fun fact: he could just frigging leave Night City and be free from it because it is only tied to it. Hilarious.
Berlin represents one of the many songs Ryder simply loves: good, (extra) hard, dark and loud techno beats giving him the best thrills with the ability to stimulate his senses so that he falls into a trance only concentrating on moving along to the beat: raving until his stamina completely fails of exhaustion. He can do it for hours — his stamina is incredibly high through years and years of raving almost every night until the sun goes up. He's been on 24h raves many times. There's nothing better than those hard beats for him. Not only can he vent his anger through it, that music lets him forget this mad world for a while, gives him freedom for the time being — it's just him moving along with the beat. All he wants is to rave until he can't anymore. He doesn't even drink beer then, just water to stay hydrated. But there's another important reason why his heart beats for those techno/dark wave beats: it overshadows the BEAST's constant pounding, so he won't hear it for the time being. The BEAT of various songs literally BEATS the BEAST here. You could also say in a way he trained to hear the BEAST as some constant techno song (which also explains why he's constantly fidgety — imagine having a 24/7 techno beat in your head and what you would do). Also the title "Berlin" is chosen because it was in Berlin when Ryder first came into contact with his favorite music. A lot of good memories are tied to it. He's the opinion that Germany makes the best Techno(ise) (it is even mentioned in the CP lore books as well, yup).
Berzerker + Don't You Know Who I Am I certainly wish these two songs could melt into one. I tried to choose only one but for me one can't do it justice without the other. However, they represent Ryder's battle/fight theme. I've already mentioned them in a tag game post a while ago, but here we go again: 'Berzerker' is similar to Let me Out but harder and faster, so it can be seen as when Ryder is fighting yet still remains in control, slicing his Mantis blades through the flesh of his enemies while his Berserk operating system, Zetatech Berserk Mk.5, is activated. It boosts him up with an immense strength and resilience, increases his melee damage and receiving hits only make him stronger and more powerful. The song gets wilder in between when he's going into a killstreak having beast mode activated, dealing a huge amount of damage. Since his blades are standard with no effect they only deal physical damage with a high possibility for bleeding and dismembering. Depending on how hard the enemy ist, how long the fighting takes and how annoying they are to him, the chance to go literally berserk becomes critically high: he will slowly lose control with BEAST now taking over. It literally consumes him for the time being and all he sees is black and white with red shadowy distorted figures that are enemies and friends all together (robots and drones do not appear as distorted shadows at all though). That is when the song 'Don't You Know Who I Am' takes over: Ryder turns into his total unstoppable berserk mode killstreak — you better stay away from him. The raging screams in this song represent his sheer anger as he charges towards his target while the sound of blades can be imagined as he's slicing his sharp blades through everything and everyone in a total blind rage. The song is also very fast paced. Ryder has no Sandevistan but he's fast and versatile when it comes to running and parcouring and even dodging. His reaction reflex is trained constantly for years and he keeps his body agile.
Mörder This is another song I found way later when I've already written all of this post here but these lyrics hit so into the guts because they are so point — they describe how he sees himself concerning his out of control being: that he's a monster and a murderer. The lyrics are in German though: Dann steh ich vor einem Plakat und lese, Was ich getan habe, Und lese und lese: das habe ich getan? Aber ich weiß doch von gar nichts! Aber wer glaubt mir denn, wer weiß denn, Wie's in mir aussieht, wie es schreit Und brüllt da drinnen, Wie ich es tun muss... will nicht Muss... will nicht... muss! Aber ich, kann ich denn, kann ich denn anders? Hab' ich denn nicht dieses Verfluchte in mir, Das Feuer, die Stimme, die Qual? Ich will davon, vor mir selber davonlaufen! Aber ich kann nicht, kann mir nicht entkommen, Muss, muss den Weg gehen, den es mich jagt. Muss rennnen, rennen endlose Straßen... Ich will weg, ich will weg... Und mit mir rennen die Gespenster Müttern und Kindern. Sie gehen nie mehr weg, sie sind immer da, Immer, immer, immer! Nur nicht wenn ich's tue here is a translation via translator. Ryder isn't proud to always leave a mess of pool of blood, organs and dead literally shredded bodies behind. It scares him as well a lot of times as soon as he is coming back to his senses again. He doesn't remember what he's done, all he sees is the mess that's left around him. You could say he has gotten used to it with the years passing by since he learned to live with it, but since it got even worse it frightens him more than ever. He judges himself heavily thinking he's not better than those out there doing bad to harmless people even tho he kills only the bad ones. He also wishes to be more like Vijay (V is more you shall not kill orientented and leaves the badboy for the NCPD). It's Ryder's greatest wish that BEAST vanishes one day the same way it showed up, so that he is able to use his blades with a rather normal behavior instead of tearing everyone apart. He does not enjoy this kind of killing but he's got no choice, being unable to withstand the hunger to kill driven by BEAST turning him into a killer. Even Vijay could not help him, when he started looking into it. The only thing he can help with is to prevent the worst happening by resetting Ryder's Berserk System, so that he stops raging blindly. During this phase he will pass out for an undetermined amount of time and be vulnerable to his enemies. So it can only be activated when Ryder's safety is assured and another team member (also a reason why V wants more team members) can jump in fast to his side because Vijay is often too far away for him (Ryder's personal wish). Ryder gets a lot ofhelp by the team. Arki is dealing with similar to same problems but he remains in control. Arki sees a big threat in Ryder at first but as they get to know each other he understands Ry and offers his help to train how to focus and to stay calm. Thyjs joining in as the last one will do everything to help him. He's mostly back up to protect Ryder when he needs to be knocked out, giving Arki more room to concentrate on their enemy because he doesn't need to protect him anymore since Thyjs takes that role now.
Shake the Disease important mention: I did not choose the song because of the lyrics. I chose it because of its melody, which is why I went for an instrumental version made by someone else instead. So I would prefer you just blend out this is a Depeche Mode song (if you know it). Because if I'd chosen that because of the lyrics, netlords — I'd have to write something entirely different here now. That melody in this song stands for Ryder's good mood. Moments when he feels happy, content and simply has a very good time, completely forgetting about his troubles and worldly problems. Moments he spends with the team in the Afterlife having good talks. Moments of fun that conjure a bright grin on his lips. The melody sounds promising and accentuates that Ryder has already worked a lot on his selfesteem so he can be content with himself and proud of what he has achieved so far. He took his life in his own hands, chose who he wanted to be, that he got further away from having self destructive thoughts. This life of his was not lost, not hopeless. It is promising. He only needed a true friend (Vijay) who opened his eyes to see the world from a different angle – it is also why it sounds so close to Vijay’s themes (both like listening to Depeche Mode). Life is precious and you should enjoy every day while you still can. Ryder doesn’t know what happens to him, his future is unwritten with that raging anger inside him, but he does the best to enjoy it as much as he is able to (and he will get rid of this thing for sure so he don't has to kill anymore). He deserves happiness and does not give up to seek it which can only be achieved with this nesting demon inside him gone for once and all.
Memories of Green A calm song – another Blade Runner score one as well – it is one of those rare moments when everything seems calm for a while, presented by the piano. Yet there's still sounds wanting to distract. It stands for, that Ryder really wishes to concentrate fully on the piano, to take in its soothing melody, but has a bit of a hard time to blend out everything else around him. Some of these noises could also be done by his inner Beast to gain attention again. The piano stands for Thyjs as well, since Thy was taught to play piano. Ryder loves to listen to him playing some tunes a lot, it lets him forget almost everything, it's some balm for his never resting soul. He never thought he would enjoy classical music either — only with Thyjs he discovers it for the first time. So these are moments he tries to enjoy as much and as long as he can. Thyjs is going to mean the world to him. He has a natural gift to calm Ryder down similar to Vijay before but in a different way and Ryder will protect him as much as he protects his best friend all the time. He is more than thankful that Thyjs values him all the way he is, not caring he's murdered more than hundreds of living beings in the most cruel and agitating ways. It's because Thyjs can relate to it in a way since he was turned into being a killing machine trough Militech. He offers his help as well and does anything for him. Ryder never thought that after V he could fall this hard for someone else again. But Thyjs is the one. The calm center of the storm capable to handle the hot-headed angry man Ryder is, seeking peace he will find one day for sure.
If you read all through here. I simply cannot give you enough kudos for it! Besten Dank! <3
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chevvy-yates · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
got tagged by @wanderingaldecaldo. Thank you dear <3
What can I show you now?
A week ago I saw Kala released a new(er) eye mod all with white rings like Ryder has. I was tempted to try out some specific ice blue ones on Ry. Voilà:
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For those who do not know; Ryder's original eyes had been ice blue (some visual trait that runs in the von Scharfenberg family for centuries). For reference here's him in 2066 again:
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A more or less shorter history how Ry's actual eye mod came to be used:
When I created him my original thought was to give him yellow eyes (Kakto eyes – eden on sacred geometry) because I once again got inspired by Supernatural — yup the yellow-eyed demon xD. But back then I could not get the supposed eye mod to work. Vijay's eye mod however worked without any problems and so I selected Ryder's gray ones with the white ring instead he kept until today and is going to keep them as well (unless a better mod comes out or I can manage to edit them in some way because they sometimes look a bit lifeless - to less contrast or sth.). My plan was to have V's and Ry's mods not conflicting so I do not need to drag and drop in and out all the time (but this was wishful thinking).
The ice blue ones however might be a thing I may want to use on past days Ryder (2071—74). It requires me to rewrite some minor parts and retake some pics (I want to redo some day anyway) but it makes sense to me: He's had ice blue, then changed them to ice blue with a white ring and some time later got his gray ones he got now installed to match his overall dark dress code.
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I gotta say like them on him, he makes me weak — yet the white ring doesn't come through so nicely as in his gray ones, so he looks less intimidating in my opinion. And to be intimidating is what he wants in the first place, so people stay away. So gotta keep those darker ones. <3
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Thyjs sneak peak:
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3rd. Another snippet? Another snippet:
The next second, he is kissed all the way down along his chest by warm darkened lips and every inch of the wet traces left by Ryder’s tongue seemed to burn on his skin. The fangs ensure to arouse his skin even more. De Wit manages to kick his clothes completely off his legs and just decided to pull those damn Jinguji briefs down too, so he could remove it from the younger man’s hips now that Ry was on top. The younger man aimed for traveling down south, and his tongue could instantly feel the change of surface, moving from sweet tasting, almost silky warm skin over to colder hardened cyberware tasting rather metallic yet still exciting while he scratched his nails along his chest and soon they followed down along the wet kissed path Ry’s tongue left. “Never tasted a metal belly.” “It’s just metal,” Thy answers as he feels Ry’s tongue exploring now the part where a navel was supposed to be. Nonetheless, Thyjs let out a satisfying sigh. It felt completely different, since the sensors under the metallic cyberware only told him, there’s some rather soft pressure right now, but watching Ry doing it, and how he’s doing it, makes Thyjs go almost crazy making him say “I almost pity now I replaced my belly to be stronger.” Ry looks up with a mischievous grin. “Guess I need to go explore somewhere else then where there is more sensation, hm?” he asks and proceeds further making his lover gasp even more.
@morganlefaye79, @wraithsoutlaws, @kittenchrissy, @imaginarycyberpunk2023, @elvenbeard, @therealnightcity, @humberg, @theviridianbunny, @genocidalfetus and @gloryride
no pressure as always!
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chevvy-yates · 2 months
5 and 13 for Ryder from the dark oc asks :3
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5. What is your OC's moral code?
Ryder is driven by the loyalty to others he loves and himself, which means if an action is in his interest or in the best interest of those he is most loyal to, he will do it. So it it likely to happen that Ryder will do what Vijay suggests or at least he tries (depending on how much influence Beast has on him in the situation). He resists any form of authority that restricts his autonomy and may act in his own interest without being bound by a strict moral code (It hasn't always been like that tho as he hasn't done that for a very long time when still in his Corpo life). His beliefs center around a desire for independence and a reluctance to be constrained by societal norms. Ryder often finds himself indifferent to moral dilemmas, and focuses on his own desires and goals. He may act impulsively and unpredictably, making decisions based on personal gain rather than a commitment to good or evil. His actions are primarily motivated by self-interest, and he may not hesitate to exploit opportunities for personal advantage. In situations where taking a life serves his interests or self-preservation, Ryder may resort to violence. He only follows authorities if he benefits from it. He won't harm innocents (unless Beast has control – if that happens and he definitely will know it afterwards, he will hate himself for it). But he's also willing to do bad things and break the law if he can get away with it. He doesn't help people who want to restrict the freedom of the individual. SO basicalyl every Corpo will have his disgust.
13. Who does your OC hate the most?
Ryder absolutely hates his own family. There aren't words to describe what he feels about them especially his father. Even the word "hate" cannot stand up for that anymore. Also basically every other corpo tied to his family as well as everyone else who thinks the same way as them. Besides hat? Ryder absolutely hates to be in street traffic jam. He already disliked it as a kid when the car got stuck on the 'Autobahn' for 30min max. That is also a reason why he wanted to learn to fly. Thankfully he was able to learn it when the family moved to Night City. So when Ry has to take his car, he informs beforhand if the way is clear. If not he takes his AV to prevent falling into some unhealthy angry mood. If he gets stuck in an 1h+ traffic jam he will yell in the car, hit the horn constantly and flip out over the inefficence of others around him. Because mostly likely the traffic is only bc of some car accident where everyone wants to drive by slowly so they could see what happened starting to slow everything or neglecting the 'zipper merge' tactic if one or more carlanes are temporarly closed. Ryder will never understand why people are so keen to watch an accident like its a triple a movie. They should be lucky they aren't in the situation themselves and just fuCKING DRIVE! Another thing he absolutely despises: cheese.
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chevvy-yates · 2 months
Dark OC Asks : 1 for Jay, 5 for Vijay, 6 for Ry and 12 for Thyjs <33
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1. Excluding murder, what is the worst thing your OC has ever done?
With him not murdering anyone? Well, he hacked numerous people and programmed their brains to make them murder each other. Does that count then? Other than that I cannot think of something better. He once hacked himself into the NCPD security net when he was bored during the time he was doomed to stay in a netrunner chair in the HQ. He caused an entire blackout with prison cells all opening that held some cyberpsychos in there who ofc tried to get out violently. They needed to call Max Tac back in. It's definitely not the worst he's done but the worst non lethal in his career as cop.
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5. What is your OC's moral code?
Vijay tends to be guided by his own moral code rather than strict adherence to the law, and he believes that individuals should be free to make their own decisions as long as they do not harm others. But he follows a few law rules still; e.g. he sees it as it is not for him to decide to kill a person bc they murdered someone else. As a merc V would always hand them over to the law in the first place. He acts based on his moral compass, which is guided by the desire to help others and promote good in the world. He also has a strong sense of personal responsibility for his own actions and takes a balanced approach to problem-solving, weighing the pros and cons of each situation. There is a difficulty with morally grey choices: Vijay as a mostly neutral good character may find it challenging to navigate morally ambiguous situations, as he is more likely to seek a solution that benefits the greater good. This may as well lead to internal conflict or even trouble with fellow party members in some situations (he's the only one who goes first with "thou shall not kill, whiel the rest of the team kills either mercilessly or when the situation is so tricky it's the only way to do).
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6. Would your OC make a deal with the devil?
Ryder may look like he would do that but he certainly would not. The burden he's got to carry on his shoulders each day sort of feels like there was deal made with an evil netloard anyways – only the didn't ask him if he wants to.
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12. If your OC was arrested, what would the charges be?
His charges not only would be, they have occured in the past: – for electrifying a commanding officer almost deadly because the dude has been very inappropriate* to his assigned recruits. *Thyjs doesn't tolerate outdated drill behavior that is nothing but bullying the newbie soldiers for the own ego and because of being of a higher rank. - for having shocked a potential taliban member during interrogation so hard they fell into a cardiac arrest but have been brought back immediately by Thyjs using his electric cybernetic hand as defibrillator* *the captive took no real damage though but this wasn't the given order to do so, yeah, charged for that – accidental explosion of an ammunition depot caused by his grenade launcher during a field training session* * This happened when Thyjs had his cyberarm and the launcher brand new unable to fully control it yet. Noone died but nontheless he got charged for it as the whole depot with tons of ammunition exploded.
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chevvy-yates · 2 months
@astarionhistears sent me a while ago:
For the smut game : E, R and T ♥ for Ryder&Thyjs
from here.
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E: Experimenting (Trying something new)
Experimenting for those two is right at the top. Ry is super experienced as you maybe know but Thyjs isn't as he never expected he would fall into a gay relationship at all. So his first time with Ry is already experimenting in the first place for him. For the record: Thyjs used to be very much into traditional love-making (but never had a girlfriend either, and instead went to De Wallen for JoyToys). Thyjs says yes to almost everything as he's eager to find out more about himself and his sexuality. Things he can imagine to be not good he leaves out in the first place or asks what Ryder thinks about it. However Thyjs just loves exploring his sexuality with Ryder and with time he gets ideas he may want to try. He collects them for a while as he ventures further into it and once in a while he tells Ry directly he would like to try something new. Things he can imagine, are e.g. different positions to see what feels best for him, use of toys or being cuffed during sex. He likes when Ryder guides him and that he can entirely give himself to Ry. Showing weakness is a thing he was forced to unlearn for his job, but with Ryder he can rediscover it. Sex in public is also tempting for him. First, he would like to have a romantic night out with Ryder somewhere in the Badlands. It is public after all but it is also wide and not crowded — but still public! So they will go with that first to get a feel for being outside and doing it while someone could pass by. And the second: Thyjs usually is not into technoise (but Ry has a significant influence), but he goes with him to some raves. After a few he discovers it is indeed enjoyable there and he gets to know why Ryder loves to work out to this music. It makes you feel free in a way, you do not have to think much, just feel those beats how they easily make you forget your busy thoughts. Ryder explained to him once that technoise sounds sexy for him and can be quite arousing too, that there’s something primal to those beats — after a bit of time, Thyjs gets what Ryder means! He wouldn't mind to leave the sticky and overcrowded dancefloor to get into a corner for having more space and noone bouncing into them but they are still in a big room with a crowd and they are not the only ones about to do dirty things basically everyone passing by can watch. It is a thrill for Thyjs he wants to do at least one time and Ryder is ofc all in. Yes, it is so unusual for Thyjs to act like that because normally he is always alerted by his surroundings but this is a chance to let his guard down and actually enjoy and give in to his desires blending out all trained traits he is forced to use after decades of Militech training. And with Ryder he can dive into that for a while until his sane duty persona comes back to his senses.
R: Ruttish (Signs that they’re horny)
Ry discovered fast that once Thyjs is getting used to their relationship and his kissing starts to become very passionate and stormy that he's also horny and definitely in for more. Ryder is irresistable in certain ways and can make Thyjs horny just by wearing his teasing cologne all day. Ryder on the other hand you notice he's horny when either the right music is played at a rave because then he starts moving his hips more back and forth than usually or when he starts to bite affectionately instead of just kissing the spot. Thyjs can tell the difference fast. Another sign is when Ryder actively asks Thyjs for a sublte buzz from his electric cyberhand (He's got an inductor installed, so it won't harm him).
T: Teasing (Who’s the tease in the relationship? What do they do? How often?)
Ryder can be pretty teasing during sex. He likes to take his time with kissing every spot of Thyjs' body. It mostly has to do with it that Ryder is unable to really feel with his hands so he uses his tongue for that instead. Often the teasing is also unintended like previously mentioned: Ryder wears a very teasing and strong cologne named Aramis. With it he teases Thyjs all day long as it is long lasting and sometimes it makes Thyjs crazy, that he's almost unable to wait until they arrive at home.
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chevvy-yates · 8 days
when I'm too tired to be productive but still unable to find sleep sometimes I just lay in bed with headphones on - full volume.
Some of those more melodic tech songs have the ability to make me see either entire pictures or feel something very deeply. Never is it about me but about Ryder. I conclude It is that way bc only since he exists and lives rent free in my head I listen to techno or other electronic genres similar to it.
There's songs thst catapult me back to his past. Seeing him as teen (17yo) together with Tommy in various situations that are actually good ones! Like it's when u think about good memories of your own teens. Spending time together, laying on the bed on a lazy hot afternoon with your best friend talking, hanging out whatever you do. I think u get what I mean. But seeing those pictures suddenly can hit so hard it makes me cry bc I know I made Tommy gone. And after so many years Ryder still thinks about him and never stopped loving him. He took Tommy's last name as his name even (Reiter = Rider). He was the most important person who supported and guided him when Ry was in his finding phase.
Then there are songs catapulting me to the moments when Beast speaks to him the first time, like a friend, the only one who understands him when he's at his most broken point in his life and it feels like it's tearing you apart bc idk how artists do mix their sounds together but I just interprete it like screaming and it's wild and emotions all around and it hurts so much it makes you want to scream and cry again.
And then there's songs which such bass that just make me stop thinking at all. I almost see and feel how the beats literally massage my brain so no thought has a chance to be thought through (which was an amazing discoveryfor me as I am constantly thinking and talking in my mind until I find sleep with almost no dreams). It may start but I do not come far with them. Together with those melodies capable to cause goosebumps and sounds that distract you so much it makes you just hang the in the moment, no past no future. And it's constantly mind blowing when I notice it afterwards. It's just hard to describe for me. But this is how Ry must feel as well. Those moments when Beast cannot bother him bc its gone for a certain time through the music he listens.
Incredible what a created character makes me do and discover. I never planned for him in the first place he would be into this music. He was supposed to be a Depeche mode fan. New/dark wave and a bit 80s goth. And look where we are now?
I give my lil special blorbo a mental loving kiss to the forehead followed by a hug and try to sleep now. GN.
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chevvy-yates · 14 days
but i don't want make them suffer :O ... anyways : 1 for Vijay, 5 for Thyjs, 7 for Ryder, 11 for Hizumi, 19 for Jaysen !
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1. When have they been unable to save someone or something no matter how much they tried?
That would be his former girlfriend Reva he has been together with in Portland before he changed his life and moved to Night City. Reva fell into a hopeless cyberspychosis caused by adding more and more chrome to her body that was more like cheap scrap metal infected with lots of malware and at a certain point it took away her entire humanity. Once V noticed in his own drugged mind (as he used to take blue glass) that something is not right with her anymore, he tried to save her so hard. To talk her out of adding more and get it checked before installing. She grew very violent because of it and nearly killed V one day with her Mantis Blades (hence he's got the throat cyberware) so he had to defend himself to stay alive by uploading a brainware blowout to her in self defense. He's traumatized forever by that and has nightmares about it. Reva is a good example why Vijay is so concerned about his best friend Ryder as Ryder too walks at the edge of Cyberpsychosis but the difference between Ry and Reva is that Ry wants help to get rid of his problems, Reva didn't. Vijay will do everything to save Ryder. The installed mod is only a temporary help and also a safe option for V (as he fears out of control Ry wth blades out as well -> ptsd trauma) until they find a solution.
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5. What's their moral compass like?
Thyjs is pragmatic and goal-oriented, values discipline, structure and rules, aligning himself with authority figures to maintain societal order. He does not care about what others think of his actions, he only cares about his actions being correct according to his moral code. But he dos not lecture his code to others. Moral decisions don’t come into the equation for him so even if he hurts others in carrying out his duty, he feels barely anything. It’s just business. So, when it comes to taking a life, Thyjs may do so if it aligns with the rules and laws he follows (aka Militech), even if it seems morally ambiguous. His actions are guided by a commitment to a well-ordered society, and he may prioritize the greater good over individual moral considerations. Because Thyjs as a Lawful Neutral can appear to be emotionless in following his laws it is easy for him to appear Lawful Evil. However, unlike Lawful Evil, he does not do it for enjoyment, nor is he seeking to spread evil in society. There's also the fact that some of the combat drugs he took infected his decisions. Thyjs will eliminate others while defending his allies. In fact, he will follow any order given to him by a person in a position of power in the system of order that he follows. He was raised to be like this since he was a child. When in society, Thyjs will always act as is fitting for his role and position in society and expects others to do the same. As an ally, he is honest and trustworthy and will never break promises.
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7. What's their pain tolerance?
Ryder has a very high pain tolerance. That has mostly to do with his Berserk system as it compensates the taken damage for more strength but even before he installed that cyberware, he somehow learned to endure pain more or less, both physically and mentally as neither his childhood nor his young adulthood were painless. Beast also inflicts a lot of pain to him, especially when he's not able to controll it and is doomed to watch it using him. It's hard to describe this pain he's feeling. But coming back to physical pain, e.g. during fights. No matter how hard he will be slammed against something he will get up and continue to fight as said berserk helps him to compensate and ignore it for a certain time spawn. He already broke several rips without knowing, even tho he's got dermal armor as protection installed. When he eases back down only then he might feel something at least distorted when it's not broken. He won't be whiny about it tho – it's the contrary, he acts like it's nothing. Vijay (and later Thyjs) will have to command him to stay in bed and recover.
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11. Do they have empathy? For whom? For what?
Hizumi has empathy for people that have same or similar interests as them. If you are totally into mythical creatures or even into their home country Japan, Hizumi will consider to like you faster than normal. They only like those with a good heart and soul and who appreciate their weird self as Hizumi likes to not talk mostly. So if you are someone who appreciates just their presence without feeling the need to constantly talk about certain topics they will appreciate you lots.
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19. How do they view the world? Are they an optimist? A pessimist? A realist?
Jaysen views the world like a western – just in a modern setting. You have the outlaws (the bad gangers), you have the bankers (corporates), you have the sheriff (ncpd) and you have the bounty hunters (mercs). Only the strongest survive in it and a good bounty hunter knows how to get around and how to earn money. He's got an optimisitic world view and thinks all will play into his hands somehow and that he's too clever to be caught or locked up as his netrunner skills are above that of a normal runner and he will always find an escape route. And even bad days don't let him be pessimistic, he knows after bad days comes good ones as well.
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